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Semester-VI- TYBAMMC


NOTE: This material is for non commercial purpose. Only for the purpose of reference.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Introduction to Digital media:

1. Understanding Digital Media

2. Principle
3. Key concepts
4. Evolution of the Internet
5. Traditional v Digital

Understanding Digital Media:

Digital media are any media that are encoded in machine-readable formats. Digital media can be created,
viewed, distributed, modified and preserved on digital electronics

The term digital media refers to any type of media that is in an electronic or digital format for the
convenience, information and entertainment of consumers. It includes anything that is presented in an
audio (sound) or video (visual) form that can be seen and heard by others. Examples include music files,
such as MP3, Midi, or WMA files; video feeds found on the Internet at popular video websites; and
animated Flash® or graphic design files and images used to create interactive websites and games.

Digital media files are generally accessed by using complex electronics devices that contain digital
receivers or processors. These devices can include computers, mobile devices, video game consoles,
projectors, television and radio. Consumers access these files mostly for entertainment and educational
value; however, others are used for manipulation into other forms of media, such as movies, albums, or
Audio and music files are usually accessed with digital media players, such as MP3 players or radio
devices; they can also be downloaded from the Internet on music file sharing websites. Since digital
music files are easy to locate, download, and store, this format is very popular among music lovers. These

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

files are also easy to share among consumers. This is a lower cost alternative to purchasing large albums
or collections of music permanently stored on tapes, CDs and records.

Digital visual and video media is becoming a more popular form of sharing images and information for its
quick entertainment value. Video and graphic image media is not only used by regular consumers who
have access to affordable digital image and video creation and editing equipment and software, it’s also a
format that many businesses are beginning to use. These files provide interesting and stimulating formats
that have many ways of being used for the benefit of promoting ideas, information, and entertainment
with the public.
Gaming digital media has been available since the first video games were introduced in the 1980s. While
this has been traditionally a youthful pursuit, with the introduction of mobile gaming systems and family-
friendly video games, this hobby is becoming a staple of many households and is enjoyed by consumers
of all ages and abilities. The gaming media is most often found is either in a physical format, which must
be purchased at video game retailers, or the more convenient downloadable forms that are found on the
Types of digital media:
• include software,
• digital images,
• digital video,
• video game,
• web pages and websites,
• social media,
• data and databases,
• digital audio, such as MP3 and
• Electronic books.
Definition of Digital Media. Digital media is digitized content that can be transmitted over the
internet or computer networks. This can include text, audio, video, and graphics. This means that
news from a TV network, newspaper, magazine, etc. that is presented on a Web site or blog can
fall into this category.
Advantages of Digital Media Campaign
Long-lasting and Impressive: It is plain and simple that a winning advertisement will last longer in
customer’s minds. Whether the ad is brilliant, funny, influential, or creative, a highly innovative ad is

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

more likely to make the consumer select that company when they find later on that they are in
requirement of that product.
a. Forms a Fan Community Quicker: Creative communiques get more consideration and more
positive reviews about the products being marketed from their customers. Moreover, they are
more probable to involve the audience and the product promoted. When your audience is
engaged, word of mouth elevates automatically. Highly creative digital media advertising
campaign leads to more conversation about these ads and therefore, extend the audience from just
those who perceived the campaign.
b. More Productive: A lot of study says that when a dollar is invested in a greatly resourceful
digital media advertising campaign instead of ordinary ad of similar products, on average, this
leads to double the sales impact of a dollar expended on a non-innovative advertisement
campaign. Therefore, the creative advertisement is more impact and propel higher sales.
c. Digital Media Advertising: Keeps you at par with rivals: Digital advertising not only maintains
your pace with your competitors, it can also brace you up to compete head- to- head with
noteworthy brands and huge corporations.
d. Less Media Spending: A more convincing advertisement can enable other aspects of the ad
budget to be drastically decreased. This not only leads to more revenue by least cost, but this can
also help in rearranging your marketing budget to other parts of the business in want of it.
e. Easy to measure: You can keep eagle’s eye on the real-time, which campaign is working and,
which is not working for your business online and you can acclimate very fast to amend your
results. For evaluating traffic to your site, you can use Google Analytics to measure particular
goals you want to attain for your website or blog and most packaged email marketing solutions
deliver better understanding into how many people are opening, reading and getting converted via
your emails.
f. Brand Improvement: An appropriately maintained website with quality content targeting the
requirements and adding value to your target audience can offer substantial value and lead
generation chances. The same can be said for making use of direct advertising response with

Principles of Digital Media Marketing

For a business to succeed in today's world, it is important to have a strong digital impression within the
internet. Therefore, when a business is defining its marketing plan, it must incorporate a solid digital

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

strategy. How much value you have on each of the following factors correlates to how successful your
business can be online and in the real world.

1. Innovation: Creative innovation as the name suggests is all about bringing new formats of creative
assets, or a new technology in existing forms. One of the obvious problems in executing creative
innovations is the feasibility of implementation, especially when it involves new technology. The
capability of media owners in execution decides the fortune of the ‘innovation’.
Media innovation is all about finding new ways of using the media space or creating a new media space
altogether. We have seen how the media space has evolved, for it to be used for advertising purpose.
Therefore, its very hard to differentiate ‘innovation’ from what it would have been an organic evolution
of the space. For example, if you had run advertising in mobile apps five years back, we would have
called it innovative, but today it’s a standard part of any mobile media plan. Creative and media services
need to and are blending very fast with each other, which is essential for bringing about a true innovation.
Innovation suffers from another major bottleneck while selling the idea and that is resistance from
advertisers. Digital media is always being looked at as a highly measurable media, and this measurability
extends to ‘innovation’ before even executing it. Usually clients ask about the projected numbers as a
result of the proposed idea, how it will achieve results that are quantifiable, what are the benchmarks, etc.
First of all, if it’s an innovation, how can there be any benchmarks? Secondly, if clients have the appetite
for innovation, then they should not be afraid to try it in absence of any benchmarks.
Innovation leads to impact. While we question the reasonability of clients’ doubts, another problem with
executing innovations is the lack of farsightedness on agencies’ parts in the proposed idea. Advertisers
always want to see some actionable results through the innovation and they are not doing it for the sake of
doing it. Agencies will need to support the idea with scalability so that the overall media/marketing
objectives are always in sight while ideating and execution. Most of the creative ideas fail purely because
of the scalability issue. The long-term impact of the innovation on brand has to be kept in mind and
should be visible as a result of the execution. It could be difficult to measure the impact in purely
quantifiable terms but there are some soft parameters that can be deployed to gauge response and effect of
the execution.
2. Integration: The importance of integration within digital media and with traditional media is ever
increasing. With increasing media fragmentation, as it becomes harder for clients and agencies to choose
an apt media, the need for integration is inevitable. The media needs to work harder and integration is a
huge help to the cause. We have seen some real good examples of integrated marketing from across
categories such as outdoor hoardings carrying a short code for SMS, tickers scrolling on TVCs to send
SMSs or participate in online contests, print ads with QR codes to be scanned, so on and so forth.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Integration remains the most favourite question of today’s marketer and agencies need to deliver what we
call ‘integrated media plans’, which calls for a different kind of talent within the partner agencies and
most agencies are moving towards it.
3. Investment: Investment in digital media has always been in debate and its not only about how much a
brand should be investing in digital vis-à-vis other traditional media, but also about how much should be
invested within digital media itself given the choices of display, SEM, mobile, and social media
advertising. More choices signify more confusion in choosing the right option. While there is no exact
formula of how much should be invested, there are some principles that digital can adopt from traditional
media. For example, SOV (share of voice) can be translated to SOI (share of impressions) in digital
media, especially SEM and display. Secondly, the ROI of digital media will always be the forefront of
measurability for this medium. This has resulted in a number of metrics that can be used while buying
digital media other than purely CPM or CPT viz. CPC, CPL, CPA, and now even CPF (cost per fan). We
will talk more about ROI in the next section.
4. Insights: Rich customer insights have always been a very strong point for digital media both pre and
post planning. It will continue to enjoy that status for years to come. No other medium can compete with
digital when it comes to real consumer data. Whether it is the total number of search queries on Google
about a brand as pre-planning insights or the number of repeat and late visitors on brand website post-
execution kind of insights, both have equal importance. Web analytics post executions provide quite
useful insights on how users behaved after interacting with the ads. Insights help the media planner to
know the ROI of each media vehicle used in the digital media plan. These are also helpful in building
benchmarks for future planning such as help in building a media mix of various digital media viz. display,
search, mobile and social, etc. How much of what vehicle to be used can be answered if these insights are
accumulated over time?

5. Involvement: Involvement from all stakeholders while planning for digital media is an absolute
necessity nowadays. Digital media is more of a mindset than anything else, and this needs to be shared
jointly by the creative agency, media agency, PR agency, and the advertiser. These partners can no longer
work in isolation in order to execute an effective digital media initiative. I still remember those days when
clients used to brief the agencies and then left everything to them for delivering an effective campaign
plan. All partners need to learn the art of complementing each other with their respective skill sets. The
boundaries of responsibility and accountability are blurring, and are blurring rapidly. Lack of support by
one partner might result in the failure of the entire initiative or a campaign.
6. Interactivity: Interactivity was and will continue to be the differentiator for digital media from the rest
of the media, although the ‘type’ of interactivity is changing as expected. We have witnessed discussions

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

are not only about the ‘click’ but also the ‘touch’, especially for tablets and touch phones. Marketers and
agencies are preparing themselves to deliver the interactive experiences across devices such as PCs,
mobiles, tablets, and now even GPS/navigation devices. Given this scenario, content needs to be device
agnostic and it calls for an effective content strategy and interactivity needs to be delivered across owned,
earned, and paid media.
7. Map out your customer's journey: How often and through which channel are customers receiving
information? What content is most effective for customers to push past purchase roadblocks? Where
should messages be placed along the journey? These are all questions that you need to be able to answer
and address in order to better market your business in the digital marketing realm, and with digital
methods of communication and marketing becoming faster, more versatile, and streamlined, it is perhaps
unsurprising that once new technology becomes available we quickly move further into the digital age.
8. Content...Content...Content...:Content is key! It builds trust and loyalty and can help define you as an
expert in your chosen field. Good content promotes your credibility as well as your SEO. Regular,
original, relevant and engaging content that enhances your brand will help build a positive relationship
with your potential customer base. Utilizing a blog on your website is a great way to provide fresh and
relevant content, this can lead to an increase in site visitors, user engagement, which both work to drive

Key Concepts

Three key concepts in Digital Media:

1. Interactivity
2. participation and
3. immersion

Introduction: Digital media have facilitated a context where new forms of communication and storytelling
are possible. Interactive communication professionals become here key specialist who can understand the
potential of the medium and, in turn, become creators or, at least, facilitators of stories. They are
responsible for the innovation in communicative processes: Designing and implementing them
successfully not only in the well established channels and contexts, but also in these which appear –and
sometimes disappear- at a much higher rate than that to which the pre-digital professional was used to.
Some of these new channels and contexts will complement or expand existing ones, while others will end
up replacing them entirely.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

At the same time, media itself has radically changed, adapting at different rates –and with varying
success—to the context in which concepts such as ubiquity, active user (as opposed to the passive viewer)
or user generated content have reshaped the landscape. It is a context where social media has gone from
being a space for dialogue on ‘main’ media (second screen) to become the main context in which stories
are accessed and disseminated, often replacing the media platforms themselves, not without new inherent
problems. However, and despite the accelerated rate of change, there are some concepts that remain
central in order to understand digital media, the sound understanding of which is key to successfully
engage in the creation of interactive communication processes. As stated above, we consider the three
concepts discussed in the following section as being central to this discourse.

1. Interactivity: Interactivity refers to ability of a system to partake in the pro-cess of interaction.

When this refers to communication, a key aspect is the fact that the passive viewer or reader of
traditio-nal media is replaced by an active user; an entity with agency. The way this agency
affects the reception of the work or the work itself is widely varied. And while interactivity is an
intrinsic to digital medium, one can argue that not all of our experiences with it are really
interactive, according to the definition below. In this context, working with interactive media not
only means telling stories, but also creating and designing experiences for an active audience.
Here point of view of the designer of these systems becomes important, and from it it’s useful to
differentiate between passive, reactive and interactive systems, and to understand that there is not
so much a division but continuity between the latter two. However, while reactivity means
roughly that the same actions will always result in the same system responses, interactivity refers
to a much complex process.

Interaction are defined as series of related actions between two or more agents where at least one
of them is an artificial system that processes its responses according to a behavior specified by
design, and that takes into account some of the previous actions executed by .

This definition aims not at addressing all types of interaction, nor at framing interactive systems
under the umbrella of usability, but at a more experimental approach. Useful ideas to understand
this are the concepts of design for motivation or poetic interaction.

2. Participation. The second key idea to understand digital media is participation. Although some
authors conflate it with interactivity, it is very useful to differentiate both concepts. While
interaction always implies some sort of participation, this is a pertinent distinction in order to
frame the different types of activities that can take place with technological systems that afford

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

that the users take action in relation to them. It is especially relevant in the context of the web 2.0
and social media, where user generated content is central. The proposal here is to understand
participation as contribution: That is, the creating content by the user of the system, as a different
act than that of interacting with this content. Participation, from this point of view, includes any
form of contribution of a user to a (generally online) system. Uploading picture to a social
network is an act of participation, and it does involve interactivity when the actual uploading is
happening. But it is a trivial and mechanistic kind of interactivity. Thus, the interest here in such
cases does not reside the interactivity as described above. It is on this very act of contributive
participation that, in turn, constitutes a form of social interaction.
3. Immersion: The third and final concept in this triad is immersion. Similarly to interaction, it can
appear in a digital media experience in various degrees. But in this case we can differentiate
between a technological and a psychological component of it or, in other words, between spatial
and emotional immersion. The first is the immersion created with systems that are designed to
isolate the user from his or her environment, and give control of the point of view on a usually
360 degree scene. These types of technologies, which find its technological ancestors at least on
Baker’s panoramas of the late eighteenth century, have resurfaced in recent years with the revival
of Virtual Reality. They are well known for pro-viding very strong experience in terms of ‘sense
of place’, and have been linked to the –already cliché–creation of empathy, as they are very
powerful in having the user experience a specific point of view. There is, however, another type
of immersion that relates strongly to interactivity. In this case it is not so much the technology but
the engagement that generates immersion. Playing a game in a very small screen, or a monitor a
few meters away.

Evolution of the Internet

The history of the Internet begins with the development of electronic computers in the 1950s.
The internet has taken a lot of forms over the years. It began with the development of
ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network) which was funded by DARPA
(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) for the sole purpose of having a defense network
that could function in the time of a nuclear war. Initial concepts of wide area networking

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

originated in several computer science laboratories in the United States, United Kingdom, and
France. ARPANET adopted TCP/IP on January 1, 1983, and from there researchers began to
assemble the “network of networks” that became the modern Internet. The online world then
took on a more recognizable form in 1990, when computer scientist Tim Berners-
Lee invented the World Wide Web. On 6 August 1991, the World Wide Web went live to the
world. There was no fanfare in the global press. In fact, most people around the world didn't even
know what the Internet was. Even if they did, the revolution the Web ushered in was still but a
twinkle in Tim Berners-Lee's eye.
Vint Cerf. Widely known as a “Father of the Internet,” Cerf is the co-designer of the TCP/IP
protocols and the architecture of the Internet. In December 1997, President Bill Clinton presented
the U.S. National Medal of Technology to Cerf and his colleague, Robert E. Kahn, for founding
and developing the Internet.

Traditional v Digital

What is Traditional Media?

Traditional media, or as some refer to as old media, has been used in the marketing/advertising world for
years. When related to advertising, traditional media encompasses that of television, newspaper, radio and
magazine ads and out of home including in-store promotion, and transit. These forms of communication
are the steadfast ways that businesses have reached both consumers and other companies for decades.
They are the roots of advertising and the most common form utilized by businesses on a daily basis.
Though traditional media is effective, over the course of the last few years we have seen more and more
businesses utilizing new media to reach its target audiences.

What is New Media?

New media is the future of advertising. More and more consumers and businesses rely on new media to
find their information. Ultimately, new media refers to content that is easily accessible via many different
forms of digital media. When related to advertising, some examples of new media include online
advertising (retargeting, banner ads, etc.), online streaming (radio and television) and social media
advertising. Each of these are means in which businesses have the capability to reach consumers and
other businesses with ease.
Effect of Traditional and New Media on Consumers

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

As consumers, we sometimes find ourselves in a conundrum when it comes to how get our information.
Now-a-day, more and more consumers use the internet to quickly find information, making new media
advertising pertinent for any type of business. However, at the same time, consumers still take a good
chunk of time out of their day to use traditional media. On the way to work we have our radios playing, at
home we have the television on watching the news, and at the doctor’s office we find ourselves reading
the magazine on the end table next to us. Each of these are forms of traditional advertising that we use on
a daily basis.
As consumers, we may also find that there are instances when we multitask each day. Take it from
experience, there are many times when I’ll be at home watching television and at the same time I’ll be on
my tablet looking up the next vacation I’m going to take. It’s at these times that as an advertiser you need
to decide where the best place to put your money will be. Is it going to be running an ad on that television
show that I’m watching, or is it going to be online while I’m surfing the web? For advertisers, it’s
important to find that balancing act and not to strictly choose one over the other, but to weigh all the
options, and find a harmonious mix between both traditional and new media.

Digital Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing: Which One Is Better?

What's the difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing, and why does it matter? The
answers may surprise you.Many small businesses struggle with deciding which kind of marketing to do,
because their budget will only stretch to one or the other, not both. The decisions that must be made are
not easy: which method of marketing will give me the most bang for my buck? How do I know if my
marketing is working? Who should I trust with my marketing? Should I do it myself? The answers may
surprise you.
To clarify the terms, the use of print ads on newspapers and magazines is a simple example of traditional
marketing. Other examples include flyers that are put in mailboxes, commercials both on TV and radio
and billboards. On the other hand, when a business invests on building a website, advertising the brand
name through different social media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, this kind strategy is called
digital marketing.

Benefits of Traditional Marketing

1. One can easily reach your target local audience. For example, a radio ad might play in one
location: your city or region. Or mailbox flyers will go to households in a select number of
2. The materials can be kept. The audience can have a hard copy of materials of which they can
read or browse through over and over again.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

3. It's easy to understand. It can be easily understood by most people because they are already
exposed to this kind of strategy.
4. Neuroscience seems to support the benefits of hard copy marketing. A study sponsored by
Canada Post and performed by Canadian neuro-marketing firm TrueImpact compared the effects
of paper marketing (direct mail pieces, in this case) with digital media (email and display ads).
The technologies used in this study were eye-tracking and high resolution EEG brain wave
measurement. The three key metrics evaluated in the study were cognitive load (ease of
understanding), motivation (persuasiveness), and attention (how long subjects looked at the
5. Direct mail was easier to process mentally and tested better for brand recall. According to
the report, Direct mail requires 21% less cognitive effort to process than digital media (5.15 vs.
6.37), suggesting that it is both easier to understand and more memorable. Post-exposure memory
tests validated what the cognitive load test revealed about direct mail’s memory encoding
capabilities. When asked to cite the brand (company name) of an advertisement they had just
seen, recall was 70% higher among participants who were exposed to a direct mail piece (75%)
than a digital ad (44%).

The Downside to Traditional Marketing

1. There is very little interaction between the medium used and the customers. It is more of
providing information to the public that the brand exists with the hope of these people patronizing
the brand.
2. Print or radio advertisements can be very costly. Printing materials can be expensive and you
need to hire people to distribute these.
3. Results on this marketing strategy cannot easily be measured. Was the campaign successful?

Benefits of Digital Marketing

1. You can target a local audience, but also an international one. Further, you can tailor a
campaign to specific audience demographics, such as gender, location, age and interests. This
means your campaign will be more effective.
2. Your audience can choose how they want to receive your content. While one person likes to
read a blog post, another person likes to watch a YouTube video. Traditional marketing doesn't
give the audience a choice. Most people hate receiving sales flyers in their mailbox or phone calls
at inconvenient times on stuff that they have little interest in. Online people get the choice to opt

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

in or out of communications and often it are relevant because they were the ones searching for it
in the first place. Don’t underestimate the power of market segmentation and tailored marketing.
3. Interaction with your audience is possible with the use of social media networks. In fact,
interaction is encouraged. Traditional marketing methods don't allow for audience interaction.
You can encourage your prospects, clients and followers to take action, visit your website, read
about your products and services, rate them buy them and provide feedback which is visible to
your market.
4. Digital media is cost-efficient. Though some invest on paid ads online; however, the cost is still
cheaper compared to traditional marketing. Data and results are easily recorded. With Google
Analytics and the insights tools offered by most social media channels, you can check on your
campaigns at any time. Unlike traditional marketing methods, you can see in real time what is or
is not working for your business online and you can adapt very quickly to improve your results.
5. Level playing field: Any business can compete with any competitor regardless of size with a
solid digital marketing strategy. Traditionally a smaller retailer would struggle to match the
finesse of the fixtures and fittings of its larger competitors. Online, a crisp well thought out site
with a smooth customer journey and fantastic service is king – not size.
6. Real time results: you don’t have to wait weeks for a boost to your business like you would have
to waiting for a fax or form to be returned. You can see the numbers of visitors to your site and
its subscribers increase, peak trading times, conversion rates and much more at the touch of a
7. Brand Development: A well maintained website with quality content targeting the needs and
adding value to your target audience can provide significant value and lead generation
opportunities. The same can be said for utilising social media channels and personalised email
8. Viral: how often do your sales flyers get passed around instantly by your customers and
prospects? Online, using social media share buttons on your website, email and social media
channels enables your message to be shared incredibly quickly. If you consider the average
Facebook user has 190 friends of which an average of 12% see their liked posts – your one
message has actually been seen by 15 new prospects. Now imagine a number of them also like
and share your message and their friends do the same? That's why high-quality content is so

Finding the Equilibrium

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

The million dollar question is this – how do we find this equilibrium between a world of traditional and
new media? For starters, although traditional advertising is important for businesses to effectively reach
mass consumers, It is highly recommend finding a way to inject a type of new media into all media
campaigns. Traditional media tends to be a bit more expensive than new media, but it also has the ability
to reach a broad target audience. If the ultimate goal of the business is to reach a broad range of people,
this is definitely the way to go. If you want to target a more narrow audience, then new media may be the
way to go.
New media is changing the overall media landscape. New media allows businesses to target ads more
specifically to consumers based on their age, gender, marital status, etc. It also allows businesses the
ability to track what these consumers are doing and how they end up on your website. All of these reasons
make new media imperative to any media campaign.
There are ways that traditional media can be tracked, but sometimes we ask ourselves is the ad targeting
the people we really should be targeting? New media allows us to get this data and analyze our target
audience. From there, we may have a better understanding of where traditional media dollars should be
All-in-all, the key to a successful media campaign is to have a well-balanced mix of media that ultimately
targets your businesses audience. It’s important to not waste advertising dollars on media that won’t be
effective. Take the time to analyze your business’s marketing plan and target audiences and ask yourself
what types of media can be used to reach these consumers. Overall, utilizing a mix of the two has proved
beneficial for a variety of our clients over the past few years.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Search Engine Optimisation

What are Search Engines?

A search engine is really a general class of programs, however, the term is often used to specifically
describe systems like Google, Bing and Yahoo! Search that enable users to search for documents on the
World Wide Web. The purpose of a search engine is to extract requested information from the huge
database of resources available on the internet. Search engines become an important day to day tool for
finding the required information without knowing where exactly it is stored. Internet usage has been
tremendously increased in recent days with the easy to use search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo!

Different Types of Search Engines and How Search Engines work and how they rank websites
based upon a search term?
Search engines are classified into the following three categories based on how it works.
1. Crawler based search engines
2. Human powered directories
3. Hybrid search engines
4. Other special search engines

1. Crawler Based Search Engines

All crawler based search engines use a crawler or bot or spider for crawling and indexing the new content
to the search database. There are four basic steps which every crawler based search engines follow before
displaying any sites in the search results.
• Crawling
• Indexing
• Calculating Relevancy
• Retrieving the Result

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Crawling: Search engines crawl the whole web to fetch the web pages available. Crawling is
performed by a software, called a crawler or a spider. The crawling frequency depends on the
search engine and it may take a few days between crawls. This is the reason sometimes you
can see your old or deleted page content is showing in the search results. New content will
get updated in the search results once the search engines crawl your site again.

Indexing: is next step after crawling which is a process of identifying the words and expressions that
best describe the page. The identified words are referred as keywords and the page is assigned to the
identified keywords. Sometimes when the crawler does not understand the meaning of your page,
your site may rank lower on the search results. Here you need to optimize your pages for search
engine crawlers to make sure the content is easily understandable. Once the crawlers pickup correct
keywords your page will be assigned to those keywords and rank high on search results. Search
engine compares the search string in the search request with the indexed pages from the database.
Since it is likely that more than one page contains the search string, search engine starts calculating
the relevancy of each of the pages in its index with the search string.
Relevancy: There are various algorithms to calculate relevancy. Each of these algorithms has
different relative weights for common factors like keyword density, links, or meta tags. That is why
different search engines give different search results pages for the same search string. It is a known
fact that all major search engines periodically change their algorithms. If you want to keep your site at
the top, you also need to adapt your pages to the latest changes. This is one reason to devote
permanent efforts to SEO, if you like to be at the top.
Retrieving the results: The last step in search engines’ activity is retrieving the results. Basically, it
is simply displaying them in the browser – the endless pages of search results that are sorted from the
most relevant to the least relevant sites. Most of the popular search engines are crawler based search
engines and use the above technology to display search results. Example of crawler based search
• Google
• Bing
• Yahoo!
• Baidu
• Yandex
2. Human Powered Directories

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Human powered directories also referred as open directory system depends on human based activities for
listings. The process of indexing is explained as below:
Site owner submits a short description of the site to the directory along with category it is to be listed.
Submitted site is then manually reviewed and added in the appropriate category or rejected for listing.
Keywords entered in a search box will be matched with the description of the sites. This means the
changes made to the content of a web pages are not taken into consideration as it is only the description
that matters.
A good site with good content is more likely to be reviewed for free compared to a site with poor content.
Yahoo! Directory and DMOZ were perfect examples of human powered directory. Unfortunately all those
human powered directory style search engines were wiped out of the web with the automated Google
3. Hybrid Search Engines
Hybrid Search Engines use both crawler based and manual indexing for listings the sites in search results.
Most of the crawler based search engines like Google basically uses crawlers as a primary mechanism and
manual screening as a secondary mechanism. When a site is being identified for spammy activities,
manual review is required before including it again in the search results.
4. Other Types of Search Engines
Besides the above three major types, search engines can be classified into many other categories
depending upon the usage. Below are some of the examples:
Search engines have different types of bots for exclusively displaying images, videos, news, products and
local listings. For example, Google News page can be used to search only news from different
newspapers. Some of the search engines like Dogpile collects meta information of the pages from other
search engines and directories to display in the search results. This type of search engines are called
metasearch engines. Semantic search engines like Swoogle provide accurate search results on specific
area by understanding the contextual meaning of the search queries.

Organic Vs Inorganic
Organic & Inorganic SEO
Organic SEO
It is a natural way of getting top ranking in SERP (search engine result page) without paying any amount
to search engines for the placement. This is more preferable and trustworthy method of securing high rank
on SERP.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Benefits of Organic Search Engine Optimization:
• Usually normal user’s clicks more on organically optimized sites.
• Results are long lasting on search engine result pages.
• Organic results are more trustworthy than inorganic results.
• Organic service is cheaper than inorganic services.

Inorganic SEO
Known as SEM, It includes usually paid services such as PPC – Pay Per Click, CPC – Cost Per Click,
CPA – Cost Per Acquisition, banner ads, classifieds etc. This service is very expensive. But those who
wants immediate results, they can go for inorganic service.

Benefits of Inorganic Search Engine Optimization:

• Results in short period.
• Site gains more visibility.
• More traffic in sort time period.
• Unlike organic SEO, inorganic SEO gets more effective result in very short time.

Inorganic SEO technique is quite risky; as its cost will be count as per clicks, webmaster must remain
alert from competitors, they might click on your site unnecessarily to force you pay more. There is a
solution to block those users, but for that you must be aware that they clicked you unnecessarily.

Introduction to SEO and what it involves

What Is SEO?
SEO (search engine optimisation) involves following steps designed to improve a website’s ranking in
search results. The ultimate goal of SEO is to attract higher numbers of quality visitors to the website
through organic search.
Let’s break that description down a bit to get a better understanding:
1. Ranking in search results – when a user enters a search request on Google they are shown a list
of results. The results at the top of the first page attract the most attention, so it is important to get
into at the top two or three positions for as many relevant searches as possible (keywords).

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2. High quality visitors – it is sometimes thought that SEO is all about getting as much traffic to a
website as possible, but it is as important to get good quality traffic. For example, a fashion
boutique in Mumbai will get no benefit from a website visitor looking for fashion boutique in
3. Increased quantity of visitors – once the right visitors come to your website, the more the better.
4. Organic search – a search engine results’ page is usually made up of both paid-for ads and
organic listings, i.e. results that are not paid-for ads. SEO is concerned with organic listings.

What is the importance of search for websites?

Websites can attract visitors to website through organic search but also can also get visitors from other
• Links from other websites (referral traffic);
• Social media;
• Email marketing;
• Paid ads;
• Offline marketing;
• And lots of other methods.

The ideal situation is to attract high quality visitors to website in as many different ways as possible, but
organic search will almost always be an important source. In fact, for many websites it is the primary
source of traffic, while for others it is a significant source.
If websites wants to attract visitors through organic search, or want to attract more, then one need SEO.

Search Engine Overview and Doing SEO

When a user does a search on Google – or any other search engine – they want an answer to their query,
and Google’s objective is to provide that answer. This involves sifting through millions of website pages
and displaying them in order. From Google’s perspective, “in order” means putting the website that is
most likely to answer the user’s query into first position on its results page.
This is an important concept: Google’s objective is not to comprehensively list the websites on the
internet, or to display your website in organic search results. All it cares about is answering the queries of
its users. It does this by looking at individual website’s relevance and popularity, so SEO is about
positively impacting website’s relevance and popularity. In practice this means making sure website is
SEO-friendly, creating fantastic content that people want to read and link to, and increasing awareness of
brand through marketing (link-building, social media, offline marketing, press, etc).

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

What are the areas of operation for Search Engine Optimization Professionals?
The core areas of operations for SEO professionals can be broken down into three key areas:
1. On site optimization
2. Content marketing
3. Link building and outreach

On Site Optimization: On site optimization is usually the first service that an SEO consultant or agency
will carry out on website; it entails examining website to make sure it is properly set up for search engines
like Google. Onsite optimization can include improving keyword density and page loads times.
This can include details such as the keyword density of the content, page load times or site speed, and
ensuring that website content and navigational menus are organized and setup for an efficient user
Content Marketing: The more content website has, the more chances it has to get visitors from search
engines. The more content published on website (in the form of WordPress posts or pages), the more
opportunities it has to rank high in search engines, allowing website to receive more visitors who are
searching for information about the services business provides. An SEO professional who offers content
marketing services will work to establish which keywords or search terms are relevant to business. Those
keywords will then be used to develop a content creation strategy designed to deliver targeted visitors to
website. Depending on the level of service offered, the SEO professional may create content, or simply
provide a plan for to use when creating own content.
Link Building and Outreach: One of the most effective ways to improve the rank of website is to
acquire backlinks, links from other websites which are pointing to your’s. This is a staple service of any
SEO professional or agency. Google expressly prohibits the manual acquisition of backlinks. As Google
expressly prohibits the manual acquisition of backlinks, this is often the most difficult part of SEO. One
of the safest ways to increase the number of backlinks to your site is to publish great content, and bring
that content to the attention of other websites who might find it interesting. Hopefully, they will share the
content with their audience and link to your site. Less-than-ethical SEO professionals may engage in
dubious means to build backlinks to your site. This can include buying links from other websites, using
automated tools, or building a network of websites with the sole purpose of linking to your site.

Outreach vs. Manual Link Building: Conversely, SEO professionals adhering to search engine
guidelines will do outreach and promotion of website content, in order to acquire links from legitimate
external sites. Results from questionable approaches to link building could be lost overnight. The more
questionable approaches to link building might yield quicker results, compared to a content marketing and

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

outreach program. However these quick results could be lost overnight once they come to the attention of
the search engines and their increasingly sophisticated algorithms. Removing harmful unnatural backlinks
can take up a lot of resources.

How do you search for the right keywords that will help bring in the most
Keyword optimization (also known as keyword research) is the act of researching, analyzing and
selecting the best keywords to target to drive qualified traffic from search engines to your website.
Keyword search optimization is a critical step in initial stages of search engine marketing, for both paid
and organic search. If you do a bad job at selecting your target keywords, all your subsequent efforts will
be in vain. So it’s vital to get keyword optimization right.

But optimizing keywords isn't something you do ONLY at the outset of a search marketing campaign.
Ongoing keyword optimization is necessary to keep uncovering new keyword opportunities and to
expand your reach into various keyword verticals. So keyword optimization isn't a set it and forget it
process. By continuously performing keyword analysis and expanding your database of keywords, your
site traffic, leads and sales will continue to grow.

Benefits of Keyword Optimization: In a recent survey, participants listed keyword optimization as one
of the hardest tasks in search engine marketing. Because of its difficult nature, most site owners,
marketers and bloggers don't spend enough time optimizing keywords. This is ironic since optimizing
keywords is the most important aspect of SEO and PPC. If you don't choose and use keywords your
customers are searching for, you won't get found. That means no traffic, no sales, no money.

Benefits of search engine keyword optimization are:

• Drive qualified traffic to your website: To drive searchers to your site, you must optimize for
the keywords they're searching for
• Measure traffic potential: Analyzing the popularity of keywords helps you gauge the size of a
potential online market.
• Write effective content: By incorporating optimized keywords into your website content, you
can connect instantly with potential customers and address their needs.
• Understand user behavior: By analyzing the words that your customers use, you get an idea of
their needs and how to service those needs.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Where Keyword Search Optimization Comes into Play
Keyword optimization plays a major role in every aspect of Internet marketing from content strategy, to
link building, to how you group your keywords in your AdWords ad groups, to how your site content is
organized, a.k.a your information architecture.

SEO Keyword Optimization: When it comes to SEO, the success of your organic search efforts rests
largely on how effective you are at discovering, researching, analyzing and selecting the right search
engine keywords for your website. All other aspects of SEO rely on successful keyword optimization.
What's more, optimizing keywords touches every aspect of your SEO marketing efforts.
• Title Tag: Your target keywords must be included in the title tag (and front loaded). This is the
most important piece of content on your website, both on and off-page.
• Links: Keyword optimization should be integrated into your link building strategy. Internal links,
inbound links, breadcrumb links, navigational links should all have your top optimized keywords.
It's also important to track and manage your link text efforts
• Content strategy: If you want to rank well and connect with searchers, you need to use your
target keywords in your content. WordStream for SEO helps combine keyword research with
content authoring (just saying...).
• Images: Don't forget to optimize keywords in the pictures on your website. Target keywords
should be used in your image alt attribute and file names, to name a few.
• Meta Description: There's some debate over whether or not including target keywords in your
text snippets helps rankings. But there's little doubt that having your optimized keywords here
produces more clicks in searches, which is optimal.
• URL: Be sure to include keywords for SEO in file name slugs, like I've done with this page's
URL. The page is about keyword optimization, so the slug name is /keyword-optimization.
• Site Structure: Keyword optimization is also critical to how you structure and organize your site
content. Not only do you need to select the right keywords, but you need to group them
hierarchically and order the corresponding pages on your website accordingly.

Pay per click (PPC) Keyword Optimization: But optimized keywords aren't just for organic search
marketing. There's tremendous value in optimizing your PPC keywords. To be effective with your pay-
per-click campaigns, you must speak the searcher's language. The more keywords you select that your
customers are searching for, the more traffic you'll drive to your website, the more consumers you'll
convert to customers.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

• Creating a keyword list: Determining which keywords to target and bid on is the linchpin for
all your PPC marketing strategies. Different keywords have different demand and traffic
• Grouping and segmenting: Keyword optimization helps organize your keywords into tight
groups that are semantically related.
• Improved relevancy: The key to a higher click-through rate is being relevant to the searcher's
query. Higher CTR leads to better Quality Score. Optimized keywords are instrumental in being
• Crafting ad text: To coax searchers into clicking on your ads, you need to integrate your
keywords into your PPC ad text.
• Landing page optimization: Once a user lands on your page, your message must match the
offer. So the optimized keywords that were present in your ad text, must be present on your
landing pages.

You can take your PPC optimization further by evaluating your AdWords account with the AdWords
Performance Grader, which grades your campaigns on important factors like ad text and long-tail
keyword optimization.

Social Media Keyword Optimization

Determining which keywords to target and how to incorporate them into your messaging is also a big
factor in social media marketing. This guide to Keyword Research for Social Media is a good resource for
determining which keywords your audience is using and covers everything from how to conduct keyword
research for YouTube to researching keywords for Facebook.

What to Evaluate When Optimizing Keywords

When determining which keywords to choose for your optimizations efforts, there are a number of factors
you should evaluate.
• Keyword Popularity – The more popular a keyword is (meaning the more that people search for
it), the more traffic it will drive to your website, should you rank highly for it, that is. When it
comes to choosing keywords based on popularity, there are two lines of thinking.
• Target the most popular keywords. This seems pretty straightforward. If you want to attract the
most visitors to your website, you should optimize for the most searched for keywords. Right?
But the more popular a keyword is, the harder it is to rank for.

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• Target less competitive keywords. It may seem counterintuitive to go after keywords that aren’t
as popular, but for a new website, this is often the best approach. It’s very difficult to compete
with mature websites that have achieved trust and authority for the most popular keywords in
competitive ranking verticals. So sites that are young typically have more success optimizing for
keywords that aren’t that popular or competitive or optimizing your keywords by integrating
modifiers (thematic modifiers or geo-targeted modifiers) and creating mid to long tail keywords.

Keyword Relevance – It’s critical to choose keywords to optimize for based on how relevant they are to
your products or services. If your keywords are not intrinsically relevant to what you're offering on your
website, the traffic the search engines feed your website will not be delivered a relevant message. Thus,
they will be unable to complete the “search and reward cycle.” You see, searchers seek relevance and
without it you're unlikely to convert them into customers.

Keyword Intent – To determine the value of your keywords, you need to identify the intent of the
searchers. Which stage are they at in the search cycle? Are they browsing? Are they ready to buy? Or are
they simply looking for solutions or pursuing information?

The intent behind keywords or more specifically "search queries" can be broken down into three
• Navigational: company or brand queries, domain queries
• Informational: curiosity, question-oriented, solution-seeking queries
• Transactional: looking to purchase queries

It's important to optimize for the high intent keywords rather than keywords of low intent. By identifying,
classifying and segmenting your high intent keyword groups into separate baskets of intent and
eliminating the low-value keywords, you’ll see your search relevance rise and you’ll generate more,
qualified traffic.

Keyword Optimization Tools and Resources

Finally, since it's so important to choose the right keyword for blogging, Web copy and landing page
creation, let's wrap this up with some of the best tools on the Web for researching, analyzing, discovering
and optimizing keywords. I've also included some of my favorite articles on keyword optimization,
analysis and research so you can learn more about optimizing keywords.

Successful SEO optimisation can be done through two ways

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

1. On page optimization and
2. Off page optimization

What is OnPage Optimization?

Onpage optimization (onpage SEO) refers to all measures that can be taken directly within the website in
order to improve its position in the search rankings. Examples of this include measures to optimize the
content or improve the Meta description and title tags. Getting a good ranking in a search engine hasn’t
been the easiest thing for many. Search engines are getting more smarter & intelligent every day, so now
it takes more than just good content to top your competitors. On page optimization is one of the very first
step of SEO which every webmaster should look into. It probably won’t even take you an hour to learn
and implement some of these on-page optimization techniques. But you may ask me, why it is so
important? – Well literally speaking, if you can do proper on-page optimization for your website you can
not only rank well in a search engine but also can increase the overall readability of your website for your

Some of the most important on-page optimization techniques are as under:

1. Title Optimization: A site’s title tag is by far the most important website optimization element. A title
tag should be short but descriptive enough for your visitors to identify you and your business. Title tag is
the first thing that is shown & indexed by the search engines. So naturally it is given a very high
importance – out of thousands results that a searcher sees, your site’s title has to be appealing enough for
him to want to find out more information. On the other hand, your title has to be appealing enough to the
search engine in order to rank you above thousands of other similar websites like yours.
Important things to include in your title:
• Your Name/ Business Name / Site Name: This is very important for breading propose. If you feel
that your customers may search you by your brand name than it’s also useful to put it somewhere
in your title.
• Keywords: If you want to rank for a certain keywords it is always good to place some of them in
your title tag. A Title tag represents the whole flavor & content of your website. So if you are
selling pizza online you can include keywords like – order pizza, home delivery pizza etc in your
title tag. Don’t staff too many keywords in your title. Write a title which is readable to humans &

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also good for the search engine. (e.g. Domino’s Pizza, Order Pizza Online for Delivery –
• Include your 1-800 or other toll-free numbers: Some may not agree with me on this, but I think
including your phone number in the title tag does help your visitors to take a direct action! It also
makes your site look more professional and legit when it’s being displayed in the SERP (Search
Engine Result Page). Searchers are likely to ‘click’ on the result that has a phone number attached
to it because in their unconscious mind, they will have a good impression on the authenticity of
the business and the level of support. If you prefer not to include your number in the title tag, you
can alternatively include it in your Meta Description which will give you almost the same

2. Meta Tags Optimization: A site’s Meta tags may not be as important as it used to be before, however
Meta Description is something you can’t just ignore. A site’s Meta description should contain a brief
description of your website focusing on the areas and services that your business is specialized in. This
small piece of text can be considered as a selling snippet, if a searcher finds it appealing he is likely to
click and go inside your page to find out more information. But if your Meta Description is too generic
and isn’t written too well then there is a good chance that your site will simply be ignored.

Important things to include in your Meta Description:

• Include your Selling Point– Tell your customers what they want to hear through your site’s Meta
Description, and you will definitely get some advantage over others in the SERP. For instance – if
you sell ‘cheap web hosting’ then including a phrase like “hosting starting from only $0.99” may
result in more clicks and visitors because your description will exactly match the flavor of search
performed by the user.
• Keywords – Including some of your keywords will give you some advantage in Google’s
relevancy algorithm.
• 1-800 or other Toll Free Numbers – if you haven’t included this already in your title, you can
rather include it in your Meta description. If the users have skype installed on their system, any
number on their browser will become clickable which will result in a direct skype-out call. So
basically, if your number appears in the Meta description some of your customers might just
prefer to call you directly instead of going through your site.

3. Important HTML Tags: It is necessary for you to highlight certain parts of your website that you
want your readers to look at. There are several tags in html which allows you to do so. For instance – the
header tags [h1] [h2] [h3], Bold [strong], Italic [em] etc. The text inside your header tags (e.g. [h1]) is

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given very high importance by the search engine. Usually you can use them to define the page/post titles
or the important sections of your website.
Header Elements:
• Header 1: Header 1 should be used to define the most important section of your page. Usually
Header 1 is used for Site’s title or header text.
• Header 2 & 3: Header 2 and 3 can be used for Page/Post titles or important sections of your
pages. Separating your content with headers is a good practice as it makes your site more
readable and easy to navigate.

Text Styles:
• Bold: You can bold (e.g. [strong]) certain words which are of high importance. Sometimes it’s
good to bold your keywords where appropriate. However overdoing this may get you penalized.
• Italic: You can use the [em] tag to emphasize certain words which will appear in italic.
• Quote: This is very useful when you are quoting from someone.

4. Keyword Optimization & Synonyms: Your site’s content needs to be optimized in such a way that it
can suit both search engines & your readers. Stuffing your site with too many keywords can make your
site unreadable. So you will need to have some sort of balance between your keywords & your content.

Important elements of Keyword Optimization:

• Research: Do a proper research before you decide on your keywords. There are plenty of free
tools out there that can help you to do keyword research. Some of my personal favorites are:
SEObook Keyword Suggestion tool, Google Adwords Keyword Tool & Overture Keyword Tool.
• Keyword Density: Try to have a moderate keyword density so that it can help the search engine
to determine that your page is indeed related & relevant to the keyword that you are targeting.
• Synonyms & Related Keywords: I personally like to use synonyms instead of having a high
keyword density. This helps to make my content sound natural but still helps in SEO.
• Long Tail Keywords: It’s often good to target some long tail keywords as they are
comparatively easier to rank for. During your keyword research you should be able to gather
some good long tail keywords that you can optimize your site for. But you can also come up with
your own long tail keywords; for example try adding some common words like – ‘best’, ‘free’,
‘cheap’, ‘top’ etc. along with your actual keyword and you might eventually get some good long
tail keywords.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

5. Link Optimization: It is important to optimize your internal & external outbound links for search
engines as well as to give your visitors a better navigation.
Important elements of Link Optimization:
• Try using good Anchor Text when you are linking to other people. Include the appropriate
keyword in the anchor text which gives the outbound link a ‘proper meaning’ and value.
• A good & clean Internal Link Structure with proper use of anchor text will definitely help. E.g.
“Credit Card Application” is a better anchor text compared to “click here”
• If you are using a CMS, then try using permalinks. This way your keywords/post title will be
on the link itself and thus it will valued more by the search engines.

6. Image Optimization: If your site has lot of images, you need to optimize them too as they can’t be
read by the search engines. It’s very easy for a human reader to interpret the image into its meaning.
However for a Web crawler the whole interpreting process is completely different. Search Engine spiders
can only read text but not images. So you need to use some special tags for your images in order to give
them some meaning.
Some Important Image Optimization Elements:
• Alt text: ALT text or Alternate Text is the text to describe your image when your mouse moves
over an image on your web page. The text should be meaningful but short. You can use your
relevant keywords as ALT text. If your browser can’t display the image for some reason, the alt
text is used in place of that particular image.
• File name: always use meaningful file name for your images, use names like “apple-iphone-
cover.jpg” instead of meaningless “DSC24045.jpg”. Keep image file name same or similar to the
ALT text.
• Image Title: always use the title tag in images which will show the title as tool tip when a user
moves his mouse over the image. Example of an image with title tag: [img
src=”http://imagelocation.jpg” alt=”Image description” title=”Title of the Image”]
• Image Linking: Whenever you want to link to your image, use the image keywords in your link
text. Example: use “view an Apple iPhone”, instead of “Click here to view” as the anchor text.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Offpage Optimization

Offpage optimization refers to all the measures that can be taken outside of the actual website in
order to improve its position in search rankings. These are measures that help create as many
high-quality backlinks (incoming links) as possible.
Off page SEO refers to techniques that can be used to improve the position of a web site in the
search engine results page (SERPs). Many people associate off-page SEO with link building but
it is not only that. In general, off Page SEO has to do with promotion methods – beyond website
design –for the purpose of ranking a website higher in the search results.Unlike On- page SEO,
Off-page SEO refers to activities you can perform outside the boundaries of your website.
The most important are:
• Link Building
• Social Media Marketing
• Social bookmarking

Basic understanding of Off page optimisation!

Off page optimisation is defined as the technique which helps the website to improve its ranking
on the search engine results page. These factors functions outside the boundaries of the web
pages. These ranking factors are not directly controlled by the publisher. Off-page optimisation
basically deals in link building for SEO.
Off page SEO is a long term and time consuming process. It includes acquiring backlinks to your
webpage from the authority sites, Social media and Social bookmarking. Off page factors work
in the background to improve the search rankings.

Off page optimisation techniques for better rankings

By applying off page SEO tactics, you can boost the ranking of your web page, be noticeable and
get drive traffic on your webpage. Let’s go through various techniques to optimize your web

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

1. Link building - It is one of the most famous ways of doing off page optimisation. Link building
is defined as building external links with your website. The main aim is to get as much links or
votes you can to rank higher than your competitors. The webmasters are looking out for cheat
codes that how they can build links to their websites. The more the backlinks, the better is the
authority. Some of the ways which the helps in increasing link building are:
a. Blog Directories - These are directories like yellow pages which links the entry back to a
b. Forum signatures - By commenting on forums, people were getting a link back to their
website as they used to leave links in their signatures.
c. Comment link - Just as in forum signatures, where you leave a link in your signature
when you comment on any other’s blog to get a link back, here, instead of writing your
name you write keywords in the comment. For example, Instead of writing ‘Comment by
Joe’ you write ‘comment by where to buy dogs’ or something of that sort.
d. Article directories - If you publish your article in the article directories, you will get a
backlink to your website. Mainly directories accept only original content, but there can be
some directories which accepts article which are reworded or spinned.
e. Shared content directories - In shared content directories, websites like hubpages or
infobarrel allows you to publish your content and in return, you can add links favouring
your website.
f. Link exchange schemes - This is an interesting way to build links. The scheme talks
about getting in touch with the webmasters of different websites and exchange links, i.e.
linking website ‘X’ to website ‘Y’ and in return website ‘Y’ would link to website
‘X’.There is another complex method which is by exchanging links with 3, i.e. linking
website ‘X’ from website ‘Y’ and website ‘Y’ links to another website.
2. Social Media - Another way of building links is by engaging your website on social media
platforms. It is a great way to attract traffic. The links which you see on social media are
generally no-follow links, but this does not indicates that those links do not have any value.
Mentioning your brand on social media platforms will drive a hell lot of traffic. Go straight with
your strategy and website, you will definitely start ranking.
3. Social Bookmarking - This is another great way of promoting and attracting huge traffic to your
website. This can be done by promoting your blogs on famous websites such as, Reddit, ScoopIt,
digg, StumbleUpon etc. The content is very frequently updated on such sites, which is
appreciated by Search engines.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

4. Guest Blogging - We know the fact that by curating new, unique, compelling content, building
up new links will drive traffic to your website. Blogging is a way to attract traffic with bare cost.
By posting comments on other websites will allow you to add links in the comments section. The
links will be crawled by the search engines leading to driving traffic to your website.

How does off page optimisation benefits in SEO?

The benefits of off page optimisation are:
a. More rankings - By using the techniques of “off page” optimisation, a successful strategy will
help increase your website rankings in the SERPs. This will help you attract more traffic.
b. More exposure - The best part about Seo is when you start ranking higher on SERPs, you get
more exposure, i.e. more clicks, more visits, more links and more mentions on social media. This
is a chain of events which takes place one after another.
c. Better pagerank - Pagerank is a concept introduced by Larry page which talks about importance
of a website in the eyes of Google. The concept is about ranking the web pages between 1 to 10.
The higher the rank, the better is the website in the eye of Google.

What are Backlinks? How to Get Backlinks? What is Google Page Rank? How to Increase
Page Rank?

What are backlinks?

Backlinks, also called "inbound links" or "incoming links," are created when one website links to
another. The link to an external website is called a backlink.
Backlinks is an incoming hyperlink from one web page to another website. Backlinks, also called
"inbound links" or "incoming links," are created when one website links to another. The link to
an external website is called a backlink.

When a webpage links to any other page, it’s called a backlink. In the past, backlinks were the
major metric for the ranking of a webpage. A page with a lot of backlinks tended to rank higher
on all major search engines, including Google. This is still true to a large extent.
Why are backlinks important?

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Backlinks are especially valuable for SEO because they represent a "vote of confidence" from
one site to another. In essence, backlinks to your website are a signal to search engines that
others vouch for your content. If many sites link to the same webpage or website, search engines
can infer that content is worth linking to, and therefore also worth surfacing on a SERP. So,
earning these backlinks can have a positive effect on a site's ranking position or search visibility.

Earning and giving backlinks

Earning backlinks is an essential component of off-site SEO. The process of obtaining these
links is known as link earning or link building. Some backlinks are inherently more valuable than
others. Followed backlinks from trustworthy, popular, high-authority sites are considered the
most desirable backlinks to earn, while backlinks from low-authority, potentially spammy sites
are typically at the other end of the spectrum. Whether or not a link is followed (i.e. whether a
site owner specifically instructs search engines to pass, or not pass, link equity) is certainly
relevant, but don't entirely discount the value of nofollow links. Even just being mentioned on
high-quality websites can give your brand a boost.
Just as some backlinks you earn are more valuable than others, links you create to other sites also
differ in value. When linking out to an external site, the choices you make regarding the page
from which you link (its page authority, content, search engine accessibility, and so on) the
anchor text you use, whether you choose to follow or nofollow the link, and any other meta tags
associated with the linking page can have a heavy impact on the value you confer.
Competitive backlink research
Backlinks can be time-consuming to earn. New sites or those expanding their keyword footprint
may find it difficult to know where to start when it comes to link building. That's where
competitive backlink research comes in: By examining the backlink profile (the collection of
pages and domains linking to a website) to a competitor that's already ranking well for your
target keywords, you can gain insight about the link building that may have helped them. A tool
like Open Site Explorer can help uncover these links so you can and target those domains in your
own link building campaigns.
Here is a glossary of common terms related to backlinks that you should know:

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a. Link Juice: When a webpage links to any of your articles or your website’s homepage, it passes
“link juice”. This link juice helps with the ranking of the article, and also improves the domain
authority. As a blogger, you can stop passing link juice by using a no-follow tag.
b. No-Follow Link: When a website links to another website, but the link has a no-follow tag, that
link does not pass link juice. No-follow links are not useful concerning the ranking of a page as
they do not contribute anything. In general, a webmaster uses the no-follow tag when he/she is
linking out to an unreliable site.
Example: Links from comments on other blogs.
c. Do-Follow Link: By default, all the links that you add into a blog post are do-follow links, and
these pass link juice.
d. Linking Root Domains: This refers to the number of backlinks coming into your website from a
unique domain. Even if a website has linked to your website ten times, it will only be considered
as one linked root domain.
e. Low-Quality Links: Low-quality links are links that come from harvested sites, automated sites,
spam sites, or even porn sites. Such links do far more harm than good. This is one reason you
should be careful when buying backlinks.
f. Internal Links: Links that are going from one page to another within the same domain are called
internal links. The process itself is referred to as internal linking or interlinking.
g. Anchor Text: Text that is used for hyperlinks is called anchor text. Anchor text backlinks work
great when you are trying to rank for particular keywords.

Advantages of backlinks in SEO: It is important to have backlinks from quality sites, and those
backlinks should be contextual. If, for example, you have a site about fish, and you are creating
links from other niche sites about monkeys, these links will be of no use. Your goal should be to
get links from authoritative and relevant sites.
Google looks at the number of backlinks and the quality of these links to determine the importance of a
website. Consequently, SEO experts put a lot of effort into getting more backlinks for their customers.
But there are good and bad ways of accomplishing this. Building quality backlinks takes a lot of effort
and time. This isn’t a one-and-done type operation. This takes ongoing dedication and effort.
Some examples of proper backlink building include:
• Guest Posting/Blogging – Are there quality websites dedicated to your industry that accept guest
articles? Try contacting them with the offer of a free article on a relevant topic in exchange for a
byline with a link back to your website.

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• News Articles – Journalists and writers are always on the lookout for experts to contribute quotes
for their articles. Some (but not all) will include backlinks to their sources’ websites. Websites
such as HARO and Profnet help you to connect with journalists who have specific needs, while
other tools allow you to send interesting pitches to writers.
• Local Citations – Address listings on Google, Yelp, Facebook, Yellow Pages, and elsewhere
count as backlinks, and also go a long ways towards helping customers find your business!
• Blog/Forum Comments and Profiles – Commenting on blogs and forums used to be a great way
to build backlinks. While this approach is no longer as strong as it once was–due in part to
frequent abuse–providing support in industry-specific forums, as well as on sites like Quora can
help build backlinks and raise awareness of your website.
• Press Releases – These are published in many news sites with backlinks to your site. However,
cheap press release services don’t publish anywhere that will get you worthwhile links. For this to
work, you’ll have to work with high quality publishers such as PR Newswire. But it will cost you
dearly–about $1,000 for a 500 word press release.
• Directories – While the value of web directories has diminished dramatically submitting your
website to local, industry-specific and niche directories can net you worthwhile backlinks.
• Business Network Profiles – LinkedIn profiles, for example, allow you to post your URL and so
may other industry networking sites.
• Reciprocal Links – These are ‘tit-for-tat’ links—your friend has a website that links to your
website, and your website links back to your friend’s site. While reciprocal links are seen by
some to be effective, it’s kind of in the gray area where they can be used both honestly and solely
to improve Google ranking. Be careful. Try and only link with sites where it makes sense. A
mechanic’s website probably shouldn’t have reciprocal links with a beekeeper’s website.
• Social Media – You simply can’t ignore the value of social media. And even on the basic level of
backlinks, there’s a modicum of value, as social media sites display a profile owner’s website
URL. However, since Facebook and some other networks don’t allow Google’s crawlers to index
profile pages, backlinks from these networks will not affect Google SERPs directly.
• Internal Site Links – Surprise! Links from one page on your site to another count as backlinks.
Technically, internal site links are not backlinks, but when used appropriately, internal links can
help increase the ranks of your internal web pages for certain keywords.
• Paid Ad Links – Technically, this is a grey/black hat area, as it can lead to link farming. When
done in an appropriate manner, such as by paying for advertising with a reputable industry
organization, it can work well. Just be careful.

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• Donations – Donating your time or money to local charities, organizations, and schools can be an
effective way of obtaining backlinks.

Having a diverse “link profile” not only helps your website attract more visitors, but is looked at
positively by the search engines. But remember that some links, especially unnatural links, will not help
increase your site’s rankings, and can actually be harmful. With that knowledge in hand, just be careful
who you link to and who is backlinking to you.

PageRank (PR) is an algorithm used by Google Search to rank websites in their search engine results.
PageRank was named after Larry Page, one of the founders of Google. PageRank is a way of measuring
the importance of website pages.
A search algorithm is the step-by-step procedure used to locate specific data among a collection of data. It
is considered a fundamental procedure in computing. In computer science, when searching for data, the
difference between a fast application and a slower one often lies in the use of the proper search algorithm.


Unique to every search engine, and just as important as keywords, search engine algorithms are the why
and the how of search engine rankings. Basically, a search engine algorithm is a set of rules, or a unique
formula, that the search engine uses to determine the significance of a web page, and each search engine
has its own set of rules. These rules determine whether a web page is real or just spam, whether it has any
significant data that people would be interested in, and many other features to rank and list results for
every search query that is begun, to make an organized and informational search engine results page. The
algorithms, as they are different for each search engine, are also closely guarded secrets, but there are
certain things that all search engine algorithms have in common.
1. Relevancy – One of the first things a search engine algorithm checks for is the relevancy of the page.
Whether it is just scanning for keywords, or looking at how these keywords are used, the algorithm will
determine whether this web page has any relevancy at all for the particular keyword. Where the keywords
are located is also an important factor to the relevancy of a website. Web pages that have the keywords in
the title, as well as within the headline or the first few lines of the text will rank better for that keyword
than websites that do not have these features. The frequency of the keywords also is important to
relevancy. If the keywords appear frequently, but are not the result of keyword stuffing, the website will
rank better.
2. Individual Factors – A second part of search engine algorithms are the individual factors that make
that particular search engine different from every other search engine out there. Each search engine has

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unique algorithms, and the individual factors of these algorithms are why a search query turns up different
results on Google than MSN or Yahoo!. One of the most common individual factors is the number of
pages a search engine indexes. They may just have more pages indexed, or index them more frequently,
but this can give different results for each search engine. Some search engines also penalize for
spamming, while others do not.
3. Off-Page Factors – Another part of algorithms that is still individual to each search engine are off-
page factors. Off-page factors are such things as click-through measurement and linking. The frequency
of click-through rates and linking can be an indicator of how relevant a web page is to actual users and
visitors, and this can cause an algorithm to rank the web page higher. Off-page factors are harder for web
masters to craft, but can have an enormous effect on page rank depending on the search engine algorithm.

Search engine algorithms are the mystery behind search engines, sometimes even amusingly called the
search engine’s “Secret Sauce”. Beyond the basic functions of a search engine, the relevancy of a web
page, the off-page factors, and the unique factors of each search engine help make the algorithms of each
engine an important part of the search engine optimization design.


What is search engine marketing?

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a digital marketing strategy used to increase the visibility of a
website in search engine results pages (SERPs). While the industry term once referred to both
organic search activities such as search engine optimization (SEO) and paid, it now refers almost
exclusively to paid search advertising. Search engine marketing is also alternately referred to as
paid search or pay per click (PPC).

Why is SEM important?

With an increasing number of consumers researching and shopping for products online, search
engine marketing has become a crucial online marketing strategy for increasing a company’s
reach. In fact, the majority of new visitors to a website find it by performing a query on a search
engine. In search engine marketing, advertisers only pay for impressions that result in visitors,

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making it an efficient way for a company to spend its marketing dollars. As an added bonus,
each visitor incrementally improves the website’s rankings in organic search results. Since
consumers enter search queries with the intent of finding information of a commercial nature,
they are in an excellent state of mind to make a purchase, compared to other sites such as social
media where users are not explicitly searching for something.
Search marketing reaches consumers at exactly the right time: when they are open to new
information. Unlike the majority of digital advertising, PPC advertising is non-intrusive and does
not interrupt their tasks. Results are immediate with SEM. It is arguably the fastest way to drive
traffic to a website.

How SEM works

Search engines use complicated algorithms to ensure the most relevant results are returned for
each search, including location and other available information. In paid search advertising,
sponsored ads appear at the top of and on the side of search engine results pages to gain more
visibility and prominence than the organic results. Let’s say that you are a customer looking for a
product or service online. You go to a search engine and type in your search terms (also known
as keywords).
In your search results page, you will come across various company ads whose keywords match
the keywords in your search. These ads appear in prominent locations on the page – along with
the other search listings that match your keywords. The paid listings are highly relevant to your
specific search, making it likely that you will click on them.
Now let’s take a look at how SEM campaigns work from the marketer’s perspective. SEM
networks are self-serve operations. Once a marketer selects a network, they can get a campaign
up within a short period of time.
When setting up a campaign within an SEM network, the marketer is prompted to:
• Conduct keyword research and select a set of keywords related to their website or product
• Select a geographic location for the ad to be displayed within
• Create a text-based ad to display in the search results
• Bid on a price they are willing to pay for each click on their ad
Text-only ads are easy to produce. Marketers enter a headline, text for the body of the ad, a call-to-action
and a URL for the hyperlink. Search engine marketing is considered by many to be the most efficient way
to spend marketing dollars.

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Examples of search ad networks
The two primary search networks that SEM professionals target are Google Ads (formerly Google
Adwords) and the Bing Ads. Google AdWords is actually two networks: Google Search Network and
Google Display Network. The first network consists exclusively of search-related websites owned by
Google, while the second includes properties such as YouTube, Blogger and Gmail. The Bing Ads allows
customers to buy ads on both Yahoo’s network of websites and Bing’s network.
While Google Ads is a much larger network (around 2x the size), the pricing is often lower on Bing Ads.
Marketers may be able to get a better rank for a competitive keyword phrase for less than they get on
Google. And some report that the clickthrough rates are higher as well.

What Is Search Engine Marketing?

Search engine marketing includes all the tools, techniques, and strategies that help optimize the visibility
of websites and web pages in search engines such as Google and other, similar sites.
There are two main ways to show up at the top of the result.
• Organic or natural results are usually displayed in the center of the page and are selected by
Google's algorithm. This algorithm assesses both the relevance of the website (the quality of the
content and to what extent it responds to a specific search) and the authority of the website (links
from other pages).
• Paid results are also displayed at the top of the page but in a column on the right. Unlike organic
results, here the advertiser must pay a certain amount for each click on their ad. To buy
advertising space on search engines, it is necessary to use platforms such as Google Ads.
In theory, search engine marketing covers both types of results. But in practice, techniques that are aimed
at improving organic positioning fall into the category of SEO and techniques that are aimed at appearing
among the paid results are categorized as SEM. To avoid confusion, we will use the term SEM or search
engine marketing only for the later.

Therefore, search engine marketing consists of a series of tools, techniques and strategies aimed at
optimizing search engine advertising, appearing in the top positions, getting lower costs per click, and
maximizing conversions from these ads. The most well known and widely used SEM platform is Google
Ads, but there are other solutions, such as Bing Ads, for example.

Search Engine Marketing Concepts

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• Keywords: these are the terms that users enter into search engines that prompt a particular ad or
search result to be shown. They do not have to be individual words. In fact, it is common to use
groups of words or phrases, such as "buy Nike shoes" or "what is the best accounting software."
• Concordance: when setting up a campaign in Google Ads, you will need to define the degree of
correspondence between the keywords you have selected and the terms that people use when
typing a query into a search engine. This is known as "concordance." For example, if you opt for
a broad match, the ad will be displayed when the user searches for synonyms or terms similar to
the keyword. If you opt for an exact match, the ad will appear only when the user enters a specific
keyword in the search engine.
• Text ad: this is the standard type of ad that is shown in search engines, although today there are a
variety of options such as shopping ads. Text ads usually include a title, a visible URL that can be
customized, and a short description.
• Ad group: in Google Ads, an ad group consists of several ads that feature the same keywords.
This way, you can see which of them are the most effective.
• Campaign: in Google Ads, the campaign is like the "umbrella" under which different ad groups
with similar goals are organized. For example, if you sell school supplies online one campaign
could include ad groups featuring textbooks, another could have backpacks and a third could
focus on drawing materials.
• Landing page: this is the web page the user is directed to after clicking on an advertisement. To
achieve good results with search engine marketing, this page must be optimized to get
conversions and prompt users to take certain actions (like completing a form to download an
ebook). The keywords, the ad shown, and the landing page should all be aligned to ensure a good
user experience.
• Search Network: these are the places where your ads appear. The most common option is on the
top and right of the results page, but you can also show them on other sites such as YouTube.
• Impressions: this refers to the number of times an ad was shown.
• Clicks: are the number of times an ad has been clicked on
• CTR: is the percentage of clicks on total impressions.
• CPC: is the average cost per click.
• Quality Score: this is the score that Google gives ads and keywords which influences your cost
per click. This score is determined based on the relevance of the ad, the percentage of clicks
obtained, and the experience of the landing page. The objective of this system is for higher
quality ads to occupy higher positions and have a lower cost per click.

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What Value Does SEM Add to Business?
a. Generates Highly Qualified Traffic: Generating traffic organically can be a very long and
tedious process where the results are only seen in the long term. Search engine marketing allows
you to accelerate this process and get users to your website from the beginning. In addition, you
can be assured that these users are interested in what you offer, since they themselves have
searched for it.
b. Generates Visibility: Appearing in the top results of Google and other search engines associates
your brand with a specific need even if the user does not click the first time they see it.
c. Generates Conversions: The ultimate goal of Google Ads and other search engine marketing
tools is to improve business results. To do this, you will need to create optimized landing pages
that put users on the path to conversion.
d. Gets the Most out of Your Budget: One of the great advantages of search engine marketing is
that it is a suitable solution for companies of all sizes, since the minimum investment is very
affordable. On the other hand, if your brand is growing, you can increase the investment and the
complexity of your campaigns to keep your momentum. Also, since you only pay if you get
results (in the form of clicks), you can be sure that your budget is used effectively.
e. Gets Measurable Results: Search engine marketing solutions such as Google Ads provide
numerous metrics on campaigns and let you to know what is happening at all times. This way, it
is very easy to correct the course if needed and get better results.

f. Search engine marketing or SEM has great potential to help companies achieve their goals
in a quick and scalable way. To get the most out of it, it is ideal to have experts who have
extensive experience positioning brands in Google. If you want to take advantage of all the
benefits of search engine marketing for your brand, get in touch with us!

What is Google Adwords? Why Google Adwords

AdWords is an advertising system Google developed to help businesses reach online target
markets through its search engine platform and partner sites. These partner sites host a text or
image ad that appears on the page after a user searches for keywords and phrases related to a
business and its products or services.

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Google Ads is the new name for Google's range of advertising capabilities — on
and across Google's other properties, partner sites and apps. These services are designed to help
businesses and marketers connect with billions of people who are finding answers on Search,
watching videos on YouTube, exploring new places on Google Maps, discovering apps on
Google Play, browsing content across the web, and more. The new Google Ads brand and
solution will help businesses of all sizes choose the right solutions for their needs, making it even
easier for them to deliver valuable, trustworthy ads and offer the best experiences for existing
and potential customers alik
How did Google Ads evolve from Google Adwords?
Google Adwords was launched nearly 18 years ago, and the world has changed enormously in
that time. Most people are constantly and quickly switching between activities like searching for
products, watching videos, browsing content, playing games, and so on as they go about their
day. Mobile is a huge part of everyday life, allowing users to get online anytime and anywhere.
It's recognition of these shifts that led to the launch of Google Ads to replace Google Adwords.
Over the years, advertising with Google has evolved from helping businesses connect with
people on Google Search to helping them connect with users at every step of the consumer
journey through text, video, display and more. There are now more opportunities than there have
ever been for businesses and marketers to reach consumers across a variety of channels, screens
and formats.
While these developments are certainly exciting, they can also feel overwhelming and complex
— especially for small business owners with limited time and lots to do. Google Ads improves
upon the work of Google Adwords to help you make the most of today's online opportunities,
and to provide the tools needed to help you achieve your business goals — whatever they may

What does the evolution of Google Ads mean for business?

With the launch of Google Ads comes a new campaign type designed specifically with small
businesses in mind. Smart campaigns are the new default ads experience on Google Ads, and it's
never been easier to begin your advertising journey. These new campaigns tailor the innovation
and advertising technology that Google is known for to help business owners achieve their
objectives without any heavy-lifting.

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Research shows that for 90% of small business owners, the primary goal of advertising online is
to get people to call, visit a store or make a purchase1. Smart campaigns from Google Ads put
these objectives at the centre of your digital marketing efforts, and you can now create ads in a
matter of minutes to begin driving real business results.
Simply choose your business goals — such as garnering phone calls from potential customers,
attracting leads to your website, or bringing potential customers to your physical shop front —
when you set up your Smart campaign to get started.
From there, Google Ads will fine-tune your ads automatically to focus on the outcomes you care
about most while you focus on running your business. Whenever you want to check in on your
campaigns, your Google Ads dashboard displays information on their performance in an easy-to-
understand format.
Whether you're a long-time Google advertiser or trying out online ads for the very first time,
Google Ads is an exciting new offering with meaningful options for businesses of all kinds. It's
never been easier or faster to set up a campaign and take advantage of Google's technology to
achieve your business goals.

What is the Google network?

The Google Search Network is a group of search-related websites and apps where your ads can
appear. When you advertise on the Google Search Network, your ad can show near search results
when someone searches with terms related to one of your keywords.
The Google Network provides a home where your Google Ad can appear online. Direct Google
websites, hundreds of partner sites, and a handful of mobile apps can all showcase your
campaign. When it comes to the Google Network, you have two options, Google Search and
Google Display, both of which exhibit different perks. So align your choice with your business
goals when deciding to go for one, the other, or both.

The Google Network is divided into two groups:

• The Search Network covers Google search results pages, additional Google sites such as Maps
or Shopping, and partnership sites that support Google ads.
• The Display Network covers popular Google websites including YouTube, Blogger, and Gmail,
plus thousands of websites that partner with Google.

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What is the Google Network?
Let’s dive deeper into the different groups. Below you can find an overview of the 5 main usages
and differences between Google Search Network and Google Display Network:
The Search Network
• When will I use the Search Network?
• With lower costs than Display Network, yet higher conversion rates, this option can deliver cost-
effective results. Perfect for startups or businesses on a budget.
• How will people see my Search Network ad?
• Your campaign will pop up whenever anyone searches a term related to your keyword list
through direct Google searches and hundreds of search partner sites.
• Which type of ads can I run on the Search Network?
• Text ads only
• What type of audience will I reach with Search Network?
• Search display specifically uses your keywords list, guaranteeing to attract your target audience.
• What does the Search Network offer me as a publisher?
• Due to the nature of this network, CTR is high as individuals are searching for your keywords
with a purpose.
The Display Network
What is the display network?
• When will I use the Display Network: To expand and grow your business by enhancing the
visibility of your ad.
• How will people see my Display Network ad: Through Youtube, Gmail, blog posts, online articles
and a range of mobile apps.
• Which type of ads can I run on the Display Network: Text-ads, images, and videos
• What type of audience will I reach with Display Network?
Viewers are already browsing relevant topics so introducing your ad at this time provides the
perfect window of opportunity for reaching your target audience.

What does the Display Network offer me as a publisher?

Promotes brand awareness
Differences between Google Display and Search

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We have explored the main differences between Google Ad Network and Google Display
Network. Now let’s compare their features to see which one is best for you.
A huge network of websites has Google Adsense enabled, meaning that you can feature your ad
on popular sites such as on a relevant blog, YouTube, or online articles.

How does the Display Network work?

The Display Network is designed for advertisers to reach their target audience at the most
effective time. Targeting options on allow you to display your ad to people most interested in
your product. Display Search targets themes within your keyword list.

What are the benefits of using the Google Display Network?

As a publisher, you will understand that time is of the essence. So save yourself precious time
with Responsive Display Ads (RDAs). Google’s new default format makes it easier for
advertisers to reach customers by automatically adjusting to the most effective display. The
Google Display Network will analyze images, headlines, descriptions, and logos to ensure your
ad is fully-optimized display.

When Will I Use the Search Network?

What options can I find on the Search Network?
The search network is the most common form of advertising as it targets active searchers and
will appear to the most effective audience. This drives more conversions as people are
specifically searching for a product.

How does the Search Network work?

The Google Search Network is driven by keywords whereas the display network ads appear
based on themes in the keyword list. The Search Network offers keyword-specific targeting
meaning that your ad will appear whenever a search including your keywords is entered into

What are the benefits of using Google Search Network?

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Publishers who offer a direct service can highly benefit from Google Search Network. For
example, if you are a hairdresser, you will display your business details along with your contact
number on your ad. When people search ‘hairdressers’ they can easily retrieve your contact
details through a Google search. This is a perfect example of successful CLT.
Google Display Network targeting allows you to set where or when your ad is shown based on
features of your ideal audience, such as their interests, age, or gender. This means your ad can
show up on sites related to your business, or to users who match the specific criteria that you’ve
here’s how you can run an ads on the Google Display Network as part of your Google Ads account:
• Log into your Google Ads account
• Click on “Campaigns,” and then “New Campaign”
• Select "Display Network only" as the campaign type
From here, select the types of Google Display Network targeting that you’d like to include as part of your
campaign. To find out about the different types of ways to show ads to users and how to set them, keep

How to reach customers based on interest

Interest targeting is exactly what it sounds like – it allows you to show your ad to people who are
interested in your products and services, or those who engage in activities related to your business.
There are three categories of interest targeting you can choose from:
1. Affinity Audiences: This includes 80 different groups based on interests or hobbies, such as
sports fans, auto enthusiasts, or gamers. You can choose to show your ads to one or more of these
2. Custom Affinity Audiences: To narrow your targeting even further, create your custom audience
using keywords. If you’re running ads for your running shoe shop, you might use keywords such
as marathon training, beginner runners, and running tips. When you set up your custom
audiences, your ads will be shown to people visiting websites that contain these keywords. You
can also add specific URLs that runners might visit, like or, to
target sites where you would like your ad to show up.
3. In-Market Audiences: With in-market audiences, you can identify customers who are actively
looking at products or services similar to yours. Running with the same example, these might be
customers who have added running shoes to their shopping cart while browsing a website, or
those who have browsed numerous sites related to running shoes.

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How to reach customers based on demographics
Aside from targeting customers based on their interests, you may also base your targeting on
These include:
• Age: "18-24," "25-34," "35-44," "45-54," "55-64," "65 or more," and "Unknown"
• Gender: "Female," "Male," and "Unknown"
• Parental status: "Parent," "Not a Parent," and "Unknown"
You can combine demographic targeting with affinity audiences and in-market audiences to
reach a narrower, even more relevant customer base. For example, if you own a baby boutique
and want to promote your prams designed for jogging, you might focus on the "Parent"
demographic group along with affinity groups based on running, fitness and athletics. You can
also exclude specific demographic groups from seeing your ads. If you know the majority of
your customers are senior citizens and want to focus exclusively on this segment, you can set up
your campaign to exclude all age groups except "65 or more". Bear in mind that the more
specific you are with your targeting, the fewer people will see your ads. Test various
combinations of targeting, to see which brings you the most conversions.
To set demographic targeting in your campaign:
• Go to the Display Network tab in your Google Ads account
• Click the "+ Targeting" button, and choose the ad groups to which you'd like to add demographic
• Click "Add Targeting" and check the boxes for the demographics you want to target

Adwords terminologies
1. Campaign - An ad campaign on Google AdWords is made up of your ad groups, and has the
same budget, campaign type and your other ad settings. It’s generally what you first set-up when
you advertise, and it helps you organize your different paid advertising efforts. You can run
multiple campaigns at any time from your Google account.
2. Ad groups - An ad group is your set of keywords, budgets and targeting methods for a particular
objective, within the same campaign. For example, if you are running an ad campaign for a shoe
sale, you could set up ad groups to target for online sales, women’s shoes and men’s shoes. You
can have multiple ads in each ad group.

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3. Campaign Type - Your campaign type is where you want your ads to be seen. Google has:

• “Search Network only” (which means Google search only)

• Display Network only” (which means your ad shows up in Google’s Display network of
websites, videos, YouTube, Blogger and more. This is also known as AdSense)
• “Search Network with Display Select” (which is a combo of search and display).
• If you have a Google Merchant Center account and want to use Product Listing Ads, you
can also choose “Shopping” as a campaign type.
4. Keywords - Keywords are very important in your Google Ads. They are the words or word
phrases you choose for your ads, and will help to determine where and when your ad will appear.
When choosing your keywords, think like your customer and what they would be searching for
when they want your product, service or offer. Though you can include as many as you like, I
suggest a maximum of twenty keywords.
5. Quality Score - A quality score is the measurement from Google based on the relevancy of your
ad headline, description, keywords and destination URL to your potential customer seeing your
ad. A higher Quality Score can get you better ad placement and lower costs.
6. Impressions - An impression is the measurement of how many times your ad is shown.
7. Ad Rank - Your Ad Rank is the value that’s used to determine where your ad shows up on a
page. It’s based on your Quality Score and your bid amount.
8. Mobile ad - Mobile ads are what your mobile searchers see on their devices. Google AdWords
has WAP mobile ads and “ads for high-end mobile devices”.
9. Ad extensions - Ad extensions are extra information about your business, such as your local
address, phone number, and even coupons or additional websites. They’re what shows up in blue
below your ad descriptions.
General Adwords Terms
10. Call to Action (CTA) - A CTA is literally the action you want your searcher to take. Good CTAs
in your ads are short, action oriented words such as “Buy”, “Get”, “Act Now”, etc.
11. Click Through Rate (CTR) - Your CTR is an important metric in your account settings. It
measures how many people who have seen your ad click through to your link destination.
12. Landing Page - Your landing page is the page on your website to which you’re driving traffic
from your ad.
13. Optimization - Optimization in Google AdWords is like optimization elsewhere in marketing. It
means making the changes in your ad that get you higher results for your objectives.

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14. Split Testing - Split testing includes A/B and multivariate testing. It’s a method of controlled
marketing experiments with the goal being to improve your objective results (such as higher
CTR’s, increased conversion or even better Ad Ranking).

Cost Related Adwords Terms

15. Bid Strategy - Your bid strategy is basically how you set your bid type to pay for viewer
interaction with your ads.
16. Daily budget - Your daily budget is what you’re willing to spend per day per ad. Your daily cost
is based on a daily average per month, so don’t be alarmed if yours varies from day to day.
17. CPC - Cost-Per-Click is the most common bid type on Google AdWords. It means you pay every
time a person actually clicks on your ad. You set your “maximum CPC” in the bidding process,
which means that dollar amount is the most you’ll pay for a click on your ad. PPC - Pay-Per-
Click is the same as CPC.
18. CPM - Cost-Per-thousand impressions is a bidding method that bases your costs on how many
times your ads are shown (impressions).
19. Billing Threshold - Your billing threshold is the level of spending that triggers a charge to you
for the ad costs. It applies to automatic payments, and the threshold level starts at $50. It you
reach that within 30 days, you’ll be billed, and your threshold then raises to $100 and so on.

Ad Creative Terms
20. Headline - Your ad headline is the header of your ad copy. It generally shows up in blue when
your ad is live.
21. Destination URL - Your destination URL is the landing page your ad is directed to when it’s
clicked. Your destination site can be a specific page. You can change it for differing ads within ad
groups. Your audience does not see it in the ad.
22. Display URL - Your display URL is what shows up in your ad copy. You can keep this simple
and clean to increase your brand recognition, trust, and conversions.
23. Side ad - A side ad is the ad that shows up on the right hand side of a search engine results page
24. Top ad - A top ad is the ad that shows up in a shaded box above the organic search results. Note:
Your ad will likely show up as both a side ad and a top ad - so write your ad copy to optimize for

Campaign types
There are 8 different types of ad campaigns with Google Ads:

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1. Search – Text ads on Google search results
2. Display – Image ads on websites or on Gmail
3. Video – Video ads on YouTube
4. Shopping – Product listings on Google
5. App – Your app promotion on many channels
6. Smart – Simplified automated ads on Google and across the web
7. Local – Drive customers to a physical location
8. Discovery – Runs ads across Google’s feeds when they’re open

1. Google search ads – attract people looking for your products : Google search ads are text ads
that you see on Google search engine results pages (SERPs). Your search ads can appear either at
the top above the organic search results or at the very bottom of the page.
Best used for: Getting in front of people who are ready to buy.
By targeting keywords with buyer’s intent, you can reach shoppers when they’re searching for
the products and services that you offer. For example, if you’re selling dog beds on your Shopify
store, target keywords like “dog beds cheap,” and you’ll attract people who are looking to buy a
dog bed. Whether your ad campaign is displayed on the top or the bottom of the SERPs depends
on your bid price. The more you bid, the better visibility you get.

Best practices of Google search ads

Here’s the list of best practices for Google search ads that will help you bring more sales.

• Write compelling ad copy: Remember, search ads are text ads, there are no visuals attached, so
their effectiveness depends on how well you write them. Your ad copy should be focused not on
the features of your products but on user benefits. Appeal to your potential buyer’s needs and
emotions. Also, your ad space is limited – make sure you mention the most important thing(s)
concisely. Avoid generic phrases and use specific calls-to-action.
• Create branded search campaigns: It’s highly recommended to bid on your branded terms,
especially if your business is new and you’re not ranking organically yet. This way, you can ensure
your potential customers will easily find you if they want to check you out. And, even if you already
rank on Google organically, it’s still beneficial to run a branded search ad. Grammarly does it even
though it’s a strong, well-established brand. By bidding on your brand name, you’re taking much
more space on the SERPs and increase your chances of getting traffic. Be smart, be like Grammarly!
Running a branded search campaign can also help you discover different variations in how your

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audience is looking for you on Google. You may come across misspellings or long-tail keyword
variations, such as “Grammarly for technical writing,” that can give you ideas on how to market
Google ad tip for better ad performance: Don’t just bid on your exact brand name, bid on the
specific products you’re selling, too, especially if they’re branded originally and stand out from other
similar products in their niche.
• Run competitor search campaigns: Another way to use text ads is to target your competitors’
branded terms. Don’t feel bad for doing it – it’s a very common practice. Chances are people
searching for your competitors will be interested in your products, too, so take this opportunity to
increase your sales. Plus, if you’re already popular in your niche, it’s very likely your competitors are
already bidding on your branded terms.
• Create Dynamic search ads: According to Google, 15% of searches on Google are brand new every
day. While this gives savvy marketers more ways to get in front of their target audience, it also makes
it harder to keep up with all the relevant keywords for your brand. To save time and make managing
keyword lists easier, run dynamic search ads. They offer the easiest way to reach people who are
searching for your products and services on Google. Dynamic search ads use the content from your
online store to target your ads.
• Create Responsive search ads: While they may sound similar, responsive search ads are different
from dynamic search ads. With dynamic ads, the content is pulled from your website and
automatically adjusted to create your ads. Whereas, with responsive ads, the advertiser needs to
prepare a list of multiple ad headlines and descriptions for the same ad. Then, Google Ads
automatically mixes and matches them to find the best performing combinations.

2. Display ads – generate brand awareness: While search ads are based on text and let you target
specific keywords, Display ads are image-based and allow you to target people who are likely to
be interested in your products but aren’t looking for them yet. You can usually see display
campaigns when you’re browsing your favorite websites. However, they can also appear on your
Gmail account, apps, or videos.
Best used for: Reach your potential clients early in the buying cycle and increase your brand
Display ads can help you to introduce your business to specific target audiences who are likely to
be interested in what you’re selling. This way, you can reach more people compared to only using
search ads.

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Best practices of Google Display ads : Here’s the list of best practices for Google Display ads
that will help you raise your brand awareness and get more people into your marketing funnel
• Prioritize Responsive Display ads: You can choose between three types of display ads:
responsive display ads, Gmail ads, and uploaded image ads. While all three ad formats are
effective and can serve different marketing strategies, Google says that responsive display ads get
the most reach of all types. That’s why we recommend putting more budget into them.
Responsive display ads are automatically adjusted in appearance, size, and format so they could
fit all the available placements on the Google Display Network. Simply upload your assets, such
as images, headlines, descriptions, your logo, or videos, and Google will figure out the best
combination of them and automatically generate your ads.
• Don’t mix new users with remarketing audiences: Display ads allow for remarketing, which is
a great way to remind your website visitors of your products. However, make sure you exclude
people who have already been to your online store or watched one of your YouTube videos from
your new audiences. They are already familiar with your brand and will probably need a different
kind of messaging than people who have never heard of you.
• Attract people similar to your high-value visitors: You can use your remarketing audiences
made from your previous visitors to expand your top-of-the-funnel audiences (those people who
don’t know about you yet). You can take your high-value visitors and use them to find similar
people who are likely to become your customers. To do it, use a targeting option called “Similar
Audiences.” It allows you to get in front of potential customers who have similar web behavior as
people from your remarketing campaign.

3. Video ads – get in front of targeted audience: Since YouTube belongs to Google and also acts
like a search engine–only for videos–you can target your potential customers on YouTube based
on what they are watching. And with over 2 billion users worldwide, you have quite an audience
to target! Your video ad campaigns are placed before, during, or after YouTube videos and in the
search results. With video ads, you can use demographic targeting and reach your ideal audiences
based on age, gender, and interests. In-stream video ads have a 5-second timer before people can
switch to their intended video or watch the ad for its entire duration. You have plenty of time to
get your message across in either case. For maximum impact, use this ad format together with
display advertising.
Best practices of Google Video ads : Here’s the list of best practices for running Video ads
in Google Ads that will help you raise your brand awareness and get more leads.

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• Create narrow audiences: Remember, if you advertise to everyone, you advertise to no one. To
run successful video ad campaigns, create separate video ads that target ultra-specific keywords,
topics, or demographics. This way, you’ll have ads that are genuinely relevant to your target
audiences, and they’ll be more likely to get into your marketing funnel.
• Keep your ad short: Ad play rates drop off significantly after 45 seconds, so make sure to
deliver your most important messages early in the video.
• Be direct with your messaging: Because your video ad may be your only communication with
YouTube viewers, be direct about what your business offers. Provide your target audience with
clear next steps to take after watching the video. For example, you could encourage them to make
a purchase or visit your website for more information.
• Use advanced campaign settings: Optimize your video ads with advanced campaign settings.
For example, you can set your ads to run during certain hours or days of the week when you’re
most likely to reach your target audience. You can also set a frequency cap to limit the number of
times your ads appear on YouTube or partners on the Google Display Network to avoid ad

4. Shopping ads – advertise to shoppers ready to buy: Google Shopping Ads are product-based
ads. They’re displayed specifically for product searches on Google. Unlike regular search ads,
Shopping ads show an image of a product along with its product title, price, store name, and
reviews. Essentially, they provide shoppers with important product information before they even
visit an online store.
Best used for: Boost traffic to your e-commerce store and increase sales.
There are three types of shopping campaigns:
• Product Shopping ad. These are created using the product data provided in your Google
Merchant Center account.
• Showcase Shopping ad. These can be made by grouping together a variety of similar products.
Customers will be able to compare a few of your products and choose the best one. This allows
people to explore your inventory without even going to your store.
• Local Inventory Shopping ad. These ads are useful if you have a physical store. They use
product feed data from your local inventory to display your products from a physical store to
nearby Google shoppers.
Best practices of Google Shopping ads: Here’s the list of best practices for running Google
Shopping ads to boost sales.

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• Your product details should be keyword-rich: Google will use your product data to determine
whether your products match a search query by a potential shopper. Make sure your product titles
and descriptions contain keywords that describe your products the best.
• Always double-check your product info: If your prices are not 100% accurate, Google won’t
show your product ads, especially if you have different international currencies. Make sure you
have a foolproof process to update your product info, pricing change, and availability. You can
check your product info manually, for example, using Google spreadsheets. However, if you have
a lot of products, it may be wiser to look for specialized software. This way, you’ll save time and
be sure that your product data feed is correct.
• Use high-quality images: Product images can be the leading factor in your ad campaign’s
success, so take good care of them. They should be of high quality and taken in a clear

5. App Ad campaigns – increase your app installs: Have a mobile app for your
business? With Google Ads, you can promote it with app campaigns across Google’s largest
properties, including Google Play, YouTube, Search, and the Google Display Network.
Best used for: Creating ads to promote your app install or take a specific action within it. Unlike
other ad types on Google Ads, you don’t need to create individual ads for App campaigns.
Instead, your ads are automatically designed for you! Provide some text, a starting bid, and a
budget, as well as the languages and locations for your campaign. You can also add some
HTML5 assets if they’re relevant to your business. Then, Google Ads will adapt this info for a
range of ads across various formats and networks.

Best practices of Google App ad campaigns : Here’s the list of best practices for running Google App
campaigns to get more potential customers.
• Give Google time to optimize your ads: When your ad campaigns are not bringing you the
results you were expecting, you might feel tempted to adjust the budget or stop the ad. However,
don’t rush into any decisions if your ads have only been running for a few days. Let Google Ads
run your campaign for at least 7 days to let it optimize your ad creatives, placements, and bids
before you make any decisions. If you do need to make some changes, make sure they’re small
enough not to reset Google’s machine learning.

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• Upload diverse assets : Google recommends providing at least one landscape image, one portrait
video, and one landscape video. They will then test different asset combinations and run ads that
are performing the best more often.

6. Smart – Simplified automated ads on Google and across the web: Smart
Campaigns automatically show ads to locals in your area to drive website visits, online
sales, and offline store visits. It's a great, cheap way to bring in more sales. If you are a
local business that can't afford an outside agency to run your Google Ads account, Smart
Campaigns are for you.Smart Campaigns still maintain the simple user experience, and it
is much easier to navigate for someone who either (1) has limited time and resources or
(2) little to no experience with pay per click advertising.
Beyond being simplified, Smart Campaigns still help businesses leverage ads on Google
properties to drive sales. Smart Campaigns have a much, much simpler interface than regular
campaigns. The campaign overview gives you everything a PPC beginner needs to know, at a

7. Local – Drive customers to a physical location: Local campaigns are designed

to help businesses provide their potential customers the information that they need to
decide when and how to visit their stores. Local campaigns streamline the process for
you, making it easy to promote your stores across Google’s largest properties including
the Google Search Network, Maps, YouTube, and the Google Display Network. Just add
a few lines of text, a budget, some assets, and the rest is optimized to help customers find
you. When users search for nearby businesses on, your business location
may be featured at the top of the local results. Similarly, ads that feature your business
location may also appear when users make similar searches on the Google Maps mobile
app. Local campaigns also use radius targeting for the Business Profile and affiliate local
extensions (ALE) locations. The radius can vary depending on the targeted locations and
a user’s preference of travel distance to them. Other factors that determine targeted radius
include: vertical, population density, and existence of competitors.

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8. Discovery – Runs ads across Google’s feeds when they’re open:
Discovery campaigns let you share your brand's story with people across Google's feeds
when they're open to discovering new products and services. Google Discover is a feed
curated by Google to deliver articles and videos on mobile devices. The content delivered
to users is personalized through searches and related stories. Users also have the
opportunity to further customize what they see on their feed by following topics that
interest them.
What are Discovery ads best for? Discovery ads are said to reach people who are ready
to discover and engage. Whereas Display ads are great for general awareness, which isn't
always the main objective of eCommerce businesses. This is what makes Discovery Ads
an interesting ad format for eCommerce businesses and certainly something worth
Best Practice: Use Smart Bidding to optimize the performance of your Discovery ads.
For example, if your goal is to drive more conversions, you may want to use the
Maximize conversions strategy. You can also use the Target CPA recommended based
on your account performance to achieve your marketing goals

Creation of Google Display NETWORK (GDN)

Google Display Network (GDN) is a group of more than 2 million websites, videos, and apps
where your Google Ads can appear. The Display Network helps you reach people as they browse
millions of websites, apps, and Google-owned properties (such as YouTube and Gmail). A
Display campaign is one campaign type available to you in Google Ads. Your ads can appear on
the Google search engine results pages (SERPs), right when your prospective clients are in the
process of searching for products or services that your business offers. Search ads are always
displayed above or underneath the organic search results returned by Google.
How the Google Display Network works
The Google Display Network helps you find the right audience with its targeting options that strategically
show your message to potential customers at the right place and the right time. Here are some examples
of how you can approach targeting with Display ads:
• Find new customers or engage existing customers using audience segments. Similar segments and
in-market segments help you find new prospective customers by targeting people who are

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interested in your products. You can also use your data segments to help you re-engage people
who previously visited your site.
• Drive more conversions using automation. Automated targeting increases conversions by finding
high-performing audience segments based on your existing audiences and landing page. By
automatically optimizing over time, Google Ads can learn which audience segments work for
you. Automated bidding automatically adjusts your bid to help meet your return on investment.
Smart display campaigns combine the best of automated targeting, bidding, and creatives to
maximize your conversions on Google Ads.

Optimize your campaign as you create it

As you create your campaign, you may receive notifications based on your setting selections.
These notifications may alert you of issues that can result in decreased performance or that may
be significant enough to prevent you from publishing your campaign. The campaign construction
navigation menu that appears as you construct your campaign provides a holistic view of your
construction progress and will call attention to notifications that you may want to address. Move
between steps in the navigation menu to easily review and resolve potential issues with your
targeting, bidding, budget, or other campaign settings. Learn more about features that help you
create a successful campaign

Responsive Display ads

Display campaigns use responsive display ads. Responsive display ads automatically adjust their
size, appearance, and format to fit just about any available ad space and improve performance.
You upload various assets (images, headlines, logos, videos, and descriptions) in Google Ads
and the optimal combination and size of assets will appear in ads across websites, apps,
YouTube, and Gmail.
You can also use our library of images at no cost. Both new and advanced users benefit from
responsive ads because they show as "native" ads and blend into the font and feel of the
publisher's site.
Other Display ad types
Uploaded image ads. For more control, you can create and upload ads. You can upload ads as
images in different sizes or HTML5.
When Display ads show

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While the Search Network can reach people while they search for specific goods or services, the
Display Network can help you capture someone's attention earlier in the buying cycle. You can
put your ads in front of people before they start searching for what you offer, which can be key
for your overall advertising strategy. You can also remind people of what they're interested in
when you use your data segments to reach people who've previously visited your website or app.
Plan ahead
Changes in the Display Network can take 12–24 hours to apply and may not show right away.
Keep this in mind while creating a new campaign or making changes to an existing campaign.
You may want to set up your campaign a few days before the launch and set the start date in the
What are the three main automation components of Smart Display?
Across the Display Network, Smart Display campaigns combine 3 optimization technologies to
take the labor and guesswork out of targeting, bidding, and ad creation:
• Automated bidding.
• Automated targeting.
• Automated ad creation

Display Ads format

The best display advertising strategies utilise a combination of different ad types. Using several
formats and sizes increases the reach and potential frequency of your ads being seen by your
target audience. Most campaigns will have a combination of standard text ads, image and rich
media banner ads and video ads. Each type is available in various shapes and sizes and a
combination of each is required to gain optimum performance.
There are several new or non-standard display advertising formats that we can also incorporate
into your campaigns:
a. Text ads: Display text ads are built using lines of advertising text; often the same format as paid
search ads shown on search engine results pages. You can tailor your messages with dynamic
remarketing and increase click-through-rates using dynamic keyword insertion.
b. Image ads: Image ads can be used to capture people’s attention as they browse websites, enticing
them to your site using a combination of graphics and text. The different networks contain
thousands of sites and apps on which image ads can be displayed. Image ads can be static or
contain moving elements to highlight your message.

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c. Rich media: A rich media ad contains images or video and involves some kind of user
interaction. The initial load of a rich media ad is 40K or more. While text ads sell with words and
display ads sell with pictures, rich media ads offer more ways to involve an audience with an ad.
The ad can expand, float, peel down, etc. And you can access aggregated metrics on your
audience’s behaviour, including number of expansions, multiple exits and video completions.
d. Video ads: Video ads can be placed across the web, but YouTube is the most popular platform.
Unlike with TV, your video ads don’t have to be short; you can take as long as you need to tell a
story – just keep it engaging.
e. Dynamic Remarketing Ads: Are the most personalised ads showing users the exact products
users have been viewing during their visit to your site. Despite the requirement to run a merchant
centre, this type of ad can also be utilised by certain lead generation business sectors. Your
merchant centre can be set up and optimised by Click Consult using our proprietary feedTRAX™
f. Google Lightbox Ads: Lightbox Ad is a rich media display ad format that brings a fullscreen
creative to engage users with your brand’s story. The ad can contain high definition content
including YouTube videos, games or a catalogue shopping experience. When user engages with
the banner the ad expands taking a dominant position in the forefront creating a dimming effect
on the page underneath which gives great opportunity of brand exposure. We would recommend
this format to strengthen brand-to-consumer relationships and tell your brand’s story by letting
the consumers engage with your ad content.
g. Gmail Sponsored Promotions: Gmail Sponsored Promotion (GSP) is a standalone ad format
that appears in user’s personal Gmail account in promotions tab and looks like a regular email
message. Once user clicks on the teaser message, the ad expands showing full creative. The ad
can feature products, an image creative or a html ad that can contain multiple links or contact
forms for direct engagement. We use keywords to contextually target the ads to the content of
users’ inbox which facilitates high ad relevance. We recommend GSPs for top of the funnel brand
awareness as well as direct lead generation with in-ad contact forms.
h. TrueView Ads: With TrueView you can advertise your products and services with video content
on YouTube. Get your ads in front of hundreds of millions of viewers paying only when users
find your content interesting and view your video. At Click Consult we have a specialised team
managing YouTube advertising and integrating it into your comprehensive display strategy.
YouTube is a great advertising channel for almost any type of business allowing you to reach
your audience in a creative and engaging way.

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i. Native Ads: Native display advertising uses ads that automatically adjust themselves to the
webpage they appear on, matching the format and function of the site. Native ads look and
behave as if they were a part of the site they appear on. Yahoo’s research into display ad
performance has proven that native ads generate 3.6 times higher uplift in brand searches than
regular display ads and 3.9 times greater uplift in the website view-through rate. At Click Consult
we use Yahoo Gemini to publish native ads across Yahoo Display Network that services on
average 400 million users monthly on Yahoo products like Mail, Mobile Search, News, Sports,
Finance, Celebrity, Movies, TV, Music, Travel, Homes, Autos and My Yahoo. The platform also
allows managing tablet, mobile and desktop traffic separately allowing us to formulate a more
granular bidding strategy.
While text ads sell with words and display ads sell with pictures, rich media ads offer more ways
to involve an audience with an ad… ads can expand, float, peel down and more

Conversion tracking
Conversion tracking is a free tool that shows you what happens after a customer interact
with your ads -- whether they purchased a product, signed up for your newsletter, called your
business, or downloaded your app. When a customer completes an action that you've defined as
valuable, these customer actions are called conversions.
Conversion: Definition
An action that's counted when someone interacts with your ad or free product listing (for
example, clicks a text ad or views a video ad) and then takes an action that you’ve defined as
valuable to your business, such as an online purchase or a call to your business from a mobile

Conversions are measured with conversion tracking. You can use different tracking processes to
measure conversions depending on the action someone takes when they interact with your ad or
free listing. Conversions can be tracked across different surfaces (such as mobile or desktop) and
may include modeled conversions. Modeled conversions use data that does not identify
individual users to estimate conversions that Google is unable to observe directly. This can offer
a more complete report of your conversions.
Why use conversion tracking

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• See which keywords, ads, ad groups, and campaigns are best at driving valuable customer
• Understand your return on investment (ROI) and make better informed decisions about your ad
• Use Smart Bidding strategies (such as Maximize Conversions, target CPA, and target ROAS) that
automatically optimize your campaigns according to your business goals.
• See how many customers may be interacting with your ads on one device or browser and
converting on another. You can view cross-device, cross-browser, and other conversion data in
your “All conversions” reporting column.
How conversion tracking works
Conversion tracking starts with you creating a conversion action in your Google Ads account. A
conversion action is a specific customer activity that is valuable to your business. You can use
conversion tracking to track the following kinds of actions:
Website actions: Purchases, sign-ups, and other actions that customers complete on your
website. Learn more about how Google Ads tracks website conversions.
The conversion tracking process works a little differently for each conversion source, but for each type
besides offline conversions, it tends to fall into one of these categories:
• You add a conversion tracking tag, or code snippet, to your website or mobile app code.
When a customer clicks on your ad from Google Search or selected Google Display
Network sites, or when they view your video ad, a temporary cookie is placed on their
computer or mobile device. When they complete the action you defined, our system
recognizes the cookie (through the code snippet you added), and we record a conversion.
• Some kinds of conversion tracking don’t require a tag. For example, to track phone calls
from call extensions or call-only ads, you use a Google forwarding number to track when
the call came from one of your ads, and to track details like call duration, call start and
end time, and caller area code. Also, app downloads and in-app purchases from Google
Play, and local actions will automatically be recorded as conversions, and no tracking
code is needed.
Once you’ve set up conversion tracking, you can see data on conversions for your campaigns, ad groups,
ads, and keywords. Viewing this data in your reports can help you understand how your advertising helps
you achieve important goals for your business.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Remarketing, also known as retargeting, is a very common and popular form of digital marketing
in which marketers serve ads to users who have visited their website, or a specific web page, and
who have or have not taken a specific action. It’s an effective way to target people who have
already shown some interest in your business or brand. Because you are targeting past visitors or
existing customers, it’s called “re”-marketing. Think of it as a second chance to convert, up-sell,
or retain customers with online ads or campaigns. You can do remarketing in different ways and
with different ad platforms, like Outbrain, Google ads, or Facebook ads.
Whichever way you use it, remarketing is an absolute MUST in every marketer’s playbook.
Remarketing vs Retargeting
While the words ‘retargeting’ and ‘remarketing’ are sometimes used interchangeably, they have
some important differences. When it comes to retargeting vs. remarketing, the main difference is
in the strategy. Retargeting is mostly about serving ads to potential customers based on cookies
while remarketing is usually based on email. Remarketing works by collecting the information of
users and creating lists, which are used later to send sales emails. Retargeting and remarketing
are both effective methods in their own right, yet a combination of both may be the best strategy
to boost your digital marketing activity and improve your bottom line.

A word about behavioral retargeting

If you’ve been hearing about “behavioral retargeting”, it’s actually another (longer!) way of
saying “retargeting”. Behavioral retargeting is when you target online customers based on their
past behavior online, such as which web pages they visited, how long they spent on each page,
and which links they clicked on. Retargeting is much the same, as it involves remarketing to
people who have visited a certain page or clicked a certain link, or any other action you define.
Today, digital marketing – and remarketing – is all about the customer’s interests and behaviors.
After all, these are the best way for marketers to determine what their customers are really
looking for and capture their mindshare. If you are new to remarketing or you want to try it out
for your business, we‘ve put together the ultimate beginner’s guide covering all the basics of the
“what, how, why, where and when” of remarketing. Plus a few bonus pro tips as well. So don’t
wait, start remarketing today!

Example of remarketing

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Here’s a fictional example: Joan visits the “Shoes R’ Us” ecommerce site, looks at a particular
pair of shoes, but doesn’t purchase them. Later, Joan visits another website – say, her favorite
entertainment news site. Shoes R’ Us is running a remarketing campaign via an ad network that
works with this entertainment site. Joan sees an ad by Shoes R ‘Us featuring the same or similar
shoes to the ones she was looking at the other day. The aim of the retargeting ad is to remind
Joan of those shoes she was interested in, and maybe by seeing the ad, she will be convinced to
click and make the purchase she didn’t make previously.
Pro tip: You can use first-party data lists from your DMP to create remarketing lists. Here is
how to do it with Outbrain.
How Remarketing Works?
It’s not difficult to set up a remarketing campaign for your website. What it requires is pixel
When you create a campaign with a particular ad network, the network will provide you with a
small piece of code (called a pixel tag) to add to your website. Every time a new user visits your
site, the code will drop an anonymous browser cookie and the user will be added to your
retargeting list. When the same user visits another site that hosts display or native ads from your
ad network provider, the system will serve your ad to this particular user. This will occur as long
as you have an active campaign running.
Google’s move to shut down the use of third-party cookies will impact the ability of marketers to
remarket. That’s why it is important to advertise on platforms based on the use of first-party data
that allows tracking. Although the move to a cookieless world has been somewhat delayed, it is
still important to start planning now for tools and tactics that will allow you to remarket in the

What are remarketing pixel tags?

Pixel tags are those small pieces of code on a webpage that enable websites to place cookies.
Cookies are ‘crumbs’ left by website visitors. Every visitor has a unique yet anonymous ID, so
their website activity can be tracked by their trail of cookies. In remarketing, the ad server can
access the visitor’s ID and save it to the relevant remarketing lists. Pro tip: Every time you start
working with a new ad network, the first thing you should do is to add their pixel and start
populating audience lists. Here’s how to set conversion tracking with Outbrain.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Remarketing pixel example: Example of Outbrain pixel (code) to add to your website for
remarketing campaigns

What is a remarketing list?

A remarketing list is a list of website visitors who perform a certain action or on your site. For
example, a “Homepage” remarketing list comprises all the visitors to your homepage over a
specified period. As the visitor lands on your homepage, their cookie is added to the remarketing
list. Then, you can remarket only to the list of people who visited your homepage.
You can create all sorts of remarketing lists, and tailor your ad messages to each list.
Pro tip: Check out this video about how to install the Outbrain pixel and create custom
remarketing lists:
Benefits of Remarketing
• Capitalize on lost website traffic
• Target people who have already visited your site and shown interest in your offering
• Target audiences who are more likely to convert
• Keep your brand at top of mind by strategically showing ads to interested audiences
• Affordable marketing tactic available on a range of platforms and channels
• Suitable for every industry and vertical
• Comes in many ad formats, including display ad, search RLSA, dynamic carousel and more
• For e-commerce – dynamic retargeting enables marketers to serve personalized ads for different
users based on products or services they viewed on your website
Your website may be attracting lots of traffic, but the fact is, the average conversion rate for
first-time visitors is low. According to research on ecommerce sites, the conversion rate is just
2.86 percent. What does this mean? Although you’re getting the traffic, you’re not getting the
sales. Remarketing is your best option to capitalize on all that lost traffic. Targeting people who
have already shown an interest in your business is one of the most effective ways to remind them
to come back to your site. Retargeting can be used in all verticals and industries, though it is
obviously an important tactic in e-commerce. Check out this success story of a European fashion
retail and e-commerce chain that saw a 66% increase in conversion rate by retargeting their
customers on the Outbrain network.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Pro tip: Use remarketing ads to offer special deals that were not available on the first visit to
your site, like a discount coupon, “buy one, get one free”, or some other offer to entice the
When should I use remarketing?
When to remarket? That’s a great question – and a tricky one. Some marketers use the “always
on” tactic, meaning they constantly run a remarketing campaign for all users who visit their
website but don’t convert (ie. don’t make a purchase, or complete a form, or download an asset).
But many marketers opt for a more advanced and personalized approach to remarketing. You can
focus your remarketing campaigns according to predefined criteria. For example, you may want
to run remarketing campaigns only for visitors who land on certain pages, such as a particular
product page, or only for users who visit your website at a certain time of day or year (for
example, during a special sales period). It will really depend on your overall strategy, and what
you’ve got going on at a given time.
Pro tip: With remarketing, it’s really important to avoid ‘overkill’. You don’t want to risk
annoying potential customers by showing them too many ads. Put a cap on how many ads can be
seen by each user – no more than two to three a day.
Where can I retarget my customers?
There are a number of different platforms and channels that you can use for remarketing. And
here they are:
• Simple display remarketing: The most simple and popular type of remarketing. Just display an
ad to people on other sites after they have visited yours, on display ad networks like Google,
Yahoo and Bing.
• Native remarketing: Marketers can re-engage their website visitors with valuable content,
recommended across premium publishers in native ad placements.
• Search remarketing: Remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA) is a feature that lets you
customize your search ads campaign for people who have previously visited your site.
• Social media remarketing: Show your retargeting ads to people on social media platforms like
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn after they’ve visited your website.
Remarketing is a great way to increase ROI on your ad spend. If your budget is limited, or if you
already feel you’ve paid enough for that first click, you can experiment and fine tune your
approach for remarketing purposes.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Pro tip: Dig into your data and find out which devices, OS and even geo locations bring you the
highest conversion rate. Create remarketing campaigns according to these segments, and see how
they perform. You may well be able to reduce your costs and increase your conversion rate, at
the same time. The reason why visitors to your website didn’t convert is something you can
never really know for sure. Maybe they became distracted and simply left. Maybe they didn’t
like the offer. Maybe the offer was outside of their budget range. Maybe they are just browsing
now, but plan to purchase in a few months. Whatever the reason, retargeting/remarketing is a
great way to keep your business or brand at the front of their minds. Keep giving them reminders
and reasons to come back. Eventually, they might! Then you’ll be on your way to generating
more leads, conversions and sales for your business.

The Bottom Line: Remarketing Costs

Remarketing is an effective and cost-efficient way to attract customers. This is mainly due to the
fact that you are targeting people who have already shown interest in what you have to offer.
With the right targeting and budgeting, you can achieve good results with your KPIs.
Remarketing typically works on a cost-per-click (CPC) model, as well as CPM (cost per
impression) and CPA (cost per acquisition). This gives you the control to manage your spend and
adjust your bids according to the specific remarketing list or campaign. Feeling more confident
about retargeting now that you’ve read our “dummies” guide? Check out these advanced
remarketing tips and take your retargeting campaigns a step further.

1. Introduction: Definition of social media, Types of social media, How Social Media is affecting Google
Search, Integrating social media into website and blogs
2. Using Facebook: What Can You Do With Facebook, Facebook Features, Facebook Fan Pages,
Facebook Pages. How to promote your Facebook page, Creating Facebook Application / Widget, Linking
with YouTube, Creating Events, Building content calendar

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

3. Using Twitter: Following and Listening, Tools for managing your Tweets, Finding People and
Companies on Twitter, Twitter Tools, Reputation Management | Keyword Research | Hashtags & Trends
Tools Influence on Twitter: TweetDeck, Klout, PeerIndex
4. Using LinkedIn: Lead Generation through Individual Profiles, Lead Generation as Enterprise:
Company Page, Ads, Developer API, Groups
5. Using Blogs: How Blogging can be used as a tool.

Introduction: Definition of social media, Types of social media, How Social Media is affecting Google
Search, Integrating social media into website and blogs

Definition of social media: Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to
participate in social networking.

Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input,
interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Websites and applications dedicated to forums,
microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking, social curation, and wikis are among the different
types of social media.

The Different Types Of Social Media Platforms

A. Social networking (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+).

Definition: Using websites and applications to communicate informally with others, find people, and
share similar interests. Allows users to directly connect with one another through groups, networks, and
B. Microblogging (Twitter, Tumblr).
Definition: Posting of very short entries or updates on a social networking site. Allows users to subscribe
to other users' content, send direct messages, and reply publicly. Allows users to create and share hashtags
to share content about related subjects
C. Blogging (Using Publishing Websites)
Recording opinions, stories, articles, and links to other websites on a personal website
Examples: Wordpress and Blogger
D. Photo sharing (Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest).
Publishing a user's digital photos, enabling the user to share photos with others either publicly or privately

E. Video sharing (YouTube, Facebook Live, Periscope, Vimeo).

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Definition: Publishing a user's digital photos, enabling the user to share photos with others either publicly
or privately. Allows users to embed media in a blog or Facebook post, or link media to a tweet
F. Crowdsourcing
Definition: Obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of
people, particularly those from the online community
Examples: Ushahidi, Inc.

Few popular social media platforms

a. Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create
profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and
colleagues. According to statistics from the Nielsen Group, Internet users within the United States
spend more time on Facebook than any other website.
b. Twitter is a free microblogging service that allows registered members to broadcast short posts
called tweets. Twitter members can broadcast tweets and follow other users' tweets by using
multiple platforms and devices.
c. Google+ (pronounced Google plus) is Google's social networking project, designed to replicate
the way people interact offline more closely than is the case in other social networking services.
The project’s slogan is “Real-life sharing rethought for the web.”
d. Wikipedia is a free, open content online encyclopedia created through the collaborative effort of
a community of users known as Wikipedians. Anyone registered on the site can create an article
for publication; registration is not required to edit articles. Wikipedia was founded in January of
e. LinkedIn is a social networking site designed specifically for the business community. The goal
of the site is to allow registered members to establish and document networks of people they
know and trust professionally.
f. Reddit is a social news website and forum where stories are socially curated and promoted by
site members. The site is composed of hundreds of sub-communities, known as "subreddits."
Each subreddit has a specific topic such as technology, politics or music. Reddit site members,
also known as, "redditors," submit content which is then voted upon by other members. The goal
is to send well-regarded stories to the top of the site's main thread page.
g. Pinterest is a social curation website for sharing and categorizing images found online. Pinterest
requires brief descriptions but the main focus of the site is visual. Clicking on an image will take
you to the original source, so, for example, if you click on a picture of a pair of shoes, you might

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

be taken to a site where you can purchase them. An image of blueberry pancakes might take you
to the recipe; a picture of a whimsical birdhouse might take you to the instructions.

Advantages of Social Media

Imagine spending as little as 6 hours a week in order to increase your business’s recognition, traffic, and
sales with little to no cost. That’s right! About 90% of marketers claimed that social media generated
immense exposure for their company, and that’s only one of its many advantages. Social networks are
now a substantial part of every marketing strategy, and the benefits of using social media are so great that
anyone not implementing this cost-effective resource is missing out on a phenomenal marketing
It’s easy to see that social media marketing is a key element for success in marketing and many marketers
realize the potential for business growth using the platform. However, some of these professionals are
unsure of which tactics to apply and if they are effective.
According to Social Media Examiner, about 96% of marketers are currently participating in social media
marketing, but 85% of participants aren’t sure which tools are the best to use. With our help, we will
diminish the confusion by thoroughly explaining the advantages of using social media to market your
1. Increased Brand Awareness
Social media is one of the most cost-efficient digital marketing methods used to syndicate content and
increase your business’ visibility. Implementing a social media strategy will greatly increase your brand
recognition since you will be engaging with a broad audience of consumers. To get started, create social
media profiles for your business and begin interacting with others. Get employees, business partners, and
sponsors to "like" and "share" your page. Simply having people interact with your content will increase
brand awareness and begin building your reputation as a business. Each post that is shared will be
introduced to a new network of individuals, which can lead them to becoming potential customers, and
the more people who know about your business, the better. By investing only a few hours per week, over
91% of marketers claimed that their social marketing efforts greatly increased their exposure. There is no
doubt that by simply having a social media page your brand will benefit, and with regular use it can
generate a wide audience for your business.
2. More Inbound Traffic
Without marketing your business on social media, your inbound traffic is limited to your usual customers.
The people familiar with your brand are likely searching for the same keywords you already rank for.
Without utilizing social media as part of your marketing strategy, you’ll have much more difficulty
reaching anyone outside of your loyal customer circle. Every social media profile you add to your

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

marketing mix is a gateway to your website, and every piece of content you post is another opportunity to
acquire a new customer. Social media is a melting pot of different types of people with varying
backgrounds and behaviors. With different people come different needs and different ways of thinking.
Syndicating your content on as many platforms as possible allows these individuals to organically reach
your business. For instance, perhaps someone in an older demographic of consumers will search for your
website using a particular keyword on Facebook, but a millennial could begin their search by using a
different social media platform entirely, because they search for products totally differently. By marketing
on social media you can effectively open your business to a wider variety of versatile consumers all over
the world.
3. Improved Search Engine Rankings
Although posting on social media might get your business some site traffic, more effort than that is
required to see significant success. Search engine optimization is very important for achieving higher
page rankings and obtaining traffic to your business website. While social media doesn’t directly increase
search engine rankings, Social Media Examiner states that more than 58% of marketers who have been
using social media for one year or longer still see improved search engine rankings. Being able to rank in
the top positions for your keywords will revolutionize your traffic and continue to generate positive
results for your business. Let’s face it, everyone uses Google to find information, and they likely won’t
navigate past page 1 because their answer normally is on the first page of results. If your business website
isn’t ranked towards the top of search engine results, you should probably adjust your search engine
optimization strategy. To give yourself the best chance of ranking better through social media, create high
quality content that integrates your targeted keywords. Content such as blogs, infographics, case studies,
business information, and employee photos will make your business’s social media profile intriguing and
credible. Once you begin posting quality content, you’ll begin to build a social media community where
followers will "like" and "share" your content. Most importantly, it gives you more opportunities to get in
front of industry influencers who will write about your business and provide links back – which will help
to directly increase search engine rankings.
4. Higher Conversion Rates
With increased visibility, your business gains more opportunities for conversion. Every blog post, image,
video, or comment may lead viewers to your company’s website and increase traffic. Social media
marketing allows your business to give a positive impression through a humanization factor. When brands
are interactive by sharing content, commenting, and posting statuses on social media, it personifies a
brand. People prefer to do business with other people, rather than companies. Over 51% of marketers
claimed that taking the time to develop relationships with consumers showed positive results in sales. The
better impression you make on a visitor, the more likely they are to think of your business when the need

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

for your product or services arises. Studies have also shown that social media has a 100% higher lead-to-
close rate than outbound marketing. When a brand is interactive online, consumers who follow your
brand’s accounts often begin to more completely trust the credibility of your business. People use social
media platforms to stay connected to their friends, family, and communities. Since people are already
talking, why not throw your brand into the mix? More likely than not, they’ll mention your brand to a
friend when your products or services are needed, overall providing your business with social proof of its
quality. As reported by Social Media Examiner, about 66% of marketers saw lead generation benefits by
using social media platforms at least 6 hours per week. Putting your brand in an atmosphere where people
are sharing, liking, and talking, can only improve the conversion rates on your existing traffic.
5. Better Customer Satisfaction
Social media is a networking and communication platform. Creating a voice for your company through
these platforms is important in humanizing your company. Customers appreciate knowing that when they
post comments on your pages, they will receive a personalized response rather than an automated
message. Being able to acknowledge each comment shows that you are attentive of your visitors’ needs
and aim to provide the best experience.Every customer interaction on your business’s social media
accounts is an opportunity to publicly demonstrate your compassion for your customers. Whether an
individual has a question or a complaint, social media allows you to address the matter using
interpersonal dialogue. A brand devoted to customer satisfaction that takes the time to compose personal
messages will inherently be viewed in a positive light, even if responding to a customer complaint.
6. Improved Brand Loyalty
One of the main goals of almost all businesses is developing a loyal customer base. Considering that
customer satisfaction and brand loyalty typically go hand in hand, it is important to regularly engage with
consumers and begin developing a bond with them. Social media is not just limited to introducing your
brand’s products and promotional campaigns. Customers see these platforms as a service channel where
they can communicate directly with the business. The millennial generation is known for being the most
brand loyal customers of all. Born between the early 1980’s and the early 2000’s, millennials are the
largest generation in US history -– and will soon completely consume the market. Studies show that this
segment of customers is 62% more loyal to brands that directly engage with them on social media. Since
these technology natives require communication with their brands, businesses must implement social
media marketing to get the attention of their most influential consumers.
7. More Brand Authority
Customer satisfaction and brand loyalty both play a part in making your business more authoritative, but
it all comes down to communication. When consumers see your company posting on social media,
especially replying to customers and posting original content, it makes you appear more credible.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Regularly interacting with customers demonstrates that your business cares about customer satisfaction,
and is available to answer any questions that they might have. Satisfied customers are eager to spread the
word about a great product or service and they usually turn to social media to express their opinion.
Having customers mention your business on social media will advertise your business, and show new
visitors your value and brand authority. Once you obtain a few satisfied customers who are vocal about
their positive purchase experience, you can let the advertising be done for you by actual customers who
enjoyed your product or service.
8. Cost-Effective
Social media marketing is possibly the most cost-efficient part of an advertising strategy. Signing up and
creating a profile is free for almost all social networking platforms, and any paid promotions you decide
to invest in are a relatively low cost compared to other marketing tactics. Being cost-effective is such an
advantage because you can see a greater return on investment and retain a bigger budget for other
marketing and business expenses. If you decide to use paid advertising on social media, always start small
to see what you should expect. As you become more comfortable, fine tune your strategy and try
increasing your budget. Just by spending a small amount of time and money you can significantly
increase your conversion rates and eventually get return on investment on the money you initially
9. Gain Marketplace Insights
One of the most valuable advantages of social media is marketplace insight. What better way to know the
thoughts and needs of your consumers than by directly talking to them? By monitoring the activity on
your profiles,, you can see customer’ interests and opinions that you might not otherwise be aware of if
your business didn’t have a social media presence. Using social media as a complementary research tool
can help gain information that will aid you in understanding your industry. Once you gain a large
following, you can use additional tools to analyze the demographics of your consumers. Another
insightful aspect of social media marketing is the ability to segment your content syndication lists based
on topic, and identify which types of content generate the most impressions. These tools give you the
ability to measure conversions based on posts on various social media platforms to find the perfect
combination for generating revenue.
10. Thought Leadership
Posting insightful and well-written content on your social media is a great way to become an expert and
leader in your field. There is no one way to become a thought leader – it requires work that can be
supported by online networking tools. To establish yourself as an expert, be sure to utilize social media
platforms and build your presence. Be communicative, connect with your audience, share content, and
promote your authority. When your social media campaign is aligned with other marketing efforts, your

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

skills will be highlighted and followers will look up to you. Being able to directly connect with your
customers creates a relationship that they will value, allowing you to become a notable influencer in your

Using Facebook :

Using Facebook: What Can You Do With Facebook, Facebook Features, Facebook Fan Pages, Facebook
Pages. How to promote your Facebook page, Creating Facebook Application / Widget, Linking with
YouTube, Creating Events, Building content calendar

What Can You Do With Facebook

• There are many ways to use a Facebook page beyond simply posting updates.
• There ways to use Facebook page for business.

1. Collect Testimonials and Reviews: If you set up your Facebook page as a local business, you
have the option to collect testimonials and reviews from your customers. While you can’t
encourage customers to review your business for incentives, you can put up a sign at your
business that lets customers know they can review your business on your Facebook page. In
addition to having a Facebook page full of reviews, you can add the best reviews to your website.
To add a review, click on the timestamp of the review, click the drop-down arrow at the top right
and select the Embed Post option. (In most cases, the Embed Post option will be hiding under the
More Options link in that drop-down menu.)
2. Engage With Your Audience: The most important way to use your Facebook page for business
is to engage with your audience. Your audience is composed of a variety of people–fans of your
content, fans of your business, potential customers, current customers and former customers.
With this in mind, create posts and content that engage these groups of people. The traditional
rule for audience engagement is 80/20. Eighty percent of your content should be for your
audience, and 20% should be for your business (sales, marketing, self-promotion, etc.). This
means that the majority of your posts should be aimed at getting your audience to engage with
your page. You can do this by encouraging audience participation and sharing content relevant to

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

your niche or industry. If the majority of your posts fall within these lines, you’ll create an
engaged and loyal audience that will be more receptive to the 20% of posts that promote your
business, products and services.
3. Take Advantage of News Feed Ad Placement: Facebook allows you to place ads in the right
column and within the news feed. The catch is that you must link your ad to a Facebook page to
display it in the news feed. Without a Facebook page, you’re limited to ad placement in the right
column only. In news feed ads, Facebook uses your page as the source of the ad. Your target ad
audience will have the option to like your page in addition to engaging with your main
advertising objective.
4. Ask for Audience Feedback : Want some insight into what your potential or current customers
want? Survey them on Facebook. A survey not only encourages them to engage with your page,
but can also help you discover what products or services they need. Poll your audience with a
standard post to your page (for free) or use Facebook polling apps. Your choice depends on if you
want to compile the answers yourself or have the app compile the answers for you, and if you
want to collect additional information (like email addresses) that you can’t collect publicly on
your page.
5. Use Your Page for Blog Comments: If you’re tired of dealing with spam on your business blog,
your Facebook page can be a great alternative to blog comments. Add a link to discuss the post
on Facebook at the end of each blog post. The link should point to a post on your Facebook page
wall about that post. This not only allows you to turn off comments on your blog, but also helps
you build a fan base and organic engagement on your page. Plus, the people who see a great
discussion developing around a post on your Facebook page will likely click through to read the
blog post.
6. Share Opinions as Your Business: Speaking of blog comments, there are over 128,000 websites
using Facebook comments as an alternative to standard comment platforms built into content
management systems like WordPress. If you’re commenting on a blog that relates to your
business, use your Facebook page to leave the comment instead of your personal profile. From
the drop-down menu next to the Comment button, select your page and then leave a valuable
comment. By using your Facebook page, you invite people who like your comment to like your
business page, as opposed to connecting with your personal profile. Anyone who is in the role of
moderator or admin of your business page can use your page to comment on blogs using
Facebook comments. Note that when you post comments as your personal profile, your business
page is automatically linked next to your name and your position if you’ve added it as your
current employer in the Work and Education section. You can also tag other Facebook pages

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

within your comment, as shown in the comment above. While you don’t want to use this feature
to spam, you can use it when applicable.
7. Combat Negative Results on Search Engines: If your business is struggling with negative
results in searches for your name on search engines, your Facebook page can help. Facebook is a
strong domain, so a page with your business name will rank well in search results. While your
Facebook page may not rank immediately after your website, it will likely be in the first ten
search results. This means that one fewer negative result will be on the first page of search results
for your business name.

Facebook Features
Facebook offers a number of features that stretch beyond just casual social networking. From advertising
to social media marketing, many of these tools could prove beneficial to businesses looking to make more
of an impact on the Web.
Here are eight Facebook features business should be using.
1. Page Insights: Much like Google Analytics, Facebook also provides metric data, allowing you to
monitor your page's performance. Insights allow page administrators to see how many people like
their business's page, the number of people who saw a post and demographic data about the
page's readership. Most important, it illustrates the specific content that engages readers.
2. Export Facebook Page Insights Data for Business Analytics: If you're looking for information
on how your audience responds to your marketing tactics, you can export your Facebook Insights
files so that you can improve your content strategy and drive engagement. Think about how
Facebook provides a great depth of data and analytics in your business page. You should
familiarize yourself with these vital data and statistics that are helpful in improving your business
3. Target the Perfect Audience for Each Type of Content: If you want to boost your news feed
exposure, then you can improve organic visibility through the platform's Audience Optimization
feature. As Facebook caters to an increasingly massive audience worldwide, it's also becoming
saturated by other brands, so it's a challenge to increase visibility in your feed and come up with
engaging content for your target audience. To target your preferred specific audience, locate the
News Feed Targeting setting on the Write Something field (if you do not see this, that is because
it isn’t activated yet):
4. Be Mindful of Your Relevance Score on Facebook: Facebook's relevance score metric
measures the effectiveness of your ads. This score is an essential ad quality signal as it directly

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

affects the ad delivery, as well as the total costs on those ad campaigns. There's usually a
negative and positive feedback factor in the overall relevance score equation. Positive interactions
are conversions and video views, while negative interactions are when people hide your ads from
their dashboard. The moment people report or hide your ads, then your overall relevance score
tends to suffer.
5. Install Facebook Pixel for Retargeting: It's every marketer's dream to create highly engaging
ads, useful integrations, and a laser-focused targeting campaign. However, the most compelling
of all is the powerful targeting ability of Facebook Pixel:
Facebook Pixel: In its most basic form, Facebook Pixel is a snippet code that can be inserted in
the backend of your site. It's an analytics tool that helps brands and businesses establish and
improve their ROI by effectively measuring your ads. You can use pixel data to:
• Make sure your ads are being shown to the right people
• Build advertising audiences
• Unlock additional Facebook advertising tools
So instead of building your network on Facebook's self-serve ad tool, the feature does
this for you. As a result, it makes the entire process easier and faster. More than that, it
also improves the effectiveness of your ad campaigns.
6. Convert Your Post Likes into Page Likes: Did you know that it's pretty simple (and free!) to
gain additional likes on your Facebook page after you finish with a specific campaign? Simply
scroll down your Facebook page and look at the posts that you've promoted in your recent
marketing campaign. Then click through the blue-thumbed icon found underneath your post. That
will show you the people who liked your specific post. You can then see who liked your page and
who didn't. If they haven't “liked” your page yet, you can invite them to do so by hitting the
“Invite” button.
7. Know the Best Time to Post Your Content: If you want to know what the best times are to post
on your page, then it's time to gather useful data on Facebook Insights. This tool is essential if
you want to improve your content marketing efforts. It shows you when your fans are mostly
online by day of week and time of day so that you can choose the best times to post. Also, by
viewing the reach and the engagement of your posts, you'll have a better idea of the best type of
content to post. By knowing the engagement rate, you'll see the success of an individual post.
Regularly reviewing these metrics helps you better understand the type of material your audience
is most responsive to. That way, you can create more compelling, high-quality content in the

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8. A/B Test Multiple Target Audiences: Facebook's Create Multiple New Ad Sets feature allows
you to make more than one ad at a time – meaning that you can create multiple ad sets in age
segments, location, and custom audience in just one campaign. When you're targeting ads, it's
quite hard to identify your target audience. To create multiple ad sets, go to Ads Manager and
click Create. Select your objective, name the campaign, and then hit Continue. Then click Create
Multiple New Ad Sets:
9. Customize the Look of Your Page: As Facebook continues to be one of the biggest platforms on
social media to date, more and more marketers and business owners realize that they must create
an up-to-date and informative Facebook page. While Facebook Pages are not as useful as your
website, they do tend to rank high. As more people come to Facebook looking for vital
information about your business, one of your main goals should be keeping your page in top
shape. Although Facebook pages aren't customizable, you are provided with options on
organizing different parts of your page.
10. Hashtags: Primarily associated with platforms like Twitter, hashtagging (or marking key words
with the # symbol) is an essential social media tool that allows you to join a larger conversation.
Recently introduced on Facebook, the practice creates a clickable link that will include your post
in related topics, even outside your network. For example, hashtagging #marketing would put
your post in conversation with those interested in business and marketing strategy.
11. Stock Photography: Facebook recently partnered with Shutterstock, a popular royalty-free
photography marketplace, to provide millions of stock images for small businesses to integrate
into their Facebook ads and posts. At no additional cost, users have unlimited access to
Shutterstock's licensed library, complete with search-engine ability and Facebook's ad-creation
12. Pages Manager App: Facebook's free app for Android and iOS allows page admins to
seamlessly post content from their mobile devices. Users can stay up-to-date with a live page
feed, manage events and upload multiple photos for single posts. The latest versions are available
in the Apple App Store and the Google Play store.
13. Scheduled Posts: Want to maintain a steady stream of content but don't have time to constantly
monitor your page? Facebook now allows you to schedule posts to appear at a later time. When
creating a post to appear at a later time, click the clock icon to the bottom left of the sharing tool,
and add a future time at which you'd like the post to be published. Posts can be scheduled in 10-
minute intervals.
14. Promoted Posts: This is a great tool for small businesses that want to promote their content but
don't have a big budget for advertising. For as little as Rs 400 per post, the promoted content is

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labeled "sponsored" and will appear higher in your audience's newsfeed for a longer period of
time. This provides a better chance your audience will engage with the post.
15. Graph Search: The latest version of Facebook's search bar includes a breadth of search results
outside your known network. While still in its beta stage, Graph Search aggregates user data and
provides personalized search results based on your interests and connections, allowing businesses
to appear in searches optimized for specific audiences.
16. Places: Facebook's updated location feature allows users to add specific locations to their posts
and photos using GPS technology.
By adding your business as a place, users can check in upon arrival, prompting a notification on their
timeline, and essentially promoting your business while providing its location.

Facebook Fan Pages

A fan page is the only way for entities like businesses, organizations, celebrities, and political figures to
represent themselves on Facebook. Unlike a personal Facebook profile, fan pages are visible to everybody
on the Internet. Anyone on Facebook can connect to and receive updates from a page by becoming a fan
(i.e. ‘Liking’ the page).
What’s the difference between a Fan Page and a Group?
Unlike groups, fan pages are visible to unregistered users and are thus indexed in search engines
(important for reputation management, for example); Unlike pages, groups allow you to send out “bulk
invite” (you can easily invite all your friends to join the group while with pages you will be forced to drop
some invites manually).Because of this, groups are better for viral marketing, meaning that any group
member can also send bulk invites to his or her friends.

General Rule: Pages are generally better for long-term relationships with your fans, readers or customers.
Groups are generally better for hosting a (quick) active discussion and attracting quick attention.
Benefits of Having a Fan Page over a Personal Page on Facebook

1. Unlimited Friend: Count : While the amount of friends you have on your personal profile page
is limited and capped at 5,000, your Fan Page can have an infinite number of fans. This is
probably one of the most important reasons that you should be using a Fan Page and not your
personal page. Why would you ever want to limit the amount of fans your brand can have?

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2. Search Engine Results: Facebook Fan Pages are indexed, which means that some of the public
content is indexed as well. As a business, you want to show up on the search engines. Of course,
you want to direct traffic to your website first, but having a social presence is very important.
3. Tagging Your Brand: Your fans and other Fan Pages can tag your Fan Page. Only your friends
can tag your personal page. As you want to show up on as many newsfeeds as possible, you
definitely want the option to be Tagged in photos and posts by others. This increases your
engagement, not to mention your fan base.
4. Facebook Insights: Facebook Fan Pages have great analytics. You can tack the amount of
views a post receives and monitor your weekly reach all within the Facebook Insights. To be a
smart marketer means knowing how to maximize each post and learning which posts work best
for your brand. This is the insight you need to deliver the right content to your fans.
5. Facebook Contests: Facebook contests are often seen in tabs. You can't host a successful contest
on your personal page because the software and third party apps are just not there. Contests build
engagement and engagement is your friend.
6. Advertising: Facebook advertising, while expensive, is very targeted. Advertising to a Fan
Page is more effective than an outside landing page because Facebook wants to keep the traffic
within the network. You can promote your Fan Page through ads, but not your personal page.
7. Check-Ins & Location Services: You can allow people to check into your brand through your
Facebook Fan Page. You can't do anything like this on your personal page. If you have a location
for your business, this is crucial for social proofing and newsfeed marketing. You always want to
get people to interact with your brand. They can do so by checking in.
8. Promoted Posts: You can promote your posts now on your personal page, but they aren't as
strong. Your personal page is often less targeted than your Fan Page. In being able to promote
certain posts you are able to garner more exposure for whatever it is you're trying to push. You'll
also have analytic access to this promoted post. If you promote posts like I do, you'll notice a
definite leap in Likes.
9. Showcase The Other Pages You Like: Fan Pages give you the option to like pages and
showcase them on your page. These should be brands that you have relationships with or brands
that have a similar following. See tip #15 for more on this.
10. Newsfeed Marketing: Newsfeed marketing is the basis of social media marketing. By having a
regularly updated Fan Page, you'll be seen and noticed on the newsfeeds of your fans. When they
interact with your posts and brand, you'll show up on their friends' newsfeeds. This is your key to
gaining new fans.

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11. Comment as Your Brand: This is great branding. As long as you Like pages officially to your
Fan Page, you can comment on their content and posts as well. In doing so, you're increasing
exposure for your brand and providing valuable (read: priceless) insight and conversations with a
new audience.

How to promote your Facebook page

1. Post content that leads to high engagement: It seems like a no brainer, but many businesses
forget that low-quality posts will lower your overall organic traffic. Every time you post
something that has a low engagement rate you’re sending a signal to Facebook that says “This
isn’t interesting to my fans.” Test a few different types of posts with your fans to see what gets
the most comments, shares, and clicks. If one of your latest posts didn’t have high engagement,
ask yourself why, and then adapt.
2. Always include an image, link, or video with your post: Visual is powerful. 40% of people
will respond better to visual images than to plain text.
3. Don’t overpost (or underpost!): The rule of thumb is to avoid posting content more than 2-3
times/day. That said, make sure you’re posting at least once every other day to avoid stagnation
on your page.
4. Cross promote your posts on other platforms: Share your Facebook post on Twitter, Pinterest,
your blog and any other platforms you use to distribute your content. You’ll be able to get your
posts in front of a larger audience, which will help you expand your overall reach and post
5. Continue to grow your fan base: Only getting 10% of your current fan base to see your posts?
Double the total number of fans on your page and you’ve doubled your reach. Here’s a trick you
can use to invite all of your friends and family to like your page: Invite All Facebook Friends to
Like a Page at Once
6. Avoid “click-bait” text with your post: What do I mean by “click-bait”? I’m talking about posts
that are heavy in words like “Click here!” or “Comment on this post!” or “Share this post for…”-
Facebook is cracking down on click-bait and you don’t want to take any risks that might hurt
your reach. Stick with posts that contain interesting content that your fans will enjoy rather than
“salesy” content (posts that just encourage fans to take an action or make a purchase).
7. Share Customer Feedback: Customers are the lifeblood of your business, so share their
thoughts with others. Use customer feedback as a way to engage other customers or open a

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dialogue. Tag customers in their feedback to increase the visibility of the Facebook post. If you
don’t have any customer feedback, get some! Customer reviews are very important for
8. Interact with Other Businesses and Influencers: Another way to extend the visibility of your
Facebook business page is to extend your network. Extend your network on Facebook by liking
and interacting with the Facebook pages of other businesses or influencers in your industry/niche.
Link other businesses or influencers to your posts for cross-promotional marketing. If you link or
share the updates from other businesses or influencers, they will be more likely to link to or share
yours.You should also follow local news media and people with a large influence – people who
have lots of followers. Try to use the same conversation-starting tactics to gain access to their
9. Engage with Individuals: A great way to get more likes and followers to your business’s
Facebook page is to interact and increase engagement with those who follow you or comment on
your posts. If an individual comments on your post, thank them and follow up with a question
related to the comment. Facebook’s algorithm shows your interaction with individual users on the
newsfeeds of users who follow your page as well as the individual’s Facebook feed. Another way
of engaging with individuals is to tag people in pictures or Facebook updates. Tagging not only
alerts the individual to the fact that they were mentioned in the post, but it also shows up on
others’ newsfeeds.

Instagram marketing

Instagram marketing is a type of social media marketing, which involves promoting a brand on Instagram.
This social media platform helps brands connect with an enormous audience, increase brand awareness,
and boost sales.

Why Market on Instagram?

Instagram’s primary advantage over other social media platforms is its visual nature. If you have a
business that benefits from the design of your product or if you have a service that has a visibly noticeable
end result, Instagram is the best platform to showcase that content. Video, imagery, and illustration are all
great content fits for this social media platform, but your marketing strategy will ultimately determine

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what type of content to publish and how often to post it. Establishing a strategy before diving right into a
new social media platform, no matter how well it works for everyone else’s business, will keep you
focused on your goals and — most importantly — your audience.

Many businesses feel pressured to be present on every social media platform … and they forget about
strategy. Don’t make this mistake.

Since Instagram is very different from other popular social sites, it requires a distinct marketing
strategy. Start here to develop your brand’s own unique style.

1. Set your goals for Instagram. Before you start posting on Instagram, ask yourself (or your team)
one thing: Why are you on Instagram? As popular as the platform is, your answer shouldn't be,
"... because everyone else is." To be successful on Instagram in the long-run, you must have a set
purpose and goals so you can justify your time, energy, and monetary investment. There's no
right answer here. Maybe you'd like to use your Instagram feed to post and sell your products to
customers, like Anthropologie. (Many ecommerce and physical products businesses are on
Instagram for this reason.)
2. Determine your Instagram target audience: Determine the audience you want to reach before
you begin marketing on Instagram. If you have other marketing strategies in place, draw from
those to keep your efforts consistent. Don’t forget to consider factors like age, location, gender,
income, interests, motivations, and pain points. Don’t know where to start? Monitor popular
events and interest hashtags related to your business. See who’s using and engaging with these
hashtags and check out their profiles. You can also take a look at your competitor’s followers.
Instagram makes it easy to define your audience.
3. Conduct a competitive analysis: After you determine your Instagram audience, do a competitive
analysis to see what other marketers in your field are posting. If you already know your top
competitors, start by reviewing their Instagram profiles. If not, search for terms related to your
business and industry to find similar accounts. Conduct a quick audit of related accounts to see
what posts are getting the highest engagement, what popular hashtags they’re using, what their
captions are, how often they post, and how quickly they’re growing. This information can serve
as a benchmark as you start growing your own account. While auditing your competitors’
content, take note of any opportunities they might’ve missed. Adding unique content into the mix
will help your business to stand out from the rest.

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4. Configure an editorial calendar: Creating an editorial calendar can help you save time and
manage your Instagram presence. Fill in your calendar with some Instagram post types and plan
your captions, hashtags, and posting times in advance. Your editorial calendar is also a great
place to record any key events to highlight on your Instagram account, such as new product
launches or special offers. With an editorial calendar, you can keep an eye out for real-time
opportunities instead of scrambling for last-minute posts.
5. Build a consistent brand on Instagram: Random or disjointed content confuses your audience
and can cause you to lose followers. To prevent this, maintain a consistent brand aesthetic on
your Instagram account. Determine what this looks like by thinking about your brand personality.
What are your brand values? How would your customers and employees define your brand? Are
you bold, playful, gritty, or adventurous?
6. Grow your Instagram follower base: Growing your following takes serious time and energy.
You may be tempted to take the easy way out and buy followers … don’t do this! Purchasing
followers won’t actually drive engagement, which is really what you need to ensure your posts
are being seen. (Also, Instagram's recent API changes will automatically delete those followers!)
Here’s what you can focus on to build a following the right way.
• Make sure your username is recognizable and searchable. If people can’t find you, they can’t
follow you! Fill out your bio. It’s the last thing someone sees before they make the decision to
follow you so be sure to include who you are and what you do.
• Once your profile is optimized (which we talked about in this section), start posting. It’s a good
idea to populate your feed with ten to 15 high-quality posts before you really start engaging
people. If users visit your profile and find it empty, they probably won’t follow you.
• Then, start following accounts that interest you and relate to your business. Think of Instagram
like a community and look for other businesses in your area or influencers who might enjoy your
product or service.
• As you follow accounts, Instagram will suggest related ones that you can follow, too.
• After you follow an account, interact with their content. This is the most natural way to draw
attention to your own Instagram account without being spammy.
• When you follow or interact with an account, the account owner will get a notification. This
could prompt them to check out your account and start following you.
• Always appreciate your followers by responding to their comments and engaging with their
content. Encourage others to share your content.
• Invite brand ambassadors to share your account or collaborate with similar accounts.

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Promote Your Business on Instagram
Once you establish a dedicated follower base, you can start converting those followers into paying
customers. Here are some strategies.

a. Promotions: Deals, discounts, BOGOs, and other offerings are a great way to drive first-time
sales with your Instagram audience. Be sure to include what your followers need to do to receive
the offer, and mention a deadline to create a sense of urgency.
b. Contests: What better way to make someone a customer than by letting them try your product?
Run contests that require someone to follow your account or post with a hashtag to enter.
c. Charity: 81% of millennials expect companies to make a public commitment to charity. Doing
so can build affinity for your brand and help turn followers into customers.
d. Teasers: Instagram is a great platform to show your audience glimpses of new products before
they’re available. While you don’t want to spam your followers’ feeds with only product photos,
a few images can build excitement.
e. Live launches: Consider showcasing a new product or service using Instagram Live. Then, drive
users to purchase by including a purchase link in your bio.
f. Leverage the link in your Instagram bio as well as your Instagram Story Highlights as these
can connect followers to your website, blog, and product pages.
g. Lastly, be sure to promote your Instagram on other channels. Include an Instagram social
share button on your website and share your Instagram on other social platforms. Sometimes the
fastest way to gain more followers is to simply ask for them!

Features that make Instagram marketing worth it

When building your Instagram marketing strategy, you’ll want to make sure you use the following
Instagram features.

a. Instagram Stories: Instagram stories is a way to get more direct with your audience, and, thanks to
updates such as being able to mention accounts, add stickers, and shoppable tags, it’s also become
a great way to promote products. Not only that, it allows brands to interact one-on-one with their
b. Instagram Live lets you broadcast video to your followers in real-time as part of Instagram
Stories. It's great for building engagement, connecting directly with your users, sharing news, and
establishing your brand.

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c. IGTV: While initial buzz quickly fizzled due to issues with the interface and navigation, IGTV
remains a highly viable product and potentially offers a huge opportunity for marketers and
creators. IGTV videos previously only lived on your channel within the IGTV app, which made it
challenging to garner engagement and views
d. Shoppable Tags In Stories: The new shoppable stickers for Instagram Stories are similar to the
regular Instagram shoppable posts: businesses are able to tag physical products from their
inventory or e-commerce platform. When you click on an item in Instagram, you're able to
view the item name, price, and description.
e. Hashtags: A massive part of Instagram is the use of hashtags. Hashtags are indicated by the “#”
symbol and help to connect users to similar posts. Take Calia’s brand hashtag, #staythepath.
When users add it to their posts, they end up viewable by others who make use of the hashtag,
increasing their chances of interacting with brands and each other.

Using LinkedIn
Using LinkedIn: Lead Generation through Individual Profiles, Lead Generation as Enterprise: Company
Page, Ads, Developer API, Groups

Lead Generation through LinkedIn

In content marketing, your network is everything. Although publishing a brilliant article on a site with
100,000 readers is a great credibility booster, it won’t matter if you’re not speaking to the right people.
That’s where LinkedIn’s publishing platform has stepped up to the plate. Its platform has become a prime
place for brands to share content. Now that anyone can publish articles to the professional networking
site, it’s easier than ever for companies to target brand advocates, potential customers, and industry
influencers all in one place. What was once the content domain of Richard Branson and Bill Gates now
plays a significant role in any solid marketing strategy.

Some people question the value of publishing on LinkedIn when compared to well-known sites like
Forbes. Others wonder whether it’s worth going after the big names at all if LinkedIn allows them to get

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so close to their audiences. I say it’s not an either-or situation. LinkedIn helps me stay top of mind with
customers and influencers in my industry, while my Forbes articles reach tens of thousands of people and
increase my company’s credibility. Visibility is important, but engaging directly with your network will
create more tangible business opportunities.

Why LinkedIn Works: B2B marketers love LinkedIn — and for good reason. The platform drives 80
percent of B2B social media leads. Companies such as HubSpot use LinkedIn to republish blog posts,
maximizing the number of people reading and sharing their teams’ ideas. LinkedIn provides a perfect
venue for publishing insightful, shareable content that’s tailored to your network. You can also drive
readers to other content that you or colleagues have published by linking to them in your article. LinkedIn
advertising can generate qualified traffic to landing pages that invite your audience to sign up for more
articles and information.
LinkedIn may play different roles in your content strategy, so consider whether you’re using it to create
visibility or generate leads. One may found that their LinkedIn articles didn’t perform as well as one’d
like traffic-wise, but they were great at bringing in new business. One post only had 11,000 views, but
company got more than 100 qualified leads from it. It’s just a matter of figuring out how to make
LinkedIn work for your company’s goals.
How to Do LinkedIn Right:
Many people see LinkedIn as a place to look for jobs and little else. But companies such as Microsoft
have taken the content opportunities on LinkedIn and run with them, and marketers at all levels would be
wise to follow suit. Bill Gates publishes as a LinkedIn Influencer, and the company regularly shares blog
posts relevant to industry insiders and the general public. Microsoft starts conversations with readers and
keeps them coming back for new insights.
Follow these steps to create your own successful LinkedIn strategy and start directing qualified
leads to your brand:
1. Create an editorial calendar to stay consistent. Don’t treat LinkedIn like an afterthought — a site
where you publish when you have a little spare time. Use this platform to stay in front of your network by
consistently publishing quality content. Because you won’t have an editor reminding you of deadlines,
maintaining an editorial calendar can help you manage your LinkedIn publishing schedule.
2. Optimize your posts for conversion. You can take a few more promotional liberties on LinkedIn than
you would when writing for a publication. Include calls to action by linking to relevant whitepapers and
articles that help drive traffic to your company’s site. Don’t inundate readers with sales pitches, of course,
but provide them with additional resources from your organization.General Electric has mastered this

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strategy by sharing genuinely interesting content and discussion starters on its LinkedIn page and linking
back to the company’s website or other brand articles. The exciting, visually appealing posts on GE’s
LinkedIn profile make readers want to stick around. Most importantly, readers don’t feel like they’re
being sold something all the time.
3. Mention other influencers. Don’t humblebrag about all the cool industry people you know in every
post, but do include shout-outs to colleagues and mentors, when possible. Share useful anecdotes from
conversations you’ve had with them, or reference a milestone achievement of theirs to drive home a point
in your article. The people you mention will likely share the post with their networks, expanding your
content’s reach.
4. Regularly reward engagement. Reader comments present the perfect opportunity to create a human-
to-human connection with your audience. A simple thank-you will suffice for some comments, while
others merit a thoughtful reply. Taking the time to talk with readers in the comments makes it more likely
that they’ll become brand advocates and share your content with their own networks — putting your
content in front of more potential leads.

Lead Generation as Enterprise

Different Ways LinkedIn Can Build Your Brand and Generate Leads
As more brands recognize the power of LinkedIn, you’ll need to stay on your A game. Connect
with your audience through relevant LinkedIn Groups, personalized interactions, and creative
content to make your page one that excites people and keeps them craving more. Your LinkedIn
presence acts as a gateway to your brand. If you give people a taste of the interesting work your
company is doing and how it can help them, they’ll follow up through the links and opportunities
you provide. You might not get the massive visibility you hoped for, but the qualified leads that
funnel in will be more much valuable. Following are the ways to generate leads as Enterprise:
1. Turn your profile views into new business: Most LinkedIn users are familiar with the
“Someone has viewed your profile” email notification. If you’re like me, you’ll open it, glance at
the content, and send it directly to the trash. But according to LinkedIn expert John Nemo, by
doing that I’m missing out on opportunities to generate leads. Instead, I should follow that email
(or click the “who’s viewed your profile” link in the “Profile” drop-down on my personal
LinkedIn page), and track down the people who have viewed my profile. Then…

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“once you find someone worth reaching out to (meaning a person who you think is your ideal
prospect or customer), you can open his or her profile in a new tab, scan it to quickly find out
some additional personal and professional information about him or her, and then invite him or
her to connect.” Think about it. This person has just viewed your profile, meaning they’ve taken
the step to find out more about you. Reach out to learn why. It could very well be that they’re
interested in your products or services.
2. Take advantage of plugins: LinkedIn is a great tool for lead generation on its own, and it
becomes even more powerful when you integrate complementary add-ons. Here is one example
worth tapping into:
This is a handy tool for Gmail users who browse in Firefox or Chrome. After downloading, run it
to get a list of any LinkedIn profiles, Twitter handles, Skype accounts, and more, that have been
created with the emails addresses in your contacts.
3. Sign up for LinkedIn’s new ProFinder service: An exciting new service LinkedIn has been
quietly rolling out is “ProFinder.” As a freelancer or independent professional, signing up is a
must. Inspired by freelance-finding websites like Upwork and Fiverr, this new offering allows
businesses to take advantage of LinkedIn’s vast amount of user data to find highly recommended
pros for any job. To become part of ProFinder, you’ll need an exceptional profile that shows off
your skills. According to LinkedIn, it should include:

• A professional profile photo

• A title relevant to the service you want to be found for
• A summary filled with your accomplishments
• Several recommendations that cite your skills, describe your role in a project, and include a
relevant date
• Links to long-form content you’ve published on LinkedIn
• If you’re interested, you can apply to be part of the program here.
4. Ask employees to post your company’s content: You’ve been searching tirelessly for some
powerful brand advocates to share your company’s blog content and case studies, and they were
sitting right in front of you the entire time. Data shows that 50% of all employees already post to
social media about their employers, so why not ask them to share updates related to your brand

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that can generate traffic and leads? According to strategist Travis Wright, because people tend to
listen to their social connections more than official marketing campaigns, techniques like this can
result in 5 times more traffic, and 25% more leads.
5. Make yourself discoverable: Search engine optimization isn’t just for Google. On LinkedIn,
making yourself easily discoverable and touting your experience has the potential to boost the
number of opportunities you have to sell your products or services. Make sure your profile is
100% complete — or as LinkedIn calls it — “All-Star” status. Chronicle all your relevant work
experience, complete with clear job titles and descriptions that prove you know your stuff.
Determine which keywords you want your profile to rank for, and search them. Join more
groups. When search engines like Google crawl a page to determine how it should be ranked on
SERPs, in most cases they take into account all its text. Since the groups you’re a member of are
displayed on your profile, their names will help you rank for relevant searches that your
prospective clients are conducting. Request recommendations. Some experts believe that 10 or
more will boost your profile’s search engine ranking.
6. Publish posts with LinkedIn Pulse: Taken directly from the LinkedIn FAQ:
“The quickest way to build your professional brand is with LinkedIn’s publishing platform. Use
it to write about everything from industry trends to career accomplishments. It’s important to
write about what you know, as these articles will help you establish yourself as an expert.”
Like on your landing pages, the more authority you can show off, the more sought after you’ll be
by prospects hunting for your services. Consistently publishing educational articles and blog
posts about industry news has the potential to not only drive traffic to your website but
eventually position you as an influencer in your space.
LinkedIn Pulse allows you to do that with an easy-to-use interface that you can use to write rich,
long-form content that includes images, videos, and even links to your company website.
7. Contribute to group conversation: Countless group conversations are happening on
LinkedIn every day in nearly all industries and every niche. These discussions not only allow
you to network with other professionals in your field but prove your authority to those who have
questions about your area of expertise. And if you include helpful links in your content, they can
even help you drive traffic.
8. Sponsor your most valuable content: Sponsored Updates allow you to infiltrate the LinkedIn
feeds of people who are most likely to find your content valuable.

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9. Create a sponsored InMail campaign: Sponsored InMail campaigns allow you to cut
through all the clutter and reach the LinkedIn inboxes of the people who matter to your business.
Use the service to send rich content and compelling offers to targeted prospects of your
10. Leverage the personalized power of dynamic ads: The more personalized your message is,
the more relevant it is to your prospect. With LinkedIn’s dynamic ads, you can target people with
highly specific marketing messages depending on your goal.

Using Twitter

Using Twitter: Following and Listening, Tools for managing your Tweets, Finding People and
Companies on Twitter, Twitter Tools, Reputation Management | Keyword Research | Hashtags & Trends
Tools Influence on Twitter: TweetDeck, Klout, PeerIndex

Following and Listening

What is social media listening

Social media listening, also known as social media monitoring, is the process of identifying and
assessing what is being said about a company, individual, product or brand on the
media listening is quickly becoming an important customer intelligence tool. There are several
ways to use social media to gain insight, including monitoring online customer support forums,
using software tools to gather comments from social outlets such as Facebook and Twitter and
encouraging customers to suggest new product features and vote on their favorites.In basic
terms, social media monitoring is the act of using a tool to listen to what is being said across the
internet; monitoring media not just from traditional publishers, but on millions of social sites too.
Most monitoring tools work by crawling sites continuously and indexing them. Some are
crawled in real time, such as Twitter. Other sites might be crawled less often – say, every 10
minutes, or every day, if they are less important. Some tools, like us, do this crawling
themselves. Others use data providers. We’ll let you guess which of those options we think is

Anyway, once all those sites are indexed, they can then be searched. Most tools use some form
of queries, or search strings, that the user writes to find mentions of specific words and phrases
on those pages. It will then bring these (we call them ‘mentions’) back into the tool’s interface,
which can then be read, sliced, diced and so on.

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What Is Social Listening?
Social listening is the process of tracking conversations around specific topics, keywords,
phrases, brands or industries, and leveraging your insights to discover opportunities or create
content for those audiences. It’s more than watching @mentions and comments pour in via your
social profiles, mobile apps or blogs. If you’re only paying attention to notifications, you’re
missing a huge group of people that are talking about you, your brand and your product.
So how does social listening differ from social monitoring? Dan Neely, CEO of Networked
Insights, described it perfectly:

“Monitoring sees trees; listening sees the forest.”

Monitoring collects every social mention and interaction, while listening requires analysis and
reflection. With the listening, you can:
• Track overall brand health
• Create content your audience craves
• Generate ideas for marketing campaigns
• Improve your customer experience
• Drive strategic product decisions

Why Is Social Listening Important?

Tracking mentions and notifications is key to an effective engagement strategy. However,
analyzing the context and larger trends around those conversations through social listening can
give you valuable insight to better speak to and serve your target audience. But you may ask:
what social conversations should I listen to?

Let’s take a look at Twitter. Over 25 billion social interactions take place on Twitter each day, so
it offers a breadth of consumer, industry and cultural insights unlike anything else. With that type
of volume, most companies don’t have the ability to go through every Tweet about their brand or
industry. Plus, looking at these Tweets individually makes it difficult to see larger trends or
themes. That’s where listening comes into play. With social listening, you don’t treat every
Tweet like a task. You look at the aggregate of a collection of social media messages. Here’s a
simple way to think about it.

A Social Listening Example

Let’s say you own a Fresh Fruit Juice and ice-cream shop and you source your fruits from a
couple different vendors. A customer comes in on Monday and orders a peach mango Juice.
After tasting it, they complain that it’s bitter. You apologize and give them a refund. Friday,
someone else comes in and orders a peach mango Juice and tells you it’s amazing.

Next Monday, another customer comes in and orders a peach mango Juice. They complain that
it’s not sweet enough so you give them a refund like the customer from the previous week. A
similar trend continues on for about a month.If you were to look at these situations on a case-by-
case basis, it’d be easy to write them off as one time issues. You quickly become aware of the
problem and solve it on the spot. That’s monitoring.

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But after a month, when you realize all the complaints are coming in on Mondays, you can see a
trend developing and conclude there’s probably something wrong with the fruits coming in on
Mondays. With that knowledge, you can go to the vendor and let them know there’s a problem
with the fruits. From there, they can diagnose the issue and get it resolved so you can stop losing
money on refunds. That’s social listening.

Social media listening allows you to see things at a bird’s eye view. As social media marketers,
it’s easy to get consumed with responding to incoming messages one by one. This is particularly
true if you deal with hundreds or thousands of questions and comments per day. While
monitoring and responding to social messages is important, you also need to use social listening
to see the bigger picture of what’s going on with your brand on social.

What Can You Do With Social Listening?

Now that you have a better understanding of social listening and why your brand needs it, let’s
take a look at the ways you can actually put it to use.

Track Overall Brand Health: One of the biggest benefits of social listening is sentiment
analysis. According to our research, social media is people’s top choice for customer care.

Tools To Help Analyze Your Tweets

If you’re tweeting and not monitoring or analyzing your tweets, you shouldn’t be on Twitter.
However, if you are serious about wanting to know how well you’re doing, then you should want
to measure your influence.

Some of these free tools to analyze and measure success on Twitter:

1. Klout – Measure Influence and Style: Klout is a website and mobile app that uses social media
analytics to rate its users according to online social influence via the "Klout Score", which is a numerical
value between 1 and 100. Klout uses Bing, Facebook, Foursquare, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn,
Twitter, YouTube, and Wikipedia data to create Klout user profiles that are assigned a unique "Klout
Score". Klout scores range from 1 to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a higher ranking of the
breadth and strength of one's online social influence. While all Twitter users are assigned a score, users
who register at Klout can link multiple social networks, of which network data is then aggregated to
influence the user's Klout Score.

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2. PeerIndex – Access Your Online Social Capital: PeerIndex is a company providing social media
analytics based on footprints from use of major social media services including Facebook, LinkedIn,
Quora, and Twitter. Part of an emerging group of Social Media Analytics providers. PeerIndex helps
social media contributors assess and score their influence and benefit from the social capital they have
built up. PeerIndex currently tracks approximately 45 million Twitter profiles, making the company one
of the leaders in its sector.
3. Twitalyzer – A Subscription Model Tool: Twitalyzer is one of the Web-based tools that allow you to
automate, export, and manage your Twitter data and analytics to measure effectiveness. The information
you obtain from Twitalyzer is not overwhelming. Twitalyzer is a free (with a paid-subscription model)
analytics tool that gives you the ability to research detailed information on things like Twitter account
impact, engagement, clout, and velocity of branded individual Twitter accounts.
4. TweetStats – Graph Your Stats: TweetStats might just be the right tool for you! TweetStats is a
Twitter tracker or analyzing tool that tracks how many tweets you send out per day, per month, or per
hour. ... They also can show you the trending topics on Twitter today, of all times, and at this exact

5. Crowdbooster – Schedule and Analyze: Crowdbooster is a social media analytics tool that gauges
both presence and performance of your business in social media and provides you with figures and
analytics to optimize your strategies. The platform is integrated with powerful tools to help you come to
data-driven decisions
6. Tweet Grader – Score Your Profile: Twitter Grader is a free tool that analyzes and measures users’
Twitter profiles for marketing purposes. Twitter Grader is a free tool that allows you to check the power
of your twitter profile compared to millions of other users that have been graded.
7. Tweet Reach – Insight Into Your Tweets: Potential reach measures how many unique Twitter
accounts your tweets could have reached. A potential impression means a tweet has been delivered to a
Twitter account's timeline.

Finding People and Companies on Twitter

A big question for marketers that want to connect with businesses on Twitter is that they often don’t
know where to look. Part of the rub is that Twitter is predominantly a service used by individuals, not
companies. While you can use advanced features to find individuals using specific

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criteria, it can be more productive for finding companies or commercial users of Twitter via a managed
How do you find people on Twitter who are going to help drive your business forward?
What tools are available to help you find the needle in the haystack? I assume you have heard of this
phrase before! Twitter can be a great place for wasting time and too many businesses focus on their
follower count alone. But, what really matters is the type of people you are building relationships with,
and this means it’s important to use tools that will help you find people on Twitter to follow and so you
can start building those relationships.

Find People on Twitter with these tools:

1. SocialBro Search: SocialBro is tool focussed on Twitter. It helps you find your audience, connect
with that audience and produce results. There is a really good advanced-search facility on SocialBro that
helps you pick out the most relevant people to connect with.
2. Twitter Search for People Using Advanced Search: Twitter provides an advanced search facility
that is not actually all that advanced, but it is free.With Twitter’s advanced search, you can set parameters
for the search you want to carry out, such as including or excluding keywords and hashtags, to find
tweets. Alternatively, you can search for people based on who they have interacted with. To use Twitter’s
advanced search, you can start from their advanced search page. Or, when you carry out a normal search,
you can click ‘advanced search’ in the left-hand sidebar to access more features.
3. Find People Based on a Hashtag: There is a range of tools that provide analytics based around a
specific hashtag. With some of these tools, you can view the most influential people who are connected
to a specific hashtag. This can be a good source for finding people to follow on Twitter. For example,
imagine if there was a weekly Twitter chat about an area relevant to your business. You could use Tweet
Binder or a similar tool to analyze the influential people on this Twitter chat. Or, if you have been to a
conference, you can quickly find the most influential attendees by using these tools. This could be a good
source of followers.
4. Find Common Followers Amongst Multiple Twitter Accounts Using Followerwonk:
Followerwonk lets you find out who follows who, which will help you to find really relevant and
influential people. You start by adding up to three different Twitter accounts to see who they all follow.
When you find out who is followed by three different influential people, you will see a useful list of
people worth connecting with.
5. Find People Based on Categories Using Twtrland: Twtrland categorizes people into 60,000
categories based on their skills, knowledge and niche. This means there really is a category for
everything! To start to find influencers who are relevant to your industry, you select ‘Influencers’ on the

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top right-hand side of the screen, then enter the category you are interested in in the box marked ‘Skill’.
Twtrland also provides some suggested categories below. You can also choose a location, if you
particularly want to connect with influencers in specific countries.

Twitter Tools

Twitter marketing involves a lot of moving parts. Engaging with your audience, managing your
followers and creating content are just a few of the responsibilities marketers take on every day.
As you can imagine, doing all of this within the native Twitter app can be frustrating, to say the
least. But luckily there are tools you can use to make life a little easier.

There are hundreds of Twitter tools out there you could try, but that doesn’t mean your business
needs them. What tends to happen is you read a list of 200 must-try Twitter tools, then rush to
sign up for all of them. But in most cases, you’ll use a tool once and never again. If Twitter tools
were tangible products, most marketers would probably have a bin full of them covered in dust,
sitting in the basement.

To avoid wasting time or money on a bunch of tools you never use, make sure you only try
software that provides value and will help you be more efficient. The tools you use will be
different depending on your needs, but here’s a place to get started. Few of the Twitter tools are
given below:
1. Tweetdeck: Tweetdeck is the best tool for real time Twitter management and engagement.
Once you login, you are presented with a dashboard with anything you could possibly need for
real-time management. Your dashboard contains everything from likes and mentions to
hashtags/topics you want to track. It even lets you reply on your dashboard without having to do
so through Twitter. Additionally, it gives you the ability to see analytics, track trends, followers
and make lists. It is a must have tool for social media management.
2. Buzzsumo: If one of your goals is to drive traffic from Twitter back to your website, you need
to share the right type of content. But what does your audience want to see? Buzzsumo is a great
tool that allows you to find the most socially shared content (articles, infographics, videos and

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more) on any given topic. Simply enter a keyword or even a competitor’s website, and
Buzzsumo will show you the articles that have been Tweeted the most. Once you find content
people have been Tweeting about, you can create something similar on your own website and
start distributing it on Twitter.You can even click “View Sharers” to see who shared the content
on Twitter, which is a great way to find new people to connect with.
3. Periscope: Live streaming has been bubbling up for a while, but it started reaching new
heights in 2016. In Q4 2016 alone, live video from Twitter’s content partners attracted over 31
million viewers. In that same time span, 6.6 million hours of live video was broadcasted through
Periscope. Periscope is a video streaming app, purchased by Twitter in 2015, that allows users to
stream live videos from their phones. It’s integrated directly into Twitter so the videos show up
directly in their followers’ Twitter streams. If your brand hasn’t jumped into the live video game
yet, Periscope is a great place to start. It’s simple to use and as the stats show, people absolutely
love live streams.

4. RiteTag: Hashtags are a good way to give your Tweets more visibility. The challenge is
figuring out which hashtags to use, because just adding something random like
#monkeysareawesome isn’t going to do anything. In order to get the most out of hashtags on
Twitter, you need to use ones people are actually looking for.RiteTag is a nifty Twitter tool that
rates the hashtags you’re thinking of using. As you start typing into the entry field, RiteTag will
give you instant feedback on the quality of your hashtag so you can make changes on the spot.
There are also a couple of other helpful features like notifications if new hashtags related to your
topic start trending. On top of that, RiteTag will also suggest hashtag ideas based on your
5.Storify: Did your company host or attend a popular industry event? If you live Tweeted using
a specific hashtag, you can use Storify to batch all your Tweets together and give your audience
a look at everything that happened. Storify allows you to pull in multiple Tweets and or other
social media posts and group them into a story. Then you can embed that story on your website
or elsewhere.


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Managing your reputation on Twitter is crucial, if you are using Twitter to market your product, business
or brand. Lucky for you, you can monitor your reputation through the free or paid automated services
listed here. Few of the free service, reputation management services are as under:

1. Tweet Scan: This service e-mails you whenever people use your keywords, company name, or
brand in their tweets or even their bios. It scans Twitter,, StatusNet, and several other
micro-blogging sites. You can view the results of your search directly on Tweet Scan or choose to
receive notifications by e-mail or RSS feed.
2. Twitalyzer: This Web app evaluates your activity and gives you a score in terms of your
influence and clout on Twitter, the quality of your tweets, how much you retweet other people’s
tweets, and even the rate at which you tweet. You can also have access to trends and reports by
connecting Twitalyzer with your Twitter account. A particularly useful feature (found in the paid
versions) is the click numbers from links, which tells you how many people clicked a particular
URL in a tweet. (Note that you need to use the] URL shortener for this feature to work.)
3. Google Alerts: Go to the Google Alerts site; enter your company name, brand, or other industry
keywords in the Search Terms text box; and save it as an Everything alert type. You then receive
daily notifications of all news articles, Web sites, blogs, videos, and groups that mention your
4. HowSociable: Enter your brand or company name in the text box and click the Measure
Visibility button to see how many times (if at all) it appears as a search result on Google, in a
blog, or on Flickr, Facebook, or MySpace. Although you can find very good free reputation
management services, they sometimes can’t handle the more in-depth reporting that a corporation
or an agency that deals with multiple accounts needs. You can use these services to see who’s
asking and answering questions about your products, who’s complaining, and who’s praising you.
Then help the complainers, answer the questioners, and give a little love to the people who are
praising you.

Keyword targeting on Twitter
Target based on Tweets and searches. Target based on Tweets and searches. Keyword targeting
allows you to connect with users based on words and phrases they’ve recently Tweeted or
searched for on Twitter. This marketing capability allows you to reach your target audience
when your business is most relevant to them.

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There are two types of keyword targeting on Twitter:
a. Search: The phrases that people search for on Twitter are indicators of what’s top of mind for
them in that moment. Keyword targeting enables you to target your Tweets so that they show up
when people are searching for topics related to your business. This type of targeting is
particularly effective during cultural, seasonal, or industry events that relate to your business.

For example, a running shoe company might want to target users searching for Tweets about
marathons. To do so, they could target general keywords, such as "marathon", "training", and
"running", as well as event-themed keywords, such as "Boston Marathon", "London Marathon",
and "Patagonian International Marathon".
b. Timeline: Tweets send important signals about what users are experiencing in the moment – their
thoughts, feelings, wants and needs. With keyword targeting in timeline, you can act on these
signals by targeting your Tweets to users based on something they’ve Tweeted. For example, a
travel company could reach people who have recently Tweeted about planning a trip by targeting
keywords and phrases such as "planning summer trip", "beach vacation", or "travel tips".

By default, campaigns will appear in both search and timeline. If you’d like to focus on one or the other,
you can customize where your Tweets appear.

How keyword targeting works

Enter the keywords you want to target and choose whether you want to use phrase match or unordered
keyword match. To ensure that you’re reaching the most comprehensive group of relevant users, keyword
targeting defaults to a broad match, which accounts for slang, misspellings, synonyms and more. For
example, if the keywords you’re targeting are "love coffee", broad match may include terms like "love
lattes", "enjoy coffee", and "loving coffees".

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Email Marketing

Key terms and concepts

1. Acceptance Rate: This is the percentage of emails you send out that are accepted by your
recipients’ email servers and is sometimes referred to as the deliverability rate. It doesn’t
necessarily mean that an email made it into an inbox, just that it didn’t bounce back.
2. Bounce Rate: Speaking of bounces, the bounce rate refers to the percentage of emails you send
out that are not accepted by your recipients’ email servers.
3. Bulk Emails: Marketing or advertising emails sent out to large groups of people at once. These
are generally canned text emails, meaning they are not personalized to each recipient — though
they may still be targeted to a specific segment of your audience
4. CTR (Click Through Rate): This is the percentage of recipients that click on a link in your
email and is calculated by dividing the number of unique clicks on a link by the number of emails
that were opened. The higher your CTR, the better.
5. Conversion Rate: The number of people who follow through on your email’s call to action. This
can be a click, a download, a purchase, or some other action, and is one of the top indicators of
your email’s performance.
6. Double Opt-In: A double opt-in is when you require that a subscriber goes through a two-step
process to subscribe to your email — usually a standard sign up followed by a confirmation email
with a link.
7. Email Campaign: An email or series of emails driven toward a unique marketing goal.
8. Hard Bounce: This is a type of bounced email where delivery fails due to a fixed reason, such as
a blocked or invalid email address.
9. HTML: A type of email that allows you to customize your design and format more so than you
can with a standard plain text email.
10. IP Warming: Sending emails to a recipient at a gradually increasing volume to establish the
relevancy of your IP address.
11. List Segmentation: Separating your contact list into distinct groups (usually those in the same
phase of the funnel) for the purpose of sending more targeted and relevant content.

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12. Open Rate: This is the percentage of emails you sent out that were opened by their recipients.
13. Opt-In: To subscribe to an email. It’s important that your leads opt-in since this means they are
interested in hearing from you and thus more likely to engage. Sending emails to individuals who
haven’t opted-in can also be detrimental to your IP.
14. Opt-Out: To unsubscribe to an email. It’s required that you provide a clear way for recipients to
opt-out from your emails and that you honor removal requests when they occur.
15. Personalization: Features within an email that are customized for their recipient. This can
include using their name, inputting product recommendations based on their preferences, and
sending unique content based on where they are in the buyer’s journey.
16. Sender Score: The reputation of your IP address scored from 0 to 100. Think of it like a credit
score, where the higher your score, the more reputable your IP. Email services use this score to
help determine who gets sent to the inbox and who doesn’t.
17. Single Opt-In: A one-step opt-in process to receive your emails. Unlike double-opts, this could
lead to less engaged recipients since they haven’t confirmed their interest.
18. Soft Bounce: When emails were accepted by the server but still sent back to you undelivered.
This can happen for a few different reasons, including full mailboxes and emails being too large.
19. Spam: Also referred to as junk email, these are messages that are unsolicited and unwanted, and
thus filtered out of the inbox. Your emails can be classified as spam if they’re sent to recipients
who didn’t opt-in to hearing from you. And in addition to missing the inbox, sending spam can
harm your IP and hurt your acceptance rate. There can also be legal consequences.
20. Autoresponder: An automated message or series of messages. Sometimes called a “drip
21. Behavioral Email: A way to customize which email messages a subscriber gets based on how
they have behaved in the past.

Customer acquisition strategies

What is Customer Acquisition?
In the simplest of terms, customer acquisition is a term that refers to getting more customers. Every
business, every agency, and every entrepreneur must create a customer acquisition strategy. Useful
customer acquisition strategies that a business can employ include referrals, loyalty programs, and various

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For every business, the meaning of the term ‘customer acquisition’ is different. But it more or less relates
to three factors of growth. Get, Keep, and Grow.

Get: When you acquire new customers for your business. This is the first part of the user acquisition
process. You market your product or service through multiple channels and then you get a customer.
Keep: How many of these customers can you retain for your business? It depends on the value you
provide to the customer. The churn rate of customers varies from industry to industry but on average, it is
between 5% to 7%. If you want to keep your customers, you will have to provide them with something
new. Take an example of Facebook. Facebook offers new ways of engaging its users. More of it is related
to user-generated content, but the whole business model is developed in a way to keep users coming for
Grow: How many of your customers actually help grow your business? Or, to how many of the
customers can you up-sell or cross-sell your products? Some of them might become your referral, or
recommend someone else to your business, some might not.
Collectively, these factors are the building bricks of the ‘customer acquisition’ concept.

Email is the “old faithful” of the digital technology world. It is a universally used tool that
everyone sits down to check at work or home. Even as technology has advanced, email has
remained. With the growth of Smartphone’s, email has only grown in use.From a business
perspective, email marketing, can be a key asset in delivering timely and focused information to
customers and potential customers. At a minimum businesses should be collecting email
addresses from existing customers as a means to be able to continue to stay in contact with them
and keep them updated on new products and services. As well, email acquisition from website
landing pages and more can be a key tool in expanding a customer base. Below are key elements
to a email marketing strategy.

Email Marketing Services

First, and foremost, to send bulk email to a large volume of email addresses, a business must use
a email marketing software. This is critical because these type of software tools comply with
anti-spam laws and they give valuable information on what happens per email recipient when a
email is sent to a large list. Email software refers to online services such as Constant Contact,
MailChimp, Delivra, AWeber and iContact. There are numerous services to choose from.

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Typically email marketing software services are subscription based. They house your
information online. All employ mechanisms to allow tracking of a email campaigns you send so
that you can see how many open the email and what links in the email they click on, and most
importantly they comply with anti-spam laws by having a “email unsubscribe” or “opt-out”
feature within them.
Be Sure to Avoid: A company should never use Microsoft’s Outlook, Outlook Express, or
similar desktop computer software to send bulk email. These services are not setup to handle
marketing email deployment to hundreds or thousands of email addresses nor do they comply
with requirements of U.S. Can-Spam Act rules. As well, businesses should never buy lists of
email addresses to try and send email to in hopes that some recipients may be interested in your
product or service. This is a great way to get all your company email blocked!
Ways to Grow and Use Email Lists: Since a business does not want to buy a email list, it must
be “grown”. Below are online methods that a business can build their email list. Add a Form to
your Website – Do not simply add a Contact Form to your website, but connect that form to a
email service and add the ability for users to submit their question on your website and opt into
your email list. This adds them to your list so that you can send email marketing messages to
them in the future.
Add a Sign-up Box to your Blog: Blogs are great ways to inform, educate, and showcase your
company products and services. Most blogs can offer a simple sign-up form opt-in that allows
users to be added to a list to inform them of when a new blog post has been created. They’ve
come to your site to read your blog, so make it easy for them to get your latest blog posts right in
their inbox. This offers your business a way to cultivate a connection with the person from
simply a interested party, to a regular leader, and finally to a paying customer.
Facebook Page Tab with Email Sign-up : As shown in the picture, another location to add a
Email sign-up is on your company Facebook Page. As you post news and engage your
community on Facebook, you can also direct them to a tab where you can have your e-mail sign-
up form. Again, these forms like the Constant Contact one shown add those who enter to a
specific email list in your account.

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Email marketing offers powerful capabilities. It offers ability to send a email to hundreds or
thousands with the ability to then see per address if they open the email and what links to
specific products in the email they clicked on, email marketing allows businesses to reach their
customers and warm leads, and to see what interests them. Businesses have an opportunity to
add forms on their website, blog, and places like their Facebook Page to grow their list and
capture important demographic information via unique form fields . While social media and
mobile apps are the newest innovative tools, they can be combined with the old faithful email
marketing to create powerful business marketing opportunities.

Planning your email marketing campaign: Enhance better reach

1. Try market segmentation: Unlike with a billboard (because you have no control over who
drives down the freeway), email marketing hits its target every time. Therefore, it's the perfect
medium for marketing segmentation. In other words, you can tailor your message by audience.
Additional segmentation criteria could include geographic location, age, education level, job
function, industry, customer persona and interactions with past campaigns. How you segment
your email list will depend on the needs of your business and customers, but here are some ideas
to collect data for your segments.
• Subscriber quizzes: Quizzes are a great interactive lead generation tool. They're also an
easy way for your subscribers to identify what they are most interested in, so you can
easily tailor what you send to them based on their interests.
• Behavioral segmentation: When you first meet someone you find interesting, you take
the time to get to know more about them. Behavioral segmentation works in much the
same way, but in a way that is scalable and valuable for your business. First, you identify
the behaviors you want to pay attention to. For most online businesses, this will include
new leads, cart abandoners and inactive subscribers. To do this effectively, you will need
to integrate your email marketing service with your website or e-commerce platform.
Then, you will need to create automated nurture sequences that target the identified
• Opt-in surveys: Do you want to know what your email subscribers are passionate or
curious about? Just ask them. When you offer an opt-in gift, it's easy to add a short
survey that allows the subscriber to tell you a little more about themselves. Even a simple

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question such as "What are you most passionate about?" can yield a wealth of

2. Make it personable. The more personalized an email, the less likely it is to get lost in an inbox
of spam. There's an easy way to make an email more personable – have it literally come from a
person. "One thing we saw an instant bump in open rates from was when we put the email
coming from the owner's name instead of the company name. Customers appreciate not being hit
by just sales emails and find the ones we send much more valuable than most other retailers,"
Moriarty said.
3. Crafting your email message: Play with your subject lines: Once you've got your campaign
strategy down, focus on the subtleties of messaging. This starts with the first thing your
customers will see: the subject line. If it doesn't pique their curiosity among the other emails in
their inbox, they'll likely delete it. If you want customers to open your emails, you need to play
around with your subject lines and figure out what catches their attention. Try out different
subject lines by asking questions or teasing content. Avoid potentially off-putting words, like
"donate," which can reduce your open rate by 50% or more.
4. Name benefits, not features: To create an attractive subject, we need get personal with
customers by being upfront about who you are and what you can do for them. Customers really
don't care about what your email is offering – they just want to know how it's going to benefit
them," he said. "If that is coming across clearly in the subject line and it's paired with a sense of
urgency, such as a time limit, odds are they will want to read more. Using questions … and
mentioning current (and relevant) events are also excellent ways to pique readers' curiosity. Even
better would be to personalize these benefits with subject lines such as "X helps influencers like
you get paid by doing Y," After applying targeted benefits marketing to his own campaigns,
Smith increased open rates from 8% to 17%.
5. Be concise: Don't complicate your emails. Say exactly what you want to say in a way that will
interest readers. You don't have to type paragraphs of content that no one will read. Think press
release, not manifesto. Instead of including several long articles that will take readers a long time
to scroll through, keep it brief and include a link to your blog where they can read more. This is
especially important because the majority of consumers check email on their phones. If the email
is too long, they won't spend time scrolling through on their tiny handheld screen." A rule of
thumb is that if your emails take longer than two to three minutes to read, they're likely to be

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6. Include a call to action: with all this focus on getting the customer's attention, it's easy to forget
the initial intention of the email. Are you reminding them that they have an item in their cart?
Alerting them of a sale? Promoting new products? A clever subject line may improve your open
rate, but to increase engagement, you have to increase your click-through rate, or the percentage
of subscribers following email links to your webpage. This is where you'll need a call to action. A
call to action can be as simple as a direct request. "You can't expect your audience to guess what
you want them to do next. Placing concise calls to action, such as 'Click here to download your
free guide,' that are hyperlinked to the opt-in increased my click-through rate by 18%."
7. Broadening your reach: 7. Try A/B testing: So far, marketers take the deductive approach,
testing new strategies by observing relative improvement in open and click-through rates. There's
another way to improve, however, and that's by pitting two strategies against each other. With
A/B testing, you can experiment with two variables, such as two subject lines, to discover which
performs best. Testing just one part of the email (e.g., subject lines or images) at a time so there
aren't too many variables. This will ensure more accurate results. The more of these tests you run,
the more likely you are to discover an unexpected strategy. For example, after running a variety
of A/B tests, Keynote Search found that using imagery with a close-up of someone's face
increased its click-through rate by 17%. It's easy enough to test preconceived strategies like the
ones on this list. With A/B testing, however, you may find strategies that never would've occurred
to you.

Best Practices: CRABS

CRABS stands for:
• Chunking – One idea per paragraph, 1 or 2 sentences max for easy reading.
• Relevance – Stick to the meat, only write about what matters and remove all the fluff.
• Accuracy – Don't overpromise and underdeliver on your offer. ...
• Brevity – Get to the point.

Tools to enhance lead nurturing

Any smart marketer understands the need to engage with their audience and generate leads.
This is definitely a lengthy process, and it requires targeted campaigns built with data, analytics,
and research. One way to turn leads into conversions is through lead nurturing. This is an

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essential tactic for marketers, and it’s one of the most successful tactics for securing new

In fact, for 69% of marketers, generating leads is their number one marketing goal. Lead nurture
campaigns raise brand awareness. They educate potential consumers about a brand, its products,
and its services. The point of a lead nurture campaign is to establish trust and convince
consumers to choose one brand over another.

The best way for marketers to attract leads, drive traffic, and secure conversions is through
targeted lead nurturing campaigns in the form of email.What does lead nurturing mean?
Lead nurturing is the process of establishing relationships between brands and consumers. These
consumers include individuals for B2C brands as well as professional organizations and
businesses for B2B brands. This relationship building occurs at every stage of the sales funnel,
taking users on a journey from the first time they make an inquiry to when they’re ready to make
a purchase. Securing these leads and establishing these positive relationships is imperative for
brand success. If users don’t feel as though a brand is investing in them, they’ll look elsewhere.
These users need to be “nurtured” if brands want them to give them their business.

What is a lead nurturing email campaign?

A lead nurturing email campaign is an automated, personalized, email campaign that marketers
use to take users on a journey that may impact their buying behavior. These campaigns are
automated, meaning they’re created using email automation technology that sends scheduled
blasts to potential leads based on their brand interactions. But the beauty of lead nurture email
campaigns is their customized nature, built using data, analytics, and user behavior research.
This information allows marketers to create personalized campaigns that are targeted and
engaging, encouraging high-quality leads that take the next step through the sales funnel.

What is lead nurturing tools?

Lead nurturing software can even automate your funnel at points so your sales team spends less
time capturing the pulse of leads and more time engaging with them. ... Marketing automation
tools can also provide your team with qualified leads through from online forms, landing pages,

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Features you’ll likely find in lead nurturing software include:

a. Email Automation – Automatically send emails to leads depending on where they are in the
sales process, then move them in the pipeline based on how they respond to the email.
b. Lead Scoring – Assign leads a number value describing how engaged they are with the process
so sales reps know who to focus their attention on.
c. Campaign Management – Create campaigns across different platforms to engage with leads
wherever they are.
d. Personalization – Switch up the messaging, tone, or details of content based on a lead’s
characteristics and preferences.
e. Lead Segmentation – Group leads according to their characteristics or behavior in order to
deliver them the right content.

Lead Nurturing Software Options

1. Pipeline CRM: Pipeline (formerly PipelineDeals) combines a lead management platform with
sales tracking, email and content engagement tools that also track and move data directly into
your CRM. Its sales-focused interface keeps reps informed through goals and notifications. All
reps have access to a collective knowledge base where they can add documents, cadences,
templates, and workflows. Sales-focused integrations include Gmail, WebMerge for contract
generation, Quickbooks, and more.
2. Inside Sales Box lead nurturing software: Inside Sales Box works as an inside sales hub
between your marketing automation tools and CRM. The tool puts all of your follow-up and
nurturing processes in a single dashboard that tracks the actions you’ve taken and where your
team needs to go next. Build sales cadences across your leads, and prepare your team with
templates for emails, text messages, voicemail, and more. Smart email tools gather information
on pertinent email metrics like opens, bounces, and unsubscribes.
3. AWeber: AWeber works primarily as an autoresponder and email marketing platform, but these
features and its connections to your other apps and tools make it great for lead nurturing. The tool

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is less feature-filled than many others on this list, but great for small businesses that do most of
their lead nurturing via email. Autoresponders help you quickly connect with your leads, while
app connections build your contact lists. Tag customers to segment them into groups and trigger
autoresponders that correspond with each tag. It’s personalization at its easiest.
4. Salesforce and Pardot: pardot lead management engagement studio: Pardot is the Salesforce
B2B marketing automation tool. By connecting these two powerful platforms, you can set
business rules that nurture leads down the pipeline. These same rules send your team automatic
lead updates based on customer engagements with email and on-site content. Sales alerts help you
pass off leads from marketing to sales when they’re ready to buy, instead wasting time pursuing
cold leads.
5. LeadSquared lead nurturing software: LeadSquared is a conversion platform that combines
marketing automation with a built-in CRM for lead nurturing and sales enablement. A new
conversion prediction tool builds scores for your leads and keeps you from wasting time on dead,
cold, or unqualified prospects. LeadSquared uses machine learning to combine real lead
behaviors with historical data and understand the likelihood of conversion. These features focus
your sales team on hot leads, while marketing automation nurtures your prospects.
6. Nutshell lead nurturing software: Nutshell combines a CRM with a sales process management
solution to help your team track and process leads automatically, simplifying your nurture
process. Sales workflows speed customer and rep onboarding, notifying your team when to take
the next steps. Sales tools extend to email personalization and call recording. Nutshell targets
small businesses with a per-user, per-month subscription.
7. Hubspot lead nurturing software: Hubspot is an industry leader in marketing automation and
sales enablement. The software is divided into three parts: CRM, marketing, and sales, but the
real power of the tool presents itself when you combine all three. Sales tools include drip
campaigns, real-time notifications, and automatic CRM updates to track your progress.
8. Marketo Lead Nuturing: Marketo positioned themselves as thought leaders in the B2B sales
and marketing industry through a wide database of educational tools that help you build your lead
nurturing strategy. They also make a really great marketing automation tool that sends automatic
emails based on customer behavior and notifies you to follow-up on customer site interactions.
Check out the marketing engagement platform that helps you spread your content to leads across
your funnel and move them toward conversion in more ways.
9. Act-On: Act-on combines automated and personalized email features with lead scoring and
funnel reports that keep your team on track, selling to the right leads at the right time. Since many
of these features are automated, your team can spend more time on inbound and conversion

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efforts. Use the segmenting features to build and refine your contact lists until you find the
perfect mix.
10. SharpSpring lead nurturing software: SharpSpring is a scalable marketing automation
platform that engages website users based on their on-site actions, including email automation,
form fills, and personalized content. Your team can stay on top of hot leads with notifications and
daily reports while your content reaches leads automatically. Lead scoring uses website
engagement metrics to gauge interest, while visitor metrics and reporting help you understand
where your site converts and where it’s losing leads.

Enhance better reach

Web Analytics

What is web analytics?

Web analytics is the process of analyzing the behavior of visitors to a Web site. The use of Web analytics
is said to enable a business to attract more visitors, retain or attract new customers for goods or services,
or to increase the dollar volume each customer spends.Thus Web analytics groups together the
measurement, collection, analysis and presentation of data from the Internet in order to understand and
optimise how websites are used. Web analytics lets you precisely study user behaviour on your websites
(and mobile sites, and mobile applications, which is more largely called digital media.

Web analytics is the measurement and analysis of data to inform an understanding of user behavior across
web pages. Analytics platforms measure activity and behavior on a website, for example: how many users
visit, how long they stay, how many pages they visit, which pages they visit, and whether they arrive by
following a link or not. Businesses use web analytics platforms to measure and benchmark site
performance and to look at key performance indicators that drive their business, such as purchase
conversion rate.
However, Web analytics is not just a process for measuring web traffic but can be used as a tool for
business and market research, and to assess and improve the effectiveness of a website. Web analytics

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applications can also help companies measure the results of traditional print or broadcast advertising

Why Web Analytics Are Important

There’s an old business adage that whatever is worth doing is worth measuring. Website analytics provide
insights and data that can be used to create a better user experience for website visitors. Understanding
customer behavior is also key to optimizing a website for key conversion metrics. For example, web
analytics will show you the most popular pages on your website, and the most popular paths to purchase.
With website analytics, you can also accurately track the effectiveness of your online marketing
campaigns to help inform future efforts.

How Web Analytics Work

Most analytics tools ‘tag’ their web pages by inserting a snippet of JavaScript in the web page’s code.
Using this tag, the analytics tool counts each time the page gets a visitor or a click on a link. The tag can
also gather other information like device, browser and geographic location (via IP address). Web analytics
services may also use cookies to track individual sessions and to determine repeat visits from the same
browser. Since some users delete cookies, and browsers have various restrictions around code snippets,
no analytics platform can claim full accuracy of their data and different tools sometimes produce slightly
different results.
Today, the ubiquity of digital marketing is such that no marketer can overlook it. Especially the small and
medium businesses are catching up with modern technologies by incorporating their existing marketing
efforts with digital marketing strategies – in an attempt to capture the developing and productive online
marketplace. The digital consumption, in fact, has revolutionized the way businesses are performed and
what seems like a daily proliferation of social media contents, marketers are left with more choice than
ever when considering how they prefer to reach their consumers.
What are analytic tools?
The goal of any business analytic tool is to analyze data and extract actionable and commercially relevant
information that you can use to increase results or performance. The goal of any business analytic tool is
to analyze data and extract actionable and commercially relevant information that you can use to increase
results or performance. But with so many tools available it can be difficult to know what to use and when.
Digital marketing gives an opportunity to reach out to leads and customer through various digital
channels that can speed up the sales cycle and maintain customer loyalty. If you are one looking to start

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up your digital marketing business, then for sure you will need some best digital media tools to manage
your analytics, content marketing, publishing, visualization etc.

Following are widely used web analytical tools:

1. Google Analytics – Track everything on your website – from total
number of visitors and traffic sources to conversions and revenue – for free. Google Analytics
should be the very first thing installed on your site. From the second you go live, you need to
record everything that’s going on. How else will you know what’s working and what’s not?
Google Analytics is a simple service you can install on your website to record how many visitors
your site receives, how they found you, what pages they viewed, where they exited your site, how
long they stayed, whether they’re new users and pretty much every other metric you can think of.
When you think about it, it’s unbelievable that Google gives this service away for free. Google
Analytics is the backbone for all of our marketing campaigns, providing us with the information
we need to make informed choices. Google Analytics helps you analyse your site’s traffic in three
simple steps: sign up, add tracking code, and receive data of daily visits. It gives information of
visitors across all your sites, apps, and offline channels. These insights help you to improve
engagement, drive more traffic to your sites, and strategically plan your future activities.
Google Analytics is one of the best free tools that any website owner can use to track and analyze
data about Web traffic. You get to see what keywords are bringing the most visitors to your pages
and what aspects of your designs are turning them off. This tool will generate a report for your
website that includes information about visitors, traffic sources, goals, content and e-commerce.
2. Google AdWords Keyword Planner: 2. Keyword Planner –
A free tool to research and evaluate the worth of keywords. Right, now you’ve got your tracking
sorted you can start actually working on your website. Despite a flurry of late additions to the
industry, Google’s Keyword Planner is still the best research tool out there. And yes, it’s
technically designed for AdWords but it works perfectly for SEO purposes too. This handy tool
shows you a keyword’s traffic volume and estimates the competitiveness of the term. This allows
you to identify the hanging fruit (high volume, low competition terms) and optimise certain pages
(or your entire site) to rank for those terms.
3. Google Apps: These apps allow you to work while on-the-go. Right from professional emails to
business-grade security and controls allows for a seamless work from anywhere. Gmail brings all
your professional mails on your palm top. Google Drive allows working and sharing in the cloud
thereby making accessibility faster and easier with teammates. Google Hangouts allows holding

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chat, video calls, presentations with up to 15 people at the same time. Apart from these,
Calendars, Docs, Sheets, Forms, Slides, and Sites help in all-round collaboration with team and

4. It is imperative that if you are running a business, people will talk about your
brand, service, product, industry, and also your competitors. helps you to find them
and have a conversation! Real-time monitoring in over 40 languages helps you reply
immediately. Connect with influencers and initiate a community of subject matter experts, and
future brand ambassadors. React to all conversations without leaving the integrated dashboard
with accessibility to Twitter, Facebook, along with regular mails. Mention Analytics allows you
to easily track and analyse all conversations related to you with information on source type,
location, sentiment, language, or time period. Collaborate with your entire team at the same time
by sharing alerts and assigning tasks. Over 600,000 companies are already benefiting with
5. Buffer: Use Buffer to drive traffic, increase fan engagement, and save time, thereby making
social media marketing a hassle-free task.The social media team of digital marketing agencies
needs to be on track with their social feeds across all platforms, at all times, and for all clients. A
humongous task indeed, but made easier by Buffer. This is one of the most user-friendly social
media management tools. Buffer strategically schedules and shares your posts throughout the day
so that it gets maximum views by followers and fans. Just select the social accounts where you
want the post to be seen and add the content. This saves your time to specifically update each
social platform. You also have a choice to customize content if required. Engage your fans with
multimedia posts like photos, videos, or create your own beautiful images with Pablo. Buffer
allows you to add content to your queue from anywhere thus making it a flexible tool. This tool is
compatible with all your favourite social networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+,
and Pinterest.
6. MailChimp – MailChimp is currently the best email marketing tool available out there. It
integrates well with WordPress, Shopify, Magneto and other platforms. MailChimp let you send
12,000 emails every month provided you have less than 2,000 subscribers. Other features include
easy email creator, autoresponders, segmenting, tracking, analytics and more.
7. Spring Metrics: Spring Metrics has taken the analytics tool and made it simpler. You don’t have
to be a professional data-miner to get the answers to your questions. You get real-time conversion
analytics, top converting sources, keyword analytics, landing-page analysis, e-mail performance
reports and simple point-and-click configuration. Unlike Google Analytics, Spring Metrics tracks

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a visitor’s path through your website from the time he landed to the time he left. All of this is
included in Spring Metrics’ Standard Plan for $49 a month. When you first sign up, you get to try
it free for 14 days. The simplicity of this tool has a lot of website owners switching over from
Google Analytics.
8. Woopra: Woopra is another tool that offers real-time analytics tracking, whereas Google
Analytics can take hours to update. It is a desktop application that feeds you live visitor stats,
including where they live, what pages they are on now, where they’ve been on your site and their
Web browser. You also have the ability to chat live with individual site visitors. This can be a
great feature for your e-commerce site to interact with customers. Woopra offers a limited freebie
plan as well as several paid options.

What is Log File:

In computing, a log file is a file that records either events that occur in an operating system or other
software runs, or messages between different users of a communication software. Logging is the act of
keeping a log. In the simplest case, messages are written to a single log file.A log, in a computing context,
is the automatically produced and time-stamped documentation of events relevant to a particular system.
Virtually all software applications and systems produce log files.

In computer log management and intelligence, log analysis (or system and network log analysis) is an art
and science seeking to make sense out of computer-generated records (also called log or audit trail

What is Log File Analysis?

Log file analysis has many applications outside of SEO, such as site security. In terms of search engine
optimization, the process usually involves downloading the file from your server and importing it into a
log file analysis tool, where all the information about every “hit” on the site (whether bot or human) can
be analyzed to inform SEO decisions and learn about previously unknown issues.
Log file analysis is an arduous process that frequently results in the discovery of critical technical SEO
problems that could be found no other way. Log files contain incredibly accurate data that allow a brand
to better understand how search engines are crawling their site and the kind of information they are
finding. Log file data includes a record of the URL/resource that was requested, action taken, time and
date, IP of the machine it originated from, user agent/browser type, and other pieces of information.

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What is page tagging: A page tag is a tool which allows you to mark or categorize a page or groups of
pages on your website to gain more valuable tracking, contact or visitor segmentation, and reporting.
Think of a page tag as a bucket that has a particular theme to it. Page tag values are the items within that
bucket that fit that theme.The results of page testing analysis and its applications.
Page tagging is relevant for anyone interested in actively maintaining the constant growth of their web
project. And there’s no doubt that the gathered data is especially valuable when it comes to sales-oriented
marketing; the potential to use this data to attract new users, readers, or customers shouldn’t be
underestimated either. Here are a few examples of the valuable insights that can be gained from page
tagging results:
The device used: more and more users are accessing the internet via mobile devices. Having mobile pages
and a responsive design (i.e. optimizing sites for all devices) should always be a priority for any website
operator. Page tagging lets you find out more about the user visit distribution of one page to another.
Make sure to keep industry-specific developments (e.g. the growing number of purchases completed on
mobile devices) in mind when working with this technology.
Popular topics, content, search words: high click rates and longer page views indicate that your published
topics and themes have aroused your viewers’ interest. Operators of blogs or news portals are able to gain
valuable input this way, which can be used for future planning. Information on the keywords used is
especially interesting when it comes to online shops and other web services.
Conversion rate: observing conversion rates, i.e. the value that indicates the positive number of
transactions in relationship to the total number of visitors, is an indispensable e-commerce measure. This
way, online shop operators are able to find out how many users turned into paying customers. A
conversion can even be something as simple as registering for a newsletter, clicking a link, or
downloading a specific file.
Bounce rates and internal searches: the moment in which a user leaves your site can just as easily be
determined as the last website they accessed. Bounce rates can be indicative of weak content or technical
shortcomings. For this reason, it’s crucial to inspect the functionality of individual elements, the general
loading time as well as the menu navigation factors. A clue that the latter aspect isn’t functioning as it
should be is if users do not frequently use the menu, or internal search function, on your website.
Although web page tagging is often considered to be the same thing as web analysis, the latter aspect
encompasses a large spectrum of measures for harvesting data.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

A Social CRM is your Customer Relationship Management software integrating with social media
channels, allowing your teams to leverage social information to understand and engage customers, gain
market insights, and provide better customer service.

• TRADITIONAL CRM: Collecting, managing, and acting on customer data. The

communications are mostly transactional—be it a sales rep trying to close a deal or a support
agent helping a customer to resolve their issues.
• SOCIAL CRM: Customer engagement and brand exposure without hard selling. Most of these
interactions are to spark interest in your brand and initiate conversations about customer interests
or trending social issues.

What is an example of a social CRM: Here are some examples of Social CRM in action, as well as its
benefits: A business -- or even a customer -- creates a fan page for your company or product on Facebook.
People who like your brand and the way you conduct business will sign up as fans, creating a venue for
communication, marketing and networking.

Why does Social CRM matter?

It’s a familiar story: the marketing department is diligently creating and publishing tweets, Facebook
posts, YouTube videos and more – all carefully crafted to make the most of each channel and designed to
encourage sharing, retweeting and customer engagement. But the audience doesn’t come.Meanwhile,
your customers are elsewhere on Facebook and Twitter, having conversations about your organisation –
discussing you, recommending you, complaining about you and even trying desperately to talk to you.
But they’re not getting the answers they want.

How can you bridge the gap?

That’s where social CRM comes in. A customer relationship management platform that integrates social
media gives you access to the same level of insight you have for more traditional channels, plus the
ability to use social tools for communicating internally. You can monitor, track and benchmark your
social media communications using familiar tools, dashboards and metrics. With social CRM you can
place the customer right at the heart of your organisation. No more forcing customers to use the channel
you prefer. No more losing track of issues when they change channels. You can engage and respond to
customers individually and in the way they choose, without compromising your ability to track and
manage communications on a global scale. You’ll have both a broad overview of your brand’s reach and
a granular, detailed view of each customer interaction. Customer service, marketing and sales all benefit

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from a more dynamic, complete picture of each individual customer, and can make use of social tools to
communicate between themselves. You see the cost of delighting customers fall. Your customers see an
organisation that listens to what they want and responds in a way that suits them, across multiple
channels. Everybody wins.

“We need to stop interrupting what people are interested in and be what people are interested in.”

Social Analytics
Social media does not have to be an untamable jungle. Get a hold on how your posts perform with social
analytics through your SCRM.
These key performance indicator ( KPIs) can inform future sales and marketing campaigns so these
go off without a hitch.
What are the Components of Social CRM

1. Social Listening: You can’t possibly track every last mention of your small business across
social media. Still, it’s important to know this information, so what should you do? Use social
CRM, of course. Your SCRM tool of choice can keep its figurative ears open to track all those
brand mentions, good or bad. From the people following you to the hashtags they use and what
they’re saying, you’ll know it all. Fuller, More Comprehensive Customer Views. Your SCRM
can also gather all the profiles of your customers in one place, so if they’re on 10 social media
platforms, you’re aware of it. Combining that with the interactions log, which tracks both indirect
and direct conversations, and you get a completely comprehensive customer view.
2. Sentiment Analysis: when you express a sentiment in a conversation, it’s either positive or
negative. Having sentiments is part of the human condition, as it allows us to share our thoughts
and emotions with others. Social media customer relationship management encompasses the
entirety of the customer experience, including a person’s satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
How does a company even begin to figure out their customers’ sentiments? Social CRM
software can show its mettle with sentiment analysis. Using SCRM, you can do the above
combing without having to put much human effort towards the job. With sentiment analysis,
SCRM software will look through documents, phrases, and words that come up from your
customers. If these phrases or words have polarizing connotations, that gets noted as well.
Sentiment analysis is like holding up a magical seashell to your ear to hear the collective voice of
your customers. Like most software, it’s not perfect. Sometimes the software can miss irony,
metaphors, sarcasm, and nuances that we humans understand. That’s why you’ll have to glance

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over the results for accuracy. Still, that beats spending hours reading through comment after
comment after comment yourself.
3. Machine Learning: Machine learning might sound scary, but we have to face that it’s our
present and even our future. One popular means of machine learning? Artificial intelligence or
AI. The algorithms that machine learning studies can predict future trends using current data.
There are two types of machine learning: unsupervised and supervised.Unsupervised machine
learning isn’t as risky as it seems, we promise. With this, you’re letting the AI come up with its
own trends and analyses without having established a previous data baseline.With supervised
machine learning, you use certain data to create that baseline. Both forms of machine learning
have their place depending on your current needs.
4. Text Mining: Text analytics, text data mining, or—more simply—text mining has a similar
concept to sentiment analysis. This time, you parse data for the sake of finding mood patterns
over the short-term and long-term. It’s less about establishing a customer voice then and more
about identifying mood changes. Do your customers still like your new product or has something
happened to sour their perception? Have once-reluctant customers come around and changed their
minds? With text mining, you can find out.
5. Natural Language Processing: Finally, there’s natural language processing. This may sound just
like sentiment analysis and text analytics, but it’s different. For instance, natural language
processing focuses more on adjectives, verbs, nouns, and other speech. The AI here can read
through lots of text at once and even has higher accuracy if the text comes across as random.
That’s not nearly as true for sentiment analysis.
Natural language processing works for social media especially well. Why? As mentioned, this
form of SCRM has a strong ability to handle and comprehend random text. In fact, the AI can
even take into account word omissions, misspellings, and unfamiliar text, all of which are
common on social media. When combined with text mining and sentiment analysis, you can get
the feel, voice, and meaning of customer messages on social media using SCRM.

Why Do Businesses Need Social CRM: If you’re already using a CRM software for your business, then
you’ll want to consider CRM social media integration. Still, perhaps the above information hasn’t quite
convinced you that social media CRM would work for you. Well, here’s some questions for you. Do you
want to track your brand mentions? Followers? Engagement? Traffic? Sure, you do. Otherwise, you have
no idea how well your marketing campaigns perform. These metrics give you real data you can use to
compare your current campaigns to ones from the past. You can also plan for greater success in the future.

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You can use SCRM to introduce relevant products and services that might interest your customers as
well. That can influence a sale you might not otherwise have gotten. Not only does SCRM come in handy
for social media management, it also facilitates social media advertising. If you want to share only the
most tailored content on your social feeds for more engagement, guess what you need? Yup, social CRM.

Also, SCRM can improve your social customer support: According to a late 2020 article on Tech Wire
Asia, most companies (80 percent) feel pretty confident in their current social customer service. It’s a
shame that most customers disagree, with just eight percent saying they felt the same way. You could get
more positive recommendations if you answer customers promptly and help them with their issues. You
might also boost brand loyalty and customer advocacy. Sounds good to us!

The Benefits of Social CRM: Social CRM has tons of benefits for your company to reap, a few of which
we touched on before.
Here are several more to incentivize you:
1. Nurture and Improve Relationships: In a way, SCRM kind of lets you become “friends” or
“followers” with your audience members. The insights you can glean tell you all sorts of useful
information about them. If your audience members buy a house, get married, have a baby, get a
new job, or enjoy some other milestone, you will usually catch wind of it. In a non-creepy way,
you can use this information to improve your professional relationships and provide further
nurturing to your customers.
2. Review the Competition: It’s always a good idea to have a leg up on the competition. You can
see what they’re doing and then plan your strategies and campaigns around that. The social CRM
tool gives you the window into your competition’s behavior and the reactions of their customers.
Specifically, sentiment analysis works really well here. You can then do one or two things. First,
you can try to convert their customers to your company, although this can be risky. At the very
least, you can make sure you avoid the same mistakes with your own customers. This way, you
don’t lose a significant chunk of your audience.
3. Boost Your Development and Research: As we mentioned earlier in this article, SCRM has
some predictive abilities. Although it’s more common at the beginning and end of the year,
everyone appreciates a good list of trends for what’s ahead. If you can accurately predict changes
and trends with customer relationships, you can become an authority in your industry. Not only
that, but you can react to these trends now to maintain more customers and even win new ones.

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You will also meet the needs of your customers better than ever before. This fosters an even
stronger sense of customer loyalty and satisfaction.
4. Improve Internal Workings: As we’ve talked about on this blog a few times before, if there’s a
disconnect between your sales and marketing teams, and even your customer service reps, it’s
never good for your bottom line. Two teams might do the same job without realizing it. They
might work with the same lead or customer, who, at this point, just wants a break. All this wastes
time and costs money. The more efficiently your teams work together, the happier your customers
stay. You can also enjoy more productivity around the office. It’s a win-win!
5. More Conversions: Let’s set up a scenario here.In Scenario A, you reach out to a lead via email
after doing a bit of research on them. You still don’t know all there is about them, so you don’t
write the most hyper-specific email. It’s a little generalized, which means few if any targeted
offers. In Scenario B, you’ve done your homework on your lead through SCRM software. You
know more about their behavior, their demographics, and what they may or may not do. Now you
send an email to them, using the info you have as a sort of a cheat sheet. Everything’s
personalized and very tailored to them and their interests and needs. Which of the two emails do
you think will get better reception? Which lead do you think you have a better chance of
converting? If you said B, you’re correct. Using SCRM gives you the kinds of insights you need
to tailor your message and make more conversions.

Which Social CRM Metrics Do You Need to Measure?

Above, we talked about the importance of using SCRM metrics to guide your future campaigns. Exactly
which metrics should your small business track?
Here’s a list to get you started.
1. Average Replies Per Ticket: How many interactions do you have with a customer per ticket?
Could you resolve their issue quickly in just a few messages or did you two have to go back and
forth for hours? The lower the replies, the better. However, do make sure the issue is being
succinctly resolved, not just glossed over so you can lower your replies per ticket.
2. First Response Resolution Rate: Speaking of replies per ticket, if you can solve a customer’s
query in one reply, that’s the first response resolution rate.
3. Average Resolution Rate: In a perfect world, your staff could address every customer question
and concern in just one reply. Considering the world we live in is indeed imperfect, it will likely
take a few more messages. Just how many messages will become clear by tracking your average
resolution rate.

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4. Backlog Count: Did a customer reach out to your company two days ago but no one got around
to answering them? This is not recommended, and so you need a metric to manage your backlog
5. Average Case Handling Time: This metric goes hand in hand with the average resolution rate.
However long it takes for your staff to handle customer problems will inform the average case
handling time.
6. Average Response Time: This is a big one! You may not always be able to answer a customer
query the second it’s sent to you, but hours shouldn’t go by, nor should days. Try to keep this
number low, as no customer likes radio silence.
What is Digital Analytics?
Digital analytics is the process of analyzing digital data from various sources like websites, mobile
applications, among others. It provides a clear vision to the organization on how users or customers are
behaving. Through digital analytics, companies obtain an insight into the areas where they need
improvement.Digital analytics helps companies to provide a better online experience to its clients as well
as potential customers, which gradually results in the achievement of desired goals. Digital analytics is a
tool used by organizations for collecting, measuring, and analyzing the qualitative and quantitative data.
The data is then used to enhance and modify current business operations in order to provide a better
online experience.

These analytics might produce the insights you gain from activity on your website, social media channels,
or a variety of marketing channels used by your business. Ideally, you use the information from your
analysis to track the way your content is performing, gain insights from your audience, and decide how to
change or enhance the content you're creating. Your digital analytics should give you insights which are
actionable. Because there are so many variables and so much data that can be reported on, it’s often
challenging to turn this data into a clear strategy or to inform specific marketing tactics.

Why Digital Analytics is Important for Company and Brand

People often focus on web analytics, but digital analytics encompass more than just what can be gathered
from your website. There are key analytics on one platform or site that can help you determine a lot of
different information about your visitors and the content on the site itself. The value of digital analytics is
far further reaching because it offers you ways to gather key insights and more accurately quantify the
ROI of your campaigns. Digital analytics reporting sorts and showcases the entirety of your funnel.
You're not limited to getting the data collected from just one platform. You're able to access the reporting

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for each of your channels to see the bigger picture of where your audience is, what they respond to on
various platforms, and where you should devote your time.

There are numerous benefits of digital analytics. It can help you determine which marketing channels are
not performing well so that you can decide whether to increase efforts there or decide if the content would
be better used on a higher performing channel. You can easily see the difference between views and
conversions. For instance, you might note a higher traffic coming from one channel but a higher
conversion rate from another. That may tell you that you're not targeting the right audience. Digital
analytics help you put all the pieces together to view your marketing efforts as a whole, rather than
divided into segments.

The Elements of Digital Analytics

The elements of your digital analytics include all the aspects of your digital marketing strategy. When
using advanced analytics in digital marketing, you can look at individual problems or aspects of your
customer journey in order to gain useful, actionable insights.

The elements of your strategy will be unique to your business and the consumers you're targeting.
These might include:
1. Content Marketing Strategy: In a wide sense, your content marketing strategy includes all the
content that you create and curate. This is not only the content you add to your own website or
social media platforms. It should also include your recommendations or linked articles, as well as
places you've published pieces.
2. Email Campaigns: Email marketing, when done well, still offers excellent conversion rates. The
analytics you're looking at here may include open rates, click through rates, and more intricate
data about the types of content and their conversion rates.
3. Video Marketing: This might include videos on your website or social media platforms or a
channel you use, such as YouTube.
4. Paid Advertising: If you're using paid advertising (such as search or display ads), the analytics
from the respective platforms can help you tailor your reach to offer higher ROI. One thing you'll
look for when you deal specifically with the individual elements is the digital customer analytics.
These data sets will help inform your customer personas and build content specific to them to
drive engagement.

Types of Digital Analytics and Uses

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The digital analytics definition encompasses all the data that you can collect, which makes it fairly
confusing. It's not just your Google Analytics on your individual website. You can gather data based on
the market, your user activity, your content performance, and on a number of other variables.

The best place to start is with your strategy. When you develop a digital marketing strategy, you need to
set goals that will help you analyze the current data and make adjustments in order to hit your
benchmarks. Digital analytics examples: if your goal is to increase followers and reach on a certain
channel, you'll want to study the analytics for your posts on that platform. You'll be able to see which
hashtags worked well for you, which posts gained followers or activity, and most importantly, which
activities led to conversion. You also want to make sure you’re using the right analytics tools to get an
accurate overview of your marketing performance.
1. Content performance analytics: Content performance analysis is the practice of reviewing how
well content marketing campaigns, individual assets, and distribution channels perform against
defined goals.
Most Important Metrics To Measure Content Performance: All good content marketers know
that it’s vital to monitor and analyze the performance of individual pieces of content on a regular
basis. This data will help to not only identify poor-performing content that can be improved, but
also to find your best-performing content. Sometimes the content that you think is the best quality
just doesn’t resonate with your audience. Data analytics can help you to find the perfect “recipe”
for your content marketing, so you can rinse and repeat to ultimate content marketing success.
a. Traffic: Traffic is the lifeblood of online content. If nobody is landing on your website, it doesn’t
matter how amazing your blog posts are – nobody will read them and so they won’t be doing you
any good. If you really want to strip it back to basics, traffic is one metric that you must measure.
Of course, this traffic can be split up into different categories. In Google Analytics, the metrics
you want to be looking at are:
• Users – the total number of unique visitors to your page.
• Pageviews – the total number of times a page on your site has been viewed
• Unique pageviews – If a single user has viewed your page multiple times, these visits
are combined into one pageview to calculate this metric.
You can use the raw data from these metrics to get a rough idea of the amount of traffic coming to
individual pages on your site. You can also breakdown the data further to see where your traffic is coming
from (both geographically and how they found your site online) and the type of device they used to view
your site. This information can be useful to know for your future content strategy. For example, if you
target primarily Mumbai customers but you’re getting a significant amount of traffic from the Pune, you

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can tailor future content to your Pune visitors. Or if a large proportion of your traffic is coming from one
of your social media channels, you can tailor your content based on your social media followers’ data.
b. Sales or Conversions: So people are visiting your site and reading your blog – great. But what
else are they doing when they’ve finished reading? Are they clicking your links and reading
more? Are they signing up for your newsletter? Completing an e-commerce transaction? It’s up to
you what counts as a conversion. In some cases, the goal of your content might be to make a
physical sale, while in others it just might be to raise awareness of your brand and increase your
authority. If this is the case you might want to focus more on metrics such as social shares and
engagement. However, if your blog is primarily a sales tool, you’re going to want to track how
many sales it generates. You can do this after activating e-commerce in Google Analytics by
viewing the page value of all your content under the behavior section. This will give you the
average revenue that each page has generated for you when users have gone directly to make a
purchase or complete another goal that you’ve set.
c. Engagement: Sometimes the amount of traffic your content gets is more a measure of how
effective you are at getting people to click your links, rather than how good your content is. To
really find out if people are engaging with your content, you’ll need to track how long they’re
spending on your site and how many pages they’re visiting in each session. Obviously, the goal is
to keep them on your site as long as possible so they can read more of your content (unless of
course, you want to funnel them to a sales page as quickly as possible.) You can see this
information under Audience Overview in Google Analytics. Here, as well as seeing your total
number of sessions and visitors, you can see the average number of pages per session, the average
session duration, and your bounce rate. For content that’s designed to be read, ideally, you want a
high number of pages per session, long average session duration (depending on the length of your
content) and a low bounce rate.
d. Social Media Engagement: Another effective way to measure your content engagement is to see
how well it’s performing on social media. While there are various metrics you can track here, the
most important is how many times your content has been shared on various social networks. A
share shows that others are finding your content valuable. This information isn’t available in
Google Analytics but if you have social share buttons on each piece of content, they will show
you how many times that content has been shared on each platform. Buzzsumo is another tool for
tracking social media shares and is an easy way to quickly identify the top performing content on
your site. You can also track the amount of traffic you’re getting from social platforms, which is
another good way of measuring engagement. More clicks from social platforms mean that more

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people are sharing and interacting with your content. You can find this information under
Acquisition > Social > Network Referrals in Google Analytics.
e. SEO Performance: Not all your traffic will come from social media, so it’s important that you’re
getting plenty of visitors from search too. You can track the proportion of your site visits that
come from search in Google Analytics, but this doesn’t give you much insight into whether your
site is performing well in search engines or not. Instead, you’ll need to measure your SEO
performance. There are a few different metrics you can track here. SERP ranking is probably the
most important one – this is the position of your page in the search engine results for a particular
keyword phrase. Rankings aren’t static and do tend to fluctuate a little, but when you’re tracking
your ranking over time you want to see it either static (if you’re already in a good spot) or
improving, which shows you are gaining trust and authority. You can use Google Search Console
to identify the terms you’re ranking for and keep an eye on how your ranking changes over time.
Better SEO will lead to higher traffic numbers, more leads, and hopefully more sales and
f. Authority: Authority is not quite as easy to measure as most of the other metrics, but it’s still
important to try to increase your authority over time. High authority will not only improve your
SEO, meaning you get more search traffic, but it will also help to build your brand, increase trust,
and improve your conversion rate.

2. Visitor analysis: What is visitor behavior analysis: Visitor behavior analysis is a method of
conducting qualitative research on visitors’ website behavior. Visitor behavior analysis involves
employing multiple qualitative tools that help you track your website’s performance, understand
website visitors’ on-site behavior, identify experience breakages, connect with individual visitors
for feedback and suggestions, and then utilize all the insights to optimize the site-wide
experience. It also gives you a clear picture of how critical pages like the homepage, product
pages, landing pages, and so on are performing in terms of keeping visitors engaged and solving
their pain points.
Before getting into further details about website visitor behavior analysis, let us first understand
the difference between quantitative and qualitative research methods and the kind of pain point
each one helps you solve.
In the optimization arena, there are two approaches to research – quantitative and
Quantitative research involves using tools like Google Analytics, some types of website surveys
like NPS surveys, rating scale surveys, and other tools that give you numerical data on how your

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website is performing. Data gathered through quantitative gives you an indication of how your
website and the different pages of it are performing by giving you hard numbers like bounce rate,
conversion rate, cart abandonment rate, form abandonment rate, page views, subscription rate,
and so on. These numbers however only give you a picture of how things are on your website and
not why they are so. This is where qualitative research comes in.
Qualitative research involves employing research methods that track user behavior through their
entire journey on your website to discover experience breakages. It empowers you to step into
your visitors’ shoes, see what they saw, experience what they experienced, and draw actionable
insights from them which can be tested and deployed in the optimization stage. Whenever a
visitor visits your website, visitor behavior analysis assumes the role of website visitor tracking
software and maps their entire journey online.
Qualitative research enables you to learn directly from known as well as anonymous visitors what
they liked, what they disliked, what does not belong on the website, what should be tested for
optimization, and more. It provides direct causal explanations for the numerical data that
quantitative research equips you with. Plus, you can make the most out of your existing website
traffic without having to invest in new traffic.
And visitor behavior analysis, which is in essence qualitative in nature, helps you do all that. In
fact, visitor behavior analysis sits at a very pivotal platform in the world of Experience
Optimization (ExO). This will become clearer as we dive deeper into how visitor behavior
analysis helps you understand your audience better, benefits your business, and how it is being
used across industries to carry out Experience Optimization programs with the aim of optimizing
conversion rates.

An overview of social media analytics

Practitioners and analysts alike know social media by its many websites and channels: Facebook,
YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit and many others. Social media analytics is the ability to
gather and find meaning in data gathered from social channels to support business decisions — and
measure the performance of actions based on those decisions through social media. Social media analytics
is broader than metrics such as likes, follows, retweets, previews, clicks, and impressions gathered from
individual channels. It also differs from reporting offered by services that support marketing campaigns
such as LinkedIn or Google Analytics.

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Social media analytics uses specifically designed software platforms that work similarly to web search
tools. Data about keywords or topics is retrieved through search queries or web ‘crawlers’ that span
channels. Fragments of text are returned, loaded into a database, categorized and analyzed to derive
meaningful insights. Social media analytics includes the concept of social listening. Listening is
monitoring social channels for problems and opportunities. Social media analytics tools typically
incorporate listening into more comprehensive reporting that involves listening and performance analysis.

Why is social media analytics important?

IBM points out that with the prevalence of social media: “News of a great product can spread
like wildfire. And news about a bad product — or a bad experience with a customer service rep
— can spread just as quickly. Consumers are now holding organizations to account for their
brand promises and sharing their experiences with friends, co-workers and the public at large.”
Social media analytics helps companies address these experiences and use them to:
• Spot trends related to offerings and brands
• Understand conversations — what is being said and how it is being received
• Derive customer sentiment towards products and services
• Gauge response to social media and other communications
• Identify high-value features for a product or service
• Uncover what competitors are saying and its effectiveness
• Map how third-party partners and channels may affect performance
• These insights can be used to not only make tactical adjustments, like addressing an angry tweet,
they can help drive strategic decisions. In fact, IBM finds social media analytics is now “being
brought into the core discussions about how businesses develop their strategies.”

These strategies affect a range of business activity:

a. Product development - Analyzing an aggregate of Facebook posts, tweets and Amazon product
reviews can deliver a clearer picture of customer pain points, shifting needs and desired features.
Trends can be identified and tracked to shape the management of existing product lines as well as
guide new product development.
b. Customer experience - An IBM study discovered “organizations are evolving from product-led
to experience-led businesses.” Behavioral analysis can be applied across social channels to
capitalize on micro-moments to delight customers and increase loyalty and lifetime value.

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c. Branding - Social media may be the world’s largest focus group. Natural language processing
and sentiment analysis can continually monitor positive or negative expectations to maintain
brand health, refine positioning and develop new brand attributes.
d. Competitive Analysis - Understanding what competitors are doing and how customers are
responding is always critical. For example, a competitor may indicate that they are foregoing a
niche market, creating an opportunity. Or a spike in positive mentions for a new product can alert
organizations to market disruptors.
e. Operational efficiency – Deep analysis of social media can help organizations improve how they
gauge demand. Retailers and others can use that information to manage inventory and suppliers,
reduce costs and optimize resources.
Key capabilities of effective social media analytics:
The first step for effective social media analytics is developing a goal. Goals can range from
increasing revenue to pinpointing service issues. From there, topics or keywords can be selected
and parameters such as date range can be set. Sources also need to be specified — responses to
YouTube videos, Facebook conversations, Twitter arguments, Amazon product reviews,
comments from news sites. It is important to select sources pertinent to a given product, service
or brand. Typically, a data set will be established to support the goals, topics, parameters and
sources. Data is retrieved, analyzed and reported through visualizations that make it easier to
understand and manipulate.

These steps are typical of a general social media analytics approach that can be made more
effective by capabilities found in social media analytics platforms. Natural language processing
and machine learning technologies identify entities and relationships in unstructured data —
information not pre-formatted to work with data analytics. Virtually all social media content is
unstructured. These technologies are critical to deriving meaningful insights. Segmentation is a
fundamental need in social media analytics. It categorizes social media participants by
geography, age, gender, marital status, parental status and other demographics. It can help
identify influencers in those categories. Messages, initiatives and responses can be better tuned
and targeted by understanding who is interacting on key topics.
• Behavior analysis is used to understand the concerns of social media participants by assigning
behavioral types such as user, recommender, prospective user and detractor. Understanding these
roles helps develop targeted messages and responses to meet, change or deflect their perceptions.

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• Sentiment analysis measures the tone and intent of social media comments. It typically involves
natural language processing technologies to help understand entities and relationships to reveal
positive, negative, neutral or ambivalent attributes.
• Share of voice analyzes prevalence and intensity in conversations regarding brand, products,
services, reputation and more. It helps determine key issues and important topics. It also helps
classify discussions as positive, negative, neutral or ambivalent.
• Clustering analysis can uncover hidden conversations and unexpected insights. It makes
associations between keywords or phrases that appear together frequently and derives new topics,
issues and opportunities. The people that make baking soda, for example, discovered new uses
and opportunities using clustering analysis.
Dashboards and visualization charts, graphs, tables and other presentation tools summarize and
share social media analytics findings — a critical capability for communicating and acting on
what has been learned. They also enable users to grasp meaning and insights more quickly and
look deeper into specific findings without advanced technical skills.

Affiliate Marketing and Programmatic Marketing

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is the process by which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing another
person’s or company’s products. The affiliate simply searches for a product they enjoy, then promotes
that product and earns a piece of the profit from each sale they make. The sales are tracked via affiliate
links from one website to another.
What does affiliate marketing do?
Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company pays others (e.g., bloggers) to advertise
their products and services and generate sales. Affiliates place ads or market the products or services on
their website, app, or blog. Commissions are paid on leads that convert to sales. Affiliate marketing is the
process of earning money (commissions) every time you promote a company's products or services and
drive a sale. You only get paid every time you drive a sale, just like a commission-only sales

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How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?
Because affiliate marketing works by spreading the responsibilities of product marketing and creation
across parties, it manages to leverage the abilities of a variety of individuals for a more effective
marketing strategy while providing contributors with a share of the profit. To make this work, three
different parties must be involved:

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• Seller and product creators.
• The affiliate or advertiser.
• The consumer.

Let’s delve into the complex relationship these three parties share to ensure affiliate marketing is a
1. Seller and product creators: The seller, whether a solo entrepreneur or large enterprise, is a
vendor, merchant, product creator, or retailer with a product to market. The product can be a
physical object, like household goods, or a service, like makeup tutorials. Also known as the
brand, the seller does not need to be actively involved in the marketing, but they may also be the
advertiser and profit from the revenue sharing associated with affiliate marketing. For example,
the seller could be an ecommerce merchant that started a dropshipping business and wants to
reach a new audience by paying affiliate websites to promote their products. Or the seller could
be a SaaS company that leverages affiliates to help sell their marketing software.
2. The affiliate or publisher: Also known as a publisher, the affiliate can be either an individual or a
company that markets the seller’s product in an appealing way to potential consumers. In other
words, the affiliate promotes the product to persuade consumers that it is valuable or beneficial to
them and convince them to purchase the product. If the consumer does end up buying the product,
the affiliate receives a portion of the revenue made. Affiliates often have a very specific audience
to whom they market, generally adhering to that audience’s interests. This creates a defined niche
or personal brand that helps the affiliate attract consumers who will be most likely to act on the

3. The consumer: Whether the consumer knows it or not, they (and their purchases) are the drivers
of affiliate marketing. Affiliates share these products with them on social media, blogs, and
websites. When consumers buy the product, the seller and the affiliate share the profits.
Sometimes the affiliate will choose to be upfront with the consumer by disclosing that they are
receiving commission for the sales they make. Other times the consumer may be completely
oblivious to the affiliate marketing infrastructure behind their purchase. Either way, they will
rarely pay more for the product purchased through affiliate marketing; the affiliate’s share of the
profit is included in the retail price. The consumer will complete the purchase process and receive
the product as normal, unaffected by the affiliate marketing system in which they are a significant

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How Do Affiliate Marketers Get Paid?
A quick and inexpensive method of making money without the hassle of actually selling a product,
affiliate marketing has an undeniable draw for those looking to increase their income online. But how
does an affiliate get paid after linking the seller to the consumer?
The consumer doesn’t always need to buy the product for the affiliate to get a kickback. Depending on the
program, the affiliate’s contribution to the seller’s sales will be measured differently.
The affiliate may get paid in various ways:
a. Pay per sale: This is the standard affiliate marketing structure. In this program, the merchant
pays the affiliate a percentage of the sale price of the product after the consumer purchases the
product as a result of the affiliate’s marketing strategies. In other words, the affiliate must
actually get the investor to invest in the product before they are compensated.
b. Pay per lead: A more complex system, pay per lead affiliate programs compensates the affiliate
based on the conversion of leads. The affiliate must persuade the consumer to visit the merchant’s
website and complete the desired action — whether it’s filling out a contact form, signing up for a
trial of a product, subscribing to a newsletter, or downloading software or files.
c. Pay per click: This program focuses on incentivizing the affiliate to redirect consumers from
their marketing platform to the merchant’s website. This means the affiliate must engage the
consumer to the extent that they will move from the affiliate’s site to the merchant’s site. The
affiliate is paid based on the increase in web traffic.

Become an Affiliate
If you are an affiliate, the first thing you need to do is find a product or service that you are going to
promote. This means that you will have to find a company or an individual whose products or services
you want to promote. Finding something to advertise should not be a very hard thing to do if you know
what you are looking for. That is why you should always look for something specific, that you believe is
relevant for your blog or useful to your audience. The company you will choose will be your merchant
that will pay you the determined commission per visits or sales from other people that will use your
affiliate link.

To join a company’s partner program, you will have to apply first. For this purpose, you should be
looking for “Affiliates”, “Partners” or “Affiliate Program” as it goes under different names online. When
you finish this process, you will become their affiliate and you will be given your own custom affiliate

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link to promote wherever you like. Every affiliate link has a unique ID that the merchant as well as you
can track.
When it comes to the steps you need to follow to become an online affiliate marketer, you should know
there are four main ones.
The following steps are required to become an affiliate:
Step #1 — Review Niche Products: Since everyone can become an online affiliate marketer, it is very
important to be a good one. And, how can you become good at what you do? Logically, if you know
exactly what you are doing. As an affiliate, you will have to choose at least one niche you feel
comfortable being in. This niche should be something you have experience or knowledge in. In order to
become an affiliate marketer from products in a specific niche, you will have to at least have some kind of
experience with similar or identical products. That is why, the first thing you should do, is to review niche
products. Whatever your niche is, stick to that. It is very interesting how people immediately recognize
whether someone knows the product they are advertising or not. So, do not be a bad marketer, because, at
the end of the day, it is you who lose. The more you promote a product you have no idea how works, why
it is good or how to use it, the fewer sales you will make.
Step #2 — Focus on Building an Email List: One of the most common mistakes affiliate marketers
make is that they do not focus on their email list. Although it is seemingly insignificant, the email list will
become your best friend. So, put some time and effort into building a quality one.
Today, email is one of the best marketing channels. To be able to build your perfect email list, you will
first need to develop a concept. Decide on tools, apps, and systems that you are going to use. For the part
of documenting your data, I highly recommend using Google Sheets or Excel. Further, divide all the
important info into several columns so you will have all of your “Who”s, “What”s, and “When”s. The
columns should include the name of the person you will later contact, what are they working (possibly the
name of the company too), when you would contact them and why them exactly. In order to have a good
response rate, as with any email campaign, you will have to create your emails to be as personalized and
customized as possible. So all the small details, such as the name of the Company they work at, and the
“Why” factor, can serve you a great purpose. You need to understand all of your prospects and come up
with ways of approaching them. Do not create templates for this part, because not everybody will fit into
that message. Other than manually building your email list, by searching for people you believe will need
or want the product you are promoting, you can also acquire emails by inserting call-to-action buttons on
your page. The important thing here is to always offer them something in exchange for their email
Step #3— Teach Your Audience Something: The more you see affiliate marketing as a regular job, the
worse you will be in it. Thanks to the Internet today, you can meet and talk to people from all over the

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world. Therefore, use that in your advantage. Being an affiliate marketer is not an easy job. Do you have
an idea of how many affiliates are out there? Dozens. Because of this reason and the reason you will want
people to make purchases using your affiliate link, you will have to be convincing, friendly, and most
importantly-vocal. If you are not active on social media, or you do not have a blog/website, you are most
likely to never be successful at being an affiliate marketer. I am sorry, but it is the only truth.
Many people assume getting an affiliate link and pasting it on forums and different sites will do the work
for them. Although this may work in some cases and smaller communities, if you want to make good
money from affiliate marketing, you need an audience that will believe and value your words.
How can people value your words? Once again, this is easier said than done, but definitely not
impossible. The more you teach people things, the higher the opinion they will have of you. It is a golden
rule for basically any business and industry. But, before you can teach others something, you need to
learn stuff yourself. Depending on the industry you are in, make sure you educate yourself enough on
certain topics, so you can know for a fact that what you say is truthful. Then, share that knowledge with
your audience.
Step #4 — Use Paid Advertising: Even though I recommend using paid advertising to grow as an
affiliate marketer, do not use it right from the beginning. When you jump into paying for advertisements
right from the start, you have a risk of losing precious time and money. That is why you should leave
yourself to grow as an affiliate and form some kind of audience. Then, you can start thinking of PPC
So, here are some tips that may help you more easily find products and services to promote.
1. Promote Products You Already Use: As an affiliate, you will not be able to promote all the
products that you already use and love. But, the ones that you do end up promoting online, you
should definitely approve and find them useful. Keep in mind that your audience will listen to
your words, so do not advertise something you have never tried or you hate. Already knowing the
product well enough, will allow you to give a more detailed review, therefore, convince your
audience to purchase that specific product. Make a list of all the products you think are worth
advertising and then search for affiliate marketing options on their websites. Then apply to
become their affiliate and start spreading the message about their product while sharing your own
affiliate link.
2. Join Big Affiliate Networks: Affiliate networks have the main purpose of being middleman
between the merchants and the affiliate marketers. So, if affiliate marketing is something you try
for the first time, it is a great idea to join some of the biggest affiliate networks. By joining these
networks, you will be able to see the products that are available for advertising as well as the
companies that offer partner programs. The affiliate networks will help you quickly find

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products and services that are relevant in your industry and promote them on your website or
social media platforms.Currently, the list of best affiliate marketing platforms mentions names
such as eBay, Shopify, Skimlinks, VigLinks, ShareASale, PeerFly, StudioPress and many more.
3. Look for Products/ Services Others Promote: If you have a hard time finding products or
services to best fit your page or profile, what you should do is look for products people or blogs
similar to you, are recommending. This will give you an insight into what their audience is
interested in. If you already have a similar profile or page means that you probably have the same
audience so those are the products or services you should be advertising too.
4. Contact the Companies: Not all companies actively promote their affiliate marketing programs.
There are many companies that do not offer any kind of information about their affiliate programs
on their websites. This does not mean that the company has no such program. Reach out to any
company that has a product or a service that you like and would like to promote. By sending them
an email, the companies will tell you whether they have an affiliate program or not. If they
actually have an affiliate program, they will invite you in their program and will give you an
affiliate link. You literally have nothing to lose but a lot to gain.

What Do I Need to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing?

The answer to this question depends on your decision whether you want to be an affiliate or a merchant.
While merchants follow a different set of rules, as an affiliate marketer, you will be allowed to choose the
products you want to promote. Before you can choose what exactly you want to recommend to your
audience, you first need to have a platform to reach out to that audience from.
1. Create a Website: Today, most of the influencers around the world are affiliate marketers too,
therefore they use their social media accounts as a platform, to begin with. Some of them never
even create websites, since all the sales they aim to make, they achieve through their social media
influence. However, having your own website won’t hurt. It can actually help you a lot when
promoting products online. So, the first thing — make sure you are using the right blogging
platform. What does “right blogging platform” means? Well, because your main focus will be to
run affiliate marketing campaigns, you need your blogging platform to allow such operations.
Before you choose which platform you are going to use, you have to carefully read the terms,
conditions, and restrictions of each and every platform you are considering.
2. Add a Disclosure Page: trust is very hard to establish, and the only way for your audience to start
believing you and your words is by being honest to them. Adding a disclosure page on your
website will help you gain more credibility. Look at this example of WPBegginer disclosure

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page. When you are honest, it can do miracles. This kind of pages works to reveal how the creator
of the website actually makes their money.
3. Add Privacy Policies: This one is a must. If you do decide to create a website, then you will need
to have privacy policies as well as terms of service, added to your blog. On any website, the
privacy policy is one of the most important documents. Why? The reason is simple. Since you are
going to deal with clients and visitors of your page, they will want to know your procedures and
views on the information that you collect from them.

What are Affiliate Networks?

An affiliate network is an intermediary between the merchant and the affiliate marketer. Such networks
help the affiliates, the publishers, to find and participate in various affiliate programs more easily. The
affiliate networks also can help you, as an affiliate marketer, find something that is suitable for your
website, and they help the merchants reach to a larger crowd of publishers in order to inform them about
their affiliate programs.
There are many benefits for using affiliate networks for both, the merchants and the affiliate marketers.
Here are some of the many;
• Merchant’s benefits:
• Ad tracking technology,
• Payment Processing
• Access to a large database of publishers
• Reporting tools for ad campaign/s
• Affiliate’s benefits:
• Track campaign performance
• Track the earnings
• Easy to Join
• Easy to search for products and merchants
Top 6 Affiliate Marketing Networks
Following are the top 3 affiliate networks that you can, and I believe you should join.
1. Amazon Associates: Amazon’s affiliate marketing program is called Amazon Associates. As the
world’s largest e-commerce website with millions of products, Amazon Associates offers equally
many ways for merchants and affiliates to make money. Via this affiliate network, the marketers
are allowed to monetize the mobile apps they distribute on Google Play or the iOS App Store of
Amazon Marketplace. This is possible due to the reason Amazon offers the biggest choice of
digital and physical products.

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The top 3 features of Amazon Associates are:
• Flexible commission structure
• Top brand support
• Page system for influencers
Amazon Associate’s payment methods include cheque and bank transfers.The network pays off
monthly, and they have CPS commission type. It is free to join and very easy to use Amazon
Associates. As soon as you do that, you are free to start earning by sending people your own
affiliate links to a website they already use when they shop online.
2. LinkShare: LinkShare connects publishers and vendors together from all over the world, and
like most affiliate networks, they provide their own payment and tracking system. LinkShare is
one if the easier affiliate networks to join, making it suitable for beginners and experienced
marketers alike. Publishers will be able to access the LinkShare dashboard in order to track
commissions and payment history from a centralized location. Additionally, the dashboard
provides plenty of useful statistical information to help you track the performance of your
affiliate advertising campaign. LinkShare pays out only once your balance is $50 or higher.
3. Commission Junction: Recently rebranded to CJ Affiliate by Conversant, this is one of the
largest affiliate networks in the world. In recent years, the company has reimagined itself,
helping both publishers and vendors alike to succeed with affiliate marketing. By signing up to
their publisher’s service, you’ll be able to access thousands of digital products to advertise on
your website, and commissions are typically quite high. However, there are still a lot of poor-
quality digital products in the selection, so you’ll need to choose carefully to find something
suitable. CJ provides a range of useful publisher’s tools including affiliate links search, reporting,
product widgets and payment services.
4. ClickBank: Another major online marketplace connecting publishers with vendors of digital
content such as e-books and software products, ClickBank is suitable for both social media
marketers as well as those who have their own websites. It also provides some generous
commissions on many of its products, although again, it can take some searching to find the
relevant, quality products that you need in order to make enough sales. Commissions are
sometimes as high as 75%, and they also have a reliable payment system that allows you to earn
commissions on products purchased by buyers who clicked on your referral link as long as 60
days before actually making the purchase.
5. Share a Sale: Share a Sale is another high-end affiliate marketing network that operates a strict
no-software policy, instead focussing on physical products ranging from jewellery to clothing to
books and media and more. The network hosts almost 4,000 affiliate programs over a total of

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forty categories, and you can take a look at some of their top merchant programs without having
to sign up. Publishers can earn commissions of up to ten percent depending on the type of goods
sold. Share a Sale will pay affiliates whenever their account balance reaches $50 or more, and
they operate by a strict set of terms and conditions to ensure a quality service.
6. Google AdSense: Although not an affiliate platform in the same sense as the aforementioned
ones, since publishers don’t have much control over which ads are actually displayed on their
website, Google AdSense warrants a mention thanks to its immense popularity and the fact that
many affiliate marketers also use it. Installing the Google AdSense code is often the first thing
that people do to monetize their websites, and hundreds of thousands of websites all over the
world use it. Google AdSense displays context-relevant ads based on the content of the page that
they’re displayed on, and you get paid every time a visitor clicks on one of your ads.

Programmatic Marketing
Programmatic marketing is the term used to describe the practice of using automated bidding and
placement platforms that buy and sell digital ad space in real time. The decisions on the ad placements are
made using hyper-specific data including the target consumers age, location, career, and specific
consumer interests. This enables companies to launch hyper-targeted, extremely effective, ad campaigns
that yield the highest ROI.

This allows businesses to target consumers across the full range of the internet. For example, if the
algorithm determines that the most effective placement of the ad is on Facebook, then that is where it will
be placed. If the algorithm determines that the most effective use of the campaign funds is to direct the ad
to a more specialized website where there is a high concentration of targeted users, that is where it will be
placed. When creating a programmatic marketing campaign, the first step is to ask yourself, what does
your brand stand for? Is an irreverent brand? Is it a serious brand? It is critical to first think about who
you want to be at a higher level. It’s another form of customer-centricity. The best strategic approach is to
begin with a broad target audience and then revise the campaign continuously as more data becomes
available. Continuous iterative optimization is the best practice when deploying a programmatic
marketing strategy and is the answer for how to continually compounding better economics in any
marketing campaign. You can be outspent by your competitor, but you should never be “out-tested”.

A hugely differentiated factor of programmatic marketing is the sheer volume of tests you can actually
run, meaningfully in any given time period. An example of a highly effective programmatic marketing

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campaign was run by the digital and print publication The Economist. The Economist aimed to persuade
readers to try the publication which covers topics from technology and finance to books and arts. A
programmatic marketing approach allowed The Economist to customize its ads to its various target
audiences and created several specialized audience cohorts which received hyper-personalized ads. In
total more than 60 different ad versions, or unique personas, were created and resulted in 650,000 new
prospects and a 10:1 ROI.

In traditional marketing efforts the analysis and optimization of campaigns are established after they have
finished. Programmatic marketing ad campaigns are updated and optimized in real time.

Every business needs to think about implementing well executed programmatic marketing campaigns and
look at what are the best practices, themes, processes and apply it to your business since it will be a
uniquely powerful competitive differentiator. The concept of branding and programmatic marketing is no
longer only in the direct-to-consumer area.

Programmatic marketing can be especially valuable for B2B ad campaigns; in many B2C campaigns it is
beneficial to target a mass audience, however, in the B2B sector the target audience of key decision
makers is often much smaller / specialized and therefore is very well suited to a programmatic marketing
approach. This kind of data-driven targeting is just not possible with conventional display advertising that
is purchased upfront.

Other key benefits of programmatic marketing include:

• Allowing your team to focus on strategy instead of on mundane tasks such as creating ad orders.
• Creates more brand awareness through highly efficient CPMs (cost per thousand impressions).
• Optimizes exact best targeting in media buying.
• Reduces ad fraud through machine learning that helps identify fraudulent clicks.

Real Time bidding,

Real-time bidding ( RTB) is a subcategory of programmatic media buying. It refers to the practice of
buying and selling ads in real time on a per-impression basis in an instant auction. This is usually
facilitated by a supply-side platform (SSP) or an ad exchange.

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An SSP is software that lets publishers sell display, mobile and video ad impressions to potential buyers –
automatically and in real time. This includes ad exchanges, networks and demand side platforms (DSPs),
giving publishers greater control of their inventory and CPMs.
An ad exchange is how the supply-side feeds inventory into the ad exchange.
How does real-time bidding (RTB) work?
At any given moment, multiple advertisers can bid on a single impression of a publisher’s inventory, then
the winning ad (with the highest bid) is shown to the user. Through RTB, advertisers can apply fine-tuned
targeting and focus on the inventory most relevant to them. This, in turn, yields better ROI and higher
eCPMs. RTB also allows advertisers to adjust their campaign budgets in real-time in order to optimize
campaign performance. Take, for example, the moment in a mobile game where the player watches an ad
between game levels. At that moment, the mobile SSP runs an auction for all of the advertisers interested
in showing an ad to that player. The advertisers make their bid and, in a split-second, the highest bidder is
chosen. Their advertisement is then served to the player.

Publishers and advertisers can both set parameters for RTB, such as minimum prices and maximum bids,
as well as prioritize specific deals and inventory.

Why is real-time bidding important?

RTB is effective for advertisers and publishers. Let’s take a look at how RTB is useful for each:
• For advertisers: RTB means more streamlined, efficient and targeted buying. It provides them
with the ability to fine-tune targeting and focus on the most relevant inventory results in higher
ROI. Ultimately, users see more relevant ads.
• For publishers: RTB increases revenue and fill rates by opening inventory to a wider variety of
buyers in a competitive auction. Finally, publishers gain visibility of who is buying which
inventory and can leverage this knowledge to charge more for their premium placements.
Types of Programmatic Advertising,
For many in the digital advertising world, the term “programmatic” is synonymous with “Real-Time
Bidding,” or “RTB.” But as the industry has evolved, it becomes increasingly important to make the
distinction between the two. Simply put, RTB does not equal programmatic. RTB is a technology
protocol, and just one of many approaches to programmatic. We are witnessing an explosion of new
buying channels that better connect buyers and sellers, all with the aim of moving ad inventory higher up
the value chain and replicating the traditional direct buying process without the legacy inefficiencies that
go along with it.

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There are six major types of programmatic deal types, although we have yet to see industry-wide
consensus on how each is defined or the appropriate goals and strategies that accompany them. Here’s a
short cheat sheet of each of the six major types of programmatic advertising deals that hopefully decodes
some of the complexity around the many flavors or programmatic.

1. Open Marketplace RTB: Real-time bidding (RTB) is a technology that enables the buying and
selling of digital ad impressions through instantaneous auctions, facilitated by ad exchanges or
demand- and sell-side platforms. In the open marketplace, RTB impressions are available to all
2. Private Marketplace (PMP): These are customized, invitation-only marketplaces that provide
publishers with the ability to set aside certain ad inventory packages and sell it to a select buyer or
group of buyers with an emphasis on margin management for the seller. Unlike a direct buy,
which can be quite labor-intensive, buyers in a Private Marketplace use programmatic methods to
purchase from publishers.
3. Private Marketplace Guaranteed (PMPG): Similar to Private Marketplaces, a PMP
Guaranteed deal is also a customized, invitation-only marketplace, however it is one in which a
single premium publisher makes inventory and audiences available to a single buyer, thus
guaranteeing a total spend and audience. This effectively guarantees the delivery of the
impressions to the buyer.
4. Automated Guaranteed (AG): The automation of traditional digital direct sales often of
publishers’ most highly valued (e.g. premium) inventory. In Automated Guaranteed deals, the
RFP and campaign trafficking processes are automated, inventory and pricing are guaranteed,
deals are negotiated directly between sellers and buyers and facilitated by a technology platform.
Direct integration with publishers’ ad servers allow for real-time availability of impressions and
direct line item insertion for trafficking.
5. Automated Performance (AP): This is workflow automation, similar to Automated Guaranteed,
but for these deals campaign performance is guaranteed, rather than impressions. The two main
performance metrics for these deals are cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-install (CPI).
6. Spot Buying: Spot Buying transactions exist within an exchange environment with pre-
negotiated, fixed pricing (on things like CPM or CPC). Typically, these are given a higher
priority in the ad server than open marketplace or PMP transactions. These types of deals are the
result of advertiser demand for a more predictable offering within the exchange space.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Content writing

What is content writing?

Content writing can be defined as the form of online writing which is closely linked to web marketing
campaigns meaning creating the writing which appears on websites that are designed to sell or promote a
specific product. The act is professionally performed by content writers who work according to the brief
provided by a client.
A website content writer or web content writer specializes in providing relevant content for websites.
Every website has a specific target audience and requires different content.Content writing is a form of
online writing which is closely linked to web marketing campaigns. This means creating the writing
which appears on websites that are designed to sell or promote a specific product. Content writers work
according to the brief provided by a client.
Companies depend on content writers to perform several major tasks:
• Create content that allows the site visitors to get the information they want quickly and
• Create content pages and other pages which are SEO friendly
• Produce content to entice and engage visitors
• Ensure efficient and focused web content gives readers access to information in a user-friendly
• Create or copy edit to inform the reader

Content, at the most basic level, is information. Content on the web takes a variety of forms: blog posts,
social media posts, video and audio recordings, web pages, white papers and more. Content writers,
therefore, specialize in written content. Understanding the purpose of content is key to producing high-

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quality work. It’s meant to speak directly with a particular audience, such as customers, potential
customers, investors, employees, or other stakeholders. Content can be well-written, researched and
creatively conceived, but if it isn’t speaking to the intended audience, it’s not doing its job.
The 5 Core Principles of Content Writing Success
Principle #1: Do media, not marketing: Media to Brian includes all forms of content – interesting blog
posts, shareable infographics, or fun videos. And, unlike “marketing,” which people run away from,
media is something people want. Even seek out! When you create good media, it helps your audience feel
educated, informed, or entertained – all things people want. And, when you can give people what they
want, they’ll come back to you again and again for more.
Principle #2: Focus on your audience experience: The stereotypical marketing experience is that a
company targets you as a customer and absolutely floods you with a barrage of advertising. Most of it is
“interruption-based” marketing … the company tries to interrupt your daily pattern, so you have to pay
attention to them. But this isn’t the best way. Instead, think of your target prospect as someone you’d like
to have as a friend … someone you’d like to have in your life for a long, long time. How can you build a
deeper connection with him? What can you do to give him a warmer, happier experience interacting with
you, so he’s more willing to spend time with you? It’s a different mindset, but by training yourself to
build friendships and quality relationships based on a positive experience, you’re going to be able to get
better results over time for your clients than you will using invasive, interruption-based marketing.
Principle #3: Create the perception of premium access with user registration: Back in 1999, Brian
remembers that people would sign up for just about anything. These days, we’re much more cautious …
much less trusting about handing out our email addresses. We no longer want to deal with just anyone –
we only want to be a part of communities we can trust with our information. So, instead of trying to get
people to sign up for a newsletter or download a free report or even an app, try inviting people to become
a part of your community. When they register, they get a special level of access, and get to participate
with their fellow community members.
Principle #4: Map the journey: Along with changing trust levels and a bigger desire for a community
experience, Brian says that how we all use the web is changing. And, as a new web writer, you have the
chance to be at the forefront of this change by paying more attention to the whole journey a visitor takes
once he or she arrives at a website. Sometimes this is called “the buyer’s journey” or “the customer
experience.” The focus is on how a new visitor grows in your client’s community from a casual set of
eyeballs to a loyal, repeat customer. So, as you think about content for a new client, ask yourself what a
visitor will see first, where he’ll go next, and how that all ties back to his intentions when he sought out
your client in the first place.

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Principle #5: Successful content strategy = customer success: Many companies tend to think of their
own success. That doesn’t work these days … to get the best results over the long term, you want to
encourage your clients to focus on creating more success in the lives of their customers. Why this shift?
Well, the more you can help customers with good information and good products, the happier they’ll be
with your client’s company. Your audience will become more loyal … more satisfied … and, of course,
they’ll spend more money with you over time.

Why Blogs Matter

In addition to communicating valuable information to readers, blogs also serve important SEO purposes.
When they’re well-written, they relate to Google and other search engines that a website is authoritative
and relevant and that the writer well-versed on a given topic or in a given industry. Additionally, blogs are
a critical platform for any company that wants to build a well-rounded content strategy and are essential
to companies striving to bond with their clients and showcase their brand voice.

Without a blog, it’s difficult to build up a consistent brand voice, and companies are finding that blog
content consistently stands out as one of the most relevant and trustworthy sources of online content out
there. To be exact, they’re the fifth most trusted source of online content among readers. What’s more,
blogging has the potential to have a massive impact on a company’s leads and engagement rates. The
more blogs you publish, the more people will find their way to your site and its content. And if you’re
writing your blogs well, they’ll want to stay, share, and download.

Principles for writing content for blogs

If you want to learn how to write content for a blog, you’re in luck. These simple tips will help you get
1. First Things First: Know Your Audience: Knowing your audience is essential to writing good
blogs. If you’ve never built a target persona before, now is the time to do it. In addition to giving you an
idea of who you’re speaking to and what they care about, a target persona will also serve the critical
purpose of helping you get inside your readers’ heads and solve their most pressing problems for them.
When you understand your blog’s audience, everything else can flow naturally. It’s critical to remember
who your audience is throughout the writing process, and keep them in mind as you work to craft content
your readers can depend on.
2. Spend the Time to Craft Great Topics: Topics are the lifeblood of your blog, so it pays to come up
with great ones. If you’re having a difficult time harvesting blog topics, turn to trusty sources like your

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website FAQ and Quora. These are often untapped gold mines of great ideas and outstanding information,
so it pays to pay attention to them.As you craft the topics for your blog, pay attention to which perform
well and which don’t. This will give you a good idea of what you should be crafting going forward.
3. Make Your Hook Captivating: The hook, or the opening part of your article, is one of the most
important components of all of your content. With this in mind, spend some time making sure the
beginnings of your article are as good as possible. They should be constructed to grab your reader’s
attention and keep it. This means including relevant facts, stats, and information. It also means addressing
the reader directly and ensuring that you know your audience well enough to know what will appeal to
4. Organize Your Blogs to Make Them More Readable: While many people bypass this detail,
organizing and optimizing your blogs is essential. To make them as enjoyable as possible, organize them
into small, digestible chunks and ensure that you’re never presenting your readers with dense blocks of
information. In addition to making your content more user-friendly, breaking it into approachable pieces
will help to make it better for SEO.

How to Write Content for Twitter

Twitter has emerged as a tour de force in the world of social media. Twitter is a great place to share
thoughts and build your brand, but how do you craft tweets that get attention?
Why Use Twitter?
Today, Twitter is the platform that intersects with all of the various directions of technology and content.
Designed to offer rapid-fire updates and live streaming news and videos, Twitter is a social platform
designed to cater to mobile users (an estimated 80% of Twitter’s users are mobile), and enjoy the
maximum level of reach. Today, there are 500 million tweets sent each day, and Twitter is doing things
each day to adjust its upward mobility and cater even more effectively to changing markets.

Changes to the 280 Character Limit

While some Twitter users have always loved the 140-character limit, others view it as impossibly
restrictive and frustrating, Fortunately, Twitter took the bull by the horns and make a large step earlier
this year to make the 140-character limit a little more flexible for its users and now its 280 words.
How to Write Content for Twitter: Follow These 7 Rules
To write content for Twitter that your readers actually want to engage with, follow these simple rules:
1. Be engaging: Twitter doesn’t allow a bunch of room for chatter, so it’s important to be engaging and
let your content rest on that. Since tweets are only 280 characters (not counting the recent updates to that

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limit), you’ll need to pack all of your efforts into a small space. The best bet to be engaging in this type of
climate is to speak directly to your target audience. When your Tweets are highly customized and
personalized, they’ll have an easier time capturing your readers’ attention and will survive Twitter’s
inherently short content lifespan (which is only 18 minutes) a bit more effectively.
2. Add a shortened URL: While a typical URL will eat up all of your Tweet space, a shortened URL is a
great way to drive twitter followers back to your site. With this in mind, use a site like Bitly or Buffer to
shorten URLs and add them to your tweets. This will allow you to enjoy a traffic boost without sacrificing
much room in your tweet in the process.
3. Use trending hashtags: Hashtags are the skeletal structure of Twitter. To be sure your tweet performs
as well as possible add a hashtag. Bonus points if it is a trending hashtag. In addition to branding your
tweet, hashtags can dramatically enhance your visibility on the network and can easily make it so that
other Twitter users can find you and interact with your posted material.
4. Add an image: There are not many places in the world wide web that images don’t help content, and
Twitter is no exception. In fact, Buffer reports that simply adding an image to a Tweet boosts retweets by
35% To help your tweet perform well, add an image, video, or GIF to the content you post. In addition to
grabbing reader attention, this simple addition will also go a long way toward boosting your post’s
engagement and helping it make its way around the web more efficiently.
5. Talk to people rather than at them: Twitter is a highly personal platform, and your tone will go a
long way toward defining whether your Tweets welcome your readers or alienate them. To keep your
tone helpful and friendly, be sure to talk with people rather than talking at them. While it’s easy to feel
like the people on Twitter are some distant crowd you’ll never meet, thinking of them as your friends and
relatives can help you craft a voice that’s welcoming and exciting. Struggling with how, exactly to do
this? Don’t fear. Think about conducting your Twitter engagement just like you would a conversation
with a friend. Focus on fostering a back-and-froth and developing topics, ideas, and conversational
directions that are interesting to your readers. While this is a tiny step, making your Tweets more
conversational and personal can truly have a massive impact on how effective your Twitter presence is at
generating leads and promoting engagement.
6. Add your sense of humor to Tweets: Humor is a powerful tool on Twitter, and it’s great for drawing
people in from various parts of the web. As a general rule, though, you’ll just need to be sure that your
humor is appropriate and professional enough that it can be passed along the web without harming your
company or your brand.
7. Incorporate viral words: Twitter relies heavily on viral words and phrases that tell people what to do
and when to do it. To use these in your Tweets, check out a list of the most-used viral words and phrases

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and incorporate them into your Tweets. While it may seem like a simple step, this can go a long way
toward making your Twitter presence more engaging and compelling for your readers.

How to Write Content for Mobile

1. Stay on top — Putting attention-grabbing text first has always been important — more so with mobile.
For example, email summaries can appear in on-screen windows, so you want to catch as many eyes as
2. Less is more — Keep email, blog, and website headlines short. Crop copy to only one or two main
ideas per page.
3. Link it — If you’re writing for more than one device, one way to “mobilize” longer website or blog
content is to separate it into different pages and add click here to read more or next page links at the
4. Scannability — Make your text easier on the eyes; my newsletter features more online content
formatting advice.

5. Personality — It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got some zing. Pizzazz suits the smaller screen. It’s
more about what you say and how you say it. People tend to see themselves in their smartphones and in
their tablets. The more personal nature of these devices means your content should be more personal, too
— emphasize “you” more than “I.”
Responsive Design: A Must-Have for Mobile Users
While making your content readable on a mobile devise is essential, you’ll also need to incorporate
responsive design to get the most ROI from your website. Responsive design basically indicates that your
site is responsive to mobile users on different devices. It means it will function just as well on an iPhone
as it will on an iPad or Android device. When your site is highly responsive, you run a lower risk of
losing users for a lack of functionality, and a higher likelihood of turning more visitors into customers.
A site that is built on a responsive system pays attention to things like screen size and resolution. It
automatically adjusts based on the needs of the user to give them the optimum experience. That means
text, media, and even videos shift automatically so that everything operates flawlessly on your site.

Why Use Responsive Design?

Much like writing mobile-friendly content is essential today, responsive design is, as well. Here’s why:

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• It’s Recommended by Google. While there’s been some speculation about whether it’s a ranking
factor, Google has made it clear they prefer responsive sites.
• Responsive Sites Are Indexed Faster. Indexing can take place more rapidly when bots don’t
have multiple URLs to drawl through.
• You’ll Save Time and Money on Website Development. Since responsive sites self-adjust to
various mobile platforms, you won’t have to spend as much time altering your site down the road.
• It’s Simple. Today, you can use one CMS to load everything you need to your site and maintain
it accordingly.

Cyber Laws
What is a cyber crime?
Cyber Crime is not defined officially in IT Act or in any other legislation. In fact, it cannot be too.
Offence or crime has been dealt with elaborately listing various acts and the punishments for each,
under the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and related legislations. Hence, the concept of cyber crime is
just a “combination of crime and computer”.
Cybercrime in a narrow sense (computer crime): Any illegal behavior directed by means of
electronic operations that targets the security of computer systems and the data processed by them.
Cybercrime in a broader sense (computer-related crime): Any illegal behavior committed by
means of, or in relation to, a computer system or network, including such crimes as illegal
possession and offering or distributing information by means of a computer system or network.
• Any contract for the sale or conveyance of immovable property or any interest in such
• Any such class of documents or transactions as may be notified by the Central Government

Cyber crime, or computer crime, refers to any illegal action that involves a network or computer. In this
sense, the network or computer may have been used to commit a crime or may be the target of a crime. In
the latter scenario, a hacker or computer thief, for instance, may steal information that was stored on the
targeted system. Many times people may be confused as to the classification of what constitutes cyber
crime. Although this classification is somewhat confusing, due to the relative novelty field or lack of

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tangible nature, cyber crime refers to any illegal action that is committed through an electronic-based
medium or targets a computer-based platform.
When debating what is cyber crime, you must evaluate whether an illegal action was committed through
the use of or on a computer. Cyber Law, which may be classified as “Computer Law”, is considered to be
one of the most recently-developed legal fields as a result of the ongoing advent of computer-based
technology. The presence of cyber crimes relies heavily on the Internet and online activity, and as a
result, regulations and oversight of this type of activity has been expressed in the spectrum of Cyber Law.
Cyber Law is a fairly expansive legal field that consists of a variety of avenues and jurisdictions,
including the ethical and moral use of the Internet for lawful and legal purposes.

Cyber Crimes in India- What is, Types, Web Hijacking, Cyber Stalking
The advancement of technology has made man dependent on Internet for all his needs. Internet has given
man easy access to everything while sitting at one place. Social networking, online shopping, storing data,
gaming, online studying, online jobs, every possible thing that man can think of can be done through the
medium of internet. Internet is used in almost every sphere. With the development of the internet and its
related benefits also developed the concept of cyber crimes. Cyber crimes are committed in different
forms. A few years back, there was lack of awareness about the crimes that could be committed through
internet. In the matters of cyber crimes, India is also not far behind the other countries where the rate of
incidence of cyber crimes is also increasing day by day.

In a report published by the National Crime Records Bureau report (NCRB 2016), the incidence of cyber
crimes under the IT Act has increased by 85.4% in the year 2015 as compared to 2014 in India, whereas
the increase in incidence of the crime under IPC is by 18.5% as compared to the year 2016.
Visakhapatnam records the maximum number of incidence of cases. Maharashtra has emerged as the
center of cyber crime with maximum number of incidence of registered cases under cyber crimes.
Hacking with computer systems and obscene publication were the main cases under IT Act for cyber
crimes. Maximum offenders arrested for cyber crimes were in the age group 18-30 years. 563 people in
the age group 18-30 years were arrested in the year 2010 which had increased to 883 in the year 2016.


Cyber crimes can be defined as the unlawful acts where the computer is used either as a tool or a target or
both. The term is a general term that covers crimes like phishing, credit card frauds, bank robbery, illegal
downloading, industrial espionage, child pornography, kidnapping children via chat rooms, scams, cyber
terrorism, creation and/or distribution of viruses, Spam and so on. Cyber crime is a broad term that is

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used to define criminal activity in which computers or computer networks are a tool, a target, or a place of
criminal activity and include everything from electronic cracking to denial of service attacks. It also
covers the traditional crimes in which computers or networks are used to enable the illicit activity.


Cyber Crimes can be categorized in two ways:
a. The crimes in which the computer is the target. Examples of such crimes are hacking,
virus attacks, DOS attack etc.
b. The crime sin which the computer is used as a weapon. These types of crimes include
cyber terrorism, IPR violations, credit card frauds, EFT frauds, pornography etc.


The different kinds of cyber crimes are:
1. Unauthorized Access and Hacking: Unauthorized access means any kind of access without the
permission of either of the rightful or person in charge of the computer, computer system or computer
network. Hacking means an illegal intrusion into a computer system and/or network. Every act committed
towards breaking into a computer and/or network is hacking. Hackers write or use ready-made computer
programs to attack the target computer. They possess the desire to destruct and they get the kick out of
such destruction. Some hackers hack for personal monetary gains, such as to stealing the credit card
information, transferring money from various bank accounts to their own account followed by withdrawal
of money. Government websites are the most targeted sites for the hackers.
2. Web Hijacking: Web hijacking means taking forceful control of another person’s website. In this case
the owner of the website loses control over his website and its content.
3. Pornography: Pornography means showing sexual acts in order to cause sexual excitement. The
definition of pornography also includes pornographic websites, pornographic magazines produced using
computer and the internet pornography delivered over mobile phones.
4. Child Pornography: The Internet is being highly used as a medium to sexually abuse children. The
children are viable victim to the cyber crime. Computers and internet having become a necessity of every
household, the children have got an easy access to the internet. There is an easy access to the
pornographic contents on the internet. Pedophiles lure the children by distributing pornographic material
and then they try to meet them for sex or to take their nude photographs including their engagement in
sexual positions. Sometimes Pedophiles contact children in the chat rooms posing as teenagers or a child
of similar age and then they start becoming friendlier with them and win their confidence. Then slowly

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pedophiles start sexual chat to help children shed their inhibitions about sex and then call them out for
personal interaction. Then starts actual exploitation of the children by offering them some money or
falsely promising them good opportunities in life. The pedophiles then sexually exploit the children either
by using them as sexual objects or by taking their pornographic pictures in order to sell those over the
5. Cyber Stalking: In general terms, stalking can be termed as the repeated acts of harassment targeting
the victim such as following the victim, making harassing phone calls, killing the victims pet, vandalizing
victims property, leaving written messages or objects. Stalking may be followed by serious violent acts
such as physical harm to the victim. Cyber Stalking means repeated acts of harassment or threatening
behavior of the cyber criminal towards the victim by using internet services. Both kind of Stalkers i.e.,
Online & Offline – have desire to control the victims life.
6. Denial of service Attack: This is an attack in which the criminal floods the bandwidth of the victim’s
network or fills his e-mail box with spam mail depriving him of the services he is entitled to access or
provide. This kind of attack is designed to bring the network to crash by flooding it with useless traffic.
Another variation to a typical denial of service attack is known as a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
attack wherein the perpetrators are many and are geographically widespread. Many DoS attacks, such as
the Ping of Death and Teardrop attacks, exploit limitations in the TCp/IP protocols. For all known DoS
attacks, there are software fixes that system administrators can install to limit the damage caused by the
attacks. But, like Virus, new DoS attacks are constantly being dreamed up by Hacker.
7. Virus attacks: Viruses are the programs that have the capability to infect other programs and make
copies of itself and spread into other program. Programs that multiply like viruses but spread from
computer to computer are called as worms. These are malicious software that attach themselves to other
software. Virus, worms, Trojan Horse, Time bomb, Logic Bomb, Rabbit and Bacterium are the malicious.
Viruses usually affect the data on a computer, either by altering or deleting it. On the other hand worms
merely make functional copies of themselves and do this repeatedly till they eat up all the available.
Trojan Horse is a program that acts like something useful but do the things that are quiet damping.
Trojans come in two parts, a Client part and a Server part. When the victim (unknowingly) runs the server
on its machine, the attacker will then use the Client to connect to the Server and start using the Trojan.
TCP/IP protocol is the usual protocol type used for communications, but some functions of the Trojans
use the UDP protocol as well.
8. Software Piracy: Software piracy refers to the illegal copying of genuine programs or the
counterfeiting and distribution of products intended to pass for the original. These kind of crimes also
include copyright infringement, trademarks violations, theft of computer source code, patent violations
etc. Domain names are also trademarks and protected by ICANN’s domain dispute resolution policy and

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also under trademark laws. Cyber squatters register domain name identical to popular service provider’s
name so as to attract their users and get benefit from them .
9. Salami attacks : These attacks are used for the commission of financial crimes. The key here is to
make the alteration so insignificant that in a single case it would go completely unnoticed. E.g. a bank
employee inserts a program, into the bank’s servers, that deducts a small amount of money (say Rs. 5 a
month) from the account of every customer. No account holder will probably notice this unauthorized
debit, but the bank employee will make a sizable amount of money every month.
10. Phishing: Phishing is the act of sending an e-mail to a user falsely claiming to be an established
legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information that will be used
for identity theft. The e-mail directs the user to visit a web site where they are asked to update personal
information, such as passwords and credit card, social security, and bank account numbers that the
legitimate organization already has. The Web site, however, is bogus and set up only to steal the user’s
information. By spamming large groups of people, the phisher counted on the e-mail being read by a
percentage of people who actually had listed credit card numbers with legitimately.
11. Sale of illegal articles: This category of cyber crimes includes sale of narcotics, weapons and wildlife
etc., by posting information on websites, auction websites, and bulletin boards or simply by using email
12. Online gambling: There are millions of websites; all hosted on servers abroad, that offer online
gambling. In fact, it is believed that many of these websites are actually fronts for money laundering.
Cases of hawala transactions and money laundering over the Internet have been reported.
13. Email spoofing: Email spoofing refers to email that appears to originate from one source but actually
has been sent from another source. Email spoofing can also cause monetary damage.
14. Cyber Defamation: When a person publishes defamatory matter about someone on a website or
sends e-mails containing defamatory information to all of that person’s friends, it is termed as cyber
15. Forgery: Computers, printers and scanners are used to forge counterfeit currency notes, postage and
revenue stamps, mark sheets etc. These are made using computers, and high quality scanners and printers.

16. Theft of information contained in electronic form : This includes theft of information stored in
computer hard disks, removable storage media etc.
17. Email bombing: Email bombing refers to sending a large number of emails to the victim resulting in
the victim’s email account (in case of an individual) or mail servers (in case of a company or an email
service provider) crashing.

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18. Data diddling (also called false data entry) is : This kind of an attack involves altering raw data
just before it is processed by a computer and then changing it back after the processing is completed. Data
diddling involves changing data prior or during input into a computer. The information is changed from
the way it should be entered by a person typing in the data, a virus that changes data, the programmer of
the database or application, or anyone else involved in the process of having information stored in a
computer file. It also include automatic changing the financial information for some time before
processing and then restoring original information.
19. Internet time theft: Internet time refers to usage by an unauthorized person of the Internet hours paid
for by another person.
20. Theft of computer system: This type of offence involves the theft of a computer, some part(s) of a
computer or a peripheral attached to the computer.
21. Physically damaging a computer system: This crime is committed by physically damaging a
computer or its peripherals.
22. Breach of Privacy and Confidentiality: Privacy refers to the right of an individual/s to determine
when, how and to what extent his or her personal data will be shared with others. Breach of privacy
means unauthorized use or distribution or disclosure of personal information. Confidentiality means non
disclosure of information to unauthorized or unwanted persons. In addition to Personal information some
other type of information which useful for business and leakage of such information to other persons may
cause damage to business or person, such information should be protected. Generally for protecting
secrecy of such information, parties while sharing information forms an agreement about he procedure of
handling of information and to not to disclose such information to third parties or use it in such a way that
it will be disclosed to third parties. Many times party or their employees leak such valuable information
for monitory gains and causes breach of contract of confidentiality. Special techniques such as Social
Engineering are commonly used to obtain confidential information.
23. E-commerce/ Investment Frauds: An offering that uses false or fraudulent claims to solicit
investments or loans, or that provides for the purchase, use, or trade of forged or counterfeit securities.
Merchandise or services that were purchased or contracted by individuals online are never delivered. The
fraud attributable to the misrepresentation of a product advertised for sale through an Internet auction site
or the non-delivery of products purchased through an Internet auction site. Investors are enticed to invest
in this fraudulent scheme by the promises of abnormally high profits.
24. Cyber Terrorism: Targeted attacks on military installations, power plants, air traffic control, banks,
trail traffic control, telecommunication networks are the most likely targets. Others like police, medical,
fire and rescue systems etc. Cyber terrorism is an attractive option for modern terrorists for several
reasons. It is cheaper than traditional terrorist methods. Cyber terrorism is more anonymous than

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traditional terrorist methods. The variety and number of targets are enormous. Cyber terrorism can be
conducted remotely, a feature that is especially appealing to terrorists. Cyber terrorism has the potential to
affect directly a larger number of people.

The list of offenses given above is not exhaustive and would also include any other types of offenses that
would be committed through a computer or against a computer in the future

Information Technology Act

Objectives of IT legislation in India

The Government of India enacted its Information Technology Act 2000 with the objectives stating officially
“to provide legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of electronic data interchange and
other means of electronic communication, commonly referred to as “electronic commerce”, which involve
the use of alternatives to paper-based methods of communication and storage of information, to facilitate
electronic filing of documents with the Government agencies and further to amend the Indian Penal Code,
the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, the Bankers’ Books Evidence Act, 1891 and the Reserve Bank of India Act,
1934 and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.”

The Information Technology Act, 2000, was passed on 9 June 200 and was made effective from 17
October 2000. It was enacted by Parliament of India to protect the field of e-commerce, e-governance,
e-banking as well as penalties and punishments in the field of cyber crimes. The Information
Technology Act, 2000 basically deals with the legal recognition of electronic documents and that of
digital signatures.
The Act essentially deals with the following issues:
• Legal Recognition of Electronic Documents
• Legal Recognition of Digital Signatures
• Offenses and Contraventions
• Justice Dispensation Systems for cyber crimes.
The scope and applicability of ITA-2000 was increased by its amendment in 2008.
Why did the need for IT Amendment Act 2008 (ITAA) arise?
The IT Act 2000, being the first legislation on technology, computers, e-commerce and e-communication,

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the was the subject of extensive debates, elaborate reviews with one arm of the industry criticizing some
sections of the Act to be draconian and other stating it is too diluted and lenient. There were some obvious
omissions too resulting in the investigators relying more and more on the time-tested (one and half
century-old) Indian Penal Code even in technology based cases with the IT Act also being referred in the
process with the reliance more on IPC rather on the ITA.
Thus the need for an amendment – a detailed one – was felt for the I.T. Act. Major industry bodies were
consulted and advisory groups were formed to go into the perceived lacunae in the I.T. Act and
comparing it with similar legislations in other nations and to suggest recommendations. Such
recommendations were analyzed and subsequently taken up as a comprehensive Amendment Act and
after considerable administrative procedures, the consolidated amendment called the Information
Technology Amendment Act 2008 was placed in the Parliament and passed at the end of 2008 (just after
Mumbai terrorist attack of 26 November 2008 had taken place). The IT Amendment Act 2008 got the
President assent on 5 Feb 2009 and was made effective from 27 October 2009.

Highlights of Information Technology Act 2000:

Section 43 deals with penalties and compensation for damage to computer, computer system etc. This
Section addresses the civil offence of theft of data. If any person without permission of the owner or any
other person who is in charge of a computer, accesses or downloads, copies or extracts any data or
introduces any computer contaminant like virus or damages or disrupts any computer or denies access to a
computer to an authorised user or tampers etc…he shall be liable to pay damages to the person so
Thus the new Section 43-A dealing with compensation for failure to protect data was introduced in
the ITAA -2008
Section 65: Concealing, destroying, altering any computer source code when the same is required to be
kept or maintained by law and Fabrication of an electronic record or committing forgery by way of
interpolations in CD produced as evidence in a court is an offence punishable with three years
imprisonment or two lakh rupees or with both.
Section 66: Computer related offences are dealt with under this Section. Data theft stated in Section 43 is
referred to in this Section. Whereas it was a plain and simple civil offence with the remedy
of compensation and damages only, in that Section, here it is the same act but with a criminal
intention thus making it a criminal offence. The act of data theft or the offence stated in Section 43 if
done dishonestly or fraudulently becomes a punishable offence under this Section and attracts
imprisonment upto three years or a fine of five lakh rupees or both. Earlier hacking was defined in Sec 66

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and it was an offence.
Hacking is the unauthorized access to a computer system, programs, data and network resources. If
crime is proved under IT Act, accused shall be punished for imprisonment, which may extend to
three years or with fine, which may extend to five lakh rupees or both. e-mail spoofing is e-mail activity
in which the sender addresses and other parts of the e-mail header are altered to appear as though the e-
mail originated from a different source. E-mail spoofing is sending an e-mail to another person in such a
way that it appears that the e-mail was sent by someone else. Spoofing is the act of electronically
disguising one computer as another for gaining as the password system.
Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008, crime of identity theft under Section 66-C, whoever,
fraudulently or dishonestly make use of the electronic signature, password or any other
unique identification feature of any other person known as identity theft.

Section 66A Information Technology Act 2000 and Social Media

. The Section 66 A of the IT Act reads asunder:
Section 66A:
Punishment for sending offensive messages through communication service etc.
• Any person who sends, by means of a computer resource or a communication device,
• Any information that is grossly offensive or has menacing character, or
• Any information which he knows to be false, but for the purpose of causing annoyance,
inconvenience, danger, obstruction, insult, injury, criminal intimidation , enmity, hatred, or ill
will, persistently makes by making use of such computer resource or communication device.
• Any electronic mail or electronic mail message for the purpose of causing annoyance or
inconvenience or to deceive or to mislead the addressee or recipient about the origin of such

Shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and with fine.
For the purposes of this section terms Electronic mail• and Electronic Mail Message• means a message
or information created or transmitted or received on a computer, computer system, computer resource or
communication device including attachments in text, image, audio, video and any other electronic record,
which may be transmitted with the message.

This section by its interpretation is wide enough to cover all kinds of messages, mails, comments which
can be offensive or unwarranted. The message can be in form of text, image, audio, video or any other

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electronic record which can be transmitted. In the current scenario such sweeping powers under the IT
Act provides a tool in the hands of the Government to curb the misuse of the social media in any form.
The original Section 66 of the IT Act 2000 was limited to extent of handling the offenses of hacking
which proved to be ineffective in tackling the problems of wrongful emails, messages and campaigns on
the social media like facebook. This amendment was brought in and Section 66A of the IT Act was
inserted in the statute book to tackle all such kinds of problems on the internet. By its simple definition
the Section 66 A of the IT Act gives widest powers to stop any kind of objectionable email, messages on
the social media, SMS etc. Some critics have come out very heavily on Section 66A of the IT Act
claiming that it is draconian and prone to be misused by the law enforcing machinery. Such absolute
powers in the hands of law enforcing machinery may jerpardize the freedom of expression or the right of
freedom of an individual is the moot point now.
One has to see this Section 66A Information Technology Act 2000 and Social Media from the point of
view of the freedom of expression granted under the Indian Constitution which is based on the principles
of co existence of the rights of the fellow citizen and the State. Freedom of expression is not an absolute
freedom which anybody can claim to enjoy in disregard of the existence of others rights of the duties of
the state and the public order. It is always subject to certain restrictions which the State may impose in the
interest of the citizen or the country.
The original Section 66 of the IT Act was intended to handle the problem of hacking and other related
aspects but the insertion of Section 66A of the IT Act subsequently it is now equipped to handle even the
social media which may be a matter of concern for all of us. Thus Section 66 A of the IT Act now
empowers the law enforcing machinery to take legal action against any offensive, unwarranted comment,
material or exposure to the extent that it may jeopardize the freedom of expression as enshrined under
Article 19 (1) (g) of Indian Constitution and right to personal liberty as enshrined under Article 19 of the
Constitution of India. If taken to judicial determination, this section may not sustain the rigors of and may
be stuck down by any court.

Common Cyber-crime scenarios and Applicability of Legal Sections

Let us look into some common cyber-crime scenarios which can attract prosecution as per the
penalties and offences prescribed in IT Act 2000 (amended via 2008) Act.
▪ Harassment via fake public profile on social networking site
A fake profile of a person is created on a social networking site with the correct address,
residential information or contact details but he/she is labelled as ‘prostitute’ or a person of
‘loose character’. This leads to harassment of the victim. Provisions Applicable:- Sections
66A, 67 of IT Act and Section 509 of the Indian Penal Code.

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▪ Online Hate Community
Online hate community is created inciting a religious group to act or pass objectionable
remarks against a country, national figures etc.Provisions Applicable: Section 66A of IT Act
and 153A & 153B of the Indian Penal Code.
▪ Email Account Hacking
If victim’s email account is hacked and obscene emails are sent to people in victim’s
address book.Provisions Applicable:- Sections 43, 66, 66A, 66C, 67, 67A and 67B of IT Act.
▪ Credit Card Fraud
Unsuspecting victims would use infected computers to make online transactions.Provisions
Applicable:- Sections 43, 66, 66C, 66D of IT Act and section 420 of the IPC.
▪ Web Defacement
The homepage of a website is replaced with a pornographic or defamatory page.
Government sites generally face the wrath of hackers on symbolic days.Provisions
Applicable:- Sections 43 and 66 of IT Act and Sections 66F, 67 and 70 of IT Act also apply
in some cases.
▪ Introducing Viruses, Worms, Backdoors, Rootkits, Trojans, Bugs
All of the above are some sort of malicious programs which are used to destroy or gain
access to some electronic information. Provisions Applicable:- Sections 43, 66, 66A of IT
Act and Section 426 of Indian Penal Code.
▪ Cyber Terrorism
Many terrorists are use virtual (GDrive, FTP sites) and physical storage media (USB’s, hard
drives) for hiding information and records of their illicit business. Provisions Applicable:
Conventional terrorism laws may apply along with Section 69 of IT Act.
▪ Online sale of illegal Articles
Where sale of narcotics, drugs weapons and wildlife is facilitated by the Internet Provisions
Applicable:- Generally conventional laws apply in these cases.
▪ Cyber Pornography
Among the largest businesses on Internet. Pornography may not be illegal in many
countries, but child pornography is.Provisions Applicable:- Sections 67, 67A and 67B of the
IT Act.
▪ Phishing and Email Scams
Phishing involves fraudulently acquiring sensitive information through masquerading a site
as a trusted entity. (E.g. Passwords, credit card information)Provisions Applicable:- Section
66, 66A and 66D of IT Act and Section 420 of IPC

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▪ Theft of Confidential Information
Many business organizations store their confidential information in computer systems. This
information is targeted by rivals, criminals and disgruntled employees.Provisions
Applicable:- Sections 43, 66, 66B of IT Act and Section 426 of Indian Penal Code.
▪ Source Code Theft
A Source code generally is the most coveted and important “crown jewel” asset of a
company.Provisions applicable:- Sections 43, 66, 66B of IT Act and Section 63 of Copyright
▪ Tax Evasion and Money Laundering
Money launderers and people doing illegal business activities hide their information in
virtual as well as physical activities. Provisions Applicable: Income Tax Act and Prevention
of Money Laundering Act. IT Act may apply case-wise.
▪ Online Share Trading Fraud
It has become mandatory for investors to have their demat accounts linked with their online
banking accounts which are generally accessed unauthorized, thereby leading to share
trading frauds.Provisions Applicable: Sections 43, 66, 66C, 66D of IT Act and Section 420
of IPC


What is copy right: Copyright is a legal right created by the law of a country that grants the creator of an
original work exclusive rights for its use and distribution. This is usually only for a limited time. A
copyright protects certain “forms of expression.” This includes works of art as well as written materials. It
does not include an entire broad subject or topic, but rather only what you might express about that
subject or topic. You can't copyright World War II, but you can copyright a book you wrote about it. A
copyright is granted to the individual who creates a form of expression. It most often relates to intellectual
property rather than a tangible creation. You can formally register a copyright, but you might also have an
automatic protection of your rights even without registering something you created.

Copyright protection is available for original works of authorship that are fixed in a tangible form,
whether published or unpublished. The categories of works that can be protected by copyright laws
include paintings, literary works, live performances, photographs, movies, and software.

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A Copyright Owner's Rights: The primary goal of copyright law is to protect the time, effort, and
creativity of the work's creator. As such, the Copyright Act gives the copyright owner certain exclusive
rights, including the right to:
• Reproduce the work
• Prepare "derivative works" (other works based on the original work)
• Distribute copies of the work by sale, lease, or other transfer of ownership
• Perform the work publicly
• Display the work publicly

The copyright owner also has the right to authorize other people to do any of the rights mentioned above.
The copyright owner has the option and ability to transfer his or her exclusive rights -- or any subdivision
of those rights -- to others as well. The Copyright Office does not have forms for these transfers, so a
transfer of copyright is usually done through a contract. It is not legally required for a transfer to be
recorded with the Copyright Office, but having a legal record of the transaction is often a good idea.
If an author or artist creates a work for a company or in the course of his or her employment, the creator is
usually not the copyright owner. This situation is known as a "work made for hire," and it gives copyright
ownership to the employer or person who commissioned the work. A work made for hire situation can
occur when an independent contractor is hired to create a particular work, or if the work is created by an
employee while he or she is on the job. For example, if an employee writes articles for a company, the
company is the copyright owner not the actual writer.
Copyright Law in India: Copyright is a form of intellectual property protection granted under Indian
law to the creators of original works of authorship such as literary works (including computer programs,
tables and compilations including computer databases which may be expressed in words, codes, schemes
or in any other form, including a machine readable medium), dramatic, musical and artistic works,
cinematographic films and sound recordings.
Copyright law protects expressions of ideas rather than the ideas themselves. Under section 13 of the
Copyright Act 1957, copyright protection is conferred on literary works, dramatic works, musical works,
artistic works, cinematograph films and sound recording. For example, books, computer programs are
protected under the Act as literary works.
Copyright refers to a bundle of exclusive rights vested in the owner of copyright by virtue of Section 14
of the Act. These rights can be exercised only by the owner of copyright or by any other person who is
duly licensed in this regard by the owner of copyright. These rights include the right of adaptation, right
of reproduction, right of publication, right to make translations, communication to public etc.

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Copyright protection is conferred on all Original literary, artistic, musical or dramatic, cinematograph and
sound recording works. Original means, that the work has not been copied from any other source.
Copyright protection commences the moment a work is created, and its registration is optional. However
it is always advisable to obtain a registration for a better protection. Copyright registration does not confer
any rights and is merely a prima facie proof of an entry in respect of the work in the Copyright Register
maintained by the Registrar of Copyrights.
As per Section 17 of the Act, the author or creator of the work is the first owner of copyright. An
exception to this rule is that, the employer becomes the owner of copyright in circumstances where the
employee creates a work in the course of and scope of employment.
Copyright registration is invaluable to a copyright holder who wishes to take a civil or criminal action
against the infringer. Registration formalities are simple and the paperwork is least. In case, the work has
been created by a person other than employee, it would be necessary to file with the application, a copy of
the assignment deed.
One of the supreme advantages of copyright protection is that protection is available in several countries
across the world, although the work is first published in India by reason of India being a member of Berne
Convention. Protection is given to works first published in India, in respect of all countries that are
member states to treaties and conventions to which India is a member. Thus, without formally applying
for protection, copyright protection is available to works first published in India, across several countries.
Also, the government of India has by virtue of the International Copyright Order, 1999, extended
copyright protection to works first published outside India.

Indian perspective on copyright protection:

The Copyright Act, 1957 provides copyright protection in India. It confers copyright protection in the
following two forms:
(A) Economic rights of the author, and
(B) Moral Rights of the author.
(A) Economic Rights: The copyright subsists in original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works;
cinematographs films and sound recordings. The authors of copyright in the aforesaid works enjoy
economic rights u/s 14 of the Act. The rights are mainly, in respect of literary, dramatic and musical,
other than computer program, to reproduce the work in any material form including the storing of it in
any medium by electronic means, to issue copies of the work to the public, to perform the work in public
or communicating it to the public, to make any cinematograph film or sound recording in respect of the
work, and to make any translation or adaptation of the work. In the case of computer program, the author
enjoys in addition to the aforesaid rights, the right to sell or give on hire, or offer for sale or hire any copy

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

of the computer program regardless whether such copy has been sold or given on hire on earlier
occasions. In the case of an artistic work, the rights available to an author include the right to reproduce
the work in any material form, including depiction in three dimensions of a two dimensional work or in
two dimensions of a three dimensional work, to communicate or issues copies of the work to the public,
to include the work in any cinematograph work, and to make any adaptation of the work. In the case of
cinematograph film, the author enjoys the right to make a copy of the film including a photograph of any
image forming part thereof, to sell or give on hire or offer for sale or hire, any copy of the film, and to
communicate the film to the public. These rights are similarly available to the author of sound recording.
In addition to the aforesaid rights, the author of a painting, sculpture, drawing or of a manuscript of a
literary, dramatic or musical work, if he was the first owner of the copyright, shall be entitled to have a
right to share in the resale price of such original copy provided that the resale price exceeds rupees ten
(B) Moral Rights: Section 57 of the Act defines the two basic “moral rights” of an author. These are:
(i) Right of paternity, and
(ii) Right of integrity.
The right of paternity refers to a right of an author to claim authorship of work and a right to prevent all
others from claiming authorship of his work. Right of integrity empowers the author to prevent distortion,
mutilation or other alterations of his work, or any other action in relation to said work, which would be
prejudicial to his honour or reputation. The proviso to section 57(1) provides that the author shall not
have any right to restrain or claim damages in respect of any adaptation of a computer program to which
section 52 (1)(aa) applies (i.e. reverse engineering of the same). It must be noted that failure to display a
work or to display it to the satisfaction of the author shall not be deemed to be an infringement of the
rights conferred by this section. The legal representatives of the author may exercise the rights conferred
upon an author of a work by section 57(1), other than the right to claim authorship of the work.

Cyberethics is the philosophic study of ethics pertaining to computers, encompassing user behavior and
what computers are programmed to do, and how this affects individuals and society. Cyberethics is a set
of "moral choices individuals make when using Internet-capable technologies and digital media." The
acceptable behavior in the real world is also acceptable in cyberspace. Examples of moral conduct in both
physical and virtual realms include showing respect for others, being honest, not stealing from others, etc.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Why teach Cyberethics?
As technological advancements are made each day, the question "What are people doing with this
technology?" has raised ethical concerns in the field of Educational Technology. What is Ethics? What
does it mean to act in an ethical way in cyberspace? Why should people act ethically in a virtual
environment? These are some of the questions that educators should know the answers to so that students
who are required to use technology everyday can learn how to make the right decisions in today's digital
The traditional understanding of "Ethics" is defined as "a system of moral principles; the rules of conduct
recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc; and moral
principles, as of an individual." A decision is considered moral when it conforms to the rules of right
conduct. In other words, if an action violates the rights of others, the act itself may be considered immoral
or unethical.
Even though most digital media users may have a good understanding of ethical conduct in the physical
world, without an understanding of moral responsibility to guide ' interactions in the virtual realm, the
chances of misconduct by an individual will be dramatically increased. Society today thus have a need to
demonstrate the appropriate usage of technology following the right rules of conduct in both physical and
virtual realms so that future generations can learn how to use technology in an ethical, responsible

The Government has taken an active role in making resources for parents and children to learn about
cyberethics. This is a growing problem and without parents and teachers using the resources available
nothing can be done to prepare future generations on internet users from being safe online. The main
issues that surround cyberethics are:
• Copyright/Downloading,
• Hacking and
• Cyberbullying.
• These three issues are increasing daily and mostly due to children using the internet improperly.
• Copyright/Downloading: This has become a major problem due to programs like Napster and
LimeWire which allow users to download music, programs and videos for free. Many people,
especially children, do not realize that this behavior has major consequences.
• Hacking: Is the intentional damage that a person inflicts onto another computer or computer
network. This can include stealing classified information, stealing passwords to get into a site
and also changing a website without permission. Since the world is run on computers it is

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

important that hackers are stopped. They could create viruses that could shut down important
websites or computer systems. gives a chilling example: "If a virus were to
disable the computer network of a hospital, it could shut down medical instrumentation systems
that control life support and monitoring functions-all of which could cost a patient his or her life."
Children need to be aware of these extreme consequences.
• Cyberbullying: Bullying does not only happen in real life anymore. Cyberbullying is growing
and people are becoming aware of its effects on children. The Megan Meier case shed light on
this issue that was thought of by many people as harmless bullying. This teenage girl was bullied
on the internet through e-mail and myspace which is said to ultimately lead to her suicide.

Digital Security

Digital Security: Digital security is an all-encompassing term which includes the tools you can use to
secure your identity, assets and technology in the online and mobile world. These tools you can use to
protect your identity include anti-virus software, web services, biometrics and secure personal devices
you carry with you every day.
Digital security is the protection of this online identity. Criminals are finding new ways to operate and
steal information from digital users for their own personal gain. Digital security is an all-encompassing
term which includes the tools you can use to secure your identity, assets and technology in the online and
mobile world.
These tools you can use to protect your identity include anti-virus software, web services, biometrics and
secure personal devices you carry with you everyday. Devices such as a smart card-based USB token, the
SIM card in your cell phone, the secure chip in your contactless payment card or an ePassport are digital
security devices because they give you the freedom to communicate, travel, shop and work using your
digital identity in a way that is convenient, enjoyable and secure.

The importance of digital security:

Digital security is important because government, military, corporate, financial, and medical
organizations collect, process, and store unprecedented amounts of data on computers and other devices.
A significant portion of that data can be sensitive information, whether that be intellectual property,
financial data, personal information, or other types of data for which unauthorized access or exposure
could have negative consequences. Organizations transmit sensitive data across networks and to other

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

devices in the course of doing businesses, and cyber security describes the discipline dedicated to
protecting that information and the systems used to process or store it. As the volume and sophistication
of cyber attacks grow, companies and organizations, especially those that are tasked with safeguarding
information relating to national security, health, or financial records, need to take steps to protect their
sensitive business and personnel information.

Challenges of digital security: For an effective cyber security, an organization needs to coordinate its
efforts throughout its entire information system. Elements of cyber encompass all of the following:
• Network security
• Application security
• Endpoint security
• Data security
• Identity management
• Database and infrastructure security
• Cloud security
• Mobile security
• Disaster recovery/business continuity planning
• End-user education
The most difficult challenge in Digital security is the ever-evolving nature of security risks themselves.
Traditionally, organizations and the government have focused most of their cyber security resources on
perimeter security to protect only their most crucial system components and defend against known treats.
Today, this approach is insufficient, as the threats advance and change more quickly than organizations
can keep up with. As a result, periodically issues guidelines in its risk assessment framework that
recommend a shift toward continuous monitoring and real-time assessments, a data-focused approach to
security as opposed to the traditional perimeter-based model.
India announced its first ever national-level Cyber Security Policy in 2013, against the backdrop of
revelations of NSA surveillance. The policy, which was articulated by the Ministry of Communications
and Information Technology, served as “basically a statement of first principles” rather than a
comprehensive framework for cybersecurity policy, according to Arun Sukumar, the head of the Cyber
Security and Internet Governance Initiative at the Observer Research Foundation. Now, four years after
its inception, the government needs a new policy that outlines a specific framework towards
implementing broad principles outlined in the 2013 policy.
From Broad Principles to Comprehensive Implementation

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

The 2013 Policy took a welcome first step in outlining the broad principles of how India can approach
cyber security. However, the government of India needs an updated policy to move beyond simply a
statement of principles and outline how to operationalize cyber security, from training cyber security
personnel, to establishing public-private partnerships, and to facilitating civil-military collaboration.
The National Cyber Security Policy broadly outlined a vision for “To create a workforce of 500,000
professionals skilled in cyber security in the next 5 years through capacity building, skill development and
training” in 2013. After nearly four years, the number for such skilled personnel is only 50,000 or 10%
according to latest reports. An updated Cyber Security Policy should outline specific guidelines for the
training and recruitment of such cyber specialists in a time-bound manner.
Public-private partnerships were a central feature of India’s cyber policy as well. The policy called for the
“development effective public private partnerships and collaborative engagements through technical and
operational cooperation and contribution for enhancing the security of cyberspace.” However, there has
been little development on this space. Industry partners such as the Information Systems Audit and
Control Association (ISACA), the National Association of Software and Services Companies
(NASSCOM), and the Data Security Council of India (DSCI) have collaborated to address private sector
cyber security needs, but these processes have not yet aligned with government efforts. Addressing this
gap must be at the heart of the government’s updated policy.
Another area of priority for a new cyber security policy must be fostering greater civil-military
cooperation on cyber security. A group of eighty leading defense, strategic and intelligence officials,
ranging from former Director of the Intelligence Bureau PC Haldar, former Admiral Arun Prakash,
former Chief of the Air Staff PV Naik, and former Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran called upon Prime
Minister Modi to “take urgent steps” to improve India’s cyber security standards. In particular, they
highlighted the need for “more regular, more formalised interaction” between the civilian and military
branches of government. The government’s updated policy must go beyond the vision of greater
collaboration outlined in the 2013 policy, and outline the frameworks for such greater collaboration,
potentially under the aegis of the newly created National Cyber Coordination Centre operationalized in
August 2017.
Given the rapid transformation of the cyber landscape since 2013, as well as the need for a more
comprehensive framework for the operationalization of the vision of cyber security policy as laid out by
the government, India needs to update its cyber security policy.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala


Coca-Cola intends to launch their ambitious digital media campaign named ‘Share a Coke’. The
main focus of the digital campaign is to promote, each bottle mentioned the hashtag #shareacoke,
in order to pursue users to share bottles with their names on social media.

Q. Based on the above case answer the following questions:

a. As a digital marketer explain what the key advertising objectives to promote this campaign
are. 5
b. How would you use Facebook as a platform to promote the campaign? 5
c. How would you use Twitter as a medium to promote the campaign? 5


a. Objectives of Coca Cola ‘Share A Coke’ Campaign:

Expected solutions.
I. Two primary objectives
II. Two secondary objectives

Coca-Cola had two primary objectives to achieve out of the ‘Share a Coke’ campaign.
• The first primary objective is to convert the cold prospects into warm leads and convert
warm leads into hot leads and ultimately into sales. The focus will be on generating awareness
about the campaign.
• The second primary objective is engaging with its customers by talking to them especially
through user generating content. The affective (Feeling) element of the campaign will be the
focus through customized content particularly for twitter.
This campaign would focus to create a platform where people won’t just consume the product but
moreover love the brand.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

The secondary objectives of campaign are:
1. Creating a brand identity and a positive image of the brand (brand reputation).
2. To increase engagement amongst the audience related to ‘Share a Coke’ campaign
3. To increase the Traffic and page like: The traffic objective will get as many link
clicks as possible, so it’s great for sending traffic to our website and increase the like
for the coke page.
4. Percentage of return visitors: The New vs Returning visitors are a metric that is
available in Analytics and it is easy to track. Knowing how many visitors return is an
important objective because it helps you see how effective your business is at visitor
and customer loyalty. This helps you to create a specific and measurable objective that
is relevant to your specific industry and an example is: “15% of visitors should be
returners by the end of the year”
5. Increasing offline sales. This goal can be accomplished by promoting an in-store sale
online through the use of a digital coupon or voucher.
6. Reduce bounce rate: Bounce rate in analytics is defined as people who enter your site
and leave (bounce) rather than continue viewing other pages. This is an important
measure of the quality of your website, because almost all businesses want their
visitors to complete an action like purchase, contact or download on their websites.
The lower the bounce rate the better and many marketers say that a bounce rate below
50% is good, however that differs from business to business. Here is a bounce rate for
this campaign: “Reduce bounce rate below 20% for all traffic sources

b. How would you use Facebook as a platform to promote the


Expected solutions.
Atleast four initiatives
I. Boosted Page Posts: With Facebook boost, we will be able to reach a much
wider audience as we aren’t limited to people who already subscribe to our page.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

And we’ll be able to set parameters for the types of people who will see our post.
For example, we can narrow our boosted post to target one very specific
demographic, like 18 to 27-year-old in the Mumbai.
II. Video Ads: Video ads are great for both brand awareness and retargeting. Of
those that watch our video, we can actually retarget them with further ads based
on the duration of the video they watched.
III. Remarketing Campaigns: Once we’ve built an audience on Facebook, gotten
new customers, had people click on our ads and sent new visitors to our website,
we can create a remarketing campaign using these audiences. These are all people
who are aware of our brand and our products because we’ve introduced our self
during our prospecting campaigns and through email follow up. They’re also a
good way to create what many marketers refer to as “evangelists” or people who
love our products and tell all their friends about our company, by offering special
deals for loyal customers.
IV. Create a hashtag specifically for Share A Coke’ Campaign promotion: Coke
will rolled out the ‘Share a Coke’ campaign. Through Facebook, users will
participate in a large scale. Moreover, the campaign will achieved mass sharing,
and customers could connect with each other. Basically, consumers had to SMS
their friend’s name which would be displayed live on the iconic Coca-Cola sign
located at strategic locations. The user then would receive an MMS via which
they could share their chosen friend’s name lit up in lights through Facebook or
send him/her mail.
V. Facebook Live campaigns: Facebook Live is a great way to interact and engage
with our Facebook fans and followers. New content types like Live get a pretty
big boost on followers’ News Feeds, increasing the chances they’ll see it -
meaning we have a much better chance to reach them with our promotional
efforts. There are tons of ways we can use Facebook Live to promote on
Facebook. A couple ideas include:

• A Q&A for our followers

• A livestream of an event

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• A preview or unboxing of our next campaign

VI. Encouraging participation creation of online media campaign: A huge

amount of social media content will be created by encouraging many consumers
to participate. This will be establish by specifically targeting those consumers
who are very active on facebook who will engage with their friends by sharing
photo and posts on Facebook.
VII. Partnered posts with the help of Influencers: For this campaign we would
Work with an influencer that’s prominent in industry to create posts that you we
share on our Facebook pages. Influencers are unique in their ability to reach
members of our target market because they feel more real - more accessible. The
photo would feature the influencer using and participating in our campaign, with a
short blurb about why they enjoy it. Give them a discount code to make it easier
for them to urge their followers to buy our products.
VIII. Run a contest: Running a contest is one of the best ways to promote on
Facebook. It’s engaging for current followers, and can go a long way towards
helping us reach people in our target market that we’re not currently in contact
with. We will use a third party app (like Wishpond) to build a contest, which we
can host right on a tab of our Facebook page. This allows us to collect contact
information from our entrants - meaning we can use email marketing to turn them
into sales in the future.

IX. Add social sharing incentives to our contest: Something we’ve found with a ton
of our campaigns is that post-entry is one of the best times to convince our contest
entrants to engage with us on social media. We will sweeten the deal by offering
extra contest entries in exchange for social actions like sharing the contest or
liking our page. This helps promote our contest to our entrants’ friends, meaning
we’ve got a larger chance of reaching members in our target market. It’s an
awesome way to generate (mostly) organic social engagement.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

X. Offer coupons and discounts on our page: Offering special promotions on
Facebook is a great, direct way to promote on Facebook. Create an image with a
discount code (“Get 20% off until May 10th with the code SPRING2019!”), and
link straight to our store's website from the post. Creating a limited-time discount
jolts page followers out of indifference - they need to act now before they miss
the offer. Don’t go overboard and offer discounts all the time, as people will start
to realize they can just wait for the next one.

XI. User-generated content: User-generated content is another tried-and-true social

media staple. Featuring photos of happy users with our product is a nice break
from the polished, branded content many people post. Giving our Facebook
followers the spotlight is a great way to give back to our users, while still
promoting our product. This works because it creates social proof, acting much
like a testimonial. Other potential customers see others like them enjoying the
product, so they feel like they might like it too.

XII. Respond to comments: Social media is a two-way street. It’s not simply a
platform for businesses to promote themselves - it’s a place to engage and interact
with real people to create genuine connections for our brand. This rule follows on
Facebook. Respond to the people commenting on our content - for example a
commenter saying “I want this!” on a photo of your product could be met with a
“So glad you like it! If you’re interested, grab your own here!” with a link to your

c. How would you use Twitter as a medium to promote the

Expected solutions.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

Atleast four initiatives:

I. Twitter engagement is when someone engages with the content that we post. There
are multiple different ways customers can interact with our content, including:
• Favoriting your tweet
• Retweeting your tweet
• Responding to your tweet
• Mentioning you in a separate tweet
• Clicking your link (though some marketers categorize this purely under CTR
and not engagement)
This engagement, therefore, is one of the main purposes for posting on Twitter at all
—to send interested, engaged traffic to our site.
II. Engage with Other Users Content: To engage with our content, a good way to start
is to always interact with theirs first. Like, respond to, and retweet our users’ content
when we can, and following them can also help. When we respond to other users or
engage with their content, they’ll be more likely to pay attention to what you’re
posting, too. This is especially true considering most brands don’t take or have the
time to interact with a lot of followers, so it can mean more when you do. This can
also help to build social proof over time, which is valuable across all social media
marketing platforms. Not only will this increase engagement, it will help us start to
build a relationship between us or our brand and the users we’re interacting with,
expanding the benefits more concretely—and off Twitter.
III. Retweet Other Users’ Tweets: Reweet is what most users value the most; not only
we will be liking their content enough to validate it, but we value it enough to share
it. Reciprocity is an important part of why people choose to follow and engage with
you, psychologically speaking. Retweeting can be some of the most powerful
engagement you get on a post, since it will carry your content to that users’ audience.
By retweeting our users’ content first, we could have much better luck when trying to
get them retweet and share our own content.
IV. Use Hashtags: Hashtags are an essential part of Twitter usage; just like with
Instagram, you pretty much expect a Tweet to come with at least one hashtag attached

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to it. Not only do hashtags offer the benefit of helping a relevant audience find you
when they search the hashtag you’re using, but they can also increase engagement.
Tweets with hashtags are 33% more likely to get retweeted than those without them.
This makes sense, considering the additional eyes you may get, as well as hashtags fit
into the culture of Twitter usage. However, less can also be more: tweets with only
one hashtag are 69% more likely to get retweeted than those with two hashtags.
Whether you’re using a specific, branded hashtag or one that’s just relevant to your
audience or industry, you should aim to always have one on each tweet. Tapping into
trending topics via a popular hashtag is also a great way to increase both engagement
and impressions.
V. The coke will enlist popular influencers to promote the contest using the
#shareacoke hashtag. This helped the brand reach millions of people who follow the
VI. As a digital extension of the “Share a Coke” campaign, Coca-Cola would enter
into its social commerce foray with the introduction of a Twitter program that
enables users to send a soft drink to their friends for Rs 5. Generous users gift a
Coke using @TweetACoke, the word “enjoy” and their friend’s Twitter handle.
VII. Continue the interaction: Engagement is a constant, fluid, and ongoing process.
This means that the marketer-creator relationship doesn’t end after a creator posts. In
fact, there's lots of work to be done: replying to comments, reposting and engaging
with user-generated content, sharing on owned channels, and adjusting ad spend in
near real time to activate around content that resonates.
VIII. Promoted Tweets: Promoted tweets are where brands really shine in terms of
creativity, personality and ad performance. Through promoting specific tweets, we
essentially push a bite-sized billboard to our target audience. The goal of these ads is
to ultimately drive clicks that translate into followers and leads. Promoted tweets can
also be presented in the form of a GIF, giving marketers the benefit of snazzy visuals
without having to worry about sound editing.

Dr Hanif Lakdawala

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