NEW CM Chapterwise Manas Ranjan

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The concept of HUMAN

achievements in the most basic
IA human capabilities. Explain and
4. What are the LEVELS OF
EPIDEMIOLOGICAL METHODS modes of intervention applicable to
each level of prevention with suitable
4. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 5. Gender as a determinant of health
5. SOCIAL SCIENCE & HEALTH 6. PQLI does not take per capita GNP
into consideration

7. Health, a fundamental human right

8. Three mortality indicators
DISEASE? Describe its different phases 9. PQLI
with various modes of intervention to
prevent disease. 10. Positive health

2. What do you mean by 11. DALY*

about various factors affecting health.
12. Primordial prevention of tobacco 3. Describe the basic steps of a RCT.
abuse What are the benefits of RCT?

13. Prevention of indoor air pollution 4. Describe the details about basic steps
in Case Control study. * What are its
14. Contribution of John Snow*
advantages and dis advantages? What
15. Secondary level prevention is the importance of cross-product
16. Primordial prevention
5. Define epidemiology. Write the
17. Contribution of Edward Jenner various uses of epidemiology.
towards public health
6. Blinding
18. Nosocomial infection
7. Attributable risk
19. Health promotional measures of CAD
8. Basic steps in conducting a
20. Multifactorial causation of disease randomized control trial
21. Iceberg of disease phenomenon 9. Epidemiological triad
22. Secondary prevention of TB 10. Secondary attack rate
23. 3 indicators of PQLI 11. Latent period
24. Epidemiological triad 12. Relative risk & attributable risk
25. Sentinel surveillance 13. Biological transmission of disease
26. Surveillance-define, types 14. Epidemiological tetrad
27. Web of Causation 15. Latent period
28. Social rehabilitation 16. Matching
29. Community based rehabilitation 17. Chronic carriers with example
30. Disease control, disease eradication, 18. STRATIFIED RANDOM SAMPLING
disease elimination
19. Types of Bias in epidemiological
2.PRINCIPLES OF EPIDEMIOLOGY & 20. Types of carriers
21. Epidemic curve
1. How do you measure THE RISK OF
CONTRACTING A DISEASE? HOW 22. Endemic and Pandemic
RELATIVE RISK IS DIFFERENT FROM 23. Diff b/w Quarantine & Isolation
ODDS RATIO? Describe the
advantages and disadvantages of 24. Cold chain
each, in view of the study designs
25. NIS
used to calculate these measures of
Risk. 26. Spot mapping

2. What is mean by RCT? Write about

diff types of RCT with examples.
1. Define sensitivity and specificity. How 12. Occupational health hazards to a
are the screening programmes farmer
13. Maternity benefit under ESI Act
2. What do you mean by screening of
14. Preventive measures of Bagassosis
disease? Mention the criteria for
screening that need to be fulfilled 15. Causes of Bagassosis
when you are planning for a screening
programme. 16. Occupational hazards in a mining
3. What is Screening for disease?
Enumerate the types of screening for 17. ESI act
disease. How will you plan for cancer 18. Silicosis
screening in your PHC area as MO i/c
PHC? 19. Prevention of heat stroke

4. Concept of lead time***

5. Positive predictive value in screening 6.SOCIAL SCIENCE & HEALTH

6. Screening for cancer cervix 1. Acculturation 728

7. Sensitivity and Specificity 2. Advantages of joint family 740

8. Evaluation of a screening test 3. Broken family* 741

9. Screening of cancer cervix 4. Social rehabilitation 51

10. Uses of screening 5. Global hunger Index 757

6. International Death certificate 64

5.OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 7. Mental age 735

1. Ergonomics 8. Social therapy

2. Occupational cancers 9. Types of learning 733

3. Sickness benefit under ESI Act 10. IQ

4. Preplacement examination 11. Rights of the patient*

5. Ergonomics 12. Medical social worker

6. Pre-placement examination 13. Social pathology

7. Occupational hazards of agricultural 14. Doctor patient relationship

workers 15. Modified Kuppuswamy scale for SES
8. Bagassosis* 16. Acculturation
9. Prevention of Lead poisoning* 17. Causes of mentally handicapped
10. Lead poisoning children

11. Occupational dermatitis 18. Three generation family

19. Approaches for prevention of drug 14. Water related disease
15. Soiling index
20. Difference b/w Drug addiction and
16. Types of rat fleas
Drug Habituation
17. Name 4 mosquito repellents
18. Hardness of water*
19. Prevention of Lead poisoning
20. Orth toluidine test
21. Control of aedes aegypti mosquito
22. Control of head louse
23. Sanitation barrier
24. Control measures of sand flies

25. Water borne disease

26. Delayed somatic effects of Radiation
1. Describe the methods of large-scale
treatment of water source. What is 27. T/t of scabies*
the role of public health in
28. Steps of well disinfection
maintaining the water quality?
29. Sanitation barrier
2. Describe the elements of a slow sand
filter and its advantages

3. What do you mean by safe and 2.BIOSTATISTICS

wholesome water? Write the
methods of purification of water at 1. Measurements of Central tendency
the household level. 2. Pictogram
4. Humidity of air and its health 3. Standard error of proportions
4. Standard normal curve
5. Anti adult measures of mosquito
control 5. Normal distribution curve

6. Indicators of air pollution 6. Systemic random sampling

7. BOD[ Biological Oxygen Demand] 7. Diff b/w Standard deviation &

Standard Error
8. Disadvantages of Hard water
8. Histogram
9. Hardness of water
9. Spot mapping*
10. Break point chlorination*
10. Sampling error
11. Health hazards of noise
11. Systemic random sampling
12. Rodenticides
12. Measurements of dispersion
13. Vital layer
8. Role play for health communication

3.GENETICS AND HEALTH 9. Group discussions

1. Define preventive Genetics. What are 10. Barriers of communication***

the problems of Consanguinity?
11. Role of mass media in TB control
Discuss in brief the measures
available for prevention of disease 12. Interpersonal communication
having genetic background.
13. Panel discussion
2. Syndromes a/w abnormality of sex
chromosomes 14. BCC- behavioural change
3. Turner’s syndrome
15. Components of Health Information
4. Prospective genetic counselling system
5. Eugenics*** 16. Panel discussion
6. Genetic counselling


8. Genetic counselling in prevention of 1. Define primary health care.
genetic disorders Enumerate the principles of primary
9. Autosomal dominant traits health care.* what are the elements
of primary health care?
10. Gene therapy
2. Enumerate the Principles of primary
Health care

4.HEALTH EDUCATION & 3. What are the objectives of IPHS, for

COMMUNICATION PHCs? Write a minimum
requirements in medical and MCH
1. What is health communication? Write
care of PHC for meeting IPHS.
the functions of health
communication. 4. Three tier system of health care

2. Define Health Education. *What are 5. Job responsibilities of health worker

the various approaches to health female
education? List the methods used in
mass approach to Health
communication. 7. Activities of ASHA
3. GATHER technique of Counselling 8. ASHA
4. Regulatory methods of Health 9. Man power required for a community
Education health care
5. Healthy education vs health 10. Sub centre
11. Staff pattern in a PHC
6. Diff b/w mass media and Personal
communication 12. Elements of primary health care

7. Barriers of communication 13. Anganwadi worker


15. Alma-ata declaration

16. Staff position at CHC 1-COMMUNICABLE DISEASE

17. Purpose of universal health coverage 1. Describe the C/f of measles. Apply the
principles of prevention in the control
18. Primary health care as peer alma ata
of measles.
2. What is zoonosis? Enumerate five
19. FRU
zoonotic diseases of public health
20. Goal 4 of MDG in India importance. How would you
categorise and manage a case of dog
bite brought to you within hours of

• Purpose of Kayakalp programme 3. Define API. What are the different

features, diagnostic criteria for
• Volatile solvents as dependence immediate referral and T/t of Severe
producing drugs Malaria.

4. Give an account of C/f of Dengue

fever. What steps would you take tro
1. MDA
prevent it?
5. Describe the management of a case of
3. VVM animal bite. Mention about post-
exposure prophylaxis against rabies.
6. What is Line Listing? There is an
5. NRC
outbreak of measles in one tribal
6. EMOC block. As MO I/C PHC, how will you
manage the situation in your area and
7. BSE prevent the disease in future.
8. INAP 7. What do you mean by ZOONOSES?
9. SAARC Classify zoonoses in terms of the
reservior host. What measures will
10. SIDA you take in post exposure prophylaxis
11. CARE of a severe dog bite in an adult of
weight 70 Kg.
8. Prevention of Japanese encephalitis
9. JE Vaccines
10. DPMR-disability prevention & medical
3. DEMOGRAPHY AND FAMILY rehabilitation (leprosy)
11. LLIN
12. Primordial prevention
13. Regimen of MDR TB 14. Rule of halves*

14. Laboratory diagnosis of dengue 15. Modifiable risk factors of Stroke*

15. MDT in Leprosy 16. Quetlet’s Index

16. Essen regimen and rabies

immunoglobulin for passive
immunization in post exposure rabies. 3-DEMOGRAPHY AND FAMILY PLANNING

17. DOTS 1. Stages of demographic cycle with

18. Prevention of post exposure human
rabies 2. GRR- Gross reproduction rate

19. t/t of category-II TB in adults 3. TFR- Total fertility Rate

20. Chandler’s index 4. Net reproduction rate

21. Aedes aegypti index 5. Eligible couples

22. MDA 6. Central births and Deaths Registration

act, 1969

8. Eligible couples
9. Sex ratio
1. Enumerate the epidemiological
10. Post-operative advice after male
determinants of Diabetes mellitus.
How would you develop a strategy for
primary prevention In a community 11. Injectable contraceptives
2. Dosage of vitamin A from birth to 5 12. NSV (no scalpel vasectomy)
years old
13. Emergency contraception
3. Causes of blindness in India

4. BMI**
5. Complications of obesity
1. Describe the common nutritional
6. List the Complications of health problems seen in Odisha.
atherosclerosis Describe the steps taken to reduce
7. Complications of Diabetes mellitus the problems of protein energy
malnutrition by the state health
8. Causes of blindness in India authorities.
9. Tracking in Hypertension 2. Enumerate the major nutritional
health problems of India. Describe the
10. Modifiable R/F of Hypertension
nutritional factors in prevention of
11. Warning signs of Cancer cardiovascular diseases.

12. Anxiety neurosis 3. Define severe acute malnutrition

13. Measurements of Body mass index
4. SAM • Reference protein
• Beneficiaries under ICDS Programme
5. Indian reference Man and Women
• Vandemataram Scheme
6. Essential fatty acids • EBF
7. Supplementary actions proteins
• Cost benefit analysis
8. Iodized salt • NACP-IV
• Prevention of parent to child
9. Food adulteration and Food
transmission of HIV/AIDS
• Endemic ascites
10. c/f Marasmus • inertization
11. Trans fatty acids

12. vitamin a deficiency • SN

13. Iodine deficiency disorder • UNFPA
14. Vitamin a deficiency disorder • GOBI FFF
5-MENTAL HEALTH • Preventive Vaccine
1. Describe the aims, objectives, • RKS- Rogi Kalyan samiti
strategies and thrust areas of national • VHND
Mental Health programme • OASIS
• AFP surveillance
2. Causes of mental ill health • PPTCT- prevent parent to child
3. ------------------- transmission
• GKS- Gaon Kalyan Committee

1. Functions of WHO II B
2. Indian red cross 1. PREVENTIVE OBSTETRICS,



5. CDC
• Timing of vaccination in the current
• Vaccination against hepatitis b 1. What complications a mother is
• Prevention of neurolathyrism
likely to develop owing to
pregnancy? How would you 13. Problem a/w long term illness
manage a case of High risk among elderly people
pregnancy? [Ans: write about 14. Essential obstetric care (EOC)
Birth Preparedness and Cx 15. Supplementary nutrition
Readiness] 16. Uses of growth chart
2. Define Neonatal Mortality rate. 17. Infant mortality rate
Enumerate the incidences, causes 18. Two specific protections in
and intervention for reduction of antenatal care
NMR. 19. MMR
3. Enumerate the complications of 20. MCP Card
postnatal period. What you will 21. IYCF
advice health education to a 22. APGAR Score
mother during the postnatal 23. Causes of Infant Mortality in India
period. 24. Risk approach in MCH care
4. Define Neonatal mortality rate. 25. Danger signals during natal period
Write the steps of resuscitation of 26. RMNCH+A
a new born, not breathing soon 27. Toxaemias of pregnancy
after birth. Briefly discuss the 28. IMR
principles of Mx of LBW babies. 29. At risk infants
5. Define maternal mortality rate. 30. List the components of MCH card
Describe the factors affecting 1.
maternal mortality rate in India.
What are the measures to reduce MANAGEMENT
maternal mortality rate in India?
1. Cost effective analysis
6. Define severe acute malnutrition
2. Planning cycle
3. PPBS [ Planning Programming
7. Life cycle approach in RCH
Budgeting system]
8. Obstetric causes of maternal
4. Road to health
5. Bhore comitte,1946
9. Obstetric causes of maternal
7. MBO Principle
10. Uses of growth chart
8. SWOT Analysis*
11. New born care corner
12. SNCU
10. Critical path method
11. Network analysis in health planning 1. Enumerate the T/t and disposal
and management technologies for Health care waste.
12. SWOT analysis 2. WHAT DO you mean by biomedical
13. Sentinel surveillance waste ? What are the treatment and
14. Critical path method disposal technologies for healthcare
15. Stages of Planning Cycle waste?
16. Cost effective analysis 3. Types of Incinerators
4. Inertization
3-NATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMME 5. Classifications of Dins as per latest
1. What do you understand by disease biomedical waste rules
surveillance? Describe the reporting 6. Colour coding of biomedical waste Mx
system in IDSP in Odisha. [IDSP- 7. Principles of Universal precaution
Integrated disease Surveillance 8. Segregation of Biomedical waste
Programme] 9. Control tipping
2. Describe the aims, objectives,
strategies and thrust areas of national 5-DISASTER MANAGEMENT
Mental Health programme. 1. Describe the disaster cycle. Discuss
3. Characteristics of mentally healthy about disaster preparedness in a
person costal district of Odisha.
4. NACP- IV* 2. One role of medical officer in each
5. Goal of NVBDCP stage of Disaster Cycle
6. Components of INAP- India New-born 3. Triage in disaster management*
Action Plan 4. TRIAGE System
7. Facilities of NRC [Nutritional 5. Vaccination in the post disaster phase
rehabilitation centre] 6. Triage
8. 4Ds of RBSK
9. Diseases under NVBDCP
10. Components of Comprehensive VSQs
Mental health programme 1. Morbidity indicator___
11. Vision-2020- The Right to Sight* 2. Farmer’s lung is due to____
12. Goal 3 of SDG 3. Diagnostic tests are_______
4. Periodic examination in a factory
worker is a type of _____prevention
5. Income generated within the country 9. In lead poisoning blood level of 70
is known as____ microgram/100ml is associated with
6. Screening is recommended for a clinical symptoms
condition when___________[ans: 10. Silicosis is a notifiable disease under
early diagnosis can change the ds the Factories act 1948 and the mines
course because of efficient T/t] act 1952
7. Man-arthropod-man transmission 11. Cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
chain is seen in____ are the three domains of learning
8. Example of Propagative
transmissionism_______ 1. The ability to induce clinically
9. Tertiary prevention_______ apparent illness is K/a_____
10. Extrinsic incubation period 2. _________rate represents killing
is___________ power of a disease
11. Father of Indian surgery is ___ 3. Validity has 2 components _________
12. Health care delivery indicator_____ and __________
13. In screening test, sensitivity is the 4. Period b/w possible time of detection
ability to test to identify and possible time of diagnosis is
correctly______ ______
5. Basic tools of measurement in
T/B epidemiology are rate, ratio and
1. Hippocrates is the father of modern ______
medicine 6. Socially acquired learned behaviour is
2. Cross sectional study finds the __________
incidence of disease 7. The Framingham heart study is an
3. Asbestosis is a/w pleural example of ____type of
mesothelioma epidemiological study
4. Prevention of childhood obesity is an 8. The search for unrecognised disease
example of health promotion by means of rapidly applied test in
5. The first case that comes to the notice apparently healthy individual is called
of a physician is Index case. as________
6. Farmer’s lung is due to bacteria. 9. In_____, steps are taken to prevent
7. PQLI is scaled between 0 to 100 the development of risk factors in a
8. Measles 2nd dose if administered at population group in which it has not
16-24 months yet appeared.
10. The occupational disease of the lung 9. Culex mosquito breed in clean
caused by inhalation of cotton fibre running stream of water
dusat over a long period of time is 10. Breast feeding to a new-born babies
acalled___ should be initiated within ½ hour of
11. The term_____refers to all the delivery.
current cases both old and new 11. Socratic method is an one way
existing at a given point of time in a method of communication
given population 12. Presence of spores of C. perforinges in
12. In_type of epidemiological study both natural water in absence of E. coli
the exposure and the outcome or suggests most recent contamination
disease have occurred before the 13. Lecture is a one way communication
initiation of study. 14. Residual chlorine content in water
supply system is 0.5 PPM
T/F 15. DALY is a mortality indicator
1. The presence of spores of C. 16. Mode is the most frequently
perforinges in a natural water occurring observation in aseries.
suggests faecal contamination 17. Bias can be eliminated by Blinding.
occurred at some remote time T/F
2. Periodical examination done at the 1. The daylight factor should exceed 1
time of employment percent over half the floor area
3. One subcenturi in plain areas is 2. The siphon tube of anopheles
established for 2000-3000 population mosquito is broad and short
4. Sling psychrometer is used to 3. The chi square test is an alternative
measure relative humidity method of testing significance of
5. Random number table is not an difference b/w two proportions
accepted method of randomization 4. Persuasion is the art of winning
6. The term Comprehensive health care friends and influencing people
was 1st used by Bhore committee in 5. The MDG goal 5 to improve maternal
1946. health
7. The most frequently occurring value 6. One community health centre covers
in the distribution of data is called a population off 80,000-1.2 lakhs
8. DDT is used for indoor residual spray 1. The number of exposed persons
for the control of adult mosquito developing disease within the range
of incubation period following 16. Ability of a test to identify true
exposure to primary case is negatives is called_______
K/a________ 17. One subcentre in hilly and tribl areas
2. Analytical study comprises of cover about _____population
______and ______ study 18. IEC means______, _________,
3. Mongolism is caused by an extra __________
chromosome which occurs on __pair 19. Census in India is regularly conducted
4. _________is the commonly occurring in _______years.
value in distribution of data 20. Water with turbidity of
5. An ____________audience Is one _____nephrometric turbidity unit
whichy has gathered together for [NTU] is acceptable to consumer.
motives of curiosity. 21. Heat pyrexia is defined as a
6. ____________is the bacterial temperature above ___ F.
indicators of recent contamination of 22. The normal life span of mosquitos
water. varies from _______to_____ days.
7. Each sub centre is staffed by a _and a 23. One primary health centre caters a
_______ population of ______
8. According to Indian Public Health 24. Daily exposure level of noise upto
Standard, the bed strength of each __dB can tolerate by people without
CHC should be______ substantial damage to hearing
9. Active surveillance for malaria 25. The formation of a vital layer in a slow
fortnight is done by _______ sands filter is known as _of the filter
10. The art of winning friends and 26. Removal of bacteria in slow sand filter
influencing people is is _percent
called__________ 27. In comfort zone the predicted four
11. When the new idea or acquired hour sweat rate (P4SR) is ____litres
behaviour becomes part of his/her 28. A good sample of paris green contains
own existing values is called_____ __________percent of arsenous oxide
12. Formula for degree of freedom 29. For an effective group discussion, the
13. Goal 5 MDG stands to_____ group should comprise not less than
14. acce[ptablee noise level in hospital ____and not more than
ward is______dB _______members.
15. World cancer day is observed
on_____[4th Feb] COLUMN MATCHING
1. Bhore committee- primary health care 4. New tissues can not be formed unless
2. Triage- disaster Mx _____are present in the diet.
3. Yellow container- human anatomical 5. Causative agent of epidemic typhus
waste is______
4. RNTCP- DOTS Plus 6. WHO Day is celebrated on
5. Vital statistics- birth rate __________
6. Mala-N- OCP 7. Low stationary stage is characterized
7. Male pill- Gossypol by low birth weight and _______
8. Macronutrients- proximate principles 8. Egg is ___protein.
9. Essen Regimen-Rabies 9. India is in ___phase of demographic
10. DMPA- Injectable contraceptive cycle.
11. MDT- Leprosy 10. Iron & folic acid tablets for children
12. ART-AIDS contain ________elemental iron and
T/F _____folic acid.
1. Partially blocked flea is more efficient 11. WHO was established in______
vector for bubonic plague 12. Pearl index is expressed in________
transmission. 13. Any person with cough more
2. BCG is a live attenuated freeze dried than________is suspected to have
viral vaccine. tuberculosis.
3. Nutritional rehabilitation is an 14. MORON is one with IQ of________
example of secondary prevention 15. Vector of kala-azar is__
4. PAP smear is screening test for cancer 16. The most frequently used measures
cervix. of deviation is____
5. Protein quality is determined by NPU. 17. The floor area of a living room for a
6. Emporiatrics deals with health of single person should be at least ____
Travellers. 18. Clinical incubation period in lymphatic
filariasis is______
19. Causative agent of Plague____
1. Hemophilus ducrey causes ____ 20. The diose of human rabies
2. Ex ratio is defined as the number of immunoglobulin is __IU/Kg body
females per ______ weight
3. Age pyramid in developed countries 21. Acc to WHO and UNICEF, the Zinc
shows _______in the middle and has supplementation in clinical
a _____ base management of diarrhoeal diseases
for infnts under 6 months of age is 1. MAC is age independent indicator of
______ malnutrition.
22. _______is father of epidemiology 2. As per WHO, anemia in infants of 6
23. Post-coital Contraception is months of age ais defined as Hb less
recommended within _____ hours of than 110mg/L?
unprotected intercourse. 3. PERT is a/w qualitative analysis
24. The demographic goal of NRR IS 4. IMNCI target group is up to 5 years
_____ 5. Disposal of placenta at PHC is done by
deep burial
6. Epidemic does not occur post disaster
is Leptospirosis
1. Aedes- dengue
2. Kolpik spot- measles 1. ____ will provide the most timely and
3. Framingham study- CHD sensitive detection of infection of
4. psychosis- Schizophrenia pandemic Influenza A (H1NA) 2009
5. Endemic ascites- Pyrrolizidine alkaloid Virus
6. Point source epidemic- food poisoning 2. _______ is n indicator of prevalence
7. Epidemic dropsy- sanguinarine of contraceptive practice in
8. Aflatoxin- aspergillus flavus community
9. Infectious waste- yellow 3. ___________fatty acids are mainly
10. Red plastic bag found in animal fats
11. Puncture proof container- sharp 4. CARE Stands for_________
waste 5. A minimum of _visits covering entire
12. Black plastic bag- period of pregnancy should be target.
13. IFA Supplementation- anemia 6. _______ in India is the largest
prevention voluntary organisation working for
14. Iodized salt- IDD prevention the cause and care of disadvantaged
15. Vitamin A prophylaxis- prevention of older people
night blindness 7. ________ technique is used for
16. MDA[mass drug administration]- fluorination of water
elimination of lymphatic filariasis 8. The WHO has drawn attention to the
T/F fact that ___is our modern epidemic
9. AVERAGE MILK SECRETION PER DAY 24. Category 7 on biomedical waste Mx
IN Indian mother is ______mL contains______
10. The average weight gain per year 25. Nodal centre in case of disaster
after 2nd year till puberty is____ management is _______
11. Exclusive breast feeding is sufficient 26. Amplifying host in JE is _
for _____months 27. Ergonomics is defined as____
12. The maximum APGAR score should be 28. Give an example of
_____ in a new-born cyclodevelopmental transmission____
13. Respiratory rate can be termed fast
breathing in a less than 2 month old
infant, if RR/min is more than_____
14. What are the amounts of priotein and
calorie received byba pregnant
woman from the Anganwadi?
15. Boys over 16 years who are too
difficult to be handled inj a certified
school or have misbehaved are sent
16. Adolescent period extends from __to
17. One gram protein gives __________
18. A contact period of _____hour is
allowed before the water is drawn
from the well
19. VPDS
20. Denominator in maternal mortality
21. World breast feeding week is
celebrated in the month of________
22. Health survey and development
committee is known as______
23. Multibacillary leprosy follow up
duration is ___years under NLEP.

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