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MAAZ [ 2020-CE-023 ] LAB#05 SSUET/QR/113

LAB # 05


To apply basic startup settings on a Cisco switch.

Q1: Perform all the basic switch configurations those are mention in
manual & submit the hard copy.

Step#01: Connect PC with switch and console it.

Step#02: Go to configure terminal and wrote hostname.

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Step#03: Run Clock set & Show clock.

Step#04: In configure mode, add banner.

Step#05: Run description interface.

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Step#06: In configure terminal, enable password.

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Step#07: In configure mode, disable password.

Step#08: In Configure mode, used logging buffered to copy logging messages such as errors.

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Step#09: Display interface information for the interface.

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Step#10: Show running-config.

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Step#11: Show startup-config.

Step#12: Show version.

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Q2: Write description of any three commands of ‘User Mode”.

The user exec mode is the default mode for the CLI. This is the prompt you are placed in when
you access the device using the Telnet, SSH, or cable access method. This mode is the least
privileged mode in IOS and it is used mainly to view statistics and perform basic network tests
using tools such as ping or traceroute. The prompt for this mode is the device hostname,
followed by an angle bracket (>):

Q3: Write description of any three commands of ‘Privileged Mode”.

The privileged exec mode allows you to execute all exec mode command available. It is accessed by
typing the enable command from the user exec mode and can be password protected. In this mode, you
can save the device configuration, show interface statistics, and even reboot the device. The prompt for
this mode is the device hostname followed by the pound sign (#):

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Q4: Run these commands:

1) #show version

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2) #show interfaces

3) #show startup-config

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4) #show runinng-config

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5) #show clock & find out IOS version, IOS file name, interfaces, RAM and NVRAM.

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