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Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences.
1. There are some exception (N) to every grammatical rule. EXCEPT
2. The engineering sector achieved significant growth last year. GROW
3. I have a collection (N) of old records from my grandma. COLLECT
4. He'll surely be coming later. SURE
5. Eric Clapton's guitar solos are legendary (Adj) . LEGEND
6. It was one of the most ẹnjoyable ( plays I've seen recently. ENJOY
7. In her time, Marilyn Monroe was a very glamorous (Adj) actress. GLAMOUR
8. It's impossible to tell whether he's lying or not. POSSIBLE
9. He's no worldwide star, but he had very humble beginnings . BEGIN
10. They took measurements of noise levels inside the building. MEASURE
11. He's a really reliable person. RELY
12. She made several excellent observations in her essay on Charles Dickens. OBSERVE
13. Watching TV shows in English is definitely very useful to improve your USE
listening skills.
14. The Internet is probably one of the best invention ever. INVENT
15. The boat was 16 feet in legth. LONG
16. Both accuracy and fluency are important when speaking a foreign language. ACCURATE
17. You shouldn't have said that! It was a totally imappropriate remark. APPROPRIATE
18. Since the earliest times, civilisations have understood the importance of IMPORTANT
19. Doing puzzles keeps our brains fit and healthy . HEALTH
20. As well as gaining satisfaction, by doing puzzles we give our brains a good SATISFY
21. The most successful games have sold in the millions. SUCCESS
22. People have discovered that doing puzzles is good for you. COVER
23. It's easy to find a solvation to the problems posed. SOLVE
24. There has been an improvement in the power of their brains. IMPROVE
25. Some scientist argue that the brain gets better at a task the more it repeats it. SCIENCE
26. The improvement in the performance is something that happens naturally. PERFORM
27. It remains uncertaint whether puzzles are actually helping to boost CERTAIN
brainpower or not.
28. According to research , most people sleep less than 8 hours every day. SEARCH
29. The advice passed down to our grandparents may contain some truth . TRUE
30. A good example is the relationship between being cold and catching a cold. RELATION
31. These high-heeled shoes are unsuitable for such rough terrain. SUIT
32. Colds are caused by viruses, so in the absence of a virus, you can't catch a ABSENT
33. You're too young. This film is inappropriate for children your age. APPROPRIATE
34. Scientists now think that we may have viruses in our bodies already. SCIENCE
35. In cold weather, for example, blood vessels in the nose get smaller to stop FORTUNATE
heat escaping. Unfortunately , this also allows the cold virus to attack the nose
or throat more easily.
36. Victoria Falls in Africa is one of the most spectacular sights in the world. SPECTACLE
37. It's also an incredible place for water sports. CREDIBLE
38. We need you to provide an accurate description of the situation. DESCRIBE
39. On arrival, it's the noise that makes the greatest impresstion. IMPRESS
40. The surrounding landscape is also well worth a visit. SURROUND
41. There's a post office a bit farther down the road. FAR
42. Six months after the accident, he still has difficultly walking. DIFFICULT
43. I can't play tennis that well because I'm a beginner . BEGIN
44. Don't go there. It's dangerous . DANGER
45. Read this. It'll be very useful for your trip to Australia. USE
46. I didn't find him that attraction, but my friend did. ATTRACT
47. The school has a reputatio for being very up-to-date with technology. REPUTE
48. These are well- designed clothes and that's why they are very expensive. DESIGN
49. I left the party because it was extremely noisy in there. EXTREME
50. I had no choice but to tell him. CHOOSE
51. This cloth is made from natural fibers. NATURE
52. If you want to take care of the environment, it's important to recycle . CYCLE
53. In the next few years, scientists will hopefully have found a cure for SCIENCE
54. According to the researches , the epidemic started in Kuala Lumpur. SEARCH
55. Isolated from family and friends can lead to feelings of anxiety. ISOLATE
56. I was unable to understand what the problem was. ABLE
57. There will be a mixture of solo games and competitive games available. MIX
58. Participants will later be asked for feeding on the event. FEED
59. It was an emotional reunion and we were all really touched when we EMOTION
remembered how we had met.
60. I am writing to ask for further information on your Open Day. INFORM
61. This took place at the end of the twentieth century. TWENTY
62. People really enjoyed the party. JOY
63. Meditation is great as a means of realaxtion. RELAX
64. This method is a lot more effective than the previous one. EFFECT
65. Picasso was a Spanish artist who also lived in France. ART
66. There has been little movement in the negotiations since January. MOVE
67. Surprisingly enough, I didn't know she already had four children. SURPRISE
68. His voice was instantly recognizable. INSTANT
69. The only cure for boredom is creativity. BORE
70. This is a textile company specializing in denim. SPECIAL
71. Sadness is a part of life, but you have to be able to enjoy the others too. SAD
72. Without that, I wouldn't be happy even if I was the richest man in the world. RICH
73. The music in the festival was so loud. It was deafening ! DEAF
74. I don't think my marks can get higher because I already study to the best of HIGH
my abilities.
75. The largest river fish in Europe lives in Spain! LARGE
76. Passeig de Gràcia is being widened so there is more room for people to walk WIDE
on the pavement.
77. I can assure that if you study you will have no problems passing this test. SURE
78. Nowadays there are lots of endangered species of animals in the world, for DANGER
example, the panda.
79. I was encouraged to take the driving test by my friends. COURAGE
80. I see they've finally got round to widening the Shoreham road. WIDE
81. The teacher asked us to summarize the main ideas in the chapter we had read SUMMARY
in class.
82. The top manager of the shop told me that my credit card was not valid to pay VALIDATE
for the jeans which cost under 20€.
83. Art in the 20th century is usually referred to as modern art. MODERNIZE
84. Everybody listens to David Guetta's music. It's so commercial. COMMERCE
85. Butterflies are thoroughly classifiedby scientists. CLASS
86. She exemplifies the qualities of a good leader. EXAMPLE
87. Many people don't understand the simplicity of life. SIMPLE
88. It's impossible to tell those twins apart! They are identical. IDENTITY
89. He made several wrong generalisations about women. GENERAL
90. It was hard to differentiate between the two styles of music. DIFFERENCE
91. He hasn't finished the preparation course, so he's not qualified for this job. QUALIFY
92. She was captivated by the colour of the plant. CAPTIVE
93. At the auction, Elton John's car was valued at 1 million euros. VALUE
94. The assassination took place next door at 2 am. ASSASSIN
95. The main characteristics of this painting are its bright colours and its sense of CHARACTER
96. Stability is important in a relationship. STABLE
97. Despite his familiarity with that type of vehicle, he had an accident because a FAMILIAR
cat made him crash into a tree.
98. At the best moment of its empire, Rome had dominion over all the DOMINANT
99. Nowadays almost everything can be computerized thanks to the use of COMPUTER
100. I wish I had the strength to do that. STRONG

Complete the passage using the correct form of the words in the capital letters.
Exercise 1
To neighbors, Mr Stewart is a dull man who speaks very (1)POLITE

politely (1)and whose only form entertaining (2)is his job. (2)ENTERTAIN

And to a certain extent it's true, since Mr Stewart finds his (3)INTEREST

job very interesting (3)He is an antique dealer and goes to (4)HAPPY

work happily (4)every day. He handles some very
expensive(5)pieces sometimes, which can make his job (6)DANGER

dangerous(6)as there have recently been quite a few (7)ROB

robberies (7)at antique shops. So not superisingly (8), Mr (8)SURPRISE

Stewart decided that his own business needed some extra (9)PROTECT

protection(9)After having an alarm system put in, Mr

Stewart doesn't feel completely(10)secure but he does feel

more protected.

Exercise 2
You may know that Asian, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean (1)TRADITION

cultures have traditionally (1)used garlic in their dishes. What you
may not know is that garlic was also thought of as a valuable
(2)medicine by many ancient civilisations. Today, professors (3)in
the field of nutrition have come up with new information (4)which
is indeed quite surprising. Apparently, not only is garlic good for
you but it also helps overcome various illnesses (5)The main (8)NATURE

disadvantage(6)to eating garlic is of course bad breath (7)Cooking (9)SERIOUS

it reduces the strong smell and eating parsley, which is a natural (10)FAVOUR

(8)deodoriser, also helps minimise the smell. So, it's time we took

the benefits of g arlic seriously (9)Why not add it to some of your

favourite 10)dishes!

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