Python Programs Handwritten Notes

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P" n-\- ( 3 . mu \-\-\ t:>\_j ")

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"\...o ,' Ce \" ( '1', '2.'' 'j', 'Lr'):
nut'Y) 1 ::: ~\.oa.t (if"\Pof ( en-\e."f c,..01 f\u(Y)b erY ")
Ovm'l = ~loa.t ( i flPut ( .., er)4e--r Se(Dt1d number( ·0

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e\; C cno \ t e :: :: \ 2. I : .

()',1n+-(numt, ,,_,, f\um1,, ..,='' 5ube,h-oc:\·· (nurn', C\UM'l-)

e\,~ crn,c-e '3' :

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e. \\ ( "~ ( e. :: \ Lt I '.

p1r1 n-\- ( ()\) fl)I , ,, / " , ()um '2 , " ct," ide. (f\um< , vr{")'l)

f\e'X~-Co\CJCt.:;Ho() \opu-\- (-' Luol")-\ -\o c\D af'to-tt"\01 c~\uru-io~

('jesl no) : ")


Mput : Se.\e.ct- open-Q:J--lon-

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2 . ~ , ¼tftl~ s u 'os\'ll'G c. .\-
2 · fr\ Ol-ttPI
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e.n\e--c c\-\oice. (1 I 2.1 3 / <4) : 4

eYt\erY ~ir,-s-\- flurt") bert : 3o
en-\e"'J sewund. numbe,,y _. .3

3o·C ( 3.c ::- /CJ·cl

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