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Sports and Games

Nowadays our life is getting more and more tense.

The most important thing to keep you fit and healthy is to find a perfect balance.

Sports refresh people’s bodies and minds. It is said that “Health is Wealth.” 

Don’t forget of doing sports. Morning exercises, gym, tennis, biking ,swimming
pool, jogging, yoga, fitness training keep you in shape.
Sport (reading, learning English, Maths, IT, drawing) teaches us development. It
helps us learn things such as leadership, respect and patience.

It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts your
overall mood. Regular sports bring discipline to the body and mind.

Sport ( reading, learning English, Maths, IT, drawing) is very important for mental
and emotional development. Regular sports bring discipline to the body and mind.
Sports give you communication skills, teamwork, time management.

I like playing sports. Sports have always been of interest to me. I enjoy the success
that comes from sports. I like sports because it's exciting, it is a fun way to stay in
shape, it is a connection to a wider world. I just enjoy the company of my

There are several types of sports: physical sports (swimming,

gymnastics), motorized sports ( like cars or motorbikes), mind sports (like chess,
which needs a lot of attention and critical thinking skills), and sports with
animals (horseback riding, for example). 

 In short, playing sports helps you sleep better and be more relaxed.
I like sports. 

I'm bad at sports. Do you like sports? 

Football is a sport. I like playing sports. 

Do you play any sports?  I know you like sports. 

 I don't care for sports.  What sports do you like? 

 I don't go in for sports. I am interested in sports. (CK)

I bought a red sports car. Tom enjoys playing sports. (Hybrid)

 What's your favorite sport?  Let's not talk about sports. (CK)

My favorite sport is skiing. What sport do you like best? (CK)

I always wanted a sports car. What kind of sports do you do? (CK)

I've played sports all my life. What's your favorite summer sport? (CK)

What's your favorite winter sport?

GRAMMAR: Countable or uncountable?•

 In British English, you say:I like watching sport on TV.

Sport is an uncountable noun in this meaning.

 In American English, you say:I like watching sports on TV.

Sports is a plural noun in this meaning.

 GAMESa) [countable] a physical activity in which people compete against each other
 My favourite sports are tennis and swimming. 
a sports team 
Adjective sports stars a sports writer a sports fan
play (a) sport My ambition was to play sport at the highest level
.take part in (a) sport Students are encouraged to take part in a sport of some kind.
do sport British English, do sports American English I did a lot of sport at school.
take up a sport (=start doing it) I took up the sport six years ago.
compete in a sport (=do that sport in competitions) She competed in various sports when she
was young.

When getting to know someone new, a British person may ask: Do you do any sport?
That does not sound right to my American ears. I would ask, Do you play any sports?

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