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The video that I chose is this one:
Even the title “The mind-bending art of deep time” highlights facts about
time, about consciousness of being alive and the fact that we live on a planet, so
we coexist by the simple fact that we are made of the same stuff: the sea, the sky,
the Earth and the air.
Also, the video informs us about the creation of a phone line through which
people could dial a number and listen live to the sound of a glacier melting. The
stars play an important role in our life, because every single atom in our bodies
was formed in a star billions of years ago, so the remnants of stars make up all of
Another thing in the video was the future Library, a century-long prayer, a
forested room holding unread manuscripts from famous authors. I also loved her
words at some point: “Future generations may be invisible to our eyes, but we are
connected through our actions”, considering the fact that shortsightedness may be
the greatest threat to humanity and in the end, we should respect our origins and
hold our future close.

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