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The aim of this assignment is to study the differences between mutually exclusive and
independent events.
What is probability? Probability means possibility. It is a branch of mathematics that
deals with the occurrence of a random event. The value is expressed from zero to one. To find
the possible outcome of a single event to occur, first we should know the total number of
possible outcomes.
A simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time.
Computers are often used to execute the simulation. In mathematics, a simulation is a way of
collecting probability data using actual objects. Simulation involves using a probability model to
artificially recreate a random phenomenon, usually using a computer. Simulation can be used to
approximate probabilities of events, distributions of random variables, long run averages, and
other characteristics.
An event is an outcome or defined as collection of outcomes of a random experiment.
The occurrence of two events may result in mutually exclusive or independent.
Mutually exclusive is a statistical term describing two or more events that cannot happen
simultaneously. It is commonly used to describe a situation where the occurrence of one outcome
supersede the other. The mathematical formula for mutually exclusive event can be represented
as P ( A ∩ B )=0.
Meanwhile, independent event is when the occurrence of one event does not control the
happening of the other event then it is termed as an independent event. The mathematical
formula of independent event can be defined as P ( A ∩ B )=P( A)× P( B), whereas,
P ( A|B )=P( A) and P ( B| A )=P( B).
Independent Mutually Exclusive
In this assignment, to discover the difference between mutually exclusive and
independent event Venn diagram is used to illustrate both situations. If both events are overlap
with each other, that means there are intersection between both events, thus both of the event
would be independent events. Moreover, if there are no any intersection between two events or
they are disjoint, means that both events would be mutually exclusive events.
The definition of independent and mutually exclusive events is jotted down.
Mutually exclusive events, independent events and non-mutually events are illustrated
through Venn Diagram and the formula of both mutually exclusive and independent are used to
determine whether it is mutually exclusive or independent.
Mutually exclusive and independent events for a pair of dice is determined through Venn
diagram and by using the formula for proving purposes.
Besides, a simulation for 100 trials on a dice is run through Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet.
For example,
Trial Outcome Number Frequency Event A Event B Event C
Σf (A) P(A) Σf(B) P(B) Σf(C) P(C)
1 1
2 2
3 3
. . 4
. . 5
. . 6

The same way of simulation is repeated for the 10000 trials and 100000 trials on a dice.
P( A ∪ B) is determined by using the formula.
The data of more than 150 consecutive positive integers is listed using Microsoft Excel
Spreadsheet without repletely using the number. The data that is listed down is used to make an
experiment to determine whether the events are mutually exclusive.
The same method is used but the data of more than 150 consecutive number can be used
The concept of conditional probability is explained using one of the events in the
experiment before. The formula of conditional probability is also used to explain the concept of
conditional probability.
After completing the experiment, a conclusion is made to conclude about the differences
between mutually exclusive and independent events.
Mutually exclusive is a statistical term describing two or more events that cannot happen
simultaneously. It is commonly used to describe a situation where the occurrence of one outcome
supersede the other. The mathematical formula for mutually exclusive event can be represented
as P ( A ∩ B )=0. Meanwhile, independent event is when the occurrence of one event does not
control the happening of the other event then it is termed as an independent event. The
mathematical formula of independent event can be defined as P ( A ∩ B )=P( A)× P( B) , whereas,
P ( A|B )=P( A) and P ( B| A )=P( B).

Mutually exclusive events are events that cannot occur in the same time. Meanwhile,
independent events are events that occur at the same time and have intersection.
Independent Events:

Diagram 1.1 show the independent events

Calculation to prove the events are independent event:
P ( A )=0.42+0.28=0.7
P ( B )=0.28+0.12=0.4
P ( A ) × P ( B ) =0.7 ×0.4=0.28
P ( A ∩ B )=0.28
P ( A ∩ B )=P ( A ) × P ( B )=0.28

Since P ( A ∩ B )=P ( A ) × P ( B ) therefore A and B are independent events.

Mutually Exclusive Events:

0.3 0.6


Diagram 1.2 show the mutually exclusive events

Calculation to prove the events are mutually exclusive events:
P ( A ) + P ( B ) =0.3+0.6=0.9
P ( A ∩ B )=0 P ( A ∪ B ) =0.9
P( A ∪ B)=P ( A )+ P ( B )
Since P( A ∪ B)=P ( A )+ P ( B ) , and P( A ∩ B)=0 , therefore A and B are mutually exclusive
A pair of dice is tossed. The result of tossing the dice is taken to calculate the probability and to
show the mutually exclusive event, non-mutually exclusive events, and independent event.

Diagram 2.1 show sample space of a pair of dice is rolled

Mutually exclusive events: Let,
A: the sum is greater than 8
B: at least one 2


(3,6),(4,5),(4,6),(5,4), (2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),
(5,5),(5,6),(6,3),(6,4), (2,5),(2,6),(1,2),(3,2),
(6,5),(6,6) (4,2),(5,2),(6,2)


10 11
P ( A )= P ( B )= P ( A ∩ B )=0
36 36
10 11 21 21
P ( A )+ P (B)= + = ∴ P ( A ∪ B )=P ( A ) + P ( B )=
36 36 36 36
Based on the observation, since P ( A ∩ B )=0and P ( A ∪ B ) =P ( A )+ P ( B )=
, the
condition of the events fulfills the requirement of mutually exclusive event, thus A and B are
mutually exclusive events.
Non-mutually exclusive event: Let,
C: Sum greater than 8
D: Both are odd number


(3,6),(4,5),(4,6),(5,4), (1,1),(1,3),(1,5),(3,1),
(5,6),(6,3),(6,4),(6,5), (5,5) (3,3),(3,5),(5,1),(5,3)
10 10 1 (1,2),(1,4),(1,6),(2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5),
P (C)= P( D)= P ( C ∩ D )=
36 36 36 (2,6),(3,2),(3,4),(4,1),(4,2),(4,3),(4,4),(5,2),
10 10 20
P ( C ) + P ( D )= + =
36 36 36
10 10 1 19
P ( C ∪ D )=P ( C ) + P ( D )−P ( C ∩ D ) = + − =
36 36 36 36
∴ P ( C ∪ D ) ≠ P ( C ) + P(D)

Based on the observation, since P ( C ∪ D ) ≠ P ( C ) + P(D) and P ( C ∩ D ) ≠0 , the condition

of both events fulfills the requirement of non-mutually exclusive event, thus C and D are non-
mutually exclusive event.
Independent event: Let,
E: Sum equal to odd number
F: 1st dice more than or equal to 3 and 2nd dice is even number

(2,3),(2,5),(4,1),(4,3), (4,2),(4,4),(4,6),(6,2),
(4,5),(6,1),(6,3),(6,5) (6,4),(6,6)


18 1 12 1
P ( E )= = P ( F )= =
36 2 36 3
6 1 1 1 1
P ( E∩ F )= = P ( E ) × P ( F )= × =
36 6 2 3 6
∴ P ( E ∩ F )=P ( E ) × P( F)

Based on the observation, since P ( E∩ F )=P ( E ) × P(F ) and P ( E∩ F ) ≠ 0, the condition

of both events fulfills the requirement of independent event, thus E and F are independent events.
No, there are no events that can be both mutually and independent. For example, consider
two events A and B with P ( A ) >0 and P ( B )>0, then if we say A and B are independent when
P ( A ∩ B )=P ( A ) × P ( B ) and if we say it that A and B are mutually exclusive when P ( A ∩ B )=0.
For the two example that are stated, it follows that P ( A ) × P ( B ) =0, which is impossible for two
events with positive probability. Thus, no two events can be both independent and mutually
A dice is rolled for 100, 10000, and 100000 to find P( A ∪ B) and P( B ∪ C). Let,
A= the event of getting prime number
B= the event of getting less than 2
C= the event of getting odd number
100 Trials
Trial Outcome Number Frequency Event A Event B Event C
Σf (A) P(A) Σf(B) P(B) Σf(C) P(C)
1 3 1 18 45 0.45 18 0.18 46 0.46
2 2 2 17
3 5 3 17
. . 4 18
. . 5 11
. . 6 19
100 1 Σf=100

10000 Trials
Trial Outcome Number Frequency Event A Event B Event C
Σf(A) P(A) Σf(B) P(B) Σf(C) P(C)
1 3 1 1640 4984 0.4984 1640 0.1640 4971 0.4971
2 2 2 1652
3 5 3 1657
. . 4 1713
. . 5 1671
. . 6 1663
10000 1 Σf=10000
100000 Trials
Trial Outcome Number Frequency Event A Event B Event C
Σf(A) P(A) Σf(B) P(B) Σf(C) P(C)
1 3 1 16698 49750 0.4975 16698 0.16698 49691 0.49691
2 2 2 16757
3 5 3 16540
. . 4 16693
. . 5 16452
. . 6 16857
100000 1 Σf=10000

Trials P( A ∪ B) P( B ∪ C)
100 0.45+0.18−0=0.63 0.18+0.46−0.18=0.46
10000 0.4984+ 0.1640−0=0.6624 0.1640+0.4971−0.1640=0.4971
100000 0.4975+0.16698−0=0.66448 0.16698+0.49691−0.16698=0.49691
Table 1: Show the Probability of P( A ∪ B) and P( A ∪ B)
Based on the observation, the calculation above is referring to the additional rule of
probability which is P ( A ∪ B ) =P ( A )+ P ( B )−P( A ∩ B). For the event A and event B, since there
is no intersection between two events ( P ( A ∩ B )=0), thus event A and event B are mutually
exclusive. Meanwhile for the event B and event C, since the element in event B are subset of
event C ( P ( A ∩ B )=P( B) ), thus event B and event C are non-mutually exclusive.
Set R which consists of more than 150 consecutive positive integers are formed. Prime
number and non-prime number are listed down in Set R. Two numbers are randomly selected
from the set R where the number can only be used once.
F= the event of getting both prime numbers
G= the event of getting a prime number and a non-prime number
H= the event of getting a prime number in the first selection
P= Prime Number
P’= Non-prime Number
Integer Σf(P) Σf(P’) Event F Event G Event H
P(F) P(G) P(H)
25 40 111 0.06887 0.39206 0.2649

For event F and Event G: For event G and event H:

P ( F ∩G )=0 40 111
P ( G∩ H ) = × =0.19603
P ( F ∪ G )=P ( F ) + P ( G )=0.06887+ 0.39206=0.46093 151 150
P ( G∪ H )=P ( F )+ P ( G ) −P ( G ∩ H )=0.39206 +0.26490−0.196
¿ 0.46093

Based on the observation, event F and Event G are mutually exclusive event. There is no
intersection between event F and event G because event F consist of both of the number are
prime number while event G consist of a prime number and a non-prime number. Whereases,
P ( F ∩G )=0 and P ( F ∪ G )=0.46093 . Meanwhile the event G and H are non-mutually exclusive
events. There is intersection between event F and event G where both contain a prime number
and a non-prime number. Whereases, P ( G∩ H ) =0.19603. Thus, the P ( G∪ H )=0.46093. In a
nutshell, event F and event G are mutually exclusive while event G and event H are non-
mutually exclusive.
The experiment is repeated but the numbers can be used twice now.
Integer Σf(P) Σf(P’) Event F Event G Event H
P(F) P(G) P(H)
25 40 111 0.07017 0.38946 0.2649

For event F and event H: For event G and event H:

P ( F ∩ H )=0.07017 P ( G∩ H ) =0.1947
P(F∩H) P (G ∩ H )
P ( F|H ) = P ( G| H )=
P(H) P(H)
0.07017 0.1947
¿ ¿
0.2649 0.2649
¿ 0.2649 ¿ 0.7350
∴ P (F∨H) ≠ P (F ) ∴ P (G∨H )≠ P(G)
For event F and event G:
P ( F ∩G )=0
P ( F ∩G )
P ( F|G )=
P (G)
∴ P ( F|G ) ≠ P(F)
Since P( F∨H )≠ P(F), thus Event F and Event H are not independent events. Besides,
P(G∨H ) ≠ P(G), thus Event G and Event H are not independent event too. Event F and Event G
are mutually exclusive events as the P ( F ∩G )=0 causing P ( F|G )=0, thus it is definitely not
independent event.
Conditional Probability is the probability of an event will occur given that another event
has already occurred. In this experiment, G= the event of getting a prime number and a non-
prime number. Let,
A = the first number is prime number
B = the second number is prime number
40 111
For P ( A )=
For P ( A )=
151 151
When the second number is selected, there is When the second is selected, there is 151
only 151 number which included 111 non- which conclude of 40 prime number as the
prime number as the number can be repeated number can be repeated twice, so the
twice, so the conditional probability given A conditional probability given A’ happened is
happened is P(B∩ A ' )
( |
PBA = '
P ( B' ∩ A ) P ( A' )
P ( B | A )=

P(A) 40 111
111 40
× 151 151
151 151
¿ 111
40 151
151 40
111 ¿
¿ 151
151 P (non-prime and prime)
P (prime and non-prime)
¿ P ( A ) × P ( B| A )
' '

¿ P ( A ) P ( B |A )
111 40
40 111 ¿ ×
¿ × 151 151
151 151 ¿ 0.1947
¿ 0.1947

P ( G )=0.1947+ 0.1947=0.3894
Based on the result, the event G is the event of getting a prime number and a non-prime
number. It is a combination of two conditional events. The combination can be first number is
prime number and second number is non-prime number or first number is non-prime number and
second number is prime number or can written as P( A B' ∨ A' B). Thus, after calculation the
conditional probability of both conditional events, the summation of both conditional probability
is equal to the probability of event G which is 0.3894.
Mutually exclusive event and independent event are two distinct events. They have a lot
of differences. First, mutually exclusive events are two events that cannot occur at the same time,
while independent event are two events that can occur at the same time but the outcome of one
event does not affect the chances of occurrence of the other event. Besides, there is no
intersection in mutually exclusive events where P ( A ∩ B )=0. Thus, there is no overlap in the
Venn diagram. Meanwhile for independent event, there are intersection between two events
where P ( A ∩ B )=P ( A ) × P (B). Thus, there must be an intersection in Venn diagram. Mutually
exclusive can be determined through formula P ( A ∪ B ) =P ( A )+ P(B), while independent event
can event can be determined through formula P ( B| A )=P( B).
As a conclusion, an event is an outcome or results of a random experiment. The existence
of two events may result in mutually exclusive or independent. The differences between two
events that cannot both exist at the same time. On the other hand, independent event are two
events that the existence of one event does not affect the chances of occurrence of the other

For mutually exclusive events, there is no overlapping the Venn diagram which is
P ( A ∩ B )=0 where both events have no intersection. While for independent events, there is
intersection between both events where P ( A ∩ B )=P ( A ) × P (B) and there Venn diagram has an
area the is overlapping between two events.

Mutually Exclusive events are proven through the additional rule of probability, where
the formula is P ( A ∪ B ) =P ( A )+ P( B). Meanwhile, for the independent events is proven by the
formula P ( A|B )=P( A) or P ( B| A )=P( B) and P( A ∩ B)=P( A) × P(B).

Occurrence of independent events is determined by the conditional events in which

P ( A|B )=P( A). Conditional probability is the probability of an event happening given that
another event has also occurred. The formula if the conditional probability is determined by
P( A ∩B)
P ( A|B )= .
P( B)
Definition of Probability By Chin Siew Wui, Khoo Ee Sin, Khor Seng Chye (In year of 2014)
- Pre-U STPM Text Mathematics (M) – Term 2
Simulation (In year of 2018)
Mutually Exclusive (In year of 2019)
Independent (In year of 2021)
Dependent (In year of 2020)
Conditional Probability (In year of 2021)

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