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Chapter- 4 Links and Frames in HTML5


a. Link
b. Small hand
c. mailto:
d. <a>
e. Blue
f. current
g. target
h. <img>
i. pixel
j. loop
a. F
b. T
c. F
d. T
e. T
f. T
g. T
h. T
i. F
a. i. hyperlink
b. iv. All of these
c. ii. href
d. iii. #
e. ii. _self
f. iv. All of these
g. iii. Both (i) and (ii)
h. i. controls
i. i. Active
j. ii. autoplay

Descriptive Type Questions-

(a) Links are the most important part of the World Wide Web. The strength of the www lies in
its ability to link several web pages together. Hyperlinks or links, used interchangeably,
stand for hypertext links. Simply, a hyperlink is a unidirectional pointer from the source
document that contains the link to some destination within the same web page, a different
web page, or even a different website.

(b) URL stand for Uniform Resource Locator.

(c) The HTML tag that we use to create a link is called the anchor tag <a>. <a> tag is a container
element as it has on ON tag <a> and OFF tag </a>.

(d) When we move the mouse pointer over a hyperlink, the mouse pointer changes its shape
from an arrow to a small hand.

(e) Default colors of visited link is purple and active link colors is red respectively.

(f) The href attribute of the link document specifies where to open the linked document.

(g) The <iframe> tag is used to define an inline frame that enables us to present another HTML
document within the same window.

(h) src attribute takes the URL of the web page to be displayed in the frame.

For example,

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Creating Frames</title>
<h2>Creating Inline Frames</h2>
<iframe src="hello.html" height="200" width="200"></iframe>
<iframe src="world.html" height="200" width="200"></iframe>
<iframe src="india.html" height="200" width="200"></iframe>
<p>There are three frames on this web page.</p>

(i) The <audio> tag used to embed an audio file on a web page.

Two attribute of this tag’s are-

➢ autoplay : Plays the audio file automatically when the web page is loaded.
➢ controls: Displays the controls on the Web page.
(j) The <video> tag is used to insert a video file in a HTML document.

(a) A hyperlink is a unidirectional pointer from the source document that contains the link to
some destination within the same web page, a different web page, or even a different
website. Simply, hyperlink is a word, a group of words, or an image that is used to jump to
another document in the same website or another.
There are three different kinds of links:
• Internal : A link to a different section of the current documents.
• Local : A link to another page on the same website.
• Global : A link to a page on a different website.

(b) The href (hypertext reference) attribute of the <a> tag is used to set the URL of the target
resource, which is address of the document to link to. The href attribute of the anchor tag
specifies the destination page or file.

For example, if the words ‘Next Page’ are to be added as a link to an HTML file, the code will

<a href=”filename.html”>Next Page</a>

(c) By default, anchor tag <a> links open in the current window. If we want the link to open in
another window, we need to add a target. The target attribute specifies where to open the
linked document.

For example:

<a href = “” target = “_blank”>Doctors Information</a>

This will open the linked page in a new browser window or a new tab. Values of target
attribute are: _blank, _parent, _self, _top.

(d) Different values that can be assigned to the target attribute of the <a> tag are given below:

Value Description
_blank Opens the linked document in a new browser window or a
new tab.
_parent Opens the linked document in the parent frame.

_self Opens the linked document in the same frame.

_top Opens the linked document in full browser window.

(e) Yes, an image can be used as a hyperlink. When we want an image is linked to some
information related to that image, if someone clicks on the image, the user is directed to
that information. For this, simply place the image source, using the <img> tag, between <a>
and </a> tags.
For example,
<a href=”myschool.html”> <img src=”school.jpg”> </a>
For image hyperlink, image should be in .gif, .png, or .jpg file format. We will not be able to
use .bmp format files in this case.

(f) Frames allows us to open more than one web page simultaneously in a browser window.
Frames divide the screen into rectangular areas, each of which can contain in HTML
The <iframe> tag is used to define an inline frame that enables us to present
another HTML document within the same window.
For example,
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Creating Frames</title>
<h2>Creating Inline Frames</h2>
<iframe src="hello.html" height="300" width="300"></iframe>
<iframe src="world.html" height="300" width="300"></iframe>
<iframe src="india.html" height="200" width="200"></iframe>
<iframe src="manash.html" height="200" width="200"></iframe>
<p>There are four frames on this web page.</p>

(g) The <iframe> tag is used to define an inline frame that enables us to present another HTML
document within the same window. The attributes of <iframe> tag are given below:
Attribute Description Value
Width Specifies the width of the Value in pixels
inline frame
Height Specifies the height of the Value in pixels
inline frame

width, height attribute of <iframe> tag we can use like this:

<iframe src="manash.html" height="200" width="200"></iframe>

(h) HTML5 defines a new element <audio> tag which specifies a standard way to embed an
audio file in a web page. The purpose of autoplay and control properties of the <audio> tag
are given below:
Attribute Purpose Value
Autoplay Plays the audio file autoplay
automatically when the web
page is loaded
Controls Displays the controls on the controls
web page

How can we use autoplay, and controls attributes of <audio> tag are given below:

Using autoplay attribute with <audio> tag:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Inserting Sound File</title>
<h1>Listening to Song</h1>
<audio autoplay="autoplay" src="jonbai1.mp3"></audio>

Using controls attribute with <audio> tag:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Inserting Sound File</title>
<h1>Listening to Song</h1>
<audio controls="controls" src="jonbai1.mp3"></audio>

(i) Using the <embed> tag we can add an audio or video file to an HTML5 document. The
attributes of <embed> tag’s are given below:
Attribute Description Value
Src Specifies the URL of the URL
video or audio file to be
Height Specifies the height of the Value in pixels
video player displayed on
the web page
Width Specifies the width of the Value in pixels
video player displayed on
the web page

For example,

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Inserting Audio & Video File Together</title>
<h1>Let's have entertainment!</h1>
<embed src="jonbai2.mp3">
<embed src="sandeepMaheshwari.ogv" height="250" width="350">

<audio> <video>
i. <audio> tag is used for embed an audio i. The <video> tag is used to insert a video
file in a web page. file in an HTML document.
ii. Attributes of <audio> tag’s are: autoplay, ii. Attributes of <video> tag’s are: src,
controls, src, loop. height, width, autoplay, controls.

Application-based Questions
a. In this HTML5 document .mp3 file has been inserted, .mp3 is an audio file. <audio>
tag has been used for this purpose.
b. src attribute specifies the URL of the audio file.
c. If we want to replay the audio file once if it finished we must need to use attribute
Complete HTML code after using loop attribute is given below:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Inserting Sound Files</title>
<h2>Having Fun and Listening to Music</h2>
<audio controls="control" loop=”loop” src=”mysong.mp3”>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Link Click</title>
<style type="text/css">
a:visited {color: orange}
a:hover {color: purple}
a:active {color: green}
<h1><a href="#">Click on me!</a></h1>

3. In this code has two error. Here first use href attribute with <iframe> tag, but href is not
attribute of <iframe> tag. So, we need to replace href attribute with src attribute.
Secondly, <iframe> tag is not ended with </iframe> tag. So, if we add </iframe> tag with
this line “<iframe href="firstframe.html" height="300" width="200"> “ then code will be
error free.

<iframe src="firstframe.html" height="300" width="200"></iframe>

Complete code is given below:

<title>Creating Frames</title>
<style type="text/css">
iframe {margin-left: 40; border: 2px dotted orange}
<h1>Creating Inline Frames</h1>

<iframe src="firstframe.html" height="300" width="200"></iframe>

<iframe src="secondframe.html" height="200" width="200"></iframe><br>
We have created two frames.
4. She should add <audio> and <video> tags for use to add audio and video files to the web
page respectively.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Cultural Evening</title>
<h1>Cultural Evening at School</h1>
<p>This year saw the introduction of an exciting new event at our school with
first cultural evening being held on 15 August, 2018 at our school campus.</p>
<audio controls="controls" src="001. Spoken English
<video controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay"


5. loop attribute indicates if the audio file should be replayed once it has finished playing.

In the Lab
Code of ‘quiz.html’ file’s are given below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Quiz questions</title>
<h1 align="center">QUIZ</h1></br>
<li>Who proposed that electrons are embedded in a positive sphere?</li>
<li>What is the name given to the process of change of gaseous state directly to
solid state without going through liquid state?</li>
<li>Name the British chemist who provided the basic theory about nature of
<li>What is the fundamental unit of life?</li>
<li>What is the audible range of hearing for average human beings?</li>
<p><a href="answer.html">Click to see answers</a></p>

Code of ‘answer.html’ file’s are given below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Quiz answers</title>
<h1 align="center">ANSWERS</h1></br>
<li>J.J. Thomson</li>
<li>John Dalton</li>
<li>20 Hz-20 KHz</li>
<p><a href="quiz.html">Click to go back to questions</a></p>

Complete codes of this question are given below:

firstframe .html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>First Frame</title>
<h1 align="center">Atomic Number</h1></br>
<p>Atomic Number is defined as the total number of protons present in the nucleus
of an atom. It is denoted by Z. All atoms of an element have the same atomic
<p>For example, atomic number of Hydrogen is 1, because only one proton is
present in the nucleus of hydrogen atom.</p>
<p>For Carbon, atomic number Z=6</p>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Second Frame</title>
<h1 align="center">Mass Number</h1></br>
<p>The Mass Number is defined as the sum of the total number of protons and
neutrons present in the nucleus of an atom.</p>
<p>For example, mass number of Carbon is 12, because it has 6 protons and 6
<p>Mass number of Aluminium is 27, as it has 13 protons and 14 neutrons.</p>


<title>Creating Frames</title>
<style type="text/css">
iframe {margin-left: 40; border: 2px solid orange}
<h1>Information in Inline Frames</h1>
<iframe src="firstframe.html" height="500" width="500"></iframe>
<iframe src="secondframe.html" height="500" width="500"></iframe><br>

Complete codes of this question are given below:

First we create one html file “tiger.html” which have one link on image which
redirect the page “savetiger.html”.

Code of “tiger.html”:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>tiger page</title>
<h1 align="center">Tiger of Jungle</h1></br>
<a href="savetiger.html"><img src="tiger.jpg" width="500" height="500"></a>

Code of “savetiger.html”:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>tiger page</title>
<h1 align="center">Save Tiger</h1></br>

Yes, this is the code of birthday invitation message:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>birthday invitation</title>
<h1 align="center">Birthday Celebration</h1></br>
<font color="red"><h3>Dear all friends,</h3>
<p>a birthday party is waiting for you and Funky the Clown will be there too!
Flowers have sprung, and birds are all chirping! we're holding a party, we hope you
are surely coming tomorrow.</p>
<audio controls="control" loop="loop" src="birthdaySongTheme.mp3"></audio>

Additional Questions & Answers-

A. Very short type Questions and Answers :
1. Fill in the blanks-

a. The strength of the ____________ lies in its ability to link several web pages
Ans: World Wide Web

b. Hyperlinks or links, used interchangeably, stand for __________ links.

Ans: hypertext

c. Every document on the Web has a unique address, known as the ________.
Ans: Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

d. A _________ is a word, a group of words, or an image that is used to jump to

another document in the same website or another.
Ans: hyperlink

e. _______ tag is use to create a link is called the anchor tag.

Ans: <a>

f. The ________ attribute of the anchor tag specifies the destination page or file.
Ans: href

g. The __________ attribute specifies where to open the linked document.

Ans: target

h. ________ value of target attribute opens the linked document in a new browser
window or a new tab.
Ans: _blank

i. ________ value of target attribute opens the linked document in the parent frame.
Ans: _parent

j. ________ value of target attribute opens the linked document in the same frame.
Ans: _self

k. ________ value of target attribute opens the linked document in full browser
Ans: _top

l. __________ allow us to open more than one web page simultaneously in a browser
Ans: Frames

m. The _________ tag is used to define an inline frame.

Ans: <iframe>

n. __________ attribute will show an inline frame as a part of the containing element.
Ans: seamless
o. __________ attribute of <iframe> tag specifies URL of the web page to be displayed
in the frame.
Ans: src

p. __________ attribute specifies the width of the inline frame.

Ans: width

q. ________ attribute specifies the height of the inline frame.

Ans: height

r. _________ attribute of <audio> tag plays the audio file automatically when the web
page is loaded.
Ans: autoplay

s. _________ attribute of <audio> tag displays the controls on the web page.
Ans: controls

t. _________ attribute of <audio> tag specifies the URL of the audio file.
Ans: src

u. _________ attribute of <audio> tag indicates if the audio file should be replayed
once it has finished playing.
Ans: loop

v. The _________ tag is used to insert a video file in an HTML document.

Ans: <video>

w. __________ attribute plays the video file automatically on loading the web page.
Ans: autoplay

x. We can add an audio or video file to an HTML5 document using the ________ tag.
Ans: <embed>

2. Choose the correct option

(a) Which are the following given types of links

(i) Internal (ii) Local (iii) Global (iv) All of the above

Ans: (iv) All of the above

(b) A link to a different section of the current document is called:

(i) Internal (ii) Local (iii) Global (iv) None of the above
Ans: (i) Internal

(c) A link to another page on the same website is called:

(i) Local (ii) Internal (iii) Global (iv) None of the above
Ans: (i) Local

(d) A link to a page on a different website is called:

(i) Global (ii) Internal (iii) Local (iv) None of the above
Ans: (i) Global

(e) Which is the anchor tag of following given

(i) <b> (ii) <anchor> (iii) <a> (iv) <ar>
Ans: (iii) <a>

(f) The attribute of the <a> tag specifies the destination page or file is called:
(i) aref (ii) href (iii) hrea (iv) hrep
Ans: (ii) href

(g) The attribute specifies where to open the linked document is called:
(i) destination attribute (ii) src attribute (iii) target attribute (iv)
None of the above
AnsL (iii) target attribute

(h) The value of target attribute opens the linked document in a new browser window
or a new tab is:
(i) _parent (ii) _self (iii) _top (iv) _blank
Ans: _blank

(i) The value of target attribute opens the linked document in the parent frame is:
(i) _parent (ii) _self (iii) _top (iv) _blank
Ans: _parent

(j) The value of target attribute opens the linked document in the same frame is:
(i) _parent (ii)_top (iii) _self (iv) None of the above
Ans: (iii) _self

(k) The value of target attribute opens the linked document in full browser window is:
(i) _self (ii) _top (iii) _parent (iv) _blank
Ans: _top

(l) _________ specifies a link that the visitor has visited and its default color is purple.
(i) link (Standard Link) (ii) visited (Visited Link) (iii) active (Active Link)
(iv) hover
Ans: (ii) visited (Visited Link)

(m) __________ refers to the link that is clicked and default color of this link is red.
(i) link (Standard Link) (ii) visited (Visited Link) (iii) active (Active Link)
(iv) hover
Ans: (iii) active (Active Link)

(n) A link that appears when the user moves the mouse over it is called:
(i) link (Standard Link) (ii) visited (Visited Link) (iii) active (Active Link)
(iv) hover
Ans: (iv) hover

(o) __________ divide the screen into rectangular areas, each of which can contain an
HTML document.
(i) Division (ii) Div (iii) Frames (iv) None of the above
Ans: (iii) Frames

(p) Which is the given below is not the attribute of <iframe> tag
(i) seamless (ii) src (iii) height (iv) alt
Ans: (iv) alt

(q) The attribute will show an inline frame as a part of the containing element is called:
(i) src (ii) width (iii) seamless (iv) None of the above
Ans: (iii) seamless

(r) Which are given below is not an attribute of <audio> tag?

(i) autoplay (ii) controls (iii) width (iv) loop
Ans: (iii) width

(s) Which attribute of an <audio> tag plays the audio file automatically when the web
page is loaded?
(i) play (ii) playauto (iii) autop (iv) autoplay
Ans: (iv) autoplay

(t) Which attribute of <audio> tag indicates if the audio file should be replayed once it
has finished playing?
(i) loop (ii) controls (iii) for loop (iv) continue
Ans: (i) loop

(u) Attributes of <video> tags is/are

(i) src (ii) autoplay (iii) controls (iv) All of the above
Ans: (iv) All of the above

(v) Which is given below is not an attribute of <video> tag?

(i) src (ii) autoplay (iii) width (iv) loop
Ans: (iv) loop

(w) Attributes of the <embed> tag is/are

(i) src (ii) height (iii) width (iv) All of the above
Ans: (iv) All of the above

(x) Audio and video files can also be inserted in a web page using the ________ tag.
(i) <embedded> (ii) <embed> (iii) <embd> (iv) <em>
Ans: (ii) <embed>

3. Write T for the True statement and F for the False one.
(a) A hyperlink is a unidirectional pointer.
Ans: T

(b) URL stands for Universal Resource Locator.

Ans: F

(c) Links tie web pages together in a website or across various websites.
Ans: T

(d) A link to a different section of the current document is called the internal link.
Ans: T

(e) A link to another page on the same website is called global link.
Ans: F

(f) A link to a page on a different website is called a global link.

Ans: T

(g) We use to create a link is called the link tag <link>.

Ans: F

(h) By default, links open in the current window.

Ans: T

(i) _top attribute opens the linked document in a new browser window or a new tab.
Ans: F

(j) _self attribute opens the linked document in the same frame.
Ans: T

(k) hover is a link that appears when the user moves the mouse over it.
Ans: T
(l) if we want to send an e-mail, ‘mailto:’ is required before the address.
Ans: T

(m) The image should be in .gif, .png, or .jpg file format but not be able to use .bmp files
Ans: T

(n) We can’t use the ALIGN attribute with an image.

Ans: F

(o) Frames can divide the screen into rectangular areas.

Ans: T

(p) src attribute of <iframe> tag specifies URL of the web page to be displayed in the
Ans: T

(q) seamless attribute’s values in pixels.

Ans: F

(r) loop is not an attribute of <audio> tag.

Ans: F

(s) seamless attribute’s values are empty or seamless.

Ans: T

(t) loop attribute’s value is autoplay.

Ans: F

(u) loop attribute is not an attribute of <video> tag.

Ans: T

(v) Value of src attribute of <video> tag is URL.

Ans: T

(w) controls attribute displays the controls on the web page, such as play button.
Ans: T

(x) height attribute value is URL.

Ans: F

(y) To convert a text or an image into hyperlink, use the <a> tag.
Ans: T
(z) Default link color is blue, vlink color is purple, and alink color is red.
Ans: T

B. Short type questions & Answers:

1. How many link have in a website?

Ans: There are three different kinds of link in a website. Which are given below:
➢ Internal Link: Internal link is a link to a different section of the current document.
➢ Local Link: Local link is a link to another page on the same website.
➢ Global Link: Global link is a link to a page on a different website.
2. What is hyperlink?
Ans: Hyperlinks is the most important part of WWW. It is a word, a group of words,
or an image that is used to jump to another document in the same website or
another. The www is comprised of hyperlinks linking trillions of pages and files to
one another. Basically, hyperlinks allow web pages to connect to other webpages in
a website.
3. What is target attribute? What are the values of target attribute?
Ans: The target attribute specifies where to open the linked document. By default,
links open in the current window. If we want the link to open in another window,
we need to add a target.

For example,
<a href=”” target=”_blank”>SEBA</a>
This will open the linked page in a new browser window or a new tab.

Values of target attribute:

Value Description
_blank Opens the linked document in a new
browser window or a new tab
_parent Opens the linked document in the
parent frame
_self Opens the linked document in the same
_top Opens the linked document in full
browser window

4. What is <iframe> tag? Explain <iframe> tag’s all attribute.

Ans: Generally, frames divide the screen into rectangular areas, each of which can
contain an HTML document. And <iframe> tag is used to define an inline frame that
enables us to present another HTML document within the same window.

Attributes of <iframe> tag’s are given below:

Attribute Description Value

Src URL of the web page to URL
be displayed in the frame
Width Specifies the width of the Value in pixels
inline frame
Height Specifies the height of Value in pixels
the inline frame
seamless This attribute will show Empty/seamless
an inline frame as a part
of the containing

5. What is <video> video tag? Explain its all attributes.

Ans: <video> tag is an HTML5 tag. This tag is used to insert a video file in an HTML
Various attributes of <video> tag’s are given below:

Attribute Description Value

Src Specifies the URL of the URL
video file to be played
Height Specifies the height of the Value in pixels
video player displayed on
the web page
Width Specifies the width of the Value in pixels
video player displayed on
the web page
autoplay Plays the video file Autoplay
automatically on loading
the web page
controls Displays the controls on Controls
the web page, such as the
play button

6. Create a web page with three frames. In the first frame give information about
Sachain Tendulkar, second frame give information about Lioneal Messi, and the
third frame, give information about Hima Das.

HTML code for the first frame aboutSachain.htm is:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>About Sachain</title>
<h1 align="center">About <font color="red">Sachain
<img src="sachain.jpg" width="300" height="300">
<font color="blue">
<p>Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar (born 24 April 1973) is a former Indian
international cricketer and a former captain of the Indian national team, regarded as
one of the greatest batsmen of all time. He is the highest run scorer of all time in
International cricket.</p>
<p>Tendulkar took up cricket at the age of eleven, made his Test debut
on 15 November 1989 against Pakistan in Karachi at the age of sixteen, and went on
to represent Mumbai domestically and India internationally for close to twenty-four
years. He is the only player to have scored one hundred international centuries, the
first batsman to score a double century in a ODI, the holder of the record for the
most number of runs in both Test and ODI, and the only player to complete more
than 30,000 runs in international cricket.</p>
<p>Cricket world calls him Little Master or Master Blaster and often
referred to as the God of Cricket by Indian cricket followers, But he is so humble and
modest, once at an event he said "I am not God of cricket. I make mistakes, God

HTML code for the first frame aboutMessi.htm is:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>About Messi</title>
<h1 align="center">About <font color="red">Lionel Messi</font></h1></br>
<img src="messi.jpg" width="300" height="300">
<font color="green">
<p>Lionel Messi born 24 June 1987 is an Argentine professional
footballer who plays as a forward for Spanish club Barcelona and the Argentine
national team. Often considered the best player in the world and regarded by many
as one of the greatest players of all time,[6][7][8] Messi has a record-tying five
Ballon d'Or awards,[note 2] four of which he won consecutively, and a record five
European Golden Shoes. He has spent his entire professional career with Barcelona,
where he has won 32 trophies, including nine La Liga titles, four UEFA Champions
League titles, and six Copas del Rey.</p>
<p>Born and raised in central Argentina, Messi was diagnosed with a
growth hormone deficiency as a child. At age 13, he relocated to Spain to join
Barcelona, who agreed to pay for his medical treatment. After a fast progression
through Barcelona's youth academy, Messi made his competitive debut aged 17 in
October 2004. </p>
<p>Three successful seasons followed, with Messi winning three
consecutive FIFA Ballons d'Or, including an unprecedented fourth. His best
campaign statistically to date was the 2011–12 season, in which he set the La Liga
and European records for most goals scored in a single season, while establishing
himself as Barcelona's all-time top scorer in official competitions in March

HTML code for the first frame aboutHima.htm is:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>About Hima</title>
<h1 align="center">About <font color="red">Hima Das</font></h1></br>
<img src="hima.jpg" width="300" height="300">
<font color="purple">
<p>Hima Das (born 9 January 2000) is an Indian sprinter. She comes
from the state of Assam, which is in the North-East region of India. She became the
first Indian to win a Gold medal in a track event at the World Junior Athletics
Championships in 2018.</p>
<p>Hima Das was born in Kandhulimari village, Dhing, Nagaon, Assam to
Ronjit and Jonali Das, who are rice farmers by profession and she is the eldest of
four children.[2] She attended the Dhing Public high School and began playing
football as a child. She played the sport with the boys at her school and wanted to
pursue a career in football. Later, on the suggestion of Shamsul Haque, a Physical
Education Trainer from Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Das switched over to athletics
and began participating in short and middle distance races.[3] Hoque introduced her
to Gowri Shankar Roy of the Nagaon Sports Association. Das later qualified for an
inter-district competition and won two Gold medals at the sports meet.</p>
<p>Das competed at the 2018 Commonwealth Games in the 400 metres
and the 4x400 metres relay.[5] In the 400 metres, Das qualified for the final where
she finished sixth in a time of 51.32 seconds, 1.17 seconds behind gold medalist
Amantle Montsho from Botswana.[6] In the 4x400 metres relay she was part of the
Indian team that competed in the final. They finished seventh, with a time of 3
minutes and 33.61 seconds.</p>

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