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NSWERS EXERCISES ON SUBORDINATE FINITE AND NON-FINITE CLAUSES, Underline the subordinate clauses ihe following sentences and label them. Then, tell the function they fulfill inside the sentence. NOUN ADJECTIVE ADVERB — NONSRINITE VERBLESS BARE INFINITIVE 1. Tommy scrubbed dhe baths ] 2 Gite wpstationess Vito TTS 1. She heard Charles tl 4. by do Sin ORE con ude ths hich ub, ACESS TS, a cds compet te hart re i SST 6 Heke te pay nd ve ST 7. The person we talked to yesterday told who the students want to win what the prize would be. Adjective clause Noun clause Noun clause r roo Vr 1 - The person we talked to yesterday told who the students want to win what the prize would be 5 v OF Oa 8. There were 0 m0 _ ee vev—orsescess Tajective chase Ty x I was startled to hear a local radio announcer refer to a contest. ee Non-finite cause a Bare inf. dause ce Sv o 15. The monk thanked the peop!« iio Sosa ia Auverb Came - The monk thanked the people so that they could realize he was in favor. —eve Noun cause Tv oT x 16. Youhave to look atthe picture rally carefully SoSSSSwe 17. Nowa mother ofa large family. she felt really happy: |S RCA MGRSAREMERABES. the host told the guest that Carol's sister had passed away. 19, Cin WTR RGER OBER + one reason why Fred cannot stand sitting across from his sister Melanie, Nos-finite clause Adjective clause - Chewing with her mouth open is one reason why Fred cannot stand sitting across from his sister Melanie, —E——E—e—oreeesses‘ Nee fate clame 20. SESESSRGIORIOVES PIRATES, fe never barks at the deliveryman. 21. Josephine's three cats bolted from the driveway SSS eaEnCeSme Adverb clause - Josephine's three cats bolted from the driveway once they saw her car turn the comer. Bare inf. ol L : Dt x im x 1 22. We heard her sing. 23. The proposal, if aeeepted by Pailiament, will mean fundamental changes to the education system. 24. Laughter erupted from Annamarie, (HG/niSGUpped foESeVeH hours aASRWar. 25 The miscngeyegls wether, WED inl See Wie ing Som Tener >> ‘The missing eycelasses_ are in the refhigerator, where Damicn absentmindedly set them down while eating his roommate's leftover fied tice. a Newfie we ; 26 Di kt manip hy her beagle Sonn, EATS RTS REESE 27. A og ERS PSOTRUENBB wit soon develop pepperoni breath 25. One at SHOR GSA HGH OTS she wal nds os a RS °° °° ‘Verse lause oun phrase ‘Once in a fat, where Hartmann would be sitting infront ofthe television, she would find the ideas, thet had suggested themselves. “Tajetive cane Tajectve cause x sv oF 129. After her appointment at the orthodontist, Danicile cooked eggs for cinncr TSS ee eee 30 Whoever ate the branch in big wouble ) eae T SATA, trey eventually were all burnt out 32, SEARTETERESASAUNEHAE, Mrs. Russell throws chalk erasers at their heads. 38. The old gir SST TNE POUSEGSSANSIPEA told that because of her dizziness 34. You really do not wat EA °° ** Non-fnite clause ‘You really do not want tw know What my dog did in the living room today. aE, ee Neon Classe v OF 3) STR. «211 t the museum have spent many ye=rs i i ae 36eterherappeintmentat te orthodontist BenicHecockedeggefordianer becamesheceukhceri-chewemenclet (done before) 37. The lazy students swhom Mrs: Risse hit in the heael with a chalk eraser soon (ex re REESE 38. Don’t forge 5S GER TRASSHE + ++ ‘Non-fint clause Don’t forget to fill in the form attached to the letter, Naw fie cameo 39. The thief tiptoed into the room (GEO SS2 sooo HER 40. I bade him come, 41. (Although Very tired, Pablo insisted on giving his wife a hand with making dinner ready. ***** Non-finite clause Prepositional phrase r 1 r Although very tired, Pablo insisted on giving his wife a hand with making dinner ready. Now 22, caught he boy

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