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Joint attention and children with

autism: A review of the literature
Robert Koegel

Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews

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RESEARCH REVIEWS 10: 169–175 (2004)


Yvonne Bruinsma,* Robert L. Koegel, and Lynn Kern Koegel
Special Education, Developmental Disabilities, and Risk Studies, Graduate School of Education, University of California,
at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California

Preverbal communication and joint attention have long been of INTENTIONAL COMMUNICATION
interest to researchers and practitioners. Both attending to social partners In typical children the emergence of joint attention skills
and sharing attentional focus between objects or events and others precede
the onset of a child’s first lexicon. In addition, these prelinguistic acts also is closely intertwined with the development of intentional com-
appear to have important implications with regard to learning to socialize. munication. Intentional communication is most likely the result
The construct of joint attention has been noted as an early developing area of the infant beginning to understand that another person can be
prior to the transition to symbolic communication. Thus, the importance of a means for the achievement of the infant’s goal and that the
joint attention in typically developing children, and the lack thereof in
children with autism, has interested researchers for use in diagnosis and infant can send signals that effect that person’s actions [Bates et
intervention for autism. That is, joint attention has been gaining momen- al., 1975; Prizant and Wetherby, 1987]. This developmental
tum as an area that not only helps characterize children with autism, but continuum has been charted in considerable detail by Sugarman
also as a prognostic indicator and a potential intervention goal. In this [1984], who described the transition from the newborn baby’s
paper, the status of the literature about initiation of joint attention by young
typically developing children and young children with autism was exam- showing little awareness of a goal and instead reacting diffusely
ined. Empirical studies regarding joint attention behaviors, including eye with primary emotions to nonspecific situations, to the evolu-
gaze alternation, the use of protodeclaratives and protoimperatives, and tion of understanding of the world; ultimately coordinating
studies that investigated joint attention as a predictor of language acquisi- behaviors, modifying communicative signals as needed, and
tion were reviewed. Possible areas for future research for children with
autism are discussed. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. directing communication to more than one person if unsuccess-
MRDD Research Reviews 2004;10:169 –175. ful with the first. As the child progresses along this continuum,
behaviors become more and more goal directed, conventional,
and purposeful. In other words, there is no distinct moment in
Key Words: autism; joint attention; intentional communication
development where child communication becomes “intentful.”
Rather, the child slowly learns between 6 and 9 months of age,
that behaviors have “consistent and predictable effects” [Wilcox
et al., 1996, pp. 373] as a result of parents or other communi-

nterest in joint attention in children with autism has greatly cative partners attributing meaning to actions. For example, an
increased in the recent literature. However, the term “joint
infant may reach for a desired toy on the table. The nearby
attention” can be a confusing construct, because it often
parent interprets this behavior as a request for the toy, even
refers to not one, but a cluster of behaviors that share the
though the child never communicated directly in any way to the
common goal of communicating with another person about a
parent, and hands the toy to the child [Wilcox et al., 1996].
third entity in a nonverbal way, including eye gaze alternation
and gesturing. Although the literature contains a number of However, some authors [i.e., Trevarthen, 1979] argue that the
different definitions of joint attention, these can be divided into infant plays a more active role in this process and that the
one of two classes: 1) response to joint attention (RJA), which emergence of intentionality is consequently also the result of
can be defined as a child’s response to the parent’s point or shift child behaviors that can be observed as early as 2 to 3 months of
in eye gaze, or 2) initiation of joint attention (IJA), which can be age. As Trevarthen puts it, it is not merely the mother who
defined as a child’s seeking another’s attention. Due to space attributes meaning to the infant’s actions, the child “is speaking
limitations, this paper will exclusively focus on the different to her” [Trevarthen, 1979, pp. 346].
forms (eye gaze alternation, pointing, and showing) and func- No standard operational definition exists in the literature
tions (i.e., protoimperatives and protodeclaratives) of IJA by for the construct of intentional communication [Prizant and
young typical children and by young children with autism. Wetherby, 1987; Calandrella and Wilcox, 2000]. The ground-
Specifically, this paper will begin by examining the importance
of intentional communication and how it relates to the devel- *Correspondence to: Yvonne Bruinsma, Componistenlaan 195, 2215 SR Voorhout,
opment of IJA. Subsequently, an overview of the development Netherlands. E-mail:
of the initiation of joint attention bids will be provided. Finally, Received 19 October 2004; Accepted 20 October 2004
Published online in Wiley InterScience (
this paper will examine the value of IJA as a prognostic indicator DOI: 10.1002/mrdd.20036
of outcome.
© 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
breaking and often cited work by Bates These authors studied 28 infants playing Protodeclaratives are also de-
[1979] placed the emergence of inten- with their mothers at 3-month intervals scribed in the literature as commenting,
tional communication around 9 months between the ages of 6 and 18 months. Six indicating, referencing, and joint atten-
of age and she defined intentional com- categories of engagement were coded: 1) tion [Warren and Yoder, 1998] and can
munication in terms of three characteris- Unengaged, 2) Onlooking (infant ob- include pointing, showing, giving, etc.
tics. The first characteristic pertained to serves without participating), 3) Persons [Bates et al., 1975]. Protodeclaratives
the emergence of joint attention, specif- (infant is engaged only with the other can be defined in slightly different ways
ically the alternation of eye gaze between person), 4) Objects (infant plays and at- as calling another individual’s attention
an object and the communicative partner tends to object only), 5) Passive Joint to an object or interest [Wetherby et
during a communicative exchange. A (infant and other person play together, al., 1988], showing positive affect
second characteristic was the child’s per- but infant does not acknowledge other’s about an object or interest [Warren and
sistence in gesturing and/or vocalizing presence or involvement), and 6) Coor- Yoder, 1998], or using an object as the
until the communicative goal is met. dinated Joint (infant divides attention and means to obtain adult attention [Bates
Similar repair strategies described by alternates gaze between object and other et al., 1975].
Wetherby, Alexander, and Prizant [1998] person). The authors found that the fre- The pattern of emergence and sub-
appear to be evident in verbal children quency, duration, and relative amount of sequent development for protoimpera-
wherein a child will modify their behav- time spent in the category of Coordi- tives and protodeclaratives is similar to
ior in a persistent effort to be understood. nated Joint increased with age, albeit rel-
Finally, Bates noted that a child’s vocal- the slow yet steady increase in occur-
atively slowly. For example, in a 10- rences by age of coordinated joint atten-
izations during intentional communica- minute free play session with the mother,
tion attempts begin to more closely re- tion episodes that Bakeman and Adam-
a third of the 9-month olds engaged in son [1984] noted. Infants reach for
semble speech patterns and/or coordinated joint attention, but on aver-
conventional sounds. Intentional com- objects from an early age, but do not
age for only 2% of the total 10-minute begin to alternate their gaze between the
munication according to Bates [1979] play time. Not until 18 months of age
may therefore change as follows: A pre- desired object and the face of the com-
was each infant observed in coordinated municative partner until 11 to 12 months
ferred item such as a bottle is no longer joint attention at least once during the 10
requested by a short one-syllable vocal- of age [Bates et al., 1975]. Furthermore,
minutes, for an average of 26.6% of the requesting and commenting, the two
ization (“eeeeh”) but by a closer approx- playtime.
imation to the actual word (“baabaa”), most frequent functions of communica-
Subsequent research helped to de- tion during the prelinguistic stage
combined with gaze alternation between
fine the different functions eye gaze al-
the mother and the bottle and persistent [Wetherby et al., 1988], become more
ternations may serve. Although research-
efforts that may include reaching or complex in their topography as a result of
ers vary somewhat in their definitions of
pointing until the bottle is obtained. As a the development of increasingly sophis-
function, generally a distinction is made
whole, these studies suggest that inten- ticated and explicit gestures [Iverson and
between two main functions: protoim-
tional communication involves a com- Thal, 1998]. Bates and colleagues [1975]
plex array of social interaction, persis- peratives and protodeclaratives [cf. Glea-
found, for example, that, at approxi-
tence, and environmental feedback. son, 2001]. Protoimperatives are defined
by the child’s request or rejection for mately 13 months of age, reaching and
social interaction, objects, or actions gaze alternation were first combined
INITIATION OF JOINT with pointing to the desired object. It is
ATTENTION IN TYPICAL [Warren and Yoder, 1998]. Requesting
can take many forms, for example, whin- not until 15 months, however, that most
CHILDREN children engage in these complex re-
Although researchers vary as to the ing or reaching while opening and clos-
ing the hand [Carpenter et al., 1998]. questing and commenting behaviors with
specific criteria used to define intentional greater frequencies [Bakeman and Adam-
communication, many suggest that the However, one must determine (as for
protodeclaratives) with relative certainty son, 1984; Sugarman, 1984]. For exam-
emergence of IJA is critical. It even is ple, Dersochers et al. [1995] followed the
often described as a pivotal point in de- that the child’s communication is intent-
ful. For example, whining must therefore production of pointing in 25 typically
velopment, both as the culmination of developing infants every 3 months be-
early social development during the first be combined with looking toward
mother, pointing at the desired object, tween the ages of 6 to 18 months and for
part of infancy and as the foundation for
sustained attempts until the goal is follow-up at 24 months of age. They
and beginning of true language acquisi-
tion [Werner and Kaplan, 1963; Bruner, reached, or a combination of such indi- distinguished noncommunicative point-
1975]. When a child begins to engage in cators of intent [Warren and Yoder, ing from communicative pointing by
joint attention, his or her communica- 1998]. including eye contact from infant to
tion evolves from an exclusively dyadic Wetherby et al. [1988] reported mother within 1 s of the produced
interaction between the child and com- that, during a 30-min sample of the be- point for the latter. None of the chil-
municative partner to coordinated com- havior of very young typical children dren pointed at 6 or 9 months of age.
munication with the child’s attention (mean age 12;29), requesting of actions At 12 months of age, 67% of children
now divided and alternated between the or objects occurred twice as much as pointed noncommunicatively, but only
communicative partner and an object protesting during the prelinguistic stage. 13% of children pointed with eye con-
[Bakeman and Adamson, 1984; Mundy This research suggests that a more spe- tact. At 18 months of age, all children
and Willoughby, 1998]. cific evaluation of function, even within displayed noncommunicative pointing,
The progression of the develop- a category (in this case behavior regula- and communicative pointing had in-
ment of gaze alternation in typical chil- tion), may be important for diagnosis and creased to 79%. At follow up (24
dren is clearly documented in the seminal for intervention, particularly in the area months), all children displayed both
study by Bakeman and Adamson [1984]. of requests for social interaction. forms of pointing.
INITIATION OF JOINT nosed with autism with a control group. low structured contexts designed to elicit
ATTENTION IN CHILDREN Adrien et al. [1993] compared child be- social communication. The instrument
WITH AUTISM haviors from home films and reported provides detailed information about all
A key component of joint atten- abnormal eye contact for the children joint attention behaviors, including not
tion is the division and alternation of the later diagnosed with autism. Eye contact only the form, but also the function (e.g.,
child’s attention between the communi- was rated as most deviant during the first eye gaze alternation to share enjoyment
cative partner and an object [Bakeman year of life, with a slight improvement versus eye gaze alternation to request).
and Adamson, 1984; Mundy and Wil- during the second year of life. Osterling One important and often-cited study by
loughby, 1998]. This alternation involves and Dawson [1994] conducted a study Mundy et al. [1986] compared child be-
one of the most reported deficits of chil- comparing first birthday home video- haviors on the ESCS between samples of
dren with autism: eye contact. Evidence tapes of children with autism and typi- typical children, children with autism,
for the relative absence or atypical nature cally developing children. The authors and children with mental retardation of
of eye contact in children with autism found that the frequency and duration of various etiologies other than autism.
comes from a variety of studies. One of looking at other persons was the single Nonverbal and verbal children were in-
the earliest studies to gather retrospective best predictor of a later diagnosis of au- cluded, with ages ranging from 38 to 75
developmental data was conducted by tism. A further study of first birthday months. The results suggested that the
Ornitz et al. [1977, 1978]. A sample con- home videotapes indicated that the behaviors of the children with autism
sisting of 74 children with autism and 30 amount of time spent looking at people were most atypical in the category of
typically developing children was se- was a significant marker for children with initiation of joint attention behaviors.
lected and parents were asked to com- autism compared to typically developing Specifically, in comparison with both the
plete a written inventory about their de- children and compared to children with typical children and the children with
velopmental delays in their first and other developmental delays [Osterling et mental retardation, the children with au-
second years of life. Interestingly, al- al., 2002]. In her review of the literature, tism engaged significantly less in eye con-
though the average age of the children Stone [1998] pointed out, for differential tact to share enjoyment with the exam-
with autism in the sample was 45.2 diagnosis, it may be helpful if future re- iner during toy play, both when the
months, “all but a few of these young search focused on distinguishing between examiner was holding a wind up toy and
children were essentially without speech” symptoms of autism and symptoms of when the toy was active, a finding con-
[Ornitz et al., 1977, pp 213]. Socially, the cognitive and language delays indepen- sistent with other studies [i.e., Charman
children with autism were described as dent of autism. et al., 1997]. Interestingly, eye contact
being hard to reach, avoiding eye con- Baranek [1999] compared 10- after tickle play was not significantly dif-
tact, and as ignoring people [Ornitz et al., minute home videos recorded between 9 ferent between the three groups, suggest-
1978]. and 12 months of age for children later ing that physical social play may be an
Even though the parents in the Or- diagnosed with autism, typically devel- activity in which the children with au-
nitz et al. study were asked to recall child oping children, and a group of children tism show a relatively higher level of eye
characteristics from a long time ago after with a developmental disability or mental contact and social engagement. Further-
the children had received a diagnosis of retardation, including Down syndrome, more, the children may have more diffi-
autism, similar findings were noted in a Williams syndrome, and nonspecific culty with eye contact with the addition
study by Wimpory et al. [2000] in which mental retardation. She found that orien- of a third item or action (such as the
parents were interviewed before they had tation/attention to (nonsocial) novel vi- wind-up toys). This may possibly relate
received a diagnosis. The authors used sual stimuli, response to name, mouthing to difficulties with “overselective atten-
the Detection of Autism by Infancy So- of objects, and social touch aversions tion” in children with autism that have
ciability Interview (DAISI), which is a constituted the profile that distinguished been described in the literature [Koegel
semistructured interview focused on the the group with autism from the group and Wilhelm, 1973; Lovaas et al., 1979;
child’s social behaviors between 6 and 24 with retardation. Osterling et al. [2002] Rosenblatt et al., 1995].
months of age. The results were striking pointed out, however, that the children The functions of joint attention
in that they found a very distinct profile in the mental retardation sample included behaviors are also taken into account in
for the children with autism compared to children with Down and Williams syn- studies of pointing. Several studies sug-
the children with other forms of devel- drome, who would be relatively easily gest that, although children with autism
opmental delay. Specifically, reports recognized in the videotapes, thus com- do engage in some forms of pointing,
from the parents of children in the autism promising the extent to which coders these do not reach levels seen in typical
group were clearly distinguishable from were blind to the infant’s diagnosis. development. Baron-Cohen [1989] and
those of the parents of children in the As a whole, these studies indicate Goodhart and Baron-Cohen [1993] ex-
developmental delay group. That is, par- that young children with autism have amined children with autism who had at
ents of the children with autism noted severe difficulties with the use of eye least single words in their vocabulary and
diminished frequency and referential use contact, both referentially and in looking provided further support for the selective
of eye contact and of other joint atten- at other people. Empirical studies inves- pointing deficits described earlier by
tion behaviors such as giving, showing, tigating the use of joint attention behav- Curcio [1978]. That is, children with au-
pointing at objects, following points, and iors, including gestural behaviors, by tism appear to produce and understand
using fewer preverbal noises communi- children with autism have been com- protoimperative pointing to some extent
catively. The clear contrast between the pleted using the Early Social Communi- so that this is a relative strength, but
two groups appears to be promising in cation Scales (ESCS) [Seibert et al., protodeclarative pointing is severely im-
terms of early identification and diagnosis. 1982]. This assessment instrument was paired, and often completely absent. A
Many of the retrospective studies designed to measure social development third form of pointing, referential point-
of home films or videotapes also compare from birth to 30 months of age by pro- ing (nonsocial pointing to an object in a
the behaviors of the children later diag- viding the child with a variety of high to book) appears to be relatively intact in
children with autism compared to more As described previously, requesting first words. A substantial body of litera-
socially oriented pointing. Thus, the pri- (protoimperatives) and commenting ture suggests that a relationship exists be-
mary function of these gestures does not (protodeclaratives), are the two most fre- tween aspects of intentional communica-
appear to be social in the child with quent functions of communication by tion and later lexical acquisition for
autism. Perhaps more importantly, these typical children during the prelinguistic typical children. Tomasello and Todd
studies demonstrate that simple, nonso- stage, although these children also engage [1983] studied the effects of joint atten-
cial use of pointing is preserved in autism, in protesting, greeting, and showing off, tion and maternal interaction style on
but even when a child is capable of but with lower frequency [Wetherby et expressive vocabulary growth in six
pointing, this gesture is unlikely to be al., 1988]. A study by Wetherby and mother– child dyads. They videotaped
used for social reference. Prutting [1984] compared communica- these dyads in their homes with a set of
A broader study of the different tive functions of four typical children and novel toys at monthly intervals for 6
strategies children with autism and typi- four children with autism during a free months, beginning at the child’s first
cally developing children employ to play and a structured communication birthday. The authors found that the
make requests used an adaptation of the condition in familiar environments. This amount of time dyads spent in joint at-
Muni test [Philips et al., 1995]. This test study assessed the differences in functions tentional episodes was positively related
consists of putting desired items out of of communicative behavior for children to the child’s vocabulary size at the end of
reach but in view of the child by the with autism. The children were matched the period. This finding was later repli-
experimenter while the child is watching. on language stage, ranging from the pre- cated by Tomasello et al. [1986],Smith et
The child’s reactions are subsequently linguistic to the three-word stage. Al- al. [1988] , and Markus et al. [2000], who
scored from videotape as being part of though the children differed substantially also found positive correlations between
one of four strategies: 1) object centered in age (the average age of the autistic the amount of time in joint attention
(i.e., climb on furniture, move object to sample was 9.6 years, the mean age for episodes and size of expressive vocabu-
toy), 2) person as object (i.e., climb on the typical sample was 1.7 years), one of lary at later ages.
adult, push adult, throw adult’s hand), 3) the interesting general findings of the These studies suggest a strong rela-
person as self-propelling agent divided study was that, although the children tionship between the child’s developing
into contact (touching, pushing adult’s with autism did not differ in the number lexicon and the amount of time spent in
hand toward toy) and no contact (i.e., of communicative acts, there was a dif- joint attention episodes and Markus et al.
point, verbal request), and 4) person as ference in the quality of communicative [2000] provided an important addition to
acts. In particular, the communicative these findings. In a replication and exten-
perceiving subject (any of the strategies
acts produced by the children with au- sion of the Tomasello and Todd [1983]
under person as self-propelling agent but
tism primarily served the function of be- study, these authors found that individual
combined with eye contact). The partic-
havior regulation (requesting, protest- child differences in language skills at 12
ipating children in the sample were chil-
ing). In comparison, the typical children months of age were related to the num-
dren with autism, children with mental
readily used all three functions of com- ber and length of joint attention episodes
retardation who were not diagnosed with
municative acts: behavior regulation, so- within the free play period at 18 months.
autism, and typically developing chil- cial interaction, and joint attention. Specifically, receptive language at 12
dren. Although the range of language Again, these results suggest that children months predicted duration of joint atten-
levels of the children in the study was with autism, independent of age and tion episodes at 18 months and expressive
relatively broad, the results of this study functioning level, do not tend to use language skills at 12 months predicted the
concur with previously discussed studies communication for social purposes, as do number of episodes of joint attention ini-
because the children with autism differed typical children. tiated by the child. Studies such as these
from the other two groups by using sig- Stone and colleagues [1997] have provide evidence for a transactional per-
nificantly more “object centered” ap- also studied the communicative profile of spective [Yoder and Warren, 1993],
proaches and significantly fewer “person children with autism, comparing nonver- where the communicative partners influ-
as perceiving subject” approaches. As ex- bal communication in 14 two- and ence each other on an ongoing basis.
pected, the children with autism also dis- three-year olds with autism with a closely Further evidence of predictors of
played fewer gestures, for example, matched group of developmentally de- language was presented by Mundy et al.
pointing to request, in comparison to the layed children without autism. These au- [1995]. The ESCS [Seibert et al., 1982]
other two groups. These findings suggest thors also found that the children with was used to identify a broader set of joint
that the children with autism did not autism requested more and commented attention behaviors that may predict later
engage in significantly more “person as less than matched controls. In addition, language development. The results sug-
object” strategies than the children in the they were less likely to engage in joint gested that the rate of requesting (reach-
other two groups, nor did they make use attention behaviors, such as pointing, ing with and without eye contact, giving,
of more contact gestures, such as the showing, or eye gaze alternation, and and pointing to out-of-reach toys) as well
“autistic leading” compared to the typi- more likely to manipulate the examiner’s as the rate of social interactions (initiation
cally developing children. Rather, the hand. of turn-taking sequence, teasing, reacting
difficulties appeared to be more in the to pause in social game with gesture and
lack of distal gestures (pointing, reaching INITIATION OF JOINT eye contact, etc.) and responding to joint
for toy, reaching to be picked up, and ATTENTION AS A PREDICTOR attention (following a point and gaze
verbal request). The authors theorized The emergence of joint attention shift) were positively related to both ex-
that the relative lack of distal behaviors behaviors, such as eye-gaze alternation, pressive and receptive vocabulary on the
makes the use of contact gestures more nonverbal requesting, and commenting Reynell Expressive Language Scale
salient to clinicians, resulting in the rep- that make up intentional communication [Reynell, 1977] 1 year later for 22 chil-
utation, but perhaps misleading trait of is of considerable interest in light of their dren (mean age 16.6 months) with typi-
“autistic leading” as a marker of autism. roles as precursors to the acquisition of cal development.
Much of the research that aims to study by these authors with the same detail, because, if true, research may in-
predict the rate of lexicon acquisition in sample of children [McCathren et al., fluence early intervention programs sig-
typical children has focused on the rela- 1999b] showed that the rate of prelin- nificantly.
tionship with joint attention behaviors. guistic vocalizations, rate of prelinguistic For example, controlled studies
As evident from the previous sections, vocalizations with consonants, and rate of comparing the onset of communication
these behaviors are generally absent or prelinguistic vocalizations used interac- and other social behaviors between chil-
delayed in children with autism. Mundy tively were all strongly correlated with dren with autism who are taught joint
et al. [1990] focused specifically on a expressive vocabulary 12 months later. attention skills and those who are taught
group of children with autism with min- Further, Calandrella and Wilcox [2000] first words should be helpful in deter-
imal language (5 words or less) and ex- studied 25 developmentally delayed chil- mining more effective and efficient in-
amined the relationship between joint at- dren for the relationship between prelin- tervention programs. Similarly, it would
tention and later language development. guistic communication behaviors and be interesting to assess whether children
These authors used the ECSC and found later lexicon. Intentional nonverbal com- with autism who are taught verbal com-
again that the children with autism (mean municative acts that included eye contact munication improve in areas of joint at-
age of 44.9 months with fewer than 5 predicted expressive vocabulary at follow tention. In other words, does a “top
words) displayed a deficit in nonverbal up. The number of gestural indicating down” model [cf., Brown et al., 1976]
joint attention skills and that this deficit acts (defined as pointing, reaching, or produce improved joint attention or is
distinguished the children with autism giving without eye contact) was predic- joint attention truly a prerequisite for
from the matched sample of children tive of receptive vocabulary. more sophisticated linguistic and social
with mental retardation without autism. Finally, Koegel et al. [1999] dem- development? Empirical studies that ad-
An equally important finding was that onstrated that the number of child-initi- dress these areas with children with au-
the child variations in gestural joint at- ations at program entry (child ages ranged tism functioning at levels under 3 years of
tention skills predicted language develop- between 2 years 9 months and 3 years 11 age, would greatly add to the current
ment (both expressive and receptive lan- months) predicted highly favorable treat- knowledge.
guage as measured on the Reynell ment outcomes at follow up when the In addition, studies that take into
Development Language Scales [Reynell, children ranged in age from 10 years, 9 account the heterogeneity of children di-
1977]) at follow up (13 months later) for months to 15 years, 4 months. Child agnosed with autism may help guide us
the children with autism. In this study, initiations were broadly defined as any to individualized intervention plans that
the gestural joint attention appeared to be verbal or nonverbal action by the child to address the specific unique needs of chil-
more predictive than other types of social begin a new interaction or to change the dren. For example, children who are
behavior, requesting, language level, direction of an interaction. It is important completely nonverbal versus those that
mental age, chronological age, and intel- to note that it is likely that many of the have a few words may differ in their types
ligence quotient (IQ), for the children behaviors scored under this definition as of representational ability and symbolic
with autism’s development of language initiations could also be defined as joint understanding and therefore may have
13 months later; however, language level attention behaviors, including pointing, different intervention needs. Also, it
and mental age were significant predic- showing, and giving. would be interesting to directly compare
tors for the children with mental retarda- Further investigation into the im- joint attention in those children who
tion. portance of precursors to language acqui- have a few words to those who are com-
At this time, relatively few empir- sition would be highly desirable [Koegel, pletely nonverbal.
ical studies have been published that pre- 2000], especially because some early in- Another issue worth consideration
dict language outcomes based on joint tervention studies specifically teach joint relates to the definition and standardiza-
attention behaviors in prelinguistic chil- attention behaviors prior to teaching ver- tion of measured behaviors across studies.
dren with autism, however, the predic- bal expressive language (e.g., Dallaire et That is, more standardized measures and
tive relationship between joint attention al., 2003; Whalen and Schreibman, psychometrically reliable measures may
behaviors and language acquisition has 2003]. help researchers to coordinate their ef-
been tested in greater detail for young forts to provide more generalized recom-
prelinguistic children with developmen- SUMMARY mendations based on differential subtypes
tal delays other than autism [McCathren Intentional communication in typ- of joint attention. Although we recog-
et al., 1999a; Calandrella and Wilcox, ically developing children has been stud- nize that measuring prelinguistic skills in
2000]. Results from these studies suggest ied for many years. The review of the toddlers and in children with disabilities
similar relationships as those found for existing literature suggests that, for chil- functioning at the earliest stages of com-
typically developing children. McCath- dren with autism, especially for those munication development is inherently
ren et al. [1999a] tested 58 children with who are under age 3 and are prelinguis- challenging, progress in the areas of di-
developmental delays of varied etiologies, tic, additional research is warranted. The agnosis, prognosis, and intervention rest
but excluded autism, using the Commu- nature of the disability is such that many squarely on the psychometric character
nication and Symbolic Behavior Scales of the joint attention behaviors that usu- of the measures of joint attention.
[CSBS; Wetherby and Prizant, 1993]. ally precede and develop in the context Finally, it is important that studies
The authors found that the rate of joint of intentional communication are de- continue to assess child behaviors in mul-
attention (defined as acts used to direct layed or missing altogether. Some schol- tiple settings and under different condi-
the experimenter’s attention) and the rate ars [e.g., Mundy et al., 1990] suggest that tions, as it is likely that behaviors vary as
of communication (any vocalization or these joint attention skills may be a pre- a result of variables such as contingencies,
gesture toward the experimenter) were requisite to the acquisition of intentional setting events, the skills of the commu-
statistically significant predictors of ex- communication and functional speech. nicative partner, and other environmen-
pressive vocabulary during the follow-up This notion of prerequisite skills is one tal variables. The importance of includ-
CSBS session 12 months later. A second that should be examined in much greater ing measures collected in the child’s
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