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OPTIONAL: (Remind visitors, parents, guardians, relatives, friends of graduating students to

please settle down and be sitted according to the arrangements designated in some areas of the


STEF: Good morning ladies and gentlemen!//

Graduation day/ is always a day of triumph/ for it marks/ the conclusion of educational journey/

and the commencement/ of another uncertain/ and more difficult part of man’s quests/ for a better

life and future.//

Friends,/ welcome/ to the Moving Up Rites of Junior High School Completers and Recognition

Ceremony/ of Bohol Province Institute/ with the theme., “Unity in Diversity:/Quality Higher

Education/ for Inter-nationalization”.//

With so many cheers..,/ let us laud and praise/ the School Administration, Faculty and Staff and

the Completers/ as they march towards the venue.//

CHARLIE: Ladies and gentlemen, let us welcome the Bohol Province Institute Administration

headed by the President/ Mr. Anthony P. de la Serna, School Principal/ Mrs. Roda Flordelene G.

Pedros, School Registrar/ Mrs. Merlisa R. Hora and School Consultant/ Mr. Fernando I. Yap.

Let us welcome the Faculty and Staff of Bohol Province Institute….

At this time…,/ let us welcome/ the candidates for moving up, for the school year 2021 to 2022…

(refer to the program for the names).


STEF: May… I request everyone/ to please stand/ for the invo-cation to be led/ by /

and please remain stand-ing/ for the sing-ing of hymns/ to be conduc-ted/ by


CHARLIE: We are gathered here today/ to witness/ the Moving Up rites…/ of a new batch of

students.// Today…/ signifies the cul-mination/ of many years of hard- work/ in the relentless

pursuit of know-ledge/ that will enable persons/ to embrace opportu-nities/ and take on challen-

ges/ with clear vision and pur-pose.//

To officially start this morning’s ce-remony,/ may I call on/ Mrs. Roda Flordelene G. Pedros,//

Principal of Bohol Province Institute/ to welcome us all.//

Thank you…/ Maam Roda for welcoming us all//


STEF: At this point…,/ Mrs. Merlisa R. Hora,/ the School Registrar/ will present/ the candidates for

moving up…,/ to Mr. Anthony de la Cerna,/ the President/ of Bohol Province Institute//

Optional-For the confirmation of candidates, Mr. Anthony de la Cerna will confirm the candidates

for moving up for this school year 2021-2022

Congratulations completers!//


CHARLIE: Dear… Graduates,/ the moment/ you have been waiting for/ has finally come.// The

fruit of hardwork/ and discipline/ will finally be reaped.// You will now/ be receiving/ your prized

diploma,/ a symbol of accomplishment.//

May… I request Mr. Anthony P. de la Serna/ Mr. Fernando I. Yap and Mrs. Roda Flordelene G.

Pedros for the distribution of diplomas…//

Distribution of Diplomas---Refer to the Program

(Congratulations again graduates! )


STEF: At this juncture, may I call on the School Consultant, Mr. Fernando I. Yap for his message.

Let’s give a round of applause to our School Consultant.

Optional: Sir/Ma’am please remain on stage as we award this Certificate of Appreciation

for your presence. May we request our school head to come up the stage and do the

honor. Please allow me to read the citation.

(Thank you so much sir for your message!)


CHARLIE: It is said/ that the quality/ of a person’s life/ is in direct proportion/ to his or her

commitment to excellence,/ regardless of chosen field of endeavor.// Ladies and gentlemen,/ let us

recognize/ students who excelled/ and did ordinary things extraordinary well.// With that, may I

request Mr. Anthony P. de la Serna.… and Mrs. Roda Flordelene G. Pedros/ to hand over the

medals/ to our academic awardees.// I would also like to request/ the parents or guardians of the

awardees/ to please come up on stage.//

---Refer to Academic Award Lists---

To those who received honors,/ awards,/ and distinctions...CONGRATULATIONS! I am certain/

that your parents/guardians are indeed/ soOOO proud of your achievements.//


STEF: At this moment, let us hear another message coming from the PTA President, Mrs.

Liberata A. Tomo

(Thank you so much maam for your message!)

CHARLIE: Is has been said/ that music is the expression/ of the soul.// It moves emotions/ and

feels with the movement of time.// Through a “ song”/ that emphasizes human resilience/ amidst

difficulties and challenges,// ladies and gentlemen…/ let us hear the graduates/ as they sing their

graduation song.//

Congratulations again, graduates of BATCH 2021-2022.//


STEF: As we are about to close the program, may I call on stage our head of the faculty, Mr.

Francisco G. Asilo, for Closing Remarks.

To all our completers…,/ We wish you good luck…, good health… and may God… will continue

blessing you/ in the future.// I am your lady of ceremony…,/ Steephanieann B. Caduyac.

CHARLIE: And I am your master of ceremony, Charlie R. Quirol

BOTH: leaving a quote of Walt Disney:/” All our dreams can come true…/if we have the courage

to pursue them.”// Good day and have a blissful morning!.//

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