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Statistical Analysis with Software Application (STAT 2100)

1st Semester, 2022-2023

Section: Signature:

Exercise 7
Basic Statistical Data Analysis in R

Learning Outcome: At the end of the exercise, the student must be able to perform basic statistical data
analysis in R.

Instruction: Answer the following questions using R. Summarize your answers in word file. Put a copy of your
R codes at the end part of your answers for each item.

The following data shows the test scores of students. It includes school setting, school type, sex, pretest score
and posttest score.

school_setting school_type gender pretest posttest

Urban Public Female 62 72
Urban Public Female 66 79
Urban Public Male 64 76
Urban Public Female 61 77
Urban Public Male 64 76
Urban Public Female 66 74
Urban Public Male 63 75
Urban Public Female 63 72
Urban Public Male 64 77
Urban Public Female 61 72
Urban Non-public Male 61 73
Urban Non-public Male 64 74
Urban Non-public Male 66 78
Urban Non-public Female 60 71
Urban Non-public Female 64 77
Urban Non-public Male 64 73
Urban Non-public Male 63 70
Urban Non-public Male 67 73
Urban Non-public Female 63 71
Urban Non-public Male 64 73
Suburban Public Female 61 75
Suburban Public Male 58 78
Suburban Public Female 64 82
Suburban Public Male 58 77
Suburban Public Male 65 87
Suburban Public Male 65 80

Suburban Public Female 62 75
Suburban Public Male 58 73
Suburban Public Male 59 74
Suburban Public Male 59 74
Suburban Non-public Male 63 76
Suburban Non-public Female 63 78
Suburban Non-public Male 59 77
Suburban Non-public Male 61 77
Suburban Non-public Male 65 72
Suburban Non-public Male 66 83
Suburban Non-public Female 67 81
Suburban Non-public Female 68 79
Suburban Non-public Female 63 80
Suburban Non-public Female 63 83
Rural Public Male 63 78
Rural Public Male 67 79
Rural Public Male 61 76
Rural Public Male 57 76
Rural Public Female 72 84
Rural Public Female 65 78
Rural Public Male 56 73
Rural Public Female 64 77
Rural Public Male 65 80
Rural Public Male 65 79
Rural Non-public Male 64 84
Rural Non-public Female 62 81
Rural Non-public Female 58 78
Rural Non-public Female 63 84
Rural Non-public Female 68 85
Rural Non-public Male 66 81
Rural Non-public Male 68 88
Rural Non-public Female 66 81
Rural Non-public Female 68 82
Rural Non-public Male 68 79

Answer the following questions.

1. Determine whether there is significant difference in the pretest of the students for public and non-public
school. Use 0.05 level of significance.

2. Determine whether there is significant difference in the posttest of the students for public and non-public
school. Use 0.05 level of significance.

3. Determine whether there is significant difference in the pretest and posttest of the students. Use 0.05 level of

4. Evaluate whether posttest have significant linear relationship with pretest. Use 0.05 level of significance.

5. Create regression equation to predict posttest using pretest as explanatory variable. Interpret the slope,
intercept and 𝑅2.

6. Determine whether sex and school type are related.


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