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Missing Punctuation: Read the passage below and add correct capitalisation as well as the missing

punctuation marks: full stops, commas, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, semicolons,
hyphens, and brackets. There is a total of (20) mistakes that need to be rectified.

morris the martian was flying around the solar system one day when he saw a strange light in front of
him “What is that?” he thought to himself. morris was scared but he flew a little bit closer so that he
could see it better. "Hello" he called out. There was no reply nobody called back The light was an eerie
blue white that radiated quite brightly. he had to squint all of his three eyes to see better. "Hello. Is
anyone there" he called again, but there was still no reply. Suddenly a creature appeared in front of the
light "BOO" it shouted. poor morris was really scared and he flew off home. He didn’t look back the
entire trip he was too terrified to even check if he was being followed.

Missing Punctuation: Read the passage below and add correct capitalisation as well as the missing
punctuation marks: full stops, commas, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, semicolons,
hyphens, and brackets. There is a total of (20) mistakes that need to be rectified.

morris the martian was flying around the solar system one day when he saw a strange light in front of
him “What is that?” he thought to himself. morris was scared but he flew a little bit closer so that he
could see it better. "Hello" he called out. There was no reply nobody called back The light was an eerie
blue white that radiated quite brightly. he had to squint all of his three eyes to see better. "Hello. Is
anyone there" he called again, but there was still no reply. Suddenly a creature appeared in front of the
light "BOO" it shouted. poor morris was really scared and he flew off home. He didn’t look back the
entire trip he was too terrified to even check if he was being followed.

Missing Punctuation: Read the passage below and add correct capitalisation as well as the missing
punctuation marks: full stops, commas, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, semicolons,
hyphens, and brackets. There is a total of (20) mistakes that need to be rectified.

morris the martian was flying around the solar system one day when he saw a strange light in front of
him “What is that?” he thought to himself. morris was scared but he flew a little bit closer so that he
could see it better. "Hello" he called out. There was no reply nobody called back The light was an eerie
blue white that radiated quite brightly. he had to squint all of his three eyes to see better. "Hello. Is
anyone there" he called again, but there was still no reply. Suddenly a creature appeared in front of the
light "BOO" it shouted. poor morris was really scared and he flew off home. He didn’t look back the
entire trip he was too terrified to even check if he was being followed.

Missing Punctuation: Read the passage below and add correct capitalisation as well as the missing
punctuation marks: full stops, commas, exclamation marks, question marks, colons, semicolons,
hyphens, and brackets. There is a total of (20) mistakes that need to be rectified.

morris the martian was flying around the solar system one day when he saw a strange light in front of
him “What is that?” he thought to himself. morris was scared but he flew a little bit closer so that he
could see it better. "Hello" he called out. There was no reply nobody called back The light was an eerie
blue white that radiated quite brightly. he had to squint all of his three eyes to see better. "Hello. Is
anyone there" he called again, but there was still no reply. Suddenly a creature appeared in front of the
light "BOO" it shouted. poor morris was really scared and he flew off home. He didn’t look back the
entire trip he was too terrified to even check if he was being followed.

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