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Department of the Interior and Local Govert Republic of the Philippines ae ere) L Region 13 (Caraga) EASED, oate MAY 17202 MEMORANDUM rome: ll TO ALL PROVINCIAL! CITY DIRECTORS ‘ay: at This Region Seco SUBJECT : IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES OF THE SAFETY SEAL CERTIFICATION PROGRAM FOR THIS DEPARTMENT AND THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS AS ISSUING AUTHORITIES DATE : 14 May 2021 This is to provide the good Directors with a copy of DILG MC No. 2021- 053 relative to the above-captioned subject together with DOLE-DOH-DILG- DOT-DTI JMC No. 21-01, Series of 2021, providing for the Implementing Guidelines of the Safety Seal Certification Program. Relative thereto, please take note of the salient provisions of the said Memorandum particularly the creation and composition of DILG and LGU Inspection and Certification Teams in each Local Government Unit and the roles and responsibilities of such Team as provided under the JMC. Lastly, kindly cause the immediate and widest dissemination of the subject Memorandum to all LGUs and all others concerned within your area of responsibility. For information, guidance and strict compliance. LILIBETY A: ACION, CESO III Regighdl Director/~ “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan” P.1~ A, Barangay Doongan, Butuan City, Email Address: Tel. Nos.: (085) 342-2134, 341-1976, 342-2045 ‘Website: 1DBC)-2021-05-14-1354

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