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DATE:- 21st NOVEMBER, 2022

Huntington’’s views, like the study of the modernization theorists, said as the heuristic to help
Americans understand the growing nations after decolonisation. It was the conservative
response to what he thought as the progressive dreams of these modernization theorists, who
he castigated as satisfying their writings with the ‘ atmosphere of promising unreality ’ .13 But
beyond the Academy, Huntington’’s writings also got a important message. If he was good and
that modernisation theorists were incorrect, then the policy from spr

At the time, the dominant discourse on these issues – and one which would have an influence
over the development of U.S. strategy towards the developing world – was modernisation
theory. Proponents of modernisation theory such as Daniel Bell, Gabriel Almond, Lucian Pye
and Walt Rostow sought what historian Michael Latham calls a ‘universal model of global
change’ that would allow for an understanding of developments in the decolonising states in
Asia, Africa and Latin America in the 1950s and 1960s. Modernisation theorists provided a
comforting vision in which the new states would experience social, economic and political
development that would inevitably make them more like the West. All good things would go
together in what Lerner called a ‘consistent whole’. Social, economic and political change –
urbanisation, industrialisation, secularisation, democratisation, education and media
participation – would all occur at once. Furthermore, they would be unidirectional, ushering the
new states onto a higher plateau where they could bask in the glow of modernity along with
the West.7eading cultural and economical ‘ development ’ throughout the world could really
spread instability. Also as standing as the rejection of some of the rational tenets of U.S. Nation-
building and counter-insurgency strategy more generally, Huntington’’s views on ‘ development
’ and ‘ modernization’ ’ likewise had real primary implications for the most burning subject in
America strategy at the late decades. The matter was the Vietnam War.

Modernization Theorists believed traditional societies needed Western help to improve. There
were many arguments about the most powerful ways to help nations improve, But there was
broad agreement on this position that care was a great thing and if producing nations were
injected with wealth and western expertise it could help to crumble ‘ backward ’ cultural
barriers and kick starts their economies. The most well-known variant of modernisation theory
is Walt rostow’s 5 levels of economic development. Rostow (1971 ) proposed that following
first investment, nations could then set off on the evolutionary process in which they could
move up 5 levels of the growth ladder. The process should make 60 years. The idea is that with
assistance from region, developing nations would improve a lot faster than we did.

Modernization Theorists believed traditional societies needed Western help to improve. There
were many arguments about the most powerful ways to help nations improve, But there was
broad agreement on this position that care was a great thing and if producing nations were
injected with wealth and western expertise it could help to crumble ‘ backward ’ cultural
barriers and kick starts their economies. The most well-known variant of modernisation theory
is Walt rostow’s 5 levels of economic development. Rostow (1971 ) proposed that following
first investment, nations could then set off on the evolutionary process in which they could
move up 5 levels of the growth ladder. The process should make 60 years. The idea is that with
assistance from region, developing nations would improve a lot faster than we did.

As already mentioned, dependency theory represents the opposition to modernization theory.

Hoogvelt (1978:65) argues that the facts of past appear to negate what the modernisation
framework expects to occur. These current practices differ from concept. Developing countries
continue to trade raw materials and sell them in affordable prices to the industrialized nations.
These materials are processed into manufactured goods and subsequently sold back through
the world market system in extremely high prices to those `` growing '' nations, making
significant financial burden on them. Their business needs make the developing countries
nations to seek international investment in terms of assets, personnel and engineering from
global financial institutions, e.g., the World Bank, global Monetary Funds, Asian Development
Bank, European Economic Commission and so on. The assets, personnel and technology get in
the form of international assistance either as grants or loans. These loans are generally
dependent and they have to be repaid over a period, whereas these concessions are used
largely in the economic interests of the donor nations or agencies. The recipient nations either
have problems in repaying these loans or make it difficult to fit the economical needs of the
donor nations.

Engineering is one of the greatest contributors to modernization, which now determines

fashion and habits. For instance, texts were the only method of long distance communication,
particularly within war-time. Couriers crossed bridges to convey messages on horsebacks and
other crude modes

Despite its weaknesses Modernisation concept has been one of most important possibilities in
terms of influence on international affairs. This heart of modernization theory led in the
organization of the UN, the World Bank and the IMF, international business institutions through
which developed Nations go to direct aid money to less developed countries to this day,
Although there is certainly argument over whether assistance is the effective means to
process.of transportation. When the postman could take the letter to the doorsteps, it took a
different point of joy

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