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Teachers know that a student cannot be successfully taught if he is indifferent to learning and

knowledge, without interest and without realizing the need for them. Therefore, the school is
faced with the task of forming and developing a child's positive motivation for learning
activities to increase the effectiveness of the learning process. Motivation is a combination of
psychological reasons that explain human behavior, orientation, and activity. There are five
meaningful blocks of motivation.
Self-determination can be defined as the internal subjective attitude of the student to the
educational process, "applying", so to speak, the student of the learning process to himself, his
experience, and his life. Understanding the meaning of teaching, awareness of its significance
does not occur automatically in the process of assimilating knowledge. The meaning of
teaching for each student is determined by the system of his ideals, values ​that he learns from
his environment (society as a whole, family).
Behavioral approaches of motivations use reinforcement (approval or disapproval) and
praise is used to achieve desired student behavior. Positive and negative reinforcement is used
in almost any classroom, even the most humane teachers. Teachers praise and scold students,
they give them high and low marks, they smile and frown. When reinforcement is used
reasonably and systematically, it has a significant impact on the student's learning behavior.
The method of reward is good for children with low self-esteem and low level of aspirations,
insecure, anxious, and it is this method that leads to the creation of a situation of success for
individual students. Censure can be applied to students with high self-esteem and a high level
of aspirations, as well as for children with adequate self-esteem because it is these children
who have developed reflection. They, as a rule, are aware of their potential, what they are
capable of, their shortcomings, and their strengths, on which they have support.
According to humanistic approaches to motivation, the normal person is open to experience
and does not need to be controlled or manipulated. The main motivating force of human
behavior is the desire for self-realization, self-realization, the desire to realize their abilities and
The founder of humanistic psychology, Abraham Maslow, is the author of the hierarchical
theory of motivation. He believed that many needs can be divided into five main categories
and arranged in a strict hierarchical structure. He imagined this structure in the form of a
pyramid, consisting of five steps.
The processes of goal-setting in middle and high school ages are largely associated with the
development of the ability to arbitrarily organize their educational work. Adolescents can
maintain their attention throughout the lesson, can distribute attention between several types
of educational work, and often prefer a fast pace of work. These features determine the
persistence of adolescents in achieving goals, in overcoming obstacles. A special approach to
the coverage of educational material, the nature of its presentation (analytical, explanatory,
critical, logical, problematic, business, unusual in form) will help to keep students motivated to
learn. The democratic style of the teacher, on the contrary, promotes motivation, while the
liberal (conniving) style reduces the motivation for learning and forms the motive of “hope for

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