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Traditional Marketing Refers to any type of promotion, advertising or campaign that has been in use by

companies for years, and that has a proven success rate. Methods of traditional marketing can include
print advertisements, such as newsletters, billboards, flyers and newspaper print ads. Other forms of
traditional marketing include television spots or commercials, as well as radio spots advertising a
business, product or service.

Contemporary marketing theories include Co-Creation. This theory suggests creating a bridge between
customer and business through gamification. A practical example would be attracting customers
through social media content relevant to their needs or writing article blog posts that have useful

Marketing Philosophies
1. Product concept or Philosophy- if product performance is given priority.
2. Production philosophy- The company value the importance of the availability of products at all times
with a reasonable price.
3. Selling Philosophy- where firms hire marketers or sales people to do aggressive marketing for the
firms product or services.
4. Societal Marketing Concept- firms look first into the welfare of society in general and deliver their
offering in a way that satisfies their market.
5. Marketing Concept- firms determine the needs and wants of their potential market.

Relationship Development Strategies

1. Communicate with customers frequently and effectively
2. Offer customer rewards
3. Conduct special events and offer sponsorships
4. Enhance customer service
5. Utilize languages to reach a wider customer base

Customer Service
is the process of ensuring customer satisfaction with a product or service

Customer service tools in the Philippine business enterprise

1. Customer Hotline –Customer can call for inquiries, concerns and technical support
Example customer can call PLDT to ask for assistance

2. Email and SMS- Business communicate with their clientele more easily as most consumers regularly

3. Social Networking Sites- Primary function of connecting people, have become a channel for netizen to
ask for customer service.
Example: Facebook, and twitter

4. Social Networking
Social Networking Sites- Primary function of connecting people, have become a channel for netizen to
ask for customer service.
Example: Facebook, and twitter
5. Live Chat Support- Facilitates real-time correspondence between the customer and the company
5. Mobile Application- People spend on using their smart phones.

Strategic versus tactical marketing

Marketing Environment
is the sum of all the internal and external forces that affect the way a firm operates, particularly to build
and maintain relationships with its target customers


refers to the forces closely influencing the company and directly affect the organization 

1. COMPANY consist of the owners, investors and employees who are all considered members of the
2. SUPPLIERS provide the resources that the organization needs to produce goods and services.
3. CUSTOMERS they are the people who are willing and able to buy the organization’s products and

1.Consumer Market-individual and households that buys a product for personal use.
2.Business Market-buy material for production use.
3. Reseller Market-buys a product for reselling at a profit.
4. Government Market government agencies that buy
product to provide public

5. Global Market-customers from other countries.

4. INTERMEDIARIES are the entities that assist in the distribution and selling of goods to customer.

Types of Marketing Intermediaries

1. Wholesalers entities that buy goods from manufacturers or producers and resell them to retailers
and other organization.
2. Distributors entities selected by manufacturers to buy goods for resale to retailers.
3. Retailers carry a wide range of goods which are bought from wholesalers or distributors and then
sold directly to consumers
4. Agents and Brokers sell products for certain commission or percentage of sales. They are authorized
by their companies to act and decide on their behalf.

5. COMPETITORS are rival firms that offer similar goods or services as the organization, they are either
direct or indirect.

a.Direct-brands competing in the same industry, offering the same goods or services.
b.Indirect-offer goods and services that differ slightly but with the same benefits.

THE MACROENVIRONMENT consists of the various factors which affect not only the firm itself, but also
the entire industry of the region or country.

DEMOGRAPHICS refers to characteristics of population such as age, gender, religion, education, civil
status, geographic location, lifestyle, and race.

ECONOMICS refers to the influence of the purchasing power of the peso on spending patterns in the
context of inflation and other economic forces that may affect the economy.

SOCIOCULTURAL refers to the belief, practices, norms, customs, and traditions that may affect business

TECHNOLOGICAL FACTOR refers to development in technology which may affect consumers, businesses
and society at large.

POLITICAL FORCES refers to groups of people which may influence the stability of a country and affect
the production, promotion and selling of goods and services.

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