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INSTRUMENTATION LAB REPORT EXPERIMED Name Faculty No. Enrollment No. Subject Code NT NO. 4 Aquib Jamal 19ELB156 GL3162 ELC2930 Scanned with CamScanner Deeks Saath MRasure. Seyry Onl Joye deviediva eat, He belp 4 sypsocy sengitive ade five, bridge CRO/Dso Renton, Gerenfe Resictences Digital Nutionte Capacitince Box Resistance Box Freprcy Devtaon using sete tyr bridge Pornufla Use? s fe ed 2RRC Scanned with CamScanner Observation Table Part “CE=O-O22UF , R2R =IOK - _ BeNo.|Preqpency Cette) | Reterritiat (cn) | Rpretiet Cka)_| error | FOS, 7.9 Te poor 2 2 3-9 38 2:56% 3 4 | 2-6 24 W537 4 4 gq 1-8 526% 5 5 15 44 [_ 666% 6 6 1-3 1-2 ‘| Te 10% 7 4 10 | 9-09 %. 8 g 0-9 0-9 oO 4 4 O8 | O38 Or 10 10 O71 0-7 or Pact I C=C, FO°O22 UP R,=R 10K Sr-No- Freg yreney (Ke) EME (mv) 1 6 qe 2 _ 58 4-0 3 | 5-6 8-9 4 | SY 8-5 5 | Pas Qe é | 5-0 1:9 il 4-8 9-3 8 4-6 a5 4 4.4 a4 le G2 vt i wo 4-3 Scanned with CamScanner Graph of Frequency Deviation vs EMF Voltage Scanned with CamScanner “We gph between Corrected Cre] ond cwirec-teal fryers is Plittest ont 4s Jourcl to Deve V-age Discus sion | / ‘Ta the Sxperimet, we have uted He achive bridge to measure Fepene ond colewte Freape distibdion . Tis circu is Uteal gor Measurements q Teaictencer in Bras 4 capeditouces, Th “4 he wicked ioks boo Pacts We Si tattioes lorpored is that the. telerance resto aud capacitors YS VO. We Cor ute mmuftiocte- as the cletecte Ty male dhe mubtieeten awoudte, we use earner or coupled Yesivtance instead 4 fesictence. ben, Scanned with CamScanner

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