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“who i am”

If I was asked to write an essay about this few years ago, I think I will have a problem making one. I
never really though about it, but as I grew older, I get to know myself more. Things are much more
clearer than before. If I ask my family who am I, they will answer the one who never leaves the house,
the quiet and smart one, and the one who hates fish. Sometimes family knew more about yourself than
you do, just like my mother. If my friends are also ask to tell who I am, they will probably say the quirky
one, the funny one, and a person who you could count on. But here’s the question, who am I in my own

Let’s go to the basic, I’m Catherine Joy Alidon Profitana, 21 years of age and currently a 3 rd year BSA
student in Rizal Technological University. I like to watch movies, listen to songs, and play online games. I
love to watch series like Netflix series. Me and my 3 cousins play call of duty mobile every night that
serves as our little bonding. When I was little, I always wanted to have a career that I could be proud of
so I picked to be a future accountant, where I could use my brain more. The most important persons I
have in my life is my mother and my brother, I wish that someday I could help them like I wanted to
build a salon for my mother, and to help my brother in his studies, financially. I believe I have a strong
self-reliance, I tend to be more independent, if I could do it myself then I’d do it alone. The issue to
myself that I most aware of, is that I have trust issues and a perfectionist. I learned to be happy on what
I have and don’t have right now, but it doesn’t mean that I stop pursuing what I want in my life. I’m also
self-determined, if I want or set my mind into something, I never give up unless I get it. When the
lockdown happens , I tried to live more healthier, I started exercising and taking vitamins. I don’t do
social network much, maybe because I was too afraid what other people would think or will tell about
me, which is I’m trying to fight, I shouldn’t care to what other people will say to me as long as I know I’m
doing the right things and what really matters is the thought of the important persons in my life. I’m
content now to what I have, my family, a house that I could rest to, we ate 3 times a day, we are safe
and healthy. Lastly, what I love about myself is my rosy cheeks, my passion, my determination, and for
being strong as always. It doesn’t matter what the world think of me, as long as I know myself, what I
want and don’t like, I’m always be me.

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