MINOR PROJECT, Kumari Arpana

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A study on role of digital and social media marketing and its impact
on consumer behavior.






FACULTY, MAIT 12014803921
MBA 2nd Sem


Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi
PSP Area, Plot No. 1, Sector 22, Rohini Delhi 110086

This is to certify that I have completed the minor project report “A study on role of digital and social media
marketing and its impact on consumer behavior” under the guidance of Mr. Nishant Gaur in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Masters of Business Administration at Maharaja
Agrasen Institute of Technology, Delhi. This is an original piece of work & I have not submitted it earlier

Kumari Arpana




This is to certify that the minor project report titled “Study of digital and social media marketing and its
impact on the consumer behavior” is an academic work done by Kumari Arpana submitted in the partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Masters of Business Administration from
Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, Delhi, under my guidance & direction. To the best of my
knowledge and belief the data & information presented by him/her in the report has not been submitted

Mr. Nishant Gaur

Assistant Professor



I take the opportunity to express my gratitude to all of them who in some or other way helped me to
accomplish this challenging report. No amount of written expression is sufficient to show my deepest sense
of gratitude to them.

I am very thankful to Director Prof (Dr) Neelam Sharma MAIT, HOD Dr. Amit Gupta MBA, MAIT and my
Guide, Prof. Nishant Gaur MBA, MAIT Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, Rohini for their
everlasting support and guidance on the ground of which I have acquired a new field of knowledge. The
course structure created for this curriculum has benefited with the inclusion of recent development in the
organizational and managerial aspects.

I express my sincere thanks to all people who participated and helped me in successfully conducting minor
project. I am thankful to all the members who gave valuable information in the part of my minor project

Kumari Arpana




Executive Summary V

Chapter-1: Introduction 1

1.1 Introduction (Background of the study) 2-7

1.2 Purpose of the study 8

1.3 Scope of the study 8

1.4 Significance of problem 9

Chapter-2: Research Methodology 10

2.1 Research design 11

2.2 Research type 11

2.3 Sample Size & Sampling Techniques 12

2.4 Data Collection Sources 12

2.5 Methodology of data collection 13

2.6 Techniques proposed to be used for data analysis 13

Chapter-3: Data Presentation & Analysis 14-22

Chapter-4: Conclusion & Suggestions 23

4.1 Findings of the study 24-25

4.2 Conclusion 26

4.3 Learning Outcomes 27

4.4 Suggestions 28

4.5 Limitations 29

Bibliography 30

Appendices 31-37

Executive Summary

The purpose of this project titled “A study on digital and social media marketing and its impact on
consumer behavior” is to collect the necessary information about the people regarding shopping habits.

The consumers of internet in the present times are widely spread in all over the world and have taken a
growth in many of the sectors. Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing, have provided new way of
communication to engage the consumer in different business sectors. Various Online tools are also
increasing on rapid rate to reach new customers. According to recent marketing research, social media is
getting involved in people’s lives and making them more dependent. Social media improve the interaction
by providing contents publicly and gain interest of visitors. Social sites are tools to spread the information
among consumers.




Using the internet, social media, mobile apps, and other digital communication technologies has become part
of billions of people’s daily lives. For instance, the current number of internet users in India is about 323
Million and around 3.2 Billion on this planet. Younger people—the next generation of mass consumers—
have similarly high levels. People also spend increasing time online.

For example, in the India, over the last decade the number of hours spent online by people has more than
doubled, and now averages 20.5 hours per week. Social media has fuelled part of this growth: worldwide
there are now more than 2.46 billion people using social media, and Facebook alone now has approximately
1 billion active users per day. Clearly, people are exposing themselves to more and more digital and social
This is for many purposes, including in their roles as consumers as they search for information about
products, purchase and consume them, and communicate with others about their experiences. Marketers
have responded to this fundamental shift by increasing their use of digital marketing channels. In fact, by
2017 approximately one-third of global advertising spending is forecast to be in digital channels.

Thus, future consumer marketing will largely be carried out in digital settings, particularly social media and
mobile. It is therefore necessary for consumer research to examine and
Understand consumer behavior in digital environments. This has been happening over the last decade, with
increasing amounts of research focusing on digital consumer
Behavior issues.

This has been happening over the last decade, with increasing amounts of research focusing on digital
consumer behavior issues. The literature is still relatively nascent, however, and more research is of course
needed— particularly given the ever-changing nature of the digital/social media/mobile environments in
which consumers are situated and interact with brands and each other.

Clearly, people are exposing themselves to more and more digital and social media. This is for many
purposes, including in their roles as consumers as they search for information about products,1 purchase and
consume them, and communicate with others about their experiences. Marketers have responded to this
fundamental shift by increasing their use of digital marketing channels. In fact, by 2017 approximately one-
third of global advertising spending is forecast to be in digital channels. Thus, future consumer marketing
will largely
be carried out in digital settings, particularly social media and mobile. It is therefore necessary for consumer
research to examine and understand consumer behavior in digital environments.

Consumer Digital Culture

Consumer digital culture research considers, quite deeply, the digital environments in which consumers are
situated. A key aspect of this work has been understanding how 5 consumers’ identities and self-concepts
extend into digital worlds, such as work by Belk. Belk extended his prior work on the “extended self” to
incorporate the digital environments in which consumers now situate themselves, which is an important
piece of theory development because it considers concepts such as the ability for consumers to have multiple
selves due to possessing multiple online “personas.” Belk also suggests many areas for future research.
Other research under this theme looked at more specific phenomena. McQuarrie et al. focused on fashion
blogging as a means of documenting the “megaphone effect,” which is the ability for regular consumers to
access large audiences through digital/social media. This is an important effect and they discussed how
bloggers go about building audiences and accumulating social (or cultural) capital through demonstrations of
“good taste.” In a social media setting this essentially means that a blogger (or “influencer”) makes
recommendations that signal her expertise to others. This is in a specific setting, but has implications for
understanding consumers’ content-generation behaviors on social media more generally, since signaling
positive personal attributes is likely a common motivation for posting certain things on sites like Facebook.
Together, these articles make an important conceptual contribution around how we see consumers in a
digital world, particularly by implying an expanded conception of what it is to be a consumer in today’s
digital world.

Digital advertising is a major topic in the marketing literature and, with respect to consumer behaviour,
considers how consumers respond to various aspects of digital ads. A number of recent articles considered
behavioral aspects of digital advertising from various perspectives. One interesting perspective taken in a
few articles was based around how 6 to overcome (assumed) psychological reactance due to personalization
of digital ad targeting.

The consumers of internet in the present times are widely spread in all over the world and have taken a
growth in many of the sectors. Digital media had provided new way of communication to engage the
consumer in different business sector. Various Online tools are also increasing on rapid rate to reach new
customers. It has been observed by many companies who get more interactive and becomes famous on social
media. This results on their business rapid growth. It has been reported in 2010, Face book have nearly about
400 millions of users. There are 1.5 million users who belong to the business sector. The organization
requires being well aware about the platforms from where they could approach large number of customers
and spread their information among them. Some of the companies like- Dell, Samsung, Sony, etc. have
experienced the increment of sales while using social media (Tauten and Solomon, 2014). In last year of
February, Sony announced on a social site i.e. Twitter, that they had gain extra $1.6 million. After in June
month Dell Company also experienced the direct connection to the customer and it increases the overall
growth of the 4 business. It generates a question that whether social media is best for highly reputed brand,
or it is helpful for smaller brands. In 2009, social media gave the answer by a so-called example of a very
small shoe company situated at Canada. The company’s name was John Flavor Boots and Shoes which
analyzed their sales increment by 40 percent after starting advertisement on social media and becomes well
known brand. Social media is new research for marketing but still some research is there. Social media
offers various strategies to manage above explained phenomenon. The strategies offered by them are
recommended in nature and lack experimental in support. According to previous findings, social media had
investigated the user tempting fields. They are also trying to find facts of relevance interest (Vinerean.et.al,
2013). Larry Weber 2009 had mentioned in his book that Social media is a new marketing platform where
judgment of public changes in every hour, minute and even each seconds but the attitude of customer for
product are not changed in this rapid rate.

Social Media has changed the organizations do business with the help of computers online over past few
years, and as result social media marketing has created its own name in the business world. There are many
online networking sites are there which affect consumer behavior. Like Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube etc.
Now a days Social Media is using by almost all the ages of consumers may college students, working class
and even old age people too. Millions of emerging young adults use Social web sites. Social websites like
Orkut, facebook,. In today the life Social Media become a very strong useful tool using by the consumer in
buying decisions. Technology has changed the life of all consumers. Today we are living in 21stcentury, it is
very difficult for the consumers to spend time on purchasing the product because of busy schedule. Now a
days users are acquiring followers and subscribers giving information by social media how to purchase the
goods online without wasting time to go personally. Through Social Networking Sites consumers can get
information not only about companies but also for the companies too.

There are various Social Media Marketing tools are available for the consumers some of them are:
1. Social Media Monitoring.
2. social media.
3. Blog Marketing.
4. Social Book Marketing and Tagging.
5. Social Analytics and Reporting.
6. Social Aggregation.

With the fickle popularity of various Social Media Marketing like Google+, Facebook, Instagram Etc. which
is affecting consumer behavior.
Process of the Digital Marketing of a Product:

 Marketing/prospecting to your target market and audience

 Building credibility and trust
 Escorting and courting the buyer through the process
 Presenting the product or service that meets their needs
 Closing the sale

1.2 Purpose of study

The prime objective of this research is to find factors that mainly influences the consumer purchase decision
and how digital and social media marketing attracts the consumer for their purchase
To examine the implication of digital marketing in consumer purchase decision and to find out that the
consumers are aware of digital marketing and the digital channels influence in their purchase decision.

To evaluate the various channels preferred by consumers for buying decision over traditional channels.

To analyze the impact of social media on consumer buying behavior.

To find out which is the best social media preferred by customers.

To have a critical understanding of varied concepts of social media marketing and the online advertisement

1.3 Problem Statement

Research has trying to see that now social media marketing is changing the situation and taking place of
traditional channels of marketing. Not only young generation but old age consumers, working women,
homemakers women those who are working in various organization like Banks, Private organizations and
many more industries have show their interest in social marketing.
In modern world, is the world of technology where social media marketing is rising too rapidly. Study show
that many consumers are shifting from traditional way to modern way of purchasing the goods and services
too. We have seen that social websites are rising day by day like Flipkart, Amazon and many more. The way
of thinking of consumers and many customers are shifting i.e. changing.
The perception of young as well as middle age and even old age consumers are changing and moving. Some
consumers are thinking that it has low cost that means as compare to other ways means older way is
relatively cheaper. So, social media and various networking sites are developing day by day and consumers
are attracting towards them.
It is now really true that social networking which are doing the job of marketing are mean to changing the
mind and thinking of many and various consumers. So researcher trying to find out how social media has
changing the thinking and way of many consumers who are living in that district for that research has
collected much information about that and trying to find out in part of social networking sites or social
media marketing on consumer buying behavior.
1.4 Significance of problem / Justification of problem

 It gives information about the scope of growth of the companies into Digital platform
 It shows the rising growth of consumers purchase decision on various E-platforms.
 It provides the information about the preference and choices of the different customers.
 The study also gives information regarding the expansion of products and services on various
 It gives the clarity of the consumer mindset towards their future consumption patterns.

Chapter- 2
Research Methodology

Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the problem. It may be understood as a science of
studying how research is done scientifically.

In it we study the various steps that all generally adopted by researcher in studying his research problem
along with the logics behind them.


Research design is an arrangement of data collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine
relevance to the research purpose. It is a blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data.

The methodology adopted for this project is descriptive in nature.

The descriptive research method primarily focuses on describing the nature of a demographic segment,
without focusing on “why” a particular phenomenon occurs. In other words, it “describes” the subject of the
research, without covering “why” it happens.
Descriptive research Design method was used to study on for the analysis. This will be helpful for
Companies to enhance new marketing strategy to expand into the market.


For this study Descriptive and explanatory research type have been used. The primary objective of
descriptive research is to define the characteristics of a particular phenomenon without necessarily
investigating the causes that produce it. Explanatory research is the most common type of research method
and is responsible for establishing cause and effect relationship that allow generalizations to be extended to
similar realities. It is closely related to descriptive research

2.3 Sample Size & Sampling Techniques

Sample Size:
Sample size is a part of target population, carefully selected to represent population.
Here in this study sample size is of 110 respondents.

Sampling technique:

Sampling techniques are broadly divided into two groups as probability sampling techniques and non-
probability sampling techniques. For the current study, Probability random sampling technique is chosen.
Random sampling technique gives everyone an equal chance of being selected in the sample population.

2.4 Data Collection Sources

Primary Data and Secondary Data

Primary data collection technique is used in this research for collecting first hand data from surveyed

The survey was created via Google form, an online survey tool, to reach the targeted sample population.

Secondary Data

It is a type of data that has already been collected in the past.

Sources of secondary data include books, personal sources, journals, newspapers, websites, etc.

2.5 Methodology of data collection

Data collection is the methodological process of gathering information about a specific subject. It’s crucial
to ensure your data is complete during the collection phase and that it’s collected legally and ethically.
If not, your analysis won’t be accurate and could have far-reaching consequences.

Surveys are used to collect data from the target audience and gather insights into their preferences, opinions,
choices, and feedback related to their products and services.

Tools of data collection: Questionnaire is the primary tool of the research.

Questionnaire was created via Google form to reach the targeted sample population.

2.6 Techniques proposed to be used for data analysis

Techniques which are proposed to be used for data analysis are - Pie charts; Bar graphs; Column charts

Data presentation & Analysis



This graph displays that out of 110 respondents 60 respondents are males and 50 female.

Fig 3.2


As shown in the figure most of the respondents are of age 21-25.

Fig 3.3


As shown in the figure most of the respondents are Students



On the basis of the research, it is analyzed that consumers access the social media platforms on the
daily basis. 91.8% of the overall respondents are going through digital platforms daily.

Fig 3.5


Instagram and Facebook are the trending social media channels that have been accessed by the youths
nowadays. It is seen that they are having the highest market with 86 and 56 respectively. These are the
platforms which is highly preferred by the consumers which influence their behaviour.

Fig 3.6


In this digital era, it is analysed that most of the consumers are aware about social media marketing or online
advertising. The effectiveness of the marketing strategies can be observed that 80% of the respondents are
having awareness regarding Digital platforms.

Fig 3.7


On an average about 55.5 % of people agreed that digital platform has the potential of affecting their
behaviour towards any product or service. The rest of the consumers who are not that much aware about the
online platform is not getting influenced.

Fig 3.8


According to the survey, it is observed that the social advertisement on various platforms like Instagram,
Facebook etc. and the media sharing sites like Gaana.com, YouTube etc are playing a louder role in
affecting the behaviour of consumers.

Fig 3.9

Bloggers are the strong source that influence the consumers to buy or consume the product. But somewhere
some people are not that much following to the blogs on the internet. Hence it has a 50% of ratio that affects
the human behaviour.

Fig 3.10

According to the research,92 respondents’ access digital platforms for interacting with the friends and family
and then after for viewing online advertisements played on different platforms. Some of the respondents i.e.
39 even access social platforms for having a view of product or service that varies to the traditional
Fig 3.11

Based upon the survey it is very much clear that majority of the respondents (110/150) agree to the fact that
they have been accessing social media sites for seeking opinion regarding various products or services. This
clearly shows the influence of social media and digital media on the users.

Fig 3.12


89/110 Respondents believe that advertising through digital and social media channels is highly effective
compared to traditional methods of marketing.

Fig 3.13

According to the survey a total of 87 respondents accept that they are able to gain more information on
social media marketing when compared to other channels, while 14 respondents feel that sometimes. 9
respondents disagree with the fact that they are able to gain more information on social media marketing
compared to other channels.

Fig 3.14
In Context of the survey carried out, it lists out the various factors that motivates people for shopping
thorough digital platforms. Most of the respondents feel that online mode of shopping feels convenient to
them. It also helps them to gain extensive information regarding a product or a service and then take their
choice of decision. Respondents also feel that due to the availability of product reviews, it becomes easy for
them to study the performance and reviews about the product. Majority of the respondents feel that it is the
offers and the discounts on online platforms that makes it more favorable when compared to other modes of
Fig 3.15

According to the research it is evident that majority of the respondents (52/110) have been through digital
ads to purchase a product online. This shows the familiarity of digital modes of shopping within people to
purchase a product.

Fig 3.16

From this survey it is very clear 94 respondents out of 110 feels that digital media is an effective way for
shopping because of the various unique positive factors that it provides to the customers upon their

Conclusion & Suggestions


 According to the survey, Majority of the respondents are between the age of 21-25 and 26-30 years.
This shows that how much the youths are completely used to the different digital and social media
 In our survey we have tried to find out the use of social media channels by our respondents and
determined that more than 92% of people access the social media channels daily.
 Comparing all the available social media channels, Instagram and Facebook are the most desirable
modes of social media which are very popular amongst the people today compared to LinkedIn and
 Based upon the survey it was found that 88 respondents are familiar and aware about the various
social media marketing content and online advertisements.
 According to our research 55.5% of the respondents believe that social media marketing has a huge
potential of affecting their behavior.
 It was found that Social Advertising sites, Social news, Media Sharing sites and blogs have huge
influence the people accessing social media channels.
 In Context of the survey carried out, 64.5%of the respondents feel that online mode of shopping feels
convenient to them.52% of them feel to gain extensive information regarding a product or a service
 Respondents also feel that due to the availability of product reviews, it becomes easy for them to
study the performance and reviews about the product. 55.5% of the respondents feel that the offers
and discounts on online platforms are more favorable
 It has a 50% of ratio that affects the human behavior due to bloggers on the internet.
 Based upon the survey we found that 83.6 % of the respondents use digital platforms for interaction
with family and friends and 22.3% for viewing online advertisements and also seeking an opinion
about a product or a service.
 It was analyzed that majority of the respondents (55/110) agree to the fact that they have been
accessing social media sites for seeking opinion regarding various products or services.
 90% of the respondents believe that advertising through digital and social media channels is highly
effective in comparison to traditional marketing.
 According to the survey a total of 87 respondents accept that they are able to gain more information
on social media marketing when compared to other channels, while 9 respondents feel that
sometimes. 14 Respondents disagree with the fact that they are able to gain more information on
social media marketing compared to other channels.
 40% of the respondents also feel that availability of product reviews helps them study about the
product better.
 Digital modes of shopping always provide good discounts and sales for the customers when
compared to other modes of shopping.
 According to the research it is evident that majority of the respondents (52/110) have been through
digital ads to purchase a product online.
 From this survey it is very clear that 86% of the respondents feel that digital media is an effective
way for shopping.

4.2 Conclusion
A key issue for marketers currently is to understand how digital and social media are used in the purchase
decision process, their influence on buyer behavior, and their role as a marketing tool. The results overall
show that the classical model of decision-making is valid in describing the decision process of consumers in
this social media age.

Social media users found decision-making to be easier and enjoyed the process more, when compared to
those who used other information sources. They also had greater confidence and satisfaction during the
process. Those who perceived the information on social media to be of higher quality and greater quantity
than expectations were more satisfied overall. This suggests that information overload did not reduce
consumer satisfaction with social media.

Social media has enabled marketers to access and monitor consumer opinions on a continual instant basis by
listening-in and participating in online conversations, and observing what people are discussing in blogs,
forums and online communities. With such vast information freely available on social media, it is up to
businesses to harness it positively to improve their product offerings, their customer relationship
management, and their profitability.

Recent advances on the internet and the development of social media have facilitated the interconnectivity of
consumers. Consumers have social interactions through social media such as online forums, communities,
ratings, reviews and recommendations. These developments have introduced a new stream in e-commerce,
called social commerce, which empowers consumers to generate content and influence others. These
interactions provide different values for both business and consumers, indicating that social media increase
the level of trust in consumers and indirectly encourage intention to buy through social networking sites.

The results of data analysis reveal that social media empower participants to generate content through online
communities, reviews and recommendations. This research shows that advancements in the internet along
with social media have empowered customers. Consumers are now content generators through social media.
They share information and experiences with other consumers and have easy access to one another’s
information. This is a value that can be useful for e-commerce adoption and social commerce intention.
Because consumer social interactions produce online social support, e-commerce adoption is being promoted
to establish trust and, consequently, users’ intention to buy.

4.3 Learning outcome

There were several positive learning outcomes which are as follows

 I got opportunity to get the practical insights of doing research.

 I learnt about digital marketing and social media marketing.
 I learned that how digital marketing influence consumer behavior.
 I got to know about all the steps and the sequence in which they should be taken to do good research.

4.4 Suggestion

The study shows that the social interaction of individuals influences consumer attitude towards a product or
service. The research also provides some implications for managers. This research has shown the key role of
trust in e-commerce and social commerce. Building and maintaining trust through social media for online
vendors is the main managerial implication of this study.

Research identified that satisfaction level of consumers is seen to be high with respect to social media
advertising undertaken by consumer, but still it could be seen that there are particular group of individuals
who disagrees to this aspect. It has also been found that consumer has been undergoing online advertisement
using social media marketing and this states that business must carry out appropriate advertisement using
such media channels. It has also been identified that in the present era if business needs to influence the
behaviour of consumer towards their product and services then they have to carry out their advertisement
using social media channels.

Businesses should improve the social media usage and understand that the mass audience is no longer sitting
in front of a Television, but instead, in front of personal computers, smart phones and any other device with
Internet access, spending a good part of their time using social media, and being exposed to its content

4.5 Limitation

 The present study is based on the reliability of the primary data. The sample units were selected from
the population having multidimensional features of a large group.

 Due to lack of enough time. we have taken only limited area for the research.

 The study is based on the opinion of respondent (questionnaire) and these can be bias.

 The questionnaire might have excluded some important factor therefore the analysis and
interpretation might be exhaustive.

 The samples are selected at random basis.


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1. S.Ramesh Kumar, Consumer
behaviour and branding concepts,
reading and cases-
Pearson Power publication 2009
first edition ISBN 978-81-317-
2. Anil Kumar and Dinesh
Chawla, Consumer Behaviour by
KBD Publication New
Delhi edition 2010, ISBN 978-81-
3. Consumer Behaviour by ICFAI
University Hydrabad edition May
4. Satish K Batra & S H H Kazmi,
Consumer Behaviour Text and
Cases published by
Excel Books New Delhi, first
edition, ISBN 814-7446-361-5.
5. Kotler, Philip. Armstrong, Gary.
Wong, Veronica and Saunders,
John. Principles of
Marketing 2008, , Fifth European
Edition, Pearson Education

6. M. C. Cant, J. W. Strydom,
C. J. Jooste and P. J. du
Plessis 2009 Marketing
Management, Fifth Edition. Juta
and Company Ltd.
7. Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F.
Hair, Jr., Carl D. MacDaniel,
Marketing, 2008 Tenth
edition, Cengage Learning.
8. Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F.
Hair, Jr., Carl D. McDaniel
Essentials of Marketing
2010 seventh edition, Cengage
9. The article is Written By
“Prachi Juneja” on factors
affecting consumer behaviour in
management study guide.co
1. S.Ramesh Kumar, Consumer
behaviour and branding concepts,
reading and cases-
Pearson Power publication 2009
first edition ISBN 978-81-317-
2. Anil Kumar and Dinesh
Chawla, Consumer Behaviour by
KBD Publication New
Delhi edition 2010, ISBN 978-81-
3. Consumer Behaviour by ICFAI
University Hydrabad edition May

4. Satish K Batra & S H H Kazmi,
Consumer Behaviour Text and
Cases published by
Excel Books New Delhi, first
edition, ISBN 814-7446-361-5.
5. Kotler, Philip. Armstrong, Gary.
Wong, Veronica and Saunders,
John. Principles of
Marketing 2008, , Fifth European
Edition, Pearson Education
6. M. C. Cant, J. W. Strydom,
C. J. Jooste and P. J. du
Plessis 2009 Marketing
Management, Fifth Edition. Juta
and Company Ltd.

7. Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F.
Hair, Jr., Carl D. MacDaniel,
Marketing, 2008 Tenth
edition, Cengage Learning.
8. Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F.
Hair, Jr., Carl D. McDaniel
Essentials of Marketing
2010 seventh edition, Cengage
9. The article is Written By
“Prachi Juneja” on factors
affecting consumer behaviour in
management study guide
1. S.Ramesh Kumar, Consumer
behaviour and branding concepts,
reading and cases-

Pearson Power publication 2009
first edition ISBN 978-81-317-
2. Anil Kumar and Dinesh
Chawla, Consumer Behaviour by
KBD Publication New
Delhi edition 2010, ISBN 978-81-
3. Consumer Behaviour by ICFAI
University Hydrabad edition May
4. Satish K Batra & S H H Kazmi,
Consumer Behaviour Text and
Cases published by
Excel Books New Delhi, first
edition, ISBN 814-7446-361-5.

5. Kotler, Philip. Armstrong, Gary.
Wong, Veronica and Saunders,
John. Principles of
Marketing 2008, , Fifth European
Edition, Pearson Education
6. M. C. Cant, J. W. Strydom,
C. J. Jooste and P. J. du
Plessis 2009 Marketing
Management, Fifth Edition. Juta
and Company Ltd.
7. Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F.
Hair, Jr., Carl D. MacDaniel,
Marketing, 2008 Tenth
edition, Cengage Learning.

8. Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F.
Hair, Jr., Carl D. McDaniel
Essentials of Marketing
2010 seventh edition, Cengage
9. The article is Written By
“Prachi Juneja” on factors
affecting consumer behaviour in
management study gu
1. S. Ramesh Kumar, Consumer behavior and branding concepts, reading and cases-Pearson Power publication
2009 first edition ISBN 978-81-317-2236-7
2. Anil Kumar and Dinesh Chawla, Consumer Behavior by KBD Publication New Delhi edition 2010,
ISBN 978-81-908967-6-4
3. Consumer Behavior by ICFAI University Hyderabad edition May 2005.
4. Satish K Batra & S H H Kazmi, Consumer Behavior Text and Cases published by Excel Books New
Delhi, first edition, ISBN 814-7446-361-5.
5. Kotler, Philip. Armstrong, Gary. Wong, Veronica and Saunders, John. Principles of Marketing
2008, , Fifth European Edition, Pearson Education Limited.
6. M. C. Cant, J. W. Strydom, C. J. Jooste and P. J. du Plessis 2009 Marketing Management, Fifth
Edition. Juta and Company Ltd.
7. Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F. Hair, Jr., Carl D. MacDaniel, Marketing, 2008 Tenth edition, Cengage
8. Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F. Hair, Jr., Carl D. McDaniel Essentials of Marketing 2010 seventh
edition, Cengage Learning.
9. The article is Written By “Prachi Juneja” on factors affecting consumer behaviour in management
study guide.com

10. Bargh, JohnA.; Pietromonaco, Paula.1982. Automatic information processing and social perception:
The influence of trait information presented outside of conscious awareness on impression
formation.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology



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