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There are some SHRM practices and principles when effectively and efficiently enacted and

implemented will enhance performance outcome. They include:

Principle of Commitment
To gain a competitive advantage, the workforce must be dedicated to achieving the
organisation’s goal. For employees to be committed enough to work effectively and efficiently,
they must be inspired to do so. When employees are inspired they get devoted to the work. This
can be done when employees feel a sense of belonging in the organisation. Also through
incentives, bonuses, words of encouragement, motivation, being valued employees will be
committed. Employees can also be committed when responsibilities are delegated to them.

Principle of Competence
Competence is the ability to do something well with little or no supervision. It is the
responsibility of the human resource management of the organisation to ensure that their
workforce is highly skilled and knowledgeable. In the recruitment process, measures have to be
put to in place to ensure that the right person is employed. For an organisation to seen as
competent, the workforce must be competent. This competence can be improved or developed by
providing the workforce with the needed training.

Principle of change
Change is said to be inevitable for individuals and businesses in as a whole. Once an
organisation sees the need for change then it is geared towards positive results. Change can be
difficult and overwhelming but when done in steps and the positive results is pictured it helps in
one understanding and mindset.

Principle of Communication
Communication is simply the transfer or flow of information from one person to the other. For
an organisation to enhance its performance outcome or achieve its goals there must be
communication. Firstly the goals and objectives of the organisation must be communicated to the
employees clearly. Also, some practices and policies as to how the goals will be achieved. The
communication flow from the top to the lower level must be free of error or barriers same as that
from the down to the top level management. When information communicated is not distorted,
management can hold employees liable for any wrong doings.

Principle of Coherence
Coherence is when one has the ability to be consistent. Coherence in SHRM is when the
activities of HR are allocated in one meaningful whole. This is when the vision and mission of
the organisation is in alignment in what the organisation does. All human resource management
methods and procedure must be in accordance with the organisation goals

Principle of Cost- effectiveness

Cost- effectiveness in an organisation is when the cost of production is relatively low.
For an organisation to gain competitive advantage it has to consider reducing the prices of its
finished goods and differentiation of product features. When the organisation wants to be cost-
effective, it reduces it cost of production in relation to raw materials, operational cost and the
others. For instance, an organisation trying to be cost- effective will buy its raw materials for
production in bulk. Also in relation to HR it will make sure it uses the right skills and expertise
and probably lay off the workforce that is not competent enough.

Principle of Creativity
This refers to how innovative an organisation’s human capital can be. The creating of new ideas.
Organisations must be creative enough to create new ideas. When an organisation is being
creative it makes unique features for their product. The HR must be strategic enough to
employee the services of the workforce that can be very creative so it make their product
different from those on the market.

Principle of Credibility
Credibility of an organisation is the ability of the organisation to be trusted and believed in. This
ability of the company to be trusted in the production of affordable products without
compromising on quality makes them gain a competitive advantage. This can be achieved by
creating a good brand image in the minds of customers and this can be achieved by workers
having a precise sense of direction.

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