Class Revision 2 (May 24, 2022)

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Class Revision 2 (May 24, 2022)

1. Which type of products require innovation, much advertisement and personal selling?
(a) Convenience products (d) Specialty products
(b) Shopping products (d) Both (a) and (c)
(c) Unsought products

2. A major characteristic of services where services cannot be separated from their providers are known
as …………………………
(a) inseparability. (c) variability.
(b) intangibility. (d) intangibility.
(c) Perishability.

4. ……………………… product that consumer in the process of selection and purchase,

characteristically compares on such bases as suitability, quality, price and style.
(a) Consumer (c) Specialty
(b) Convenience (d) All of the above
(c) Shopping

5. What is the second stage of consumer buyer decision process in which the consumer
recognizes a problem or need?
(a) Need recognition (c) Post purchase behaviour
(b) Information search (d) Purchase
(c) Evaluation of alternatives

6. At a point in the Product Life Cycle, a product’s sales growth will slow down and the product
will enter a stage of …………………………..
(a) introduction (c) maturity
(b) growth (d) new product development
(c) decline

7. Service ……………………. refers to their quality which may vary greatly depending on
who provides them and when, where and how.
(a) variability (c) intangibility
(b) inseparability (d) perishability
(c) quality

8. A visual representation of consumers’ perceptions of is known as ………………………..

(a) perceptive mapping (c) perceptual mapping
(b) perceptual graphing (d) positioning mapping
(c) perfect mapping

9. Warranty and after-sale service of a product is known as the …………………

(a) core product (c) convenience product
(b) actual product (d) shopping product
(c) augmented product

10. The product with unique characteristics or brand identification for which the buyers are
willing to make a special purchase effort is called ………………..
(a) Convenience Product (c) unsought product
(b) Shopping Product (d) brand awareness
(c) Specialty Product

11. The model of buyer behaviour that shows marketing and other stimuli entering the consumer’s
“black-box” and producing certain response is known as …………………………..model.
(a) consumer response (c) consumer decision
(b) response stimuli (d) customer and supplier
(c) stimuli response

Section B: Answer ALL Questions

Question 1

Following question relates to the ‘Consumer decision process’:

(a) Identify and briefly explain the first and third step in the ‘Buying decision process’.

(b) In the second step of ‘Buyer decision process’, consumer will gather information about the
product. Name four (4) sources where a consumer is able to obtain such information.

(c) In the last step of ‘Buyer decision process’, consumer often experience ‘Cognitive
dissonance’. What is ‘Cognitive dissonance’?

Question 2

Describe the three (3) factors to be considered in evaluating a market segment.

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