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7. Retinal degeneration in pathological

1. D/d of acute red eye
8. Presbyopia
2. Coloured halos
9. Aphakia
3. Itchy Eye
10. Visual acuity
4. Paracentesis
11. Irregular Astigmatism
5. Distant direct ophthalmoscopy
12. Components of hypermetric refractive
13. Astigmatism
1. Describe the degenerative changes in
14. Anisometropia
the Mx options for myopia 15. asthenopia (eye strain) and its T/t
2. Write down the classification of 16. Aniseikonia
myopia. What are the retinal changes


4. Presbyopia 1. Describe the aetiology, c/f and Mx
5. Fundus changes in pathological
2. Describe the aetiopathogenesis of 5. Describe the etiology, clinical
TRACHOMA. Discuss its complications. features, complications and
management of Hypopyon corneal
3. What are the types of Allergic
conjunctivitis? Describe the c/f and
Mx of VKC. 6. Factors maintaining corneal
4. Enumerate the causes of itching of
eye and write aetiology, signs, 7. Moorens corneal ulcer
symptoms & Mx of Vernal
8. Transparency of cornea
9. Buphthalmus**
5. c/f of Vernal keratoconjunctivitis
10. Punctate keratitis
6. Ophthalmia neonatorum
11. Neurotrophic corneal ulcer
7. Agular conjunctivitis
12. Interstitial keratitis
8. Spring catarrh
13. Descemetocele
9. Symblepharon*
14. Disciform keratitis
10. Pannus
15. Perforated corneal ulcer
11. phlycten
16. Signs of bacterial corneal ulcer
12. Pterygium
17. Fungal corneal ulcer
13. Xerosis
18. Complications of Perforated Corneal
14. Membranous conjunctivitis*
15. Phlynctenular conjunctivitis?
19. Hypopyon
16. Preventive measures taken for
20. Keratoconus
21. Corneal epithelium
17. Follicles
22. Band shaped keratopathy

23. HSV keratitis

24. Neurotrophic keratitis
1. Describe the C/f of CORNEAL ULCER
and its Mx 25. Keratoplasty

2. Describe the etiopathology, c/f and 26. Microcornea

Mx of HERPES ZOSTER 27. Buphthalmus- c/f and Mx
28. Nerve supply of cornea
3. Describe the aetiology, c/f and Mx of

4. Describe clinical course of BACTERIAL 7. DISEASES OF SCLERA

CORNEAL ULCER and mention its
complications. 1. episcleritis

2. Nodular scleritis
3. Staphyloma 2. Enumerate different types of
congenital cataract. Write
4. c/f and Mx of scleritis
etiopathology, c/f and Mx of zonular
5. Anterior staphyloma cataract.

6. Posterior scleritis 3. After cataract*

7. Pin Hole 4. Morgagnian cataract

5. Hyper mature cataract**

8. DISEASES OF UVEAL TRACT 6. Stages of senile cortical cataract

7. Zonular cataract***
1. Describe the etiopathology, c/f and
Mx of ACUTE ANTERIOR UVEITIS. * 8. Lens induced reactions
2. Describe the C/f and Complications of 9. Pathogenesis of senile cortical
3. Describe the etiopathology, c/f of 10. Developmental cataract
Acute Iridocyclitis. How do you treat
it? 11. Intra-ocular lens

4. Occlusio pupillae 12. Intumescence cataract

5. Keratic precipitate 13. Newer generation of IOLs

6. Enucleation

7. Iris bombe* 10. GLAUCOMA

8. Aqueous flare 1. Discuss diagnosis and Mx of PRIMARY
9. Coloboma of iris
2. Describe the various stages of PACG.
10. Seclusio pupil
Discuss the Mx of ACUTE CONGESTIVE
11. Posterior Synechia GLAUCOMA.

12. Mutton Fat KP 3. Define Glaucoma. Describe the

classification of Glaucoma, clinical
13. Synechiae features and the management of
14. Cx of acute anterior uveitis open angle Glaucoma.

15. Synechiae 4. Visual field defects in primary open

angle glaucoma
16. Phthisis bulbi
5. Phacomorphic glaucoma

6. c/f of Acute congestive glaucoma

7. Aqueous humour formation and
1. Describe the aetiopathogenesis, c/f drainage
8. Tonometry
9. Bjerrum’s scotoma
10. Rhone’s nasal step 8. Cherry red spot at macula

11. Signs and symptoms of acute 9. Eale’s disease

congestive glaucoma
10. Central serous retinopathy
12. c/f of acute congestive glaucoma
11. Rhegmatous retinal detachment*
13. Chronic simple glaucoma
12. Fundus picture in diabetic retinopathy
14. Seidel scotoma
13. Various stages of Retinoblastoma
15. Bjerrum’s Scotoma
14. NPDR
16. Absolute glaucoma
15. Retinitis pigmentosa*
17. Visual field defects in WAG
16. Stages of Retinoblastoma
18. Classification of antiglaucoma
17. Proliferative diabetic Retinopathy
18. Classification of hypertensive
19. Timolol maleate

19. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy

11. VITREOUS 20. Non proliferative diabetic retinopathy
1. synchesis scintillans 21. Clinical presentation of

22. Hard exudates

23. Central retinal vein thrombosis
1. Describe the aetiopathogenesis, c/f
and T/t of CENTRAL SEROUS 24. Pan retinal Photocoagulation

2. Classification and c/f of DIABETIC

3. Describe the c/f and Mx of 1. Describe the etiopathology and
RETINOBLASTOMA. investigation of a case of
4. Describe the different stages of
DIABETIC RETINOPATHY. Outline its 2. Pupillary rection
3. Nyctalopia
5. Enumerate the causes of sudden pain
4. Optic neuritis
less diminution of vision in al elderly
patient. Add a note on central retinal 5. Amblyopia
artery occlusion.
6. Papillitis
6. Describe etiopathology and fundus
7. Fundoscopic picture of Papilledema
picture of sickle cell retinopathy
8. Optic atrophy
7. Fundus picture of central retinal
artery occlusion 9. Signs of Papillitis
10. Papillitis- c/f 2. CNLDO- Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct
11. Night blindness
3. c/f of acute Dacryocystitis
12. Causes of colour blindness and its
possible T/t 4. Chronic Dacryocystitis

5. Congenital Dacryocystitis*

14. OCULAR MOTILITY & STRABISMUS 6. Lacrimal abscess

1. Accommodative squint

2. Lagophthalmos 17. ORBIT

3. Amblyopia exanopsia 1. Orbital septum

4. Paralytic squint


15. DISORDERS OF EYE LIDS 1. Describe the pathology and Mx of
perforating injuries of eye.
1. What is ptosis? Classify the causes
with complications 2. Hyphaema

2. Define entropion. Describe its types. 3. Sympathetic ophthalmitis

3. Cicatricial entropion 4. Chalcosis

4. Blepharitis 5. Berlin’s edema*

5. Squamous blepharitis 6. c/f of sympathetic ophthalmitis

6. Ulcerative blepharitis

7. Squamous blepharitis* 21. SYSTEMIC OPHTHALMOLOGY

8. Senile entropion* 1. Bitot’s spot
9. Ectropion 2. Signs of Keratomalacia
10. Recurrent Hordeolum

11. Cicatricial entropion

12. Chalazion
1. Functions of eye bank
13. Trichiasis
2. Vision 2020

3. Screening of school children

16. DISEASES OF LACRIMAL 4. Low visual aids
1. Write aetiology, c/f, Cx and Mx of
1. Name the stages of senile cortical 28. Types of tonometry
29. Causes of miotic pupil
2. What are the signs of aphakia?
30. Mode of action of acetazolamide
3. What is poliosis
31. Causes of Rosette cataract
4. Name the types of lenses induced
32. T/t of accorrodetre squint
33. Lid Complications of Trachoma
5. Name of topical antiviral drugs
34. Grades of corneal opacities
6. Name of components of tear film
35. Probe test
7. Write the causes of ophthalmia
neonatorum 36. Different types of Crystalline lens
8. Write the causes of coloured halos 37. layers of Tear film
around light
38. Causes of Bullous keratopathy
9. Blue dot cataract
39. Causes of Miosis
10. Spring catarrh
40. Signs of aphakia
11. Phacoemulsification
41. Causes of conjunctival haemorrhage
12. Dacryocystorhinostomy
42. Causes of superficial corneal
13. Koppe nodule vascularization
14. Posterior synechiae 43. Causes of Mydriatic pupil
15. Hypopyon 44. Causes of Symblepharon
16. Signs of anterior uveitis 45. Causes of Phlynctenular conjunctivitis
17. Trichiasis- cause and Cx 46. Causes of sudden loss of vision in
elderly person
18. Conjunctival xerosis- causes
47. Causes of membranous conjunctivitis
19. Tear film layers
48. Iris nodules→ types 2nd causes
20. Aqueous drainage channel pathway
49. From which embryonic structure lens
21. Pseudo pterygium- diagnosis
22. Muscles supplied by oculomotor
50. Name the extraocular muscles
innervated by oculomotor nerve
23. Identification of convex spherical lens
51. Name the types of corneal lesions
24. Dioptric power of cornea and seen in HSV keratitis
crystalline lens
52. Causes of secondary glaucoma in
25. Layers of cornea name acute iritis

26. Causes of photophthalmitis 53. Name types of hyper mature cortical

27. Signs of seclusion pupil
54. Name different types of anterior 79. What is the depth of anterior
capsulotomy in cataract surgery chamber in Phacomorphic glaucoma?

55. Name different uses of fluorescein 80. Features of complicated cataract

dye in eye are_____________

56. Name organisms responsible for

haemorrhagic conjunctivitis
1. Ophthalmoscopic classification of
57. Name the grades of corneal opacities optic atrophy
58. Name the diagnostic criteria of 2. Causes of childhood blindness
pseudo pterygium
3. Fundud changes in retinitis
59. Name two causes of rubeosis iridis pigmentosa
60. Name the characteristic picture of 4. Ocular lesions in Wilson’s disease
follicles in spring catarrh
5. Causes of night blindness
61. Write the causes of Haab striae
6. Vossius ring
62. Write the dioptric power of cornea
and lens 7. Rigid intraocular lenses are made up
of which material
63. Name two causes of night blindness
8. Causes of sudden painless loss of
64. Write the functions of Meibomian Vision
9. Myopia
65. Megalocornea-size of cornea
10. Peripheral degenerations in myopia
66. Iris nodules- names?
11. Retinoscopy
67. Stocker’s line – site
12. Hypertensive retinopathy
68. Cyclopentolate- uses
13. Endophthalmitis
69. Tear film- layers
14. Cystoid macular edema
70. KF Ring- causes
15. Scleral buckling
71. PCO (After cataract- signs
16. Laser photocoagulation
72. Adherent leucoma- causes
17. 2 optic cup signs in WAY
73. What is histology of a follicle?
18. Various components of binocular
74. What a Keratic precipitate consists of? single vision
75. What is striate keratopathy? 19. Types of episcleritis
76. Posner-Schloss man syndrome 20. Causes of Rubeosis iridis
presents as___________
21. Compound myopic astigmatism
77. How Elsching pearls are managed?
22. 2 causes of neurotrophic keratitis
78. What is normal range intraocular
pressure? 23. Name 2 retinal function tests in
mature cataract
24. 2 causes of optic nerve edema 52. What is after cataract and how it is
25. Name the types of Synechiae
53. Mention the layers of tear film and
26. Name the signs of panophalmitis
their source
27. Name the cx of vitreous haemorrhage
54. Write muscles responsible for
28. Causes of tractional RD elevation of upper lid

29. Causes of metamorphopsia 55. What is Rubeosis iridis?

30. Name different glands of eye lid 56. Write 2 Cx of ulcerative blepharitis

31. Causes of circumcorneal congestion 57. 2 signs of central retinal arterial

32. Point to identify a convex spherical
lens 58. 2 peripheral retinal degeneration in
pathological myopia
33. Anophalmous
59. 2 causes of miotic pupil
34. Keratoglobus
60. Timolol maleate- mode of action and
35. Adherant glaucoma indication for use
36. Phoria 61. Write causes and cx of membranous
37. Glioma conjunctivitis

38. Polyopia 62. 2 optic cap signs in WAG

39. Pseudoptosis 63. Write about capsulorhexis

40. Nyctalopia 64. 2 causes of ptosis

41. Causes of night blindness 65. 2 causes of Leukocoria

42. Causes of coloured halos 66. 2 causes of circum-corneal congestion

43. Causes of circumciliary congestion 67. 2 signs of Buphthalmus

44. Different parts of uveal tract 68. 2 causes of coloured halos

45. Indications of enucleation of the eye 69. 2 causes of sudden loss of vision in
elderly persons
46. Formation of KP
70. 2 complications of high
47. Contents of orbital cavity hypermetropic refractive error
48. Name different types of staphyloma 71. 2 signs of endophthalmitis
49. Write the difference b/w mature and 72. What is ptosis?
immature cataract
73. Molecular edema is a feature of
50. How to identify a convex lens __________and ____________
51. Write contraindications of DCR 74. SAFE Strategy
Surgery includes_________________

75. Microaneurysms seen in ______

76. 3 causes of vitreous haemorrhage

77. Cupping is a feature of which type of


78. What is the colour of the optic disc in

retinitis pigmentosa?

79. Probe Test

80. Cotton Wool Spots

81. Components of Hypermetropia

82. Sub hyaloid Haemorrhage

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