Summary - 6.9.1 0021 El S M 14 - Final

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Connecting Europe Facility - ENERGY

Front End Engineering Design (FEED) & Preparation of the EPC/ITT dossier

Action 6.9.1-0021-EL-S-M-14

Part of Project of Common Interest no 6.9.1


This Action was part of the preparatory activities for the implementation of the Project of Common Interest (PCI) 6.9.1
''Independent Natural Gas System LNG Greece'', consisting of the construction of a new offshore LNG floating storage and
regasification unit and a mooring and pipeline system, connecting the floating unit to the national natural gas transmission
system in northeastern Greece, offshore of the town of Alexandroupolis. The storage capacity on the floating unit is expected
to be 170.000 m3 and the estimated maximum send-out capacity is 16.8 mcm/day.

The Action covered preparation of the Front-end Engineering Design (FEED) and an Engineering Procurment and
Construction (EPC) tender dossier for the LNG terminal. The FEED was built on the concepts, findings and details provided by
the Environmental Social Imapact Assessment, Risk Assessment, System Installation and Pipeline Design & Route Selection.
These studies were conducted as part of the project permitting process. Opinions from the competent Authorities during the
permitting process were incorporated in the FEED, to the extent necessary. The main deliverables of the Action are:

1) Overall System Basic Design and the designs of the project’s main components, i.e. the Floating Unit, the Mooring
system, Risers and PLEM and the Pipeline for the offshore and onshore part,

2) Project philosophies defining the main design and operating principles that will be adopted to develop the system and
provide technical guidance and framework for the EPC Contractors during the execution phase. These include: safety,
operation, instrumentation & control, pre-commissioning & commissioning, inspection & maintenance, planning, costing &
technical Assurance:

3) A number of studies: Constructability & Installation assessment, HAZID / HAZOP, Cost Assessment, Recommendation on
data collection / SoW for surveys, Identification of LLIs impacting the execution schedule

Overall, the Action provided main technical framework for the project execution and defined all technical requirements to be
followed by the EPC Contractor, hence allowing the PCI to enter the next development phase, i.e. EPC procurement.

The objectives of the Action were achieved in line with the Grant Agreement. The overall duration of the Action was 33
months (from 13/08/2014 to 25/9/2017).

This executive summary has been produced by the beneficiary(ies) of the Action co-financed under CEF. It
aims to sum-up the main results achieved during the Action implementation period. The European
Commission/Agency do not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy nor completeness of the information
given therein, nor do they accept responsibility for any use made thereof. In any circumstances, this
executive summary should not bind the European Commission/Agency nor the beneficiary(ies).

Update: January 2018

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