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· Church collect charity and the funds are allocated for the people business/welfare
· The platform support admin to monitor and utilise the fund in a very proper way.
· The Fund is handled in decentralised way so it is transparent to the people who do-
nate , use and admin.
· And also we distribute the money to peoples by the way of MLM functionalities
Why Smart Contract for Trustworthiness?

· A trust is a private agreement between the issuer of the Trust who is legally known
as a Settlor or Grantor and the person entrusted to legally protect the assets of the
trust is called a Trustee.
· This is done for a persons, or company that will be a beneficiary of this trust
· A Bit coin Block chain Smart Contract Trustee can and will have access to the private
keys on behalf of a grantor or beneficiary.
· Also, levels of custodianship may vary and can be set up for the trust and many
other similar legal structures.
· A Smart Contract Trust is a trust in a unique form of a smart contract.
· A Smart Contract Trust is drafted using the bit coin block chain and distributed
ledger technology.
· Processes can be built into third-party apps which allows for the trust to enter infor-
mation upon the occurrence of certain events.
· This allows the Smart Contract Trust to be secured with transparent data and is
good for situations and events that are yet unknowable.
· All amendments and changes documented in the minutes to a revocable trust can be
recorded in the “block chain” and hence forever verifiable.
· The smart contract is not completely digital.
· Clients will maintain physical access to the information contained in the trust.
· All Trustees, Protectors, and Beneficiaries can access any data necessary and possi-
bly even save documents and information for them to fulfil their duties.
· All Smart Contract Trusts are up to date with current state and federal laws and
maintain secure records, data, and property to keep the digital records of the trust
in better compliance.
· The client’s trust is updated as they go. The benefit of the Smart Contract Trust is
that since it is built within Bitcoin Block chain the contents of the Trust can stay
completely private.
· If the Smart Contract Trust is tried in a legal case, the security of the bitcoin block
chain will hold records of every amendment, change, directive, and even every ac-
cess ever made which will include the date, time, and who made the change or ac-
cessed the document, all within the ‘block’.
· The best feature of the Smart Contract Trust is the asset recording and registration
· Trustees have the power to record all documents and asset transfers to the trust
within the Bit coin block chain.
· The Smart Contract Trust brings the legal requirements of preparing and managing
your estate with new innovative distributed ledger technology and makes doing so
more simple than traditional estate planning.
Benefits of this platform:

· The transparency and real-time traceability of block chain technology promises

greater accountability for donors who demands to know how their funds have been
· Imagine tracking the relationship of donations to relief efforts through the supply
chain with block chain-enabled smart contracts.
· Donors and non-profit leaders can know where money has been sent, how it has
been used, and to who aid has been distributed.
· This kind of transparency goes a long way to fight against corruption that is so com-
mon during relief work in at-risk countries.
· Transfer of funds from a central location to field offices become faster and more reli-
able with the use of crypto currency.
· Instead of couriers carrying and declaring large amounts of cash across borders, a
head office can simply make a transfer into the digital wallet of a field office or on-
the-ground workers.
· The transactions are fast, secure, and able to avoid the security risk of currency ex-
change and transport.
· Organizations often raise funds in one location and rely on contractors to accom-
plish their mission on the ground in another country.
· Contracted work and payment tracking is simplified when block chain transparency
is applied.
· Tracking supply chain, added transparency, and increased security for field workers
are just a few ways that block chain technology will help advance trust between
nonprofits and their donors.
Propose System

· we believe that opportunities to give cryptocurrency as a tax-deductible contribu-

tion will continue to rise.
· This could be a windfall for nonprofits ready to receive these gifts.
· In addition to the obvious benefit of receiving a valuable asset to help advance an
organization’s mission, accepting cryptocurrency donations offers some other ad-
vantages that may be appealing to donors.
· If the opportunity to give crypto for good is promoted properly, nonprofits may
even attract new donors to their cause— donors they wouldn’t have engaged other-
· When nonprofits begin freely accepting cryptocurrency donations and provide tax-
deductible receipts, owners of cryptocurrency have new opportunities for generos-
ity and financial savings.
· Capital gains taxes apply to cryptocurrency asset growth.
· Nonprofit leaders have long known that some donors prefer to give anonymous gifts
to their organizations.
· Though we think that cryptocurrency donors are more likely to be attracted by the
tax benefits, we can’t ignore the fact that anonymous donations through cryptocur-
rency are very attractive to givers who wish to remain unknown.
· Ministries and nonprofits regularly see an increase in giving when they choose to of-
fer multiple giving options.
· I recently learned that churches launching online giving platforms for their congre-
gations can expect an immediate net increase of 10%–20% in giving.
· Donors like to have options!
· online giving platforms are any indication, nonprofits can expect to see an increase
in giving simply by offering cryptocurrency donations as an option to their donor

· For these reasons, we’re beginning to see major nonprofit organizations like Red
Cross, United Way, and The Water Project open up their doors to cryptocurrency do-
· Future advancements in cryptocurrency giving will help other organizations take
advantage of this opportunity too.

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