Practice Test

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Practice test

Q 1. Refer to the excel sheet Q1 and find out the answers to the following questions – CO3

a) How many new Account Type opened in each branch?

b) What is the total amount deposited by New customers in the year 2008
c) Show quarter-wise amount deposited for savings account type for all years.
d) Prepare the Pivot Report as shown below:- e)
Q2. Refer the data sheet

Q2. You have been given the dataset showing sales of different states in different months. Create a drop
down list of all months and state and fetch the sales on the basis of these inputs in excel sheet.

States Florida

Month March

Sales $356

Q3. Refer the data sheet Q3 and answer the following –


a) Separate the Segment and Country in column B and C respectively from Column A with
appropriate formulas.
b) Fetch the year in Column G from column F
c) Create Sales ID in Column E in such a way that it contains First 3 letters of salesperson in capital
letters -3 letters of country in capital letters – month from the date column (F).
Example (BUC-CAN-JAN) .

Q4. Open a new sheet and rename it as Q4. CO1, CO4

Consider the problem of diet optimization based on cost and different nutritional factors.

There are four different types of food:

 Brownies,
 Ice Cream,
 Cola,
 Cheese Cake,
with nutrition values and cost per unit as follows:

Ice Cheese
  Brownies Cream Cola Cake
Calories 400 200 150 500
e 3 2 0 0
Sugar 2 2 4 4
Fat 2 4 1 5
Cost 270 100 160 450
Find a minimum-cost diet that contains -

 At least 500 calories

 At least 6 grams of chocolate
 At least 10 grams of sugar
 At least 8 grams of fat.

Q5. Take a new sheet and rename as Q5 and solve the given problems.


a. Create an Amortization Schedule for all the payments of monthly EMI if you take a home loan of
Rs. 250000 at the annual rate of 9.75%, for 10 years.
b. Create a data table for the same loan amount and 5 different options for rate of interest and
time duration in years.

Q6. Refer data sheet Q6 to solve the following queries – C02

Map the country as per the salesperson .Write an appropriate formula in Column E on the basis
of given small table below corresponding to the salesperson .

Country Salesperson
UK Suyama
USA Davolio
Q7. Refer sheet Q7 and solve

a) You initiate an order with your suppliers in such a way that if Quantity ordered
is more than the Quantity available in warehouse then " whole Quantity of
warehouse will be delivered " otherwise whatever the" Quantity has been
ordered by the customer that will be delivered".
For example:- From the table below in case of TV- Quantity delivered will be 45
and in case of AC Quantity will be delivered will be 37 and so on. Create a generic
formula in column E

b) Create your formulas in Column F (i.e. Results) in a such a way that it will show
the status of the student based on the conditions given:-

Fail (when the average is below 10)

Pass (when the average is between 10 and 12)
Good (when the average is between 12 and 14)
Very Good (when the average is between 14 and 16)
Excellent (when the average is beyond 16) CO4

Q8. Refer Sheet Q8 and solve the following queries – CO3

1. Prevent the user from entering favorite duplicate sports .Enter 5 unique sports only.
2. How many hours you study in a day. The data will be entered from 0 – 24 hours only
Apply proper rule in cell Address C16
3. Create an Employee ID such a way that it starts with "E" and total length will 5
characters. Write a formula in Cell address C23
4. Create a rule to enter valid email address in cell C30

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