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TIMCATWALK.COM Presents Endeavor Mock Cat Series INSTRUCTIONS, Before the Test: 1, DO NOT REMOVE THE SEAL OF THIS BOOKLET UNTIL THE SIGNAL TO START IS GIVEN 2. Keep only Pencil, Sharpener, Eraser and ballpoint pen with you. DO NOT KEEP with you books, rulers, slide rules, drawing instruments, calculators, cellular phone, pagers, stopwatches or any other devices or loose papers. 3, Use only HB pencil to fill in the Answer sheet. At the start of Test: 1. As soon as the signal to start is given, open the booklet. 2. This booklet contains 31 printed pages excluding the front page and blank pages provided for rough work. 3, Please check whether all the pages are printed properly. In case of any problem with the booklet, contact the invigilator immediately. How to answer: 1, This test has three sections, which examine various abilities. In all, there are 133 questions. You will be given two hours to complete the test. In distributing the time over the three sections, please bear in mind that you need to demonstrate your competence in all the three sections. 2. Directions for answering the questions are given before each group of questions. Read these directions carefully and answer the question by darkening the appropriate circles on the answer sheet. There is only one correct answer to each question 3. Each section carries 50 marks. Each section is divided into sub-sections. Section 1 is divided into three sub-sections 1A, 1B and 1C. Each question of Section 1A carries % mark each and 1B carries 1 mark each while 1C carries 2 marks each. Section 2 is divided into two parts 2A and 2B. Section 2A carries 1 mark each and 2B carries 2 marks each. Section three is divided into two parts 3A and 3B. Section 3A carries 1 mark each and 3B carries 2 marks each. Wrong answers carry negative marks. 4. Do your rough work only on the Test Booklet and NOT on the answer sheet After the Test: 1, At the end of test, remain seated. The invigilator will collect the Answer Sheet from your seat. Do not leave the room until the invigilator announces to do so. Candidates giving assistance or seeking/receiving assistance from any source in answering questions or copying in any manner in the test will be asked to leave the room and the candidate will have no right to argue. , & Endeavor TIMCATWALK.COM Presents Endeavor Mock Cat Series Section 1 Section 1A Questions 1- 20 carry half marks each DIRECTIONS (Ques.1 to 5): In each of the following sentences, part or parts of the sentence is/are left blank, Beneath each sentence, four different ways of completing the sentence are indicated. Choose the best alternative from among the four. 1 The Indian Economic system has grown into a rent-seeking superstructure, the flowing from it being much less than the total costs of, it, (1) funds, maintaining (2) profits, restructuring (3) benefits, sustaining (4) cash, maintaining By ignorant professional politicians to power, we have kept a singularly gifted and enterprising nation in the of the poorest on the earth, (1) electing, club (2) riffing, rolls (3) voting, ranks (4) catapulting, category In poor countries like India, women and children to be the most sections in the employment market even after more than 50 years of independence. (1) happen, unprivileged (2) continue, vulnerable (3) happen, disadvantaged (4) continue, exploited cricket with war and hate will only serve to amplify the strong that this game evokes among the people of the sub-continent (1) contrasting, following (2) comparing, feelings (3) __ banning, anger (4) equating, emotions Itisa that all these decades our paranoid leaders have been unable to see how much india gains by a free flow of people, books, films, music and goods. (1) surprise, impeding (2) pity, restricting (3) surprise, promoting (4) pity, allowing DIRECTIONS (Ques.6 to 10): In each of the following sentences, a part of the sentence is underlined. Beneath each sentence, four different ways of phrasing the underlined part are indicated, Choose the best alternative from among the four. 6. It was us who had left before he arrived, 1 we who had left before time he had arrived, 2. us who had went before he arrived. 3. us who had went before had arrived. 4, we who had left before he arrived. The MP rose up to say that in her opinion, she thought the Women's Reservation Bill should be passed on unanimously 1, rose to say that she thought the Women’s Reservation Bill should be passed 2, rose up to say that, the Women's Reservation Bill should be passed on 3. rose to say that, in her opinion, she thought that the Women's Reservation Bill should be passed 4, rose to say that, in her opinion, the Women's Reservation Bill should be passed on Mr. Pillai, the president of the union and who is also a member of the community group, will be in charge of the negotiations, 1. since he is a member of the community group 2 © Endeavor MOCK CAT / 2 wy « 10. DIRECTIONS (Ques.11 to 15): For each of the words below, a contextual usage TIMCATWALK.COM Presents Endeavor Mock Cat Series 2, also being a member of the community group 3, _amember of the community group 4. in addition, who is a member of the community group Since the advent of cable television, at the beginning of this decade the entertainment industry took a giant stride forward in our country. 1, this decade saw the entertainment industry taking 2. this decade, the entertainment industry has taken 3, this decade, the entertainment industry had taken 4, this decade, the entertainment industry took His mother made great sacrifices to educate him, moving house on three occasions, and ‘severing the thread on her loom's shuttle whenever Mencius neglected his lessons to make him understand the need to persevere. 1. severing the thread on her loom’s shuttle whenever Mencius neglected his lessons to make him understand the need to persevere. 2, severed the thread on her loom's shuttle whenever Mencius neglected his lessons to make him understand the need to persevere. 3, severed the thread on her loom's shuttle whenever Mencius neglected his lessons to make him understand the need for persevering. 4, severing the thread on her looms shuttle whenever Mencius neglected his lessons to make them understand the need to persevere. provided. Pick the word from the alternatives, given that is most inappropriate in the given context. " 12. 13, 14, 15. Specious: A specious argument is not simply a false one but one that has the ring of truth. 1. Deceitful 2. Fallacious 3. Credible 4, Deceptive Obviate. The new mass transit system may obviate the need for the use of personal cars. 4. Prevent 2. Forestall 3. Preclude 4. Bolster Disuse: Some words fall into disuse as technology makes objects obsolete. 1, Prevalent 2. Discarded 3. Obliterate 4, Unfashionable Parsimonious: The evidence was constructed from very parsimonious scraps of information. 1, Frugal 2. Penurious 3. Thrifty 4, Altruistic Facetious: When | suggested that it is a method of controlling population, my father remarked that | was being facetious. 1. Serious. 2. Jovial 3. Jocular 4. Joking DIRECTIONS (Ques.16 to 20): In each of the following sentences, a part of the sentence is underlined, Beneath each sentence four different ways of phrasing the underlined part are given. Choose the best alternative from among the four. 16. People who inherit the sickle cell anemia gene from only one parent seem to be resistant to malaria, an evolutionary advantage that may explain why a genetic condition so debilitating has survived in the human population. (1) seem to be resistant to malaria (2) seemingly are resistant to malaria (3) seem to be resistant to malaria and have (4) seemingly are resistant to malaria and to have 3 © Endeavor MOCK CAT / 2 wy « 17. 18. 19. 20, TIMCATWALK.COM Presents Endeavor Mock Cat Series Although he was the most gregarious person around, and different from the others, he hadn't hardly any friends except me. (1) different than the others, he had hardly any friends except me. (2) different from the others, he had hardly any friends except me. (3) different from the others, he had hardly any friends except | (4) different than the others, he had hardly any friends except |. Beside me, there were many person who were altogether aggravated by his manners. (1) Beside me, there were many persons who were altogether aggravated (2) Beside me, there were many persons who were altogether irritated (3) Besides me, there were many persons who were altogether aggravated (4) Besides me, there were many persons who were altogether irritated The reports from the Ministry of Finance indicated that the economy has grown at an annual rate much higher than most economists had predicted may occur. (1) had predicted (2) predicted the occurrence of (3) predicted (4) predicted may occur. Unlike the Shiites, who constitute the other major branch of Islam, the Sunnites do not await the Mahdi as a messenger of God, nor do they endow him with divine qualities or immunity from failure in judgement. (1) But they do not endow him (2) neither do they endow him (3) and they neither endow him (4) nor do they endow him ‘ © Endeavor

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