Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Behavior in Relation To Their Online Shopping Experience

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Taysan High School and Child Development

Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Behavior in Relation to
their Online Shopping Experience of Senior High in Taysan
High School and Child Development Center

A Research Study Submitted to

Taysan High School and Child Development Center

Poblacion West, Taysan, Batangas

As a Partial fulfilment for the

Second Semester – SHS Department

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)


Group Members

Balbastro, Shaira Mae M.

Ching, Francine Yzabelle C.

Escabel, Gabrielle Simon D.

Ramos, Julia Carmela B.

Taysan High School and Child Development

In recent years online shopping has become predominant by giving benefits to most

consumers. Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce or also called e-commerce

that allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from sellers over the internet

using a web browser. A current trend that every consumer purchases nowadays on online

platforms like E-commerce. Internet is changing the way the consumer shop and has

rapidly develop and evolved to the point it become a global phenomenon. This has a

payment method on which you can choose what kind of method you will pay for your


Behavior is how people react to specific circumstances. Many things are affected by

the behavior, and some of it are the happenings or the attitude of the person. This means

that consumer behavior is the way people act as a consumer. It is how consumers act

when they purchase goods and services. Every consumer has a different attitude or

behavior in every circumstance. This time of pandemic is an unexpected circumstance,

many consumers purchase things or essentials that may help them to survive the


Experience is one of the bases of whether your are knowledgeable and smart on

choosing a specific product. Having an experience on online shopping will help you to

understand how a specific store or a supplier serve its customers or consumers. Many

consumers review the comment section and find some recommendations that some of the

influence and consumers share. Sometimes the product can be good or bad by observing

if there has been a change to the product. There will be viewers that will know more

about the importance of determining a product.

Taysan High School and Child Development
According to (Vicente, 2016) technology arose and e-commerce is a trend till now in

the Philippines and is still rising in the business trend due to the adoption of mobile

technologies particularly by the young users or teenagers. Because of that online

shopping become more popular and massive to the youth population and used it a lot

more than before. The adoption of technology helps the supplier to improve its businesses

not just big but also small businesses.

Sultan and Henrich (2000) said that the consumer’s willingness and preference for

choosing what kind of necessary product a consumer buy was also positively related to

income, household size, and innovativeness this chance create an opportunity for online

shopping to be more prominent. Online shopping had a wide variety of products and

different prices we can look for and is exact to our taste.

To sum it all, electronic commerce or e-commerce is a type of business which uses

the internet to make transactions and it is continuously expanding. Even though e-

commerce is great it also has weaknesses like the delayed deliveries due to the typhoons

or calamities we did not expect. Lack of internet connectivity, since not all in the

Philippines have enough signal or data connectivity, we can’t perform buying online

without this. Electronic commerce helps us to less our stress, to choose how we will pay

the product, with free shipping vouchers or price discounts and more. This are some of

the weaknesses and strengths of using e-commerce or online shopping.

According to the Republic Act no.7394. It should implement all goods through their

own distribution by ensuring the products carefully. Like in every online platforms, it

needs to have mutual trust that includes protection between the buyers and sellers. For

example, the product you receive can be safe or not after delivering it. That's why
Taysan High School and Child Development
Gommans et al. (2001) provides some learning about the experience in purchasing a

product. This will lead in using the factors to influence by advantages and disadvantages

for online that affects some shopping experience to every consumers.

On Republic Act No. 9295 the act promoting the development of domestic shipping,

ship building, ship repair and ship breaking, ordaining reforms in government policies

towards shipping in the Philippines and for other purposes. This pertains to do the

delivery in every shipping through worldwide. It is all about the shipping of the products,

in land and in sea in every destination. This protects the product from not breaking and

protecting the things you buy and earning the trust to the supplier.

The purpose of this research is to study the various factors those influence the

consumer buying behavior during online shopping. The study of this research is to impart

the factors that influence the consumers behavior in buying online. This will help the

consumers to understand their buying behavior.

Taysan High School and Child Development
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the factors that influence the consumers buying

behavior in terms of online shopping experiences. The major focus of this study is to

determine how consumers experience/s influence their buying behavior to shop online.

Nonetheless, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. The Profile of the Respondents

I. Grade Level

II. Strand

2. What motivation factors led SHS Students to buy online?

2.1 Wide Variety of Products

2.2 Costumer Service

2.3 Price Discount

2.4 Payment Method

3. How does “add to cart” experience affect the consumers satisfaction towards online


4. What problems encountered by SHS Students on Shopping Online?

5. Based from result,what suggested activities may be put forward to improve the

consumers buying behavior to Shop Online?

Taysan High School and Child Development
Conceptual Framework

A systematic procedure reviews the research of study. This serves as a guidance in

every information that will learn through the process of a cycle. It gives some different

concepts and theories to know the buying behavior of each consumer based on their

experience. The goal is to attain by analyzing their own behavior for buying a product

which influences them.

According to Schiffman (2007), “the behavior that consumers display in searching

for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services that they expect

will satisfy their needs”. Being a consumer for having experience in what they purchase a

product can understand more about defining their own wants. It will reflect by their own

behavior through spending the money bin every occasion that may not be usable.
Taysan High School and Child Development


1. Profile of the Respondents:

 Provide
a. Grade Level

b. Strand  Distribution of convenience to

2. What motivation factors led
survey the students,
SHS Students to buy online?
questionnaires. teachers and
1.1 Wide Variety of Products

1.2 Costumer Service

1.3 Price Discount
 Observing the consumers.
1.4 Payment Method

3.How does “add to cart” data given by the

experience affect the consumers
satisfaction towards online
 Increase
awareness about
4. What problems encountered by
SHS Students on Shopping
 Using the
Online? influence buying
5. Based from result,what quantitative
behavior related
suggested activities may be put
forward to improve the consumers to experience.
buying behavior to Shop Online?

The figure shows a representation for determining relevant data to Factors

Influencing Consumer Buying Behavior in Relation to their Online Shopping
Experiences of Senior High in Taysan High School and Child Development
Center. The input provides a knowledge about each respondents that will be
analyzed as a consumer. Throughout the process, it will be distributed through
survey for collecting a data by the use of quantitative method. After the data
gathered, an output concludes about result in determining by how factor
influences consumer nowadays. This can found answers to know more about the
importance in every online product by a following topic.
Taysan High School and Child Development

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be a good benefit to the following:

To the Students,

This study will help the students to reflect from their experiences in online shopping

and identify the factors that influences the students in buying online.

To the Teachers,

This study will help the teachers to understand their buying behavior based on their

experience and learn from their own experience. It can help the teachers to teach its

students on how to purchase products from online properly.

To the Future Researchers,

This study will serve as their guide for them to study for there research as well for

them to gather research information related.

Scope and Limitation

This research focuses on finding out the factors that influence the buying behavior of

the consumer on online shopping experience. Recent studies and researches will be used

as a reference in finding the factors that influences the consumer experience in online

shopping. This study will focus on the factors that influences the consumer on buying

online based on experience.

The target of our study is mostly a teenager or gen z and some consumers. Their

experience on online shopping and how it influences them. The limitation is to identify

what factor affect their online shopping experiences.

Taysan High School and Child Development
Definition of Terms

Online Shopping. Searching for and purchasing goods and services over the Internet

through the use of a web browser.

Consumer. Is a person who purchases goods and services for personal use.

Product. Is any item or servicce you sell to serve a consumer need or wants.

Behavior. The way in which one acts in response in a situation or conducts oneself,

especially toward others.

Satisfaction. Fulfillment of one’s wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived

from this.

Quality of the Product. Refers to how well a product satisfies consumer needs, serves its

purpose and meets the industry standards.

“Add to cart”. Feature of e commerce stores that allows customers to choose items to

purchase without actually completing the payment.

Influence. The ability to have an effect on the character,development,or behavior of

someone or something,or the effect itself.

Internet. It consist of public, private, academic, business, and government networks of

local to global scope, linked by a comprehensive arrangement of electronic, wireless and

optical networking technologies.

Experience. The fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through

direct observation or participation.

Technology. Application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life or as

it is sometimes phrased, to the change and manipulation of the human environment.

Money. A commodity accepted by general consent as a medium of economic exchange.

Taysan High School and Child Development
Electronic. Devices run by electric power or the field of studying such items.

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