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Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Universitas Mataram
Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

Ujian Akhir Semester

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Mahir

Semester/Kelas : 2/B
Waktu : 9.30-11.00
Hari : Selasa 7 Juni 2022
Dosen pengampu : Mh Isnaini.,M.A

Nama : Made Wisnu Guna Artha

NIM : L1B021052

I. Read the text below and answer the questions given!

For many teenagers, social media plays a big role in their lives. Social networks like Twitter,
Facebook, Instagram, and many more can be useful tools ranging from educational purposes to
keeping in touch with far away friends. There are plenty of advantages that come with social
networking but there are also the disadvantages. Although social media can be used in a positive way,
negative effects such as a lack of social skills cyber bullying and outweigh the positive.

A negative effect of social media is that it interferes with the development and nature of one's social
interactions. People often say that they know someone but in reality, they only know their social media
accounts. The media gives a false sense of connection between others and along with that they often
forget or are not taught to socially interact with others. One out of five teens say that they prefer to
message someone rather than to physically talk to them. "Social interaction is needed to develop skills
in understanding the emotions of other people.” (Wolpert 8). This quote explains how the basic need
for knowing and having social skills are important to understand others. When people don't have these
skills, they are unable to communicate properly with others. Technology is decreasing the ability for
others to interact and communicate, which is highly essential in today’s world. One of the reasons that
the negative effects of social media outweigh the positive is because of the basic human essentials like
social skills are being lost through the tremendous amount of technology and usage of social networks.

Another negative effect of social media is Cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is when a person uses an
electronic device to bully another person, usually with an intimidating or threatening nature . An
anonymous user once said "Cyberbullying is Bullying hiding behind a pretty screen, doesn’t make it
less hateful, written words have power" (Anonymous 2). This quote explains that bullies exist online as
well as in the real world. The quote then explains how although it's a different type of bullying, it's still
bullying and is not any less hurtful. With 90% of teens having at least one social media cite, the
chances of cyber bullying occurring are immensely high. Everyday teens are experiencing more and
more cyber bullying, mainly through social medias. The alarming rate at which technology is
advancing there is no say as to when or how the cyberbullying can stop. This is only one of the many
disadvantages that come from the use of social networks.

1. Why do social media play a big role for teenagers’ lives?

2. What does the word ‘it’ in line 6 refer to?
3. What are the examples of social media?
4. Mention some negative effects of social media!
5. Mention some positive effects of social media!
6. Why do the negative effects outweigh the positive effects of social media?
7. What is cyber bullying?
8. What does the second quote (anonymous 2) indicate?
9. Why the chance of cyber bullying high?
10. What is the appropriate title of the text above?

II. Change the active sentences below into passive sentences

a. John is fixing the broken gate.

b. The students have submitted the assignments.
c. He sent the letter yesterday.
d. Someone will deliver the parcel tomorrow.
e. My mother sweeps the floor everyday.
f. Andy had finished the homework before he went to school this morning.
g. A Grahambell invented the telephone.
h. The children are going to cut the grass in the backyard
i. Somebody stole his car a few days ago.
j. She was baking the cake when I visited her house.

III. Write ten sentences with two clauses with sentence connectors provided in brackets:
a. Two sentences with (but, If).
b. Two sentences with (before, after).
c. Two sentences with (because, since).
d. Two sentences with (although, despite).
e. Two sentences with (when, where).

==================Good Luck=================
1. For many teenagers, social media plays a big role in their lives. Social networks like Twitter,
Facebook, Instagram, and many more can be useful tools ranging from educational purposes to
keeping in touch with far away friends.
2. The development and nature of one's social interactions.
3. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and many more.
4. One out of five teens say that they prefer to message someone rather than to physically talk to
5. Social media can be useful tools ranging from educational purposes to keeping in touch with far
away friends.
6. Because social media is a very free platform, we can access everything without strict supervision
so that negative things spread very quickly and usually cultures that people should not imitate
will be imitated because of the word "trending and viral".
7. Cyber bullying is when a person uses an electronic device to bully another person, usually with
an intimidating or threatening nature.
8. "Cyberbullying is Bullying hiding behind a pretty screen, doesn’t make it less hateful, written
words have power".
9. There is no telling when or how cyberbullying will end, so cyberbullying can easily utter
intimidating words without fear of identity.
10. Social Media Negative Effect.

1. The broken gate was fixed by John.
2. The assigments had submitted by the student.
3. The letter was sent by him yesterday.
4. The parcel will be delivered by someone tomorrow.
5. The floor are sweeped by my mother everyday.
6. This morning the homework had been finished by Andy before he went to school.
7. The telephone was invented by A. Graham Bell.
8. The grass in the back yard are going to be cut by the children.
9. His Car was stoled by somebody a few days ago.
10. The cake was baked by her when I visited her house.

1. The coffe was good but theres no brown sugar in it.
2. That building was builded before world war.
3. Dedi so happy after he got accepted to work on Gojek.
4. I will be the next president if I can win the election.
5. Rendy and I going to hospital because my brother got accident.
6. My company is born since I was young.
7. Jaden is very diligent in studying although he has limitations in thinking.
8. Our vacation on Papua was a lot of fun, despite the rainy weather.
9. Im going to take the sncak when my mom gived the permission.
10. The village have a lot of memories for me because that where me and my brother were raised.

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