The OB Group Assignment Case 1

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Case #1

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Case #1: “The OB Group Assignment” on Perception and Personality, Ch. 2

Case Instructions:
First, read the case content quickly and review the five (5) case questions to be answered. Then
read the case content more carefully, noting and highlighting the key information provided in
the case content that will guide you in answering the 5 case questions. Then, referring to your
text, ensure your answers are informed by and grounded in the content from Chapter 2.

Case Content:
In a newly formed OB group project team, two of its members obviously have very different
perceptions on just about everything the team does. Kevin “sees” the project one way; Kim
“sees” it differently. The two of them have very different perceptions about the team’s goals,
its methods, values, and the roles that team members should play. Kevin gives the impression
that he wants to be “in charge” and argues aggressively to get his way. Kim, who is more
reserved, offers thoughtful ideas in rebuttal, and usually consults the other group members for
their views and support. Privately, Kevin “bad-mouths” Kim to anyone who will listen. He says
he has been on successful teams many times and that he “knows” the best ways to run the
team. He says that Kim is a “control freak” and the only one on the team who is holding up their
progress. Kim, on the other hand, conveys her feelings about Kevin only when team members
are present, but she has repeatedly said out loud, “There are more ways of getting this team
started than just yours Kevin! Too bad you have a closed mind.”

For the most part, the other team members perceive Kevin and Kim to have a “personality
conflict” and avoid getting involved. The team is ineffective so far, and there’s mounting
pressure to get the team on track because of the impending class project deadline.

Case Questions:

1. What main factors referenced in your text might account for the different perceptions
held by Kevin and by Kim: of themselves; of each other; and in the current team
situation? Ensure that you refer to Exhibit 2-1 in answering this question.

Perception is the process by which we organize and interpret impressions to give meaning to
our environment. The main factors referenced in the text that might account for the different
perceptions held by Kevin and by Kim: of themselves, of the other, and in the current team
situation are the following:

The Situation: In this case, the time, work setting, and social setting are the same for both Kevin
and Kim.

The Perceiver: In this case, the perceivers are both Kevin and Kim, and the other team
members. Kevin and Kim both have completely different sets of attitudes. Kevin gives the
impression that he wants to be “in charge”, and argues aggressively to get his way, whereas Kim
is more reserved, offers thoughtful ideas in rebuttal, and usually consults the other group

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members for their views and support. Kevin and Kim’s differences in perception impact the
group's motives, interests, experience, and expectations for the project because they perceive
the situation as Kevin and Kim having a “personality conflict” and avoid getting involved.

The Target: Kevin and Kim’s different perceptions can impact the project outcome as it is
impacting the current working (group) environment. The novelty and perceptions of Kevin and
Kim are different compared to the perception of the other group members. As motion and
background, Kevin privately “bad mouths” Kim to anyone who is willing to listen and puts forth
the attitude that ‘he knows the best ways to run the team’ On the other hand, Kim handles the
situation by conveying her feelings about Kevin only when team members are present, and
saying that ‘There are more ways of getting this team started’.

2. To what extent might the current situation be affecting their different perceptions?
Again, refer to Exhibit 2-1 in responding to this question.

The extent that the current situation might be affecting the different perceptions is that the
team members perceive Kevin and Kim to have a “personality conflict” and avoid getting
involved. This behaviour leads to a negative work environment, in which the team experiences
no unity. Due to the lack of connectivity and cohesion, the team’s performance and productivity
is low, which ultimately results in the team members not being able to perform to the best of
their abilities and not putting forth much motivation, and willingness.

3. Explain what “perceptual errors” Kevin and Kim may be making in judging each other.
Are their judgments correct?

The ‘perpetual error’ that Kim and Kevin are making in judging each other is the following:

Selective Perception: This error is shown by Kevin’s perception of the situation, considering he
looks at his point of view only and wishes to do what he feels is right. Kevin doesn't bother to
seek opinions or support from Kim or the other group members because he believes “he knows
best” about running a team based on his interests, experience, and expectations.

Self-Serving Bias: This error can somewhat be applied to Kevin because he attributes success to
internal factors (himself) and blames failures or the downfall of the group on Kim. Although she
too is an internal factor, Kevin believes that ‘He has been on successful teams many times and
knows the best about running teams.’ He also considers Kim a “control freak” and the only one
that's holding up the progress of the team.

4. To what extent might each of their apparent personalities be the cause for the current
conflict? Define both Kevin’s and Kim’s respective personalities using one or more of the
personality instruments referenced in your text (e.g the MBTI, the Big 5 Model, etc.).

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The extent for Kevin and Kim’s apparent personalities can be the cause for the current
conflict in this case. When looking at the MBTI model and pairing up all the personality types
we would consider Kevin to be “Visionary” which includes Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and
Judging personality traits. The reason why we chose this is because Kevin is one-minded / one-
sided and he believes his way is the right way and he does not want to consult with the other
group members if they have any other ideas. Kim on the other hand we can see her more as an
“Organizer” which includes Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging personality traits. The
reason for this is because Kim is providing her own ideas to the group and asking other group
members as well if they have any ideas/comments to make sure everyone gets involved and
that everyone is on the same page.

5. If behaviour such as this were to happen often, how can perceptions be changed so that
people in conflict, such as Kevin and Kim, can reach consensus? List and explain at least
three (3) of your ideas.

1. If its group work where you can divide into two smaller groups where Kevin and Kim
do not have to consult together until the very end. This will limit the amount of time
when arguing on every step that will be made during the project work. In this case, Kim
have her team to consult ideas with and Kevin will have his team to work with.
2. Another way would be to do Interpersonal activities/games with the group first before
starting the work. This way each group member can learn a little bit about another
person which
could develop better communication, reliability, leadership, and positivity.
3. Lastly, the group members can even decide to write down all their ideas on a page
without knowing who wrote what and then put the decision to a vote. This way no group
members have any idea which one was Kevin and Kim’s ideas, so then it would go to a
vote to see which idea the group project will go forward with.


Langton, N., Robbins, S.P. & Judge T.A. (2019). eText, Organizational Behaviour: Concepts,
Controversies., Applications (8th Canadian Edition). Pearson Canada Inc. ISBN: 9780134882451

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