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1. Instructions for using LOIC on Windows o 1.1 Getting the goods 2. Using the tool o 2.1 HIVEMIND Mode o 2.2 Manual Mode o 2.3 Attack Options o 2.4 Protips

Instructions for using LOIC on Windows

Getting the goods Go to and get the LOIC Package with the latest version. Unzip it anywhere on to your disk and run it. Make sure you allow LOIC through your firewall. If you wish to use the hivemind function you will have to allow connections to port 6667 as well.

Using the tool

There are two ways you can use LOIC: Manual and HIVEMIND mode. HIVEMIND Mode In the IRC server box enter the HIVE IRC server address. If you are not sure about the current address come to irc:// and ask for the latest LOIC HIVE address or type !hive to get HIVE server details. Click the "IRC Mode(Hivemind)" radio button. Done, LOIC is now controlled by Operation Payback and you don't have to do a thing.

MANUAL Mode LOIC can fire 3 different attacks: TCP, UDP and HTTP flood. For any of this modes to function you first need to enter a target. You can specify a target either by entering the IP (example: of the target into the IP Edit box or the http address (Example: into the "URL" box. After you have entered the target hit "Lock On" button next to the Edit box. The big "Selected target" display will show the actual IP of the target. You can now hit the "IMMA CHARGING MY LAZER" button to start firing. WARNING: DO NOT USE LOIC AGAINST A SITE ON YOUR OWN. THIS WILL MOST LIKELY END UP WITH YOU GETTING CAUGHT. Attack Options If you are running LOIC in HIVE mode you don't need to change anything here, but here's an explanation of the options:

Timeout: Specifies how long LOIC should wait for a connection to be established with the target (in milliseconds). HTTP Subsite: Target subsite address. This can be left set to "/". Append random chars to the URL: This randomizes subsite request URL to try and avoid LOIC attack being blocked by the server. TCP/UDP message: This is message that will be sent to server when firing in TCP/UDP mode. You can set this to a message of your liking. Protip: use underscores ( _ ) instead of spaces. Append random chars to the message: Appends random chars to the TCP/UDP message in order to avoid LOIC being blocked by the server. Port: The port at which the LOIC will try to connect. 80 is the http port and is set by default. 443 is the port for https. Method: Can be TCP, UDP or HTTP. Each method has its flaws and advantages. Go read up on it. Threads: Number of threads (connections) to run/establish when firing. Default is 10 and depending on your link speed you can increase this number. If you increase this number too much you will choke everything on your machine. Keep this preferably at 25. Wait for reply: When in HTTP or TCP mode, LOIC waits for a response from a server before executing each attack. Speed bar: Controls the speed of the attacks. Adjust as you wish. Attack status: Shows attack statistics. HTTP mode shows most statistics while TCP and UDP mode just show the number of executed attacks.

Protips If the attack counter freezes the target is either down, LOIC has become stuck or your firewall is blocking it. Press "Stop flooding" then press "IMMA FIRING MY LAZOR" to restart the attack. If the counter is still frozen, congratulations, it's super effective.

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