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Project Sign-Off Document

Project Name: Simple Storage Website Development

Client ID 12403

Development Team 6Storage Website Development

Executive Sponsor: Tyler Sellars

Development Manager: Sethuraman

Product Manager: Stephen

Date: 11/18/2022

Purpose: The purpose of the Project Sign-off document is to formally close this custom website
development project and authorize the handoff from project to operations. It would include final
information about the project deliverables, scope, milestones, and budget, as well as lessons learned.

1. Project Description

As a 6Storage team we are providing the website development services to the Simple Storage Inc
team based on the given HTML file design for Webpage and Mobile application. 6Stoage team target
audience should be a Self-Storage business throughout the website we have the covered the entire self-
storage business models as per the client needs.

2. Scope Statement

The aim of this website development is to build the website for simple storage team based on the
HTML design which is provided by the client team. Based on the initial conversation with the client team
6Storage team have started this development 7/6/2022 below delivery points for the final delivery of this
project. Client must pay the remaining amount for this project after the launch date.


3. Project Accomplishments
6Storage team is achieved the below deliverable items to go-live as per the client acceptance as per the
initial scope and CR changes, below mentioned items are mapping to live environment.

3.1. Custom Website development

3.1.1. Home webpage
3.1.2. Login
3.1.3. Activate account
3.1.4. Booking confirmation
3.1.5. Booking detail agreement
3.1.6. Booking detail page
3.1.7. Booking page
3.1.8. Calendar
3.1.9. Dashboard
3.1.10. Forgot password
3.1.11. Password reset
3.1.12. Sign-up
3.1.13. 404 Error
3.1.14. Account and edit profile
3.1.15. Billing – add new card- CR approved
3.1.16. Billing
3.1.17. Move-out
3.1.18. Move-out upload- CR approved
3.1.19. Report an issue- CR approved
3.1.20. My unit- CR approved
3.1.21. Payments- CR approved

Development Tech-stack we used:

JavaScript, PHP, React JS, C#, Ajax Call, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Material UI


4. Financial Summary

Notes: Client needs to pay $1761/- (C$ 2365/-) Upon 6Storage mapping to client suggested domain

5. Transfer to Operations
6Storage team will map the client domain, post launch we will provide the support for a month
for in-scope items, after that any support or change request will be consider as separate estimation.
Once we handover the source code for this simple storage website from 6Strorage team after the
remaining payment, entire responsibility will be goes to client for any code changes/code brakes/issues/

6. Hosting Domain
6Storage team will map the IP: & Domain temporally hosted by
6Storage team.
6Storage hosting charges $30/month Domain control panel credentials will not shared with any clients
since it’s shared hosting model.
Simple storage team can host this custom website with their own domain any time during this time.

7. Project Manager Comments

Due to high complex technical architecture structure slight delayed happed to deliver this custom
website, finally we covered all accomplishment items and due to system not compatible and macros not
available with the custom email templates 6Storage team is dropping this scope request.
Custom templates mapped to client admin portal account based on the macros available in the system client
can change the content and map macros accordingly to use the custom designed email templates.


8. Project Completion Acceptance

Name & Project Role Approval Date

Tyler Sellars| Client Sponsor

Mastan Vali Shaik| Co-Founder Approved 11/18/2022

Michelle Otto| Co- Founder Approved 11/18/2022

Stephen| Product Manager Approved 11/18/2022

Sethuraman| Development Manager Approved 11/18/2022


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