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Concrete Structures I

Master in Civil Engineering

2022 / 2023

Concrete Structures I
Class 6/28: RC beams in bending

Eduardo Júlio, João Almeida, Jorge Alfaiate e António Costa

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Concrete Structures I

Table of contents

1. RC elements’ cross-section in bending

2. Design of a rectangular cross-section
3. Design of a T cross-section

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Concrete Structures I

Table of contents

1. RC elements’ cross-section in bending

2. Design of a rectangular cross-section
3. Design of a T cross-section

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Concrete Structures I

RC beams in bending


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Concrete Structures I

RC beams in bending

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Concrete Structures I

RC beams in bending

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Concrete Structures I

RC beams in bending

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Concrete Structures I

RC beams in bending

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Concrete Structures I

RC beams in bending

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Concrete Structures I

RC beams in bending

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Concrete Structures I

RC beams in bending

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Concrete Structures I

Table of contents

1. RC elements’ cross-section in bending

2. Design of a rectangular cross-section
3. Design of a T cross-section

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Concrete Structures I

Static equilibrium-based design

Classes £ 50/60 55/67 60/75 70/85 80/95 90/105

l 0.800 0.788 0.775 0.750 0.725 0.700

h 1.000 0.975 0.950 0.900 0.850 0.800

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Concrete Structures I

Static equilibrium-based design

steel concrete

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Concrete Structures I

Static equilibrium-based design

ecu3=3.5‰ fcd
x 0.8x
h d

As es Fs

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Concrete Structures I

Static equilibrium-based design


Computation of resultants
Fc = 0.8x × f cd × b
fcd Fs = f yd × As
Fc Static equilibrium equations
M Rd = å M i ³ M Ed Þ x

N Rd = å Fi =Fc - Fs = 0 = N Ed Þ As
Fs i

Next, the strain at the reinforcing bars has

to be computed to ensure ductility…

… being necessary, in some cases, to

preview compressive reinforcement.

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Concrete Structures I

Static equilibrium-based design

ductile failure
• failure occurs at the most compressed concrete fibre
• strain at rebars is higher than ey [and lower than eud (*)]

* this second condition only needs to be checked assuming

( )

yielding with hardening

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Concrete Structures I

Static equilibrium-based design

ductile failure
• failure occurs at the rebars (*)
• strain at most compressed concrete fibre is lower than ecu3

* this failure mode only needs to be considered assuming

( )

yielding with hardening

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Concrete Structures I

Static equilibrium-based design

fragile failure
• failure occurs at the most compressed concrete fibre
• strain at rebars is lower than ey (*)

* this failure mode is not acceptable

( )

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Concrete Structures I

Tables-based design


MRd As fyd fyd As2
µRd = ; w= ´ =r´ ; k = x/d ; b =
bd2 fcd bd fcd fcd As1 As1

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Concrete Structures I

Tables-based design
The figure on the right shows how the
resistant moment and the position of the
neutral axis vary with the amount of
reinforcement, considering different
relations between the tension and the
compression reinforcement, b = As2/As1.

Regarding strength, it can be noticed that:

a) For values of µ up to 0.20, there is

practically a linear relation between As
and MRd, for any value of b. Thus, it can
be stated that, approximately,
MRd = 0.9 d ´ As ´ fyd

b) For b=0.4 and b=0.8 this “linearity”

goes well beyond µ=0.3.

c) Taking b=0 in design is too

conservative for µ higher than 0.20 to
0.25, because, after detailing the beam,
b will be around 0.2 to 0.5.

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Concrete Structures I

Tables-based design
k = x/d varies with the position of the
neutral axis and, therefore, it is a good
indicator of ductility.

Analysing the variation of k, it can be stated that:

a) Good ductility is always available if µ£0.20

independently of b (this is the case for slabs
and as well as for many beams);

b) The b value, although not significantly relevant

for resistance, it is of paramount importance
for ductility;

b) For:
µ=0.30 b=0 Þ k=x/d @ 0.6 (low ductility)
µ=0.30 b=0.4 Þ k=x/d @ 0.3 (good ductility)
µ=0.40 b=0.4 Þ k=x/d @ 0.4 (adequate ductility)

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Concrete Structures I

Table of contents

1. RC elements’ cross-section in bending

2. Design of a rectangular cross-section
3. Design of a T cross-section

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Concrete Structures I

Design of T-shape RC beams in bending

In the case where RC beams have an I, T or L shape, or in the case of

rectangular RC beams supporting RC slabs, the design can (and should)
consider the flanges.

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Concrete Structures I

Design of T-shape RC beams in bending

In these cases, the stress distribution in the flanges is not uniform, and the
corresponding deformation is lower than in the web, due to the ‘shear lag’
effect, as illustrated in the picture below.

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Concrete Structures I

Design of T-shape RC beams in bending

A simplified design approach consists in assuming an effective width and a

uniform stress distribution in the latter.

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Concrete Structures I

Design of T-shape RC beams in bending

For flanges in compression, the effective width, bef, can be calculated using
the following expression:

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Concrete Structures I

Design of T-shape RC beams in bending

The effective width, bef, is obtained by adding to the web width, bw, a value,
befi, to each side of the web given by:
being bi half the distance between webs of adjacent beams and L0 the
distance between sections of null bending moment, the latter being
calculated according to the following figure:

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Concrete Structures I

Design of T-shape RC beams in bending

For flanges in tension, the effective width, bef,, can be assumed as the web
width, bw, plus 4hf, being hf the flange height (or the slab thickness).

The tension reinforcement can be distributed in the above-mentioned zone

but it is better to have at least 60% of the rebars in the web.

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Concrete Structures I

Design of T-shape RC beams in bending

Design of reinforcement can be based in tables for T-shaped RC cross-

sections, which usually is work-intensive, as illustrated in the next example:

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Concrete Structures I

Design of T-shape RC beams in bending

However, the former procedure is frequently unnecessary, namely when the

neutral axis crosses the flanges (in compression), as illustrated next, which
is usually the case:

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Concrete Structures I

Design of T-shape RC beams in bending

...or when it crosses the web (being the flange in tension), as illustrated next,
which is always the case:

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Concrete Structures I

Design of T-shape RC beams in bending

Simplification of cross-sections for pure bending design:

1) Real section 2) Equivalent section

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Design of T-shape RC beams in bending

1) Real section 2) Equivalent section

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Design of T-shape RC beams in bending

1) Real section 2) Equivalent section

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Concrete Structures I

Design of T-shape RC beams in bending

Cross-sections for bending design

if the neutral axis, N.A., crosses the flange:

b´, if the N.A. crosses the bottom flange (M-)

b, if the N.A. crosses the top flange (M+)

NOTE: if the neutral axis crosses the web, the design can be performed assuming a
T shape cross-section, considering the flange in compression and neglecting
the flange in tension.

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Concrete Structures I

Students’ autonomous work:

Text Book
• check chapter 4

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