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Roll No: CE525169
Programme: M.A (T.EDU)
Course code : (6500) FOUNDATION OF EDUCATION
Semester: Spring, 2021
Address: Tehsil: GUMBAT District: KOHAT

Q.1 Explain the importance of “Education”. Differentiate
between the aims of Education in a Muslim society and in the
global perspective.
Importance of Education in Our Society
Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change
the world and for self-enlightenment. This is so Because
quality education equips one with capability to interpret
things rightly and applying the gathered Information in real
life scenarios. People need a good education to be able to
survive in this competitive world. Modern society is based on
people who have high living standards and knowledge which
allows them to implement better solutions to their problems.
Education in its broadest, most general sense is a means
through which the aims and habits of a group of people is
passed from one generation to the next. Generally, education
results from any experience that affects the way in which one
thinks, feels, or acts. In its narrowest, most technical sense,
education is the formal process (e.g., instruction in schools) by
which society deliberately passes accumulated knowledge,
skills, customs, and values from one generation to the next.
Features of Education
Education empowers everyone. Some of the areas where
education helps are:
1. Removing Poverty
Education helps in removing poverty as if a person is
educated, he can get a good job and fulfill all the basic needs
& requirement of his family.
2. Safety and Security against Crime
If a person is well-educated, he will not be fooled by anyone
easily. An educated person is less prone to involve in domestic
violence & other social evils. They enjoy healthy relationships
in life. This means people are less susceptible to being cheated
or becoming a victim of violence.
3. Prevention of Wars and Terrorism
To lead a safe & secure life, one needs to understand the
value of education in our daily life. One needs to take an
active part in various educational activities. These types of
productive activities provide knowledge to live a better life.
4. Commerce and Trade
A good education doesn’t simply mean going to school or
college & getting a degree. Trade & commerce of the country
will also be flourished easily if its citizens are well-educated.
Education helps to become self-dependent and build great
confidence among them to accomplish difficult tasks. On
getting an education, their standard of life gets improved.
5. Law and Order
Education enables the process of the Nation’s Fast
Development. If you have a good education, you can serve
your country well. It develops a good political ideology.
6. Women Empowerment
Education also helps in empowering women. Certain old
customs like Not Remarrying Widows, Sati Pratha, Child
Marriage, Dowry System etc. can be demolished with the
power of education. Women, if educated, can raise voice
against the injustice done to her. This will bring a lot of
development in society as well as in the nation. In short, Right
to Freedom of speech & expression can be used in the right
way if all women will become educated.
7. Upliftment of economically weaker sections of society
Education is the most important ingredient to change the
world. Due to lack of education, many illiterate people suffer
the hardships of discrimination, untouchability & injustices
prevailing in the society but with the advancement of a good
education. If all the people will be educated; this ultimately
leads to the upliftment of economically weaker sections of
8. Communications
The relation between education & communication is
apparent. Good education helps to communicate better with
other people. It also improves our communication skills such
as speech, body language etc. A person who is educated feels
confident within him to confront or give a speech in front of a
large public or can held a meeting or seminar.
Writing emails, letters, typing messages, reading magazines &
newspapers or even using a Smartphone can never be possible
without getting a basic education.
Role of Education in Society
Education is the social institution through which society
provides its members with important knowledge, including
basic facts, job skills, and cultural norms values.
One of the most important benefits of education is that it
improves personal lives and helps the society to run smoothly.
By providing education, poverty can be removed and every
person can provide their contribution to developing the
Education Helps in Creation of a better society.
An educated person is more likely to develop better moral and
ethical values as compared to an uneducated person. Lack of
education creates problems like superstition, domestic
violence, poor health, and poor living standards. Education
brings equal opportunity for both men and women and
educated people will be able to create a better society.
Without a good education, a better society can’t be formed.
Education act as Back Bone of a Society.
Education is an integral part of human society. Its importance
in life can’t be ignored as lack of education gives birth to
numerous social problems like poor health, internal conflict,
poor living standards and many more. It helps people to find a
better solution to their problems. Education lets people realize
the true value of contribution and help become the backbone
of the society.
Education encourages Innovation and Creativity.
Education means innovation. Innovation and creativity can
only occur when people are skilled enough to know how to
operate with different technologies. Educated people always
find a solution to their problems with the help of better
Education Can Create Better Human Beings.
Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to
change the perspective of the world. An educated person
knows how to deal with different types of problems. Through
the right education, a person can develop good moral values.
It helps us to become a good human being.
Education Gives Ability to Read & Write.
“A man without education is like a building without
Education helps a person to be able to read and write. Most of
the information is communicated by writing. A man who has
this ability to read is called a literate.
He can read books, newspapers, signs, and symbols. It also
helps to read signboards in the street, at shops, bus, train and
air stations. It also helps them in their day to day activities
like banking, shopping, money transaction and many more.
Without primary education, one has to depend on others for
all the above basic needs.
Understanding the Responsibilities
As a social being, it is our responsibility to give something
back to the society and make it a better place for the next
generation. An uneducated man can’t be fully aware of his
responsibilities. An educated person is aware of his personal
as well as social responsibilities. Proper education teaches a
person to think beyond his personal interests and also
provides him the ability to give something back to the society.
Make This World A Better Place To Live In
Without educated people, this world can’t become a better
place. That is why proper education is needed to turn this
world into a better place. Hence, we can conclude that for the
evolution of a country, there is a need for education.
Aims of Islamic education
Every social activity should have specific aims and objectives.
There are also some basic aims and objectives of education.
Education changes as per the changing needs within the
society the aims and objectives also changes time to time in
the same society.
Aims and Objectives of Education
There are some basic and general aims and objectives of
education in society which are as follows:
1. Good Citizens
The basic aims of education system is to have useful and good
citizens, who can be beneficial for society. Education develops
in a person the following basic social qualities:
To respect the law;
To respect the customs and tradition;
To know his/her rights and duties;
To earn his /her livelihood in an honest way;
To be emotionally and mentally sound person.
2. Cultural Aims and Objectives of Education
Education is the medium through which the cultural
traditional social and religious values of the past are
transferred to the next generation. Our education system is
transferring the Islamic cultural and religious values, which
include Quran and hadith and other related literature and the
practical life style of our holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
The same is about other states and religions, who want to
transfer their cultures to the next generation.
3. Education as Social Change Agent
Education is very powerful social change agent through which
a particular society’s social, religious, and political setups are
changed. If there exists some out dated cultural values, formal
and informal education is carried out in order to bring the
desired change. Which ultimately leads to social change?
4. To Explore the New Dimensions of Science and Matter
Now-a-days, especially in the developed societies the main
aim of education is to enable an individual and society to
explore the new ideas. And have more and more information
about the material world so as to give more and more
facilities to the public.
Aims and Objectives of Islamic Education
Islam is a very dynamic and practical religion which is totally
different from other religions of the world. Islam wants a very
active and dynamic person in the social order. The objectives
of Islamic education for a individual and society are as
•The basic aim of Islamic education is to enable a Muslim to
have basic information that how to pray, fast, etc. and what
are the basic information in order to live an honorable life.
•Islam wants a person should be mentally, physically, and
socially sound one in order to live a healthy life. Islam wants
spiritually a balanced Muslim who can maintain balance
between religious and social activities.
•Islam wants in a Muslim to have great love for Islam and be
ready for all kind of sacrifices for Islam.
•One of the aims of Islamic education is to develop in a person
the spirit of Muslim brotherhood and tolerance so that he/she
could live harmonious life in society.
•Islam wants a fully informed person about social, political,
and economic affairs of the contemporary world in order to
play his/her role in collective affairs.
•Islam wants to bring simple life style in a person and society
in order to avoid luxury.
Education is directed for specific purposes and aims, these
aims and objectives of education vary from society to society,
nation to nation, space to space and time to time. But the
main aims and objectives of education system is to get a
suitable and well informed person for social roles and to
enable a person to live happy and successful life.
Internationalization ( Globalization and Education)
Education is becoming increasingly international, and mass
schooling has promoted the fundamental idea that everyone
has a right to be educated regardless of his/her cultural
background. In Europe, for example, the Socrates-Erasmus
Program fosters exchanges between European universities,
while the Soros Foundation provides educational
opportunities to students from central Asia and eastern
Europe. Programs such as the International Baccalaureate
have also contributed to the internationalization of education.
Some scholars argue that, regardless of the perceived quality
of different educational systems, experiencing a different
system of education can be an important and enriching aspect
of an international learning experience. Meanwhile, the
global online campus, led by American universities, has
promoted free access to class materials and lectures recorded
during actual classes. This project further facilitates the
globalization of education.
Recent Worldwide Trends
The emergence of secondary education in the United States
did not occur until 1910, when a rise in big business and
technological advances in factories (for instance, the
emergence of electrification) required skilled workers. In order
to meet new job requirements, high schools were created with
curriculums focused on practical job skills that would prepare
students for white- or blue-collar work. This emerging system
proved to be beneficial for both the employer and the
employee; improved job skills increased efficiency and
lowered costs for employers, while skilled employees received
higher wages.
Indigenous education refers to the inclusion of indigenous
knowledge, models, methods, and content within formal and
non-formal educational systems. Often in a post-colonial
context, the growing recognition and use of indigenous
education methods has been a response to the erosion and
loss of indigenous knowledge and language through earlier
processes of colonialism. It has also enabled indigenous
communities to strengthen links to their traditional languages
and cultures, a process that has also been linked to increased
academic success.
As a result of the Internet, higher education is increasingly
open and accessible. Online learning gives students flexibility
and choice in terms of what, when, and at what pace they
learn. Many universities and organizations are creating open
educational resources that self-motivated students can access
anywhere and at any time. Unlike traditional forms of higher
education, open, online education generally does not take the
form of recognized degree programs.
Qno.2How can you apply different philosophies to the
discipline of education? Analyze different schools of
thought of educational philosophy.
Philosophy of education
The philosophy of education examines the goals, forms,
methods, and meaning of education. The term is used to
describe both fundamental philosophical analysis of these
themes and the description or analysis of particular
pedagogical approaches. Considerations of how the
profession relates to broader philosophical or sociocultural
contexts may be included. The philosophy of education thus
overlaps with the field of education and applied philosophy.
Application of different philosophies to the discipline of

Relationship between Philosophy and Education

Philosophy and education are two different fields of studies
but they are closely linked together, because without any
rational thinking prior to education, the whole educational
process is directionless. The relationship between philosophy
and education is explained as follows.
1. Aims & Objectives
Education in every society is directed for specific aims and
objectives. That aims and objectives are set by a philosophical
approach. For example the aims of Pakistani education are to
develop socially and morally sound person on the principles of
Islam. So our whole educational set up aim is the creation of
that kind of person and that aim is set by Islamic Philosophy.
If Plato wants an ideal state so he uses education as an
instrument and set aims and objectives to be achieved by his
ideal educational plan.
2. Methods & Curriculum
Every educational system is based upon specific teaching
methodologies and the curriculum. What should be the
teaching methodology? And what kind of teacher should be?
And what kind of curriculum be taught to the students? All the
answers are given by philosophy. So education is dependent
on philosophy for guidance in various of areas.
3. Philosophy of Education
There is a separate branch of philosophy which is called
philosophy of education. The branch investigates that what
should be the nature of education? Whether the educational
aims be based on specific religion, social, moral, scientific
basis. And how these aims can be achieved?
4. Education is the Dynamic Side of Philosophy
Here the great scholars like Ghazali, Iqbal, Plato, and Aristotle
wanted that their philosophies should be given practical
shape. The shape can be given only through well planned
education system.
Philosophy and discipline
The word “discipline” is derived from the Latin root “disciples”
meaning a pupil or disciple. Naturally, the problem of
discipline was taken to consist in bringing the conduct of the
pupils into conformity with ideas and standards of the master.
The pupil had to develop the virtue of docility and plasticity so
that the teacher might impress his personality on them and
mold them in his own image. This was the conception of the
relationship between pupil and teacher everywhere.
Discipline is an art that requires knowledge, skill, sensitivity,
and self-confidence. Like any art, it is one that you will acquire
through training and experience and it becomes easier with
Discipline is the required action by a teacher toward a student
(or group of students), after the student’s behavior disrupts
the ongoing educational activity or breaks a pre-established
rule created by the teacher, the school administration or the
general society. Discipline, guiding children’s behavior, or
setting limits are all concerned with helping children learn
how to take care of themselves, other people, and the world
around them.
Purpose of the discipline is also develop the attitudes, habits,
ideas, and code of conduct through the medium of the social
life of the school which should be organized on a cooperative
basis and inspired by higher ethical teaching of religion.
Philosophical Theories of Discipline
, Modern Development in Educational Practices have classified
discipline into three categories according to various
philosophical doctrines.
(1) Repressionistic Discipline.
(2) Impressionistic Discipline.
(3) Emancipationist Discipline.
Repressionistic Discipline
Repressionistic discipline is based on the ancient doctrine of
repression. According to Jermiah a child is basically evil and
mischievous. Have fear and punishment must be used to
control and modify the child. Despotic rulers, in those days,
used to enforce obedience through harsh, fearful and rigid
laws. In the same way authoritarian teachers took recourse to
very hard rules to enforce obedience and discipline in the
class. These educationists believed that to develop a child to a
higher stage of life, it was essential to rigidly and absolutely
control and modify his basic instincts into predetermined
channels of thinking and behaving. Teachers in schools used
the hardest and often crudest means to enforce obedient and
discipline among children. Their slogan was ‘spare the rod and
spoil the child.’ Such was the practice in Europe and India in
old times.
Majority of teachers believe that there is no better medicine
to educate a child than fear and punishment. Punishment can
reform even the most mischievous child. But it is also a fact
that repression creates a feeling of hatred in the child. He
becomes a rebel and indiscipline. Constant fear and
punishment scares away the child from education and he
drops out. Repression creates mental complexes. Repression
mars the normal development of a child.
Impressionistic Discipline
Based upon the philosophy of Idealism, the votaries of
impressionistic discipline oppose any kind of punishment in
education. They emphasize that to maintain class order, the
teacher should exercise the influence of his personality. The
teacher should try to structure a model environment before
children, by means of his own ability, conduct and character,
So that they form a character of high order by imitation of the
teacher. Under the influence of the profoundly creative
personality of teacher, the problem of indiscipline will not
arise at all. The teacher should try to develop discipline by
love, affection, sympathy and consideration towards such
children by the examples of his own conduct and character.
Actually the process of educational development goes on
smoothly under impressionistic discipline because the
relationship of teacher and children is based upon love,
sympathy and regard. Children imitate the achievements of
teacher and behave in a desirable way. Children develop
normally and naturally as it is a mid way process between
arbitrary freedom and authoritative repression .Impression
promotes self-discipline. Impressionistic discipline gives
greater importance to teacher who is likely to develop sense
of self-conceit and snobbery. He may consider himself to be
the sole creator of a child’s character which is likely to mar the
development of both.
Emancipationist Discipline
The basis of emancipationist discipline is psychological. Its
slogan is freedom. Its protagonists agree neither with
Repressionistic nor with impressionistic concept of discipline.
They believe in the inherent goodness of child. If free
environment is provided for development, children will
develop like flowers. Moral qualities will develop in them
through a natural and divine process of growth. Rousseau and
Herbert Spencer acclaimed emancipatory concept of discipline
as the best one. Children should be allowed full freedom to
develop according to their natural tendencies, interests and
tastes so that they freely express their inner urges and
develop themselves to the fullest extent possible.
As a child does all his activities freely and learns by doing and
experiencing, the traits of self-discipline, self-reliance and self-
dynamism develop in him naturally. As freedom is the birth
right of a man, it is improper to impose restraints over the
child and circumscribe his freedom. Emancipatory discipline
leads to self-discipline in a suitable and smooth way.
Emancipationist discipline does not create any emotional
complex in child. He remains mentally and physically healthy.
Philosophy and teacher
Affects the Society
Teachers are termed as the future makers of the community.
People like you are the ones who help students choose
different professions and identities. A teacher can leave a
profound impact on students and help them make
independent decisions in the near future. The core values that
your students learn from you today are going to be applied
and used in society as they grow up. A solid philosophical
background will help ensure that these values are all positive.
To Be in Their shoe
By learning philosophy, a teacher would be able to view and
analyze from the perspective of their students. Apart from
understanding why students are behaving in a particular way,
teachers would also be able to know how students perceive
their actions. This helps them adapt better teaching strategies
and guidance, eventually resulting in improved results.
To Teach The Concept of Unification
Philosophy also teaches about unifying each pupil and the
teacher as one body to ensure harmony. Even the students
will then be able to confidently speak to the teacher as if
he/she is their friend.
The Verdict
Through philosophy, a teacher can ensure that his student not
only retains his academic knowledge from all his completed
grades but also develop a sense of humane values and ethics.
Philosophy and Evaluation
There are two philosophies of evaluation which are based on
different concepts of human potencies and their development,
one believes that human abilities are not evenly distributed in
the population. Achievement of individual learner differs
greatly whereas the other believes that all learners can attain
the mastery of learning task irrespective of individual
differences among them.
Different school of thoughts
Branches of Philosophy There are 7 branches of
Philosophy, namely, Metaphysics, Axiology, Logic,
Aesthetics, Epistemology, Ethics and Political Philosophy.
Philosophy is the study of the search for the truth and
equally an effort to know the hidden realities truths about

Also referred to as the theory of value, Axiology explores
the nature of value and its metaphysical aspects. Value
Theory is often interchangeably used as Axiology and this
branch of Philosophy peruses upon the value of goodness.


Metaphysics has been a primary area of philosophical

debate. It is mainly concerned with explaining the nature of
being and the world. Traditionally, it has two different study
areas, including Cosmology and Ontology. Cosmology is
focused on understanding the origin, evolution, and the
eventual fate of the universe, which include laws that keep it
in perfect order. On the other hand, Ontology investigates
various types of things that exist and their relationship with
each other.


Another major component of Philosophy is Epistemology.

Going back into history, this term originated from the Greek
word episteme which literally means knowledge, and the
other half of the word ‘logy means ‘the study of’. Basically it
is about the study of knowledge. What can we know? A
fundamental question concerning Epistemology is, what is


Everyone in their day to day life tries to conduct themselves

according to some established ethical norms. This
philosophical concept has different applications in a
person’s real life. For instance, there are certain
organizations that have ethical committees which lay down
rules of behaviour for its employees. Ethics is concerned
with the definition of right and wrong.

Political Philosophy

Combining the two fields of Politics and Philosophy, Political

Philosophy studies political government, laws, liberty,
justice, rights, authority, political states and systems, ethics,
and more.


Aesthetic Philosophy’s primary topic of investigation is

beauty and art. It is often debated inside its classrooms. It
also talks about performing arts like music.


We use this word in our commonplace conversations, so we

are all aptly familiar with it. People constantly ask each
other, “where is the logic behind this or that?”. People even
acknowledge a good thought or act by calling it logically
correct. Hence, the question arises, what does Science of
logic has to do with Philosophy? In logic, we usually
construct two sentences which are called premises, and
they are used to make a conclusion. This sort of logic is
called a syllogism, pioneered by Aristotle.
Q.3 Discuss the Islamic philosophy of education and
highlight its implication in The present teaching


Philosophy of Islamic Education from the Perspectives of

Each elements of Islamic Philosophy of Education are entirely
focused, as this philosophy stresses towards the Correlation of
knowledge, belief and practice. Based on the definition of
philosophy from the characteristic of Philosophy, the realm of
philosophy is deeply looking towards the fact, value,
knowledge and God. For instance, the Aspect of cleanliness is
very important in Islam. There are many arguments regarding
the factor that cleanliness has Been stressed in Islam, as it is
closely related to Muslims’ belief as well as the human’s
wellness. This is parallel With the principle of pragmatism
that believe the medium of knowledge has a quality of truth if
it is able to be Practiced within the daily life of human. The
member of pragmatism also believes that knowledge
integrated between acquired knowledge and revealed
Knowledge. Based on the knowledge regarding the
cleanliness, the epistemology about this aspect is stated in
Quran And has been known as the sahih ilmu wahyu, while
the ilmu akal is based on logical thought. Logically, the aspect
Of cleanliness should be concerned as carelessness will cause
a lot of problem in our daily life. Thus, Islamic Philosophy of
Education naturally pragmatism because it combines acquired
knowledge and revealed knowledge, Which cannot be
From the view of metaphysic, the thought of Islam
concentrates on the aspects between human, human and
God, And human with the environment. Obviously, Islamic
Philosophy of Education teaches humans to recognize their
Creator, that is Allah, and the way they should behave for
each of the relation. For instance, based on the principles that
support the thoughts of Islam towards nature, it is stated that
the nature Is belong to Allah, not human. Thus, natures need
to be protected including the ecological balance. Humans are
Forbidden to exploit the sources of nature since nature has
been created by Allah to reinforce human’s life. According to
this principles the Islamic Philosophy of Education stresses on
the good relation between human and Nature. Moreover, in
order to overcome the social problem among teenagers for
instance, the awareness towards Their responsibility as the
khalifah Allah is able to bring them to the ‘right path’.
Axiology is a theory of ethic that is one of branches of
philosophy. From the view of Islam, axiology can be Defined
as behaviour that includes the entire manners in human’s life.
According to Mohammad Qutb, education is the process to
shape the holistic and balanced human . The main objective of
education is to develop the potency of human’s intellect,
physical, emotion and Spiritual towards the level of
perfection. Within this process, the implementation of values
has being focused by the Islamic Philosophy of Education,
which the aspect of ethic and moral can not be separated
from education and the Thought of Islam. It is parallel with
the branches of axiology that believe education is the realm
that provide with Values. Within the axiology of Islam itself,
the knowledgeable person should be the moralistic and well-
behaved Person.
There are three branches within the thought of Islam, and one
of them is the thought of moral and manner. This Branch
include the matters that should be practiced, which is
connected with the manner and moral of human, such As fair,
religiosity, brave, wisdom, and trustworthiness. The venerable
characteristic of human can be seen from the Existence of two
inclinations, which is the focus towards worldly concerns and
the sense of selfishness, and also the Conflict between right
and wrong. However, both factors can be prevented if
humans believe on Allah, by doing His Command and avoid
from His prohibition. If humans practice the aspects that has
been highlighted by the Islamic Philosophy of Education such
as make the Prophet Muhammad as the role model in their
life, the universal Peacefulness will be able to be achieved This
values has been implemented in the Islamic Education in order
to be practiced by each individual and Endowed from
generation to generation, and producing the strength society
in leading this world as khalifah. The System of moral and
manner in Islam correlates with the system of belief, religious
worship, muamalat, and others. It has the connection with the
purpose of the creation of nature.
Islamic Philosophy of Education and Holistic Learning
The philosophy of Islamic Education is to provide human with
sufficient knowledge in order to make them know And realize
their creation, responsibility, and the way they should
manage the responsibility as the caliph of Allah. Because of
human was created with several weaknesses, thus, they need
a guidance from the religion. The effort to Improve
themselves with the better and perfect characteristics is the
process of Islamic education. IN Islam, the pillar of faith within
Quran becomes the reference and guidance for Muslims.
Among of them are; to believe in Allah (SWT) (God) in His
Existence, His right to be worshipped, His Oneness, His
Attributes, and His right to legislate, to believe in God’s
angels, to believe in the Holy Qur’an and the Other Holy
Books, to believe in God’s Messengers, of whom Adam was
the first and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the last, to
believe in the Resurrection and the Day of Judgment, to
believe in Divine Preordainment. The result from this belief
shows that the objective of Islamic education is to produce the
balanced development of Human itself along with the Islamic
values. According to Kurshid Ahmad (1980), education based
on Islam is able to Produce an individual that has his own
quality and belief towards the Islamic idealism. By looking at
its definition, the philosophy of Islamic education implements
the holistic approach. Holistic is One of the characteristic of
philosophy which means comprehensiveness and
completeness. This term is very Important in education as it
includes the aspect of intellect, emotion, spiritual, and
physical. Islam not restricts the Followers from learning the
other fields of education.
The explanation regarding the holistic philosophy of Islamic
education becomes wide. According to Syed Muhammad al-
Naquib al-Attas (1977), the main objective of knowledge from
the Islamic perspective is through the Concepts that shaping
the major elements in Islamic education, which are the
concept of al-din, concept of human, Concept of knowledge
and ma’rifah, concept of hikmah, concept of equality, concept
of ethic, and the concept of

Kulliyah-Jami’ah. Each of the concepts is mutually dependent.

Furthermore, Syed Muhammad al-Naquib al-Attas States that
from the practical use, the concept (1) is based on the
objective to gain knowledge and the involvement Within the
education process; (2) based on the scope and its target; (3)
based on the content; (4) based on value or Criteria regarding
the second and third; (5) based on the dissemination
regarding the fourth; (6) based on the method Regarding the
first until fifth; and (7) based on the way of implementation
regarding all the aspects. Moreover, the education in Islam
also becomes the effort to develop the proactive individual,
which is individual That realize on his creation, status,
trustworthiness, and his responsibility as the slave of Allah;
has the strength of Thinking, vision and able to look
something in the right perspective; aware and sensitive
towards every act, as each Will be judged, until every choices
are made based on right and implemented through the right
Therefore, education in Islam is to reinforce the self potential
of an individual. From the aspect of intellectual, Each human
has already been provided with the ability to empower the
knowledge and truth. From the aspect of Physical, human has
the ability to develop the strength and resistance. Thus, with
education, human will gain the Sense of perfection in their life
and also able to strengthen their civilization.
The Implementation of the Aspect of Islamic Philosophy of
Education in Viewing the Social Problem
Islamic Philosophy of Education encourages the entire humans
to consider and think of their act, as every action Has its
reciprocation from Allah. Thus, by preparing the teenagers
with this aspect, they would appreciate their mind And utilize
it towards the right action. IN a hadith hazrat Muhammad
(pbuh) said “There will not move Adam’s heir at the
Judgment’s Day until they are questioned about four things:
about his Age and what he use to, about his young and what
had he strives for, about his property and how it comes and
How it was spent for, and about his knowledge and how he
benefits it.”This hadis explains that each Muslim will be asked
by Allah during the Judgment’ Day regarding his age, young,
Property and knowledge, which is clearly stated in Islamic
Philosophy of Education. Furthermore, the concept of
Integration between ilmu aqli and ilmu naqli is able to solve
the social problem among the teenagers. Ilmu aqli is the
Knowledge that constructed by the thought of mind while the
ilmu naqli is based on the abstract thought that cannot Be
analyzed by mind, such as heaven and hell which is being
explain in the Quran and hadith. The metaphysic of Islam
discusses the principles of Islam towards the nature. In
discussing the social problem Among teenagers, individuals
need to discover the objective of human’s creation by Allah
SWT. Thus, they would Realize their responsibility as the
caliph of Allah on this earth, and make an effort to gain it.
One of the concepts Which can be applied in discussing this
problem is the concept of oneness of Allah that consist of
human’s thought, The guidance of hidayah, as well as aqal
and qalbu (the heart) which is not alienated. In order to look
at the power of The creator, which is Allah, human is
encouraged to observe and to think of their surrounding and
thing on the Function. This will strengthens the concept of
worship in themselves and encourage them to do the right.
Thus, the Teenagers should be guided to know Allah even
during their childhood. Moreover, from the aspect of axiology,
social problem that occur among the teenagers nowadays can
be Concluded as happen because they are lack of knowledge
and toward Islamic teaching. Most of the teenagers do not
Follow the rule of Islam that make them lost the purpose of
their life. Thus, through the appreciation towards the Concept
of taqwa as the way of life it is able to help them to
distinguish between the pros and cons within their life. This
concept stresses on the notion of fear to Allah that encourage
humans towards practice the halal and prevent Themselves
from the haram. Besides, the ethics of Islam should be entire
implemented including the belief, spiritual, Physical,
intellectual, emotion and others. Among the characteristic of
Islamic manners is; each manner is not opposing the nature of
human’s creation, as it Parallel with human’s natural
tendency. It concerns regarding the human’s responsibility in
producing the objective Person. Furthermore, the purpose of
self-perfection is being focused in Islam too, along with the
flourished society. It was stated that if morally behaviors are
practiced by the unit of community; it can produce the quality
and Excellence society. Regarding the social problems among
the teenagers, it can be concluded that the problems are Not
only affect their life, but also include and influence the society
itself. Thus, the aim towards morality behavior among human
is able to be gained through the spiritual purity and the
Strength of belief. Each human should be responsible for their
act in gaining the better result as a Muslim. Holistically, Islam
will nurture human towards the excellent life.
The Islamic Philosophy of Education is a holistic medium of
education, which include the comprehensive aspects Of
knowledge. Based on the Holistic Philosophy, human is
believed as the part of nature. The concept of stability That
includes the aspects of emotion, spiritual, intuition and
imagination of individual is also focus in the Islamic
Philosophy of Education. This philosophy is also stress on the
concept that each aspect is simultaneously Interconnected .
From the aspect of curriculum, the subject of Islamic
Education that has Been applied from the Islamic Philosophy
of Education is comprehensive and integrative. The variety of
aspects are Taught through this subject, including the method
of practical in order to let the students to think and solve each
Difficulty based on Quran. Thus, through the implementation
of Islamic Philosophy of Education within the realm of
Education, the holistic and comprehensive learning from each
aspect of life is able to be achieved. The teaching of Islamic
Education as the approach to implement Islamic Philosophy of
Education among the students become the Effective method
as it able to produce a balanced individual in term of their
physical, emotion, spiritual, and intellect To fulfill the
aspiration of National Philosophy of Education. Therefore, it
would be a brilliant effort for Muslims to explore further the
nature of higher human faculties and Islamic Education as the
approach to implement Islamic Philosophy of Education
among the students become the Effective method as it able to
produce a balanced individual in term of their physical,
emotion, spiritual, and intellect To fulfill the aspiration of
National Philosophy of Education.
Q.4 In the light of Quranic verses discuss the importance
of moral values in the Islamic system of education.
Morality in Islam
Morality in Islam encompasses the concept of righteousness,
good character, and the body of moral qualities and virtues
prescribed in Islamic religious texts. The principle and
fundamental purpose of Islamic morality is love: love for God
and love for God’s creatures. The religious conception is that
mankind will behave morally and treat each other in the best
possible manner to please God.
Teachings on morality and moral conduct constitute a major
part Islamic literature. The Quran and the Hadith – the central
religious texts of Islam – serve as the primary source for these
teachings. Both the Quran and the hadith often instruct
Muslims to adopt a morally upright character. Showing
kindness to people and charity to the poor and the helpless
are the most emphasized moral virtues in the Quran. In
particular, helping people in their time of need, forgiving
others’ offenses, respecting parents and elders, fulfilling
promises, being kind to people and to animals, being patient
in adversity, maintaining justice, being honest, and controlling
one’s anger appear as major virtues in the Islamic concept of
Emphasis on character
Character primarily refers to the assemblage of qualities that
distinguish one individual from another. Character can be
good or bad. A good character is the one that has good moral
qualities. There was a debate among the early Islamic
moralists as to whether character could be changed. They
recognized the dual aspect of character – innate and acquired
– and thus noted that with conscious practice it could be
changed to a certain degree.
As a religion, Islam promotes the idea of good character as is
evident from its canonical texts.
The Quran describes Muhammad as being ‘on exalted quality
of character’ (Q68:4)[and refers to him as ‘an excellent
example’ (Q33:21 )which ultimately means that the religious
and moral examples, set by Muhammad(saww), are to be
followed and cultivated by the Muslims in order to construct a
morally good character. There are numerous sayings of
Muhammad that highlight the importance of good character.
Some of them are:
Anas ibn Malik reported that the Prophet(saww) said: The one
with good morals and character already owns the best of this
world and the Hereafter (Tabarani and Abu Dawud).
Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet(saww) said: I have
been sent for the perfection of character (Imam Ahmad and
Anas ibn Malik reported that the Messenger of Allah(saww)
said: A person reaches the best and most honored levels in the
Hereafter as a result of good character…. And bad character
condemns a person to the lowest depths of Hell (Tabarani).
Numerous verses of the Quran and the sayings of Muhammad
tell the Muslims to be generous with their wealth and to
respond to the calls of the mankind’s needs. Muslims believe
that spending wealth for others, especially for the needy, and
helping people are a fundamental duty for them, and, these
things earn God’s mercy and reward in the afterlife. Similarly,
caring for one’s kinsmen and neighbors has also been
emphasized. The Quran says that the righteous are those
people who fulfill their promises, and feed the needy, the
orphans and the captive for the love of God (76:5-8).
At another place, it says “Those who (in charity) spend their
goods by night and by day, in secret and in public have their
reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall
they grieve” (2:274).
In a long hadith collected in Sahih Muslim, Jarir narrates that
once they were with Muhammad when some poor people
came. They were ill-clad with torn dresses and were starving.
When Muhammad (saww) saw them, the color of his face
changed. He asked Bilal to assemble the people and then
delivered a speech, and said “Everyone should give in charity
dinar, dirham, cloth, dates, wheat, etc.” He went on till he
urged: “Give, even if it is a stone of a date.” After this, a man
from Ansar brought a bag so full of materials that it was
slipping from his hand. Other people also brought things to be
given in charity till there were two big heaps of eatable goods
and clothes. At that, the face of Muhammad (saww) glowed
with joy.
As a virtue, forgiveness is much celebrated in Islam, and is
regarded as an important Muslim practice, inspired by both
the Quran and the Sunnah. The issue of forgiveness can take
on two different forms: God’s forgiveness for human beings
for their sins, and forgiveness among fellow human beings for
each other. In the first instance, human beings have been
asked to seek God’s forgiveness for their sins, and they have
been promised God’s mercy and forgiveness. In the second
instance, human beings have been encouraged to practice the
act of forgiveness among themselves. To forgive a person who
has done moral offense, and not to be cruel to him is seen as a
noble virtue. Those who practice the act of forgiveness have
been promised reward by God. In a frequently quoted hadith,
Muhammad (saww) is reported as saying: ‘the best deeds
before God are to pardon a person who has wronged you, to
show affection for relatives who have broken ties with you,
and to act generously towards a person who has deprived
During the initial years of Islam, Muslims faced persecutions
by the Meccan pagans. During this period, Muhammad(saww)
was once asked by his companions to invoke God’s wrath on
the persecutors. Muhammad became displeased with such a
request and advised them to be more tolerant. Once a
Bedouin became discontented and expressed his
dissatisfaction even after receiving gifts from
Muhammad(saww). Muhammad (saww) understood his
nature, showed tolerance to him, and satisfied him with more
gifts, thus paving the way for the Bedouin to take lesson from
this. In the History of Islam, Abdullah ibn Ubayy was known as
the “leader of the hypocrites”. The activities of the hypocrites
were condemned by several verses in the Quran. After
Ubayy’s death, at his son’s request, Muhammad offered his
own shirt as Ubayy’s shroud. At his son’s second request,
Muhammad even led his funeral prayer. When Umar objected
about this, Muhammad said: “If I knew that Allah will pardon
Ubayy if I pray for his forgiveness more than seventy times, I
would even do that.”
In Islam, honesty Implies maintaining sincerity and
truthfulness in all actions, interactions, and transactions, and
the issue of honesty touches almost all aspects of human life.
Here, honesty serves as an umbrella term having some basic
components like speaking truth; fulfilling commitments,
whether written or verbal; remaining truthful to one’s word;
rendering the assigned duty sincerely and as meticulously as
possible; imparting everyone’s due rights without the person’s
asking for it; being objective in evaluating any case and giving
judgments; avoiding falsehood, deception, and favoritism.
Selection and promotion of personnel in an organization
based on merit and not on favoritism is also a part of honesty.
As Islam is a God-centered religion, honesty demands that it
be maintained not only in public but also in private, not only
when supervised but also when not supervised. Honesty has
particularly been emphasized in business transactions, not
only in selling and buying but in issues like pricing and
advertising policies. Correct measurement is to be
maintained. Again, Muhammad(saww) has instructed that
the sellers should put the commodities of poorer quality in
clear display so that the customers are not deceived. Hiking
the price to gain more profit or lowering the price to put the
competitors at trouble are considered unethical.[Similarly,
exaggerated claims and suppression of unfavorable
information in advertising are discouraged. Honesty is
regarded by Muslim scholars as one of the five essential
qualities for any Muslim accountants.
Kindness and leniency
The Quran and the hadith describe God as being kind and
merciful to His creatures, and tell people to be kind likewise.
Among the 99 Names of God in Islam, the most common and
famous are “the Compassionate” (al-raḥmān) and “the
Merciful” (al-raḥīm). The Quran says, “Verily, Allah is kind and
merciful to the people” (2:143). Numerous sayings of
Muhammad(saww) tell the Muslims to be kind and merciful to
the creatures of God. In Sahih Bukhari, it is said “He who is not
merciful to others, will not be treated mercifully (by God)”
(Sahih al-Bukhari, 8:73:42). Narrated in Sahih Muslim,
Muhammad (saww) said, “Verily, Allah is mild and is fond of
mildness, and He gives to the mild what He does not give to
the harsh”(Sahih Muslim, 32:6273). He also said, “He who is
deprived of kindness is in fact deprived of goodness (Sahih
Muslim, 32:6272).
Kind treatment to animals
Islam has prescribed kind treatment not only to humans but
also to animals . Prophet Muhammad was probably the first
in history to talk about the rights and proper treatment of
animals.[disputed – discuss] Kind and humane treatment earn
virtue, and can even be a means of salvation. Similarly, cruelty
towards animals can lead to punishment by God. Islamic
tradition narrates the story of a man who got salvation for
showing mercy to a thirsty dog. On one occasion, the man
saw a dog which was about to die because of extreme thirst.
He realized its plight, went down into a well, brought some
water for the dog, and saved its life. God became pleased
with him and pardoned all his previous sins (Sahih al-Bukhari,
8:73:38). It also narrates the story of a woman who locked up
a cat. She neither fed the cat nor set it free to feed for itself.
For her cruelty, she was punished by God. The early rulers in
Islamic world used to instruct people in behaving properly to
the animals.
The Quran uses the words adl, qist, qast, wasat, and mizan in
referring to justice, with the word adl being mostly used and
literally meaning to straighten, to balance, to depart from
wrong, or to be equal. Its meaning is thus “a combination of
moral and social values denoting fairness, balance,
temperance and straightforwardness.” In Islam, justice is not
only a moral virtue but also an obligation to be fulfilled under
all circumstances. The Quran at its two hundred places warns
people against injustice, and at its one hundred places directs
people to establishing justice. The Quran served for the early
Muslims, as it serves for the present Muslims, as the primary
source for the notion of justice. As his capacity as a prophet,
the Quranic notion of justice was explained and translated
into practice by Muhammad in dealing with various social
issues, thus setting moral and legal examples and standards
of justice in society and paving ways for the later Muslim
theologians and scholars to “formulate theories of justice”.
The obligation to establish justice comes as a fundamental
principle in the Quran, second in importance only to the
oneness of God. The Quranic injunction of fairness and fair
dealing is equally applicable to all people, irrespective of
caste, creed, and color. According to the scholars of the
Quran, rendering justice to people is a trust from God
entrusted on mankind, and this should be fulfilled with a
sense of responsibility, not just as a formality.
Fulfilment of promise
In Islamic sharia, fulfilling a contract is regarded as
compulsory, and is one of the three qualities necessary for
becoming a true Muslim, as the famous hadith says “Three
are the signs of a hypocrite, even if he observed fast and
prayed and asserted that he was a Muslim: when he spoke he
told a lie, when he made promise he acted treacherously, and
when he was trusted he betrayed” (Sahih Muslim, 1:113).
Both the Quran and the hadith have attached importance to
respect a contract once it has been made, and whether the
other party is a Muslim or non-Muslim. Apart from the
ordinary verbal promises, fulfillment of business contracts and
repayment of loans come as a special instruction for the
Muslims. Business contracts and words are not to be breached
in pursuance of more profits. Similarly, admonition has been
issued against the non-payment of loans as it is said to ruin
the afterlife of a believer.
Modesty and humility
“Every religion has its characteristic, and the characteristic of
Islam is modesty (Haya).” This saying of Muhammad(saww),
collected in al-Muwatta, shows the unique position modesty
holds in Islam. Islam has strongly emphasized the concept of
decency and modesty. Here, modesty is seen no less important
in speech and behavior than in dressing. Muhammad
(saww)has said, “Modesty is part of faith” (Sahih al-Bukhari,
8:73:139). Thus Islam has linked modesty with faith. Islam
also expects that a Muslim will be polite in his behavior with
others. Display of anger, indecent behavior, or indecent
exposure of body parts are highly discouraged.
Modesty in dressing has particularly been emphasized.
According to Islamic Law, known as sharia, Muslims are
required to cover their body parts with proper dressing. Sharia
has also laid down specific guidelines for men and women
regarding their dressing. Covering everything from ‘navel to
knee’ is mandatory for men. In some Muslim societies, women
wear the niqab, a veil that covers the whole face except the
eyes, or the full burqa, a full-body covering garment that
occasionally does cover the eyes. Following is the most
frequently cited verse of the Quran regarding modesty: “Tell
the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is
purer for them. God is Aware of what they do. And tell the
believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to
display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to
draw their veils over their chests, and not to reveal their
adornment” (24:30-1).

Humility is defined as being modest and respectful. The

prophetic narrations and Muhammad’s own examples of
simplicity and humbleness inspire the Muslims to practice
humility in their life. According to tradition,
Muhammad(saww) was rare to engage in argument with
others. He was rare to laugh in a loud voice; rather, he
preferred soft smiling. During the conquest of Mecca, when
Muhammad (saww)was entering into the city riding on a
camel, his head lowered, in gratitude to God, to the extent
that it almost touched the back of the camel.
Decent speech
Islam has instructed its followers to maintain decency in
speech, and misuse of tongue has been admonished. Excessive
or absurd talking, or useless gossiping are generally
discouraged. The person who talks too much is seen as having
greater chances of making mistakes. Speech that hurts others’
feelings or insults people are prohibited. Similarly, calling
someone by any name that harms the honor of the person is
prohibited. Decent and gentle speech has been encouraged as
it is seen both as a virtue and as a means of cultivating
goodness among people. Muhammad(saww) has preferred
maintaining silence than engaging in meaningless talks. In
The Quran and the hadith, there are many instructions
regarding the decent use of tongue. Some of them are:
“A kind word with forgiveness is better than charity followed
by injury. Allah is Free of All Wants and Most Forbearing.”
(Quran 2:263)
“And argue not with the People of the Book unless it be in a
better manner than that.” (Quran 29:46)
“The faith of a man cannot be straight unless his heart is
straight, and his heart cannot be straight unless his tongue
becomes straight.” (Musnad Ahmad)
“The faltering of the feet cause much less harm than the
faltering of the tongue.” (Baihaqui)
Trustworthiness, which is connected to fulfilling assigned
responsibilities properly, has a wide field of application in
Islam and conveys a wide range of meaning. Islam has made
every person responsible for returning the trust to their due
recipients; and this command applies to both the common
people and the ruling men. Misappropriation or breach of
trust has been condemned severely. Anas ibn Malik narrates
that there was hardly any occasion where (saww) had
delivered a speech but he had not said this “The person who
lacks trustworthiness also lacks faith. And the person who
does not keep promises has no religion.” Muhammad(saww)
has said, “Every one of you is a guardian and everyone will be
asked about his subjects. Imam is a guardian. He will be asked
about his subjects. A man is the guardian of the persons in his
household. He is answerable about them. A woman is the
guardian of her husband’s house. She will be asked about her
responsibility. The servant is the guardian of the articles of his
master. He is answerable about this responsibility of his”
(Sahih Muslim, 20:4496).
Performing one’s duty sincerely and honestly is a trust. It
means that a person will have the intention to properly carry
out the duties entrusted to him, and will do it in the best
possible manner without indulging in corruption. Receiving
undue advantages from office is seen as corruption. The rulers
of the state or the government officials who do not care for
the welfare of their citizens and thus cause sufferings to them
are seen as the worst deceiver and have been warned with
the direst consequences in afterlife. Adi bin Umaira narrates
that he has heard the Prophet as saying: “Whomsoever we
have given some post and he has concealed a needle or a
thing smaller than that, then it will be a misappropriated
thing with which he will have to appear on the Day of
Judgment” (Sahih Muslim, 20:4514). Similarly, trust demands
that posts be offered to able and deserving persons: persons
who will be able to keep the trust of organizations. Sahih
Bukhari narrates that a man asked Muhammad when the
Doomsday would occur. Muhammad replied “When deposits
in trust would start being lost, then wait for the Doomsday.”
He was asked again, “What is the meaning of loss of trusts?”
He replied: “When responsibilities are entrusted to unfit
persons, then wait for the Doomsday” (Sahih al-Bukhari,
The issue of patience is of special interest in Islam. Islamic
tradition holds that God has made this world a testing ground
for mankind, especially for the believers, and that the sincerity
and strength of their faith will be judged through various
trials. Patience is one of the moral qualities which Islamic
sharia considers necessary for a Muslim in order to keep away
from evildoings, and in a broader sense, to protect his faith.
This is because Islamic holy scriptures say that believers will
be tested with various adversaries in their life, and only those
who can prove their faith and can remain grateful to God
despite those adversaries will earn His blessings. IN Islamic
theology, the solution to any crisis in a Muslim’s life lies in two
things: prayer and patience (Quran 2:153), and Muslims have
been asked to seek God’s help through these two things .

Truthfulness has been much emphasized in Islam, not only as
a virtue, but also as a religious obligation; and falsehood has
been admonished severely. Muhammad(SAww) was asked
whether a Muslim could be a coward. He answered: ‘Yes.’ He
was asked whether a Muslim could be a miser. He answered:
‘Yes.’ He was again asked: ‘Can a Muslim be a liar?’ He
replied: ‘No.’ Falsehood is seen as something which is against
the general characteristics of human nature: it corrupts the
human soul and paves the way for many other evil activities.
According to the Qur’an, truthfulness was a characteristic
virtue of the prophets (Quran 12:46; 19:41; 19:54; 19:56;
Telling lies to even children is prohibited. Prophetic tradition
narrates that “Anybody who called a child saying that he
would give him a certain thing, and did not give it, then it is a
lie” (Ahmed).
Anger management
Anger management comes as an important issue in Islamic
tradition as anger is seen to destroy human conscience and to
become the cause of many evil and violent activities. –A
hadith in Tirmizi says, “Adam’s sons have been created of
different types. … the best people among these are those who
get angry late and immediately repent.” In a famous hadith
Narrated Abu Huraira, Muhammad (saww) said “The strong is
not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but
the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger”
(Sahih al-Bukhari, 8:73:135).
In Islam, sincerity of intention determines the significance of
any act, that is to say, the value of any act depends on the
motivation behind the act, not on the act itself. Good
intention is said to earn reward and God’s pleasure while bad
intention God’s displeasure. In Islamic theology, this applies
not only to general act but also to prayers and worshiping.
Thus, any act of worshiping which is done to attain worldly
fame, or any act of charity which is given to impress people, is
considered invalid and is regarded as a sinful act by Islamic
Respecting the elders
The family and the social tradition in Islamic world has long
fostered the idea of respecting the elders of family and
society. Elders are generally honored by the young members
as part of both Islamic culture and religious duty. It is one of
the important Islamic good manners found in Islamic world.
Examples of respecting elders include, among others, not
walking ahead of the elders, allowing them to talk first in
meetings, avoiding argument with them, and not raising voice
before them. Prophetic tradition narrates that ‘he who does
not love the younger and does not respect the elders is not
one of us’(Sunan al-Tirmidhi). Anas ibn Malik narrates that
Muhammad said, ‘If a young man honors an elderly on
account of his age, Allah appoints someone to honor him in
his old age’ (Sunan al-Tirmidhi).
Q.5 Critically analyze the role of a teacher in the four
traditional philosophies of Education while focusing on
the aims of education of each philosophy.
The word philosophy is derived from two Greek words. The
first word, philo, means “love.” The second, sophy, means
“wisdom.” Literally, then, philosophy means “love of wisdom”
. Each individual has an attitude toward life, children, politics,
learning, and previous personal experiences that informs and
shapes their set of beliefs. Although you may not be conscious
of it, this set of beliefs, or personal philosophy, informs how
you live, work, and interact with others. What you believe is
directly reflected in both your teaching and learning
processes. This article explores the various philosophical views
influence the teaching profession.
It is important to understand how philosophy and education
are interrelated. In order to become the most effective
teacher you can be, you must understand your own beliefs,
while at the same time empathizing with others.
The four main branches of philosophy are metaphysics,
epistemology, axiology, and logic. Metaphysics considers
questions about the physical universe and the nature of
ultimate reality. Epistemology examines how people come to
learn what they know. Axiology is the study of fundamental
principles or values. Logic pursues the organization of the
reasoning process. Logic can be divided into two main
components: deductive reasoning, which takes general
principles and relates them to a specific case; and inductive
reasoning, which builds up an argument based on specific
the major branches of philosophy
Idealism can be divided into three categories: classical,
religious, and modern. Classical idealism, the philosophy of
the Greeks Socrates and Plato, searches for an absolute truth.
Religious idealism tries to reconcile God and humanity.
Modern idealism, stemming from the ideas of Descartes, links
perception and existence.
Realism, the school of thought founded by Aristotle, believes
that the world of matter is separate from human perceptions.
Modern realist thought has led to the “blank slate” notion of
human capabilities.
Pragmatism believes that we should select the ideas, actions,
and consequences with the most desirable outcome, as well
as learning from previous experiences to achieve desirable
consequences. John Dewey’s Experimentalism brought the
scientific method of inductive reasoning to the educational
Existentialism focus on intricate readings of texts and social
and political conventions, examining existing structures for
flaws. Essentially, they focus heavily on the present, and on
understanding life as we know it. Jacques Derrida’s
deconstruction methods of reading texts suggests that
universal rationality is not found in objective reality, but in the
text. Michel Foucault, another postmodern philosopher,
examined the relationship between truth and power.
The major philosophies of education can be broken down into
three main types: teacher-centered philosophies, student-
centered philosophies, and society-centered philosophies.
These include Essentialism, Perennialism, Progressivism,
Social Reconstructionism, Existentialism, Behaviorism,
Constructivism, Conservatism, and Humanism.
Teacher centered Philosophy
Essentialism and Perennialism
Essentialism and Perennialism are the two types of teacher-
centered philosophies of education. Essentialism is currently
the leading style of public education in the United States. It is
the teaching of basic skills that have been proven over time to
be needed in society. Perennialism focuses on the teaching of
great works.
Student centered philosophy
There are three types of student-centered philosophies of
education. Progressivism focuses on developing the student’s
moral compass. Humanism is about fostering each student to
his or her fullest potential. Constructivism focuses on using
education to shape a student’s world view.
Social centered philosophy
There are two types of socially-centered philosophies of
education. Reconstructionism is the perspective that
education is the means to solve social problems. Behaviorism
focuses on cultivating behaviors that are beneficial to society.
Determination of educator’s educational philosophy
It is important to identify teacher’s philosophy of education in
order to understand his own system of values and beliefs so
that observer can easily describe his teaching style to
potential employers.

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