RRL Compilation

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According to Compe (2018), The study found that the majority of students were frustrated with
their reading comprehension skills and developing in their academic performance in English.
This implies that students' reading comprehension influences their academic performance in
English. When reading comprehension declines, academic performance in English suffers;
conversely, when reading comprehension improves, academic performance in English improves.

 SOURCE: https://journals.pen2print.org/index.php/ijr/article/view/15127

The study concluded that reading comprehension is related to academic performance in the
subjects studied, and is thus a factor to consider when attempting to improve our students'
academic performance. The intelligence of a student may be an indicator of his reading
comprehension ability. Data covering more detailed aspects of both reading comprehension and
intelligence, on the other hand, should be subjected to more powerful statistical testing to
determine the extent to which the pupil's intelligence can be used to predict his reading
comprehension ability. (Chege, 2012).

SOURCE: https://ir-library.ku.ac.ke/handle/123456789/3722

According to Mendoza (2019), The researchers formulated an enhanced remedial program for
students who were frustrated not only to hone their reading skills but also to improve their level
of comprehension in order to improve their academic achievement not only in English but also in
other subjects.

SOURCE: https://ojs.aaresearchindex.com/index.php/AAJMRA/article/view/9131

Reading performance was evaluated using three components: comprehension, fluency, and
vocabulary. The mathematics performance was based on summative assessments administered at
regular intervals during the 2011-2012 academic year, as well as STAR test results. When grades
two through five were included in the study, the results revealed a correlation between reading
and mathematics performance at the early elementary level. Examining each grade level
separately produced similar results. A correlation between reading and mathematics performance
did not exist in second grade; however, a correlation was discovered in grades three, four, and
five. At higher grade levels, the correlation appeared to become stronger (Ukiah, 2013).

SOURCE: https://scholar.dominican.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1126&context=masters-

According to Auld (2019), Reading difficulties are common, affecting approximately one in
every five people, and are rarely a sign of low intelligence. Reading is a physically and
cognitively demanding task that necessitates strategies such as controlled eye movement, fine
motor skills, phonemic awareness (awareness of sounds in spoken words), phonics (the
relationship between sounds and written symbols), sustained attention, word decoding, and
comprehension. A flaw in even one of these strategies can impede reading development. Some
children will require tutoring or therapy to improve their reading skills. Your child's classroom
teacher should identify such a need.

SOURCE: https://www.acc.edu.au/blog/reading-comprehension-student-performance/#main-
Umbar, Alliyah Miyel E.

Parental education has repeatedly been linked to higher academic performance (Dumka et al.,
2008; Dubow et al., 2009; Masud et al., 2015). Farooq et al. (2011) published a research in 2011
that analyzed the elements influencing academic achievement among 600 secondary school
pupils at a public school in Lahore, Pakistan. Their findings also link parental education level to
student academic achievement. However, their findings are noteworthy for both the mother's and
father's educational level. Furthermore, they found considerably superior academic performance
among females and pupils from higher socioeconomic backgrounds, both of which were not
significant in our study (Farooq et al., 2011). Differences within Pakistan may be explained by
cultural differences in Lahore and Peshawar.

SOURCE: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02497/full

Brew, E.A., Nketiah, B. and Koranteng, R. (2021) The study was meant to conduct a literature
evaluation on the effects of diverse student needs on academic performance. According to the
study, truancy has a significant impact on academic performance and can even lead to school
dropout. Furthermore, the study discovers that additional factors such as students' parents' levels
of education and wealth, textbook availability and accessibility, libraries, practical laboratories,
lunch service, and teachers have significant influence on students' academic achievement at
school. Students who are above average academically and are favorably exposed to these factors
are more likely to perform well than those who are less exposed to these factors.

SOURCE: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=109636

Academic performance, according to Narad and Abdullah (2016), is the information learned that
is judged by a teacher through marks and/or educational goals set by students and instructors to
be achieved during a specified time period. They also said that these objectives are assessed by
ongoing evaluation or examination outcomes.

SOURCE: https://www.grin.com/document/450284

P. R. Pintrich (2003) , discovered that students who self-regulate, make objectives or plans, and
strive to monitor and manage their own intellect, motivation, and behavior based on these goals
perform significantly better in school.

SOURCE: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/edri/2017/1789084/

Cassidy and Lynn (1991) studied how the family environment influences motivation and
achievement Furthermore, the findings suggested that motivation acted as a moderator between
home background, personal attributes, and educational success.





Kumar and Tankha (2021, January 1) stated that academic performance is the student’s
assessment based on their scores and grades achieved in the different study courses during their
school and college years. Masrom and Usat (2015) defined academic performance as students’
reporting of the past semester's CGPA/GPA and their expected GPA for the current semester.
The grade point average or GPA is now used by most tertiary institutions as a convenient
summary measure of the academic performance of their students. The GPA is a better
measurement because it provides greater insight into the relative level of performance of
individuals and different groups of students. Muthee and Murungi (2018) interpreted that
academic performance refers to the percentage of marks obtained by the pupils on each of the
five compulsory subjects after two terms of study in standard eight classes. In conclusion to the
description of the authors, academic performance is the evaluation of the students based upon
their characteristics and skills as a student within a particular period, either a semester or school
year. Said et al., (2017) mentioned in their study that academic performance or school outcome is
the the result of a student's achievements at a particular institution, over a specified period of
time, and under a particular rules for a leader to follow when acting with the appropriate
intentions. The most effective approaches to assess or judge performance include to the kids'
mental capacity, such as through observations, tests, and exams.

Kumar, V. V., & Tankha, G. (2021, January 1). Nurturing spiritual intelligence in the classroom.
IGI Global. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from

Masrom, M., & Usat, S. (2015, January). Use of online social networking and academic
performance of students. IGI Global. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from https://www.igi-

Muthee, J. M., & Murungi, C. G. (2018, January). Relationship among intelligence, achievement
motivation, type of school, and academic performance of Kenyan Urban Primary School
pupils. IGI Global. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from
Said, M. A., Idris, M., & Hussain, S. (2017, November 30). Relationship between social
behaviour and academic performance of students at secondary level in Khyber
pakhtunkhwa. Pakistan Journal of Distance and Online Learning. Retrieved October 3,
2022, from https://eric.ed.gov/?q=importance+of+academic+performance&id=EJ1267252

On the cross sectional study entitled “Determinants of good academic performance among
university students in Ethiopia” Tadese et al., (2022) expressed that students who attained good
academic performance have higher income, better employment benefits, and more advancement
opportunities. They have also higher self-esteem and self-confidence, low levels of anxiety and
depression are socially inclined, and are less likely to engage in substance abuse, such as alcohol
and khat. Ab Razak et al., (2019) specified that the academic performance of the students will
lead in increasing the employment. In order for this to happen, due to the student’s good
performance they will graduate on time, which will give them the capability to study for the next

Tadese, M., Yeshaneh, A., & Mulu, G. B. (2022, May 23). Determinants of good academic
performance among university students in Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study - BMC
Medical Education. BioMed Central. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from

Ab Razak, W. M., Baharom, S., Abdullah, Z., Hamdan, H., Aziz, N. U. A., & Anuar, A. I. M.
(2019, March 14). Academic performance of university students: A case in a higher
learning institution: Kne Social Sciences. KNE Publishing. Retrieved October 3, 2022,
from https://knepublishing.com/index.php/KnE-Social/article/view/4285/8800#info

According to Sandhu ( 2022 ), Reading is defined as a cognitive process that involves decoding
symbols to arrive at meaning. It is a systematic process that involves constructing meaning of
words. Reading with a purpose enables the readers' to focus on their attention and guide
information towards a particular goals. Although reading can be done for a variety of purposes,
the main one is to fully understand what you read. Reading is a thinking process. It enables the
readers' to use any prior knowledge that he or she may have. The readers' employs techniques to
comprehend the text they are reading, themes to group ideas, and textual clues to determine the
meaning of unfamiliar terms.

Rasplica and Cummings ( 2013 ), emphasized that Oral reading fluency is the ability to read
connected text quickly, accurately and with expression. Decoding the words on the page in this
way does not require any discernible cognitive effort. One of the essential elements needed for
effective reading comprehension is oral reading fluency. Because they can concentrate on the
textʼs meanings, students' who read automatically and with proper pace, precision, and
expression are more likely to understand what they are reading.

However, Endo ( 2021 ), stated that researchers have found that there is a positive correlation
between students' fluency and overall reading ability. In other words, studentsʼ understand better
when they read more fluently. Because they are using up their cognitive resources in order to
understand the text at the word level, studentsʼ who are not yet fluent are unable to comprehend
the textʼs overall meaning. Reading at the word level can become automatic for studentsʼ,
allowing them to concentrate on meaning and background information.

To help students achieve fluency with basic skills, special educators can design and deliver
fluency practice comprised of several critical components: timed practice, goal setting, modeling,
performance feedback, reinforcement, error correction, and self-monitoring ( Datchuk et al.,
2019 ).

Reading is an integral part of every educational process as all the subjects taught at all levels of
the educational system involve reading (Cimmiyotti, 2013). Unlike other subjects,like math and
science, reading provides the students to explore other areas and an important skills in learning.
It is important because words spoken and written are building blocks of what we become in the
future. It has been proven that reading proficiency has a strong positive correlation with
mathematics and science abilities (Ercikan et al., 2015).

Cimmiyotti, Caleb Bartholet, "Impact of Reading Ability on Academic Performance at the
Primary Level" (2013). Graduate Master's Theses, Capstones, and Culminating Projects. 127.

Datchuk, M, S., Hier, & O, B. (2019, June 24). Fluency Practice: Techniques for Building
Automaticity in Foundational Knowledge and Skills.

Endo, Dr. A. (2021, July 20). What is Oral Reading Fluency. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Ercikan, K., Chen, M. Y., Lyons-Thomas, J., Goodrich, S., Sandilands, D., Roth, W. M., &
Simon, M. (2015). Role of reading proficiency in assessing mathematics and science learning for
students from English and non-English backgrounds: An international perspective. International
Journal of Testing, 15, 153-175.

Rasplica, C., Cummings, K. D., & Ph.D., NCSP. (2013, October). Oral Reading Fluency. CLD
Council for Learning Disabilities. https://council-for-learning-disabilities.org/what-is-oral-

Sandhu, R. (2022, March 25). What is Reading? - Definition & Process. Study.com.

Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is a skill that is essential to everyone's success in school. Students may
find it difficult to succeed in many subjects if they lack the necessary reading comprehension
abilities. The ability to read comprehension is crucial for success in all aspects of school (Baier,
2005). Understanding the texts we read requires reading comprehension. The reason we care
about reading, why we teach it, and what reading is for. Additionally, it is necessary for engaging
text-based learning (Kirby, 2007). Salvador (2017) stated that the research has revealed a great
deal of information about how readers get meaning from what they read and about the kinds of
instructional activities and procedures that are most successful in helping students to become
good readers. For many years, reading instruction was based on a concept of reading as the
application of a set of isolated skills such as identifying words, finding main ideas, identifying
cause and effect relationships, comparing and contrasting and sequencing. Comprehension was
viewed as the mastery of these skills.





If students lack the essential comprehension skills, they cannot understand what they read.
Instead of speaking aloud or in your brain while reading, the objective should be to fully
understand important lessons, storylines, and arguments. Writing allowed our ancestors to
preserve important knowledge that we can understand simply by reading. Understanding what
we read enables us to pick up important knowledge, comprehend scientific theories, hold onto
preconceived notions, and explore unexplored area (Rultzer, 2020). One requirement for
linguistic proficiency is the ability to read and comprehend

learned by the pupil to be able to decipher and take in knowledge through reading

Students should be capable of understanding the subject. Having the ability to read is required in
every subject because reading is an integral part of every instruction. Consequently, it is
necessary for pupils to have strong comprehension skills (Sari, 2017).



The Study investigates the relationship between pupils' reading comprehension and academic
performance. It is common to attribute poor academic performance to lack of mastery of the
particular subject skills. However, it is possible that this poor performance is due to poor reading
comprehension ability. Local studies have recognized the importance of reading in academics.
However, these have restricted themselves to pupils' ability to decode. Though decoding is
important, the ultimate goal of all reading is comprehension. This study, therefore, sought to
establish the relationship between reading comprehension and academic performance, and in so
doing provide local empirical data that shows the magnitude of this relationship for various
subjects offered in the primary school level. In addition, the study investigated the relationship of
pupils' reading comprehension with gender and intelligence. The study was carried out in
Machakos District among Standard Eight pupils in five randomly selected primary schools. A
reading comprehension test and a reasoning ability test were administered to the pupils. The
results of the Machakos District end of year examinations were used as the measure of the pupils'
academic performance in English, GHC, Kiswahili, Mathematics and Science. The person
product Moment Correlation was used to determine the relationship between the scores obtained
in the reading comprehension test and pupil's academic performance for the various subject



Reading is one of the most important skills that a student needs to master in order to facilitate

academic achievement. The goal of reading is comprehension, therefore reading comprehension

plays a vital role in one ’ s success in school [16]. Sanopao (2016) explained that reading

comprehension is a prerequisite of all learning areas because when a student has a difficulty in

reading along with literal, interpretative and critical levels of comprehension, he or she may also

encounter difficulties in all subject areas [16]. While the importance of reading comprehension is

never questionable, other theorists believed that a very slow reader is more likely to have little



Charlene Candelaria


Reading comprehension is a complex, multiple task ability. Lower-level processes and higher-
level processes, two equally difficult major categories, were divided. (Grabe and Stoller, 2002).
The higher-level abilities included syntactic, semantic, and other processes, while the lower-level
abilities included word recognition, graphophonic, and others. To be able to comprehend what is
read, a Language Testing in Asia Volume two, Issue one February 2012 page 46, A person must
be knowledgeable about the topic and structure of texts, as well as about reading strategies and
how to apply them to the processing of information and word recognition. (Pang, 2008).


Grabe, W., & Stoller, F.L. (2002). Teaching and researching reading. Harlow, Essex: Pearson

Pang, J. (2008). Research on good and poor reader characteristics: Implications for L2 reading
research in China. Reading in a Foreign Language, 20(1), 199-217.

Reading comprehension is the capacity to comprehend a text, to analyze the data, and to
accurately interpret what the author is saying. No one process defines reading comprehension by
itself, but together they provide a fairly accurate account of the processes required for fluent
reading.(Grabe and Stoller, 2002:17). In a similar earlier work, Janzen and Stoller (1998) stated
that identifying a purpose for reading, previewing, predicting, asking questions, checking
predictions, or finding an answer to the questions, connecting the text to prior knowledge,
summarizing, connecting one part of the text to another, and recognizing text structure are the
ten processes or strategies of reading comprehension.

Grabe, W., & Stoller, F.L. (2002). Teaching and researching reading. Harlow, Essex: Pearson

Janzen, J., & Stoller, F. L. (1998). Integrating strategic reading in L2 instruction. Reading in a
Foreign Language, 12(1), 251-269.

Reading comprehension is defined as a thinking process in which a reader selects facts,

information, or ideas from printed materials; determines the meanings the author intended to
transmit; determines how they relate to prior knowledge; and judges their appropriateness and
worth for meeting the learner's own objectives. Veeravagu, et al (2010:206).


Veeravagu, J., Muthusamy, C., Marimuthu, R., & Subrayan, A. (2010). Using Bloom’s
Taxonomy to gauge students’ reading comprehension performance. Canadian Social Science,
6(3), 205-212.

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