Exercise 4 - Intellectual Property

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EXERCISE 4 – Intellectual property

1. Which of the following is not real property?

A. Land
B. Car.
C. House.
D. Design of circuit board

2. Which of the following not incorporeal property?

A. Patent.
B. Copyright.
C. Trademark.
D. Building.

3. What is intellectual property?

A. Intellectual creation.
B. Literary work.
C. Artistic work.
D. All of above.

4. The object of intellectual property legislation is:

A. To provide intellectual property protection.
B. To develop the country.
C. To provide environmental development.
D. None of above.

5. Which Ministry is responsible for intellectual property?

A. Ministry of Home Affairs.
B. Ministry of Domestic Trade.
C. Ministry of Consumer Affairs
D. Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs.

6. What is the period for registration of industrial design?

A. Maximum 5 years from date of registration.
B. Maximum 10 years from date of registration.
C. Maximum 15 years from date of registration
D. None of above.

7. Copyright is not available for the following:

A. Literary work.
B. Musical work.
C. Artistic work.
D. Invention of new drug.

8. Who can own the copyright?

A. The Author.
B. Assignee.
C. The estate of the author.
D. All of the above.

9. Which of the following falls within the meaning of copyright?

A. Published work.
B. Unpublished work.
C. Spoken words.
D. All of above.

10. How long does a copyright last?
A. 50 years.
B. 50 years from date author died.
C. 50 years from date of publication.
D. 50 years after author has written the work.

11. What rights has the author of the work?

A. To reproduce work in any material form.
B. To broadcast the work.
C. To communicate the work by cable.
D. All of the above.

12. What would not amount to an infringement of copyright?

A. To reproduce the work in any material form.
B. To distribute infringing copies.
C. To purchase the published work in a shop.
D. To sell infringing copies.

13. Which law provides an infringement of unauthorized work over internet?

A. Copyright Act 1987.
B. Copyright (Amendment) Act 1987.
C. Copyright (Amendment) Act 1997.
D. None of the above.

14. Which of the following can be patented?

A. Discovery of scientific method.
B. Discovery of mathematical method.
C. Method of treatment of human body by surgery
D. Invention of a technological product

15. What of the following is a trademark?

A. Distinctive word used on a product.
B. Distinctive word used in a service.
C. Distinctive drawing used on a product.
D. Description of function of a product.

16. How long does a trademark last?

A. 10 years.
B. 20 years
C. 30 years
D. 10 years renewable every 10 years thereafter

17. What are the intellectual property law available in Malaysia?

18. In what ways are those laws different?

19. What types of trademark cannot be registered?

20. Explain briefly each of the intellectual property that can be registered in Malaysia.

Lim march2016

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