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LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

User Manual

Grasim - Lakshya Channel Partner Engagement

LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

1. Request access to Lakshya Channel Partner Portal .................................................................... 4
2. Login to Lakshya Channel Partner Portal .................................................................................... 5
3. Lakshya Channel Partner Profile Form ........................................................................................ 6
3.1 Basic Profile ......................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Potential Products .............................................................................................................. 9
3.3 Documents .......................................................................................................................... 9
4. Lakshya Home ........................................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Lakshya Home Forms – ..................................................................................................... 10
4.1.1 Talk to our senior Leadership........................................................................................ 10
4.1.2 Tell us what you think ................................................................................................... 11
4.1.3 Refer and Earn points.................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Lakshya Home - Profile Card and Club Card...................................................................... 12
5. Lakshya Home Components ..................................................................................................... 13
5.1 Lakshya Home - CXO Corner ............................................................................................. 13
5.2 Lakshya Home - Feed ........................................................................................................ 15
5.3 Lakshya Home - Top Performer ........................................................................................ 15
5.4 Lakshya Home - Promotions ............................................................................................. 16
5.5 Lakshya Home - Ads Corner .............................................................................................. 16
5.6 Lakshya Home - Subscribe to newsletter .......................................................................... 16
5.7 Lakshya Home - Tales of Lakshya member ....................................................................... 17
5.8 Lakshya Home - Club Tips ................................................................................................. 17
6. Lakshya Performance Tab ......................................................................................................... 18
6.1 Lakshya Performance ........................................................................................................ 18
6.2 Lakshya Performance - KPIs .............................................................................................. 18
6.3 Lakshya Performance – Invoice Overdue Detail ............................................................... 19
6.4 Lakshya Performance - How to enhance your performance Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.5 Lakshya Performance - Product Targets ........................................................................... 20
6.6 Lakshya Performance - Achievement against set target .................................................. 20
6.7 Lakshya Performance - Annual Turnover .......................................................................... 20
6.8 Performance History ......................................................................................................... 21
6.9 Lakshya Performance - Child performance ....................................................................... 22
6.10 Lakshya Performance - Channel Partner Coordinate Mapping ........................................ 22
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

7. Lakshya Channel Partner – Awards........................................................................................... 23

8. Lakshya Feedbacks - Customer Feedbacks ............................................................................... 23
9. Lakshya Feedbacks - Upload Customer Feedback Form ........................................................... 24
9.1 Lakshya Feedbacks - Feedback template .......................................................................... 24
10. Lakshya Contact US - Contact Us Form ................................................................................. 25
11. Lakshya Profile - Profile Form ............................................................................................... 26
12. Lakshya Channel Partner - Dashboard .................................................................................. 27
13. Lakshya Channel Partner - Catalogue ................................................................................... 30
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

1.Request access to Lakshya Channel Engagement Platform

You will receive the link to access the portal on your registered email address with Grasim. On receiving the
link, you are requested tp follow the steps below –

A. Visit the URL mentioned below to request access to the Lakshya Channel Partner Engagement Platform. We
recommend you use Incognito/Inprivate mode in your browser.

B. Sign-in to the link using your registered email ID.

C. Enter the password received on your email ID. Click on ‘Email code to’ if you do not receive
the password automatically.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

D. Post login, enter your First name, Last name , Email ID and business justification as shown below. Click on
‘Request Access’ button.

E. An authorized person from Grasim will review and approve your access request. Once approved, you will
receive an email notification. You are now ready to login to the portal using below link.

2.Login to Lakshya Channel Partner Portal

To access the portal for the first time, you need to login using the email ID and password which is linked to
Grasim. You will need to access using the link mentioned below -

After you visit the given link using web browser, you will be able to see the Sign In Screen where you need to
enter the email account associated to Grasim chemicals.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

You will then need to enter the password. The password is same as your email password.

3.Lakshya Channel Partner Profile Form

After successful AD login, you will need to fill the profile form and submit, post that you can access the Lakshya
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

After the profile is completed by clicking on submit profile button, the profile will be submitted and saved and
you will receive the following pop-up message.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

The Profile Form is divided into 3 Sections. By Clicking on the Tabs, you can navigate and view the form.

• Basic Profile
• Potential Products
• Documents

3.1 Basic Profile

In the Basic profile form section, you need to fill out the form manually by entering the correct information.
You can select and upload Company Logo / Profile picture which will be in an image (Image formats acceptable
are .jpg, .png, .jpeg) the image dimension is 118*118 px.

In Company details, you need to enter the Parent company name, Email Address, Telephone No, Address,
License No, License Valid till date, GSTIN Number, Company Incorporation date, Grasim association date,
Proprietor Name, Email, Telephone No, Address, DOB.

In Profile details, you can enter Proprietor Name, Email, Telephone number, Address and Date of Birth.

3.2 Potential Products

In the Potential Products Lakshya Channel Partner needs to input Potential products they are buying from
other vendors with Product name, Annual intake and Vendor name (optional).

3.3 Documents

In the Documents section, you may upload documents like Chemical Licence, Channel Partner Agreement and
Chemical certifications. Documents should be uploaded in .pdf format.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

4.Lakshya Home
After Successfully submitting the profile form, you will be redirected to the Lakshya Home page.

Here, you will be able to view your profile and Club. You can also gather information on industry trends, our
events, CXO updates. You can also view the Top performers, Promotional cards, Ads corner in this section.

You will also be able to write messages to the Lakshya team through the following forms.

4.1 Lakshya Home Forms –

4.1.1 Talk to our senior Leadership

Send messages to the Senior leaders

You can select the names of the leaders from the drop down list to whom you wish to address the message to.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

After selecting the leader’s name from drop down list, you may write the message in text input box and click
on send message button.

The message will be sent to the respective leader’s email ID with the message content.

4.1.2 Tell us what you think

You can also send messages to the Admin team by telling us what you think below.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

4.1.3 Refer and Earn points

You can send a referral to the internal sales team by submitting the following form. This will also help you earn
additional points.

4.2 Lakshya Home - Profile Card and Club Card

Your Profile Card will display information like Company / Profile Logo, Parent company name, Address and
your Association date with Grasim.

The club will show you information like Club name, Points earned in current FY and Overall target with Month,
Achieved percentage and Actual Achieved Quantity against the set target quantity.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

5.Lakshya Home Components

You will be able to download Lakshya Mobile App from Google play store and App store. By clicking on the
app, you will be redirected to google play store or apple store to be able to download the Lakshya mobile

You can visit our social media accounts by clicking on Social media icons on the portal.

5.1 Lakshya Home - CXO Corner

On the Lakshya Home page, you will be able to view updates about the company and other events from our

Videos can be viewed in the same or maximized video mode.

LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

On Clicking Show more, the full shared content will be readable without redirecting to any other page and by
clicking on Show Less, the content will be reduced.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

5.2 Lakshya Home - Feed

In the Feed section, Lakshya Channel Partners will be able to view Published feed.

When you click on Read More, you will be redirected to a new page to be able to the full feed with images.

5.3 Lakshya Home - Top Performer

On the Lakshya home page, you can view the top performers of the month in the carousel (auto slider).
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

< > Use the left and right arrow to navigate.

5.4 Lakshya Home - Promotions

On the Lakshya home page, you can view the promotions for the period in the carousel (auto slider).

< > Use the left and right arrow to navigate.

5.5 Lakshya Home - Ads Corner

On the Lakshya home page, you can view the ads corner where the Ads will be played in a video player. Video
can be viewed and maximized in video mode.

< > Use the left and right arrow to navigate.

5.6 Lakshya Home - Subscribe to newsletter

On the Lakshya home page, you can also subscribe to our newletters. The newsletters will be sent to your
registered email address.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

If you wish to Unsubscribe, then click on Unsubscribe button.

5.7 Lakshya Home - Tales of Lakshya member

On the Lakshya home page, you can also view the Testimonials of Other Registered Lakshya Channel Partners in
the carousel (auto slider)

< > Use the left and right arrow to navigate.

5.8 Lakshya Home - Club Tips

You can read tips to enhance your performance by clicking on the Download EBook button.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

6.Lakshya Performance Tab

6.1 Lakshya Performance

On the Lakshya page, in the performance tab you can view your monthly and annual performance.

6.2 Lakshya Performance - KPIs

The KPIs on the performance tab are:

Grasim basket size - Indicates Product count dealt with Grasim

Overall basket size - Indicates Overall Basket Size Grasim products +

Potential products you Purchase from Other vendor outside Grasim

Points earned - Indicates points earned till the defined period.

LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

Orders in progress - Indicates orders in progress in current Financial year

Payment Overdue - Number of Payment overdue in current Financial year

Net Overdue Amount - Indicates total overdue amount in current Financial year

6.3 Lakshya Performance – Invoice Overdue Detail

In Invoice overdue detail, you can view

Invoice number -
Indicates Overdue Invoice ID

You will also be able to check the amount due

with the respective due date for each invoice

CN/ADV green color labels indicate – Credit Note / Advance Payment. If you have payments overdue against
the invoice, a red colored label will be displayed.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

6.4 Lakshya Performance - Product Targets

Products you deal with

Set target quantity by Grasim

Actual Achieved quantity

Actual Achieved by you

6.5 Lakshya Performance - Achievement against set target

You can see how much you have achieved against set target for Current and Past Month for the current
financial year.

6.6 Lakshya Performance - Annual Turnover

In the Annual turnover, you can view the split of the products in your Turnover.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

You can hover on the chart to view the product details. On clicking the See details button, you can view the

6.7 Performance History

This bar graph will display the Performance History of the Parent company, segment wise and product wise.

The Set Target Vs Actual Achieved Target will be displayed in the bar graph where you can track you
achievement for a month in the current Financial year.

After selecting the end use industry from the first drop down list, products under the selected segment will be

After selecting the product name from the drop down list the performance history bar graph will be displayed
and will highlight Set Target Vs Actual Achieved for a month in the current Financial year.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

6.8 Lakshya Performance - Child performance

This bar graph will display the Performance History of the Child company, segment wise and product wise.

There are 3 drop down fields in whichyou need to Select the Child ID first from the drop down list. On Selecting
the Child ID, end use segments in which the Child deals in will be populated in the drop down list, from the
drop down list segment will be selected.

After selecting the end use industry from the first drop down list, products under the selected segment will be
populated. The rest is same as the Parent performance.

6.9 Lakshya Performance - Channel Partner Coordinate Mapping

In Channel Partner coordinate mapping, you can view the Parent ID (with Parent Name and Parent zone) with
the list of Children with Child ID, Child Name and Child Zone.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

Using the scroll option, you can scroll through the list.

7.Lakshya Channel Partner – Awards

Under awards tab, you can see the Awards won ever financial year.

8.Lakshya Feedback - Customer Feedback

On the Lakshya page, in the Feedback tab, you can view a summary of your customer feedback that you wish
to upload.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

Feedback are displayed Customer name, Date of Feedback given, Ratings out of 5 stars, and the Message which
is the feedback given. Using the delete button enables you to delete the selected feedback.

The feedback are visible to the internal Sales team of Grasim.

9.Lakshya Feedback - Upload Customer Feedback Form

When clicking on the Upload Feedback Excel button, you will be redirected to the Upload Customer feedback

In Upload customer feedback form, you can select and upload the feedback excel template.

Simply clicking on Browse button allows you to select the Feedback excel template to upload. By clicking on
download here, the feedback excel template will be downloaded.

9.1 Lakshya Feedback - Feedback template

• Using the Feedback excel template, you can enter the feedback you received from your customers.
The Excel feedback template has 4 columns: Name, Date, Ratings, and Message.
• In the Name Column, you will enter the Customer name who provided the feedback
• In the Date Column, you will enter the date when the feedback was received (in DD-MM-YYYY format)
• In the Ratings Column, you can enter the Ratings out of 5
• In the Message Column, you will enter the message which is the feedback given by the customer.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

10. Lakshya Contact Us - Contact Us Form

On the Lakshya Page, in the Contact Us tab, you will be able to write messages to the respective Support
Department as Sales, Finance, or Lakshya Admin.

You will need to complete the contact form by filling out the form with the correct information (Name, Contact
number, Email, Message fields are mandatory). By Clicking on the Submit button, your message will be sent to
the selected support department.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

11. Lakshya Profile - My Profile Form

On the Lakshya page, My Profile tab, you can see the information filled by you on the first login. All fields,
expect Parent Company name and Email ID, are editable.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

You can edit, add, or delete the products from product portfolio.

Under the documents tab, you can attach files, view them, download them or delete them.

12. Lakshya Channel Partner - Dashboard

On the Lakshya Channel Partner dashboard, you can observe a summary of orders, sales, overdue, and targets.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

You can view Orders in progress in the current month,

Orders Dispatched in current month,
Outstanding amount in current Financial year,
Credit Balance left in current Financial year,
Total unpaid invoices in current Financial year and Points earned last month.

In the sales overview, you can view the sales product wise for the current Financial year.

You can also can see the actual target achieved for the month.

A quick summary of your orders with details of sold to party, quantity and product name are
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

If you want to see the details for the specific ordered product, use the dropdown shown above.
In the Invoice overdue Detail section, you can view the recent payment overdue with Invoice ID,
Overdue amount and Overdue date and Status.
LAKSHYA – Grasim’s Channel Partner Engagement Platform

13. Lakshya Channel Partner - Catalogue

On the catalogue page, you will be able to see the product catalouges segment wise and download the
MSDS/TDS Or Product Brochure.

You can search specific products by using search bar by product name.

All segments will allow you to view all the products that Grasim deals in.

By clicking on the MSDS/TDS button or Brochure Button, the file will be downloaded.

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