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Date: No. NURAIN FASIHAM BINT! TUNID nos0 893 PS Question 1 @:| the ratio ler thie cimlea ViRGMel a pimcmauacuumEte Phe s0ce’ of ight in the maviums b.|+ images are virruas anv upright «_imdge is the same siae os Me objec? €. | conven spherical mirror with rawivswerwcurveture aeem , erec? __ L R> 20cm + 1ocm m + 0-5 a pes AR fia ees x q pases L ) Mise Ye Ta 2 2 =o em Wee a (-S) slo cm as J mew st _the image placey at the adi behinw of the Atirror. 1+ is between Mireor ang tha fecal point . No. Date: n. angie Ly of n in cidlenee Compute gngle of rerraction 210 we 1 No. Date: NURAIN FASIHAN Qinrl TUNIE aosonpcrha Question 2 a. | convex tens b. | Telescope is wsev 49 Observe objects at @ tong Wisrance Aperture and Focar tength of phe objects ave targer than those of eye -piace = c.| obfect# place beyony F#scm - Compute power of fense#3 to enabie read at ad = OS Om = O-a5™ N= tS Gai = tS om) do = aSem (Co 25m) No. fonverging tens ff = 46-O0cm placed 4-0¢m jn frond diverging leng fs ~ 9.S¢m compute image avery sistant object. £2 46-0 No.: NURAIN FASTHAN QINTI TUNID Question 3 Date: aoro87rsea A disturbance ner movement of particles: in a medium thar carries energy wirhout & Transverse wave lon gisusina/ wave ee + The motions of the wave | + The motions of wave = perpendicular to the porticles i$ poraitel +o ation of wave the propagation of wave eel ah Neat cm — eA 24.46-0rcm Fs B.cohs - 1:0, x26 Bim Senic= & Pie ks on ie a 3 ie > anrad E yoo em 20-15% rad /em me nf - Seam (cos!) ; 50:3 row /S Date: ete nttncns aiwin’ HAESOEM oF 4:0 ¢ +-0; Yo Asin Crm wt 49) SeESION (Gon! St) (0) - (50-30) + @] IS a ts sing “s OUD) ee eae MBIYPpogoig 9 wave function YF Cis.0) sin’ Coiszy - 60-34 +7 ) cm > No.: Date: NYRAIN FASIHAN ANT suNro doin peraea Question 4 SOAS AN Uucifumice wolsansuiane aan, rarefaction Propeagated jn an e1astic aevium which Souny /s Such as alr. b-| sound emplitute® coquces @ eaunw's louyness ong intensity LBC EESAQEREIhe ompitude 4 ther isuver anew more intense epee Cornviee The. tracer Me particles ger or furrner pontal: the greqrer the souna's anpiitude - Clee Be ine am Source s 1-0 n10* W/m? ip ed anr? Hoxto& = Bs 4% (10 0000m)? P= 1: 28F n10'F wW Plane P fant rs 2 a 100 600 7 Hoo 000 62 $00 wm Date: No. T MURAI FASINAN arnt! SuN/D 302087 538% } Question 5 Plt termi sccarer theo. 2) The ampiituve of the _| that of either _invivivual waves * - v.| i. light that passes through each slit, $, 979 $y : unwergoes git traction - - nee ee eee ear ecas cons Jerog_ ofS fet os. s _paraliel equar space bright Fringes _ceparaten - S) Work fringes pormey on the Screen - Se on sou etel iit. tnsorperence = 22mm trom — 3.0 M away - tes xioT* . A: eg0am eso m 4 No. NURAIN FASIHAK BINTI guNiD Date: noaogg cso2 Question ¢ The ability Of optical eystem! 12 distinguish berwean Clocely spaced objecs i$ timitad berouse of the wave nature of igh? - i lens abberations iis dif fraction: W + 8000 stits A= 3-S4 em A+ 546 nm m+ 3 No. Date: nuapin FASIHAH Bint! TuNtd 3020995292 Question # L &:| the intensity of prane-polorised tight *h97 passes I through on anotyaer varies ag the equare of the cosine of the angie between rno plane ef #2 posers y ana rhe _fransmisgion axes Of +#he anatyser- &.| the Firsr Polaroid olinsinates half the sight? ¢5 Act the intensity is _revucow by hail P': Ie - 2 The 1igh? reaching the second porariser is vertically os polarised end the _jnvengrsy is tovucey fo: F 7 - fem; ilictes eo") gus sz ! Jeo \ at S sale e fore transmittey light ‘3 plane polarised Fe “a4 60 onw Aaving imrensity = Lo a EY poravioe” (S anarurer 2 ling A ee z= A

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