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Smart City Battery Operated IoT Based Indoor Air

Quality Monitoring System

Siavash Esfahani*, Piers Rollins*, Jan Peter Specht*, Marina Cole*, Julian W. Gardner*
School of Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK;;;;

Abstract—Indoor and outdoor air pollution is known to There are on-going efforts by the UK government to
cause many health problems. In order to improve air quality it conduct large-scale outdoor air quality monitoring, through
is essential to monitor relevant parameters and identify sources the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
of pollutants. This paper presents the design and development (DEFRA). However, it is also necessary to pursue more local
of a low-cost, portable Internet of Things (IoT) Indoor Air monitoring, since there can be substantial variations in
Quality (IAQ) monitoring system with 30 hours of battery life. pollutants over relatively small distances [10], e.g. busy
The unit is intended for the monitoring of total VOCs, CO2, roads next to an office. Due to the increased awareness of
PM2.5, PM10, temperature, humidity and illuminance. The IAQ, and continually improving technological capabilities, a
system can be used for both real-time measurements as well as
variety of commercial and research monitoring systems have
hourly and daily averaging, in low power modes, and interfaces
been developed in the past decade. In this area, the recent
with a custom Blynk smartphone app, developed for easy user
engagement. The device calculates a qualitative air quality
focus has been on ‘smart systems’, which can both gather
index from measurements taken in-situ, based on United States and analyse data and perform appropriate
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards. actions/instructions. In the context of IAQ, this relates to
Environmental data is used by the system to provide monitoring devices, which can automatically control the
recommendations, such as increasing ventilation or reducing ventilation and air-conditioning systems in order to improve
activity levels, which can help users improve their air quality. IAQ, thus in turn improving the health, comfort and well-
This system can be used as a node to monitor air quality in being of occupants. The price of commercial IAQ
large scale networks for Smart Cities. monitoring systems vary depending on their measurement
and analysis capabilities. Examples include the Foobot
Keywords—Air Quality Monitoring; Internet of Things; (Airboxlab S.A., USA) and Awair (Bitfinder, USA), which
Indoor air quality; Cloud Computing Component; Smart Cities are popular products in this market and measure parameters
such as temperature, humidity, VOCs, and PM2.5 – fine
I. INTRODUCTION particulate matter, with diameters less than 2.5 µm [11].
These products require mains power and are therefore not
In the United Kingdom (UK), people spend an estimated
portable. Other developments include new air quality-sensing
90% of their time indoors [1]. In recent years, there has been
networks, which interconnect individual personal air
a growing interest in monitoring and assessing the air quality
monitoring devices to create ‘smart cities’. The Air Quality
within and around buildings/structures, especially as it
Egg (Wicked Device, USA) and the Smart Citizen Platform
relates to the health and comfort of occupants. This is
(Acrobotic Industries, USA) are examples of currently
referred to as indoor air quality (IAQ). Indoor environments
established networks [11]. In these Internet-of-Things (IoT)
are associated with two to five times more pollutants than the
networks, each monitoring device functions as a node and
outdoors [2]. These pollutants include a variety of airborne
shares IAQ data with the platform via Wi-Fi.
contaminants, such as gaseous compounds (volatile organic
compounds – VOCs, and some non-VOCs, like CO2), Many commercially-available devices are currently quite
particulate matter (PM) and biological sources, e.g. mould. expensive, not portable, cannot connect to smart phones and
Short- and long-term exposures to these pollutants are known do not provide detailed information about the sensors
to adversely affect the well-being of occupants and have included within the system (e.g. whether VOCs are measured
established links to several serious diseases (e.g. coronary using CO2 equivalent units or using a gas sensor with wide
heart disease – CHD [3], stroke [4], chronic obstructive cross-sensitivity to a number of VOCs). Furthermore, their
pulmonary disease – COPD [5], and lung cancer [6]). methods for calculating and rating IAQ are often not fully-
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), air disclosed. In order for IAQ monitors and IAQ-networks to
pollution represents the most significant environmental risk gain wide-spread adoption in indoor environments (e.g. in
to health [7]. Air pollution has also been identified as the offices and at home), there is a need for two developments to
most significant environmental health risk in Europe [8]. In take place. Firstly, there needs to be more transparency
the UK, poor IAQ places a significant burden on the National and/or standardisation regarding how relevant parameters for
Health Service (NHS) and social care system, with an IAQ are measured and evaluated. Secondly, IAQ monitors
estimated cost of $1.6 billion, between 2017 and 2025 [9]. In need to become low-cost, portable, IoT-enabled and easy to
order to successfully improve IAQ, it is necessary to integrate within a smart network. This paper describes the
effectively monitor and assess pollutants and identify their design and development of such a device and demonstrates
sources. its real-world application.

978-1-7281-6801-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Gothenburg. Downloaded on December 20,2020 at 04:40:03 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Product (Manufacturer)/ Operating Measurement range
Indexes are used to provide the user with a simple and Type Principle (accuracy)
easily understandable measure of air quality. These take all
relevant parameters into account (based on weightings) to BME680 (Bosch)/ Metal oxide Temp: -40‒85°C (±1°C)
Temperature & humidity gas sensor Hum: 0‒100% (±3%)
compute a single value for overall air quality. Currently,
there is no official government IAQ index, but such indexes CCS811 (AMS)/ Metal oxide 0 – 1200 ppb
Total VOC (TVOC) gas sensor (N/A)
have been developed by researchers in the past, for example
for indoor environment quality (IEQ), based on US, UK and Nondispersive
SCD30 (Sensiron)/ 400 – 10000 ppm
EU exposure guidelines [11]. This paper proposes an indoor Carbon dioxide (CO2)
(30 ppm + 3%)
air quality index (IAQI) based on guidelines from the US 0 – 1000 μg/m3
SPS30 (Sensiron)/ Laser-based
Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). The US EPA Particulate matter (PM) light scattering (± 10 μg/m3)
index ranges from 0 – 500, where 0 is excellent and 500 is Infrared-
hazardous air quality. Factors considered in this index VEML7700 (Vishay)/ 0 – 167000 lux
include specific VOCs and PM. The proposed IAQI system Illuminance (light) (± 0.005 lux)
also considers other parameters related to the indoor
environment, such as illuminance, temperature and humidity.
All 5 IAQ factors (VOC, PM, light, temperature humidity) This provides a flexible design, whereby the sensors can
are compared, using nested max functions, and equally be exchanged or easily replaced. The dimensions of the PCB
weighted to produce the final IAQI score, which is between 0 are 140 mm × 100 mm fit inside the housing (1455N1601,
– 500 (following the concept proposed by the US EPA). Hammond, Canada). The housing was machined to allow
mounting of the fan and switch, light to reach the
The developed IoT air quality monitoring system is illuminance sensor and ventilation air holes. The machined
rechargeable and portable, and can be added to the node in a housing, with PCB, are shown in Fig. 2.
monitoring network. It consists of a low-cost sensor array,
interfaced using I2C, controlled by using a HUZZAH32 The fan, power switch and battery bank are installed
development microcontroller board (Adafruit, USA). This inside the housing. When powered on, the microcontroller
module includes a Wi-Fi module that can send real-time data connects automatically to the Wi-Fi infrastructure, to the
to the server. All the raw data and analysis is stored in the cloud server. It then routes power to the fan and each of the
cloud and can be downloaded by the user, if required. After a sensor individually, setting them into their drive modes (to
value for IAQ has been calculated in the cloud, the value is collect and store data). The data is transmitted from the
sent to the user’s smartphone. Based on the IAQI value, a sensors to the microcontroller and stored in memory. The air
suggestion for improving air quality will appear on the smart quality data is then accessed in the memory of the
phone app. A fan is included to provide air flow through the microcontroller and processed – calculating moving averages
enclosure and over the sensors. A system diagram for the and computing the air quality index. These data are
IAQ-monitoring device is shown in Fig. 1. transmitted to the 3rd party Blynk service, which transmits
the data to the smart phone app, in real-time, and displays it
The list of sensors used within the system, with their to the user.
type, operating principles, measurement ranges and accuracy
are shown in Table 1. The Blynk app has two major advantages. Firstly, it
provides a user-friendly platform, with a clean design, to
The device is powered using 6 × L91 Energizer lithium display the data to the user. Secondly, it provides storage
batteries, with a capacity of around 3000 mAh [59], with 30 space in the cloud to achieve remote monitoring, whereby
hours of battery life, under real-time logging conditions. The everyone has access to the data when required (e.g. historical
battery life can be increased by changing the sampling time. monitoring data). This reduces the amount of physical
Also the system can be powered by USB cable which memory needed in the hardware and eliminates the issue of
chargers the battery at the same time. These were chosen running out of memory (e.g. on an SD card).
due to their high capacity and good response to different
current demands. The microcontroller and sensor array are The design of the custom app is shown in Fig. 3. It has a
mounted onto a custom printed circuit board (PCB), via home screen (with a real-time graph), and multiple tabs,
headers. which can be used to navigate to individual sensor readings
(Fig. 3 – left), or display the overall IAQI score (Fig. 3 –

Fig. 2. Assembled prototype of AQ monitoring system.

Fig. 1. IoT IAQ-monitoring system diagram

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Gothenburg. Downloaded on December 20,2020 at 04:40:03 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
400 PM2.5 AQI
Average AQI



20:24 20:38 20:52 21:07


Fig. 5. Indoor Kitchen Environment (1 occupant)

Sampling continued for over 1 hour, during which it was

possible to measure the exposure limits, where maximum of
no more than 1500 ppm is recommended for schools over an
Fig. 3. IoT IAQ-monitoring system Blynk App
8-hr period. After an hour, the average CO2 dropped to 930
A separate tab provides the user with recommendations ppm – which is still high, but well within the range of
on how the IAQI score can be improved, depending on the acceptable safe limits.
pollutant. The recommendations are displayed using an The second test was conducted in a kitchen environment,
intuitive colour scheme, following the concept proposed by during which food was being prepared. Cooking has been
the US EPA. A warning tab displays which pollutant the linked to increased PM pollution, particularly for meals
highest, using 15-minute is averaging. This can be increased involving broiling fish [12]. The duration of this test was also
to 8-hr and 24-hr averaging, which are the durations required an hour and involved one-person cooking, with an extraction
for exposure limits to be calculated. From the app, the user fan running. The average IAQI score was 51.18, with
can select two modes, always on or sleep, in which the standard deviation 5.07, as shown in Fig. 5.
device is on for 15-min and then off for 45-min.
The cooking activities were completed at 20:47 and the
occupant left the room from that point onwards. Both CO2
III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS levels and TVOC levels were elevated, with CO2 having a
Two experiments were conducted to demonstrate that the mean of 900 ppm and a standard deviation of 46.1. The level
developed IoT IAQ-monitoring systems functions as a proof- of CO2 was the main contributor to the increased IAQ factor.
of-concept. Measurements of individual IAQ factors and Other factors such as PM2.5 and TVOC levels were also
overall IAQI scores were recorded in two different indoor elevated, but still in acceptable regions.
The first test was conducted in one of the computer IV. CONCLUSIONS
laboratories in the School of Engineering, University of This paper describes the design and development of a
Warwick. During this test, a teaching session with 100 prototype for an IoT-enabled IAQ monitoring system, with a
students was in progress. The average overall IAQI score custom app for data logging and user recommendations. An
was 43.8, ranging from 35.5 – 77. Whilst this indicates good IAQI has been proposed to present a measure for air quality
IAQ, the CO2 level was poor. Since the other factors were to the user. The data can be viewed in real-time or reported
good, the factor of CO2 is not weighted enough to indicate as an hourly or daily average. This prototype system offers
that overall quality is poor – since it was not. This is shown advantages such as improved customization, and flexibility
in Fig. 4. in selecting various low cost sensors. The total cost of the
500 device is around $200, with 30 hours of battery life, under
real-time logging conditions. The current prototype includes
400 CO2 AQI a sensor array, which monitors major air pollutants, such as
PM2.5 AQI TVOCs and PM. Additional relevant environmental
Average AQI
parameters, such as humidity, temperature and light are also
BME AQI monitored, since these relate to the comfort level of the

occupant. By creating a simple IAQ monitoring system, a

wireless sensor network can be made operational, which
would enable robust pollution mapping, with spatial data.
100 This could enable monitoring of several rooms, on different
floors, feeding data into a central server, tied to a web app.
0 This method could then be marketed to companies as a
17:16 17:31 17:45 18:00 18:14 complete monitoring solution for IAQ. Further work would
Time(HH:mm) involve data security measures, which could be achieved
using SSL or HTTPS.
Fig. 4. Busy Indoor Space (100 occupants)

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