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G r i f f i t h s

The Effect of Agitator I m p e l l e r Design on M a x i m u m Shear Stress,

and the Resulting Impact on the Flocculation Process
S Griffiths*

Abstract other, the local maximum shear (G local) may be

substantially different. In practice, this has meant that
Although it is extensively researched, flocculation in the the industry has tended to request a particular type of
water-treatment industry lacks a design procedure to impeller system, usually the picket fence, with not only
assess accurately the performance of the different types the velocity gradient but also a maximum tip speed. As
of agitator impeller which are available. New high- this type of impeller relies on a vertical blade, the specifi-
efficiency, hydrofoil-type impellers offer substantial cation of the velocity gradient and the maximum tip
potential for flocculation duties in many areas, provided speed defines both the maximum local, as well as the
that they arc applied correctly. This paper highlights the vesscl average shear rates.
importance of the 'velocity gradient' and the distribution Flow-inducing impellers such as pitched-blade
of shear within the agitation system. The objective of the turbines and hydrofoils have advantages for any industry
paper is to help engineers to evaluate different types of which is striving for improved efficiency. This type of
proprietary impeller designs, using various techniques to impeller cannot be specified on the same tip speeds as a
examine the shear distribution applied to the system. picket fence because of the pitch of the blades, and can
run at much higher speeds while producing similar or
Key words: Bulk fluid velocity; flocculation; head; hydro- better shear distribution within the basin.
foil; shear. More extensive flocculation equations have been
developed by researchers such as Argaman and
Introduction K a ~ f m a n ( ~to
9 ~try
) to take the distribution of shear into
account, and they have produced equations such as:
The flocculation process, which follows the flash mixing
of coagulants into the water stream, involves gentle
agitation of the process water to allow floc aggregates to
which relates the number of contacts of primary particles
form from particulates within the water. These aggre-
with various factors such as radius of floc particles,
gates are then removed in a downstream process, typically
number concentrations, etc. To this they introduced the
by either flotation or sedimentation. Traditionally, a
break-up factor:
picket fence or gate-type impeller has been used to gently
stir the process stream. This 'shearing' has the effect of dn, - .___-
increasing the rate of collision between particles - - - (3)
thereby promoting floc growth. dt r12
In the design specification for impellers, Camp and
Stein(') introduced the concept of 'velocity gradient', or In recent textbooks, equations 2 and 3 have now
vessel average shear rate, using the following relationship: been simplified to:

_nl"_ - 1 + KAGT' (4)

G = G n,' 1 + KBG2T1
where G = velocity gradient (SKI)
Equation 4 relates the number concentration of
P =power(W)
particles at the start, and any subsequent point in the
V = volume (m3) flocculation process. It uses well-known constants such
p viscosity (Ns/m2)
as G factors and tank retention periods, but introduces
Equation 1 has been used widely by the water KA (the aggregation constant which can be calculated)
industry and is still regarded as the best and easiest and KB (which includes a paddle performance
method for specifying an agitation system. Unfortu- coefficient). Unfortunately, this is likely to vary with the
nately it has one major drawback because it assumes that type and manufacturer of an impeller, and with the
the shear is applied evenly throughout the tank or mixing diameter and speed, and therefore would be difficult to
basin. Any agitation process will have areas of high shear predict and use in practice.
near to the impellers and low shear away from the
impellers. Therefore, although for a particular agitation Floc Structure
system the vessel average shear may be the same as for any
A significant amount of research has been carried out into
the nature of floc structure. For example, Michaels and
*Applications Engineer, Chemical Plant and Engineering Pty Ltd, Coolaroo,
Victoria. Australia. Nomenclature is shown at end of paper

324 0 J , C I W E M , 1 9 9 6 , 10, October

The Effect of Agitator Impeller Design on Maximum Shear Stress, and the Resulting Impact on the Flocculation Process

B01ger(~~~)derived a multi-layer floc model from their where d, is the stable floc size,
observed data. Other evidence for multi-level floc C, is the coefficient related to floc strength,
structure is found in the floc density - floc diameter and
relati~nship(~f').However, there appears to be some con- L is the exponent dependent upon the floc
fusion between the researchers as to the exact definition break-up made and size regime of eddies
of some of the levels of the structure. Van de Ven and which can cause disruption.
Hunter(') defined a four-level structure as follows:
To help with the visualization of floc break-up, the
(i) Primary particles; yield stress limit (T~)should be remembered. As
(ii) Flocculi formed from a collection of primary discussed earlier, the bonds holding the flocs together are
particles; elastic and, as such, will break when the yield values are
(iii) Flocs formed from close-packed flocculi; and exceeded. Francois and Van Haute(lo)reworked data from
(iv) Floc aggregates. Tomi and Bagster(") to show a relationship between floc
diameter and largest stress within the bonds (Fig. 2).
However, other researchers consider that the floc is an
aggregation of primary particles and therefore combine
(iii) and (iv). For simplicity, this model will be used. Each
floc will be defined as an aggregate of primary particles
bound together by intermolecular forces and encom-
passing a substantial proportion of fluid within its

Floc Break-up
Firth and Hunter@)used a Bingham model to describe Dimensions (mm)
the flow of an electrically charged sol. Three parameters - U- Spherical aggregate -x- Length of chain
are of importance, as shown in Fig. 1. zB,the Bingham
yield value, occurs where the flow curve becomes linear Fig. 2. Diameter of spherical aggregates and length
at a value of Go.It was found that this theoretical model
fitted the elastic floc rather than a single particle or a hard of chain vs maximum tension in elastic link between
non-deformable floc model, and the significance of this nodes
theory to mixing will be discussed later.
This shows that the larger the floc, the higher the stress
in the bonds. It therefore follows that to reach the yield
value for the bond, larger flocs will require less shear
input than smaller flocs, which is consistent with
expectations. This also proves the theory behind tapered
flocculation in the sedimentation process, when the
growth of large flocs is an advantage. Higher shear
stresses are important for floc build-up in their early
stages of development to cause the collisions of the
flocculi. T h e effect of slowly tapering down so that yield
stresses are not exceeded as the flocs grow will result in a
larger final floc size which is more easily settled. This
theory of a yield stress can be simplified into the form of
Shear rate an equation:

Fig. 1. Shear stress vs shear rate for a coagulatedsol

It is generally accepted by researcher~(~3~)

that floc
Mixing Theory
break-up occurs by one or a combination of the following When sizing the impellers, manufacturers must consider
mechanisms: at least three dimensionless groups, i.e.
(a) Surface erosion of primary particles; and/or D2Np
(b) Fracture of floc to form smaller aggregates. N R E =- - - Reynolds number (7)
The simultaneous processes of floc aggregation and
break-up will finally result in a stable floc size where the NP = - - P - Power number (8)
rate of aggregation equals the rate of break-up. This can pN3D5
be expressed using the following equation:
N, = = Flow or pumping number (9)

0 J CIWEM,1996, 10, October 325

S. Griffiths

T h e Reynolds number (equation 7) must be dissipation rates will be produced, and hence scales of
considered to evaluate the flow regime of the impeller, i.e. mixing, depending on the particular position of the fluid
laminar, transitional, or turbulent. If it is turbulent, N P in relation to the impeller.
and NQare constants for a given impeller in a given tank. T h e theory of macromixing and micromixing has,
It should be noted that for agitation of water in full and in some cases, been applied to the flocculation process(16).
pilot-scale tanks the viscosity (m) is low while D is high, However, a floc consists of an aggregate of primary
hence keeping the Reynolds number high within the particles bound together by intermolecular forces and
turbulent regime. Bearing this in mind, N P and N Q c a n encompassing a substantial fraction of fluid within its
be regarded as constants, depending upon the type of framework. In other words when a floc has grown, unlike
impeller. Small laboratory-scale test units would have to other more solid particles, it will still be affected by both
be assessed individually, as the small size of the impellers micro and macromixing.
often pushes the flow regime into transitional and even Traditionally, flocculator agitators have been of the
laminar flow regime. gate or picket-fence types. When installed in a tank they
The impeller power number (equation 8), Np, is produce a high tangential velocity (macroscale flow
used to calculate the theoretical power consumption of an circulating around the impeller shaft), and microflow
impeller of a particular size and speed (not including concentrated in alternating vortices at the back of the
gearbox losses, motor losses, etc). This is required for impeller blades. By controlling the rotational speed of the
correct motor and gearbox sizing and is also used to check impeller, the process can be optimized by altering the
the vessel average shear rate or velocity gradient. T h e proportions of micro and macromixing in relation to each
flow number (equation 9) is used to calculate the other (as bulk macroflow varies with rotational speed, and
pumping capacity of the impellers and hence the bulk local shear with rotational speed squared for a given
fluid velocity (BFV) in the tank(”). This is important to agitation system). T h e success of the picket-fence
prevent by-passing or stagnant zones forming in the tank. impeller can be attributed to this controlability. Although
The BFV is defined as the flow produced by the impeller the flow patterns leave a lot to be desired in terms of
divided by the cross-sectional equivalent area of the tank mixing efficiency, bulk flow within the vessel is never
(A’). The equivalent area of a tank is that of a perfect lost. A turbine or hydrofoil impeller, such as the RTF4
square tank, i.e. when the diameter of the vessel equals (Fig. 3), must achieve a minimum agitator speed in order
the fluid depth, and this is defined by the following to maintain the entire contents of the tank in motion. The
equations: successful application of hydrofoils, or any other axial-
flow type of impeller to the flocculation process, will
v2 JI 113
A‘ = __ (10)

BFV= -

At this stage it is appropriate to introduce the

subject of macromixing and micromixing as being
important parameters for the flocculation process.
Macromixing can be thought of as the bulk movement of
fluid, i .e. large-scale turbulence, and micromixing is
movement on a small (often thought of as molecular)
scale(13J4).Every impeller produces a combination of
these two types of mixing in different proportions. Zones
around the impeller are the predominant area for
micromixing, as this is where most energy is transferred
to the fluid. However, it is not often explained what these
factors are in terms of parameters which are used in the
water industry.
Most researchers investigating mixing type^('^,'^,'^)
have shown that there is a specific dividing line between
(a) Impeller
microscale and macroscale mixing, which occurs at a
certain size of velocity fluctuation. T h e ultimate size
limit for a given duty can be related to the Kolmogoroff
microscale of turbulence, which can (in turn) be related
to constants associated with the physical properties of the
water and the energy dissipation rate at that particular
point within the fluid. In the water industry energy
dissipation is often measured using the velocity gradient.
However, it should be noted that the velocity gradient @) Blade
calculated with Camp and Stein’s equation (1) is the
vessel average value - not that which occurs locally. Fig, 3. Characteristically shaped RTF4 impeller and
Therefore, in any agitation system a range of energy blade

326 0 J.CIWEM,1996, 10, October

The Effect of Agitator Impeller Design on Maximum Shear Stress, and the Resulting Impact on the Flocculation Process

therefore depend upon them being able to maintain at Table 1 shows an exampIe of this comparison technique.
least a minimum macroscale flow while keeping shear to T h e value of N,8/9,VT1: is first calculated for the picket
an acceptable level. This makes the initial design of the fence, and this value is used to calculate the maximum tip
impeller size and speed very important. speeds of other impellers. This gives an indication of the
In order to investigate the agitation system more required design parameters to maintain a constant tMAX
fully, it is necessary to examine not just the vessel average and hence a constant rate of floc break-up.
shear ( G factor or velocity gradient) but also to obtain an
indication of the maximum shear and to check the bulk
fluid velocity within the vessel. Table 1. Comparison of V,, of various impellers
In a recent paper, Geisler et UP')examined the local using equation 13
shear stress and derived the equation:

Picket fence
Pitched blade turbine
This relates the maximum turbulent shear stress Typical hydrofoil 0.35
occurring within the fluid with the tip speed and power RTF4 0.15
number of the impeller. It is well known that there is a
relationship between floc break-up and tip speed, but the
power number relationship is less well known. As an
overall explanation it can be said that the maximum shear As is shown, the initial tMAX values for the picket-
stress will develop at the point in the fluid where the fence impeller enables the maximum allowable tip speed
highest velocity is'applied. In general, this will occur at for the other types of impeller to be specified, which will
the point at which the impeller blade is travelling at its prevent the flocs from being excessively sheared by the
maximum speed, which is at its tip. T h e amount of power action of the impeller blades. Unfortunately, this does not
applied is a function of the blade angle and geometry, and specify the agitation system. As mentioned earlier, for
is usually represented by the power number. Therefore pumping impellers (such as pitched-blade turbine and
the power applied at a single point on the impeller blade hydrofoils), flow must be considered. A minimum value
(and therefore the local velocity gradient) will be a of bulk fluid velocity should be observed or batch control
function of the power number and impeller speed (as will be lost. Using the flow number (equation 9) and
described above). It should be noted that hydrofoils have substituting values for the particular impellers NB it can
a variable angle along the impeller blade, with a small be shown that hydrofoils produce an equal bulk fluid
angle to the plane of rotation at the impeller tip. This velocity with a smaller tMm than pitched-blade turbines.
would mean that the point at which most power is applied Therefore a hydrofoil impeller would be a better choice
may be at a position other than at the tip of the blade. for a flocculation duty than other flow types of impeller.
However, the correlation (which is stated above) will Also, a small increase in impeller diameter will have a
provide a conservative answer in this case, and therefore large effect on the flow produced ( Q a D3).As the tip
would still be a reasonable method of comparison. speed for these impellers is comparatively limited when
Remembering how the elastic floc model has been compared with normal non-shear sensitive duties, large
proven, and knowing that for this to be true the bonds diameters are required to obtain the minimum bulk fluid
must have a maximum yield stress, equation 12 can be velocities required. Fig. 4 illustrates this point by
used not only to compare dissimilar agitators, but showing that a given flowrate can be obtained with a
potentially to predict floc size - although this will be an smaller tMAX using larger impellers.
area for future work. Also, interestingly, equation 12 can An alternative and simpler method of comparing
be combined with equations 8 and 9, to show that a set the local shear produced by an impeller is to evaluate the
value of t M A X can be achieved with different power head produced by the agitation system. This can be
inputs, and bulk fluid velocities, with a change only in the achieved utilizing the same equations which are
size or type of impeller. This may mean that (a) there are commonly used to calculate the performance of pumps.
potential savings in power to be achieved, (b) shorter The head difference can be thought of as the difference
residence time tanks could be used, or (c) removal in pressure between the upper and lower sides of a flow-
efficiency could be increased simply by changing the type producing impeller. T h e difference in pressure will cause
or size of impeller on the flocculator. For instance, using the fluid to flow at a certain velocity, and the differences
a large, lower power number impeller at an increased tip in velocity caused by the variation in actual speed at
speed would be likely to improve the collision rate while points across the impeller diameter will give a velocity
maintaining the rate of the floc break-up, thus giving an gradient at the impeller; this will be the highest found
overall improvement in performance. locally within the agitation system. T h e equation which
Equation 12 is also a useful method for the is used for this calculation method can be derived from
comparison of agitation systems. If the system has the simple relationship:
existing picket-fence agitators operating at known tip
speeds, and the impeller power number is known or can P = QpgAH (14)
be obtained from the manufacturer, a comparison can be
made using relationship: Substituting the power number and flow number
(equations 8 and 9) into P and Qrespectively, and then
simplifying, gives the equation:

0 J CIWEM,1996, 10, October 327

S. Griffiths

Chemical Plant and Engineering - RTF4 impeller

asis : 3 x 3 x 3 m tank




1 --

Bulk fluid velocity

-u-D/T = 0.5 -x-D/T = 0.35
Fig. 4. Maximum shear stress vs bulk fluid velocity for various impeller sizes in a given tank

older type of hydrofoil impeller(’@. T h e researchers

published data which can be used to validate the above
theories. Re-examining the given data using the
maximum shear stress technique gives the results shown
Equation 15 can also be used to compare various im-
in Table 3.
pellers in order to evaluate their potential performance.
The conclusion of the paper comparing paddles
Again, it is possible to look at the results from Table 1 but
with pitched-blade turbines(’) was that they operated
use impeller head to estimate the required tip speeds of
adequately at a lower speed, but seemed to shear the flocs
the flow-inducing impellers. It should be noted that the
at a higher speed. This would be expected from the above
picket-fence impeller has been removed from Table 2 due
data on the maximum shear stress. Note that using the
to the difficulties in predicting an accurate flow number.
standard velocity gradient design procedure it would
From a comparison of Tables 1 and 2 using the different
have been predicted that the turbine should have been
calculation methods, it can be seen that the results for the
run at even higher speeds to obtain an equal G value. T h e
required maximum tip speeds are similar. Therefore
comparisons with the hydrofoil type impeller show that
either method could be used, depending upon the
operational values found by trial and error could have
available data or the personal preference of the user.
been predicted almost exactly using the maximum shear
technique. Again, there would have been similar
Table 2. Comparison of V,, of various impellers problems to that for the turbine if predictions had been
based on the velocity gradient.
using equation 15
Impeller Table 3. Review ofpublished research showing how
equation 13 could have been used to predict
Typical hydrofoil
hydrofoil operating speed
Impeller Speed aG

P r a c t i c a l Experience Picket fence 0.5-1.5

1 .o-1.5(Op.)
Studies have previously been carried out into the use of Pitched turbine 3-1 2
flow-type impellers compared with existing flocculator Hydrofoil 3.5-1 1
paddles, notably using pitched-blade turbines(I8)and an 7-11 (Op.)

328 0 J.CIWEM,1996, 1 0 , October

The Effect of Agitator Impeller Design on Maximum Shear Stress, and the Resulting Impact on the Flocculation Process

It would be possible to argue that if the paddles can

manufacturers to utilize their particular designs of
input more energy to achieve their optimum perform- hydrofoil (or other) impellers, and would not exclude any
ance, this would lead to a better performance of the particular impeller type. However, this should be carried
flocculation system due to the additional energy being out only in conjunction with a minimum bulk fluid
used to promote the collision of the floc particles. velocity, as explained earlier. It is recommended that a
However, in practice this does not seem to have occurred, value of 0.03 m/s is used, being the value which should
as the results were similar for both the paddle and the be achievable at the minimum predicted operating speed
hydrofoil, probably because that paddle wastes a large of the impeller. If the bulk fluid velocity is lower,
proportion of its energy usage by causing the whole of theagitation is likely to be lost initially at the water surface,
tank contents to rotate. When a fluid is under this type of
but progressively in other areas of the tank. T h e particu-
agitation regime there is little interaction (a) between the
lar value of zMAX to specify is dependent upon various
fluid layers except when the impeller passes or (b) in thefactors, such as type of coagulant, temperature, and water
corners of the tank. Therefore more energy would need quality, and is best assessed by looking at existing full-
to be expended for a given number of collisions. Recent scale flocculators or pilot-scale tests. T h e author is
designs of hydrofoil (such as the RTF4) are better presently attempting to arrive at specific recommen-
distributors of shear, and in these cases it is likely that the
dations based on standard operating speeds for picket-
impellers will be able to provide a real process improve- fence impellers and published data on the strength of the
ment because it will be possible to increase the velocity floc particles. This work will be published at a later date.
gradient while maintaining local shear at an acceptable As a guideline, Fig. 5 shows the levels of maximum
level. However, it should be noted that one of the advan- shear stress which impellers of various power numbers
tages of flow-producing impellers is that the velocity produce when operating at a range of tip speeds, using
gradient can be varied with ZMAX almost infinitely the above techniques. This could be used to relate the
(actually bound by the constraints of the tank size) at the
various local shears provided by different impeller types
design stage. when comparing bids. However, the importance of
producing at least a minimum bulk fluid velocity should
again be emphasized as another key to successful
Discussion flocculation.
It should be noted that these equations also apply to
Having explained why the use of equations 12 and 13 are laboratory-scale flocculators. However, these are complex
appropriate, and shown that in practice this sizing systems due to lack of baffling, recirculation under the
technique seems to work, the logical conclusion for a impeller, transitional type flow, etc. Further work needs
flocculator user may be to specify the agitator using zMAXto be carried out to relate laboratory-scale testing with
or NPS’9.VTIp2 as a design parameter. This would allow full-scale equipment specification with any confidence.




0 .5 1 1
Tip speed ( d s )
I3 .15 -x- .3 -0-.5 -#-I -4-3

Fig, 5. Maximum shear stress vs tip speed for various impeller po wer numbers

0 J CIWEM,1996, 10, October 329

S. G r i f f i t h s

Care should be taken when examining an existing standard impeller which was used in the past for
flocculator, as it is often tempting to multiply out flocculation, i.e. the gate or picket fence, by the
equation (2) so that: . specification of a maximum tip speed. This also
has the effect of setting maximum shear stress
%MAX = f{Pa,Nb, D") levels.
(iii) New hydrofoil-type impellers offer many advan-
Therefore, by taking a reading of the power drawn from tages for the flocculation process, but do not
the agitator and knowing the impeller diameter and necessarily fit the G factor and tip speed
speed, tMAX can be estimated. This should not be done, as parameters which were used in the past. There-
the power consumption would include gearbox, motor fore a more general design parameter is required
and other losses which may be relatively large, and would to predict floc break-up.
therefore lead to inaccurate results. T h e manufacturer of (iv) Although no specific design value recommen-
the agitator should be asked for details of the theoretical dations have been given, Geisler's equation for
power draw from the impeller, or estimations can be maximum shear stress has been recommended
made from equations 7 and 8. as an easy method of comparing the break-up of
flocs, and hence the overall performance
produced in an agitated tank. Reworking of
Use o f Hydrofoils for Flocculation previous test data has shown this method to be
Any flow-inducing type of impeller has a considerable (v) T h e bulk fluid velocity has been defined and
advantage over a gate or picket-fence agitator, in that they recommended as an essential design parameter
are applicable to any shape of tank. The impellers mix by for flow-producing impellers. A minimum value
inducing flow within the tank rather than having to travel should be used in order to prevent stagnant areas
through the liquid. Therefore, for tanks with width to and by-passing in the tank, and higher values
length ratios of 2: 1, only one agitator would be required. should be used to increase the collision rate of
Hydrofoil impellers not only have the advantage of particles in the tank.
producing lower shear stresses when sized correctly, but (vi) Hydrofoils and high-efficiency impellers have
also of very high bulk flow per unit of power invested. the advantage of producing a high bulk flow with
This reduces the chances of by-passing and makes the a low shear stress, compared with other axial-
residence time distribution curve narrow and therefore flow impellers.
more ideal for the process. (vii) In general, to keep within shear stress limits
Mixing efficiency will be significantly increased by equivalent of a picket fence while maintaining a
using hydrofoil impellers due to the pumping action minimum bulk fluid velocity, a large hydrofoil
which is produced. Therefore the time taken for a given impeller at a relatively low tip speed (for this
number of collisions will be reduced. Potentially, this type of impeller) would be required.
could lead to a reduction in the residence time required
in the tanks, and thus a higher throughput in a given tank,
or smaller tanks for a given throughput. T h e increased Acknowledgements
number of collisions could also lead to an improved
performance of the flocculators, as more collisions will be The author wishes to acknowledge the contribution to
caused at, potentially, a lower level of maximum shear. this paper of Chemineer in the UK and US, without
Hydrofoil-type flocculator agitators are often whose time and training this paper would not have been
cheaper in capital cost because of the lower torque written.
requirements for the gearbox and shaft system. Although
hydrofoils are expensive to manufacture due to their
complex shape, the cost of this item usually compares Nomenclature
favourably with a picket fence because of its much smaller
physical size. A' = Equivalent area of tank (m2)
BFV = Bulk fluid velocity (m/s)
B = Break-up constant
Conclusions C, = Floc-strength coefficient
D = Impeller diameter (m)
1. Although, in the past, the concept of 'velocity d = Floc diameter (m)
gradient' has been proven to be a successful method dS = Stable floc diameter (m)
of specifying flocculator agitators, recent papers have G = Velocity gradient (5')
indicated that for new, more efficient impeller g = Acceleration due to gravity (m/s2)
systems the normal design procedure is not valid. h = Coefficient depending on strength of floc bonds
This paper has attempted to give an alternative KA = Aggregation constant
procedure which is easy to use. In summary: KB = Break-up constant
(i) Camp and Stein's velocity gradient concept L = Coefficient depending on break-up mode and
assumes a perfect distribution of shear within size regime of eddies
the vessel. This can never be the case in a m = Coefficient depending on size regime of eddies
mechanically agitated system. Nl,f = Number of contacts of primary particles (l),
(ii) The G factor has been adapted to fit the and flocs (Q

330 0 J.CIWEM,1996, 10, October

The Effect of Agitator Impeller Design on Maximum Shear Stress, and the Resulting Impact on the Flocculation Process

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