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The service time for each server

follows an exponential probability
3. The service rate m is the same for
each server
4. The arrivals wait in a single waiting
line and then move to the first
open server for service

▪ λ = the mean number of arrivals per time

period (the arrival rate)
▪ μ = the mean number of services per time
period (the service rate)
▪ k = the number of servers
▪ Po = probability there are customers
▪ Lq = Average number of customers / units
in the waiting line
▪ L = Average number of customers / units in
the system
▪ Wq = Average time a customer / units will
spend waiting line
▪ W = Average time a customer / units will
spend in the system
▪ Pw = Probability that an arriving customer SIMULATION
would wait for service?
▪ Pn = Probability that there are n in the ▪ Interarrival time = a + r(b-a) where:
system • r = random number between 0 and 1
• a = minimum arrival time
▪ Multiple-server waiting line consists of • b = maximum arrival time
two or more servers that are assumed to be ▪ Arrival time (AT) = current IAT + previous
identical in terms of service capability AT
▪ two typical queueing possibilities ▪ Service Start Time (SST) = arrival time (AT)
a) arriving customers wait in a single waiting or completion time (CT), whichever is higher
line (called a “pooled” or “shared” queue) ▪ Completion time (CT) = service start time
and then move to the first available server (SST) + service time (ST)
for processing, or ▪ Waiting time (WT) = service start time (SST)
b) each server has a “dedicated” queue and – arrival time (AT)
an arriving customer selects one of these ▪ Time in system (TS) = completion time (CT)
lines to join (and typically is not allowed to – arrival time (AT)
switch lines). ▪ Time in system (TS) = waiting time (WT) +
service time (ST)
▪ Steady-state Operating ▪ Server Utilization Rate = Total ST / (Max
Characteristics CT - Min CT)
1. The arrivals follow a Poisson ▪ End of Simulation = last customer’s
probability distribution completion time

Roxy ♡

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