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News report

A tall and mysterious man wearing a black coat is now the lead suspect in the
murder of the family in the mysterious long black house which had occured just a
week ago very early in the morning at around 4 to 5 AM.. As of now , The suspect is
still unidentified. If you have any information on who could have done this or if you
know or have seen anyone who looks like this person and is suspicious you can call
the official number of the police department or our neighborhood emergency line
which is provided at every single police station.

According to top detectives who have investigated this case , the families baby
whose age isn’t known , cannot be found anywhere. Experts say that the baby could
have escaped somewhere unknown. As for the family , experts say each of them had
been stabbed atleast 12 times each. According to witnesses around the neighborhood,
all of them had heard noises from 4-5 AM. And had heard gates clattering and also
had heard a baby noise from outside their houses.

A current search for the families baby is currently being held with neighbors who
knew the family volunteering to help. The gatelocker of our local graveyard has also
reported seeing this tall man with a black coat enter the graveyard at around 5.30am
searching for a “kid who had jumped into the graveyard.” according to the
gatekeeper he refused to leave for a short amount of time and had something sharp
on his pocket. A babys diaper that likely belonged to the families baby has also been
found outside the house of the family. But so far , This man is currently our lead
suspect in solving this case and we will continue to update everyone on what is going


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