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According to Britannica.

com, ethics is defined as moral philosophy and the

discipline concerned with what is morally good and evil and ethically right and wrong.
The way we live our lives and the decisions that we make are all grounded in our ethics.
Meanwhile, according to the book by Eleonore Stump and Norman Kretzmann, The
Cambridge Companion to Augustine, St. Augustine regards ethics as an inquiry into the
supreme good, which provides the happiness all human beings seek. He views
happiness as enjoying God, which he will receive in the afterlife as a reward for his
good deeds in this life. Virtue itself is a gift from God and is based on love rather than
the philosophers' wisdom. Moreover, he adopted the Platonic notion of the rational soul
into a Christian doctrine in which people are fundamentally souls who use physical
bodies to further their spiritual goals. Happiness is still the ultimate goal, but according
to St. Augustine, it only comes when the soul is united with God after the body has
passed away. His way of thinking was “eudemonistic”. Not only his way of thinking but
his entire life was a constant search for happiness.
Based on these ideas, we can define Augustinian ethics as moral principles
guided by the teachings and doctrine of St. Augustine. The central theme of Augustinian
ethics is related to St. Augustine’s constant search for true happiness. Hence, we can
conclude that to live out the Augustinian ethics, one must place God at the center of his
life and live his life doing great deeds with the hope that he will reap the benefits of his
good deeds in the afterlife. This also entails that his definition of happiness should not
come from material things but should come from helping others and doing good deeds.
To live out the Augustinian ethics, one must learn to give up material things and focus
on saving their soul for the afterlife so that one can seek true happiness.
One way to live out Augustinian ethics is to follow in the footsteps of St.
Augustine. First, invest your time, energy, and effort in helping others, especially the
marginalized group. Second, always choose to do what is right despite how strong the
temptation of evil around us is. Lastly, use your abilities and skills in spreading the word
of God and in influencing others to have a conversion of heart just like what St.
Augustine did.
In conclusion, Augustinian ethics can be defined as the moral codes that are
influenced by St. Augustine's teachings and life and that will direct us in making morally
good and just decisions. These will keep us grounded so that our judgments and
choices are righteous and for the betterment of the majority, especially the marginalized

Singer, P. (2022). Ethics: Philosophy. Britannica. Retrieved on September 12, 2022, from

Stump, E, & Kretzmann, N. (2006). The Cambridge Companion to Augustine.

Retrieved on September 12, 2022, from

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