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Course Outline

Course Name: Organization Behaviour

Course Code: MBDS5025

Semester I
Credits 3
No. of sessions 45

Course Overview

The course is designed to present key concepts, theories, and models of organization behavior to the
students. It is aimed at assessing the validity and applicability of these model and theories using
individual, interpersonal and group level analysis. The purpose of the course is to help student to:
 stay ahead of the competition through attaining greater personal effectiveness in organization.
 understand why understanding people is important for an organization.
 understand how to motivate oneself and others towards mutually agreed goals.

This course also introduces the concepts of groups/teams to the students and help them to develop key
skills to manage human relations efficiently. The emphasis here is on the study of organization as a
living system that is dynamic and responsive to the continuously changing business environment and
contexts. For smooth understanding of students, the whole content of the course is divided into five
modules. Each module is followed by application-based activities, continuous assessments and case

After completing the course, students should be able to:

CO1 Summarise the various personality traits and attributes, explain how they impact individual
behaviour in an organizational context and use the same to solve the simple organizational
issues. (K2, K3)
CO2 Use of concepts related to individual perception and learning in an organizational context to
analyse, evaluate and design solutions to organizational issues. (K3- K6)

CO3 Use knowledge of attitudinal theories, the model of organizational stress and the concept of
emotional intelligence to generate solutions to organizational issues. (K3-K6)

CO4 Use knowledge about behavioural pattern and motivational theories to gain interpersonal
skills; and to analyse situations, generate options and formulate strategies for high team
performance. (K3-K6)
CO5 Use knowledge about styles of leadership appropriate to different contexts to formulate
suitable conflict resolution strategies. (K3-K6)


Unit I: Foundation of organization and Individual behaviour 8 lecture hours

Foundations and Importance of Organization Behaviour, Predecessors of OB, Future Perspectives of
OB; Emerging Challenges in OB, Personality: Definition and Nature; Determinants of Personality –
Nature vs. Nurture, Big Five Model; Core self-evaluations and attributes of Personality - Self-Esteem,
Self-Monitoring, Locus of Control, Type A and Type B, Machiavellianism, Narcissistic 

Unit II: Individual Perception and Learning 9 lecture hours

Concept of Perception; Factors influencing Perceptions, Perceptual Process; Categories of biases in
social perception, Attribution theory- distinctiveness, consistency & consensus, Learning – Nature &
Process; Classical Conditioning Theory, Reinforcement or Operant Conditioning Theory, Social
learning theory and application of learning principles in organizational context for shaping behaviour
and individual motivation

Unit 3: Workplace Attitudes, Emotions and Stress 8 lecture hours

Attitudes – what are they? Formation of attitude - ABC model, Major work-related attitudes like
organizational commitment, job satisfaction, job involvement and organizational citizenship behavior
and work behaviors, Consequences of job dissatisfaction through Exit-Voice-Loyalty-Neglect (EVLN)
Model, Types of organizational commitment, Types of Emotions, Role of emotions and Mood,
Emotional Intelligence and managing emotions in organization, Emotional labor and its relevance for
certain professions, what is Stress? Types of stress, causes of stress, managing and coping stress

Unit 4: Team dynamics and Motivation at workplace 10 lecture hours

Groups - Meaning and types; Stages of Group Formation, Structural dynamics of work groups – roles,
status, norms and cohesiveness, Interpersonal relationships and team success - JOHARI Window,
Motivation and work behaviour; Theories of motivation - Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory,
Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory, Vroom’s expectancy theory; Equity theory, Implications of various
motivation theories at the workplace.

Unit 5: Essence of leadership and managing conflict 10 lecture hours

What is leadership? Leadership vs. Managers, trait approach to leadership, what characteristics do
great leaders possess, behavioural and contingency perspective of leadership, Path-goal theory,
Hersey & Blanchard Situational leadership Theory, Change-Oriented Leadership -

Inspirational Approaches to Leadership, Charismatic, Transformation and Transactional, Modern

Perspective on Leadership, Meaning and Sources of conflict; Types of Conflict, Process of Conflict
and Conflict Management; Strategies for Resolving Conflict

Text Book
Robbins P. Stephen, Judge A. Timothy and Vohra, Niharika (2017). Organizational Behaviour, 17th
edition, Pearson Education.

Reference Books
1. Nelson L. Debra, Quick, J. C. and Khandelwal, P. 7 th edition, (2013). Organizational
Behaviour -. Cengage Learning.
2. Steven McShane; Mary Von Glinow (2015). Organizational Behaviour, 6th Edition, Tata Mc
Graw Hill, India.
3. Luthans, F. (2015). Organizational Behaviour, 13th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, India.

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