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A proposal to introduce a duvet days for universities

My investigation showed that half of my groupmates have sleep deprivation

problem, that’s why they ,apparently, attend third of our classes and miss loads of
important basics ,without which they won’t be able to perform well in coming exams.
There are two obvious ways to deal with this problem. First one is to move our
lectures later in the day, but we already start from 1 pm to 2 pm, so I won’t consider
this as a solution. Second way of dealing with sleep deprivation is to implement so
called “duvet days”, basically this is the day you can stay at home, do your own
things and do not attend lectures, the main difference from vacations is that it’s only
for small group of people (from 4 to 6 in my opinion), during this days students ,who
missed their sleep could return it back and then come back fresh and ready for the
studying process. Of course, you could argue that some unscrupulous students are
going to use it just to skip classes, but we are not in the kindergarten, if they don’t
want to attend university – they wouldn’t, so I don’t see other cons of trying duvet
days, for a start.

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