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Haunted places in the Philippines

Baguio City
Teacher's Camp - It is believed that this was once a battlefield of the native citizens there. Ghosts of native warriors, as well as spirits that are still restless, are reportedly seen there. Diplomat hotel - a former seminary dating back to the early 1900s. During World War II, Japanese occupying forces were responsible for the beheading of numerous nuns and priests. After the war, the location then became a hotel. An awkward feeling is noticed when entering the rooms. The rooms are quite large, displaying dimly lit sleeping quarters and Bibles on the side tables. During the night, guests, clerks, as well as bellhops, claim to hear the sounds of the dead. This has even been reported to occur during the day as well. Some have spotted headless apparitions wandering about the corridors, where some have even gone as far as to state that they saw ghosts carrying heads on platters. It is also believed that outside the hotel is just as scary as the inside. Philippine military academy - where it is said that a few ghosts can be found on the premises. Some say you can hear a phantom platoon marching about the grounds. Some have sighted a ghost dressed in a parade uniform. The ghost of a white lady has also been reported in this area. The Teacher s Camp within this same city is thought to be the location of a battlefield, where the ghosts of native warriors still wonder about. It is said that their spirits have not been put to rest. ..

Hospital Ruins, and bunkers - Sounds of activities can be heard within the area of the hospital ruins, which were destroyed during WW2, sounds such as footsteps, and rumblings of normal hospital activities. Around the bunker area, sounds of ghostly moans can be heard, assorted noises as well. . Malinta tunnel witnesses report eerie sounds and seeing spirits nearby.

Diliman Teacher's Village

Claret School qc - Many stories were spread since 97 the first was the high school student who jumped from the 5th floor to the ground that appears when the area is silent and the 2nd is the headless priest. That school is said to be an old cemetery.

Espana ,Manila
University of Santo Tomas - Ghosts and wailing voices are heard from the 3rd and 2nd floars of UST Main Building. Since this is the oldest building in the oldest Catholic university in the Philippines, it is undoubted that some Spanish friars and Filipino souls were tormented and killed in this place.

Iloilo City
Central Philippine University (CPU) - This school was founded by American Missionaries and during WW2 many of the missionaries were executed by the Japanese. Central Philippine University (CPU) - Football Field - A female ghost is said to be seen jogging on the tracks early in the morning. She is said to join you while you are jogging and strikes up a conversation and will disappear after she passes a certain spot. Several students, teachers, and the school president have reported jogging with her. .. Central Philippine University (CPU) - Ruby Hall - A school janitor as well as students and teachers have reported that wile passing by the building at night after it is locked down, one classrooms lights would always be turnedon while everything else is shut off. They have reported strange imp like creatures running around the classroom. This is one of the most haunted halls in the university. This is a medical hall and it houses several cadavers for the use of the med. students. From cold spots and moving furniture, to sometimes being pushed or tripped while walking. Central Philippine University (CPU) - Valentine Hall - The ghost of a dead female student haunts the women s restroom, several female students since the early 70's have reported seeing her. The ghost is usually seen during noon. Classes have been interrupted because of screams from the girls. According to the students she appears behind them while they are looking in the mirror while doing their make up or fixing their hair. The ghost of Rev. Valentine who was beheaded can be seen on certain nights standing at the entrance of the hall dedicated to him. The ghost is reported to be headless. ..

Katipunan,Quezon City
Balete Drive - Balete Drive is a residential area famous for the apparition of a white lady. It is told that there was a teenage girl who was raped by a cab driver in the 50s in that area. It is possible that the lady of Balete is seeking revenge. Never walk alone at night in eerie Balete Drive. Miriam College - on the 2nd floor ladies comfort room of the caritas building a nun haunts the bathroom and is said to peak over the stall while girls are using the bathroom. A face can be seen when you look above the door, but there are no feet when you look below the door Miriam College - CSC - there was also this "manananggal" that lives there. It used to be a student that was hit by a car inside the campus. Rumors are that every school fair, someone faints. .. Miriam College - Immaculate Heart Of Mary Hall - One witness claims that when they where in Grade 3 encountered that a spirit scratched her ankle when they were doing the 99 steps. And then, when she came back to the corridor, she was crying. And then she told us all to cover our nametags and never shout our name until class time. Miriam College - Miriam Of Nazareth Hall - in the Grade 2 bathroom, there was this girl who was washing her hands, and there was a demon that came out of the toilet bowl. The girl prayed hard but nothing happened. University of the Philippines Diliman - Ghosts sightings at the College of Education, College of Science Library, Palma Hall, College of Mass Communication, UP Main Library.

Makati City
Asian Institute of Management - A Professor died of a heart attack a few years ago in one of lecture rooms on the third floor of the main building. There are voices; shadows and cold spots can be felt in that specific room where the professor died. His car remains in the faculty parking area even until now. .. International School Manila (Former Campus) - Fine Arts Theatre - One year, one of the high school students was acting as the stage manager for the Community Play. The theatre was already uncomfortable for her when it was dark, but one night, on her way out, she was leaving through the front doors of the auditorium, something she couldn't see followed her up the aisle. Very aggressive, very menacing and very scary. She ran out the door just in time as they slammed shut behind her. Suffice it to say, she never stayed in the theater alone again.

Arellano high school - there are spirits mostly seen by the students and teachers because when a building in front of the school collapsed by an earthquake many years ago, the remains were placed in the said school. so the spirits were staying in that place. De La Salle University - A chapel located on the 2nd floor of the De La Salle University -main Building is haunted by several ghosts said to be the victims of a mass killing during World War II. They start haunting the place when evening has crept in and the area is already silent. Sightings of headless monks and screams of people are being heard there during rainy nights. .. Film Center - When the construction of Film Center at the Cultural Center of the Philippines complex was rushed in the early 1980s for a film fest, the ceiling scaffolding collapsed killing several workmen who fell to the orchestrabelow. Rather than halt construction to rescue survivors and retrieve the bodies of dead workmen, cement was poured into the orchestra, entombing the fallen workmen. Some of them were buried alive in the orchestra. Various ghostly activities were reported on the site including mysterious sounds, voices and poltergeist activity. In the late 1990s a group called the Spirit Questors began to make visits to the film center in an attempt to contact and appease the souls of the workmen who were killed in the building. Some of these spirits claimed to have moved on but a few allegedly remain. Ozone Disco - Once there was a disco there and it caught on fire people tried to get out but people were pushing and panicking so no one got out. Some people hear disco music in their houses at night and see faint people dancing and no one can explain how. Rizal Park area - Near the Rizal Park in Manila has the angry spirits of dead Japanese soldiers in the ruins of a building outside of the park. many Japanese soldiers died in the building when it was blasted. Reports of a cold presence and menacing feelings. ..

Asian Institute of Management - It is said that a Professor died of a heart attack in one of lecture rooms on the third floor of the main building. There are voices; shadows and cold spots can be felt in that specific room where the professor died.

Manila Film Center - was erected during the Marcos regime as a venue for a film festival to be attended by international movie stars. During construction, an accident happened - the upper floor collapsed, sending the workers down into the freshly laid concrete below, burying them alive. It was a tragedy; but with the deadline of the festival looming, Imelda Marcos allegedly instructed that the buried victims be left unearthed, and just covered with another layer of concrete. Thus begins the urban legend of the Manila Film Center, whose walls are said to talk. Because there are actually people inside them.

Abandoned Clark Hospital - Ghosts haunt in this abandoned hospital in Clark built in 1963

San Jose Village - An overgrown black bird with powerful wings can be heard circling the village whenever there's a pregnant woman. It's wings are so powerful that you'll sometimes feel like its windy but only on the place where you're standing at. San Jose Village - St. Bernadette St. - From 12 midnight onwards, a lot of tricycle drivers have already encountered the white lady who loves to get a free ride. More often, this lady would be sitting beside the driver. Other times, a red lady is said to roam around the area following people who dread to walk this haunted street at night. San Jose Village - St. Clemence Street - Another white lady haunts St. Clemence Street where her hair stands up and appears to be very angry. San Jose Village - St. George Street - At St. George Street you can sometimes hear someone calling you but the voice is hidden in the tall grasses beside the street. San Jose Village - St. Joseph - a mysterious headless priest is said to haunt the playground and the hill beside it. San Jose Village - St. Peter s Street - Ghostly apparitions of people partying near an old cave at St. Peter's Street can be seen during unholy hours from 12mn to 3am...


"HEADLESS" this incident happened last nov. 2, 2007. we were daring each other to see who can last in the eerie vacant lot just meters away from our house. we made a little hang-out in that place before but we never dared stay there during the night. we took some photos that night using my camera phone. we alternately took photos but when jojo took the last photo, he swore that he saw no one on the background until the image was saved. we were horrified when we saw the headless ghost in the photo so we ran as fast as we can away from that place. we were thankful that the ghost did not pose can did on the photo.

A FRIEND While waiting for my visa, I decided to go back to school and took a quick computer course, and there I met Leo, (not his real name) he was really nice & friendly and we became the best of friends almost instantly, he was so fond of me, he said I reminded him of his girlfriend who was in another city taking up nursing, they didn't get to spend much time together because of their conflicting schedules, they were only able to see each other once a month. I've realized how much he loved his girlfriend because she is all he could think of and was always our topic of conversation, he shared all his plans for their future with me even his plan of marriage proposal, he planned to do it on her 21st birthday. Then one day, I woke up really early, I think it was around 4:30am and the very first thing that came to my mind was him. I didn't pay any attention to it and tried to go back to sleep but every time I closed my eyes I would see his face, I was like, this is weird! I was able to go back to sleep but woke up late, around 7:20, my Class was starting at 8am so I hurried up and took a quick shower and while in the shower I was seeing his face again! It started to bother me! I was on my way to class when I saw him, I thought his face was blurry but I still could see his eyes for some reason... He passed me and kept going down the stairs without saying a word, I asked him where he was going and that we are already late but no reply. I went to the classroom and it was unusually quite! Everybody was there except for him and the teacher so I went to my seat and waited, when the teacher came, he announced that Leo's was gone: (he was found by his dad hanging from the ceiling, in his room around 6:00AM. All I could think was, am I dreaming? I just saw him! This couldn't be real! That night, I went to the wake with some of our classmates, I found out from his sister that he hung himself because his girlfriend left him for another guy and that the girlfriend was seeing the guy for 10 months already before she decided to break it off with him. I also found out that he actually passed away around 4:30AM, the very same time that I woke up that morning thinking of HIM. I know it's been more than 10 years but I am still thinking of him, still praying for his soul.

NIGHTMARE "This is a story about my friend who has a very tragic experience, her name is Joan (not her real name), Joan is a very good friend of mine, she had a boyfriend who's name is Leon (not his real name), Joan and Leon are lovers for almost 3 years. Last month May 20, 2007 we had a conversation with Joan in the phone, she called me up at exactly 3am, because she had a very strange nightmare. She told me that Leon is very pale in her dreams and his hair was scattered looks like he was from bed, and his eyes was red and bloody it looks like his crying with blood, begging for help and he is holding three roses. Joan wants to help him but she can't reach his hand, his too far, she tried to run towards him but she can't move her legs for it was too heavy. Then a very loud echo came into her ears and because of that, she woke up and when she woke up, she found herself crying and her bed was all scattered. She started to think about Leon, because she is very worried about him so, she called Leon but the line was busy, she tried dialing the numbers again and again but still very busy, when she looked at her side, she saw a very strange shadow, a very black shadow, when she closed her eyes, to her surprise the shadow was gone and there and then, she called me up so, that's the time she told me everything, and her voice was so weak. And I told her "Wag kang mataranta andito nman ako eh, pupuntahan natin si Leon sa bahay nila mamayang 8:00am wag ka nang umiyak birthday mo pa naman" (translation: "don't panic I am here, we will just go to Leon's house at 8am, don't cry it's your birthday! don't you remember?") I told her in a very worried voice, so there she started to calm down, and when 8:00am struck, we went to Leon's house, but to our surprise, no Leon showed up, instead her mother told us that he died of a murder, he died because he was protecting Joan from the man as he was walking along the street. This man was Joan's stalker, but Joan already had a boyfriend so he planned to rape Joan on her birthday. Leon was walking along the street towards the house of Joan to surprise her for her birthday, but the incident happened when Joan dreamt of him crying with blood at exactly midnight. The people found him lifeless, still holding the three roses he bought just for Joan. Joan was stunned and was shocked and she never stopped crying until a very cold wind passed by and and cold air passed by her cheeks so gently, and a voice saying, "I'll always be here for you HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR!". And the wind stopped and there we never stopped praying for his soul, for my friend's birthday became a very tragic death of his boyfriend."

JEEPNEY It's funny when certain events in our lives occur and we blame it all to bad luck. What's funnier is the things that we do to counter the flow of bad energy that causes these so called bad luck or bad events. At least at that time I thought it was funny, until my friend shared her unlikely experience. This story is about my friend and her scary jeepney ride going home. For those of you who don't know what jeepneys are, they are a popular means of public transportation in the Philippines. They were originally made from US military jeeps left over from World War II and are well known for their flamboyant decoration and crowded seating. My friend went home late after finishing their school project, now since she lives within the vicinity of the U.P. Diliman campus (University of the Philippines) it was perfectly safe for her to take the jeepney instead of taking a taxi in going home during late hours. It was about midnight when she took the ride home, and she could not help but notice the driver kept glancing at her through his rear view mirror and then he would turn to her. (Now all jeepneys have their own route and do not take any turns and they have to stick to their route or else there is a big chance that they would run into some cop trouble). What's odd about this jeepney ride besides the eerie glances that the driver gave from time to time, he was also taking turns in corners that he was not suppose to. Afraid of what the drivers plans are, she was even more afraid of her surroundings because it seemed as if she was in the middle of nowhere already. So instead of going down, she just stayed on the jeep. On the last turn that the driver made, she noticed that they were back on the route that they were suppose to be in the first place. Before reaching the end of the terminal, the driver turned to my friend and said, "Im sorry if I scared you or startled you! It was not my intention".. "Could you do me a favor and BURN all your clothes when you get home".. Wondering why my friend asked why he was acting very strange. The driver explained, "The reason why I kept glancing was because your head was not attached to your body when I looked through my rear view mirror." "That is why I changed my route awhile ago, hoping we could get away from the bad energy present in that area, and thats why I want you to BURN your clothes when you get home because I think its still with you." Upon arriving home, still shaking from fear, my friend took all her clothes off and burned them as quickly as she could. A few days later she found out on the news that the jeepney driver died a day after the incident. It turned out the warning was not for her but for the driver. KNOCK This happened when I was still young, round 6 or 7years old that time. We were living in Cavite, me my mom and my dad. My mom was sick during that time. She had been sick for 2 years actually with Lupus so she had to always rest in bed. My dad had a car shop in Mandaluyong City and would often come home late. One specific night, when me and my mom were sleeping, I heard a knock on our front door. After a few seconds, I heard my dad say: "Anak, pabukas ng pinto (child, please open the door.) " I looked out our window, which would let me see the front yard and directly to the front door steps, and saw no one. Thinking it was my imagination, I went back to sleep. Just as I'm about to doze off again, I heard another knock. And again I heard my dad asking me to open the door, this time calling me by my pet name that only he calls me with. Somehow, I felt really scared of the voice. So instead of going downstairs and opening the door, I looked out the window again and same thing, no one there on our front steps. Getting really scared, I ran back to the bed, tried to wake up my mom. But all I could ever get is a moan and she would not budge. So I hid under the covers and closed my eyes. After a few minutes, the voice came again, this time not as sweet as earlier. It had the angry voice of my dad. And the knocking on the door became banging. "Anak, sinabi ng buksan mo pinto eh... (pet name)...pag ano ba?! Di mo ba bubuksan ang pinto?!?" I was so afraid that I was shaking all over but did not budge. I just stayed under the covers, trying to block out the sounds until I fell asleep. The next morning, I asked my mom if she heard anything. She said no, she said she had a good sleep. And my dad? He came home right when we were having lunch, said he had to stay on overtime due to a celebrity's car needing overhaul. So who was the person with my dad's voice trying to get into our house? I don't know. I'm not psychic, I don't have anything supernatural. But when I told my grandfather about it, he just looked at me and said. "Apo, wag na wag kang sasagot, wag na wag kang lilingon. Ganyan talaga anak." I didn't know what he meant. But I soon found out as I grew older.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY When I was 9 years old, we lived in a 3 bedroom house that has a big front & backyard. Nothing was odd or weird going on at the first few months after we moved in. As the months go by, I started feeling that something is wrong or something is going on inside & around the house. I would hear footsteps in the hallway when no one's there. I would see the bathroom lights turning on and off by itself even when no one was using it. The electric fan was on even when it wasn't even plugged. The chandelier would sway back and forth for no apparent reason. It got worse at night, especially when we're all asleep. I would wake up in the middle of the night and see by my bedroom door a woman slowly floating away. I would see shadows even when the lights were on. I saw a woman in white in my backyard just staring at the full moon. Finally, one night, I woke up and at the foot of my bed was a woman staring outside my bedroom window. I thought it was my mom so I called out "Mom?". The woman turned around and she smiled at me. Then she said "Happy Birthday". Because I was so drowsy with sleep that I just said "thanks". The following morning I asked my mom if she was in my bedroom and greeted me happy birthday. My mom said "No, I wasn't in your room this morning or last night" I didn't want to know who was in my bedroom that night. We moved out of that house after 3 years. The family that moved in after us had worse experience than us. MY GRANDFATHERS HOUSE I was in the philippines when my story happened, but I'm now living in chicago. It was a rainy, dark afternoon when my sister and I were watching jeepers creeper (I still remember the movie!) and it was only me and her because our parents were both at work. I was young probably like 8 years old. The house that we used to live in was my great-grandfather's house, it was passed to my grandfather and he allowed us to live there which means the house was really old. We were watching the movie in our parents' room which was connected to my sister's room. My parents' door is not made of wood, half of it was made of wood and screen, which we could see my sister's room. We turned on the light, the other room was a little bit dark but I could still see it because the windows were opened. I was sitting on the bed while my sister was sitting on the floor. Right next to my sister was the door which directs to her room. I looked at her room and there was a man on the bed and next to it was a side table where there was a head (it was just the head)... I got soooo scared! I told my sister if we could go to our cousin's house and just stay there until our parents are home. She said why I looked so afraid, I said nothing because I did not want to freak her out since that it was only me and her. I looked at it twice or maybe more than twice and it was still there, the worst thing was the head was spinning. I begged my sister if we can get out of this house right now because I'm really not feeling well. So the next day I told my mom about it, but she did not believe me. I told that story to my cousins and they were so afraid and did not want to go back to that house and so did I...

CALL "This is not actually a scary story for me... It happened when I was in high school... I have a best friend in high school, his name is Danny. We were classmates back then and team mates in our school. We can say that we are like the "DUO" in our basketball team in our school... We share a lot of pranks, hardships, championships amongst other things... One morning, I woke up around 4:30 because the phone was ringing. I answered the call and it was Danny. "Hey bro, have you answered the assignments already? Are you done with the projects and our reports?" I was surprised that he was very eager with the assignments and our reports. It was unusual for him to ask about school stuff, because he is one stubborn student... I answered "of course, are you sick or what? Calling me so early in the morning and very concerned about school projects?"... He just laughed and kept quiet for about a few seconds... I asked why. He said "nothing, just want to say to you that start being serious with your studies. Its time for us to be mature and quit making your parents cry...", I just laughed and said "yeah right." he said goodbye already and said these words I can't forget " life is short, make sure that you enjoy every moment in life and go for the things that will make you a better person and happier person". Then he hung up... Amazed with what he said I hurried to school after getting ready. I got in the classroom earlier than before. The 1st bell rang and he was late... I even told my classmates about him calling me saying those weird words. They were laughing and one of my classmates even commented that " maybe he is about to die!" after saying that, there was a silence in the room as if an angel passed... A knock in the door caught our attention...Danny's parents! They were with my adviser... My adviser called me; Danny's parents were looking at me. When I got close to them, his mom hugged me tight and suddenly burst into tears... "Is there a problem? Did anything happen to Danny?" I asked... My adviser said "He's gone..." Making sure I heard her right, I asked again... "Danny is no longer with us..." Danny's dad said to me..." he got stabbed last night in the basketball court, one of his rivals did it". Of course I didn't believe it at first, because I told them that he even called me this morning... His parents said it couldn't happen. I asked them what time he passed away, they said its 4:15 am... And he called me up 4:30... Until now, what he said to me is still my philosophy in life... "Life is short, do what makes you a better and happier person""

WOMAN IN BLACK This happened way back in 1993. I was a teenager living alone in a 1 bedroom house in Antipolo. The house sits next to my uncle's, who also serves as my "lookout" reporting any mischievous thing I did to my parents who at that time were abroad. It was 10 in the morning when a friend came over and invited me to a birthday party that his college buddy was celebrating. I was hesitant at first but he convinced me to come. We left at around 1pm, arrived at the party at about 2.30pm. The place was loaded to full capacity! Loud music was playing in the back ground, people were having a good time. We headed straight for the food. After eating, we were led to a table where every one was gathered and getting drunk. I was offered alcohol but I refused. I didn't want to go home intoxicated and explain to my uncle why I'm drunk (my reason for going out was to see a movie with friends). Although I refrained from alcohol I did have a good time. The party ended at about 1 am. Finally got home at about 3 am and went straight to bed. I suddenly felt cold, Like somebody turned an industrial sized air conditioner on full blast, and I kept thinking "this is weird, how is this possible!" I stood up to get an extra blanket when it happened. Right there in front of me was a woman, floating on mid air. I jumped back in the bed, trying my best to shout but nothing was coming out. The woman was just staring at me, her face was distorted. She was wearing something like a gown, dirty white in color. Her gown was swaying like there was a breeze passing by. I was so scared, words cannot explain what I felt that time. I managed to throw a pillow at this "thing", which suddenly vanished. I didn't run out of my room right away, instead I was just sitting there stunned at what I just witnessed. I told my uncle what happened. He too was freaked out of my experience. Before this incident I never did believe in ghosts. As a teenager all you think about is hanging out with your friends having a good time. I never thought I would come face to face with one. I tried rationalizing, thinking of scientific explanations of what I saw but it all comes out unexplainable Now I keep an open mind. I know there is something out there that even science can't explain. I know this. I experienced it.

TILL DEATH DO US PART This happened way back in 1993. I was a teenager living alone in a 1 bedroom house in Antipolo. The house sits next to my uncle's, who also serves as my "lookout" reporting any mischievous thing I did to my parents who at that time were abroad. It was 10 in the morning when a friend came over and invited me to a birthday party that his college buddy was celebrating. I was hesitant at first but he convinced me to come. We left at around 1pm, arrived at the party at about 2.30pm. The place was loaded to full capacity! Loud music was playing in the back ground, people were having a good time. We headed straight for the food. After eating, we were led to a table where every one was gathered and getting drunk. I was offered alcohol but I refused. I didn't want to go home intoxicated and explain to my uncle why I'm drunk (my reason for going out was to see a movie with friends). Although I refrained from alcohol I did have a good time. The party ended at about 1 am. Finally got home at about 3 am and went straight to bed. I suddenly felt cold, Like somebody turned an industrial sized air conditioner on full blast, and I kept thinking "this is weird, how is this possible!" I stood up to get an extra blanket when it happened. Right there in front of me was a woman, floating on mid air. I jumped back in the bed, trying my best to shout but nothing was coming out. The woman was just staring at me, her face was distorted. She was wearing something like a gown, dirty white in color. Her gown was swaying like there was a breeze passing by. I was so scared, words cannot explain what I felt that time. I managed to throw a pillow at this "thing", which suddenly vanished. I didn't run out of my room right away, instead I was just sitting there stunned at what I just witnessed. I told my uncle what happened. He too was freaked out of my experience. Before this incident I never did believe in ghosts. As a teenager all you think about is hanging out with your friends having a good time. I never thought I would come face to face with one. I tried rationalizing, thinking of scientific explanations of what I saw but it all comes out unexplainable. Now I keep an open mind. I know there is something out there that even science can't explain. I know this. I experienced it. MYSTERY BOY This story happened to me last month, it happened on the elevator of the building where I was working. I work in a call center in Makati, we have our own building, it was a 7 floor old building that was fixed and made to look new. It happened during my last break, at around 3 am coming from the 4th floor, I rode the elevator, and normally a lot of employees are riding the elevator because we only have two in the building catering all floors. When I rode the elevator, it beeped as if it was full of people, just ignoring it thinking it was just a mechanical error because it's old. Normally it just takes 10 seconds to reach the ground floor, but this one took like forever. I was alone, I felt cold, thinking it was summer, it's like the air conditioning was boosted to high. The elevators have mirrors surrounding the whole elevator, when I looked on one side to fix my hair I saw a very pale kid starring at me as if he would like to play because he was holding a ball. I tried talking to him thinking he is a kid of some employee but he was just starring at me like I was not there. The elevator almost felt it's not moving. My mobile beeped so I looked at it checking for messages, after checking, I looked at the kid again but he was not there anymore. The door did not open on another floor for him to get off, so I was really scared and I knew that the kid I saw was not human. Finally I got to the ground floor; the guard on duty asked me what happened because I looked so pale. I told him what happened and he just smiled. He told me that the kid is a regular on that elevator, coming from the 5th floor. And told me that they call him mystery boy, his mother could be seen on the 5th floor of the building. I asked the guard what happened to them, he told me that the building was an old service center of an electronic company. The kid and his mother were found dead on the ladies washroom, they were both stabbed to death, and the culprits have not been caught until now.

DARK ROOM A long time ago when I was in college, I got home late... Sometime around midnight, I went through my usual routine, brushed my teeth, washed up and went to bed. It was a full moon that night, so when I turned off the lights, a few seconds later the light from the moon slowly crept inside and dimly lit my room just enough to see my surroundings. To my surprise, it started getting dark again. And for some reason, it seemed like there was black smoke emanating from the center of my room (about eye level while I was sitting on my bed). I couldn't understand what it was but it just kept on getting darker and darker until to my horror, I couldn't see the other half of my room anymore. It was completely filled with black smoke... It seemed as if it was an empty space of nothingness. The black smoke kept on occupying more space until it filled 3/4 of my room already and the only thing that wasn't filled with black smoke was my bed (where I was sitting). Luckily, I'm used to seeing strange things and at the time this happened, I was in a bad mood and I didn't like what was happening. I simply yelled at whatever it was that I wasn't in the mood and to please stop bugging me. And to my surprise, the black smoke that filled 3/4 of my room started to disappear as if it was being sucked in by a vacuum at the center of my room (same spot where it came from). And after a few seconds the black smoke had completely disappeared and I could see my entire room again with the dim light from the full moon. "GRANDMOTHERS GHOST" When my boyfriend and I first started dating, I was having dinner with his family; waiting for dinner to be served and idly looking around the house. The dining area is located in front of a staircase that leads up to the second floor of the house. When I looked up at the staircase, I saw an old woman with faded hair; she was hunched over and seemed to be on her way down. I kept waiting for the other members of the family to call to her and tell her dinner was ready, but since nobody did, I assumed she was a visiting relative and dismissed the whole thing. Months later, I casually mentioned the old woman to my boyfriend, asking who the old woman was. He looked confused, and I described her as I saw her. Freaked out, he asked what she was wearing. I said long house dress in a paisley print. He then went to his uncle and asked if any of their relatives stayed with them during that time, and when his uncle said no, he really freaked out and said that I saw his grandmother who had died nine years ago in that house. A year later, they moved to another apartment and I saw old family pictures that I hadn't seen when we were at their old house. When I saw his grandmother's photo, I knew for sure that she was the woman I had seen.

SPANISH LADY During the Spanish times, there was once a Spanish lady here in the Philippines. She was walking somewhere when she met an old filipino, carrying a heavy baggage on his back. Then he suddenly fell on the road because of exhaustion. Since Filipinos were meanly treated as slave workers, she kicked his body to get him out of her way. Then, when the Spanish lady had passed through, th old man just stared at her, as if waiting for her to leave. Then, the old man threw a curse - The Curse of One's Death. The day after the incident, she heard the old man she saw yesterday had passed away. She was surprised and quite shaken by that news, so she immediately told the whole story to a certain friend. The next day, her friend died a mysterious death, with no trace of illness or accident. This time, the Spanish lady became even more frightened. To have someone console her, she again told somebody, this time, a bishop, about the old man she met by the road. Subsequently the bishop died, and just like what had happened to her friend, there was no evidence of sickness or accident too. This made the Spanish lady terriby worried. It finally occurred to her that a curse must be the cause surrounding those untimely and unexplainable deaths. She then consulted an albularyo[witch doctor]. She told everything that happened, from the old man to the death of the Bishop. Then the witch doctor advised to her that the only way to break the curse was to tell the story to the one she loved she loved the most. And so she did follow what the witch doctor had said. Unfortunately., it was the Spanish lady who soon died. and so the story of the Spanish lady was passed on to everyone; from one place to another. Then, there was a filippino who soon heard about that story. While he was about to sleep one night , suddenly, an image of a woman appeared in front of him. It was the Spanish lady, she was saying something in Spanish. And the Filipino just nodded, although wondering what the lady had said to him. Then she disappeared, like a mist in the night. "WHOEVER WILL HEAR OR READ THIS STORY WILL SEE THE SPANISH LADY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.

TAXI #45 It was a dark night when Julie and Chris are walking by the Bayside Road. It has been a cold night and having only a few vehicles passing through this road made it even colder. Sabi ko na sayo! Dapat hinintay natin si Gary doon sa party para may masakyan tayo pauwi. Eh nahihirapan tuloy tayong makahanap ng taxi sa lugar na to. Wala atang dumadaan na taxi dito eh! complains Julie to his boyfriend. Chris then replies Jul, its getting late na and the party was getting a little boring already. Tapos parang ayaw pa umalis ni Gary eh. Hintay ka lang, may taxi din jan maya-maya. Chris then notices a light from afar behind him. He thought to himself that it could finally be a taxi and that they can finally go home. And as he thought, it appeared to be a taxi after all. Chris then hurriedly waves his hand to signal the vehicle to stop and give them a ride. As the taxi was a few feet away from them, Julie cries out Ngek! May pasahero na Chris! Puno pa nga ang sasakyan eh. As Chris heard this from his girlfriend, he took a close look to make sure that the public vehicle is indeed occupied and sure enough, what he saw was exactly what Julie told him; the taxi is packed with its passengers. But to the couples surprise, the taxi stopped a few meters away from them. Grabe naman tong driver na to. Puno na nga, magpapasakay pa. Julie exclaimed. Chris then started to walk towards the vehicle and as he was doing so, he says to his girlfriend, Baka dito na bababa ang mga pasahero niya. Julie then responds, Ano? Eh wala namang bahay dito sa paligid ah. Tingnan mo nga. Were practically in the middle of nowhere. As Chris heard this, he looked around and only saw an empty field on one side and a gloomy forest on the other. Right then and there, Chris thought that things started to get suspicious. He slowly approached the taxi. When he was near enough, he leaned down to take a look inside. To his shock, he saw no one on the passenger seat or on the backseat. There are no passengers in sight. He couldnt believe it. There was no way both he and his girlfriend were just seeing things. His girlfriend confirmed it twice already. Even though he started to feel light-headed, he struggled to walk further forward to talk to the driver and possibly shed some light on what theyve seen earlier. As he was about to open the passenger door to speak to the driver, he took a look inside and to his horror, neither driver could be seen inside the vehicle. At this point, Chris already felt like his head had already swollen. It was like he is in a trance due to what he is experiencing at that moment. Ano daw Chris?! Bababa na ba ang mga pasahero niya? screamed Julie. Somehow, his girlfriends voice snapped Chris out of his shock for a while and he was able to give Julie a look. Yet, Chris couldnt gather enough strength to speak up. He could only take a deep breath and gulp through his throat. He is already thinking that this is too much for him to handle. Trying to convince himself that all of this are just illusions, he slowly took another look inside the taxi. This time, what he saw was even more horrific. The vehicle is once again filled with people. Whats more bizarre about is that all of them are just looking blankly forward and seemingly oblivious to Chris presence. Chris eyes started to bulge out in disbelief and as he started to walk backwards, all the people inside the vehicle slowly turned their heads toward Chris. Their eyes are so white; they look like they are glowing. Thats the moment when Chris started to walk anxiously towards his girlfriend. He then grabbed her by the hand and hurriedly walked away from the taxi. Chris and Julie were only meters away from where the taxi was parked when he decided to look back. The vehicle was no longer there. Now he feels even less safe and all he wants to do is run away but as he turned back to look forward, a very familiar set of headlights pulled over right in front of them. Chris is terrified over the fact that the taxi might have followed them and now he has to confront it again. He cant bear to see more of those horrific images he has seen earlier. As Chris was about to run towards the opposite direction, he heard something that made him feel safe again, Chris! Julie! Get in, Ill take you guys home. It was Garys car, which pulled over after all. Without any hesitations, Chris took his girlfriend and got in the car.

In the car, Chris tried to calm himself down. He cant wait to get out of that place. I told you guys na sabay na tayong umuwi. Bakit umalis kayo kaagad? Gary scolded the couple. Eh eto naman kasing kaibigan mo, Gar! Gustong-gusto nang umuwi. Kesyo bored na daw siya doon., explained Julie. Then Gary said, Di nyo ba alam na delikado dito? That statement caught Chris attention and he said Di mo lang alam Gar! Hindi ka maniniwala sa nangyari sakin doon. Gary looked at his friend with heed and said Anung sinasabi mo? Pare minulto ako doon! cried Chris. Ano ano ano? yelled Julie. Chris turned to look at his girlfriend and told her Yung taxing pinara natin, paglapit ko, nawala ang mga tao sa loob pati ang driver. Tapos napalingon lang ako saglit, pagtingin ko uli, may mga tao na naman sa loob. Puro puti ang mga mata nila pero naramdaman kong nakatingin sila sa akin. Muntik nakong himatayin dun sa takot! Julie was shocked to hear this and could only hold her hand up to cover her mouth and utter the words Oh my God and when she could finally gathered herself back together she screamed Chris huwag mokong takutin ng ganyan! Ayoko ng ganyang biro! After that, the couple simply heard I believe you. Gary claimed to his friend. Even though he was certain with what he saw, Chris understood how the story could be so unbelievable so he stared at Gary and said Talaga? How could you be sure? I know you, man. You dont have the creativity to make this stuff up! said Gary with a grin and proceeded to say Plus youre not the first one to experience that. What do you mean? asks Chris. Some of my classmates back in college covered this story once so I pretty much have an idea of what you are talking about. Malamang ang nakita mo tonight ay ang kinakatakutang Taxi #45 ng Malaya Company. About five years ago, nadisgrasya dito mismo sa Bayside Road ang Taxing yun. Ang driver pati na ang apat niyang pasahero, patay nang sumalpok ang sasakyan sa puno. Pagkatpos ng disgrasya, marami nang mga kwentong kumakalat na may mga nakakakita pa rin ng taxing yun. May iba sinasabing nakita nilang bumangga ang taxi pro nawawala naman pag nilapitan. May mga kwento rin na tulad sayo, humihinto ang taxi pag pinara tapos pag sasakay na ang pumara, magpapakita yung mga namatay na pasahero. At meron pa. Minsan pag pinapara ang taxi, pinapasakay mismo ang pumara. Tapos bago pa makalabas ng Bayside Road, hihinto ang taxi. Pag tatanungin na ng nakasakay kung ano ang problema, lilingon ang driver pero makikita ng sumakay na walang mukha ang driver. Sinubukan na ng mga classmates ko na tanungin ang Malaya Taxi Company about sa Unit #45 nila pero ang sabi ng kompanya eh nandoon lang daw sa garahe nila ang taxi at di na magamit dahil total wreck na. tells Gary. Kung yun nga ang taxing pinara mo Chris, pasalamat ka na lang na yun lang ang dinaanan mo. Chris took a deep breath and said, Diyos ko. Di talaga ako naniniwala sa mga ganitong bagay, Gar. Eh nanginginig pa nga ako hanggang ngayon. Ewan! Ngayon pag iniisip ko yung nakita ko, parang bangungot ang pumapasok sa isip ko. Hindi ata ako makakatulog ng ilang araw nito. Yung mga mata nila, di yun maaalis sa utak ko. Para silang umiilaw sa puti Gary quickly responds to what he heard from Chris, Sabi ng iba, kaya daw ganun ang mga mata nila kasi huli nilang nakita sa daan bago namatay ay high beam headlights ng isa pang sasakyan. Sabi nila baka nasilaw dun ang driver kaya sila na digrasya. Julie then buts in, Chris nahihilo ata ako sa kwento ninyo. Akala ko sa movies lang nagyayari ang mga ganun. Buti na lang hindi ako lumapit doon. Thank God things like those dont happen to me pero Chris, nilalamig talaga ako ngayon. Nakakapangilabot talaga ang taxing yun. Julie, just relax and lean back. Its gonna be ok. Malapit na tayong makalampas sa Bayside Road. Wala pakong naririning na sightings ng taxi outside this road. says Gary as he glanced at Julie through the rear view mirror. As they were exiting the Bayside Road, Gary adds one more story he remembers about the cursed taxi, May isa pa. Hindi lang yung taxi mismo ang nagpaparamdam sa mga dumadaan doon sa Bayside. Pati na ang mga namatay na pasahero nito ay naghahasik din ng lagim. May nagsasabing nagpapakita daw ang mga pasehero sa mga drivers ng mga sasakyang dumadaan doon. Makikita mo daw sila sa tabi ng daan na parang pinapara ka. Tapos pag nakalampas ka na, magugulat ka na lang pag lingon mo sa rear view mirror. Makikita mo na lang na nakasakay na sila sa likod. Anak ng Eh anung gagawin ng driver?! screams Chris. Marami sa mga drivers, lumalabas sa sasakyan at tumatakbo. Kaya maraming nachochop-chop na sasakyan diyan sa Bayside kasi iniiwan na lang. Gary glanced at Chris and looks at Julie through the rear view mirror as he continues, Meron namang mga driver na malalakas ang loob at pinapabayaan na lang daw. Pero may nangyayari sa mga pasahero pag pinabayaan mo lang silang sumakay. Nawawala daw sila isa-isa at nangyayari ito habang may dumadaan na sasakyan. Ang sabi ng iba, yung Taxi #45 ang nakakasalubong mo kayat nawawala yung mga multo sa likod ng sasakyan mo. Parang isa-isa silang sinusundo. Grabe! Gulong-gulo talaga siguro ang mga kaluluwa nung mga namatay kayat ganun na lang sila kung pagparamdam. says Chris. Gary nods at his friend and says Sa tingin ko kaya nila ginagawa yung dahil di nila maalala kung ano ang nangyari sa kanila. Paulit-ulit silang bumabyahe sa Bayside para maalala at matanggap ang sinapit nila. Kaya kung pakikiramdaman o pakikitaan ka man, pabayaan mo na lang. Isipin mo na lang na para mo na silang tinutulungan.

Gary, Chris and Julie finally reached Julies house so the couple were dropped there. Gary escorts them to the door and bids them goodbye. Julie has entered the house and Chris shook Garys hand and said Thanks man! Because of the things youve said, I kinda feel better about what happened tonight, Gary smiles and tells Chris Dont worry. All three of us shared your ordeal tonight. By the way, nakita ko rin sila ngayong gabi Chris jaw dropped and whispered What?! How?! Where?! Relax! I think I handled it pretty well. Just dont tell Julie about it. says Gary. Chris then asks, Ha? Bakit? Gary responded, When I saw them, they were already inside. Chris eyes widened and Gary continued Yes. They were inside my car but just couldnt scare the hell out of your girlfriend. Kaya alam ko kung bakit siya nilalamig kanina. And dont worry. Youre here now in her house. Youre safe and secured. Were kilometers away from the Bayside Road. You have nothing to be scared of anymore. Chris then felt weakened with terror and sat on the porch steps where he and Gary were standing. Gary glances at his car and tells Chris Yo I need to go! See you around. As Gary was walking away, Chris screamed Whoa, Gar! Ayaw mo mag-stay? Gary continued walking to his car and just yelled No! I still have to go back! Chris quickly replied Wh.. WHAT? Sa Bayside?! Bakit?! Naloloko ka na ba? Umuwi ka na kaya! As Gary was entering the car, he looked at Chris with a serious look and said, Trust me. As Gary was driving away, Chris found the answer to why his friend needed to go back to the cursed road. A very familiar sight appeared before Chris. At Garys backseat, Chris saw that there was one more passenger that was left and looked at Chris with those same blinding, bright eyes. Gary needed to drop off one more passenger. " THE TRAIN RIDE "

One day there was this girl named Jessica. She was looking at the train arrival timetable and found that her train was about to leave. So she ran to the ticket order counter and quickly bought a ticket. She ran straight to the train she is meant to catch and made it. When she got onto the train she saw that the only people on the train were these 3 girls. The 3 girls were all sitting on one seat. So Jessica decided to sit on the seat that was across them. On her way down the aisle she saw that the middle girl was staring at the seat she was going to sit on and the girls that were beside her on either side were staring straight ahead. When Jessica sat down she started to get freaked out coz the girl in the middle was staring at her. Then the ticket collecter came to the girl and said '' Excuse me ma'm can i see your ticket? '' Jessica replied '' Yeh sure '' When the ticket collecter looked at the ticket he said to Jessica '' Sorry ma'm but you have to come with me your ticket is fake '' Jessica said '' WHAT!? no that can't be i just bought it 2 minutes ago '' He said '' Ma'm come with me otherwise i will have to call the police '' So she got up and went with the man and went into his office. He stared at her and said '' Look your ticket wasnt fake i did that because the two girl that are beside the middle strangled the middle to death before you even got on the train!

Video By: Bonker Moral Isang trabahador si Ray sa 1 construction, minsan nadestino sila na gibain ang isang lumang bahay. Habang ito ay ginigiba nila may nakita si Ray na 1 video, na may title na "Magugustuhan mo ito". Dahil na din sa single si Ray naisip niya na sayang iyon at dinala niya sa bahay. Paguwi sa bahay, matapos kumain at maligo ay agad sinalang ni Ray ang video, nakahanda na din ang lotion at tissue. Ang unang napansin ni Ray ay parang home video lang ang lahat, may nakita siyang 1 lalaki at ito ay nabanga. Agad pinatay ni Ray ang video. Ray: Kung mamalasin nga naman oh, bakit kasi pinagtiyagaan ko pa tong buwisit na videong to pwede naman ako makihati sa 4 na million na nakita namin. Hay.... tapon ko na lang to bukas Kinabukasan pauwi na si Ray galing work at patawid sa kalye ng may makita siyang magsyotang nagaaway sa kalye, Nagsisigaw ang lalaki habang ito ay papalayo sa babae ng mabanga ito ng 1 kalesa, saktong nagwala ang kabayo sa ibabaw ng nabangang lalaki kaya ito namatay. Ray: Ano ba yun! Kawawa naman ung kuchero nalaglag sa kalesa. Paguwi sa bahay at pagkaligo dun lang naalala ni Ray ang napanood sa video. Pinanood nya ang continuation at dun nangyari pagkatapos mabanga ang lalaki ay nagwala din ang kabayo at nalaglag ang kuchero. Direchong pinanood ni Ray ang video at may nakita naman siyang karera ng kabayo. Kitang kita niya na nalaglag ang hinete ng nauunang kabayo. Kinabukasan habang nasa galaan si Ray napadaan siya sa 1 race track, habang nasa loob nakita niya ang hineteng nahulog sa kabayo. Kaya tinayaan niya ung sumunod na kabayo lahat ng pera niya. Nanalo si Ray! tama ang kanyang hinala at ung 2 million niya ay naging 315 million. Naikwento ni Ray sa kanyang Bestfriend na si Mang Gancho. Sinabi nito lahat lahat hanagang sa laman ng video na dahilan kung bakit siya yumaman. Nung gabi ding un pinasok ni Mang Gancho ang bahay ni Ray para hanapin ang video. Ninakaw niya ito at agad agad pinanood sa bahay. Ang nakita ng matanda ay kadiliman lang..... mga 15 mins un kaya pinatay na lang niya ito at naisipan na lang na uminom ng beer sa labas. Mang Gancho: Gagong Ray un ah, naloko ako! wala pa lang laman ang hayop na tape na yun! Ako naman si tanga naniwala! Nagbrownout sa lugar nina Mang Gancho kaya naisipan na lang nitong umuwi sa bahay. Madilim sa daan papunta sa bahay niya kaya dahan dahan ito pauwi. After 20 mins ng paglalakad may nakitang liwanag sa di kalayuan ang matanda ito ay tumabi.... di niya alam na may butas pala sa tabi ng kalye atsakto siyang nahulog kasunod noon ay ang pagbagsak ng tinatapakang bato na sumakto sa ulo ng matanda na ikinamatay nito. Lubos na ikinalungkot ni Ray ang pagkamatay ng matandang BFF niya kaya siya lahat ang gumastos ng burol at libing. Nakita din ni Ray ang video sa kwarto ng BFF at pinanood ito, doon niya nakita ang sinapit ng kaibigan. Sumunod noon ay tumigil ang video at kinain ang tape ng vhs player pagkaeject ni Ray. Itinapon ni Ray ang tape para hindi na muli gumimbala ng buhay ng ibang tao. Para na din sa alaala ng nawalang kaibigan na nasilaw sa swerteng taglay nito.

Philippine Universities and Colleges Ghost Stories ADAMSON UNIVERSITY A girl was by the sink washing her face when shelooked in the mirror, and saw the drops of water on her face not as what they really are but as drop of blood. And at her back, there was a headless man in soldier's uniform.Every year, students would encounter various but similarly scary experiences in that toilet. According to my research, the St. Vincent de Paul building, where the toilet is, is the oldest building of Adamson University and was used as an execution station by the Japanese army during World War II. Rumor has it hat countless number of heads had been chopped off in the toilet itself. - OSC Arnel B. Tablizo Jr. ATENEO DE MANILA UNIVERSITY Sacred Heart Novitiate: The story of the "stairs" is one that forces retreat-goers to go around in the "safety" of groups. Legend has it that late one night, a group of students went downstairs to go "exploring" after the others had gone to sleep. The frightening thing was that no matter how long they kept going down the flights of stairs from the 3rd floor dorm hall they occupied, they could not seem to find the ground floor landing. Even more sinister was that they kept passing the same eerie painting of Christ at each floor landing, over and over again.- OSC Catherine Candano COLLEGE OF SAINT BENILDE It happened few years ago in College of Saint Benilde. In an early morning class, a girl in black dress entered room M-409 where a class was ongoing.The class didn't mind the girl hinking that she was only sitting in. Suddenly, in the middle of the teacher's lecture, the girl stood up, walked towards the front wall and, to the awe of everyone, vanished. Until now that ghost story still scares students who take classes in the said room. - OSC Neptali Esguerra DE LA SALLE UNIVERSITY One day last February, even before the 7am classes started, a young Accounting sophomore decided to drop by the St. La Salle Chapel to say a quick prayer for her accounting exam. She reached the empty chapel, went to the very first pew, knelt down, and with eyes shut, began to pray. A few minutes later, she heard a shuffling sound and frantic footsteps. The student opened her eyes and saw a limping, pale-faced man reaching out towards her, his torn clothes covered in blood, a bayonet sticking in his chest and mouthing the words, "Help me..." -OSC Paolo Gamboa *DLSU Main building was used as a bomb shelter during World War II FEATI UNIVERSITY At 10 pm one night, one ROTC cadet was relieving himself in one of the comfort rooms at the third floor of the Paterno building when he unmistakably made out the figure of a woman dressed in white floating in the air. The vision made him scream in intense fright, catching the attention of his other companions. Upon their arrival, they witnessed the same lady hovering in the air. It was seven in the evening at another instance, when a janitor getting ready to go home noticed a mysterious lady enter one of the restrooms at the third floor. He followed the lady to warn her that the part of building was strictly prohibited. He entered the restroom and saw no one there. According to stories, the Paterno Building, which had existed even before the eruption of World War II, was used as a garrison by the Japanese during the war. MINDANAO STATE UNIVERSITY When graduation time is near, the Princess Lawan Bae all (PLBH) dorm residents can usually hear footsteps along the hallway, hough no one is there. The old janitress says they are seniors who committed suicide after finding out that they were pregnant. One restroom cubicle in the dorm has been closed since residents claim feelingunexplainable, eerie sensations when they use it. It is said that one of the students performed self-abortion and died inside that cubicle. It has been 8 years now but it remains closed. - OSC Ritchel Gabutin NUEVA ECIJA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY A lovelorn spirit on our campus possessed a high school freshman girl a few months back. She would often see the "guy" standing near a Balete tree at the back of our campus' HS building. She would say that when Allen (the guy or spirit's name) enters her body he would tour her around the campus and tell her that she looks so much like his dead girlfriend. The girl now goes to a new school and words have it that Allen did not bother her anymore. -OSC Joyce Enriquez

POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES "She was once there and she never left," according to one housekeeper of PUP Jasmin hostel, reluctant to tell the exact room number of the so-called "haunted room." Residents of the hostel reveal that every time they pass by the corridor during late afternoon and early in the morning, they could hear murmurs and cries coming from the haunted room. Stories say that a female nursing board examinee committed suicide inside the room. Many have had experiences seeing her walking in her nursing uniform at the middle of the night or appearing in bathroom mirrors-with blood on her face. She also loves to knock on the door and if one opens, he would find no one but sense an eerie feeling. Residents believe that once you open the door, she comes in the room, so they advise not to open the door.- OSC Jonizel Lagunzad

ST. PAUL COLLEGE - Q.C. You will be shocked to know that there are no mirrors in some of the comfort rooms in the campus. It is for the reason that an anonymous lady appears in the mirror unexpectedly and really scares the students. It has been said that one student committed suicide in that comfort room.- OSC Christi Estepa ST. SCHOLASTICA'S COLLEGE A group of high school girls had a play in the Little Theater. They took shots of them and when the film was developed, a nun was with them during curtain call. The nun had no face, floating, tip-toed, and her hands were clasped as though in prayer. He hands were pointed downwards and her head was cracked as though she had been hanged! - OSC Anthea Lamigo TRINITY COLLEGE In one of their overnight press work, the section editor decided to take a rest and went out of the editorial board cubicle. Suddenly, he heard the tick-tack of the keyboards, as if someone was typing. Knowing that he was all alone, he decided to look if somebody was using the computer. To his surprise, he saw the name Jackie repeatedly typed on the screen. The keyboard continued to tick-tack until the screen was filled with the name Jackie. While the news editor was encoding his article, someone said "hello" to him.When he looked around, a pretty girl approached him and again whispered "hello." All of a sudden, the girl disappeared.Dian, our present culture editor, who has a third eye, said that she was able to talk to Jackie. Jackie later on revealed that her real name is Patricia. Jackie revealed that she's always around since she finds the office peaceful. She also claimed that our office was then a park with a well and benches. According to Dian, Patricia (or Jackie) is a Spanish looking lady, with fair complexion, stands 5'5" and looks like a doll.- OSC Meryl Pecache UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES - Los Banos Baker Hall: There was a group of guys who passed by Baker Hall and noticed that there was a party going on. Everybody was dressed like they were in the'80s era. They had such a great time that they wanted to invite their other friends along. So, out they went and when they came back, Baker Hall was as quiet and as dark as the night. OSC Ria Henares UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES - DILIMAN Red Eyes Benitez Hall, which houses the College of Education, is considered the most haunted building in the campus (the oldest as well). It used to be one of the Japanese interrogation camps during World War II that's why many Filipino and American soldiers died there. One very rainy afternoon, a female instructor got stranded in front of the Education Building. As such, she begged the security guard to let her pass the night in the building.The guard agreed and locked her up in one of the classrooms. It was a restless night for the lady. She knew the ghost stories but refused to believe them. In the classroom was a door with a peeping hole. Curious at what was going on outside, she peeped and saw nothing but the color red. The next morning,she asked the security guard if the ghost stories are true. "Yes Ma'am, it is,"answered the man. "One of the ghosts sighted is in fact seen as dressed in white and with big RED EYES."- OSC Precious Cardenas (This story looks familiar) UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS The weird and eerie experience happened two years ago when I was facilitating a retreat (Days with the Lord) in Don Bosco Technical College Mandaluyong. The session that night almost finished before midnight; my cofacilitators and I were heading off to our sleeping quarters when one of them told us that he was going to introduce someone and we asked, "Who?" He said meet "Puti," but I couldn't see anyone! He then asked me to raise my arms just in front of where I was and it suddenly felt freezing cold. I immediately ran to the sleeping quarters and left them. The following day, I learned that they were able to talk to "Puti," a young and playful kid who was shot in the middle of an encounter during the war. He continues to haunt the old Dona Cecilia corridors and manifests himself through a white silhouette as described by the security guards who would often see him play at night. Cedric Ira A. Aquino

URIOS COLLEGE It happened a few years back. An old male college teacher was seen eating alone in a corner during a College Faculty luncheon. Some teachers who saw him attested that he looked a bit strange and unusually quiet. They invited him to join their group discussion but he just gave them a blank stare. After a while, he just disappeared and nobody noticed him go out of the room. The bizarre thing about it is that this certain teacher was already in the hospital slumped on his deathbed at that very same moment. A few hours later, he was dead. When his desk was cleaned by his fellow teacher a few days after his death, the teacher was so shocked to find a note personally addressed to her, thanking her for everything. - OSC Owen Jaen DEAD ROOMMATE Seen at: Kalayaan residence The story: It was the onset of sem break. While a resident was still packing her bag, her roommate was ready to go. Since the former wasn't done yet, the latter went ahead. Then the roommate's parents came in looking for her. The resident told them that she already left. When the resident was about to finish her packing, she opened the closet and saw her roommate inside--already decomposing. MYSTERY LADY NO. 2 Seen at: Vinzons Hall (second-floor comfort room) The story: A student was sitting in the toilet when he felt someone was patting or smoothing his head. When he looked up, a girl, hanging from the ceiling, was staring at him straight in the eye. THE DISAPPEARING COMMUTERS: UP DILIMAN Seen at: One of the jeepneys plying the campus (sorry, I don't know he plate number, etc.) The story: A guy made sabit at the end of the jeepney because it was full of passengers. After a few minutes, the driver curiously asked him why he wasn't taking a seat. As the guy was about to say that all the seats were taken, he saw that the jeepney was empty. Ikot Jeep incident #2: Nag-iisa na lang yung girl sa jeep nung pauwi na siya sa dorm ng 9pm. Nagulat siya ng biglang nag-iba yung direction ng jeep,di na nito sinusunod yung route nito. Nakiusap siya: "Manong, bababa po ako sa ***** dorm," pero di siya pinansin ng driver. Nang bumalik ito sa ikot route, nakiusap ulit yung girl. So pinababa nga siya sa may dorm, pero bago siya bumaba sinabihan siya ng driver: "Ineng, pag-uwi mo hubarin mo agad iyang mga damit mo at kung pwede sunugin mo agad. Iniba ko yung ruta para makaiwas sa disgrasya. Kanina kasi pagtingin ko sa salamin, wala kang ulo." Dorm incident #1: The Copycat Ito nangyari sa room namin. Kasama ko bumaba sa lobby si Len at si Gie. Ang naiwan na lang sa room ay si Yzelle at si Ruby na parehong paalis din. Bago sila umalis, nakita nila si Gie na nakaupo sa may table niya at nakatalikod sa kanila. "Gie, alis muna kami." Eto ang nakakakilabot, nagtanong pa kung sino man yung nakatalikod na yun sa kanila (at nakatalikod pa rin siya) kung saan sila pupunta. Laking gulat na lang nila nang makita nila kami ni Gie at Len sa baba. At oo nga pala, may batang nagpakita sa mga dating nag-occupy ng room namin. Bigla siyang nagvanish into thin air... Dorm incident #2: Nangyari to dun sa katapat na room namin. Nagising ng madaling araw yung girl, na may feeling na may nagmamasid sa kanya. Pagdilat niya, una niyang nakita ay mukha ng babae na nakadungaw sa kanya (whatever, basta magkaharap mukha nila), except that walang mukha yung babae. All white. Sa shock, walang nagawa yung dormer. Pinanood na lang nya yung babae habang lumalabas ito ng room nila...hindi sa pinto, kundi sa bintana. Di na siya nakatulog pagkatapos noon kahit nagtalukbong siya ng kumot. Dorm incident #3: Matutulog na yung girl(from same corridor sa 2nd floor) nang maalala iya na di pa pala siya naghihilamos. The time was around 3am, pero di naman siya naniniwala sa multo dati so ok *** sa kanyang magsolo sa cr. Naghilamos nga siya mag-isa. Nang tumingin siya sa salamin habang sinasabon ang mukha, nakita niya...nakangiti ang reflection niya sa kanya. Takbo siya sa room nila nang me sabon pa ang mukha.Mineral water na lang ang pinambanlaw niya.Siyempre di ko malilimutang sabihin na during the witching hour (3-4am), may naririnig kaming nagdadrag ng furniture...rinig sa 2nd floor till basement...

Ang ghost story na ito ay personal experience ng isa kong co-teacher sa Bulacan. Personal nilang naranasang magasawa na takutin ng isang posibleng ghost caller. Buwan ng October noon, panahon ng fieldtrips sa school na pinapasukan ni Annie, kung saan siya ay isang English teacher. Kung si Annie ay high school teacher, ang asawang si Roger naman ay isang highway patrol officer. Nang araw na iyon ay nasa Manila si Annie, nasa fieldtrip, kasama ng kaniyang mga estudyante. Lunch time noon kaya naisipan nitong tawagan sa cellphone ang asawa. Ang totoo, gawi na ni Annie na tawagan ang asawa from time to time upang masigurong ligtas ito sa trabaho. Sa unang trial ay busy ang linya ng asawang si Roger. Ipinasya ni Annie na mag-try ulit after ten minutes. Hello? Pa.. .oo, nasa Ayala kami ngayon. Nag la-lunch ang mga bata, e. Nag-lunch ka na ba? Hindi pa nga, e. Mga anong oras ka ba makakauwi? By seven siguro nasa school na kami. Ikaw? Hindi ko sure, Ma. Wag kang magpa-late walang kasama ang mga bata.. .si Tita lang. Pag hindi dumating ang kapalit ko paano ko makakaalis dito? Hello? Hello, Pa.. .choppy ang dating mo.. .hello? Try ko pa rin makauwi ng maaga. Hello.. .hello, Pa, hindi kita marinig .. .hello? Sabi ko try ko makauwi ng maaga. Okay. Anong gusto mong pasalubong Kahit wala. Buko pie? Ano ka ba? Alam mo namang hindi ako kumakain non. Ma, sige na.. .on duty ako baka marinig ako ng amo ko . Okay. Ingat ka dyan. Ingat din. Pa O? Mahal kita Sa kinaroroonan ni Roger ay bahagya itong napakunot-noo. Okay. Bye-bye na. Hindi ka naniniwalang mahal kita? Oo na. Sige na, Ma. Bye. Okay. See you later. Be faithful. Lalong kumunot-noo si Roger sa huling tinuran ng asawa bago naputol ang linya. Pare, sino yon? Si Misis ba? Chinecheck ka agad? Aga naman? pabirong komento ng kasamahan ni Roger.

Nangiti lang si Roger at muli nang lumulan sa patrol car. Kinagabihan ay nauna pa ring makauwi ng bahay si Annie kaysa sa asawa. Tulog na ang kanilang mga anak nang dumating si Annie. Hinintay pa ang asawa saka sabay silang kumain. Anong nakain mo kanina ha? tatawa-tawang tanong ni Roger habang silay kumakain. Ano? kunot-noo si Annie. Ikaw nga ang sisitahin ko, e. Bakit mo ako pinagpatayan ng cellphone ha? Si Roger naman ang kumunot-noo. Hindi kita pinagpatayan ng cellphone ano ka? Anong hindi? Pinagpatayan mo ko! Noong una choppy ka.. .ang labo ng dating mo. Tapos pinagpatayan mo na ko. Sumeryoso na ang anyo ni Roger. Swear talaga.. .hindi ko ginawa yon. Nagtaka nga ko sa mga pinagsasabi mo kanina, e. Pinagsasabi? Wala nga Sabi mo mahal mo ko, bahagya pang natawa si Roger. Kelan ka pa naging corny? Mas prefer mo ang love you kesa don di ba? Tapos kanina may pamahal-mahal ka pang nalalaman dyan. Tuluyang sumimangot si Annie sa harap ng asawa. Ano bang pinagsasasabi mo dyan? Wala akong sinabing ganon. Ni hindi nga ako nakapag-goodbye sa yo dahil pinagpatayan mo ko ng cellphone buwisit ka! Pasalamat ka nga at kinausap pa kita at hinintay kumain ngayon. Napalis ang pilyong ngiti ni Roger. Waring saglit itong nag-isip. Teka lang.. .ano ang huling tanda mo na nasabi mo sa kin kanina? Na hindi kita madinig, mabilis na sagot ni Annie. Muling binalikan sa isip ni Roger ang konbersasyong naganap kanina. Hindi mo ba itinanong sa kin kung.. .anong gusto kong pasalubong? Paano ko masasabi yon pinagpatayan Hindi mo tinanong kung gusto ko ng buko pie? Hindi mo rin sinabing mahal mo ko? Hindi ka kamo nakapaggoodbye.. .hindi mo sinabing ingat ako at.. .lalong hindi mo sinabing maging faithful ako? Hindi! Teka lang.. .ako bang kausap mo? Nang maging choppy na ang reception sa konbersasyon sa cellphone ng mag-asawa ay totoong naputol na ang linya ni Roger. Iyon ang pagkakaalam ni Annie. Ngunit ang hindi alam ni Annie at ni Roger mismo ay hindi na ang asawa ang kausap sa cellphone. May ligaw na boses na nag butt-in na siyang nakausap ni Roger. Iyon ang dahilan kung bakit may mga salitang sinabi ang ligaw na boses na pinagtakhan ni Roger. Dahil hindi gawing sabihin iyon ng asawa. Nang ikuwento iyon ni Roger sa kasamahan ay waring hindi na ito nagtaka pa o nagulat man lang. Sa halip ay sinabi nitong: Narinig ko na ang kuwentong yon. Kailan lamang natuklasan ni Roger na ilan na sa kanilang kasamahan ang nakaranas ng katulad na eksperyensiya. Ang ganoong pangyayari ay naganap sa iisang spot ng highway patungong Norte. May ligaw na boses na sumisingit sa phone conversation ng dalawang tao. Ayon sa mga nakaalam ng kuwento, posible raw na iyon ay ligaw na kaluluwang nanghihingi ng pansin at dasal.

''THE INSANE OLD LADY'' I had just turned 12 when we moved into the little house that sat back farther from the road than any of the other houses on the street. I never found out why it was this way, but it always seemed strange to me.My parents owned a restaurant, so we were only at the house from 11p.m. to 5 a.m for the short time we lived there. One night (for some reason I don't recall), my Mother and I went home earlier ahead of my Father. A short while after going to bed, we began to hear music. Thinking it was me, my Mom asked me to turn the music off and go to sleep. I explained to her it was not me. We got up to hunt for the source of the music but never discovered where it was coming from. A few weeks after the music incident, we arrived home around 11 pm and found our very protective dog barking and acting very strange. We always parked the car in front of the house. So there we sat watching our beloved spaniel going crazy in the front yard with his attention on the garage. Thinking it was a cat or some other small animal my Father turned his attention there to see what was bothering "Rags". He then asked my Mom to look and tell him what she saw. Of course, by this time, I was also looking, and this is what we saw: The old wooden doors were open and in the middle of the garage sat what appeared to be an elderly lady sitting in a chair rocking back and forth very slowly. We were stunned to say the least. My Father started the car, and with the headlights on directed the car toward the garage. And we saw..........nothing! He turned the car off and again we saw the lady. Rags is still going berserk and we don't know what to do.So again my Dad turns the lights on. There is absolutely nothing in the garage, nothing to reflect light, just nothing. My Mom by this time is refusing to go in the house, so we spent the night at my older sister's We didn't spend another night at the little house. It was sold soon after. We later learned that a lady who lived there previously had gone insane after her husband left her. We were unable to find out if she died in the house or what happened to her. I pray she found peace. DRIVE January 4th, 2010 MAMA, dahan-dahan ka naman po sa pagmamaneho! pakiusap ni Joan sa fx driver. May mga sakay ka po! Hindi naman tayo nabangga, a! Anong problema mo bulalas ng driver. Umakyat agad ang dugo sa ulo ni Joan. Hindi niya gusto ang kabastusang tugon ng driver. Gago! Hihintayin-mo pang mabangga tayo! pabulyaw niyang sagot dito. Konti na nga lang e, salpok na kami dito sa likuran. Gago ka rin! Tantyado ko ang pagmamaneho ko! Dalawampung taon na akong driver! Miss.. .mama, awat na. Pare-pareho tayong maaabala nyan, anang isang babaing may edad na nagising mula sa pagkaka-idlip dahil saginawang ingay ng kanilang bangayan. Mama, konting ingat lang Kumukulo sa galit ang kalooban ni Joan ngunit pinili niyang sundin ang pakiusap ng matanda at manahimik na lamang. Abusado at barumbado kasi ang driver ng fx na kanyang nasakyan at ito pa ang mayabang kung sumagot Kanina nga lamang ay muntik na siyang mapahiyaw nang ilang pulgada na lang ang layo at talagang sasalpok na ang puwitan ng fx sa isa pang fx dahil sa walang pakundangang pagsingit nito. Nang magpaalala siya ay ito pa ang sumagot ng bastos at may ganang magyabang. Kung hindi nga lamang siya nagmamadali at umiiwas na ma-late sa pagpasok sa opisina ay talagang bababa siya at maghahanap ng ibang masasakyan. Dangan nga lamang at alam niyang napakahirap nang sumakay sa lugar na iyon. Naku!Ang sarap suntukin ng mukha mo, nagngingitngit na sabi ng kanyang isip. Kung may malapit na presinto ng pulis dito, talagang ipahuhuli kita, mayabang, pangit, busangot ang mukha! grrrr! Minabuti na lamang ipikit ni Joan ang kanyang mga mata. Nakikita kasi niya sa front mirror ng mamang driver na tinatapunan din siya nito nang matalim na tingin. Nasusuklam siya sa pagmumukha ng mayabang na driver.

Ibinalagbag ni Joan ang pintuan ng fx nang siya ay bumaba sa may Ortigas. Subalit sa kanyang pagkabigla ay nagrebolusyon bigla ang sasakyan kaya maiitim na usok ang ibinuga nito na kanyang nalanghap. Hayup ka sa kahayupan, pangit!, galit na sigaw ng kanyang isip. Gusto talaga niyang magpalahaw sa galit pero marami na ring tao na tulad niya ay mga papasok sa opisina ang makakapansin kung mag-iiskandalo siya. Tinitigan niyang mabuti ang plate number ng fx, DWX-734.. .mabangga ka sana! Napabuntong-hininga nang malalim si Joan bago pumasok ng kanilang opisina. Kailangang iwaglit na niya sa isipan ang pangyayari sa fx na sumira ng kanyang umaga. Tambak ang trabaho niya ngayon at kailangang icompose niyang mabuti ang sarili at magpokus sa kanyang mga gagawing press releases at pakikitungo sa mga press people sa araw na iyon. Information Officer sa isang local government unit si Joan at kabilang rin sa trabaho niya ang pakikiharap sa ibat ibang media personalities upang maging maayos ang kanilang media relations. Sa araw na iyon ay may mga interview sa radio at tv na pauunlakan niya in behalf of the local chief executive. May mainit kasing isyung kinakaharap ngayon ang kanyang boss at siya ang naatasang maglabas ng opisyal na press statement nito sa media. Ang laki ng pasasalamat ni Joan na lumipas ang maghapong naging maayos ang lahat. The interview went well. Maging ang boss niya ay personal siyang pinasalamatan for a job well done. Dahilan iyon kaya naman napapayag siya ng mga kasamahan na sumamang mag-unwind bago sila maghiwahiwalay. Sa isang restaurant sa Pasig sila nagtungo ng mga kasama. Masasarap kasi ang pulutan at maganda ang ambiance ng lugar kaya madalas sila roon. Sa unay balak lang nilang uminom nang konti at magpalipas ng trapik. Subalit napasarap ang kanilang mga kuwentuhan at ang isang round na order ng beer ay nasundan pa ng kung ilan. Tulad ng mga kasamahay sanay uminom si Joan. Madalas nilang gawin iyon every other weekend pero sa partikular na araw na iyon ay nagkayayaan dahil nga naging very commendable ang kanilang trabaho. Mag-aalas dos na nang silay maghiwa-hiwalay ng mga kasamahan. Tipsy na si Joan habang naglalakad papuntang Edsa-Crossing kung saan siya sasakay ng jeep o fx pauwi. Mga sampung minuto ring lakarin bago niya marating ang terminal ng sasakyan. Sinusundan ba ako ng dalawang iyon? aniya sa sarili habang tinatapunan ng tingin ang dalawang lalaki sa likuran niya. Nakaramdam siya ng kabog sa dibdib. Madilim pa naman sa nilalakaran niya at wala siyang mahihingan ng tulong kung sakaling may balak ngang masama ang mga lalaking iyon. Bakit kasi walang dumaraang taxi kanina, nakapaglakad tuloy ako, nasisi pa niya ang sarili. Bumilis ang kanyang mga hakbang. Subalit ganoon din ang ginawa ng dalawang lalaki. Sinusundan talaga nila ako! Tumakbo na si Joan. Subalit sa kasamaang palad ay natapilok siya at bumagsak sa semento. Aabutan na sana siya ng mga lalaki nang mula naman kung saan ay isang lalaki ang lumitaw at sumalubong sa dalawang lalaking humahabol sa kanya. Parang mga natakot na batang nagpulasan ang dalawang lalaki nang makita ang lalaking pasalubong sa kanila. S-salamat sa.kaw? nakilala ni Joan ang lalaking iyon. Noon umalingawngaw ang sirena ng kotse ng mga pulis. Nakita niyang nadakip ng mga pulis ang dalawang lalaki. Tinulungan siya ng mga pulis at dinala sapinakamalapit na hospital. Ini-report niya sa mga pulis ang pagsunod ng mga lalaki. Nabatid niya sa mga pulis na bago pa man siya habulin ng mga ito ay may hinoldap at pinatay na driver ng fx ang dalawang lalaki. Driver ng fx na pinatay! At ang mas hindi niya mapaniwalaan ang minamaneho nitong fx ay may plate no. na DWX 734! Ang mismong sasakyan ng driver na nakasagutan niya at sumira ng kanyang umaga. Sa simbahan, habang nagmimisa para sa napatay na fx driver ay taimtim na nagdarasal si Joan. Nagpapasalamat sa lalaking tumulong sa kanya upang maligtas siya sa tiyak na kapahamakan. Hindi man niya maipaliwanag kung bakit, batid niyang multo na lamang ng nakilalang lalaki ang nagpakita sa kanya nang gabing iyon. Ang driver ng fx na may plate no. DWX 734!

" Gitnang Kalsada " Dahan-dahang nag-iba ang anyo ng mga bata. Nakapanghihilakbot ang transpormasyon ng mga ito. Nangitim ang mga ito at nawarak ang mga suot na damit. PINUNIT ng malakas na sigaw ng isang batang babae ang katahimikan ng gabi. Mayamaya ay tumatakbong lumabas ito mula sa nakabukas at sira-sirang tarangkahan ng pulang bahay na matatagpuan sa dulong bahagi ng gitnang kalsada. Pinagpapawisan ito at nasa mukha ang labis na takot. isang tsinelas na lamang ang nakasuot sa paa nito. Tinanong ito ng mga matandang sumalubong dito. At sa nanginginig na boses ay ikinuwento ng bata ang tatlong duguang bangkay na nakita raw nitong nakahandusay sa loob ng bahay kung saan ito palaging nakikipanood ng telebisyon. PAGKALIPAS ng halos kinse minutos na paglalakad mula sa kanilang bahay ay narating ni Mylene ang bahay ng kaopisina at kaibigan niyang si Maricris. Ikatlong gabi nang nakaburol ang nanay nito na si Aling Ester at noon lamang siya makakadalaw para makiramay sa mga naiwan nito. Natanaw niya ang nakahimpil na karo ng patay sa harap ng luma at sira-sirang bahay nina Maricris. Mayroong ilang mesa na puno ng mga nagsusugal na kalalakihan. Mayroon ding mahabang mesa na inookupa ng mga kababaihan na abala naman sa paglalaro ng bingo. Paroot parito ang mga kaanak nina Maricris na nagdudulot sa mga nakikiramay ng ibat ibang mga kukutin at tasa ng mainit at umuusok pang sopas. Nilagpasan niya ang mga ito at umakyat siya sa mataas na hagdan na nasa harap ng bahay. Nang makarating siya sa pinakahulingbaitang niyon ay nakita niyang puno ng tao ang malaking sala at lahat ay nakatunghay sa ataul. May tatlong lalaking nakatayo sa harap ng puting ataul na napapalibutan ng ibat ibang klase ng bulaklak at ilaw na tumatanglaw sa maluwang na sala. Nakatalikod sa kanya ang tatlong lalaki na sa pakiwari niya ay may kung anong sinusuri habang nakasilip sa salamin ng ataul. Kapagkuwan ay itinaas nang dahan-dahan ng isa sa mga ito ang takip na salamin. Sumingaw ang amoy ng formalin na ginamit sa pag-eembalsamo kay Aling Ester. Nadaig niyon ang ibinibigay na mabangong amoy ng sampaguita na nakasabit sa palibot ng ataul. Umalis ang pinakamaliit sa tatlong lalaki. Sinundan niya ito ng tingin at noon lamang niya napansin ang isa pang puting ataul na nasa isang gilid ng sala. Di-hamak na mas maganda at mamahalin ang materyales niyon kaysa sa kasalukuyang pinaglalagyan kay Aling Ester. Diyatat papalitan ang ataul nito? Ibinalik niya ang tingin sa harap niya. Sinisimulan nang buhatin ng dalawang lalaki kapwa may suot na guwantes ang mga ito mula sa kinahihimlayan niyon ang bangkay ni Aling Ester. Waring bigat na bigat ang mga ito habang hawak ang matigas nang bangkay. Natambad din sa kanya ang puting saya ni Aling Ester. Pero hindi niya makita ang mukha nito dahil natatabingan iyon ng malapad na likod ng isa sa dalawang lalaki. Hustong ililipat na sa bagong ataul ang bangkay nang biglang namatay ang ilaw sa buong kabahayan. Nilamon ng dilim ang buong paligid. Nawala ang atensiyon niya sa ataul. Maging siya ay hindi napigilang mapasigaw gaya ng ibang mga naroroon. Napalundag siya sa magkahalong takot at kilabot lalo na nang may narinig siyang kung anong bagay na bumagsak sa sahig. At kasabay niyon ay may biglang humawak sa kamay niya na nakahawak sa barandilya ng hagdan. Akmang tatalikod na siya para bumaba ng hagdan nang biglang lumiwanag ang paligid. Nakahinga siya nang maluwag nang bumalik ang kuryente. Kaharap na rin niya si Maricris. Tumingin siya sa ataul. Bago pa man tuluyang maihimlay ang katawan ni Aling Ester sa bagong ataul nito ay kitang-kita niyang tila nangitim ang puting saya nito na animo nakulapulan ng dumi. At ganoon na lamang ang kilabot na nadama niya nang mahagip ng tingin niya ang krusipihong pabaligtad na nahulog sa sahig. Lumapit kay Maricris ang tiyahin nito na si Aling Belen. Nag-antanda pa ito bago nagsalita. May kasabihan ang matatanda na dapat ay binabantayang mabuti ang bangkay ng isang namayapa para hindi maagaw o mapasukan ng ibang kaluluwa ang katawan nito. Hindi raw dapat hinihiwalayan ng tingin ito para hindi masalisihan ng demonyo o ma-possess ang bangkay. Kailangan ding tutukan ng tingin ng sinumang tao ang bangkay bilang proteksiyon sa sarili niya. Para hindi rin siya buligligin at habulin ng iba pang kaluluwang pa galagala. Pero nakatingin naman ho kay Aling Ester ang lahat noong buksan ang ataul niya at ilipat siya sa ibang ataul, sabi niya.

Tiningnan siya nito. Nawalan ng ilaw, di ba? Maaaring may ibang nawala ang atensiyon sa bangkay. Huwag nating kalilimutan kung gaano katuso at katalino ang kampon ng kadiliman. Maaaring mayroong kababalaghang nangyari na hindi natin natatalos. Ayokong sabihin pero puwedeng nalukuban ng ibang kaluluwa ang bangkay ni Ester. Dapat ay ibayong pag-iingat ang gawin ng kung sinumang hindi tumingin sa kanya dahil maaaring siya ang bantayan o habulin ng kaluluwang hindi niya nakikilala GABI nang nakauwi sina Mylene at Maricris mula sa isang birthday party. Nakasakay sila sa jeep na maghahatid sa kanila sa Barrio Libis kung saan sila kapwa nakatira. Pinakahuling baryo iyon. Pasado alas-onse na ng gabi at laking pasasalamat nila dahil nakahabol pa sila sa last trip. Pagsapit kasi ng alas-nuwebe ng gabi ay wala nang namamasada sa kanilang lugar. Silang magkaibigan lamang ang sakay ng jeep. Mayamaya ay huminto iyon. Naamoy pa niya ang mga dama de noche na marahil ay nakatanim sa kung saan. Sumakay sa jeep ang dalawang bata isang babae at isang lalaki at magkatapat na umupo ang mga ito sa tabi ng estribo. Sumakay rin ang isang matandang lalaki na umupo naman sa tapat nilang magkaibigan. Napatingin siya sa matanda. May kung anong emosyon sa mga mata nito na nagdudulot sa kanya ng kakaibang kilabot. At gaya ng dalawang bata ay waring estatwa ito habang tuwid na tuwid at naninigas sa pagkakaupo. Pilit na iwinaksi niya ang ibat ibang isipin. Bumaling siya sa labas ng bintana. Isang baryo na lamang at nasa Barrio Libis na sila nang biglang nagsalita ang matanda. Hindi niya alam kung inutusan nito ang driver na idaan sa gitnang kalsada ang sinasakyan nila. Nagkatinginan silang magkaibigan. Hindi na lamang siya tumutol kahit gusto sana niyang sila ang unahing ihatid ng driver. Pagpasok kasi nila sa baryo ng Liko ito ang baryo bago ang Barrio Libis ay magsasanga sa tatlo ang mga kalsada roon na lahat ay tumutumbok sa susunod na baryo. Balagtas ang tawag sa kaliwang kalsada. Tabingilog naman ang kanang kalsada. At ang gitna ay tinatawag na Gitnang Kalsada. Ngunit laking pagtataka niya nang waring paikut-ikot lamang sila at kay tagal bago sila makapasok sa Gitnang Kalsada gayong noong huling sumilip siya sa labas ng bintana ng jeep ay nasa bukana na sila niyon. Sinagilahan siya ng matinding takot. Pilit na nilabanan niya iyon sa pamamagitan ng pagkukuwento kay Maricris namumutla na rin ito sa takot ng tungkol sa mga sinabi ni Aling Belen. Totoo nga kayang napalitan ng masamang kaluluwa ang kata Naputol ang pagsasalita niya nang biglang humalakhak ang matanda. Nakakikilabot ang dating niyon. Biglang naglaho ito at nang muling lumitaw ay nasa tabi na ito ng batang babae. Nagyakap sila ni Maricris. Kapwa naiiyak na sila sa takot. Napasiksik sila sa likod ng driver habang titig na titig sa kanila ang dalawang bata. Posible bang nagkatotoo at nagaganap na ang paniniwala ni Aling Belen? Pero hindi naman niya hiniwalayan ng tingin ang bangkay ni Aling Ester. Bigla ay naisip din niyang hindi nga pala niya nakita ang mukha nito at nang mawalan ng ilaw ay nabaling sa iba ang pansin niya. Dahan-dahang nag-iba ang anyo ng mga bata. Nakapanghihilakbot ang transpormasyon ng mga ito. Nangitim ang mga ito at nawarak ang mga suot na damit. Napuno ng ma lalaking pasa ang mga mukha at buong katawan ng mga bata na waring sanhi ng matinding pananakit sa mga ito at nagkaguhit ang mga leeg na animo ginilitan ang mga iyon gamit ang matalim na patalim. Nakulapulan ng dugo ang buong katawan ng mga ito at parang gripong tumagas ang sariwang dugo mula sa mga bibig at dibdib ng mga ito. Tama na! Tigilan nyo na kami! paulit-ulit na pakiusap niya. Nanginginig na siya sa sobrang takot. Hindi niya mapaniwalaan ang mga nasasaksihan. Kung isa mang masamang panaginip iyon ay nais na niyang magising. Sa labis na pagkagulat ay hinawakan siya nang mahigpit ng lalaki at pilit siyang hinahatak palabas ng jeep. Pero nanlaban siya habang pilit paring kinukumbinsi ang sarili na hindi totoo ang lahat. Sadyang malakas ang malamig at naaagnas nang kamay na nakahawak sa kanya pero nagawa niyang kumawala roon. Paulit-ulit na tinatawag niya si Maricris pero waring hindi siya naririnig nito. Tulala ito at hindi na kumikilos sa kinauupuan. At nang mapatingin siya sa sahig ng jeep ay nakita niyang umaagos doon ang likidong nagmumula sa gitna ng mga hita nito. Dahil sa matinding takot ay naihi ito.

Gulung-gulo siya. Ngalingaling bumigay ang kanyang katinuan. Napahagulhol siya habang palinga-linga. Pabalikbalik pa rin ang jeep sa pinanggalingan nila kahit biglang naglaho ang tsuper na kanina ay nagmamaneho niyon. Wala siyang alam sa pagmamaneho pero pinakialaman niya ang manibela. Sa minsang paglingon niya ay laking pagtataka pa niya nang hindi na niya makita ang mga multong umaatake sa kanya. Nang tumingin uli siya sa unahan ay naiharang niya sa kanyang mukha ang mga braso niya. Nasilaw siya sa liwanag na nagmumula sa malaking spotlight na tumatama sa jeep na sinasakyan niya. At kapagdaka ay untiunting luminaw sa kanyang paningin ang lumang simbahan na may malaking krusipiho sa unahan at matatagpuan sa bungad ng kalyeng kasunod ng Gitnang Kalsada. Nakahinga siya nang maluwag. Kung anuman ang kahulugan ng mga kababalaghang nangyari sa kanya ay saka na lang niya iisipin. Ang mahalaga sa kanya ay nakalagpas na sila sa kalsadang iyon.

Tek Tek Tek Tek Tek Tek or Teke-Teke is an urban legend from Japan about a girl who fell under a train and was cut in half. She took a long time todie and now her ghost roams through Japan, dragging her top half along using her claw-like hands. Every time she moves, she makes a teke-teke sound. There is a story about a young boy who was leaving his school one evening when he heard a noise behind him. Looking back, he saw a beautiful girl sitting at a window. The girl had her arms propped up on the window sill and was just staring out at him. He wondered why she was there, because it was an all-boys school. When she saw him looking back at her, the girl smiled and hugged herself so that she was holding her elbows. Then suddenly, she leaped out of the window and landed on the ground outside. The boy realized with horror, that she was missing the lower half of her body. She made her way towards him, clawing along the ground and running on her elbows making a tek-tek-tek-tek-tek sound. The boy was filled with terror and revulsion. He tried to run, but he was frozen to the spot. Within seconds, she was upon him and she took out a scythe and cut him in half, making him into one of her own. When kids tell this story, they warn each other about Tek-Tek. They say she carries a sharp saw or a scythe, and if she catches you, shell cut you in half and youll become just like her. She is said to chase children who play at dusk. She is also known as batabata (again, the sound of it running on its elbows) or The Girl That Runs On Her Elbows. It is also similar to the story of Kuchisake-Onna (the Slit-Mouth Woman) and the story of Kashima Reiko. The American version is called Click Clack.

wak wak According to the elderly, the Aswang can also transform from human to animal and animal to human. The Aswang can disguise him/herself as a pig, dog or a black bird. Supposedly if a person looks at them in the eyes, the reflection would appear inverted. During their nocturnal activities, they walk with their feet facing backwards and toenails reversed. One type is the tik-tik which transforms into a huge bird/bat at night and prowls. The tik-tik looks for a pregnant person. Then extends a very long proboscis into the womb and licks the baby to kill it. While performing, a 'tik-tik' sound is heard. In some stories, the tik-tik is an aswang's familiar, said to confuse people by its 'tik-tik' sound. If the aswang is near, the sound would be faint so that people hearing it would think that the asswang is still far away. The term wak-wak or wuk-wuk is frequently used for the same creature in the Cebu region. The legends of the wak-wak and tik-tik are much the same, but the wak-wak is specifically supposed to change into its birdlike form by leaving behind its lower body, much like the Manananggal, another Philippine vampire. The cry of a night bird which makes a "wuk-wuk-wuk" sound is believed to be the call of this monster and is feared by superstitious villagers. As with the call of the tik-tik, the wak-wak is believed able to make its cry sound distant when the creature is near.

"Long Neck"

The Long Neck Woman, or Rokurokubi, is a Japanese urban legend about female creatures that look and act like normal humans. But at night their necks grow longer and longer, freeing their heads to move around almost independently from their bodies. Most Rokurokubi are young, attractive women, and they take pleasure in scaring regular humans. Some Long Neck Rokurokubi actually prefer to live their lives pretending to be a human. Although they may appear to be completely normal people, every night, their necks grow and grow, getting longer and longer, stretching out through windows in search of human prey. Sometimes, the Long Neck Woman will get so tired searching for her prey all night long that she forgets to retract her neck and falls asleep with her neck completely stretched out. During the day, the Rokurokubi has one giveaway sign she will have pale stretch marks on her neck. There is also another, more sinister form of Rokurokubi. This version is called Nukekubi or Removeable Head Woman. She has a head that completely detaches from her body. The disembodied head then flies around in the air at night searching for humans to eat. These Nukekubi attempt to hide their bodies at night, and can be killed if their bodies are discovered while the heads are not attached. In fact, if you find a Nukekubis body without a head, you should hide the body so that she can never find it.

Bad Butler A wealthy couple prepared to go out for the evening. The woman of the house gave their butler, Jervis, the night off. She said they would return home very late, and she hoped he would enjoy his evening. The wife wasn't having a good time at the party. So, she came home early, alone. Her husband stayed on, socializing with important clients. As the woman walked into her house, she found Jervis by himself in the dining room. She called him to follow her, and led him into the master bedroom. She turned to him and said, in the voice she knew he must obey, "Jervis, I want you to take off my dress." This he did, hanging it carefully over a chair. "Jervis," she continued, "now take off my stockings and garter belt." Again, Jervis silently obeyed. "Now, Jervis, I want you to remove my bra and panties." Eyes downcast, Jervis obeyed. Both were breathing heavily, the tension mounting between them. She looked sternly at him and said, "Jervis, if I ever catch you wearing my stuff again, you're fired!"

"The Texas chainsaw massacre." It is bizarre but many people from all over the world truly believe that the Texas chainsaw Massacre happened in real life. In actuality it is an urban legend. The truth about Texas Chainsaw Massacre is that is was inspired by not based on the real life story.

"The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" is an independent low-budget horror movie which was filmed in 1974. Tobe Hooper and Kim Henkel wrote, directed, and produced the film which starred Marilyn Burns, Gunnar Hansen, Teri McMinn, William Vail, Edwin Neal, and Paul A. Partain. The plot is very simple. A group of friends go on a back roads road trip in Texas and become detoured and become tragic victims to a family of sadistic cannibals which includes the infamous chainsaw-wielding maniac "Leatherface." Tobe used the story of real-life murderer Ed Gein to create the "Leatherface" character. Ed Gein also inspired many other fictional stories and movies including Halloween, Psycho, Silence of the Lambs and the movie Ed Gein. Ed Gein was from Wisconsin and is suspected of several murders which took place between 1954 and 1957. He never used a chainsaw in the killing of his victims. He murdered two women by shooting them. He later beheaded his victims and gutted them like a hunter would gut a deer and used some of their body parts as clothing and for furniture and created masks from the skin of his victims. The truth about Texas chainsaw Massacre is that one of the similarities to the movie and the real Ed Gein is the house. As in real life the house in the film contained similar horrific content to that found in Ed Gein's home such as body parts, skulls, bodies hanging from a meat hook and a vest made from human skin. The police even found a human heart cooking on the stove in Gein's house which suggests he engaged in cannibalism much like the characters in the movie. Like the character "Leatherface" Gein was suspected in many murders. Gein was only convicted of two murders despite a mountain of evidence gathered from his house. Eventually Ed Gein put in a mental institution where he died of heart failure in 1984. It was later discovered that Gein was severely damaged by a very strict and religious upbringing by his extremely domineering and controlling mother. The truth about Texas Chain Saw Massacre can be found online at various websites, from DVD's, in books and from some of the actors in the movie and from writer/director Tobe Hopper himself who continues to tell people that his movie came from his imagination and is a work of fiction. Still there continues to be doubters who swear the movie is based on a true story. "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" is often said to be one of the greatest horror films of all time and has been the influence for many horror films and it appears its truth and fiction will continue to be disputed by people from all over the world.

Chain of love

almost as slow as his beat-up Pontiac. But he never quit looking. Ever since the factory closed, he'd been unemployed, and with winter raging on, the chill had finally hit home. It was a lonely road. Not very many people had a reason to be on it, unless they were leaving. Most of his friends had already left. They had families to feed and dreams to fulfill. But he stayed on. After all, this was where he buried his mother and father. He was born here and knew the country. He could go down this road blind, and tell you what was on either side, and with his headlights not working, that came in handy. It was starting to get dark and light snow flurries were coming down. He'd better get a move on. You know, he almost didn't see the old lady, stranded on the side of the road. But even in the dim light of day, he could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her Mercedes and got out. His Pontiac was still sputtering when he approached her. Even with the smile on his face, she was worried. No one had stopped to help for the last hour or so. Was he going to hurt her? He didn't look safe, he looked poor and hungry. He could see that she was frightened, standing out there in the cold. He knew how she felt. It was that chill which only fear can put in you. He said, "I'm here to help you ma'am. Why don't you wait in the car where it's warm? By the way, my name is Bryan."

Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Bryan crawled under the car looking for a place to put the jack, skinning his knuckles a time or two. Soon he was able to change the tire. But he had to get dirty and his hands hurt. As he was tightening up the lug nuts, she rolled down the window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from St. Louis and was only just passing through. She couldn't thank him enough for coming to her aid. Bryan just smiled as he closed her trunk. She asked him how much she owed him. Any amount would have been all right with her. She had already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not stopped. Bryan never thought twice about the money. This was not a job to him. This was helping someone in need, and God knows there were plenty who had given him a hand in the past. He had lived his whole life that way, and it never occurred to him to act any other way. He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the assistance that they needed, and Bryan added "...and think of me." He waited until she started her car and drove off. It had been a cold and depressing day, but he felt good as he headed for home, disappearing into the twilight. A few miles down the road the lady saw a small cafe. She went in to grab a bite to eat, and take the chill off before she made the last leg of her trip home. It was a dingy looking restaurant. Outside were two old gas pumps. The whole scene was unfamiliar to her. The cash register was like the telephone of an out of work actor. It didn't ring much. Her waitress came over and brought a clean towel to wipe her wet hair. She had a sweet smile, one that even being on her feet for the whole day couldn't erase. The lady noticed that the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant, but she never let the strain and aches change her attitude. The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger. Then she remembered Bryan. After the lady finished her meal and the waitress went to get change for her hundred dollar bill, the lady slipped right out the door. She was gone by the time the waitress came back. She wondered where the lady could be, and then she noticed something written on a napkin. There were tears in her eyes when she read what the lady wrote. It said: "You don't owe me anything, I have been there too. Somebody once helped ME out, the way I'm helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here is what you do: Do not let this chain of love end with you."

Well, there were tables to clear, sugar bowls to fill, and people to serve, but the waitress made it through another day. That night when she got home from work and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the money and what the lady had written. How could the lady have known how much she and her husband needed it? With the baby due next month, it was going to be hard. She knew how worried her husband was, and as he lay sleeping next to her, she gave him a soft kiss and whispered soft and low, "Everything's going to be all right, I love you, Bryan." Please note that this story is an expanded version of the song Chain Of Love by Clay Walker. All rights for this story belong to its respective owners and Love Fate Destiny does not owe any rights to this story.

Oiwa Oiwa is one of the most famous Japanese ghost stories ever written. In Japan, it is known as Yotsuya Kaidan and it tells the story of a woman who is poisoned by her unfaithful husband. Her disfigured ghost returns from the dead to exact revenge. Oiwa Yotsuya Kaidan Oiwa was a beautiful young woman who lived in a small town in Japan. Her boyfriends name was Iemon and although he didnt have much money, Oiwa loved him very much. She was overjoyed when her childhood sweetheart asked her to marry him. After the wedding, they moved in together and the happy couple were soon

expecting a baby. Oiwa didnt care that Iemon was poor, but, as time went on, he became angry and depressed about his lack of prospects. Iemon soon grew to hate his happy young wife and started an affair with a rich young woman named Oume. He romanced her for months and eventually, she fell in love with him, despite his poverty and the fact that he was already married. One day, Oumes father came to see Iemon. He told Iemon what a shame it was that he was already married, because his daughter loved him very much. The father went on to tell him all the ways that he could ensure his future son in laws wealth and success. Iemon listened intently. Iemon spent a great deal of time thinking about what Oumes father had told him. An evil plot began to form in his mind. He decided that the only way he could marry Oume was to somehow get rid of Oiwa and her unborn child. He thought that the easiest way to do this was to secretly poison Oiwa and make it look like she had died of natural causes. Poor Oiwa was totally ignorant of her husbands murderous plans. Blissfully unaware of the fate that was about to befall her, she continued to happily prepare for the birth of their baby. Carmen Winstead Carmen was 17 years old when her parents decided to move to Indiana. Her father had lost his job and the only way he could find new employment was by moving to a new state. The relocation caused a lot of problems for Carmen. She had to leave her friends behind and attend a whole new school in Indiana. Carmen had a hard time making friends when she changed schools. It was the middle of the school year and most of the students had no interest in befriending the new girl. Initially, she spent many days alone, walking from class to class without speaking to anyone, but she eventually started hanging around with a group of five other girls. Carmen thought these girls were her friends, but it wasnt long before she discovered that they had been talking about her behind her back and spreading vile rumors. When she confronted them, the girls turned on her and began bullying her every day, making her life a misery. They started out calling her names, but then the bullying got much worse. One day, she left her school books in the classroom at break time. When she returned, she found someone had taken a sharpie and written dirty words all over her books. Another day, she opened her bag and discovered someone had poured yoghurt all over the insides. Sometimes, she would come to school and find her locker had been vandalized. The final straw came when she put on her coat at recess and found that someone had stuffed dog poop in her pockets. There and then, Carmen decided that she couldnt take the bullying any longer. She planned to stay behind, that evening, after school, and tell her teacher what had been happening. Unfortunately, her decision came too late to save her life. After lunch, her teacher announced that the school was holding a fire drill. When the alarm sounded, Carmen and the other students filed out of the classroom and assembled in the yard outside. As the teachers read out the roll call, the gang of five girls decided that this was a great opportunity to embarrass Carmen in front of the whole school during the fire drill. They moved over to where Carmen was standing, near a sewer drain, and began crowding the poor girl, getting in her face and nudging her towards the open manhole. They pushed her and she tripped over and fell head-first down the manhole. When they saw her falling, the girls started giggling and when Carmens name was called out, they shouted Shes down in the sewer! All of the other students began laughing. But when the teachers looked down the manhole and saw Carmens body lying at the bottom in the muck and the poop, the laughter abruptly stopped. Her head was twisted around at an odd angle and her face was covered in blood. Worse still, she wasnt moving. There was nothing any of the teachers could do for her. Carmen was dead. When the police arrived and went down into the sewer, they determined that she had broken her neck. Her face had been torn off when she hit the ladder on the way down and her neck snapped when she landed on her head on the concrete at the bottom. The police hauled Carmens body out of the sewer and sent her to the mortuary. Everyone had to stay behind after school while the police questioned all of Carmens classmates. The five girls lied to the police, saying they had

witnessed Carmen falling down the sewer. The police believed the girls and Carmen Winsteads death was ruled an accident and the case was closed. Everyone thought that was the last they would hear of Carmen Winstead, but they were wrong. Months later, Carmens classmates began receiving strange e-mails on their MySpaces. The e-mails were titled They Pushed Her and claimed that Carmen hadnt really fallen down the sewer, she had been pushed. The emails also warned that the guilty people should own up and take responsibility for their crime. If they didnt there would be horrible consequences. Most people dismissed the e-mails as a hoax, but others were not so sure. A few days later, one of the girls who pushed Carmen down the sewer was at home taking a shower, when she heard a strange cackling laugh. It seemed to be coming from the drain. The girl started to freak out and ran out of the bathroom. That night, the girl said goodnight to her mom and went to sleep. Five hours later, her mom was awoken in the middle of the night, by a loud noise that resounded throughout the house. She ran into her daughters room, only to find it empty. There was no trace of the girl. The worried mother called the police and when they arrived, they conducted a search of the area. Eventually, they discovered the girls grisly remains. Her corpse was lying in the sewer, covered in muck and poop. Her neck was broken and her face was missing. It had been completely torn off. One by one, all of the girls who pushed Carmen that day were found dead. They had all been killed in exactly the same way and were all found at exactly the same spot. In the sewer at the bottom of the same uncovered manhole where Carmen had met her doom. But the killing didnt stop there. More and more of Carmens former classmates were found dead. It seemed that anyone who didnt believe that Carmen had been pushed, was eventually found down in the sewer with their necks broken and their faces torn off. They say that Carmens ghost is still on the rampage, hunting down anyone who doesnt believe her story. According to the legend, Carmen will get you, whether its from a toilet, a shower, a sink or a drain. When you go to sleep, youll wake up in the sewer, in complete darkness, paralyzed, unable to move, hearing cackling laughter all around you. Then, as you scream in horror, Carmen will come and tear your face off. So be careful who you bully, because you just might find yourself on the receiving end of the curse of Carmen Instead. ANG ULO (September 12th, 2010) Pagbukas niyang refrigerator upang kumuha ng malamig na tubig ay napahiyaw siya. Parang mababaliw siya sa takot pagkakita sa pugot na ulo ng tao. NAGTITILI si Audree nang mabuksan niya ang refrigerator. Parang babaligtad ang kanyang sikmura sa nakita niya sa loob niyon. Agad naman siyang dinaluhan ng asawang si Marco. Napaano ka? ang nag-aalalang tanong nito. Hindi agad siya makasagot. Parang kinakapos siya ng hininga sa tindi ng pagkasindak na nadarama. M-may ulo ng tao sa sa ref. Namilog ang mga mata nito. T-totoo. Tingnan mo. Humagulhol siya ng iyak para mailabas ang matinding takot. Tiningnan nito ang loob ng refrigerator. Pagkatapos ay pumapalatak na bumaling ito sa kanya. Audree, walang ulo ng tao rito. Iniharap pa nito ang mukha niya sa loob ng refrigerator. Hayan, o. Tingnan mong mabuti. Nasaan ang ulo ng taong sinasabi mo? Napatitig siya rito. Pero kanina lang ay kitang-kita ko. Ulo ng lalaki, Marco. Dilat na dilat pa nga ang mga mata niya at nakanganga kaya kita ko ang dila. Nakakatakot talaga. Niyakap niya ang sarili.

Imahinasyon mo lang iyon, Audree. Niyakap siya nito at hinalikan sa noo. Kalilipat lamang nila sa bahay na iyon na regalo ng mga magulang nito. Noong nakaraang buwan lang sila ikinasal at ang honeymoon nila ay ginawa nila sa Hong Kong. Kararating lang nila nang nagdaang araw. Pagod ka pa sa biyahe, Audree, kaya nagkaka-ganyan ka. Ang mabuti pay magpahinga ka muna. Inihatid siya nito sa kanilang silid, inihiga sa kama, at kinumutan pa hanggang dibdib. Dito ka lang. Huwag kang umalis sa tabi ko, hiling niya. Hindi makatkat sa kanyang isip ang ulo ng taong nakita niya sa loob ng refrigerator. Oo, hindi ako aalis, malumanay na wika nito. Sige, matulog ka na. Kinantahan pa siya nito hanggang sa makatulog siya. Paggising niya ay tulog na tulog ito sa tabi niya. Nauhaw siya kaya lumabas siya ng silid at nagtungo sa kusina. Pagbukas niya ng refrigerator upang kumuha ng malamig na tubig ay napahiyaw siya. Naroon na naman ang ulo ng tao dilat na dilat ang mga mata at nakabuka ang bibig kaya nakita niya ang sugatang dila. Tumutulo pa ang sariwang dugo mula roon. Bumagsak siya sa sahig sa tindi ng takot. Marahil ay narinig ni Marco ang malakas na sigaw niya kaya mabilis siyang dinaluhan nito. Umalis na tayo sa bahay na ito, humahagulhol na sabi niya. Andiyan na naman ang ulo ng tao. Nasa loob ng ref. Nangunyapit siya sa magkabilang braso nito. Tiningnan uli nito ang loob ng refrigerator. Walang ulo ng tao rito, Audree. Ano ka ba naman? Hindi ko maintindihan kung ano ang nangyayari sa iyo. May matinding pag-aalala sa mukha nito. May multo rito, Marco. Umalis na tayo. Iyak siya nang iyak. Hindi ito nagsalita, niyakap lang siya nang mahigpit. Please, Marco, umalis na tayo rito. Ngayon na, paulit-ulit na pakiusap niya.

Sige, sige, wika nito. Halatang napipilitan lamang itong pumayag sa gusto niya. Doon muna tayo sa amin. Kahit saan mo ako dalhin basta makaalis lang tayo rito. Nang mga sumunod na sandali ay nag-empake sila ng mga personal na gamit. Ang sabi nito ay pansamantala silang makikipisan sa mga magulang nito. Pabebendisyunan daw nito ang kanilang bahay at pagkatapos ay babalik din sila roon. Hindi siya tumutol pero hindi rin sumang-ayon. Walang ibang laman ang isip niya nang mga sandaling iyon kundi makaalis agad sa bahay na iyon. Huwag mong sasabihin kina Mama at Papa ang tungkol sa nakita mo, okay? Sa atin lang iyon. Baka kasi mag-isip sila ng kung anu-ano sa iyo. Tumango siya. Batid niyang hindi siya paniniwalaan ng ibang tao kapag ikinuwento niya ang nakita niya. Kahit nga ang sariling asawa niya ay mukhang hindi naniniwala sa kanya. PAGKATAPOS mabendisyunan ang bahay nina Audree at Marco ay bumalik sila roon. Subalit pagpasok pa lamang sa front door ay nakadama na agad siya ng kakaiba. Nasilip agad niya ang refrigerator sa dining area. Sariwang-sariwa pa rin sa balintataw niya ang hitsura ng pugot na ulo. Biglang nagtayuan ang mga balahibo niya. Napaatras siya sa dibdib ng kanyang asawa. Napapaano ka? tanong nito sa kanya. Natatakot ako, pag-amin niya. Iniiwas niya ang tingin sa direksiyon ng refrigerator.

Ano pa ba ang dapat mong ikatakot? Napabendisyunan na ang bahay na ito. Tara na sa kuwarto. Sabay silang nagtungo sa kuwarto. Ipinasok nito roon ang kanilang mga gamit at pagkatapos ay hinila siya nito pahiga sa kama. Nahirapan ako noong nasa poder tayo nina Mama at Papa. Iba na talaga ang feeling ko magmula nang ikasal tayo. Ang gusto ko ay iyong tayong dalawa lang lagi ang magkasama. Hinagkan siya nito sa mga labi. Nang mga sumunod na sandali ay nagtalik sila at pagkatapos ay kapwa nahulog sa malalim na pagtulog. Hatinggabi nang magising siya. Nauuhaw siya ngunit natatakot siyang bumangon upang kumuha ng tubig. Gusto sana niyang gisingin ang kanyang asawa ngunit mahimbing na mahimbing ang pagtulog nito. Nilakasan na lamang niya ang kanyang loob. Bumaba siya sa dining room. Hindi pa rin niya magawang tingnan ang refrigerator kaya sa gripo siya kumuha ng tubig na iinumin. Nakaharap siya sa lababo nang maramdaman niyang may bumukas na pinto. Paglingon niya ay para siyang mababaliw sa takot nang makitang nakabukas ang pinto ng refrigerator. Nakita na naman niya ang pugot na ulo, ang dilat na mga mata at sugatang dila niyon. Marco! malakas na tawag niya sa kanyang asawa. Pakiramdam niya ay hindi siya tumatapak sa sahig habang tumatakbo siya pabalik sa silid nilang mag-asawa. Bumagsak siya sa ibabaw ng katawan nito habang nanginginig sa takot. Napaano ka? tanong nito. Nakita ko na naman Nyong ulo, Marco! Umiyak siya nang malakas na para bang sa pamamagitan niyon ay magiging normal ang paggana ng bawat bahagi ng katawan niya. Hindi ko na ito kakayanin. Ibenta na natin itong bahay. Tumayo ito mula sa kama. Akmang lalabas ng silid ito nang pigilan niya ito sa braso. Huwag mo akong iiwan. Dito ka lang sa tabi ko. Nangunyapit siya rito at hindi ito pinakawalan. Tatawag ako sa bahay, wika nito na tuliro na ang hitsura. Tahan na. Tatawagan ko sina Mama at Papa. Inalis nito ang kamay niyang nakahawak dito at saka ito lumapit sa telepono. Pagkatapos makipag-usap sa nasa kabilang linya ay bumalik ito sa tabi niya. Nagpasya silang maghintay sa sala.

Wala pang treinta minutos ay dumating na ang mga magulang nito. Napilitan silang ipagtapat sa mga ito ang tungkol sa nakikita niya. Mukhang hindi naniniwala ang mga biyenan niya. Nag-alala tuloy siya na baka mapagisipan siya ng mga ito na nasisiraan ng ulo. Totoo po talaga ang sinasabi ko, giit niya. Tingnan ko nga, wika ng biyenan niyang babae. Tiningnan nga nito ang refrigerator. Nakasimangol ito nang bumalik sa harap nila. Wala naman akong nakitang pugot na ulo roon. Wala ngang kalaman-laman ang ref nyo, eh. Imahinasyon mo lang ang lahat, hija, wika naman ng biyenan niyang lalaki. Ang mabuti pa siguro ay magpacheck up ka bukas, suhestiyon pa nito at saka binigyan ng makahulugang sulyap ang kanyang asawa. Hindi ako nababaliw, mariing sabi niya. Sa tindi ng takot ay tumawag siya sa kanyang mga magulang at nagpasundo siya sa mga ito. Alam mo ba, hija, na ang refrigerator na iyan na iniregalo namin sa inyo ay galing sa kasama ko sa trabaho na pinaslang? Napanalunan niya sa raffle ang ref na iyan at ipinagbili sa akin. Ayon sa imbestigasyon, ang katawan lang niya ang natagpuan sa loob ng basurahan at ang ulo ay hindi pa rin nakikita. Baka nga ang nakikita mong ulo ay ulo niya. Baka nagmumulto siya dahil hindi naibalik sa katawan niya ang ulo niya, wika ng itay niya nang dumating ito mag-isa. Sa telepono pa lang ay ikinuwento na niya rito ang kinatatakutan niyang pugot na ulo. Bakit sa akin siya nagpapakita, Tay? nanghihilakbot pa ring tanong niya. H-hindi ko alam, hija, sagot nito. Namumutla ito. Dadalhin ko na lang sa bahay ang ref na iyan kung papayag

kayong mag-asawa. Baka naman may third eye ka at ngayon lang na-trigger kaya ikaw lang ang nakakakita ng kababalaghang iyon, sapantaha ng kanyang biyenang babae. Itapon na ninyo `yon, Tay, suhestiyon niya. Oo, sabi nito. Dadalhin ko ang ref at umasa kang hindi ka na mumultuhin pa ng pugot na ulo. Huwag ka nang umalis dito. Tumango siya. Kinabukasan ay nabasa niya sa diyaryo ang pagsuko ng isa sa mga pumaslang kay Alfredo Balwig na regular employee ng Handy Plastic Product, Incorporated. Si Itay ito, Marco, anas niya na kinakapos ng hininga. At itong biktima niya Si Alfredo ang siyang may-ari ng pugot na ulo na nakikita ko sa loob ng ref. May mga sinabi ang asawa niya pero hindi na iyon rumehistro sa kanyang isip. Nakatuon ang buong konsentrasyon niya sa napagtantong katotohanan sa pagpapakita sa kanya ng pugot na ulo. Nais ng taong pinatay ng kanyang ama na sa pamamagitan niya na anak nito ay makonsiyensiya ito at sumuko sa kasalanang ginawa nito. Wakas.

" ALULONG " SABI ng iba, tanging ang mga tao lang umano ang may kaluluwa dahil siguro iniisip nilang tayo lamang ang nilalang na nakapag iisip. Totoo man ito o hindi, isang kakatwang pang yayari ang malimit maganap sa aming lugar dito sa Caloocan kung saan sa tuwing may aalulong na asong nakatakdang katayin, kasunod rin ay taong mamamatay. Mans best friend wika nga ng ilan o di kaya ay itinuturing na kapamilya o di kaya ay kapuso na ng iba sa atin ang ating mga aso. Sa iba naman ay inaalagaan lamang ito upang talagang gawing panlaman tiyan. Talamak sa katakawan sa karne ng aso ang mga manginginom dito sa aming lugar, bagaman napakalayo nito sa Baguio at siguradong hindi naman mga Ifugao ang mga kapitbahay kong buwakaw sa alak e, talagang sarap na sarap sila sa karne ni bantay May kakatayin na namang aso bukas, ang naglalaway na tema ng usapan ng mga manginginom saamin nung isang araw. Nakatali na sa tabing daan ang isang kulay puti na aso. Alaga yan pare, walang rabis he he, bahagi ng usapan sa umpukan habang lumalaklak ng ginebra bilog. Hanggang isang malakas na sigaw ang umalingawngaw sa kabilang pasilyo. May nag-aamok sa maliit na iskinita. Wala pang dumarating na pulis at ayon sa ibang usiserong galing sa lugar, isang lalaki ang sinaksak sa tagiliran ng nag-amok na adik. Dead on the spot Hindi ko akalaing si Berong ang madadali, hu hu, ang hikbi ng asawa ng napatay. Ipinagkibitbalikat lamang ng ilan ang mga pangyayaring iyon o talagang wala lamang nakakapansin sa alulong. Halos gabi-gabi ay may umaalulong na mga aso sa lugar naming iyon, at kinaumagahan ay isang tao ang nagiging kapalit.Tila araw-araw ay may kinakatay rin ditong aso. Talagang walang pangil ang batas patungkol sa Animal Welfare Act dahil binabalewala lang sila ng mga tao dito. Umalulong na naman kagabi ang isang aso, sabi ng may ari, natural lamang daw na umalulong ito minsan, pero bakit sa tuwing aalulong ang aso lalo yung kakatayin na kinaumagahan, kasunod ay buhay ng taong mauutas. Hindi kaya nakikita ng mga asong ito ang kanilang kamatayan kayat bago pa man sila bawian ng buhay ng tao, mauuna na nilang bawian ng buhay ang mga ito? Hindi rin naman kasi mga karaniwang inosenteng tao ang kadalasang sumusunod na pinaglalamayan sa tuwing may aalulong. Madalas sa hindi ay mga manginginom rin na minsan nang nagpasasa sa karne ng itinuturing ng marami sa ating,..mans best friend ang binabawian ng buhay. --wakas !

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