MGNT Hist Assi No 1

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Assignment NO

Q ExPlan indetails the bioqsa hica) sketch of f

Tayloand Heni fayol ath4hei ContibutioA+
h e field d
BiogiaPhical skeich of s Taylo
The Csedet Of SuStenadi.c gtudy and piacice of
mapagemen Qoesho Ersedernckd: Taylod ley c
Kao@n 1 0 h e maaqemen+ litesatude a s h e la.
at Saenific managemens Admioigioatise Sciend
Can be Said
-a have raly bequn toith the LOntingsS
O Taylod and the okOf Heny fodd of forsd
O ConPany (usA) Hasold R Pollasd Ot2ell knoeo
Bmtish auho on manaqementthdoug has Co
meokd ha- any book bich adlecmpiso Sho
ho manaqemen+ though hag developedmust
ioeitably hadttsidb Taylo Toylo- SLaated bis
Casee as ao appsenhce h o asmall machin
malkinq hopin Philadelphia in l27SSince Taylo
hasm s e oCaom a looeí daok to the hiahesthe
koethot Pod1ceds oduced only abou+one-thi
Of 2hoat they Could e obseled that s lo2
PAoduction 2as ladgely on account Of tbe fac
tha+ lobodedsPodCthced iadiiona mebads of
duchop Tbe echnlques O managemen LDEse
Ollleorso.ed by+mal d e i o Opp.doach Nobodyee
Poid ony O4teodion OelScoNe nq be exact Oaure
OF +he todK o be.done Od h e best oay oE doiog

Boso n 18s6 a PhiladelphiaTaylo had eadly

educdon o t ench and Gesman Schools Lak
he qot dearsee 1o enqLOemng Paom Sevens

Tosaidute OETecholagy O Ne
Jeise4 4
bis Ca Os ao Oppeeice all maChi.De
makinq Shop Tayloc6ose to +he_iankoL Chief
Enqioeeinmiclale SheelcomPany OPhiladelghi
He also oked as gepersa anaoae ofmanu e
Aumng Lovestmen
Aulnng CoaPany otheeyeois
(12ao93)and lated he eag aConsulan Enqioee
iA BethlebemSee Compony HisEamouS Lcko
include Shop anagement g03j and prno.cipal
Of Scientific na.nagemend (1911)Thegíea rd
Taulordied n 19iS

BiogsaPhical sketeh ol Henmfayal

T CÁed esck Taylo 1S +o be deaqaídedaghe
OhedOf Scienti£ic manaaementit Douldbe fci
and us+ to call Henm fayalthe fatherk O Padpe
Of maoageme+Theáeaie_maoy hoOrse indlined
to believe thad he seal Eothe olscien ic
manaqement aS fouo ono DotToylod ondthe
CondbutonsOf dhe osmed toaanogemen
Ougb Godexceeded hosc ofhe ladtf
Layol a s badn io 18u i n Cioance Laual ho
Studied enqaeernnqio faoce sepled omioin
metalludqicalCombioe ids as an enqieed aDd
o t s a g itg hanoa.qinq Dise.cded betLoeen882 d

1918 He authoded +he Didely ecoqni eal olHqu

ted book Oenesa and Todu ghma Managemen

1g16 sanslaco in Eoalish 1949 fayl
aseat OmdtA Passe Qeay 192f

bution to be Lield of mona.g.emen by

ACe bavinq geer the NomouS Studies aod expem
men+s Conducted byTaylo i i s Ponthhile +o.
eramiDe hiç basic Contnbutioo o managemen
houqh The basic Philo gophy of Fuedamen-tal.
Change O attude onhe pat of both
Ond men He spoke Of menial Kevolution on tae
Padt O botb eployees cnd employ eds He said
i n jts essence SCientfic managemen
iDVoles a
OE bolh
Complee mendal evoludios on he pat
employeesOno employers He Said he t2olein
men engaged o ony panticula esteblisbmeot O
induSto a comPlete menal gelolutior Ontbe pan
o Hhese men as-tothei duthes tou gds the
oktopad hei Lelloomen and +oPadd+heid
employeiS And iONolles t h e equally Complete
menLa íeyoluon oO+he PO O HhOSe Oo the manc

qemeOts Side he oie mon be boorodoF diecdore

Port aS to her
a Complee mental ieyoluhon ontheid
+he managemen-
duhes o2add Hhein O o k m e n i
ou2aid all Of+heid
-oRadd Hheint oskmen ard
pdoblems nd P1thout this Complete meDta
aeNoluioO o n bOth Sides Scienh £ic
does DO- eX1 S t h a t _ s h e essence of scientilic
mental seloluioo.
mana.aemend +pS qea+

Contambuion to-tte Eield o hanagemen by

Henm fauol
Of biahliqbbHng eimpohaoce
The Csedid
he op manoqemeo_Poin
managemen aGHivhaies Com
TE may be Dodeeltha Taylo
Ofvie qoes to fayal
opeiaselevel omthe
Odked Pmmamly o0the
iedadchy Ue2addsCayol
bohom of h e i n d u s t m a l
-op managecmen_and
hogeve Concentaaded n
doeOL2aoesThu fayol u20s CoOceoPd
than SupeiNisi
hqenedal moanagement i o a e
OVeall Contaol
mode Concenoed C i h
H ea s hePselo
h o o details of opesaHocS To
odugtmal manogemen
O bis book Gecesal and
beDdoe nanagemen+ Plays a l e a y i m p c d t a n t
QosEdmen+of Undetakinq o allL
Post io +he
undetakinaslaaqe on Smallindustcmal

Commedciol Political d e liq1ous OK any Ohed

bave been
LauolS pmAcLples Of manaqement
chadactenSHCSs of h e
ieqodded aS akio to h e
laid doeob
fodmal osqaninaion o f b u s e a u s a c y

Max_Lebed Ol+hough 1 t S believeo Ha

Oodk a s oot kDoPO bim

oExPain hetheo OEQutbam+ St.Cuebu

max Webes io detail 9
Teo OE Authomty Slauctures by max Oebe
Nebe ceNeloped o theory of aulhoat SuChue
es acd his iS neqoided a s bis maio Contnbuion
in-Ogoi20lion-heoy He seqars.dedpo@easth
abilty O osce people to oba Hoeslesio the.
Opioioo OLhis Czesman Philo sophei i n atHhomtuM
osdesS aie Voluntamly obeyed To this theod
Adebe poinied out é s e e tupes o Qutho u Suderms

DChaismai Auhomy
ThiStype Of authomdy Susemis based on he-
perSoal magneiSm o f h e LeadedBecause
e P e s o n a l q u a l i t y OdqiC+ Aha enables
individual O LmPsessand Oluence maoy o
his Eelloesa leade domnades decision
motods and
Adolf Hiled loadNutEield Of mosms
foíd Moo Company Can be Cited
Henty o d O
HoOdevesin eben'S
OS Chamsrmoic leade
Osqao1 2aiong ohich haNe 'chamsnaic
foundes's hoNe buit-io iOStabilidy Ond
Paoblem OE Succeçsio as authomy OfE
1 a
Successo Of a Chansmaic Lade

23Taaditional Authony
ype OOu-thomy 9 y s e m t h e
To +iS
aulbomtyby Nidtue O h i s
e mastes) has
inhemded. The exent Of bis
Status h o t he has
b y C u s t o m The OfEiC1als h a
Outhomdy S ixed

Cokdy Out the Osdeis Ode Lilke bousebold S at

Of aste

3JRchonal LeaalAuthoD Buseauesacy

To Hhe opALoD of aebe SisOuthonty Sus
domioates and 1 is a e mos- efticient o
This Sysiem is ChoaChecmaed by sahionatity and
legali TheSuSemIS aHonal because e meao
expdessly designed o aChieNE cethaio
SpeciiC gools be Odoaoi2aion iS like a
desianed machine aitha cetaio funcHlon to pea
m Andeve Past OlHt maChinc onnhsteS+
h e Q+talomen OE maximum pedocmaACe Ofth4
unCto Eis leqalbecaUSe ou-thocnty 1Ss-
LKeicsed by meanS OL a SuSHem OLaulles
Prsocedudes aouqhHhe OIEce oicb an
LndiNdual OCCuPLes a a Peducula tme-

3 ExPlainbiaoiaehical Skesch of Ches-edBaanad

COh elemeotS O Obqani20Hon in de+aiis
Biogsaehical Ske+ChoE Ches-edBonoe
Tgoes thout Sayinq hat boweved excellen
and in-ellectualy Challenqing t h e ideas o Aa

managemend hiaeA Odethey mus be evaluat-

ed bu expemence T h e Only dtal +estio
management IS he test Of expemenceEmedman
a qseat economistCommeOed thodt taPoIS
Simple he less inltialkno ledoe is 0eeded-o
make a Pdedichioo oithio a.qiden field of Pheno-
mena 1 is mode fAuitlul '+he mode Paecise +he
esultinq psedicdions he t2ided the aeqLithio
Lohich 4he theoy uieldsp-iedichionsand e e moe
additional lines fod futbert iesearich it SuggesS+s
The only delevan est Of he Nalidity OL a hypote-
sis is Compaison ot pxediciion t expemence.
The eomes and Conceptg po pounded byChesier
TBanadd (122G19c1) hcNe been fuiaul and of
aseat ractical Lilid His ideas aae as much Nalid.
oday a s they wede iO 1930 BadDads uok
iOSPiíed the Wok C Hesbeat A Simon ames
C aach and moo Othe Amemcan mde1s
nanagemen Hebmdged he gap betueeo
Hhe Scienific nanaqemen bureauCoc e e s
and modeso VeS To the evolu-Hoo Of moledo
Contnbu-tioo os
h e o OE nonag emênt his
been VHOl 80 nasd haS Paobably od amode
Pa 6 ouno impaCt On Hhe hinking aboutHee
Complex Subject mattes OE humao Odqoni2atton


ContmbLAchon he_ContinumoA
Hhan b a s aDy

manaqemen hough Confecsinq lltuloessoC beiqOo-ed Ra
Oadd'sanalysisa s PaONIded oundaioo fos
O OUhomts'"
Pdesectday aceP + a n c e t e o y
He a s Hae SAmtual Ha-ae o
e SocialL
hOughe I + isi
Sustecms scbcol Ot managemen
Said aa Henm layo) is Called h e feoous
Bacon(8m1Sh e x e t on it-edcctue OLmanageme
nLiedatdae Badocd Should be Called ThodSH
Neben Amemcan ecooomist+ ofmangqe ment
Boioin 1824 Ot alden (magsaChusetS
Badnadd Oag fcuCated Ot Had Nano He
Sed NEdthe
Aaes Cao Tele Pbooe Companyidgt CS a tcaos
lodos Ond laded ag aoenqiee He Oas the
Psesiden OEheNe Íesey Bell Tele Phaoe
HIS Dell kOOLAn WoKS Includle The kunctioos o
the EXecudsle 1g38) The Nakuce Of LRcelesishg

LIGuo),and Omqani20Hon and ManaqemeotUgu

Elemeo4s of_oaanizOion
Bodnadd a s Of +be i e that liAqnegsh
CO-oPesaLe Commoo Pu Pose ODd
Ase h e elemenS O ao OícaniaadHOD

oillingness oCo 0petate

LOillingness O f Peisons toContmbute etlLa+s llo
tAe Co-OpeíaiNe Sugem s iodispensable
aness meanSSefaboaa-tioo Hhe Sussecdes Op

Contol Ol Pessonal c.oduct,the de peiSoncli2auo

OEPeásonal acionT sesuHs io Cobesion of
efloat H o n e v e s h e believe at 2iliogoess to
Contambute_to Odqani20tioo 1S ODt ConsLat_LO
cleaseee Cnd Names amonq LOdiduals
2 CommanPu-spoos
Basnasd Doted that illiogoess to CoOperoe
Capno_clevelop bout ooy ObjeciNe OE CO-Opta=-
ioo unless tbese iS Such an Obiecile
Caooot be knoDp Os apticipaded b a sPecific
eEfotS_cOill be sequiced O odividual ood io maoy
Cases hat Sahs £acion to e m Can beio
PaOSpec-s The necessitu o havinq a Common
Pudeose iS axiomaicimplicit io the uCKdS_of
System Co-oídina-ion' co-apeoion Thus he
Meantha in evemy 9ysen(O-cddinaiond co
OpeiotioD hese must be commoooess OF Objeaile
He also distioquished betueen Orsqaniaaioo He
also distinguished betteeeo Oíqaoi2atioy purpose
ipdividual moiue for bim itiS oecessacnly an
OHeAOal Pedsonal Subjec- hinq Phle COmmon
Pedpose is oecessamiy an exdesnalimpessonal
Obiecive hinq

3 COmmuoLCQLon
As aD impodtaot element OL Onqaoz0Hoo
CommuniCaHon Mt qades n OChNement O pudpose

ond nducement OL Pudpose To his miod commuoL

Caiop techoiqueg detesmine Scope oL oqani20ioo

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