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Challenge: Reading Habit 📚

“In my whole life, I have met no wise people who didn’t read all the time – none, zero.” – Charlie Munger

🎯 Goal Make reading a natural and satisfying habit

🗓️ Duration 6 weeks

⚓ Nature Do-It-Yourself

📋 Task Read consistently at length without interruptions

💯 Scoring To help you track, analyse and improve

First, a little bit about your current reading habits 📥

Q1. How much do you currently read?

[Answer in terms of time spent on daily/weekly basis and consistency]

Q2. What all have you tried to develop a reading habit?

[Things you’ve tried and why they didn’t work out]

Q3. What problems do you face that don’t let you read?

[It could be interruptions while reading or that don’t let you continue the habit from day to day]

Q4. What type of books would you like to read?

[You could mention genres, interests or anything that helps you select few books]

Now, few things you need to answer for yourself ⚡

Books to read [feel free to add as many books]
Reading time [preferably soon after waking up or soon before sleeping]
Punishment [what you’d do on when you don’t read]
Purpose [why do you want to read]

Here are our daily goals 📈

Week 1 & 2 Single sitting of 30 mins
Week 3 & 4 Two sitting of 30 mins each
Week 5 & 6 Single sitting of 60 mins
Everyday Reflection and takeaways (15 mins)

Shreyans Salecha

Challenge: Reading Habit

Here’s how we are going to approach this 🛣️

⏰ Fix a time and mark in our schedule
🌟 Learning, growth and exploration, not burden
📚 Small collection to help us switch and explore
📵 No phone allowed while reading
✅ Even if we read a lot today, can’t skip tomorrow
☠️ Punish our guilty pleasures and bad habits
🍻 Take help from an accountability buddy (if needed)

Always remember 🧠
It is perfectly okay to:

 Not finish a book

 Read multiple books at once
 Skip pages or skim through
 Read only specific chapters
 Read the same thing as many times you want
 Highlight or make notes or not
 Read what interests you, irrespective of popularity

Golden Rule: “Read what you like until you like to read.” – Naval

“No one’s coming to save you. You need to take ownership of your life.”

Let’s get this done! 🚀

Shreyans Salecha

Challenge: Reading Habit

Scorecard 🎓
Scoring is really important to know the reality. Otherwise, we might feel like we read a lot even if we didn’t.

How to score 1 Fully complete

0 Partially complete (> 50%)
– 1 Did not complete (< 50%)

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

Max Score 42 Your Score []

Score Analysis <25 25 to 38 >38

👎 👍 👏
Comments Very poor Average Well done
Feedback One more time Sustain and grow Time to level up

Shreyans Salecha

Challenge: Reading Habit

Reflection 👀
[Just use this space a scratchpad and write down whatever you could absorb from the reading or anything
that you feel like. You can also use pen and paper instead.]

Shreyans Salecha

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