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Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 22(6) 2012, pp 674–681

Retrospective Study doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00805.x

Retrospective evaluation of toxicosis from

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
antidepressants: 313 dogs (2005–2010)
Danielle E. Thomas, DVM; Justine A. Lee, DVM, DACVECC
and Lynn R. Hovda, RPH, DVM, MS, DACVIM


Objective – To evaluate a clinical population of dogs exposed to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
antidepressant medications and describe the clinical findings, epidemiological characteristics, outcome, and
Design – Retrospective study (February 1, 2005–August 31, 2010).
Setting – Animal poison control helpline.
Animals – Three hundred thirteen dogs with presumed SSRI toxicosis.
Interventions – None.
Measurements and Main Results – Dogs with presumptive SSRI medication toxicosis identified by a review
of the electronic database of Pet Poison Helpline, an animal poison control center, were evaluated. No clinical
signs were reported in 76.3% (239/313) of cases. The remaining 23.6% (74/313) of cases demonstrated the
following clinical signs: neurological 79.7% (59/74), gastrointestinal 25.6% (19/74), cardiovascular 9.5% (7/74),
respiratory 8.2% (6/74), and thermoregulatory 6.7% (5/74). Of the dogs exhibiting neurological signs, 62.7%
(37/59) showed depression, 37.2% (22/59) showed hyperactivity, 10.1% (6/59) exhibited ataxia, and 1.7%
(1/59) showed other miscellaneous signs (eg, hyperesthesia). There was a significant difference between the
dose ingested by symptomatic and asymptomatic dogs for fluoxetine (P = 0.0039), but not with any other SSRI.
Ninety-four patients were confirmed to have received veterinary care. In cases where duration of veterinary care
was determined (55/313), 67.2% (37/55) of dogs were hospitalized and 32.7% (18/55) treated as outpatients.
The average duration of hospitalization was 18.5 hours, excluding outpatient visits. Of those patients that had
complete follow-up information available (136/313), overall survival was 100%.
Conclusions – The overall prognosis for animals with SSRI toxicosis is excellent with veterinary attention.
Central nervous system depression was the most common clinical sign associated with SSRI toxicosis.

(J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2012; 22(6): 674–681) doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00805.x

Keywords: canine, serotonin reuptake inhibitor, toxicology

SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

Abbreviations TCA tricyclic antidepressants
CNS central nervous system 5-HT 5-hydroxytryptamine
GI gastrointestinal
MAO monoamine oxidase
MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitors Introduction
Over the past 40 years, manipulation of concentrations
From the Section of Emergency and Critical Care, Angell Animal Medi- of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the central nervous
cal Center, 350 S Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02130 (Thomas); Pet Poi-
son Helpline, 8009 34th Ave South, Ste 875, Bloomington, MN 55425 (Lee,
system (CNS) via medications such as serotonin reup-
Hovda). take inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin agonists, and serotonin
The authors declare no conflict of interests. antagonists has been extensively studied and utilized
Address correspondence and reprint requests to for the treatment of human psychiatric illnesses such
Dr. Danielle E. Thomas, Angell Animal Medical Center, 350 S Huntington as clinical depression, obsessive compulsive disorders,
Ave, Boston, MA 02130, USA.
and anxiety disorders.1, 2 During this time, the use of an-
Submitted August 31, 2011; Accepted August 3, 2012. tidepressant medications, specifically SSRIs, has grown

C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012
SSRI antidepressant toxicosis in dogs

tremendously. According to the US Centers for Disease tion, sinus tachycardia, and memory loss.15 TCAs also
Control and Prevention, the use of antidepressants in have quinidine-like, pro-arrhythmic effects on the my-
adults increased 5-fold between 1988 and 2008, with 11% ocardium and may cause hypotension through alpha1 -
of adults in the United States having reported taking adrenergic blockade.2
prescription antidepressants between 2005 and 2008.3 SSRIs act specifically on synaptic serotonin concen-
In veterinary medicine, SSRI antidepressants have also trations and have minimal effects on other neurotrans-
been used off label for behavioral problems (eg, canine mitters such as catecholamines, acetylcholine, and his-
separation anxiety).4 More recently, specific veterinary tamine, minimizing the adverse effects seen with their
medications have emerged, with the first Food and Drug usage. As a result, SSRIs have largely replaced TCAs
Administration approved SSRI for the treatment of ca- and their comparative safety has made the occurrence of
nine separation anxiety obtaining licensure in 2007.a adverse events less frequent.15
Serotonin, a biogenic amine, is produced from the es- The increased use of SSRIs in both human and veteri-
sential amino acid tryptophan by the enzymes trypto- nary medicine has resulted in veterinary patient expo-
phan hydroxylase and tryptophan decarboxylase.5 The sure through accidental ingestion of their owner’s med-
majority of the body’s serotonin is synthesized in the ications, as well as veterinary specific products. There
CNS and enterochromaffin cells, but a small amount can has been a growing frequency in the number of cases
also be produced by platelets.5 Ninety to 95% of the presenting to Pet Poison Helplineb for SSRI intoxication.
body’s serotonin is stored outside the CNS, largely in As a result, the purpose of this study was to further char-
the enterochromaffin cells and platelets.5 Platelets ab- acterize the clinical signs, toxic dose, and outcome in a
sorb large amounts of serotonin from the plasma, thus large case series of SSRI toxicosis in dogs.
keeping circulating concentrations very low.6, 7 Outside
the CNS, serotonin plays a role in platelet aggregation,8
the maintenance of vascular tone,9 and gastrointesti-
Materials and Methods
nal (GI) motility.10 In the CNS, serotonin is stored in
presynaptic vesicles of the serotonergic neurons, pineal Criteria for the selection of cases
gland, and catechoalminergic neurons.11 Serotonin is re- The electronic computer database of Pet Poison
leased from the presynaptic membrane and binds to Helplineb was searched for dogs having ingested SS-
serotonin-specific receptors on the postsynaptic mem- RIs between February 2005 and August 2010. Inclu-
brane or to autoreceptors on the presynaptic mem- sion criteria were the dogs witnessed or suspected
brane, which act as a negative feedback to serotonin to ingest one or more of the following SSRI antide-
release.1 Serotonin is removed from the synaptic cleft pressants: citalopram, escitalopram, paroxetine, fluox-
by binding to a selective serotonin transporter, which etine, fluvoxamine, sertraline, or other/unknown SSRIs.
transports it into the presynaptic cytosol.12 Once in the Cases in the other/unknown SSRI category included
cytosol of the presynaptic neuron, serotonin is metabo- serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, SSRIs that
lized by monoamine oxidase (MAO) or repackaged in the owner could not identify, and medications with sim-
vesicles.13 The effect at the postsynaptic membrane is ilar serotonergic action (eg, bromocriptine). Exclusion
determined by the amount of serotonin available to bind criteria included cases where multiple animals were ex-
5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) receptors.14 posed (due to the difficulty in accurately determining
Medications specifically aimed at altering serotonin dose ingested), coingestion of other medications (which
concentrations in the CNS fall into four categories: could potentially skew clinical signs observed), an in-
medications that inhibit serotonin metabolism (eg, complete medical record (eg, absent signalment infor-
monoamine oxidase inhibitors [MAOI]), medications mation), or ingestion by cats.
that inhibit reuptake of serotonin from the synap- Data were recorded in a commercially available
tic cleft across the presynaptic membrane by selec- spreadsheet programc and medical records were re-
tive serotonin transporter (eg, SSRIs, tricyclic antide- viewed for signalment (ie, gender, breed, age, and body
pressants [TCAs]), medications that augment serotonin weight), clinical signs, dose ingested, time since expo-
release (eg, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, am- sure, duration of clinical signs and outcome. When the
phetamines), and serotonin precursors.2 Until the advent amount of medication ingested was described by the
of SSRIs, TCAs and MAO inhibitors (MAOIs) were the owner as a range of possible values, the dose ingested
most frequently prescribed serotonergic agents used to was calculated based on the maximum amount possibly
treat depression and anxiety disorders.15 Adverse effects ingested.
from these medications were common, attributable to General system categories of clinical signs were used
their antihistaminergic and antimuscarinic effects, and to characterize the data including: neurological–CNS
included clinical signs such as constipation, urine reten- depression (with corresponding signs such as coma or

C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00805.x 675
D. E. Thomas et al.

sedation) or CNS stimulation (with corresponding signs to compare the frequency of each clinical sign between
such as agitation, aggression, tremors, or seizures); GI medications and to determine if any specific clinical sign
(eg, anorexia, vomiting, hypersalivation, or diarrhea); was more prevalent with the ingestion of one medica-
cardiovascular (eg, tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhyth- tion as compared to another. All statistical analyses were
mias, syncope, hypotension, hypertension, or pallor); performed with a commercially available statistical soft-
and respiratory (eg, tachypnea and dyspnea). The pres- ware package.d
ence of hyperthermia, ataxia, and hyperesthesia was also
Follow-up with pet owners or hospital staff was per-
formed by telephone call or fax at the time of study de-
sign to obtain additional information regarding develop- Between February 2005 and August 2010, Pet Poison
ment of clinical signs, veterinary treatment performed, Helpline received 362 calls concerning ingestion of SS-
and overall outcome. In some cases, information was RIs. Of these, 313 dogs met the inclusion criteria; 49 cases
available from follow-up calls made by poison control were excluded due to multipet households, incomplete
center staff 2–7 days after the initial call. Pet owners were records, or follow-up information that revealed that no
contacted for follow-up information and verification of ingestion had occurred. Of the 313 dogs, 52 cases were
outcome in those cases where dogs were not hospital- not included in the statistical analysis of “dose ingested”
ized, did not receive veterinary care, or when veteri- and “development of clinical signs,” due to the inabil-
nary data were not available. Both the veterinarian and ity to accurately calculate the exact amount ingested.
owner were contacted for information and outcome in The 52 excluded cases included 16 symptomatic patients
those animals that received outpatient veterinary care (citalopram [4], escitalopram [5], fluoxetine [1], parox-
or were hospitalized. A patient was considered to have etine [3], sertraline [3]) and 36 asymptomatic patients
received veterinary care if they were evaluated by a (citalopram [11], escitalopram [6], fluoxetine [7], fluvox-
veterinarian. Two attempts were made to contact each amine [1], paroxetine [6], sertraline [5]).
pet owner and/or veterinarian before the case was con- Follow-up was available for 43.5% (136/313) cases,
sidered closed. Animals were determined to be asymp- including 52.7% (39/74) of symptomatic patients and
tomatic if they were asymptomatic at the time of the 40.5% (97/239) of asymptomatic patients. Overall, 48.2%
owner’s phone call and any additional information on (151/313) of dogs were male and 51.7% (162/313) were
the case (follow-up calls made between the veterinarian, female. The median age was 2 years (n = 312/313; range
pet owner, and Pet Poison Helpline) did not describe the 0.17–17 years), while the median weight was 11.4 kg
development of any clinical signs. Patients were consid- (n = 313; range 1.4–54.5 kg). The most common
ered survivors if they were treated on an outpatient basis breeds represented were mixed breed (25.8% [81/313]),
or survived to discharge from the hospital. Patients that Labrador retriever (10.8% [34/313]), and beagles and
died or were euthanized were considered nonsurvivors. Chihuahuas (both with 3.5% [11/313]). There was no
significant difference between symptomatic and asymp-
tomatic dogs with regard to weight (n = 261, P = 0.3883),
Statistical analysis age (n = 261, P = 0.2150), gender (n = 261, P = 0.2741),
For parametric data, the mean and standard deviation or breed (n = 261, P = 0.3842) with any of the drugs
are reported; for nonparametric data, median values evaluated.
and ranges are reported. The Student’s t-test was used Of the 7 different medications represented in this case
to determine the statistical significance between symp- series, 24.6% ingested sertraline (77/313), 24.2% ingested
tomatic and asymptomatic animals with regard to age fluoxetine (76/313), 20.7% ingested citalopram (65/313),
and weight. Asymptomatic and symptomatic popula- 18.8% ingested escitalopram (59/313), 1.3% ingested flu-
tions were compared based on breed and gender using voxamine (4/313), 8.3% ingested paroxetine (26/313),
a Fisher’s exact test and a chi-square test, respectively. A and 1.9% ingested an unspecific SSRI (6/313).
multivariable logistic regression was performed to eval- Overall, no clinical signs were reported in 76.3%
uate the relationship between age, gender, and dose in- (239/313) of cases. The remaining 23.6% (74/313) of dogs
gested to the development of clinical signs for each medi- developed clinical signs. Of the 74 symptomatic dogs,
cation. A P value of <0.05 was considered significant. For the milligrams per kilogram dose was determined for
the medications with sufficient data points (eg, citalo- 58 cases (78%). The median dose ingested for dogs that
pram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, and sertra- developed clinical signs was 7.1 mg/kg (n = 58; range
line), an odds ratio was calculated for the relationship 0.13–264 mg/kg). The median dose ingested by asymp-
between milligrams per kilogram dose and development tomatic dogs was 3.14 mg/kg (n = 203; range 0.14–196.4
of clinical signs. A Fisher’s exact test was performed mg/kg).

C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00805.x
SSRI antidepressant toxicosis in dogs

Table 1: Dose ingested in symptomatic and asymptomatic animals

All ingestions Symptomatic Asymptomatic

Median dose Range Median dose Range Median dose Range Odds
Medication ( mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) P value ratio

Citalopram 3.2 (n = 50) 0.3–138.8 4.2 (n = 10) 1.1–29.4 2.4 (n = 40) 0.3–138.9 P = 0.8566 OR (CI) = 1
Escitalopram 2.0 (n = 48) 0.1–74.1 4.4 (n = 7) 0.5–74.1 1.8 (n = 41) 0.14–11 P = 0.3783 OR (CI) = 1.09
Fluoxetine∗ 4.3 (n = 68) 0.4–91.6 15.9 (n = 12) 1.3–91.7 3.5 (n = 56) 0.4–57.4 P = 0.0039∗ OR (CI) = 1.06
Fluvoxamine 2.6 (n = 3) 1.5–11.3 1.5 (n = 1) N/A 7.0 (n = 2) 2.6–11.3 Insufficient data N/A
Paroxetine 2.9 (n = 17) 0.3–25.9 7.7 (n = 5) 0.3–25.9 2.2 (n = 12) 1.2–8.8 P = 0.1239 OR (CI) = 1.42
Sertraline 9.2 (n = 69) 0.4–47.7 11.6 (n = 22) 0.4–264 8.5 (n = 47) 0.6–196.4 P = 0.2632 OR (CI) = 1.01
Unknown SSRI 4.9 (n = 6) 0.1–31.4 0.1 (n = 1) N/A 5.5 (n = 5) 1.4–31.4 Insufficient data N/A

SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

P < 0.05, statistically significant.
P value based on multivariable (age, gender) adjusted logistic regression for 261 cases for which data were complete, Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence
interval (CI) estimates for continuous predictor § looking at mg/kg dose as a predictor of developing clinical signs.

The median milligrams per kilogram dose ingested velop clinical signs between the different medications
was calculated for each specific SSRI ingested and com- (Table 3).
pared between symptomatic and asymptomatic animals Four patients in this study displayed clinical signs as-
using multivariable logistic regression analysis (Table 1). sociated with the development of serotonin syndrome.
An odds ratio was calculated for the relationship be- Serotonin syndrome is defined here as demonstrating
tween milligrams per kilogram dose ingested and the multiple signs (eg, mental status changes, agitation, my-
development of clinical signs (Table 1). The median dose oclonus, hyperreflexia, diaphoresis, shivering, diarrhea,
ingested was directly associated with the development incoordination, and hyperthermia) and tremors.16 These
of clinical signs for fluoxetine and there was a statisti- patients ingested the following individual doses of med-
cally significant difference in the median dose ingested ication: 1.1 mg/kg of citalopram, 91.6 and 86.6 mg/kg of
in dogs that developed clinical signs compared with dogs fluoxetine, and 25.8 mg/kg of paroxetine.
that did not (P = 0.0039). An odds ratio was calculated for In 66.2% (49/74) of cases, the time to onset of clinical
the probability of developing clinical signs as it related signs was available. Overall, the median time to devel-
to the milligrams per kilogram of fluoxetine ingested. opment of any clinical sign was 2 hours (n = 49/74; range
For every 1-unit increase in the milligrams per kilogram 0.25–24 hours). In the 16 cases where the duration of clin-
dose ingested for fluoxetine, the probability of becoming ical signs could be determined, the median duration was
symptomatic increased by 6% (Table 1). 24 hours (n = 16/74; range 1–72 hours).

Clinical Presentation
Clinical signs were evaluated for each specific SSRI and
the percentage of symptomatic dogs exhibiting each clin- Information regarding care provided was available for
ical sign was calculated (Table 2). Neurological and GI 155 cases. Of these cases, 60.6% (94/155) of patients re-
signs were the most common clinical signs noted for all ceived veterinary care. Duration of hospitalization could
medications (Table 2). There was no statistically signif- be confirmed in 55/94 cases; of these, 67.2% (37/55)
icant difference between the frequency of any clinical were hospitalized and 32.7% (18/55) were treated on
sign between any of the medications (Table 3). The ten- an outpatient basis. Due to the limits of a retrospective
dency to develop clinical signs was evaluated in the same study, information about specific treatments received
manner by comparing the incidence of asymptomatic was not readily available from the records nor they could
animals with confirmed milligrams per kilogram dose be obtained from owners or the hospital facility at the
ingested between the different medications. There was time of follow-up call. In this study, all the dogs, for
no significant difference regarding the tendency to de- whom follow-up information was available, survived to

C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00805.x 677
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Table 2: Clinical signs associated with SSRI intoxication in 313 reported cases

All SSRIs Citalopram Escitalopram Fluoxetine Fluvoxamine Paroxetine Sertraline Unknown SSRI

Percentage of dogs 74/313 14/65 12/59 13/76 1/4 8/26 25/77 1/6
developing (23.6%) (21.5%) (20.3%) (17.1%) (25%) (30.7%) (32.4%) (16.7%)
CNS depression 37/74 7/14 6/12 6/13 1/1 1/8 15/25 1/1
(50%) (50%) (58.3%) (46.1%) (100%) (12.5%) (60%) (100%)
CNS stimulation 22/74 5/14 2/12 6/13 0% 3/8 6/25 0%
(29.7%) (35.7%) (16.7%) (46.1%) (37.5%) (24%)
Cardiovascular 7/74 3/14 0/12 1/13 0% 1/8 2/25 0%
signs (9.5%) (21.4%) (0%) (8%) (12.5%) (8%)
Respiratory 6/74 0/14 1/12 1/13 0% 1/8 3/25 0%
signs (8.2%) (0%) (8.33%) (8%) (12.5%) (12%)
Gastrointestinal 19/74 5/14 3/12 3/13 0% 3/8 4/25 1/1
signs (25.6%) (35.7%) (25%) (23%) (37.5%) (16%) (100%)
Other signs 7/74 1/14 1/12 2/13 0% 2/8 1/25 0%
(9.5%) (7.14%) (0%) (12.5%) (25%) (4%)
Hyperthermia 5/74 1/14 1/12 0/13 0% 1/8 2/25 0%
(6.7%) (7.14%) (8.33%) (0%) (12.5%) (8%)

CNS, central nervous system; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

Table 3: Comparison of frequency of clinical signs between medications in 261 dogs with confirmed ingestion (in milligrams per
kilogram basis)

Citalopram Escitalopram Fluoxetine Fluvoxamine Paroxetine Sertraline Unknown P value


CNS depression (n 6/50 3/48 7/68 1/3 2/17 14/69 1/6 n = 34

= confirmed (12%) (6.25%) (10.29%) (33%) (11.76%) (20.29%) (16.67%) P = 0.2396
CNS stimulation 2/50 2/48 6/68 0 1/17 6/69 0 n = 17
(4%) (4.17%) (8.82%) (5.88%) (8.7%) P = 0.8733
Cardiovascular 1/50 0 1/68 0 1/17 2/69 0 n=5
signs (2%) (1.47%) (5.88%) (2.90%) P = 0.6306
Respiratory signs 0 1/48 0 0 1/17 3/69 0 n=5
(2.08%) (5.88%) (4.35%) P = 0.2349
Gastrointestinal 4/50 2/48 2/68 0 3/17 4/69 1/6 n = 16
signs (8%) (4.17%) (2.94%) (17.65%) (5.80%) (16.67%) P = 0.2330
Other signs 0 0 2/68 0 0 6/69 0 n=8
(2.94%) (8.70%) P = 0.1321
Asymptomatic 40/50 41/48 56/68 2/3 12/17 47/69 5/6 n = 203
(80%) (85.42%) (82.35%) (66.67%) (70.59%) (68.12%) (83.33%) P = 0.2580

CNS, central nervous system; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

discharge (n = 136); no dogs were reported to have died blurred vision, and less commonly CNS depression and
or have been euthanized as a result of ingestion. sinus tachycardia. The severity of clinical signs is pri-
marily related to the dose of medication ingested,1, 2, 17
but the drug ingested may also impact the clinical signs
Discussion manifested in overdose.18 The most severe manifestation
SSRIs are commonly prescribed for a variety of con- of these clinical signs is termed serotonin syndrome or
ditions in human medicine and their use is becom- serotonin toxicity. Development of serotonin syndrome
ing increasingly popular in veterinary medicine. As a in people is most commonly due to coingestion of sero-
result, the incidence of SSRI intoxications in animals tonergic agents with different mechanisms of action.19, 20
has increased, based on observations from Pet Poison In veterinary medicine, clinical signs observed sec-
Helpline. ondary to SSRI intoxication result from the presence
The clinical signs observed with SSRI overdose in hu- of excessive serotonin in the CNS.14 Currently, there is
man beings are due to the presence of excessive serotonin limited information about specific SSRI intoxication in
in the CNS.2 These include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, veterinary medicine but it appears that the severity of

C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00805.x
SSRI antidepressant toxicosis in dogs

clinical signs is related to the dose ingested. Mohammed- In the current study, the median milligrams per kilo-
Zadeh et al1 evaluated 189 dogs with SSRI intoxication gram dose for asymptomatic animals for fluoxetine,
and reported lethargy (31.7%), vomiting (12.2%), mydri- paroxetine, and sertraline was greater than previously
asis (11.6%), and agitation (11.1%) as the most common published doses at which one would expect clinical
clinical signs.1 This report found a dose-dependent rela- signs.1, 17, 28, 29 These findings may be due to owner’s in-
tionship to clinical signs with the most minor signs (eg, ability to correctly determine the amount ingested or
salivation and lethargy) noted at 1–3 mg/kg of parox- prompt implementation of therapeutic measures such as
etine and sertraline, whereas more severe signs such as calling a veterinary poison control helpline for treatment
tremoring and hyperthermia were not seen until the dose recommendations, rapid onset of emesis and decontam-
reached between 8 and 10 mg/kg of fluoxetine and ser- ination, and/or time to presentation to the veterinarian
traline. Seizure activity was not noted until the dose ex- for treatment.
ceeded 25 mg/kg of fluoxetine and sertraline but was Four patients in this study displayed a collection
observed when doses exceeded 3 mg/kg of paroxetine.1 of clinical signs associated with the development of
The results of this retrospective study support the pre- serotonin syndrome. Serotonin syndrome has been
vious findings in human and veterinary literature re- previously described in dogs following the ingestion
garding the clinical signs associated with ingestion of of the serotonergic agent 5-hydroxytryptophan29 and
supra-therapeutic doses of SSRIs. In the current study, dogs chronically exposed to supra-therapeutic levels of
CNS depression, CNS stimulation, and GI upset were fluoxetine.17 Despite the association with more severe
the most prevalent signs in symptomatic animals. CNS manifestations of toxicosis, all the dogs in the current
and GI signs were also the most common adverse ef- study that developed serotonin syndrome responded
fects noted when fluoxetine was used at therapeutic well to medical attention and recovered fully (n = 4/4).
doses for the treatment of separation anxiety,4 suggesting This outcome is consistent with other reports of sero-
that these adverse effects may represent mild serotonin tonin syndrome in dogs and people that suggest most
toxicity. patients recover within 24 hours following discontinu-
The aforementioned study by Mohammed-Zadeh ation of the specific SSRI medication and institution of
et al,1 along with experimental animal studies and a supportive care.18, 19, 25
number of retrospective studies in people, has iden- Although the development of severe clinical signs has
tified a dose-dependent relationship with the de- been documented in people and other animals follow-
velopment and severity of clinical signs with SSRI ing the ingestion of a single SSRI, the most serious clin-
intoxication.4, 18, 20–24 However, in the current retrospec- ical manifestation, serotonin syndrome, is more com-
tive study, a dose-dependent relationship for the devel- mon following the ingestion of multiple serotonergic
opment of clinical signs was established only for flu- agents.19 TCAs and MAOIs are the most commonly im-
oxetine. No significant association was observed with plicated coingestants in human medicine. Because these
escitalopram, paroxetine, and sertraline. A recent study medications are also used in veterinary medicine (eg,
reviewing intoxication associated with the serotonergic amitriptyline and clomipramine), the risk for coingestion
agent 5-hydroxytryptophan in dogs also did not demon- still exists (ie, “polypharmacy toxicosis”), with the po-
strate a correlation between the severity of clinical signs tential for severe clinical consequences. Other serotoner-
and dose ingested.25 It is possible that with these medica- gic medications used in veterinary medicine include the
tions individual metabolic variation and veterinary care phenylpiperidine opioids (eg, fentanyl and tramadol),
(eg, speed to decontamination, etc) had a greater impact mirtazipine, buspirone, amitraz, and chlorpheniramine.
on the development of clinical signs than dose ingested. As multidrug ingestion was considered an exclusion cri-
Individual variation in MAO activity has been demon- terion in this study, coingestion was not evaluated in the
strated in human medicine to affect circulating concen- current study, which may explain the small number of
trations of serotonin.26 This variability can result from dogs who developed more serious clinical signs (eg, sero-
individual genetic variation or diseases that affect the tonin syndrome and seizures) in this patient population.
vascular endothelium, the site of the majority of MAO As the use of SSRIs becomes more common in veterinary
activity.27 Such variability in MAO activity has been sug- medicine, the clinician will need to be conscious of the
gested to predispose certain people to the development potential for drug interactions and the clinical signs of
of serotonin syndrome.27 Although it has not yet been serotonin toxicity and serotonin syndrome.
demonstrated in veterinary patients, it is possible that The current study did not identify an increased preva-
individual variation in MAO activity, based on genet- lence of any specific sign in relation to any specific
ics or underlying disease states, may contribute to the individual SSRI medication. It has been reported in
likelihood of the development of clinical signs following people that acute overdoses of citalopram are asso-
ingestion of an SSRI. ciated with an increased risk of electrocardiographic

C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00805.x 679
D. E. Thomas et al.

abnormalities such as a prolonged QT interval rela- duced ability to metabolize and excrete these drugs,
tive to other SSRIs.18, 21 The suggested mechanism for these patients may warrant more aggressive treatment
this prolongation is the inhibition of potassium chan- measures and a longer duration of treatment following
nels in the conducting system of the heart by the citalo- the exposure.
pram metabolite didesmethylcitalopram.2 In the current As previously stated, individual factors such as in-
study, the observed prevalence of cardiovascular abnor- trinsic MAO activity and the presence of vascular dis-
malities was low; however, electrocardiographic evalu- ease may predispose patients to SSRI toxicity.1, 19 In-
ation was not available for any cases. Therefore, it is creased susceptibility to SSRIs has been documented
unknown whether QT interval prolongation occurred in humans with atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, and
and went undetected. Other cardiovascular abnormali- hypothyroidism.27, 30 Although atherosclerosis is not
ties associated with excess serotonin include tachycar- common in veterinary patients, other diseases which af-
dia and hypertension.30 These effects are mediated cen- fect the vasculature (eg, hypothyroidism, diabetes mel-
trally through modulation of sympathetic tone via 5-HT1 litus, and hyperlipidemia) are relatively common; cur-
and 5-HT2 receptors and peripherally through vascular rently, it is unknown whether these disease processes
smooth muscle and platelet interactions.1 Blood pres- affect the veterinary patient’s vulnerability to SSRI toxi-
sure measurements were not consistently available, so cosis. The presence of such comorbidities should be con-
the prevalence of hypertension could not be determined sidered when developing and implementing a treatment
in this study. plan following SSRI intoxication.
Seizures have been noted more frequently in people
following citalopram overdoses relative to other SSRIs.18
In this study, seizures were noted infrequently (0.6%
[2/313]). No milligram per kilogram dose was avail- The retrospective nature of this study prevented uniform
able in these 2 dogs. Mohammed-Zadeh et al1 reported data collection for all cases. Due to uncertainty relating
seizures in 3.2% of dogs (n = 189) following SSRI intox- to the amount of drug ingested, a number of cases were
ication, but citalopram was not evaluated in this report. removed from statistical analysis, thereby lessening the
Because of the low incidence of seizures in the current statistical power of the study. The dependence on own-
study, it is not possible to draw conclusions about the ers reporting their pets’ clinical signs via telephone, as
propensity of citalopram or any other SSRI to precipi- opposed to being able to rely on results of physical ex-
tate seizures in veterinary patients. The low incidence amination, and the difficulty in accurately determining
reported here may be the result of early intervention in- the exact amount of medication ingested further limited
cluding induction of emesis and the administration of the study. However, history taking with any emergent
activated charcoal that minimized the amount of toxi- or critically ill patient is subjective and limited by the
cant absorbed. accuracy of information provided by the pet owner or
SSRIs are metabolized by the liver through the cy- caretaker. Another limitation of the study was the lower
tochrome P450 isoenzymes.1 Fluoxetine, paroxetine, and number of cases with complete follow-up despite nu-
sertraline are highly protein bound.28 As a result, SSRIs merous attempts to obtain it. As a result, it is possible
have the potential to alter the liver’s ability to metab- that some of the patients initially reported as asymp-
olize other drugs and may alter the plasma concentra- tomatic later developed unreported clinical signs. Inter-
tion of other compounds that are highly protein bound. pretation of results should be evaluated in light of these
In addition, many of these compounds generate active limitations.
metabolites, which prolong their duration of effect and
may also act as either substrates for or inhibitors of var-
ious hepatic isoenzymes. The presence of these active
metabolites, which are primarily eliminated through the Despite the limitations, this report shows that the prog-
urine, prolongs the half-life of these compounds and in- nosis for dogs experiencing SSRI toxicosis is excellent
creases the period during which drug interactions may with treatment. Complicating factors such as hepatic im-
occur.2, 31 Previous exposure to medications that inhibit pairment may potentially worsen the prognosis due to
the cytochrome P450 system, such as ketoconazole, may alterations in the pharmacokinetics for the specific SSRI;
increase a patient’s potential for developing toxicosis fol- therefore, additional studies are warranted that look at
lowing ingestion of an SSRI. Animals with preexisting this specific patient population. In addition, further in-
renal or hepatic disease may be more susceptible to the formation is needed regarding the potential for interac-
effects of these medications and more likely to develop tions between SSRIs and other medications commonly
clinical signs following their ingestion. Due to their re- prescribed for veterinary patients.

C Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society 2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1476-4431.2012.00805.x
SSRI antidepressant toxicosis in dogs

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